def sza_opencl(scene, time_slot): dRightAscension, dDeclination, dGreenwichMeanSiderealTime = sunposIntermediate( time_slot.year, time_slot.month,, time_slot.hour, time_slot.minute, 0.0) scale_x = scene["IR_108"].area.pixel_size_x scale_y = scene["IR_108"].area.pixel_size_y offset_x = scene["IR_108"].area.pixel_offset_x offset_y = scene["IR_108"].area.pixel_offset_y band = scene["IR_108"].data.astype(float32) outputBand = scipy.zeros_like(band, dtype=float32) mf = cl.mem_flags ctx = cl.create_some_context() outputBuffer = cl.Buffer(ctx, mf.WRITE_ONLY | mf.USE_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=outputBand) prg = loadOpenCLProgram("../util/opencl/", ctx) queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx) prg.zenithKernel(queue, band.shape, None, outputBuffer, float32(dGreenwichMeanSiderealTime), float32(dRightAscension), float32(dDeclination), float32(scale_x), float32(scale_y), float32(offset_x), float32(offset_y)) cl.enqueue_copy(queue, outputBand, outputBuffer) plot2dArray(outputBand, title="sza_results", show=True, outputPath="/home/sebastian/Documents/tests_sza123_full.png") return
def stratiformity_opencl(scene, cloudmask, show_plots=False, plot_path="", createPlots=False, cl_ctx=None, cl_queue=None): # Mask band with -999.9-values noDataValue = -999.9 band = scipy.where(cloudmask == False, noDataValue, scene["IR_108"].data).astype(numpy.float32) outputBand = scipy.zeros_like(band, dtype=numpy.float32) mf = cl.mem_flags if cl_ctx is None: platforms = cl.get_platforms() devices = platforms[1].get_devices(device_type=cl.device_type.CPU) cl_ctx = cl.Context(devices) if cl_queue is None: cl_queue = cl.CommandQueue(cl_ctx) inputBuffer = cl.Buffer(cl_ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.USE_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=band) outputBuffer = cl.Buffer(cl_ctx, mf.WRITE_ONLY | mf.USE_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=outputBand) prg = loadOpenCLProgram("../util/opencl/", cl_ctx) prg.calcSTD(cl_queue, band.shape, None, inputBuffer, outputBuffer) cl.enqueue_copy(cl_queue, outputBand, outputBuffer) outputBand = scipy.where(cloudmask == False, numpy.nan, outputBand).astype(numpy.float32) if createPlots: plot2dArray(outputBand, title="standard deviations of 10.8band", show=show_plots, outputPath=plot_path + "strat_stds.png") #filter clouds of max 3 pixel size std_band = scipy.where(outputBand <= 2., 1., 0.).astype(numpy.float32) filtered_outputBand = scipy.zeros_like(std_band, dtype=numpy.float32) inputBuffer = cl.Buffer(cl_ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.USE_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=std_band) outputBuffer = cl.Buffer(cl_ctx, mf.WRITE_ONLY | mf.USE_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=filtered_outputBand) prg = loadOpenCLProgram("../util/opencl/", cl_ctx) queue = cl.CommandQueue(cl_ctx) prg.filterSmallClouds(queue, band.shape, None, inputBuffer, outputBuffer) cl.enqueue_copy(cl_queue, filtered_outputBand, outputBuffer) return scipy.where(filtered_outputBand > 0., True, False)
def stratiformity(scene, cloudmask, show_plots=False, plot_path="", createPlots=False): stds = rolling_std(scene["IR_108"].data, cloudmask, 3) if createPlots: plot2dArray(stds, title="standard deviations of 10.8band", show=show_plots, outputPath=plot_path + "strat_stds.png") return scipy.where(stds <= 2., True, False)
def cloud_phase(scene, cloudmask, show_plots=False, plot_path="", createPlots=False): test1_data = scipy.where(scene["IR_108"].data < 230., True, False) # Everything <230K: Ice if createPlots: plot2dArray(test1_data, title="cloud phase below 230K", show=show_plots, outputPath=plot_path + "clphase_belowTemp.png") test4_data = scipy.where(scene["IR_087"].data - scene["IR_108"].data > 0, True, False) # Where 8.7 - 10.8 > 0: Ice if createPlots: plot2dArray(test4_data, title="cloud phase: 8.7 > 10.8", show=show_plots, outputPath=plot_path + "clphase_87-108diff.png") result = cloudmask & ~(test1_data | test4_data) return result
def snow_identification(scene, show_plots=False, plot_path="", createPlots=False): test1_data = scipy.where(scene["VIS008"].data > 0.11, 1., 0.) # Snow has a minimal reflectance (0.11) if createPlots: plot2dArray(test1_data, title="snow minrefl", show=show_plots, outputPath=plot_path + "snow_minrefl.png") test2_data = scipy.where( scene["IR_108"].data > 256., 1., 0.) # Snow has a minimal Brightness Temperature (-17,15′C) if createPlots: plot2dArray(test2_data, title="snow mintemp", show=show_plots, outputPath=plot_path + "snow_mintemp.png") ndsi = (scene["VIS006"].data - scene["IR_016"].data) / ( scene["VIS006"].data + scene["IR_016"].data) ndsi = scipy.where(ndsi != None, ndsi, 0.) if createPlots: plot2dArray(ndsi, title="NDSI", show=show_plots, outputPath=plot_path + "snow_ndsi.png") test3_data = scipy.where(ndsi > 0.4, 1., 0.) # NDSI > 0.4 --> Snow return scipy.where(test1_data + test2_data + test3_data == 3, True, False) # Where all 3 tests are true: Snow-Pixel!
