def fig_exc_inh_contrib(fig, axes, params, savefolders, T=[800, 1000], transient=200, panel_labels = 'FGHIJ', show_xlabels=True): ''' plot time series LFPs and CSDs with signal variances as function of depth for the cases with all synapses intact, or knocking out excitatory input or inhibitory input to the postsynaptic target region args: :: fig : axes : savefolders : list of simulation output folders T : list of ints, first and last time sample transient : int, duration of transient period returns: :: matplotlib.figure.Figure object ''' # params = multicompartment_params() # ana_params = analysis_params.params() #file name types file_names = ['CSDsum.h5', 'LFPsum.h5'] #panel titles panel_titles = [ 'LFP&CSD\nexc. syn.', 'LFP&CSD\ninh. syn.', 'LFP&CSD\ncompound', 'CSD variance', 'LFP variance',] #labels labels = [ 'exc. syn.', 'inh. syn.', 'SUM'] #some colors for traces if colors = ['k', 'gray', 'k'] # lws = [0.75, 0.75, 1.5] lws = [1.25, 1.25, 1.25] else: colors = [analysis_params.colorE, analysis_params.colorI, 'k'] # colors = 'rbk' # lws = [0.75, 0.75, 1.5] lws = [1.25, 1.25, 1.25] #scalebar labels units = ['$\mu$A mm$^{-3}$', 'mV'] #depth of each contact site depth = params.electrodeParams['z'] # #set up figure # #figure aspect # ana_params.set_PLOS_2column_fig_style(ratio=0.5) # fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,5) # fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.06, right=0.96, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.2) #clean up for ax in axes.flatten(): phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax) for i, file_name in enumerate(file_names): #get the global data scaling bar range for use in latter plots #TODO: find nicer solution without creating figure dum_fig, dum_ax = plt.subplots(1) vlim_LFP = 0 vlim_CSD = 0 for savefolder in savefolders: vlimround0 = plot_signal_sum(dum_ax, params, os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], savefolder, file_name), rasterized=False) if vlimround0 > vlim_LFP: vlim_LFP = vlimround0 im = plot_signal_sum_colorplot(dum_ax, params, os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], savefolder, file_name), cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray', 21) if else plt.get_cmap('bwr_r', 21), rasterized=False) if abs(im.get_array()).max() > vlim_CSD: vlim_CSD = abs(im.get_array()).max() plt.close(dum_fig) for j, savefolder in enumerate(savefolders): ax = axes[j] if i == 1: plot_signal_sum(ax, params, os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], savefolder, file_name), unit=units[i], T=T, color='k', # color='k' if else colors[j], vlimround=vlim_LFP, rasterized=False) elif i == 0: im = plot_signal_sum_colorplot(ax, params, os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], savefolder, file_name), unit=r'($\mu$Amm$^{-3}$)', T=T, ylabels=True, colorbar=False, fancy=False, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray', 21) if else plt.get_cmap('bwr_r', 21), absmax=vlim_CSD, rasterized=False) ax.axis((T[0], T[1], -1550, 50)) ax.set_title(panel_titles[j], va='baseline') if i == 0: phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=1, nrows=1, letter=panel_labels[j]) if j != 0: ax.set_yticklabels([]) if i == 0:#and j == 2: cb = phlp.colorbar(fig, ax, im, width=0.05, height=0.5, hoffset=-0.05, voffset=0.5) cb.set_label('($\mu$Amm$^{-3}$)', labelpad=0.) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(3)) if show_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel(r'$t$ (ms)', labelpad=0.) else: ax.set_xlabel('') #power in CSD ax = axes[3] datas = [] for j, savefolder in enumerate(savefolders): f = h5py.File(os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], savefolder, 'CSDsum.h5')) var = f['data'][()][:, transient:].var(axis=1) ax.semilogx(var, depth, color=colors[j], label=labels[j], lw=lws[j], clip_on=False) datas.append(f['data'][()][:, transient:]) f.close() #control variances vardiff = datas[0].var(axis=1) + datas[1].var(axis=1) + np.array([2*np.cov(x,y)[0,1] for (x,y) in zip(datas[0], datas[1])]) - datas[2].var(axis=1) #ax.semilogx(abs(vardiff), depth, color='gray', lw=1, label='control') ax.axis(ax.axis('tight')) ax.set_ylim(-1550, 50) ax.set_yticks(-np.arange(16)*100) if show_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel(r'$\sigma^2$ ($(\mu$Amm$^{-3})^2$)', labelpad=0.) ax.set_title(panel_titles[3], va='baseline') phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=1, nrows=1, letter=panel_labels[3]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) #power in LFP ax = axes[4] datas = [] for j, savefolder in enumerate(savefolders): f = h5py.File(os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5')) var = f['data'][()][:, transient:].var(axis=1) ax.semilogx(var, depth, color=colors[j], label=labels[j], lw=lws[j], clip_on=False) datas.append(f['data'][()][:, transient:]) f.close() #control variances vardiff = datas[0].var(axis=1) + datas[1].var(axis=1) + np.array([2*np.cov(x,y)[0,1] for (x,y) in zip(datas[0], datas[1])]) - datas[2].var(axis=1) ax.axis(ax.axis('tight')) ax.set_ylim(-1550, 50) ax.set_yticks(-np.arange(16)*100) if show_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel(r'$\sigma^2$ (mV$^2$)', labelpad=0.) ax.set_title(panel_titles[4], va='baseline') phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=1, nrows=1, letter=panel_labels[4]) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 1.0), frameon=False) ax.set_yticklabels([])
def plot_multi_scale_output_b(fig, X='L5E'): '''docstring me''' show_ax_labels = True show_insets = False show_images = False T=[800, 1000] T_inset=[900, 920] left = 0.075 bottom = 0.05 top = 0.475 right = 0.95 axwidth = 0.16 numcols = 4 insetwidth = axwidth/2 insetheight = 0.5 lefts = np.linspace(left, right-axwidth, numcols) lefts += axwidth/2 #lower row of panels #fig = plt.figure() #fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, right=0.9, bottom=0.36, top=0.9, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.3) ############################################################################ # E part, soma locations ############################################################################ ax4 = fig.add_axes([lefts[0], bottom, axwidth, top-bottom], frameon=False) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) ax4.xaxis.set_ticks([]) ax4.yaxis.set_ticks([]) if show_ax_labels: phlp.annotate_subplot(ax4, ncols=4, nrows=1, letter='E') plot_population(ax4, params, isometricangle=np.pi/24, rasterized=False) ############################################################################ # F part, CSD ############################################################################ ax5 = fig.add_axes([lefts[1], bottom, axwidth, top-bottom]) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax5) if show_ax_labels: phlp.annotate_subplot(ax5, ncols=4, nrows=1, letter='F') plot_signal_sum(ax5, params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'CSDsum.h5'), unit='$\mu$A mm$^{-3}$', T=T, ylim=[ax4.axis()[2], ax4.axis()[3]], rasterized=False) ax5.set_title('CSD', va='center') # Inset if show_insets: ax6 = fig.add_axes([lefts[1]+axwidth-insetwidth, top-insetheight, insetwidth, insetheight]) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax6) plot_signal_sum_colorplot(ax6, params, os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'CSDsum.h5'), unit=r'$\mu$Amm$^{-3}$', T=T_inset, ylim=[ax4.axis()[2], ax4.axis()[3]], fancy=False,colorbar=False,cmap='bwr_r') ax6.set_xticks(T_inset) ax6.set_yticklabels([]) #show traces superimposed on color image if show_images: plot_signal_sum_colorplot(ax5, params, os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'CSDsum.h5'), unit=r'$\mu$Amm$^{-3}$', T=T, ylim=[ax4.axis()[2], ax4.axis()[3]], fancy=False,colorbar=False,cmap='jet_r') ############################################################################ # G part, LFP ############################################################################ ax7 = fig.add_axes([lefts[2], bottom, axwidth, top-bottom]) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) if show_ax_labels: phlp.annotate_subplot(ax7, ncols=4, nrows=1, letter='G') phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax7) plot_signal_sum(ax7, params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), unit='mV', T=T, ylim=[ax4.axis()[2], ax4.axis()[3]], rasterized=False) ax7.set_title('LFP',va='center') # Inset if show_insets: ax8 = fig.add_axes([lefts[2]+axwidth-insetwidth, top-insetheight, insetwidth, insetheight]) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax8) plot_signal_sum_colorplot(ax8, params, os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), unit='mV', T=T_inset, ylim=[ax4.axis()[2], ax4.axis()[3]], fancy=False,colorbar=False,cmap='bwr_r') ax8.set_xticks(T_inset) ax8.set_yticklabels([]) #show traces superimposed on color image if show_images: plot_signal_sum_colorplot(ax7, params, os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), unit='mV', T=T, ylim=[ax4.axis()[2], ax4.axis()[3]], fancy=False,colorbar=False,cmap='bwr_r')
def plot_multi_scale_output_b(fig, X='L5E'): '''docstring me''' show_ax_labels = True show_insets = False show_images = False T = [800, 1000] T_inset = [900, 920] left = 0.075 bottom = 0.05 top = 0.475 right = 0.95 axwidth = 0.16 numcols = 4 insetwidth = axwidth / 2 insetheight = 0.5 lefts = np.linspace(left, right - axwidth, numcols) lefts += axwidth / 2 #lower row of panels #fig = plt.figure() #fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, right=0.9, bottom=0.36, top=0.9, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.3) ############################################################################ # E part, soma locations ############################################################################ ax4 = fig.add_axes([lefts[0], bottom, axwidth, top - bottom], frameon=False) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) ax4.xaxis.set_ticks([]) ax4.yaxis.set_ticks([]) if show_ax_labels: phlp.annotate_subplot(ax4, ncols=4, nrows=1, letter='E') plot_population(ax4, params, isometricangle=np.pi / 24, rasterized=False) ############################################################################ # F part, CSD ############################################################################ ax5 = fig.add_axes([lefts[1], bottom, axwidth, top - bottom]) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax5) if show_ax_labels: phlp.annotate_subplot(ax5, ncols=4, nrows=1, letter='F') plot_signal_sum(ax5, params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'CSDsum.h5'), unit='$\mu$A mm$^{-3}$', T=T, ylim=[ax4.axis()[2], ax4.axis()[3]], rasterized=False) ax5.set_title('CSD', va='center') # Inset if show_insets: ax6 = fig.add_axes([ lefts[1] + axwidth - insetwidth, top - insetheight, insetwidth, insetheight ]) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax6) plot_signal_sum_colorplot(ax6, params, os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'CSDsum.h5'), unit=r'$\mu$Amm$^{-3}$', T=T_inset, ylim=[ax4.axis()[2], ax4.axis()[3]], fancy=False, colorbar=False, cmap='bwr_r') ax6.set_xticks(T_inset) ax6.set_yticklabels([]) #show traces superimposed on color image if show_images: plot_signal_sum_colorplot(ax5, params, os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'CSDsum.h5'), unit=r'$\mu$Amm$^{-3}$', T=T, ylim=[ax4.axis()[2], ax4.axis()[3]], fancy=False, colorbar=False, cmap='jet_r') ############################################################################ # G part, LFP ############################################################################ ax7 = fig.add_axes([lefts[2], bottom, axwidth, top - bottom]) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) if show_ax_labels: phlp.annotate_subplot(ax7, ncols=4, nrows=1, letter='G') phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax7) plot_signal_sum(ax7, params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), unit='mV', T=T, ylim=[ax4.axis()[2], ax4.axis()[3]], rasterized=False) ax7.set_title('LFP', va='center') # Inset if show_insets: ax8 = fig.add_axes([ lefts[2] + axwidth - insetwidth, top - insetheight, insetwidth, insetheight ]) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax8) plot_signal_sum_colorplot(ax8, params, os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), unit='mV', T=T_inset, ylim=[ax4.axis()[2], ax4.axis()[3]], fancy=False, colorbar=False, cmap='bwr_r') ax8.set_xticks(T_inset) ax8.set_yticklabels([]) #show traces superimposed on color image if show_images: plot_signal_sum_colorplot(ax7, params, os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), unit='mV', T=T, ylim=[ax4.axis()[2], ax4.axis()[3]], fancy=False, colorbar=False, cmap='bwr_r')
