Example #1
 def browse(self, row = 3, col = 3):
     Plot the raw traces grouped close to each other based on the groups of cells
         row (int) - number of rows of subplots
         col (int) - number of columns of subplots
         f (list) - list of image windows
     f = []
     for t in np.unique(self.data['group']):
         cell_ind = self.data.index[np.nonzero(self.data['group'] == t)]
         ft = []
         counter = 0
         for c in cell_ind:
             for trial in self.trial_data[c, :, :]:
                 trace, sr, stim = util.load_wave(self.folder + \
                     util.gen_name(self.data['No'][c], trial[0]))
                 if not len(trace):
                 sub_num = counter - row * col * (len(ft) - 1)
                 if row * col <= sub_num:
                     ft.append(pg.GraphicsWindow(title = \
                         'Image {:d}'.format(len(ft) + 1) + ' in ' + t))
                     sub_num -= row * col
                 axis = ft[-1].addPlot(int(sub_num / col), np.mod(sub_num, col))
                 axis.setTitle('Cell {0:d}, rate = {1:.0f} Hz, I = {2:.0f} pA'.format(\
                     self.data['No'][c], trial[1], trial[2] * 1e12))
                 plot.plot_trace_v(trace, sr, ax = axis)
                 counter += 1
     return f
Example #2
def aveplot(intensity_dir, group_size, folder, cells, intensities, trial, start, freq, num, \
    win = None,  medfilt = True, smooth = False, base_win = 0.3, col = 3, row = 3):
    f = aveplot(intensity_dir, group_size, folder, cells, intensities, trial, start, freq, \
        num, medfilt = True, smooth = False, base_win = 0.3):
        Plot the averaged responses across several trials with stimulus of certain 
        intensity for different cells at different intensity levels.
        intensity_dir (string) - intensity data file
        folder (string) - dirctory to the data folder
        cells (array_like) - indices of cells
        intensities (array_like) - intensities of the trials to be plotted for each cell
        trial (array_like) - number of trials in each intensity group to be plotted
        start (float) - time of stimulation start
        freq (float) - frequency of stimulation
        num (int) - number of stimuli
        medfilt (float) - median filter threshold
        smooth (boolean) - whether to smooth the traces with default parameters
        base_win (float) - size of baseline window, right before the first stimulation used
            for baseline alignment
        col (int) - number of columns of subplots
        row (int) - number of rows of subplots
        f (GraphicsWindow) - window object of pyqtgraph package
    f = []
    count = 0
    pg.setConfigOption('background', 'w')
    pg.setConfigOption('foreground', 'k')
    for i, cell in enumerate(cells):
        for intensity in intensities[i]:
            file_dirs = util.intensity2file(folder, [cell], [intensity], trial, \
                intensity_dir, group_size)
            traces = []
            sr = 0
            if len(file_dirs) == 0:
            for fd in file_dirs:
                t, sr, stim = util.load_wave(fd)
                if base_win:
                    baseline = np.mean(t[int(start - base_win):int(start)])
                    t = t - baseline
                if smooth:
                    t = process.smooth(t, sr, 600)
                if medfilt:
                    t = process.thmedfilt(t, 5, 30e-12)
            ave_trace = np.mean(traces, 0)
            sub_num = count - row * col * (len(f) - 1)
            if row * col <= sub_num:
                f.append(pg.GraphicsWindow(title = \
                    'Group {0:d}'.format(len(f) + 1)))
                sub_num -= row * col
            axis = f[-1].addPlot(int(sub_num / col), np.mod(sub_num, col))
            axis.setTitle('Cell {0:d}, Int {1:.2f}'.format(cell, intensity))
            plot.plot_trace_v(ave_trace, sr, ax = axis, win = win, \
                stim = [start + d / freq for d in range(num)])
            count += 1
    return f
Example #3
 def align_ahp(self, spikes = [0], max_trace = 30, param_file = 'param_spike_detect'):
     Align and plot specified action potentials from chosen trials in the same graphs.
