Example #1
def validate_og_fallback_image(value):
    """Check if fallback image follows best practices on MIME type,
    size, dimensions and aspect ratio.
    if value is None:
        return True

    filename, data = b64decode_file(value)
    image = NamedBlobImage(data=data, filename=filename)

    if image.contentType not in OG_LEAD_IMAGE_MIME_TYPES:

    if image.getSize() > OG_LEAD_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE:
        raise Invalid(MSG_INVALID_OG_LEAD_IMAGE_SIZE)

    width, height = image.getImageSize()

    aspect_ratio = width / height
    if aspect_ratio < OG_LEAD_IMAGE_MIN_ASPECT_RATIO:

    return True
Example #2
    def __call__(self):
        # TODO: Security check on form view/widget

        if self.context.ignoreContext:
            raise NotFound("Cannot get the data file from a widget with no context")

        if self.context.form is not None:
            content = aq_inner(self.context.form.getContent())
            content = aq_inner(self.context.context)
        field = aq_inner(self.context.field)

        dm = getMultiAdapter((content, field), IDataManager)
        file_ = dm.get()

        if isinstance(file_, basestring) and IASCII.providedBy(field):
            """Encoded data.
            filename, data = b64decode_file(file_)
            if INamedImageWidget.providedBy(self.context):
                file_ = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
                file_ = NamedFile(data=data, filename=filename)

        if file_ is None:
            raise NotFound(self, self.filename, self.request)

        if not self.filename:
            self.filename = getattr(file_, "filename", None)

        set_headers(file_, self.request.response, filename=self.filename)
        return stream_data(file_)
def _make_namedfile(value, field, widget):
    """Return a NamedImage or NamedFile instance, if it isn't already one -
    e.g. when it's base64 encoded data.

    if INamed.providedBy(value):
        return value

    string_types = (six.binary_type, six.text_type)
    if isinstance(value, string_types) and IBytes.providedBy(field):
        filename, data = b64decode_file(value)
    elif isinstance(value, dict) or isinstance(value, PersistentDict):
        filename = value['filename']
        data = value['data']

    if INamedBlobImageField.providedBy(field):
        value = NamedBlobImage(data=data, filename=filename)
    elif INamedImageField.providedBy(field):
        value = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
    elif INamedBlobFileField.providedBy(field):
        value = NamedBlobFile(data=data, filename=filename)
        value = NamedFile(data=data, filename=filename)

    return value
Example #4
 def get_fallback_image(self):
     fallback_image = self.settings.fallback_image
     if fallback_image is not None:
         filename, _ = b64decode_file(fallback_image)
         return '/@@sociallike-fallback-image/' + filename
         return '/logo.png'
Example #5
 def get_fallback_image(self):
     fallback_image = self.settings.fallback_image
     if fallback_image is not None:
         filename, _ = b64decode_file(fallback_image)
         return '/@@sociallike-fallback-image/' + filename
         return '/logo.png'
Example #6
def validate_og_fallback_image(value):
    """Check if fallback image follows best practices on MIME type,
    size, dimensions and aspect ratio.
    if value is None:
        return True

    filename, data = b64decode_file(value)
    image = NamedBlobImage(data=data, filename=filename)

    if image.contentType not in OG_LEAD_IMAGE_MIME_TYPES:

    if image.getSize() > OG_LEAD_IMAGE_MAX_SIZE:
        raise Invalid(MSG_INVALID_OG_LEAD_IMAGE_SIZE)

    width, height = image.getImageSize()

    aspect_ratio = width / height
    if aspect_ratio < OG_LEAD_IMAGE_MIN_ASPECT_RATIO:

    return True
Example #7
def get_site_logo(site=None):
    """Return the custom logo or Plone's default."""
    if not PLONE_4:
            from Products.CMFPlone.utils import getSiteLogo
        except ImportError:
            return None
            return getSiteLogo(site=site)

    from spirit.plone.theming.interfaces import IPloneThemeSettings
    from plone.formwidget.namedfile.converter import b64decode_file

    if site is None:
        site = api.portal.get()

    registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
    settings = registry.forInterface(IPloneThemeSettings, check=False)  # noqa
    site_url = site.absolute_url()