############################################################################ # C part, CSD ############################################################################ ax5 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 2]) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax5) if show_ax_labels: phlp.annotate_subplot(ax5, ncols=1, nrows=1, letter='C', linear_offset=0.065) plot_signal_sum(ax5, params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'CSDsum.h5'), unit='$\mu$A mm$^{-3}$', T=T, ylim=[-1550, 50], rasterized=False) ax5.set_title('CSD') a = ax5.axis() ax5.vlines(x['TC'][0], a[2], a[3], 'k', lw=0.25) #show traces superimposed on color image if show_images: im = plot_signal_sum_colorplot( ax5, params, os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'CSDsum.h5'), unit=r'$\mu$Amm$^{-3}$', T=T,
def fig_network_input_structure(fig, params, bottom=0.1, top=0.9, transient=200, T=[800, 1000], Df= 0., mlab= True, NFFT=256, srate=1000, window=plt.mlab.window_hanning, noverlap=256*3/4, letters='abcde', flim=(4, 400), show_titles=True, show_xlabels=True, show_CSD=False): ''' This figure is the top part for plotting a comparison between the PD-model and the modified-PD model ''' #load spike as database networkSim = CachedNetwork(**params.networkSimParams) if networkSim.colors = phlp.get_colors(len(networkSim.X)) # ana_params.set_PLOS_2column_fig_style(ratio=ratio) # fig = plt.figure() # fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.06, right=0.94, bottom=0.09, top=0.92, wspace=0.5, hspace=0.2) #use gridspec to get nicely aligned subplots througout panel gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(5, 5, bottom=bottom, top=top) ############################################################################ # A part, full dot display ############################################################################ ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs1[:, 0]) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax0) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax0, ncols=5, nrows=1, letter=letters[0], linear_offset=0.065) x, y = networkSim.get_xy(T, fraction=1) networkSim.plot_raster(ax0, T, x, y, markersize=0.2, marker='_', alpha=1., legend=False, pop_names=True, rasterized=False) ax0.set_ylabel('population', labelpad=0.) ax0.set_xticks([800,900,1000]) if show_titles: ax0.set_title('spiking activity',va='center') if show_xlabels: ax0.set_xlabel(r'$t$ (ms)', labelpad=0.) else: ax0.set_xlabel('') ############################################################################ # B part, firing rate spectra ############################################################################ # Get the firing rate from Potjan Diesmann et al network activity #collect the spikes x is the times, y is the id of the cell. T_all=[transient, networkSim.simtime] bins = np.arange(transient, networkSim.simtime+1) x, y = networkSim.get_xy(T_all, fraction=1) # create invisible axes to position labels correctly ax_ = fig.add_subplot(gs1[:, 1]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax_, ncols=5, nrows=1, letter=letters[1], linear_offset=0.065) if show_titles: ax_.set_title('firing rate PSD', va='center') ax_.axis('off') colors = phlp.get_colors(len(params.Y))+['k'] COUNTER = 0 label_set = False t**s = ['L23E/I', 'L4E/I', 'L5E/I', 'L6E/I', 'TC'] if x['TC'].size > 0: TC = True else: TC = False BAxes = [] for i, X in enumerate(networkSim.X): if i % 2 == 0: ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs1[COUNTER, 1]) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax1) if x[X].size > 0: ax1.text(0.05, 0.85, t**s[COUNTER], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax1.transAxes) BAxes.append(ax1) #firing rate histogram hist = np.histogram(x[X], bins=bins)[0].astype(float) hist -= hist.mean() if mlab: Pxx, freqs=plt.mlab.psd(hist, NFFT=NFFT, Fs=srate, noverlap=noverlap, window=window) else: [freqs, Pxx] = hlp.powerspec([hist], tbin= 1., Df=Df, pointProcess=False) mask = np.where(freqs >= 0.) freqs = freqs[mask] Pxx = Pxx.flatten() Pxx = Pxx[mask] Pxx = Pxx/(T_all[1]-T_all[0])**2 if x[X].size > 0: ax1.loglog(freqs[1:], Pxx[1:], label=X, color=colors[i], clip_on=True) ax1.axis(ax1.axis('tight')) ax1.set_ylim([5E-4,5E2]) ax1.set_yticks([1E-3,1E-1,1E1]) if label_set == False: ax1.set_ylabel(r'(s$^{-2}$/Hz)', labelpad=0.) label_set = True if i > 1: ax1.set_yticklabels([]) if i >= 6 and not TC and show_xlabels or X == 'TC' and TC and show_xlabels: ax1.set_xlabel('$f$ (Hz)', labelpad=0.) if TC and i < 8 or not TC and i < 6: ax1.set_xticklabels([]) else: ax1.axis('off') ax1.set_xlim(flim) if i % 2 == 0: COUNTER += 1 ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.NullLocator()) ############################################################################ # c part, LFP traces and CSD color plots ############################################################################ ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs1[:, 2]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax2, ncols=5, nrows=1, letter=letters[2], linear_offset=0.065) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax2) plot_signal_sum(ax2, params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), unit='mV', T=T, ylim=[-1600, 40], rasterized=False) # CSD background colorplot if show_CSD: im = plot_signal_sum_colorplot(ax2, params, os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'CSDsum.h5'), unit=r'($\mu$Amm$^{-3}$)', T=[800, 1000], colorbar=False, ylim=[-1600, 40], fancy=False,'bwr_r', 21), rasterized=False) cb = phlp.colorbar(fig, ax2, im, width=0.05, height=0.4, hoffset=-0.05, voffset=0.3) cb.set_label('($\mu$Amm$^{-3}$)', labelpad=0.1) ax2.set_xticks([800,900,1000]) ax2.axis(ax2.axis('tight')) if show_titles: if show_CSD: ax2.set_title('LFP & CSD', va='center') else: ax2.set_title('LFP', va='center') if show_xlabels: ax2.set_xlabel(r'$t$ (ms)', labelpad=0.) else: ax2.set_xlabel('') ############################################################################ # d part, LFP power trace for each layer ############################################################################ freqs, PSD = calc_signal_power(params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), transient=transient, Df=Df, mlab=mlab, NFFT=NFFT, noverlap=noverlap, window=window) channels = [0, 3, 7, 11, 13] # create invisible axes to position labels correctly ax_ = fig.add_subplot(gs1[:, 3]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax_, ncols=5, nrows=1, letter=letters[3], linear_offset=0.065) if show_titles: ax_.set_title('LFP PSD',va='center') ax_.axis('off') for i, ch in enumerate(channels): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs1[i, 3]) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax) if i == 0: ax.set_ylabel('(mV$^2$/Hz)', labelpad=0) ax.loglog(freqs[1:],PSD[ch][1:], color='k') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') if i < 4: ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.text(0.75, 0.85,'ch. %i' %(channels[i]+1), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=6, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor', bottom='off') ax.axis(ax.axis('tight')) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.NullLocator()) ax.set_xlim(flim) ax.set_ylim(1E-7,2E-4) if i != 0 : ax.set_yticklabels([]) if show_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel('$f$ (Hz)', labelpad=0.) ############################################################################ # e part signal power ############################################################################ ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs1[:, 4]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax4, ncols=5, nrows=1, letter=letters[4], linear_offset=0.065) fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5') im = plot_signal_power_colorplot(ax4, params, fname=fname, transient=transient, Df=Df, mlab=mlab, NFFT=NFFT, window=window,'gray_r', 12), vmin=1E-7, vmax=1E-4) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax4) ax4.set_xlim(flim) cb = phlp.colorbar(fig, ax4, im, width=0.05, height=0.5, hoffset=-0.05, voffset=0.5) cb.set_label('(mV$^2$/Hz)', labelpad=0.1) if show_titles: ax4.set_title('LFP PSD', va='center') if show_xlabels: ax4.set_xlabel(r'$f$ (Hz)', labelpad=0.) else: ax4.set_xlabel('') return fig
def fig_network_input_structure(fig, params, bottom=0.1, top=0.9, transient=200, T=[800, 1000], Df=0., mlab=True, NFFT=256, srate=1000, window=plt.mlab.window_hanning, noverlap=256 * 3 / 4, letters='abcde', flim=(4, 400), show_titles=True, show_xlabels=True, show_CSD=False): ''' This figure is the top part for plotting a comparison between the PD-model and the modified-PD model ''' #load spike as database networkSim = CachedNetwork(**params.networkSimParams) if networkSim.colors = phlp.get_colors(len(networkSim.X)) # ana_params.set_PLOS_2column_fig_style(ratio=ratio) # fig = plt.figure() # fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.06, right=0.94, bottom=0.09, top=0.92, wspace=0.5, hspace=0.2) #use gridspec to get nicely aligned subplots througout panel gs1 = gridspec.GridSpec(5, 5, bottom=bottom, top=top) ############################################################################ # A part, full dot display ############################################################################ ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs1[:, 0]) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax0) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax0, ncols=5, nrows=1, letter=letters[0], linear_offset=0.065) x, y = networkSim.get_xy(T, fraction=1) networkSim.plot_raster(ax0, T, x, y, markersize=0.2, marker='_', alpha=1., legend=False, pop_names=True, rasterized=False) ax0.set_ylabel('population', labelpad=0.) ax0.set_xticks([800, 900, 1000]) if show_titles: ax0.set_title('spiking activity', va='center') if show_xlabels: ax0.set_xlabel(r'$t$ (ms)', labelpad=0.) else: ax0.set_xlabel('') ############################################################################ # B part, firing rate spectra ############################################################################ # Get the firing rate from Potjan Diesmann et al network activity #collect the spikes x is the times, y is the id of the cell. T_all = [transient, networkSim.simtime] bins = np.arange(transient, networkSim.simtime + 1) x, y = networkSim.get_xy(T_all, fraction=1) # create invisible axes to position labels correctly ax_ = fig.add_subplot(gs1[:, 1]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax_, ncols=5, nrows=1, letter=letters[1], linear_offset=0.065) if show_titles: ax_.set_title('firing rate PSD', va='center') ax_.axis('off') colors = phlp.get_colors(len(params.Y)) + ['k'] COUNTER = 0 label_set = False t**s = ['L23E/I', 'L4E/I', 'L5E/I', 'L6E/I', 'TC'] if x['TC'].size > 0: TC = True else: TC = False BAxes = [] for i, X in enumerate(networkSim.X): if i % 2 == 0: ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs1[COUNTER, 1]) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax1) if x[X].size > 0: ax1.text(0.05, 0.85, t**s[COUNTER], horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', transform=ax1.transAxes) BAxes.append(ax1) #firing rate histogram hist = np.histogram(x[X], bins=bins)[0].astype(float) hist -= hist.mean() if mlab: Pxx, freqs = plt.mlab.psd(hist, NFFT=NFFT, Fs=srate, noverlap=noverlap, window=window) else: [freqs, Pxx] = hlp.powerspec([hist], tbin=1., Df=Df, pointProcess=False) mask = np.where(freqs >= 0.) freqs = freqs[mask] Pxx = Pxx.flatten() Pxx = Pxx[mask] Pxx = Pxx / (T_all[1] - T_all[0])**2 if x[X].size > 0: ax1.loglog(freqs[1:], Pxx[1:], label=X, color=colors[i], clip_on=True) ax1.axis(ax1.axis('tight')) ax1.set_ylim([5E-4, 5E2]) ax1.set_yticks([1E-3, 1E-1, 1E1]) if label_set == False: ax1.set_ylabel(r'(s$^{-2}$/Hz)', labelpad=0.) label_set = True if i > 1: ax1.set_yticklabels([]) if i >= 6 and not TC and show_xlabels or X == 'TC' and TC and show_xlabels: ax1.set_xlabel('$f$ (Hz)', labelpad=0.) if TC and i < 8 or not TC and i < 6: ax1.set_xticklabels([]) else: ax1.axis('off') ax1.set_xlim(flim) if i % 2 == 0: COUNTER += 1 ax1.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.NullLocator()) ############################################################################ # c part, LFP traces and CSD color plots ############################################################################ ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs1[:, 2]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax2, ncols=5, nrows=1, letter=letters[2], linear_offset=0.065) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax2) plot_signal_sum(ax2, params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), unit='mV', T=T, ylim=[-1600, 40], rasterized=False) # CSD background colorplot if show_CSD: im = plot_signal_sum_colorplot(ax2, params, os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'CSDsum.h5'), unit=r'($\mu$Amm$^{-3}$)', T=[800, 1000], colorbar=False, ylim=[-1600, 40], fancy=False,'bwr_r', 21), rasterized=False) cb = phlp.colorbar(fig, ax2, im, width=0.05, height=0.4, hoffset=-0.05, voffset=0.3) cb.set_label('($\mu$Amm$^{-3}$)', labelpad=0.1) ax2.set_xticks([800, 900, 1000]) ax2.axis(ax2.axis('tight')) if show_titles: if show_CSD: ax2.set_title('LFP & CSD', va='center') else: ax2.set_title('LFP', va='center') if show_xlabels: ax2.set_xlabel(r'$t$ (ms)', labelpad=0.) else: ax2.set_xlabel('') ############################################################################ # d part, LFP power trace for each layer ############################################################################ freqs, PSD = calc_signal_power(params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), transient=transient, Df=Df, mlab=mlab, NFFT=NFFT, noverlap=noverlap, window=window) channels = [0, 3, 7, 11, 13] # create invisible axes to position labels correctly ax_ = fig.add_subplot(gs1[:, 3]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax_, ncols=5, nrows=1, letter=letters[3], linear_offset=0.065) if show_titles: ax_.set_title('LFP PSD', va='center') ax_.axis('off') for i, ch in enumerate(channels): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs1[i, 3]) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax) if i == 0: ax.set_ylabel('(mV$^2$/Hz)', labelpad=0) ax.loglog(freqs[1:], PSD[ch][1:], color='k') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') if i < 4: ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.text(0.75, 0.85, 'ch. %i' % (channels[i] + 1), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='bottom', fontsize=6, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor', bottom='off') ax.axis(ax.axis('tight')) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.NullLocator()) ax.set_xlim(flim) ax.set_ylim(1E-7, 2E-4) if i != 0: ax.set_yticklabels([]) if show_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel('$f$ (Hz)', labelpad=0.) ############################################################################ # e part signal power ############################################################################ ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs1[:, 4]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax4, ncols=5, nrows=1, letter=letters[4], linear_offset=0.065) fname = os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5') im = plot_signal_power_colorplot(ax4, params, fname=fname, transient=transient, Df=Df, mlab=mlab, NFFT=NFFT, window=window,'gray_r', 12), vmin=1E-7, vmax=1E-4) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax4) ax4.set_xlim(flim) cb = phlp.colorbar(fig, ax4, im, width=0.05, height=0.5, hoffset=-0.05, voffset=0.5) cb.set_label('(mV$^2$/Hz)', labelpad=0.1) if show_titles: ax4.set_title('LFP PSD', va='center') if show_xlabels: ax4.set_xlabel(r'$f$ (Hz)', labelpad=0.) else: ax4.set_xlabel('') return fig
def fig_kernel_lfp(savefolders, params, transient=200, T=[800., 1000.], X='L5E', lags=[20, 20], channels=[0,3,7,11,13]): ''' This function calculates the STA of LFP, extracts kernels and recontructs the LFP from kernels. Arguments :: transient : the time in milliseconds, after which the analysis should begin so as to avoid any starting transients X : id of presynaptic trigger population ''' # Electrode geometry zvec = np.r_[params.electrodeParams['z']] alphabet = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ana_params.set_PLOS_2column_fig_style(ratio=1) # Start the figure fig = plt.figure() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.06, right=0.95, bottom=0.05, top=0.95, hspace=0.23, wspace=0.55) # create grid_spec gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2*len(channels)+1, 7) ########################################################################### # spikegen "network" activity ############################################################################ # path to simulation files params.savefolder = os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], 'simulation_output_spikegen') params.figures_path = os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'figures') params.spike_output_path = os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'processed_nest_output') params.networkSimParams['spike_output_path'] = params.spike_output_path # Get the spikegen LFP: f = h5py.File(os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5')) srate = f['srate'].value tvec = np.arange(f['data'].shape[1]) * 1000. / srate # slice inds = (tvec < params.tstop) & (tvec >= transient) data_sg_raw = f['data'].value.astype(float) data_sg = data_sg_raw[:, inds] f.close() # kernel width kwidth = 20 # create some dummy spike times activationtimes = np.array([x*100 for x in range(3,11)] + [200]) networkSimSpikegen = CachedNetwork(**params.networkSimParams) x, y = networkSimSpikegen.get_xy([transient, params.tstop]) ########################################################################### # Part A: spatiotemporal kernels, all presynaptic populations ############################################################################ titles = ['TC', 'L23E/I', 'LFP kernels \n L4E/I', 'L5E/I', 'L6E/I', ] COUNTER = 0 for i, X__ in enumerate(([['TC']]) + zip(params.X[1::2], params.X[2::2])): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:len(channels), i]) if i == 0: phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=7, nrows=4, letter=alphabet[0], linear_offset=0.02) for j, X_ in enumerate(X__): # create spikegen histogram for population Y cinds = np.arange(activationtimes[np.arange(-1, 8)][COUNTER]-kwidth, activationtimes[np.arange(-1, 8)][COUNTER]+kwidth+2) x0_sg = np.histogram(x[X_], bins=cinds)[0].astype(float) if X_ == ('TC'): color='k' if else analysis_params.colorE # lw = plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] # zorder=1 else: color=('k' if else analysis_params.colorE, 'gray' if else analysis_params.colorI)[j] lw = 0.75 if color in ['gray', 'r', 'b'] else plt.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] zorder = 0 if 'I' in X_ else 1 # plot kernel as correlation of spikegen LFP signal with delta spike train xcorr, vlimround = plotting_correlation(params, x0_sg/x0_sg.sum()**2, data_sg_raw[:, cinds[:-1]]*1E3, ax, normalize=False, lag=kwidth, color=color, scalebar=False, lw=lw, zorder=zorder) if i > 0: ax.set_yticklabels([]) ## Create scale bar ax.plot([kwidth, kwidth], [-1500 + j*3*100, -1400 + j*3*100], lw=2, color=color, clip_on=False) ax.text(kwidth*1.08, -1450 + j*3*100, '%.1f $\mu$V' % vlimround, rotation='vertical', va='center') ax.set_xlim((-5, kwidth)) ax.set_xticks([-20, 0, 20]) ax.set_xticklabels([-20, 0, 20]) COUNTER += 1 ax.set_title(titles[i]) ################################################ # Iterate over savefolders ################################################ for i, (savefolder, lag) in enumerate(zip(savefolders, lags)): # path to simulation files params.savefolder = os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], savefolder) params.figures_path = os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'figures') params.spike_output_path = os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'processed_nest_output') params.networkSimParams['spike_output_path'] = params.spike_output_path #load spike as database inside function to avoid buggy behaviour networkSim = CachedNetwork(**params.networkSimParams) # Get the Compound LFP: LFPsum : data[nchannels, timepoints ] f = h5py.File(os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5')) data_raw = f['data'].value srate = f['srate'].value tvec = np.arange(data_raw.shape[1]) * 1000. / srate # slice inds = (tvec < params.tstop) & (tvec >= transient) data = data_raw[:, inds] # subtract mean dataT = data.T - data.mean(axis=1) data = dataT.T f.close() # Get the spikegen LFP: f = h5py.File(os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], 'simulation_output_spikegen', 'LFPsum.h5')) data_sg_raw = f['data'].value f.close() ######################################################################## # Part B: STA LFP ######################################################################## titles = ['stLFP(%s)\n(spont.)' % X, 'stLFP(%s)\n(AC. mod.)' % X] ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:len(channels), 5 + i]) if i == 0: phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=15, nrows=4, letter=alphabet[i+1], linear_offset=0.02) #collect the spikes x is the times, y is the id of the cell. x, y = networkSim.get_xy([0,params.tstop]) # Get the spikes for the population of interest given as 'Y' bins = np.arange(0, params.tstop+2) + 0.5 x0_raw = np.histogram(x[X], bins=bins)[0] x0 = x0_raw[inds].astype(float) # correlation between firing rate and LFP deviation # from mean normalized by the number of spikes xcorr, vlimround = plotting_correlation(params, x0/x0.sum(), data*1E3, ax, normalize=False, #unit='%.3f