         spikes (list) - indices of spikes to plot, 0 is the first
         max_trace (int) - maximum number of traces in each graph, not to be too crowded
         param_file (String) - directory of spike detection parameter file
         f (list) - list of image windows
     # Traverse all the trials, find the spikes and store the trace, time range 
     # of the spikes and the type of the cell which the trace belong to in 
     # separated lists sequentially
     traces = [[] for d in range(len(spikes))]
     limits = [[] for d in range(len(spikes))]
     cell_types = [[] for d in range(len(spikes))]
     spike_params = ap.get_params(param_file)
     for c in self.data.index:
         for trial in self.trial_data[c, :, :]:
             trace, sr, stim = util.load_wave(self.folder + \
                 util.gen_name(self.data['No'][c], trial[0]))
             if sr > 0:
                 starts = ap.spike_detect(trace, sr, spike_params)  # start of all spikes
                 for i, spike in enumerate(spikes):
                     if spike < len(starts) - 1:
                         limits[i].append([starts[spike], starts[spike + 1]])
     f = []
     for i, spike in enumerate(spikes):
         types = np.sort(np.unique(cell_types[i]))
         image_num = int(np.ceil(len(cell_types[i]) / max_trace))  # number of images
         fs = [pg.GraphicsWindow(title = 'Image {0:d} in spike {1:d}'.format(d, spike)) \
             for d in range(image_num)]
         ax = [d.addPlot(0, 0) for d in fs]
         cl = [pg.intColor(i, hues = len(types)) for i in range(len(types))]  # colors
         # Add legend to the plotItems
         lgit = [pg.PlotDataItem(pen = cl[d]) for d in range(len(cl))]
         for ax_ in ax:
             lg = ax_.addLegend()
             for t, l in zip(types, lgit):
                 lg.addItem(l, t)
         group_max = []  # maximum number of traces in one image for each groups
         for t in types:
             group_max.append(np.ceil(np.count_nonzero(np.array(cell_types[i]) == t) \
                 / image_num))
         group_trial = [0 for d in range(len(types))]  # keep track of trials 
             # plotted in each groups
         for j in range(len(cell_types[i])):
             _group = np.nonzero(types == cell_types[i][j])[0][0]
             plot.plot_trace_v(traces[i][j], 1, win = limits[i][j], ax = \
                 ax[int(np.floor(group_trial[_group] / group_max[_group]))], \
                 shift = [-limits[i][j][0], -traces[i][j][limits[i][j][0]]], \
                 cl = cl[_group])
             group_trial[_group] += 1
     return f
Example #4
def spike_detect(trace, sr, params, begin=0, end=-1, plotting=False):
    start_ind = spike_detect(trace, sr, params, begin = 0, end = -1, plotting = False) 
        Detect action potential spikes and return the spike rising time points.
        Find start time of spikes by finding point with slope over slope_th followed by a peak
        of relative amplitude above peak_th.  The peak is defined as the first point reversing 
        slope after the start point. 
        trace (array_like) - voltage trace
        sr (float) - sampling rate
        params (dictionary) - parameters
        begin (float) - begin of the time window to be analyzed
        end (float) - end of the time window to be analyzed, it represents the end of the 
            trace when it's -1
        plotting (boolean) - whether to plot the trace with starting point marked for
        start_ind (array_like) - indices of spike starting points

    slope_th = params['spike_slope_threshold']
    peak_th = params['spike_peak_threshold']
    width_th = params['half_width_threshold']
    sign = params['sign']

    if sign < 0:
        trace = trace * sign
    trace_diff = np.diff(trace) * sr
    pstart = np.nonzero(trace_diff > slope_th)[0]  # possible start points
    reverse = np.nonzero(trace_diff < 0)[0]  # possible peak points
    start_ind = []
    #print('start len = {:f}'.format(len(pstart)))
    #print('reverse len = {:f}'.format(len(reverse)))
    i = 0  # index in pstart
    j = 0  # index in reverse
    if end == -1:
        end = len(trace) / sr
    while i < len(pstart) and j < len(reverse) and pstart[i] < sr * end:
        if pstart[i] < sr * begin:
            i += 1
        elif pstart[i] < reverse[j]:
            #print('b: {0:f}, p: {1:f}'.format(trace[pstart[i]], trace[reverse[j]]))
            if peak_th < trace[reverse[j]] - trace[pstart[i]] and \
                reverse[j] - pstart[i] < width_th * sr:
                while i < len(pstart) and pstart[i] < reverse[j]:
                    i += 1
                i += 1
            j += 1

    # plot trace with spike start points marked if needed
    start_ind = np.array(start_ind)  # transform to numpy array
    if plotting:
        w = plot.plot_trace_v(trace, sr, points=start_ind / sr)
        return start_ind, w
        return start_ind
Example #5
def FIcompare(folder, cells, currents = [], freqs = [],\
    firing_rate_data = 'firing_rate_data.txt'):
    f = FIcompare(folder, cells, currents = [], freqs = [],\
        firing_rate_data = 'firing_rate_data.txt'):
        Plot current clamp firing traces with certain currents input and with firing
        frequencies in a certain range.
