Example #1
 def test_occurrence_accessor(self):
     start = self.now
     end = self.future
     occ = Occurrence('ignored', start, end)
     occ = occ.__of__(self.now_event)
     acc_occ = IEventAccessor(occ)
     acc_ctx = IEventAccessor(self.now_event)
     self.assertEqual(acc_occ.start, acc_ctx.start)
     self.assertEqual(acc_occ.url, 'http://nohost/plone/now/ignored')
Example #2
 def get_obj(start):
     if pydt(event_start.replace(microsecond=0)) == start:
         # If the occurrence date is the same as the event object, the
         # occurrence is the event itself. return it as such.
         # Dates from recurrence_sequence_ical are explicitly without
         # microseconds, while event.start may contain it. So we have to
         # remove it for a valid comparison.
         return self.context
     return Occurrence(id=str(start.date()),
                       end=start + duration).__of__(self.context)