mV', lag=lag, scalebar=False, color='k', title=titles[i], ) # Create scale bar ax.plot([lag, lag], [-1500, -1400], lw=2, color='k', clip_on=False) ax.text(lag*1.08, -1450, '%.1f $\mu$V' % vlimround, rotation='vertical', va='center') [Xind] = np.where(np.array(networkSim.X) == X)[0] # create spikegen histogram for population Y x0_sg = np.zeros(x0.shape, dtype=float) x0_sg[activationtimes[Xind]] += params.N_X[Xind] ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_xticks([-lag, 0, lag]) ax.set_xticklabels([-lag, 0, lag]) ########################################################################### # Part C, F: LFP and reconstructed LFP ############################################################################ # create grid_spec gsb = gridspec.GridSpec(2*len(channels)+1, 8) ax = fig.add_subplot(gsb[1+len(channels):, (i*4):(i*4+2)]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=8/2., nrows=4, letter=alphabet[i*3+2], linear_offset=0.02) # extract kernels, force negative lags to be zero kernels = np.zeros((len(params.N_X), 16, kwidth*2)) for j in range(len(params.X)): kernels[j, :, kwidth:] = data_sg_raw[:, (j+2)*100:kwidth+(j+2)*100]/params.N_X[j] LFP_reconst_raw = np.zeros(data_raw.shape) for j, pop in enumerate(params.X): x0_raw = np.histogram(x[pop], bins=bins)[0].astype(float) for ch in range(kernels.shape[1]): LFP_reconst_raw[ch] += np.convolve(x0_raw, kernels[j, ch], 'same') # slice LFP_reconst = LFP_reconst_raw[:, inds] # subtract mean LFP_reconstT = LFP_reconst.T - LFP_reconst.mean(axis=1) LFP_reconst = LFP_reconstT.T vlimround = plot_signal_sum(ax, params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), unit='mV', scalebar=True, T=T, ylim=[-1550, 50], color='k', label='$real$', rasterized=False, zorder=1) plot_signal_sum(ax, params, fname=LFP_reconst_raw, unit='mV', scaling_factor= 1., scalebar=False, vlimround=vlimround, T=T, ylim=[-1550, 50], color='gray' if else analysis_params.colorP, label='$reconstr$', rasterized=False, lw=1, zorder=0) ax.set_title('LFP & population \n rate predictor') if i > 0: ax.set_yticklabels([]) ########################################################################### # Part D,G: Correlation coefficient ############################################################################ ax = fig.add_subplot(gsb[1+len(channels):, i*4+2:i*4+3]) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=8./1, nrows=4, letter=alphabet[i*3+3], linear_offset=0.02) cc = np.zeros(len(zvec)) for ch in np.arange(len(zvec)): cc[ch] = np.corrcoef(data[ch], LFP_reconst[ch])[1, 0] ax.barh(zvec, cc, height=80, align='center', color='0.5', linewidth=0.5) # superimpose the chance level, obtained by mixing one input vector n times # while keeping the other fixed. We show boxes drawn left to right where # these denote mean +/- two standard deviations. N = 1000 method = 'randphase' #or 'permute' chance = np.zeros((cc.size, N)) for ch in np.arange(len(zvec)): x1 = LFP_reconst[ch] x1 -= x1.mean() if method == 'randphase': x0 = data[ch] x0 -= x0.mean() X00 = np.fft.fft(x0) for n in range(N): if method == 'permute': x0 = np.random.permutation(datas[ch]) elif method == 'randphase': X0 = np.copy(X00) #random phase information such that spectra is preserved theta = np.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi, size=X0.size // 2-1) #half-sided real and imaginary component real = abs(X0[1:X0.size // 2])*np.cos(theta) imag = abs(X0[1:X0.size // 2])*np.sin(theta) #account for the antisymmetric phase values X0.imag[1:imag.size+1] = imag X0.imag[imag.size+2:] = -imag[::-1] X0.real[1:real.size+1] = real X0.real[real.size+2:] = real[::-1] x0 = np.fft.ifft(X0).real chance[ch, n] = np.corrcoef(x0, x1)[1, 0] # p-values, compute the fraction of chance correlations > cc at each channel p = [] for h, x in enumerate(cc): p += [(chance[h, ] >= x).sum() / float(N)] print('p-values:', p) #compute the 99% percentile of the chance data right = np.percentile(chance, 99, axis=-1) ax.plot(right, zvec, ':', color='k', lw=1.) ax.set_ylim([-1550, 50]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_yticks(zvec) ax.set_xlim([0, 1.]) ax.set_xticks([0.0, 0.5, 1]) ax.yaxis.tick_left() ax.set_xlabel('$cc$ (-)', labelpad=0.1) ax.set_title('corr. \n coef.') print 'correlation coefficients:' print cc ########################################################################### # Part E,H: Power spectra ############################################################################ #compute PSDs ratio between ground truth and estimate freqs, PSD_data = calc_signal_power(params, fname=data, transient=transient, Df=None, mlab=True, NFFT=256, noverlap=128, window=plt.mlab.window_hanning) freqs, PSD_LFP_reconst = calc_signal_power(params, fname=LFP_reconst, transient=transient, Df=None, mlab=True, NFFT=256, noverlap=128, window=plt.mlab.window_hanning) zv = np.r_[params.electrodeParams['z']] zv = np.r_[zv, zv[-1] + np.diff(zv)[-1]] inds = freqs >= 1 # frequencies greater than 1 Hz for j, ch in enumerate(channels): ax = fig.add_subplot(gsb[1+len(channels)+j, (i*4+3):(i*4+4)]) if j == 0: phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=8./1, nrows=4.5*len(channels), letter=alphabet[i*3+4], linear_offset=0.02) ax.set_title('PSD') phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax) ax.loglog(freqs[inds], PSD_data[ch, inds], 'k', label='LFP', clip_on=True, zorder=1) ax.loglog(freqs[inds], PSD_LFP_reconst[ch, inds], 'gray' if else analysis_params.colorP, label='predictor', clip_on=True, lw=1, zorder=0) ax.set_xlim([4E0,4E2]) ax.set_ylim([1E-8, 1E-4]) ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', pad=0) ax.set_yticks([1E-8,1E-6,1E-4]) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.NullLocator()) ax.text(0.8, 0.9, 'ch. %i' % (ch+1), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=6, transform=ax.transAxes) if j == 0: ax.set_ylabel('(mV$^2$/Hz)', labelpad=0.) if j > 0: ax.set_yticklabels([]) if j == len(channels)-1: ax.set_xlabel(r'$f$ (Hz)', labelpad=0.) else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) return fig, PSD_LFP_reconst, PSD_data
def fig_lfp_decomposition(fig, axes, params, transient=200, X=['L23E', 'L6E'], show_xlabels=True): # ana_params.set_PLOS_2column_fig_style(ratio=0.5) # fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,5) # fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.06, right=0.96, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.2) if # linestyles = ['-', '-', '--', '--', '-.', '-.', ':', ':'] linestyles = ['-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-'] markerstyles = ['s', 's', 'v', 'v', 'o', 'o', '^', '^'] else: if plt.matplotlib.__version__ == '1.5.x': linestyles = ['-', ':']*(len(params.Y) / 2) print('CSD variance semi log plots may fail with matplotlib.__version__ {}'.format(plt.matplotlib.__version__)) else: linestyles = ['-', (0, (1,1))]*(len(params.Y) / 2) #cercor version # markerstyles = ['s', 's', 'v', 'v', 'o', 'o', '^', '^'] markerstyles = [None]*len(params.Y) linewidths = [1.25 for i in range(len(linestyles))] plt.delaxes(axes[0]) #population plot axes[0] = fig.add_subplot(261) axes[0].xaxis.set_ticks([]) axes[0].yaxis.set_ticks([]) axes[0].set_frame_on(False) plot_population(axes[0], params, aspect='tight', isometricangle=np.pi/32, plot_somas = False, plot_morphos = True, num_unitsE = 1, num_unitsI=1, clip_dendrites=False, main_pops=True, rasterized=False) phlp.annotate_subplot(axes[0], ncols=5, nrows=1, letter='A') axes[0].set_aspect('auto') axes[0].set_ylim(-1550, 50) axis = axes[0].axis() phlp.remove_axis_junk(axes[1]) plot_signal_sum(axes[1], params, fname=os.path.join(params.populations_path, X[0] + '_population_LFP.h5'), unit='mV', T=[800,1000], ylim=[axis[2], axis[3]], rasterized=False) # CSD background colorplot im = plot_signal_sum_colorplot(axes[1], params, os.path.join(params.populations_path, X[0] + '_population_CSD.h5'), unit=r'$\mu$Amm$^{-3}$', T=[800,1000], colorbar=False, ylim=[axis[2], axis[3]], fancy=False, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray', 21) if else plt.get_cmap('bwr_r', 21), rasterized=False) cb = phlp.colorbar(fig, axes[1], im, width=0.05, height=0.5, hoffset=-0.05, voffset=0.5) cb.set_label('($\mu$Amm$^{-3}$)', labelpad=0.) axes[1].set_ylim(-1550, 50) axes[1].set_title('LFP and CSD ({})'.format(X[0]), va='baseline') phlp.annotate_subplot(axes[1], ncols=3, nrows=1, letter='B') #quickfix on first axes axes[0].set_ylim(-1550, 50) if show_xlabels: axes[1].set_xlabel(r'$t$ (ms)',labelpad=0.) else: axes[1].set_xlabel('') phlp.remove_axis_junk(axes[2]) plot_signal_sum(axes[2], params, fname=os.path.join(params.populations_path, X[1] + '_population_LFP.h5'), ylabels=False, unit='mV', T=[800,1000], ylim=[axis[2], axis[3]], rasterized=False) # CSD background colorplot im = plot_signal_sum_colorplot(axes[2], params, os.path.join(params.populations_path, X[1] + '_population_CSD.h5'), unit=r'$\mu$Amm$^{-3}$', T=[800,1000], ylabels=False, colorbar=False, ylim=[axis[2], axis[3]], fancy=False, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray', 21) if else plt.get_cmap('bwr_r', 21), rasterized=False) cb = phlp.colorbar(fig, axes[2], im, width=0.05, height=0.5, hoffset=-0.05, voffset=0.5) cb.set_label('($\mu$Amm$^{-3}$)', labelpad=0.) axes[2].set_ylim(-1550, 50) axes[2].set_title('LFP and CSD ({})'.format(X[1]), va='baseline') phlp.annotate_subplot(axes[2], ncols=1, nrows=1, letter='C') if show_xlabels: axes[2].set_xlabel(r'$t$ (ms)',labelpad=0.) else: axes[2].set_xlabel('') plotPowers(axes[3], params, params.Y, 'CSD', linestyles=linestyles, transient=transient, markerstyles=markerstyles, linewidths=linewidths) axes[3].axis(axes[3].axis('tight')) axes[3].set_ylim(-1550, 50) axes[3].set_yticks(-np.arange(16)*100) if show_xlabels: axes[3].set_xlabel(r'$\sigma^2$ ($(\mu$Amm$^{-3})^2$)', va='center') axes[3].set_title('CSD variance', va='baseline') axes[3].set_xlim(left=1E-7) phlp.remove_axis_junk(axes[3]) phlp.annotate_subplot(axes[3], ncols=1, nrows=1, letter='D') plotPowers(axes[4], params, params.Y, 'LFP', linestyles=linestyles, transient=transient, markerstyles=markerstyles, linewidths=linewidths) axes[4].axis(axes[4].axis('tight')) axes[4].set_ylim(-1550, 50) axes[4].set_yticks(-np.arange(16)*100) if show_xlabels: axes[4].set_xlabel(r'$\sigma^2$ (mV$^2$)', va='center') axes[4].set_title('LFP variance', va='baseline') axes[4].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.37, 1.0), frameon=False) axes[4].set_xlim(left=1E-7) phlp.remove_axis_junk(axes[4]) phlp.annotate_subplot(axes[4], ncols=1, nrows=1, letter='E') return fig