        folder (string) - directory to the folder with raw data
        cells (array_like) - indices of neurons to plot
        currents (array_like) - list of input currents
        freqs (list) - of two scalars, range of the firing rates to be included
        firing_rate_data (string) - firing rate data file directory
        f (list) - list of figure windows
    data = util.read_dict(firing_rate_data, 'int')
    f = []
    for cell in cells:
        for trial, stim, fr in zip(*data[cell][1]):
            if (len(currents) == 0 or stim in currents) and \
                (len(freqs) == 0 or (freqs[0] <= fr and fr < freqs[1])):
                trace, sr, st = util.load_wave(folder + util.gen_name(cell, trial))
                f.append(plot.plot_trace_v(trace, sr))
                f[-1].setWindowTitle('Cell {0:d}, Trial {1:d}, I = {2:.2e}'.\
                    format(cell, trial, st[2]))
    return f
Example #6
 def align(self, baseline_win = 0.2, max_trace = 30):
     Plot the chosen trials in the same graphs, aligned to baseline and colored based 
     on groups 
         baseline_win (float) - baseline window size before the start of the stimulation
         max_trace (int) - maximum number of traces in each graph
         f (list) - list of image windows
     types = np.sort(np.unique(self.data['group']))
     trial_num = np.count_nonzero(self.trial_data[:, :, 0])
     # trial_num = self.trial_data.shape[0] * self.trial_data.shape[1]
     image_num = int(np.ceil(trial_num / max_trace))  # number of images
     f = [pg.GraphicsWindow(title = 'Image {0:d}'.format(d)) for d in range(image_num)]
     ax = [d.addPlot(0, 0) for d in f]
     cl = [pg.intColor(i, hues = len(types)) for i in range(len(types))]  # colors
     # Add legend to the plotItems
     lgit = [pg.PlotDataItem(pen = cl[d]) for d in range(len(cl))]
     for ax_ in ax:
         lg = ax_.addLegend()
         for t, l in zip(types, lgit):
             lg.addItem(l, t)
     counter = 0
     for c in self.data.index:
         for t in self.trial_data[c]:
             if t[0] == 0:
             trace, sr, stim = util.load_wave(self.folder + \
                 util.gen_name(self.data['No'][c], t[0]))
             if sr > 0:
                 _group = np.nonzero(types == self.data['group'][c])[0][0]
                 plot.plot_trace_v(trace, sr, ax = \
                     ax[int(np.floor(counter / max_trace))], shift = \
                     [0, -np.mean(trace[int(stim[0] - baseline_win):int(stim[0])])], \
                     cl = cl[_group])
                 counter += 1
     return f
Example #7
    def analyze(self, verbose=0):
		Detect the spikes of the minis and analyze them
		  1. Rise time short enough
		  2. Amplitude large enough
		  3. Decay fit exponential curve with low enough residual
		  4. Decay time constant big enough
        # miniEPSC parameters after analysis
        self.miniRises = []  # valid minis' rise times
        self.miniPeaks = []  # valid mini's peak index
        self.miniAmps = []  # valid mini's peak amplitude
        self.miniDecayTaus = []  # valid mini's decay time constant
        x = self.x[int(self.sr * self.params['start']): \
          int(self.sr * self.params['end'])] * self.params['sign']
        # rig defect related single point noise
        x = self.thmedfilt(x, self.params['medianFilterWinSize'], \
        # scale
        x = x * self.scale
        # remove linear shifting baseline
        p = np.polyfit(np.arange(len(x)), x, 1)
        x = (x - np.polyval(p, np.arange(len(x))))
        # low pass filter
        fx = self.smooth(x, self.sr, self.params['lowBandWidth'])
        dfx = np.diff(fx) * self.sr
        peaks = (0 < dfx[0:-1]) & (dfx[1:] < 0)
        troughs = (dfx[0:-1] < 0) & (0 < dfx[1:])
        # points with local maximum slope, which is also larger than threshold
        rises = (dfx[0:-1] < self.params["riseSlope"]) & \
          (self.params["riseSlope"] < dfx[1:])
		rises = np.zeros(peaks.shape)
		rises = (dfx[0:-2] < dfx[1:-1]) & (dfx[2:] < dfx[1:-1]) & \
				(self.params['riseSlope'] < dfx[1:-1])
        # indices of either rises or peaks
        ptrInds = np.concatenate((np.nonzero(peaks | rises | troughs)[0], \
          [int(self.params['end'] * self.sr)]), axis = None)
        lastRise = -self.params["riseTime"] * self.sr  # last rise point index