    if getattr(settings, 'site_logo', False):
        filename, data = b64decode_file(settings.site_logo)
        return '{0}/@@site-logo-plone4/{1}'.format(site_url, filename)
        return '{0}/logo.png'.format(site_url)
 def uwo_logo(self):
     uwo_logo_data = api.portal.get_registry_record(
         'oiestudyabroadstudent.uwo_logo', )
     if uwo_logo_data is None or len(uwo_logo_data) == 0:
         return None
     filename, data = b64decode_file(uwo_logo_data)
     image = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
     return image
Example #9
 def get_data(self):
     registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
         data = registry['plone.site_icon']
         data = None
     if data:
         filename, data = b64decode_file(data)
         return data
    def is_video(self):
        """Guess if the mimetype of the file stored in the
        background_image field, is from a video.
        if self.settings.background_image is None:
            return False

        filename, _ = b64decode_file(self.settings.background_image)
        self.mimetype, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
        return 'video' in self.mimetype
Example #11
    def is_video(self):
        """Guess if the mimetype of the file stored in the
        background_image field, is from a video.
        if self.settings.background_image is None:
            return False

        filename, _ = b64decode_file(self.settings.background_image)
        self.mimetype, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
        return 'video' in self.mimetype
Example #12
def logo(self):
    """Return a Google News compliant logo if available."""
    logo = api.portal.get_registry_record(GoogleNewsSettings.__identifier__ +

    if logo is None:
        return self._logo  # no Google News compliant logo, return portal logo

    filename, data = b64decode_file(logo)
    return '{0}/@@googlenews-logo/{1}'.format(api.portal.get().absolute_url(),
Example #13
def _make_namedfile(value, field, widget):
    """Return a NamedImage or NamedFile instance, if it isn't already one -
    e.g. when it's base64 encoded data.
    if isinstance(value, basestring) and IASCII.providedBy(field):
        filename, data = b64decode_file(value)
        if INamedImageWidget.providedBy(widget):
            value = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
            value = NamedFile(data=data, filename=filename)
    return value
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        super(BannerImage, self).__init__(context, request)
        self.filename = None
        self.data = None

        image = self.config.get('image', None)
        if image is not None:
            filename, data = b64decode_file(image)
            data = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
            self.data = data
            self.filename = filename
def logo(self):
    """Return a Google News compliant logo if available."""
    logo = api.portal.get_registry_record(
        GoogleNewsSettings.__identifier__ + '.logo')

    if logo is None:
        return self._logo  # no Google News compliant logo, return portal logo

    filename, data = b64decode_file(logo)
    return '{0}/@@googlenews-logo/{1}'.format(
        api.portal.get().absolute_url(), filename)
Example #16
def _make_namedfile(value, field, widget):
    """Return a NamedImage or NamedFile instance, if it isn't already one -
    e.g. when it's base64 encoded data.
    if isinstance(value, basestring) and IASCII.providedBy(field):
        filename, data = b64decode_file(value)
        if INamedImageWidget.providedBy(widget):
            value = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
            value = NamedFile(data=data, filename=filename)
    return value
Example #17
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        super(SiteLogo, self).__init__(context, request)
        self.filename = None
        self.data = None

        registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
        settings = registry.forInterface(ISiteSchema, prefix="plone")
        if getattr(settings, 'site_logo', False):
            filename, data = b64decode_file(settings.site_logo)
            data = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
            self.data = data
            self.filename = filename
Example #18
def validate_background(value):
    """Check if file is an image or a video."""
    if not value:
        return True

    filename, _ = b64decode_file(value)
    mimetype, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)

    if mimetype is None:
        return False

    return 'image' in mimetype or 'video' in mimetype
Example #19
def validate_background(value):
    """Check if file is an image or a video."""
    if not value:
        return True

    filename, _ = b64decode_file(value)
    mimetype, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)

    if mimetype is None:
        return False

    return 'image' in mimetype or 'video' in mimetype
 def image_url(self):
     """Return the image URL for the background image."""
     image = self.config.get('image', None)
     if image is not None:
         filename, data = b64decode_file(image)
         return '{0}/@@listing-search-banner-image/{1}'.format(
     image_url = self.config.get('image_url', None)
     if image_url is not None and image_url != u'http://':
         return image_url
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        super(PublisherLogoDownload, self).__init__(context, request)
        self.filename, self.data = None, None

