w = net_plotter.get_weights(net)  # initial parameters
    s = copy.deepcopy(net.state_dict())  # deepcopy since state_dict are references
    if args.ngpu > 1:
        # data parallel with multiple GPUs on a single node
        net = nn.DataParallel(net, device_ids=range(torch.cuda.device_count()))

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Setup the direction file and the surface file
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    dir_file = net_plotter.name_direction_file(args)  # name the direction file
    if rank == 0:
        net_plotter.setup_direction(args, dir_file, net)

    surf_file = name_surface_file(args, dir_file)
    if rank == 0:
        setup_surface_file(args, surf_file, dir_file)

    # wait until master has setup the direction file and surface file

    # load directions
    d = net_plotter.load_directions(dir_file)
    # calculate the consine similarity of the two directions
    if len(d) == 2 and rank == 0:
        similarity = proj.cal_angle(proj.nplist_to_tensor(d[0]), proj.nplist_to_tensor(d[1]))
        print('cosine similarity between x-axis and y-axis: %f' % similarity)

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Setup dataloader
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # download CIFAR10 if it does not exit
    w = net_plotter.get_weights(net) # initial parameters
    s = copy.deepcopy(net.state_dict()) # deepcopy since state_dict are references
    if args.ngpu > 1:
        # data parallel with multiple GPUs on a single node
        net = nn.DataParallel(net, device_ids=range(torch.cuda.device_count()))

    # Setup the direction file and the surface file
    dir_file = net_plotter.name_direction_file(args) # name the direction file
    if rank == 0:
        net_plotter.setup_direction(args, dir_file, net)

    surf_file = name_surface_file(args, dir_file)
    if rank == 0:
        setup_surface_file(args, surf_file, dir_file)

    # wait until master has setup the direction file and surface file

    # load directions
    d = net_plotter.load_directions(dir_file)
    # calculate the consine similarity of the two directions
    if len(d) == 2 and rank == 0:
        similarity = proj.cal_angle(proj.nplist_to_tensor(d[0]), proj.nplist_to_tensor(d[1]))
        print('cosine similarity between x-axis and y-axis: %f' % similarity)

    # Setup dataloader
    # download CIFAR10 if it does not exit