def fig_intro(params, ana_params, T=[800, 1000], fraction=0.05, rasterized=False): '''set up plot for introduction''' ana_params.set_PLOS_2column_fig_style(ratio=0.5) #load spike as database networkSim = CachedNetwork(**params.networkSimParams) if networkSim.colors = phlp.get_colors(len(networkSim.X)) #set up figure and subplots fig = plt.figure() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 4) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, wspace=0.5, hspace=0.) #network diagram ax0_1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 0], frameon=False) ax0_1.set_title('point-neuron network', va='bottom') network_sketch(ax0_1, yscaling=1.3) ax0_1.xaxis.set_ticks([]) ax0_1.yaxis.set_ticks([]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax0_1, ncols=4, nrows=1, letter='A', linear_offset=0.065) #network raster ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 1], frameon=True) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax1) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax1, ncols=4, nrows=1, letter='B', linear_offset=0.065) x, y = networkSim.get_xy(T, fraction=fraction) # networkSim.plot_raster(ax1, T, x, y, markersize=0.1, alpha=1.,legend=False, pop_names=True) networkSim.plot_raster(ax1, T, x, y, markersize=0.2, marker='_', alpha=1., legend=False, pop_names=True, rasterized=rasterized) ax1.set_ylabel('') ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) ax1.set_title('spiking activity', va='bottom') a = ax1.axis() ax1.vlines(x['TC'][0], a[2], a[3], 'k', lw=0.25) #population ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 2], frameon=False) ax2.xaxis.set_ticks([]) ax2.yaxis.set_ticks([]) plot_population(ax2, params, isometricangle=np.pi / 24, plot_somas=False, plot_morphos=True, num_unitsE=1, num_unitsI=1, clip_dendrites=True, main_pops=True, title='', rasterized=rasterized) ax2.set_title('multicompartment\nneurons', va='bottom', fontweight='normal') phlp.annotate_subplot(ax2, ncols=4, nrows=1, letter='C', linear_offset=0.065) #LFP traces in all channels ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 3], frameon=True) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax3) plot_signal_sum(ax3, params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), unit='mV', vlimround=0.8, T=T, ylim=[ax2.axis()[2], ax2.axis()[3]], rasterized=False) ax3.set_title('LFP', va='bottom') ax3.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax3, ncols=4, nrows=1, letter='D', linear_offset=0.065) a = ax3.axis() ax3.vlines(x['TC'][0], a[2], a[3], 'k', lw=0.25) #draw some arrows: ax = plt.gca() ax.annotate( "", xy=(0.27, 0.5), xytext=(.24, 0.5), xycoords="figure fraction", arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', arrowstyle='simple'), ) ax.annotate( "", xy=(0.52, 0.5), xytext=(.49, 0.5), xycoords="figure fraction", arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', arrowstyle='simple'), ) ax.annotate( "", xy=(0.78, 0.5), xytext=(.75, 0.5), xycoords="figure fraction", arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', arrowstyle='simple'), ) return fig
def fig_lfp_scaling(fig, params, bottom=0.55, top=0.95, channels=[0,3,7,11,13], T=[800.,1000.], Df=None, mlab=True, NFFT=256, noverlap=128, window=plt.mlab.window_hanning, letters='ABCD', lag=20, show_titles=True, show_xlabels=True): fname_fullscale=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5') fname_downscaled=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'populations','subsamples', 'LFPsum_10_0.h5') # ana_params.set_PLOS_2column_fig_style(ratio=0.5) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(len(channels), 8, bottom=bottom, top=top) # fig = plt.figure() # fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.075, right=0.95, bottom=0.075, wspace=0.8, hspace=0.1) scaling_factor = np.sqrt(10) ################################## ### LFP traces ### ################################## ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, :3]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=8/3., nrows=1, letter=letters[0], linear_offset=0.065) plot_signal_sum(ax, params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), unit='mV', scaling_factor= 1., scalebar=True, vlimround=None, T=T, ylim=[-1600, 50] ,color='k',label='$\Phi$', rasterized=False, zorder=1,) plot_signal_sum(ax, params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'populations', 'subsamples', 'LFPsum_10_0.h5'), unit='mV', scaling_factor= scaling_factor,scalebar=False, vlimround=None, T=T, ylim=[-1600, 50], color='gray' if else analysis_params.colorP, label='$\hat{\Phi}^{\prime}$', rasterized=False, lw=1, zorder=0) if show_titles: ax.set_title('LFP & low-density predictor') if show_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel('$t$ (ms)', labelpad=0.) else: ax.set_xlabel('') ################################# ### Correlations ### ################################# ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 3]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=8, nrows=1, letter=letters[1], linear_offset=0.065) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax) datas = [] files = [os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'populations', 'subsamples', 'LFPsum_10_0.h5')] for fil in files: f = h5py.File(fil) datas.append(f['data'].value[:, 200:]) f.close() zvec = np.r_[params.electrodeParams['z']] cc = np.zeros(len(zvec)) for ch in np.arange(len(zvec)): x0 = datas[0][ch] x0 -= x0.mean() x1 = datas[1][ch] x1 -= x1.mean() cc[ch] = np.corrcoef(x0, x1)[1, 0] ax.barh(zvec, cc, height=80, align='center', color='0.5', linewidth=0.5) # superimpose the chance level, obtained by mixing one input vector N times # while keeping the other fixed. We show boxes drawn left to right where # these denote mean +/- two standard deviations. N = 1000 method = 'randphase' #or 'permute' chance = np.zeros((cc.size, N)) for ch in np.arange(len(zvec)): x1 = datas[1][ch] x1 -= x1.mean() if method == 'randphase': x0 = datas[0][ch] x0 -= x0.mean() X00 = np.fft.fft(x0) for n in range(N): if method == 'permute': x0 = np.random.permutation(datas[0][ch]) elif method == 'randphase': X0 = np.copy(X00) #random phase information such that spectra is preserved theta = np.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi, size=X0.size // 2) #half-sided real and imaginary component real = abs(X0[1:X0.size // 2 + 1])*np.cos(theta) imag = abs(X0[1:X0.size // 2 + 1])*np.sin(theta) #account for the antisymmetric phase values X0.imag[1:imag.size+1] = imag X0.imag[imag.size+1:] = -imag[::-1] X0.real[1:real.size+1] = real X0.real[real.size+1:] = real[::-1] x0 = np.fft.ifft(X0).real chance[ch, n] = np.corrcoef(x0, x1)[1, 0] # p-values, compute the fraction of chance correlations > cc at each channel p = [] for i, x in enumerate(cc): p += [(chance[i, ] >= x).sum() / float(N)] print('p-values:', p) #compute the 99% percentile of the chance data right = np.percentile(chance, 99, axis=-1) ax.plot(right, zvec, ':', color='k', lw=1.) ax.set_ylim([-1550, 50]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_yticks(zvec) ax.set_xlim([0., 1.]) ax.set_xticks([0.0, 0.5, 1]) ax.yaxis.tick_left() if show_titles: ax.set_title('corr.\ncoef.') if show_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel('$cc$ (-)', labelpad=0.) ################################## ### Single channel PSDs ### ################################## freqs, PSD_fullscale = calc_signal_power(params, fname=fname_fullscale, transient=200, Df=Df, mlab=mlab, NFFT=NFFT, noverlap=noverlap, window=window) freqs, PSD_downscaled = calc_signal_power(params, fname=fname_downscaled, transient=200, Df=Df, mlab=mlab, NFFT=NFFT, noverlap=noverlap, window=window) inds = freqs >= 1 # frequencies greater than 4 Hz for i, ch in enumerate(channels): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[i, 4:6]) if i == 0: phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=8/2., nrows=len(channels), letter=letters[2], linear_offset=0.065) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax) ax.loglog(freqs[inds],PSD_fullscale[ch][inds], color='k', label='$\gamma=1.0$', zorder=1,) ax.loglog(freqs[inds],PSD_downscaled[ch][inds]*scaling_factor**2, lw=1, color='gray' if else analysis_params.colorP, label='$\gamma=0.1, \zeta=\sqrt{10}$', zorder=0,) ax.loglog(freqs[inds],PSD_downscaled[ch][inds]*scaling_factor**4, lw=1, color='0.75', label='$\gamma=0.1, \zeta=10$', zorder=0) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax.text(0.8,0.9,'ch. %i' %(ch+1),horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=6, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.NullLocator()) if i < len(channels)-1: #ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.tick_params(axis='y',which='minor',bottom='off') ax.set_xlim([4E0,4E2]) ax.set_ylim([3E-8,1E-4]) if i == 0: ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', pad=0) ax.set_ylabel('(mV$^2$/Hz)', labelpad=0.) if show_titles: ax.set_title('power spectra') #ax.set_yticks([1E-9,1E-7,1E-5]) if i > 0: ax.set_yticklabels([]) if show_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel(r'$f$ (Hz)', labelpad=0.) ################################## ### PSD ratios ### ################################## ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 6:8]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=8./2, nrows=1, letter=letters[3], linear_offset=0.065) PSD_ratio = PSD_fullscale/(PSD_downscaled*scaling_factor**2) zvec = np.r_[params.electrodeParams['z']] zvec = np.r_[zvec, zvec[-1] + np.diff(zvec)[-1]] inds = freqs >= 1 # frequencies greater than 4 Hz im = ax.pcolormesh(freqs[inds], zvec+40, PSD_ratio[:, inds], rasterized=False, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray_r', 18) if else'Reds', 18), vmin=1E0,vmax=1.E1) ax.set_xlim([4E0,4E2]) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yticks(zvec) yticklabels = ['ch. %i' %i for i in np.arange(len(zvec))+1] ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels) plt.axis('tight') cb = phlp.colorbar(fig, ax, im, width=0.05, height=0.5, hoffset=-0.05, voffset=0.0) cb.set_label('(-)', labelpad=0.) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax) if show_titles: ax.set_title('power ratio') if show_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel(r'$f$ (Hz)', labelpad=0.) return fig
def fig_lfp_scaling(fig, params, bottom=0.55, top=0.95, channels=[0, 3, 7, 11, 13], T=[800., 1000.], Df=None, mlab=True, NFFT=256, noverlap=128, window=plt.mlab.window_hanning, letters='ABCD', lag=20, show_titles=True, show_xlabels=True): fname_fullscale = os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5') fname_downscaled = os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'populations', 'subsamples', 'LFPsum_10_0.h5') # ana_params.set_PLOS_2column_fig_style(ratio=0.5) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(len(channels), 8, bottom=bottom, top=top) # fig = plt.figure() # fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.075, right=0.95, bottom=0.075, wspace=0.8, hspace=0.1) scaling_factor = np.sqrt(10) ################################## ### LFP traces ### ################################## ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, :3]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=8 / 3., nrows=1, letter=letters[0], linear_offset=0.065) plot_signal_sum( ax, params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), unit='mV', scaling_factor=1., scalebar=True, vlimround=None, T=T, ylim=[-1600, 50], color='k', label='$\Phi$', rasterized=False, zorder=1, ) plot_signal_sum( ax, params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'populations', 'subsamples', 'LFPsum_10_0.h5'), unit='mV', scaling_factor=scaling_factor, scalebar=False, vlimround=None, T=T, ylim=[-1600, 50], color='gray' if else analysis_params.colorP, label='$\hat{\Phi}^{\prime}$', rasterized=False, lw=1, zorder=0) if show_titles: ax.set_title('LFP & low-density predictor') if show_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel('$t$ (ms)', labelpad=0.) else: ax.set_xlabel('') ################################# ### Correlations ### ################################# ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 3]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=8, nrows=1, letter=letters[1], linear_offset=0.065) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax) datas = [] files = [ os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'populations', 'subsamples', 'LFPsum_10_0.h5') ] for fil