        publisher_logo = api.portal.get_registry_record(
            IAMPSettings.__identifier__ + '.publisher_logo')

        if publisher_logo is not None:
            # set publisher logo data for download
            filename, data = b64decode_file(publisher_logo)
            data = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
            self.filename, self.data = filename, data
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        super().__init__(context, request)
        self.filename = None
        self.data = None

        registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
        settings = registry.forInterface(ISiteSchema, prefix="plone")
        if getattr(settings, 'site_logo', False):
            filename, data = b64decode_file(settings.site_logo)
            data = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
            self.data = data
            self.filename = filename
Example #23
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        super(Logo, self).__init__(context, request)
        self.filename = None
        self.data = None

        registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
        settings = registry.forInterface(IPloneThemeSettings)  # noqa
        if getattr(settings, 'site_logo', False):
            filename, data = b64decode_file(settings.site_logo)
            data = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
            self.data = data
            self.filename = filename
Example #24
def get_ga_service(
    registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
    api_email = registry.get('castle.google_api_email', None)
    api_key = registry.get('castle.google_api_service_key_file', None)
    ga_id = registry.get('castle.google_analytics_id', None)

    if not api_key or not api_email or not ga_id:

    # Authenticate and construct service.
    return get_service('analytics', 'v3', ga_scope,
                       b64decode_file(api_key)[1], api_email)
Example #25
    def setup(self):
        name = ISettingsPortal.__identifier__ + '.background_image'
        background_image = api.portal.get_registry_record(name, default=None)

        if background_image is None:
            self.data = None

        # set background media data for download
        filename, data = b64decode_file(background_image)
        self.filename = filename
        self.data = NamedFile(data=data, filename=filename)
        self.checksum = hashlib.sha1(data).hexdigest()
Example #26
def getSiteLogo(site=None):
    from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import ISiteSchema
    from plone.formwidget.namedfile.converter import b64decode_file
    if site is None:
        site = getSite()
    registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
    settings = registry.forInterface(ISiteSchema, prefix="plone", check=False)
    site_url = site.absolute_url()

    if getattr(settings, 'site_logo', False):
        filename, data = b64decode_file(settings.site_logo)
        return '{}/@@site-logo/{}'.format(site_url, filename)
        return '%s/logo.png' % site_url
Example #27
def getSiteLogo(site=None):
    from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import ISiteSchema
    from plone.formwidget.namedfile.converter import b64decode_file
    if site is None:
        site = getSite()
    registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
    settings = registry.forInterface(ISiteSchema, prefix="plone", check=False)
    site_url = site.absolute_url()

    if getattr(settings, 'site_logo', False):
        filename, data = b64decode_file(settings.site_logo)
        return '{}/@@site-logo/{}'.format(
            site_url, filename)
        return '%s/logo.png' % site_url
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        """Set Google News logo data if available."""
        super(GoogleNewsLogo, self).__init__(context, request)
        self.filename = None
        self.data = None

        logo = api.portal.get_registry_record(
            GoogleNewsSettings.__identifier__ + '.logo')

        if logo is not None:
            # set Google News logo data for download
            filename, data = b64decode_file(logo)
            data = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
            self.data = data
            self.filename = filename
Example #29
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        super(FallBackImageView, self).__init__(context, request)

        record = ISocialLikeSettings.__identifier__ + '.fallback_image'
        fallback_image = api.portal.get_registry_record(record, default=None)

        if fallback_image is not None:
            # set fallback image data for download
            filename, data = b64decode_file(fallback_image)
            data = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
            self.filename, self.data = filename, data
            # enable image caching for 2 minutes
            self.request.RESPONSE.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'max-age=120, public')
            # resource no longer available
            self.data = NamedImage(data='')
            self.request.RESPONSE.setStatus(410)  # Gone
Example #30
def get_site_favicon(site=None):
    """Return the custom favicon or Plone's default."""
    from spirit.plone.theming.interfaces import IPloneThemeSettings
    from plone.formwidget.namedfile.converter import b64decode_file

    if site is None:
        site = api.portal.get()

    registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
    settings = registry.forInterface(IPloneThemeSettings, check=False)  # noqa
    site_url = site.absolute_url()