        last2Rise = 0  # the rise point index before last rise point
        baseline = 0  # current baseline level
        peakStack = []  # peaks stacked to close to each other
        for i in range(len(ptrInds) - 1):
            if peaks[ptrInds[i]]:
                if ptrInds[i] - lastRise < self.params['riseTime'] * self.sr or \
                    if (len(peakStack) and ptrInds[i + 1] - peakStack[0] \
                       < self.params["stackWin"] * self.sr):
                        if last2Rise < lastRise - \
                         int(self.params['baseLineWin'] * self.sr):
                            baseline = np.mean(x[lastRise - \
                              int(self.params['baseLineWin'] * self.sr):\
                        amp = fx[ptrInds[i]] - baseline
                        if self.params['minAmp'] < amp or len(peakStack):
                            if not len(peakStack) and ptrInds[i + 1] - ptrInds[i] < \
                              self.params["stackWin"] * self.sr and \
                              i + 3 < len(ptrInds) and not rises[ptrInds[i + 2]]:
                                if len(peakStack):
                                    amp = np.max(fx[peakStack] - baseline)
                                    peakStack = []
                                sample = x[lastRise:ptrInds[i + 1]]
                                # exponential function to fit the decay
                                fun = lambda x, t1, t2, a, b, c: \
                                  a * np.exp(-x / t1) - b * np.exp(-x / t2) + c
                                # initial parameter values
                                p0 = [self.params["offTauIni"], self.params["onTauIni"], \
                                  fx[lastRise] + amp - baseline, amp, baseline]
                                # boundaries
                                bounds = ([-np.inf, -np.inf, 0, 0, -np.inf], \
                                  [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf])
                                    popt, pcov = curve_fit(fun, np.arange(len(sample)), \
                                      sample, p0, bounds = bounds, \
                                      loss = "linear", max_nfev = 1e3 * len(sample))
                                    tau_rise = popt[1] / self.sr
                                    tau_decay = popt[0] / self.sr
                                    res = np.sqrt(np.sum((fun(np.arange(len(sample)), \
                                      *popt) - sample) ** 2))
                                    if verbose > 1:
                                        print("popt: ", popt)
                                        print("tau rise: ", tau_rise, "tau decay: ", \
                                          tau_decay, "res: ", res, "time:", \
                                          lastRise / self.sr)
                                        fm = pg.GraphicsWindow()
                                        ax = fm.addPlot(0, 0)
                                        plot.plot_trace_v(x[lastRise:ptrInds[i + 1]], \
                                          self.sr, ax = ax)
                                        plot.plot_trace_v(fx[lastRise:ptrInds[i + 1]], \
                                          self.sr, ax = ax, cl = 'g')
                                          fun(np.arange(len(sample)), *popt), \
                                          self.sr, ax = ax, cl = 'r')
                                        print("Continue (c) or step ([s])")
                                        if input() == 'c':
                                            verbose = 1
                                    if self.params['minTau'] < tau_decay \
                                      and res < self.params['residual']:
										self.miniPeaks.append(self.params['start'] + \
												ptrInds[i] / self.sr)
										self.miniRises.append(self.params["start"] + \
												lastRise / self.sr)
                                        self.miniPeaks.append(ptrInds[i] /
                                        self.miniRises.append(lastRise /
                                        self.miniAmps.append(amp / self.scale)
                                except RuntimeError as e:
                                    print("Fit Error")
