Example #1
def run_bandit_experiment(bandit, num_pulls, num_trials):
    # specify bandit algorithms below
    algorithm1 = IncrementalUniformAlgorithm(bandit)
    algorithm2 = UCBAlgorithm(bandit)
    algorithm3 = EpsilonGreedyAlgorithm(bandit)
    algorithms = [algorithm1, algorithm2, algorithm3]

    # keep track of data for plotting
    plot_sample_rate = 1
    plot = Plot(num_pulls, num_trials,
        [a.get_name() for a in algorithms], plot_sample_rate)

    # experiment loop
    for a in algorithms:
        print '\nRunning algorithm {0}...'.format(a.get_name())

        best_arms = np.zeros(num_trials)
        for t in range(num_trials):
            print 'Running trial {0}...'.format(t)
            start = time.time()

            optimal_expected_reward = bandit.get_expected_reward_optimal_arm()
            regret = Regret(optimal_expected_reward)

            for i in range(num_pulls):
                # pull arm according to algorithm
                pulled_arm, _ = a.pull()

                # update regrets
                best_arm = a.get_best_arm()
                expected_reward_pulled_arm = bandit.get_expected_reward_arm(pulled_arm)
                expected_reward_best_arm = bandit.get_expected_reward_arm(best_arm)
                regret.add(expected_reward_pulled_arm, expected_reward_best_arm)

                # update plot
                if i % plot_sample_rate == 0:
                    plot.add_point(i, regret.get_simple_regret(),
                        regret.get_cumulative_regret(), a.get_name())

            end = time.time()
            print '\telapsed: {0}'.format(end-start)
            print '\tbest arm: {0}'.format(a.get_best_arm())
            best_arms[t] = a.get_best_arm()

        print "Best arm distribution: "
        print np.histogram(best_arms, bins=range(21))

    # create plot

    # save
Example #2
# This is a hacky way of re-plotting graphs...

from plot import Plot
from bandit_algorithms import IncrementalUniformAlgorithm
from bandit_algorithms import UCBAlgorithm
from bandit_algorithms import EpsilonGreedyAlgorithm
from bandit import SBRDBandit

# load old plot
arm_params = [(1,1)] # dummy params
b = SBRDBandit(arm_params, 'custom_bandit')

num_pulls = 10001
num_trials = 1000
plot_sample_rate = 1
algorithms = [IncrementalUniformAlgorithm(b), UCBAlgorithm(b), EpsilonGreedyAlgorithm(b)]
plot = Plot(num_pulls, num_trials, [a.get_name() for a in algorithms], plot_sample_rate)

print "loading data..."

# new plot
print "creating plots..."
sample_rate = 1
end_index = 501
plot.plot_cumulative_regret('new_'+b.get_name(), sample_rate, end_index)
plot.plot_simple_regret('new_'+b.get_name(), sample_rate, end_index)