in files: f = h5py.File(fil) datas.append(f['data'][()][:, 200:]) f.close() zvec = np.r_[params.electrodeParams['z']] cc = np.zeros(len(zvec)) for ch in np.arange(len(zvec)): x0 = datas[0][ch] x0 -= x0.mean() x1 = datas[1][ch] x1 -= x1.mean() cc[ch] = np.corrcoef(x0, x1)[1, 0] ax.barh(zvec, cc, height=80, align='center', color='0.5', linewidth=0.5) # superimpose the chance level, obtained by mixing one input vector N times # while keeping the other fixed. We show boxes drawn left to right where # these denote mean +/- two standard deviations. N = 1000 method = 'randphase' #or 'permute' chance = np.zeros((cc.size, N)) for ch in np.arange(len(zvec)): x1 = datas[1][ch] x1 -= x1.mean() if method == 'randphase': x0 = datas[0][ch] x0 -= x0.mean() X00 = np.fft.fft(x0) for n in range(N): if method == 'permute': x0 = np.random.permutation(datas[0][ch]) elif method == 'randphase': X0 = np.copy(X00) #random phase information such that spectra is preserved theta = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi, size=X0.size // 2) #half-sided real and imaginary component real = abs(X0[1:X0.size // 2 + 1]) * np.cos(theta) imag = abs(X0[1:X0.size // 2 + 1]) * np.sin(theta) #account for the antisymmetric phase values X0.imag[1:imag.size + 1] = imag X0.imag[imag.size + 1:] = -imag[::-1] X0.real[1:real.size + 1] = real X0.real[real.size + 1:] = real[::-1] x0 = np.fft.ifft(X0).real chance[ch, n] = np.corrcoef(x0, x1)[1, 0] # p-values, compute the fraction of chance correlations > cc at each channel p = [] for i, x in enumerate(cc): p += [(chance[i, ] >= x).sum() / float(N)] print('p-values:', p) #compute the 99% percentile of the chance data right = np.percentile(chance, 99, axis=-1) ax.plot(right, zvec, ':', color='k', lw=1.) ax.set_ylim([-1550, 50]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_yticks(zvec) ax.set_xlim([0., 1.]) ax.set_xticks([0.0, 0.5, 1]) ax.yaxis.tick_left() if show_titles: ax.set_title('corr.\ncoef.') if show_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel('$cc$ (-)', labelpad=0.) ################################## ### Single channel PSDs ### ################################## freqs, PSD_fullscale = calc_signal_power(params, fname=fname_fullscale, transient=200, Df=Df, mlab=mlab, NFFT=NFFT, noverlap=noverlap, window=window) freqs, PSD_downscaled = calc_signal_power(params, fname=fname_downscaled, transient=200, Df=Df, mlab=mlab, NFFT=NFFT, noverlap=noverlap, window=window) inds = freqs >= 1 # frequencies greater than 4 Hz for i, ch in enumerate(channels): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[i, 4:6]) if i == 0: phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=8 / 2., nrows=len(channels), letter=letters[2], linear_offset=0.065) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax) ax.loglog( freqs[inds], PSD_fullscale[ch][inds], color='k', label='$\gamma=1.0$', zorder=1, ) ax.loglog( freqs[inds], PSD_downscaled[ch][inds] * scaling_factor**2, lw=1, color='gray' if else analysis_params.colorP, label='$\gamma=0.1, \zeta=\sqrt{10}$', zorder=0, ) ax.loglog(freqs[inds], PSD_downscaled[ch][inds] * scaling_factor**4, lw=1, color='0.75', label='$\gamma=0.1, \zeta=10$', zorder=0) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax.text(0.8, 0.9, 'ch. %i' % (ch + 1), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=6, transform=ax.transAxes) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.NullLocator()) if i < len(channels) - 1: #ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor', bottom='off') ax.set_xlim([4E0, 4E2]) ax.set_ylim([3E-8, 1E-4]) if i == 0: ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', pad=0) ax.set_ylabel('(mV$^2$/Hz)', labelpad=0.) if show_titles: ax.set_title('power spectra') #ax.set_yticks([1E-9,1E-7,1E-5]) if i > 0: ax.set_yticklabels([]) if show_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel(r'$f$ (Hz)', labelpad=0.) ################################## ### PSD ratios ### ################################## ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 6:8]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=8. / 2, nrows=1, letter=letters[3], linear_offset=0.065) PSD_ratio = PSD_fullscale / (PSD_downscaled * scaling_factor**2) zvec = np.r_[params.electrodeParams['z']] zvec = np.r_[zvec, zvec[-1] + np.diff(zvec)[-1]] inds = freqs >= 1 # frequencies greater than 4 Hz im = ax.pcolormesh(freqs[inds], zvec + 40, PSD_ratio[:, inds], rasterized=False, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray_r', 18) if else'Reds', 18), vmin=1E0, vmax=1.E1) ax.set_xlim([4E0, 4E2]) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yticks(zvec) yticklabels = ['ch. %i' % i for i in np.arange(len(zvec)) + 1] ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels) plt.axis('tight') cb = phlp.colorbar(fig, ax, im, width=0.05, height=0.5, hoffset=-0.05, voffset=0.0) cb.set_label('(-)', labelpad=0.) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax) if show_titles: ax.set_title('power ratio') if show_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel(r'$f$ (Hz)', labelpad=0.) return fig
def fig_intro(params, fraction=0.05, rasterized=False): '''set up plot for introduction''' plt.close("all") #load spike as database networkSim = CachedNetwork(**params.networkSimParams) # num_pops = 8 fig = plt.figure(figsize=[4.5, 3.5]) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.03, right=0.98, wspace=0.5, hspace=0.) ax_spikes = fig.add_axes([0.09, 0.4, 0.2, 0.55]) ax_morph = fig.add_axes([0.37, 0.3, 0.3, 0.75], frameon=False, aspect=1, xticks=[], yticks=[]) ax_lfp = fig.add_axes([0.73, 0.4, 0.23, 0.55], frameon=True) ax_4s = fig.add_axes([0.42, 0.05, 0.25, 0.2], frameon=False, aspect=1, title='head model', xticks=[], yticks=[]) ax_top_EEG = fig.add_axes([0.65, 0.02, 0.33, 0.32], frameon=False, xticks=[], yticks=[], ylim=[-0.5, .25]) dt = 1 t_idx = 875 T = [t_idx, t_idx + 75] fig.text(0.55, 0.97, "multicompartment neurons", fontsize=6, ha="center") ax_spikes.set_title("spiking activity", fontsize=6) ax_lfp.set_title("LFP", fontsize=6) #network raster ax_spikes.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax_spikes) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax_spikes, ncols=4, nrows=1, letter='A', linear_offset=0.045) x, y = networkSim.get_xy(T, fraction=fraction) networkSim.plot_raster(ax_spikes, T, x, y, markersize=0.2, marker='_', alpha=1., legend=False, pop_names=True, rasterized=rasterized) #population plot_population(ax_morph, params, isometricangle=np.pi / 24, plot_somas=False, plot_morphos=True, num_unitsE=1, num_unitsI=1, clip_dendrites=True, main_pops=True, title='', rasterized=rasterized) # ax_morph.set_title('multicompartment neurons', va='top') phlp.annotate_subplot(ax_morph, ncols=5, nrows=1, letter='B', linear_offset=0.005) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax_lfp) #ax_lfp.set_title('LFP', va='bottom') ax_lfp.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax_lfp, ncols=4, nrows=2, letter='C', linear_offset=0.025) #print(ax_morph.axis()) plot_signal_sum(ax_lfp, params, fname=join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), unit='mV', vlimround=0.8, T=T, ylim=[-1600, 100], rasterized=False) plot_cdms(fig, params, dt, T) plot_foursphere_to_ax(ax_4s) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax_4s, ncols=3, nrows=7, letter='E', linear_offset=0.05) # Plot EEG at top of head # ax_top_EEG.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax_top_EEG, ncols=1, nrows=1, letter='F', linear_offset=-0.08) # ax_top_EEG.set_ylabel("$\mu$V", labelpad=-3) summed_top_EEG = np.load(join(params.savefolder, "summed_EEG.npy")) simple_EEG_single_pop = np.load( join(params.savefolder, "simple_EEG_single_pop.npy")) simple_EEG_pops_with_pos = np.load( join(params.savefolder, "simple_EEG_pops_with_pos.npy")) tvec = np.arange(len(summed_top_EEG)) * dt # sub_pops = ["L5I", "L4I", "L6I", "L23I", "L5E", "L4E", "L6E", "L23E"] pops = np.unique(next(zip(*params.mapping_Yy))) colors = phlp.get_colors(np.unique(pops).size) for p_idx, pop in enumerate(pops): pop_eeg = np.load(join(params.savefolder, "EEG_{}.npy".format(pop))) pop_eeg -= np.average(pop_eeg) # pop_sum.append(pop_eeg) ax_top_EEG.plot(pop_eeg, c=colors[p_idx], lw=1) ax_top_EEG.plot([878, 878], [-0.1, -0.3], c='k', lw=1) ax_top_EEG.plot([878, 888], [-0.3, -0.3], c='k', lw=1) ax_top_EEG.text(879, -0.2, "0.2 $\mu$V", va="center") ax_top_EEG.text(885, -0.32, "10 ms", va="top", ha="center") y0 = summed_top_EEG - np.average(summed_top_EEG) y1 = simple_EEG_single_pop - np.average(simple_EEG_single_pop) y2 = simple_EEG_pops_with_pos - np.average(simple_EEG_pops_with_pos) l3, = ax_top_EEG.plot(tvec, y0 - y2, lw=1.5, c='orange', ls='-') l1, = ax_top_EEG.plot(tvec, y0, lw=1.5, c='k') l2, = ax_top_EEG.plot(tvec, y2, lw=1.5, c='r', ls='--') t0_plot_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(tvec - 875)) t1_plot_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(tvec - 950)) max_sig_idx = np.argmax(np.abs(y0[t0_plot_idx:])) + t0_plot_idx EEG_error_at_max_1 = np.abs(y0[max_sig_idx] - y1[max_sig_idx]) / np.abs( y0[max_sig_idx]) EEG_error_at_max_2 = np.abs(y0[max_sig_idx] - y2[max_sig_idx]) / np.abs( y0[max_sig_idx]) max_EEG_error_1 = np.max( np.abs(y0[t0_plot_idx:t1_plot_idx] - y1[t0_plot_idx:t1_plot_idx]) / np.max(np.abs(y0[t0_plot_idx:t1_plot_idx]))) max_EEG_error_2 = np.max( np.abs(y0[t0_plot_idx:t1_plot_idx] - y2[t0_plot_idx:t1_plot_idx]) / np.max(np.abs(y0[t0_plot_idx:t1_plot_idx]))) print( "Error with single pop at sig max (t={:1.3f} ms): {:1.4f}. Max relative error: {:1.4f}" .format(tvec[max_sig_idx], EEG_error_at_max_1, max_EEG_error_1)) print( "Error with multipop at sig max (t={:1.3f} ms): {:1.4f}. Max relative error: {:1.4f}" .format(tvec[max_sig_idx], EEG_error_at_max_2, max_EEG_error_2)) ax_top_EEG.legend([l1, l2, l3], ["full sum", "pop. dipole", "difference"], frameon=False, loc=(0.5, 0.1)) # phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax_top_EEG) ax_top_EEG.axvline(900, c='gray', ls='--') ax_lfp.axvline(900, c='gray', ls='--') ax_top_EEG.set_xlim(T) fig.savefig(join("..", "figures", 'Figure6.png'), dpi=300) fig.savefig(join("..", "figures", 'Figure6.pdf'), dpi=300)
ax3.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax3.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax3.set_xlabel(r'$t$ (ms)', labelpad=0.1) ############################################################################ # C part, CSD ############################################################################ ax5 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 2]) plt.locator_params(nbins=4) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax5) if show_ax_labels: phlp.annotate_subplot(ax5, ncols=1, nrows=1, letter='C', linear_offset=0.065) plot_signal_sum(ax5, params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'CSDsum.h5'), unit='$\mu$A mm$^{-3}$', T=T, ylim=[-1550, 50], rasterized=False) ax5.set_title('CSD') a = ax5.axis() ax5.vlines(x['TC'][0], a[2], a[3], 'k', lw=0.25) #show traces superimposed on color image if show_images: im = plot_signal_sum_colorplot(ax5, params, os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'CSDsum.h5'), unit=r'$\mu$Amm$^{-3}$', T=T, ylim=[-1550, 50], fancy=False, colorbar=False, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray', 21) if else plt.get_cmap('bwr_r', 21), rasterized=False)