                                except ValueError as e:
                                    print("Initialization Error")
            elif rises[ptrInds[i]]:
                last2Rise = lastRise
                lastRise = ptrInds[i]
        if verbose > 0:
            fs = pg.GraphicsWindow()
            ax = [fs.addPlot(i, 0) for i in range(3)]
            plot.plot_trace_v(x, self.sr, ax=ax[0])
            plot.plot_trace_v(fx, self.sr, ax=ax[0], cl='g')
            plot.plot_trace_v(fx, self.sr, ax = ax[1], pcl = 'r', \
              points = np.nonzero(rises)[0] / self.sr)
            plot.plot_trace_v(fx, self.sr, ax = ax[1], pcl = None, \
              points = np.nonzero(peaks)[0] / self.sr)
            plot.plot_trace_v(fx, self.sr, points = self.miniRises, \
              ax = ax[1], pcl = 'b')
            plot.plot_trace_v(dfx, self.sr, ax=ax[2])
            return fs
Example #8
def browse(folder, cell_num, trial_num = None, row = 3, col = 3, medfilt = True): 
    f = browse(folder, cell_num, trial_num = None, row = 3, col = 3, medfilt = True): 
        Plot data traces of a cell in figures with multiple subplots to quicky review 
        the traces
        folder (string) - directory to the folder with the data files
        cell_num (int) - cell index
        trial_num (int or list) - trial index or indices, include all the trials if it's None
        row (int) - number of rows of subplots
        col (int) - number of cols of subplots
        medfilt (boolean) - whether to apply median filter with a default threshold
        f (list) - list of window objects of pyqtgraph package
    if(folder[-1] is not os.sep):
        folder = folder + os.sep
    if type(trial_num) is int:
        file_dir = folder + 'Cell_{0:04d}_{1:04d}.ibw'.format(cell_num, trial_num)
        trace, sr, stim = util.load_wave(file_dir)
        if not len(trace):
        if medfilt:
            trace = process.thmedfilt(trace, 5, 40e-12)
        f = plot.plot_trace_v(trace, sr)
        if stim[2] != 0:
            f.getItem(0, 0).setTitle('Trial {0:d}, I = {1:.2e}'.format(trial_num, stim[2]))
        #f.save_fig('tmp.png', dpi = 96)
    elif type(trial_num) is list:
        f = []
        for i in range(len(trial_num)):
            file_dir = folder + 'Cell_{0:04d}_{1:04d}.ibw'.format(cell_num, trial_num[i])
            trace, sr, stim = util.load_wave(file_dir)
            if not len(trace):
            if medfilt:
                trace = process.thmedfilt(trace, 5, 40e-12)
            sub_num = i - row * col * (len(f) - 1)
            if row * col <= sub_num:
                f.append(pg.GraphicsWindow(title = \
                    'Cell {0:d}, Group {1:d}'.format(cell_num, len(f) + 1)))
                sub_num -= row * col
            #axis = f[-1].addPlot(int(sub_num / row), np.mod(sub_num, col), \
            axis = f[-1].addPlot(int(sub_num / col), np.mod(sub_num, col))
            if stim[2] != 0:
                axis.setTitle('Trial {0:d}, I = {1:.2e}'.format(trial_num[i], stim[2]))
                axis.setTitle('Trial {0:d}'.format(trial_num[i]))
            plot.plot_trace_v(trace, sr, ax = axis)
        f = []
        file_pre = 'Cell_{0:04d}_'.format(cell_num)
        data_files = os.listdir(folder)
        count = 0
        for data_file in data_files:
            matched = re.match(file_pre + '0*([1-9][0-9]*).ibw', data_file)
            if matched:
                trial_num = int(matched.group(1))
                sub_num = count - row * col * (len(f) - 1)
                if row * col <= sub_num:
                    f.append(pg.GraphicsWindow(title = 
                        'Cell {0:d}, Group {1:d}'.format(cell_num, len(f) + 1)))
                    sub_num -= row * col
                axis = f[-1].addPlot(int(sub_num / col), np.mod(sub_num, col))
                file_dir = folder + data_file
                trace, sr, stim = util.load_wave(file_dir)
                print(file_dir + ' {:f}'.format(len(trace) / sr))
                if stim[2] != 0:
                    axis.setTitle('Trial {0:d}, I = {1:.2e}'.format(trial_num, stim[2]))
                    axis.setTitle('Trial {0:d}'.format(trial_num))
                if medfilt:
                    trace = process.thmedfilt(trace, 5, 40e-12)
                plot.plot_trace_v(trace, sr, ax = axis)
                count += 1
    return f