def small_droplet_proxy(scene, cloud_mask, not_day_land_mask, not_day_mask, show_plots=False, plot_path="", createPlots=False): array =["IR_039"].data) if createPlots: plot2dArray(array, title="03.9 array", show=show_plots, outputPath=plot_path + "sdp_array.png") mask = cloud_mask & not_day_land_mask if createPlots: plot2dArray(mask, title="sdp mask", show=show_plots, outputPath=plot_path + "sdp_land_cloud_mask.png") array.mask = mask blocks = block_by_size_generator(array.shape, array.shape[1], array.shape[0], 0) result_blocks = find_block_threshold(array, blocks) #print result_blocks threshold_array = scipy.empty_like(array) blocks_into_threshold_array(result_blocks, threshold_array) if createPlots: plot2dArray(threshold_array, title="sdp thresholds", show=show_plots, outputPath=plot_path + "sdp_thresholds.png") array.mask = 0 result = (array > threshold_array) & cloud_mask & ~not_day_mask if createPlots: plot2dArray(result, title="sdp result", show=show_plots, outputPath=plot_path + "sdp_result.png") return result
def very_low_cloud_plausibility(scene, mask_allPreviousSteps, mask_cloudIdentification, dem, lapserate=0.007, plot_path="", show_plots=False): nanmask = scipy.where( mask_cloudIdentification == True, numpy.nan, 1. ) # Converting True/False mask to nan/1. mask (using mask_cloudIdentification because only this mask definitely has NO cloud pixels for "False" BT_108_masked = nanmask * scene[ "IR_108"].data # Multiplying mask with scene["IR_108"].data so only non-masked pixels keep their values dem = scipy.where(dem == -9999, 0., dem) # Exchanging nanvalues (-9999) (sea-pixels) with 0 DEM_masked = nanmask * dem # Multiplying mask with DEM so only non-masked pixels keep their values xsize = len(BT_108_masked[0]) ysize = len(BT_108_masked) cloudTopHeights = numpy.empty( (ysize, xsize)) # Initializing the result-2darray... cloudTopHeights.fill(numpy.nan) # ... and filling it with nans # For each pixel that is a liquid-smalldroplet-stratiform-nonsnow-cloudy pixel # get direct neighbouring pixels and calculate the mean for BT108 and the DEM-values # but only for those neighbour pixels where the mask_cloudIdentification shows NO cloud! # and calculate the height of the clouds of these pixels... for i in range(ysize): for j in range(xsize): if mask_allPreviousSteps[ i, j] == True: # If the current pixel is a cloud pixel do: avSurroundingBT = numpy.nan N = 1 while numpy.isnan( avSurroundingBT ): # as long as no non-cloud-neighbour is found: increase search radius by 1 iminus = 0 iplus = ysize jminus = 0 jplus = xsize if i - N > 0: iminus = i - N if i + N <= ysize: iplus = i + N + 1 if j - N > 0: jminus = j - N if j + N <= xsize: jplus = j + N + 1 avSurroundingBT = numpy.nanmean( BT_108_masked[iminus:iplus, jminus:jplus]) avSurroundingElevation = numpy.nanmean( DEM_masked[iminus:iplus, jminus:jplus]) cloudTopHeights[i, j] = func(avSurroundingBT, scene["IR_108"].data[i, j], lapserate, avSurroundingElevation, dem[i, j]) cloudTopHeights[i, j] = func(avSurroundingBT, scene["IR_108"].data[i, j], lapserate, 0, 0) N += 1 plot2dArray(cloudTopHeights, title="Cloud Top Heights", outputPath=plot_path + "vlc_cth.png", show=show_plots) return scipy.where(cloudTopHeights <= 1000., True, False)
#write_scene(scene, "/home/sebastian/Documents/") #plot2dArray(lats,title="lats",show=True, outputPath="/home/sebastian/Documents/tests_sza123_full_lats.png") #plot2dArray(lons,title="lons",show=True, outputPath="/home/sebastian/Documents/tests_sza123_full_lons.png") # Correct nodata-value and value type of elevation model: demWorldclim = gdal.Open( "/home/sebastian/git/cloudmask/data/dem/dem_worldclim_fulldisk_noNegativeElevations.tif", GA_ReadOnly) demWorldclim_band = demWorldclim.GetRasterBand(1) demWorldclim_data = demWorldclim_band.ReadAsArray(0, 0, demWorldclim.RasterXSize, demWorldclim.RasterYSize) data = scipy.where(demWorldclim_data < 0., -999., demWorldclim_data) plot2dArray(data, show=True) proj = demWorldclim.GetProjection() xsize = demWorldclim.RasterXSize ysize = demWorldclim.RasterYSize driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff') dsO = driver.Create("/home/sebastian/Documents/dem_final_nonegativeValues.tif", 3712, 3712, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) dsO.SetProjection(proj) dsO.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(int16(data)) dsO.FlushCache() # Write to disk.