def fig_exc_inh_contrib(fig, axes, params, savefolders, T=[800, 1000], transient=200, panel_labels = 'FGHIJ', show_xlabels=True): ''' plot time series LFPs and CSDs with signal variances as function of depth for the cases with all synapses intact, or knocking out excitatory input or inhibitory input to the postsynaptic target region args: :: fig : axes : savefolders : list of simulation output folders T : list of ints, first and last time sample transient : int, duration of transient period returns: :: matplotlib.figure.Figure object ''' # params = multicompartment_params() # ana_params = analysis_params.params() #file name types file_names = ['CSDsum.h5', 'LFPsum.h5'] #panel titles panel_titles = [ 'LFP&CSD\nexc. syn.', 'LFP&CSD\ninh. syn.', 'LFP&CSD\ncompound', 'CSD variance', 'LFP variance',] #labels labels = [ 'exc. syn.', 'inh. syn.', 'SUM'] #some colors for traces if colors = ['k', 'gray', 'k'] # lws = [0.75, 0.75, 1.5] lws = [1.25, 1.25, 1.25] else: colors = [analysis_params.colorE, analysis_params.colorI, 'k'] # colors = 'rbk' # lws = [0.75, 0.75, 1.5] lws = [1.25, 1.25, 1.25] #scalebar labels units = ['$\mu$A mm$^{-3}$', 'mV'] #depth of each contact site depth = params.electrodeParams['z'] # #set up figure # #figure aspect # ana_params.set_PLOS_2column_fig_style(ratio=0.5) # fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,5) # fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.06, right=0.96, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.2) #clean up for ax in axes.flatten(): phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax) for i, file_name in enumerate(file_names): #get the global data scaling bar range for use in latter plots #TODO: find nicer solution without creating figure dum_fig, dum_ax = plt.subplots(1) vlim_LFP = 0 vlim_CSD = 0 for savefolder in savefolders: vlimround0 = plot_signal_sum(dum_ax, params, os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], savefolder, file_name), rasterized=False) if vlimround0 > vlim_LFP: vlim_LFP = vlimround0 im = plot_signal_sum_colorplot(dum_ax, params, os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], savefolder, file_name), cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray', 21) if else plt.get_cmap('bwr_r', 21), rasterized=False) if abs(im.get_array()).max() > vlim_CSD: vlim_CSD = abs(im.get_array()).max() plt.close(dum_fig) for j, savefolder in enumerate(savefolders): ax = axes[j] if i == 1: plot_signal_sum(ax, params, os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], savefolder, file_name), unit=units[i], T=T, color='k', # color='k' if else colors[j], vlimround=vlim_LFP, rasterized=False) elif i == 0: im = plot_signal_sum_colorplot(ax, params, os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], savefolder, file_name), unit=r'($\mu$Amm$^{-3}$)', T=T, ylabels=True, colorbar=False, fancy=False, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray', 21) if else plt.get_cmap('bwr_r', 21), absmax=vlim_CSD, rasterized=False) ax.axis((T[0], T[1], -1550, 50)) ax.set_title(panel_titles[j], va='baseline') if i == 0: phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=1, nrows=1, letter=panel_labels[j]) if j != 0: ax.set_yticklabels([]) if i == 0:#and j == 2: cb = phlp.colorbar(fig, ax, im, width=0.05, height=0.5, hoffset=-0.05, voffset=0.5) cb.set_label('($\mu$Amm$^{-3}$)', labelpad=0.) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(3)) if show_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel(r'$t$ (ms)', labelpad=0.) else: ax.set_xlabel('') #power in CSD ax = axes[3] datas = [] for j, savefolder in enumerate(savefolders): f = h5py.File(os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], savefolder, 'CSDsum.h5')) var = f['data'].value[:, transient:].var(axis=1) ax.semilogx(var, depth, color=colors[j], label=labels[j], lw=lws[j], clip_on=False) datas.append(f['data'].value[:, transient:]) f.close() #control variances vardiff = datas[0].var(axis=1) + datas[1].var(axis=1) + np.array([2*np.cov(x,y)[0,1] for (x,y) in zip(datas[0], datas[1])]) - datas[2].var(axis=1) #ax.semilogx(abs(vardiff), depth, color='gray', lw=1, label='control') ax.axis(ax.axis('tight')) ax.set_ylim(-1550, 50) ax.set_yticks(-np.arange(16)*100) if show_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel(r'$\sigma^2$ ($(\mu$Amm$^{-3})^2$)', labelpad=0.) ax.set_title(panel_titles[3], va='baseline') phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=1, nrows=1, letter=panel_labels[3]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) #power in LFP ax = axes[4] datas = [] for j, savefolder in enumerate(savefolders): f = h5py.File(os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5')) var = f['data'].value[:, transient:].var(axis=1) ax.semilogx(var, depth, color=colors[j], label=labels[j], lw=lws[j], clip_on=False) datas.append(f['data'].value[:, transient:]) f.close() #control variances vardiff = datas[0].var(axis=1) + datas[1].var(axis=1) + np.array([2*np.cov(x,y)[0,1] for (x,y) in zip(datas[0], datas[1])]) - datas[2].var(axis=1) ax.axis(ax.axis('tight')) ax.set_ylim(-1550, 50) ax.set_yticks(-np.arange(16)*100) if show_xlabels: ax.set_xlabel(r'$\sigma^2$ (mV$^2$)', labelpad=0.) ax.set_title(panel_titles[4], va='baseline') phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=1, nrows=1, letter=panel_labels[4]) ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 1.0), frameon=False) ax.set_yticklabels([])
def fig_kernel_lfp_EITN_II(savefolders, params, transient=200, T=[800., 1000.], X='L5E', lags=[20, 20], channels=[0,3,7,11,13]): ''' This function calculates the STA of LFP, extracts kernels and recontructs the LFP from kernels. Arguments :: transient : the time in milliseconds, after which the analysis should begin so as to avoid any starting transients X : id of presynaptic trigger population ''' # Electrode geometry zvec = np.r_[params.electrodeParams['z']] alphabet = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ana_params.set_PLOS_2column_fig_style(ratio=0.5) # Start the figure fig = plt.figure() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.06, right=0.95, bottom=0.08, top=0.9, hspace=0.23, wspace=0.55) # create grid_spec gs = gridspec.GridSpec(len(channels), 7) ########################################################################### # spikegen "network" activity ############################################################################ # path to simulation files savefolder = 'simulation_output_spikegen' params.savefolder = os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], savefolder) params.figures_path = os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'figures') params.spike_output_path = os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'processed_nest_output') params.networkSimParams['spike_output_path'] = params.spike_output_path # Get the spikegen LFP: f = h5py.File(os.path.join('simulation_output_spikegen', 'LFPsum.h5')) srate = f['srate'].value tvec = np.arange(f['data'].shape[1]) * 1000. / srate # slice inds = (tvec < params.tstop) & (tvec >= transient) data_sg_raw = f['data'].value.astype(float) data_sg = data_sg_raw[:, inds] f.close() # kernel width kwidth = 20 # create some dummy spike times activationtimes = np.array([x*100 for x in range(3,11)] + [200]) networkSimSpikegen = CachedNetwork(**params.networkSimParams) x, y = networkSimSpikegen.get_xy([transient, params.tstop]) ############################################################################ ## Part A: spatiotemporal kernels, all presynaptic populations ############################################################################# # #titles = ['TC', # 'L23E/I', # 'LFP kernels \n L4E/I', # 'L5E/I', # 'L6E/I', # ] # #COUNTER = 0 #for i, X__ in enumerate(([['TC']]) + zip(params.X[1::2], params.X[2::2])): # ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:len(channels), i]) # if i == 0: # phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=7, nrows=4, letter=alphabet[0], linear_offset=0.02) # # for j, X_ in enumerate(X__): # # create spikegen histogram for population Y # cinds = np.arange(activationtimes[np.arange(-1, 8)][COUNTER]-kwidth, # activationtimes[np.arange(-1, 8)][COUNTER]+kwidth+2) # x0_sg = np.histogram(x[X_], bins=cinds)[0].astype(float) # # if X_ == ('TC'): # color='r' # else: # color=('r', 'b')[j] # # # # plot kernel as correlation of spikegen LFP signal with delta spike train # xcorr, vlimround = plotting_correlation(params, # x0_sg/x0_sg.sum()**2, # data_sg_raw[:, cinds[:-1]]*1E3, # ax, normalize=False, # lag=kwidth, # color=color, # scalebar=False) # if i > 0: # ax.set_yticklabels([]) # # ## Create scale bar # ax.plot([kwidth, kwidth], # [-1500 + j*3*100, -1400 + j*3*100], lw=2, color=color, # clip_on=False) # ax.text(kwidth*1.08, -1450 + j*3*100, '%.1f $\mu$V' % vlimround, # rotation='vertical', va='center') # # ax.set_xlim((-5, kwidth)) # ax.set_xticks([-20, 0, 20]) # ax.set_xticklabels([-20, 0, 20]) # # COUNTER += 1 # # ax.set_title(titles[i]) ################################################ # Iterate over savefolders ################################################ for i, (savefolder, lag) in enumerate(zip(savefolders, lags)): # path to simulation files params.savefolder = os.path.join(os.path.split(params.savefolder)[0], savefolder) params.figures_path = os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'figures') params.spike_output_path = os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'processed_nest_output') params.networkSimParams['spike_output_path'] = params.spike_output_path #load spike as database inside function to avoid buggy behaviour networkSim = CachedNetwork(**params.networkSimParams) # Get the Compound LFP: LFPsum : data[nchannels, timepoints ] f = h5py.File(os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5')) data_raw = f['data'].value srate = f['srate'].value tvec = np.arange(data_raw.shape[1]) * 1000. / srate # slice inds = (tvec < params.tstop) & (tvec >= transient) data = data_raw[:, inds] # subtract mean dataT = data.T - data.mean(axis=1) data = dataT.T f.close() # Get the spikegen LFP: f = h5py.File(os.path.join('simulation_output_spikegen', 'LFPsum.h5')) data_sg_raw = f['data'].value f.close() # # # # ######################################################################### ## Part B: STA LFP ######################################################################### # #titles = ['staLFP(%s)\n(spont.)' % X, 'staLFP(%s)\n(AC. mod.)' % X] #ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[:len(channels), 5 + i]) #if i == 0: # phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=15, nrows=4, letter=alphabet[i+1], # linear_offset=0.02) # #collect the spikes x is the times, y is the id of the cell. x, y = networkSim.get_xy([0,params.tstop]) # ## Get the spikes for the population of interest given as 'Y' bins = np.arange(0, params.tstop+2) + 0.5 x0_raw = np.histogram(x[X], bins=bins)[0] x0 = x0_raw[inds].astype(float) # ## correlation between firing rate and LFP deviation ## from mean normalized by the number of spikes #xcorr, vlimround = plotting_correlation(params, # x0/x0.sum(), # data*1E3, # ax, normalize=False, # #unit='%.3f mV', # lag=lag, # scalebar=False, # color='k', # title=titles[i], # ) # ## Create scale bar #ax.plot([lag, lag], # [-1500, -1400], lw=2, color='k', # clip_on=False) #ax.text(lag*1.08, -1450, '%.1f $\mu$V' % vlimround, # rotation='vertical', va='center') # # #[Xind] = np.where(np.array(networkSim.X) == X)[0] # ## create spikegen histogram for population Y #x0_sg = np.zeros(x0.shape, dtype=float) #x0_sg[activationtimes[Xind]] += params.N_X[Xind] # # #ax.set_yticklabels([]) #ax.set_xticks([-lag, 