    if getattr(settings, 'site_favicon', False):
        filename, data = b64decode_file(settings.site_favicon)
        return '{0}/@@site-favicon/{1}'.format(site_url, filename)
        return '{0}/favicon.ico'.format(site_url)
    def publisher_logo(self):
        """Return publisher logo information as a dictionary."""
        publisher_logo = api.portal.get_registry_record(
            IAMPSettings.__identifier__ + '.publisher_logo')

        if publisher_logo is None:
            return None

        portal_url = api.portal.get().absolute_url()
        filename, data = b64decode_file(publisher_logo)
        width, height = Image.open(StringIO(data)).size

        return dict(
            url='{0}/@@amp-publisher-logo/{1}'.format(portal_url, filename),
Example #32
    def update(self):
        super(LogoViewlet, self).update()

        # TODO: should this be changed to settings.site_title?
        self.navigation_root_title = self.portal_state.navigation_root_title()

        registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
        settings = registry.forInterface(ISiteSchema, prefix="plone")
        self.logo_title = settings.site_title

        if getattr(settings, 'site_logo', False):
            filename, data = b64decode_file(settings.site_logo)
            data = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
            self.img_src = '{}/@@site-logo/{}'.format(
                self.navigation_root_url, filename)
            self.img_src = '%s/logo.png' % (
Example #33
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        super(FallBackImageView, self).__init__(context, request)

        record = ISocialLikeSettings.__identifier__ + '.fallback_image'
        fallback_image = api.portal.get_registry_record(record, default=None)

        if fallback_image is not None:
            # set fallback image data for download
            filename, data = b64decode_file(fallback_image)
            data = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
            self.filename, self.data = filename, data
            # enable image caching for 2 minutes
                                            'max-age=120, public')
            # resource no longer available
            self.data = NamedImage(data='')
            self.request.RESPONSE.setStatus(410)  # Gone
Example #34
    def update(self):
        super(LogoViewlet, self).update()

        # TODO: should this be changed to settings.site_title?
        self.navigation_root_title = self.portal_state.navigation_root_title()

        registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
        settings = registry.forInterface(ISiteSchema, prefix="plone")
        self.logo_title = settings.site_title

        if getattr(settings, 'site_logo', False):
            filename, data = b64decode_file(settings.site_logo)
            data = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
            self.img_src = '{}/@@site-logo/{}'.format(
                self.navigation_root_url, filename)
            self.img_src = '%s/logo.png' % (
Example #35
def validate_logo(value):
    """Validate the image to be used in the feed.

    The image must follow these specifications:
    * Image should be .png format
    * Image dimensions must match one of two options:
      * height between 20 and 40px, width of 250px
      * height of 40px, width between 125 and 250px
    * Image background should be transparent

    :param value: Image encoded into base64 to be validated
    :type value: string
        :class:`~zope.interface.Invalid` if the image is not valid
    if not value:
        return True

    filename, data = b64decode_file(value)

    img = Image.open(StringIO(data))

    # check format
    if img.format != 'PNG':
        raise Invalid(_(u'Image should be in PNG format.'))

    # Check image size
    width, height = img.size
    if not((20 <= height <= 40 and width == 250) or
       (height == 40 and 125 <= width <= 250)):
        raise Invalid(_(
            u'Image should have height beetween 20px and 40px and width equal 250px '
            u'or height equal 40px and width beetween 125px and 250px.'

    # Check image transparency.
    if not((img.mode in ('RGBA', 'LA')) or
       (img.mode == 'P' and 'transparency' in img.info)):
        raise Invalid(_(u'Image should have transparency layer.'))

    return True
def get_url_special_student_form_for_undergraduate_admissions_form():
    form = api.portal.get_registry_record(
        'oiestudyabroadstudent.special_student_form_for_undergraduate_admissions',  # noqa : E501
    if form is not None:
        filename, data = b64decode_file(form)
        file = NamedFile(data=data, filename=filename)
        url = 'data:{0};base64, {1}'.format(
        html = '<a target="_blank" href="{0}">Download this form</a>'.format(
        return RichTextValue(html, 'text/html', 'text/html')
        return RichTextValue(
            '<em>The special student form for undergraduate admissions has not yet been specified by an administrator</em>',  # noqa : E501
Example #37
def is_valid_logo(value):
    """Check if the image is a valid logo:

    * Logos should have a wide aspect ratio, not a square icon
    * Logos should be no wider than 600px, and no taller than 60px
    if not value:
        return True

    filename, data = b64decode_file(value)
    width, height = Image.open(StringIO(data)).size

    if width <= height:
        raise Invalid(_(u'Image should have a wide aspect ratio.'))

    if width > 600 or height > 60:
        raise Invalid(
            _(u'Image should be no wider than 600px, and no taller than 60px.')

    return True
def get_url_disciplinary_clearance_form():
    form = api.portal.get_registry_record(
    if form is not None:
        filename, data = b64decode_file(form)
        file = NamedFile(data=data, filename=filename)
        url = 'data:{0};base64, {1}'.format(
        html = '<a target="_blank" href="{0}">Download this form</a>'.format(
        return RichTextValue(html, 'text/html', 'text/html')
        return RichTextValue(
            '<em>The disciplinary clearance form has not yet been specified by an administrator</em>',  # noqa : E501
def validate_logo(value):
    """Validate the image to be used in the feed.

    The image must follow these specifications:
    * Image should be .png format
    * Image dimensions must match one of two options:
      * height between 20 and 40px, width of 250px
      * height of 40px, width between 125 and 250px
    * Image background should be transparent

    :param value: Image encoded into base64 to be validated
    :type value: string
        :class:`~zope.interface.Invalid` if the image is not valid
    if not value:
        return True

    filename, data = b64decode_file(value)

    img = Image.open(StringIO(data))

    # check format
    if img.format != 'PNG':
        raise Invalid(_(u'Image should be in PNG format.'))

    # Check image size
    width, height = img.size
    if not ((20 <= height <= 40 and width == 250) or
            (height == 40 and 125 <= width <= 250)):
        raise Invalid(
            _(u'Image should have height beetween 20px and 40px and width equal 250px '
              u'or height equal 40px and width beetween 125px and 250px.'))

    # Check image transparency.
    if not ((img.mode in ('RGBA', 'LA')) or
            (img.mode == 'P' and 'transparency' in img.info)):
        raise Invalid(_(u'Image should have transparency layer.'))

    return True
Example #40
    def __call__(self):
        # TODO: Security check on form view/widget

        if self.context.ignoreContext:
            raise NotFound(
                "Cannot get the data file from a widget with no context")

        if self.context.form is not None:
            content = aq_inner(self.context.form.getContent())
            content = aq_inner(self.context.context)
        field = aq_inner(self.context.field)

        dm = getMultiAdapter((
        ), IDataManager)
        file_ = dm.get()

        if isinstance(file_, basestring) and IASCII.providedBy(field):
            """Encoded data.
            filename, data = b64decode_file(file_)
            if INamedImageWidget.providedBy(self.context):
                file_ = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
                file_ = NamedFile(data=data, filename=filename)

        if file_ is None:
            raise NotFound(self, self.filename, self.request)

        if not self.filename:
            self.filename = getattr(file_, 'filename', None)

        set_headers(file_, self.request.response, filename=self.filename)
        return stream_data(file_)
def validate_base_image(value):
    """Validate the base image used to create featured image.

    The image must follow these specifications:
    * .png format
    * be at least 1200 x 630 pixels
    * should be smaller that 1MB

    :param value: Image encoded into base64 to be validated
    :type value: string
        :class:`~zope.interface.Invalid` if the image is not valid
    if not value:
        return False

    filename, data = b64decode_file(value)

    # check size
    if len(data) > 1048576:
        raise Invalid(_(u'Image should be smaller than 1MB.'))

    img = Image.open(StringIO(data))

    # check format
    if img.format != 'PNG':
        raise Invalid(_(u'Image should be in PNG format.'))

    # check image dimensions
    width, height = img.size
    if not(width >= 1200 and height >= 630):
        raise Invalid(_(
            u'Image must be at least 1200 x 630 pixels for the best display on high resolution devices.'

    return True
Example #42
 def get(self, picture):
     if not picture:
         return None
     filename, data = b64decode_file(picture)
     data = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
     return data
def convert_datagrid_iamge(picture):
    filename, data = b64decode_file(picture)
    data = NamedImage(data=data, filename=filename)
    return data