0, lag]) #ax.set_xticklabels([-lag, 0, lag]) ########################################################################### # Part C, F: LFP and reconstructed LFP ############################################################################ # create grid_spec gsb = gridspec.GridSpec(len(channels), 8) ax = fig.add_subplot(gsb[:, (i*4):(i*4+2)]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=8/2., nrows=4, letter=alphabet[i*3+2], linear_offset=0.02) # extract kernels, force negative lags to be zero kernels = np.zeros((len(params.N_X), 16, kwidth*2)) for j in range(len(params.X)): kernels[j, :, kwidth:] = data_sg_raw[:, (j+2)*100:kwidth+(j+2)*100]/params.N_X[j] LFP_reconst_raw = np.zeros(data_raw.shape) for j, pop in enumerate(params.X): x0_raw = np.histogram(x[pop], bins=bins)[0].astype(float) for ch in range(kernels.shape[1]): LFP_reconst_raw[ch] += np.convolve(x0_raw, kernels[j, ch], 'same') # slice LFP_reconst = LFP_reconst_raw[:, inds] # subtract mean LFP_reconstT = LFP_reconst.T - LFP_reconst.mean(axis=1) LFP_reconst = LFP_reconstT.T vlimround = plot_signal_sum(ax, params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), unit='mV', scalebar=True, T=T, ylim=[-1550, 50], color='k', label='$real$', rasterized=False) plot_signal_sum(ax, params, fname=LFP_reconst_raw, unit='mV', scaling_factor= 1., scalebar=False, vlimround=vlimround, T=T, ylim=[-1550, 50], color='r', label='$reconstr$', rasterized=False) ax.set_title('LFP & population \n rate predictor') if i > 0: ax.set_yticklabels([]) ########################################################################### # Part D,G: Correlation coefficient ############################################################################ ax = fig.add_subplot(gsb[:, i*4+2:i*4+3]) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=8./1, nrows=4, letter=alphabet[i*3+3], linear_offset=0.02) cc = np.zeros(len(zvec)) for ch in np.arange(len(zvec)): cc[ch] = np.corrcoef(data[ch], LFP_reconst[ch])[1, 0] ax.barh(zvec, cc, height=90, align='center', color='1', linewidth=0.5) ax.set_ylim([-1550, 50]) ax.set_yticklabels([]) ax.set_yticks(zvec) ax.set_xlim([0.0, 1.]) ax.set_xticks([0.0, 0.5, 1]) ax.yaxis.tick_left() ax.set_xlabel('$cc$ (-)', labelpad=0.1) ax.set_title('corr. \n coef.') print 'correlation coefficients:' print cc ########################################################################### # Part E,H: Power spectra ############################################################################ #compute PSDs ratio between ground truth and estimate freqs, PSD_data = calc_signal_power(params, fname=data, transient=transient, Df=None, mlab=True, NFFT=256, noverlap=128, window=plt.mlab.window_hanning) freqs, PSD_LFP_reconst = calc_signal_power(params, fname=LFP_reconst, transient=transient, Df=None, mlab=True, NFFT=256, noverlap=128, window=plt.mlab.window_hanning) zv = np.r_[params.electrodeParams['z']] zv = np.r_[zv, zv[-1] + np.diff(zv)[-1]] inds = freqs >= 1 # frequencies greater than 1 Hz for j, ch in enumerate(channels): ax = fig.add_subplot(gsb[j, (i*4+3):(i*4+4)]) if j == 0: phlp.annotate_subplot(ax, ncols=8./1, nrows=4.5*len(channels), letter=alphabet[i*3+4], linear_offset=0.02) ax.set_title('PSD') phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax) ax.loglog(freqs[inds], PSD_data[ch, inds], 'k', label='LFP', clip_on=True) ax.loglog(freqs[inds], PSD_LFP_reconst[ch, inds], 'r', label='predictor', clip_on=True) ax.set_xlim([4E0,4E2]) ax.set_ylim([1E-8, 1E-4]) ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', pad=0) ax.set_yticks([1E-8,1E-6,1E-4]) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.NullLocator()) ax.text(0.8, 0.9, 'ch. %i' % (ch+1), horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=6, transform=ax.transAxes) if j == 0: ax.set_ylabel('(mV$^2$/Hz)', labelpad=0.) if j > 0: ax.set_yticklabels([]) if j == len(channels)-1: ax.set_xlabel(r'$f$ (Hz)', labelpad=0.) else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) return fig, PSD_LFP_reconst, PSD_data
def fig_lfp_decomposition(fig, axes, params, transient=200, X=['L23E', 'L6E'], show_xlabels=True): # ana_params.set_PLOS_2column_fig_style(ratio=0.5) # fig, axes = plt.subplots(1,5) # fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.06, right=0.96, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.2) if # linestyles = ['-', '-', '--', '--', '-.', '-.', ':', ':'] linestyles = ['-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-'] markerstyles = ['s', 's', 'v', 'v', 'o', 'o', '^', '^'] else: if plt.matplotlib.__version__ == '1.5.x': linestyles = ['-', ':'] * (len(params.Y) / 2) print( 'CSD variance semi log plots may fail with matplotlib.__version__ {}' .format(plt.matplotlib.__version__)) else: linestyles = ['-', (0, (1, 1))] * (len(params.Y) / 2) #cercor version # markerstyles = ['s', 's', 'v', 'v', 'o', 'o', '^', '^'] markerstyles = [None] * len(params.Y) linewidths = [1.25 for i in range(len(linestyles))] plt.delaxes(axes[0]) #population plot axes[0] = fig.add_subplot(261) axes[0].xaxis.set_ticks([]) axes[0].yaxis.set_ticks([]) axes[0].set_frame_on(False) plot_population(axes[0], params, aspect='tight', isometricangle=np.pi / 32, plot_somas=False, plot_morphos=True, num_unitsE=1, num_unitsI=1, clip_dendrites=False, main_pops=True, rasterized=False) phlp.annotate_subplot(axes[0], ncols=5, nrows=1, letter='A') axes[0].set_aspect('auto') axes[0].set_ylim(-1550, 50) axis = axes[0].axis() phlp.remove_axis_junk(axes[1]) plot_signal_sum(axes[1], params, fname=os.path.join(params.populations_path, X[0] + '_population_LFP.h5'), unit='mV', T=[800, 1000], ylim=[axis[2], axis[3]], rasterized=False) # CSD background colorplot im = plot_signal_sum_colorplot( axes[1], params, os.path.join(params.populations_path, X[0] + '_population_CSD.h5'), unit=r'$\mu$Amm$^{-3}$', T=[800, 1000], colorbar=False, ylim=[axis[2], axis[3]], fancy=False, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray', 21) if else plt.get_cmap( 'bwr_r', 21), rasterized=False) cb = phlp.colorbar(fig, axes[1], im, width=0.05, height=0.5, hoffset=-0.05, voffset=0.5) cb.set_label('($\mu$Amm$^{-3}$)', labelpad=0.) axes[1].set_ylim(-1550, 50) axes[1].set_title('LFP and CSD ({})'.format(X[0]), va='baseline') phlp.annotate_subplot(axes[1], ncols=3, nrows=1, letter='B') #quickfix on first axes axes[0].set_ylim(-1550, 50) if show_xlabels: axes[1].set_xlabel(r'$t$ (ms)', labelpad=0.) else: axes[1].set_xlabel('') phlp.remove_axis_junk(axes[2]) plot_signal_sum(axes[2], params, fname=os.path.join(params.populations_path, X[1] + '_population_LFP.h5'), ylabels=False, unit='mV', T=[800, 1000], ylim=[axis[2], axis[3]], rasterized=False) # CSD background colorplot im = plot_signal_sum_colorplot( axes[2], params, os.path.join(params.populations_path, X[1] + '_population_CSD.h5'), unit=r'$\mu$Amm$^{-3}$', T=[800, 1000], ylabels=False, colorbar=False, ylim=[axis[2], axis[3]], fancy=False, cmap=plt.get_cmap('gray', 21) if else plt.get_cmap( 'bwr_r', 21), rasterized=False) cb = phlp.colorbar(fig, axes[2], im, width=0.05, height=0.5, hoffset=-0.05, voffset=0.5) cb.set_label('($\mu$Amm$^{-3}$)', labelpad=0.) axes[2].set_ylim(-1550, 50) axes[2].set_title('LFP and CSD ({})'.format(X[1]), va='baseline') phlp.annotate_subplot(axes[2], ncols=1, nrows=1, letter='C') if show_xlabels: axes[2].set_xlabel(r'$t$ (ms)', labelpad=0.) else: axes[2].set_xlabel('') plotPowers(axes[3], params, params.Y, 'CSD', linestyles=linestyles, transient=transient, markerstyles=markerstyles, linewidths=linewidths) axes[3].axis(axes[3].axis('tight')) axes[3].set_ylim(-1550, 50) axes[3].set_yticks(-np.arange(16) * 100) if show_xlabels: axes[3].set_xlabel(r'$\sigma^2$ ($(\mu$Amm$^{-3})^2$)', va='center') axes[3].set_title('CSD variance', va='baseline') axes[3].set_xlim(left=1E-7) phlp.remove_axis_junk(axes[3]) phlp.annotate_subplot(axes[3], ncols=1, nrows=1, letter='D') plotPowers(axes[4], params, params.Y, 'LFP', linestyles=linestyles, transient=transient, markerstyles=markerstyles, linewidths=linewidths) axes[4].axis(axes[4].axis('tight')) axes[4].set_ylim(-1550, 50) axes[4].set_yticks(-np.arange(16) * 100) if show_xlabels: axes[4].set_xlabel(r'$\sigma^2$ (mV$^2$)', va='center') axes[4].set_title('LFP variance', va='baseline') axes[4].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.37, 1.0), frameon=False) axes[4].set_xlim(left=1E-7) phlp.remove_axis_junk(axes[4]) phlp.annotate_subplot(axes[4], ncols=1, nrows=1, letter='E') return fig
def fig_intro(params, ana_params, T=[800, 1000], fraction=0.05, rasterized=False): '''set up plot for introduction''' ana_params.set_PLOS_2column_fig_style(ratio=0.5) #load spike as database networkSim = CachedNetwork(**params.networkSimParams) if networkSim.colors = phlp.get_colors(len(networkSim.X)) #set up figure and subplots fig = plt.figure() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 4) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.95, wspace=0.5, hspace=0.) #network diagram ax0_1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 0], frameon=False) ax0_1.set_title('point-neuron network', va='bottom') network_sketch(ax0_1, yscaling=1.3) ax0_1.xaxis.set_ticks([]) ax0_1.yaxis.set_ticks([]) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax0_1, ncols=4, nrows=1, letter='A', linear_offset=0.065) #network raster ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 1], frameon=True) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax1) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax1, ncols=4, nrows=1, letter='B', linear_offset=0.065) x, y = networkSim.get_xy(T, fraction=fraction) # networkSim.plot_raster(ax1, T, x, y, markersize=0.1, alpha=1.,legend=False, pop_names=True) networkSim.plot_raster(ax1, T, x, y, markersize=0.2, marker='_', alpha=1.,legend=False, pop_names=True, rasterized=rasterized) ax1.set_ylabel('') ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) ax1.set_title('spiking activity', va='bottom') a = ax1.axis() ax1.vlines(x['TC'][0], a[2], a[3], 'k', lw=0.25) #population ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 2], frameon=False) ax2.xaxis.set_ticks([]) ax2.yaxis.set_ticks([]) plot_population(ax2, params, isometricangle=np.pi/24, plot_somas=False, plot_morphos=True, num_unitsE=1, num_unitsI=1, clip_dendrites=True, main_pops=True, title='', rasterized=rasterized) ax2.set_title('multicompartment\nneurons', va='bottom', fontweight='normal') phlp.annotate_subplot(ax2, ncols=4, nrows=1, letter='C', linear_offset=0.065) #LFP traces in all channels ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 3], frameon=True) phlp.remove_axis_junk(ax3) plot_signal_sum(ax3, params, fname=os.path.join(params.savefolder, 'LFPsum.h5'), unit='mV', vlimround=0.8, T=T, ylim=[ax2.axis()[2], ax2.axis()[3]], rasterized=False) ax3.set_title('LFP', va='bottom') ax3.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(4)) phlp.annotate_subplot(ax3, ncols=4, nrows=1, letter='D', linear_offset=0.065) a = ax3.axis() ax3.vlines(x['TC'][0], a[2], a[3], 'k', lw=0.25) #draw some arrows: ax = plt.gca() ax.annotate("", xy=(0.27, 0.5), xytext=(.24, 0.5), xycoords="figure fraction", arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', arrowstyle='simple'), ) ax.annotate("", xy=(0.52, 0.5), xytext=(.49, 0.5), xycoords="figure fraction", arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', arrowstyle='simple'), ) ax.annotate("", xy=(0.78, 0.5), xytext=(.75, 0.5), xycoords="figure fraction", arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', arrowstyle='simple'), ) return fig