stimdur = expdata['stim_duration'] clusterids = plf.clusters_to_ids(clusters) index = [i for i, cl in enumerate(clusterids) if cl == clustertoplot][0] fr = expdata['all_frs'][index] t = expdata['t'] baselines = expdata['baselines'][index] plotind = [1, 3, 5, 7][i + 2 * j] ax = plt.subplot(4, 2, plotind) ax.plot(t, fr, 'k', linewidth=.5) plf.spineless(ax) if cond == 'M': plf.drawonoff(ax, preframedur, stimdur, h=.1) plf.subplottext(['A', 'B'][j], ax, x=-0.1) elif cond != 'M' and j == 0: scalebars.add_scalebar( ax, matchx=False, sizex=.5, labelx='500 ms', matchy=False, sizey=30, labely='30 Hz', # labely=fr'{dist_set} $\upmu$m', hidey=False, barwidth=1.2, loc='upper right', sep=2, pad=0)
groups = [] bins = np.arange(-.2, .35+0.05, 0.05) for i, color in enumerate(colorcategories): group = [index for index, c in enumerate(colors) if c == color] ax = axes[i] change = csichange[group] groups.append(group) changes.append(change) if i == 0: csichange_on = np.copy(change) elif i == 1: csichange_off = np.copy(change) ax.hist(change, color=color , bins=bins) ax.set_ylim([0, 10]) ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 8, 3)) ax.plot([0, 0], [0, 12], 'r--', alpha=.3) plf.subplottext(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'][i], ax, x=-.08) plf.spineless(ax) print(i, stats.wilcoxon(group)[1]) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.3) ax.set_xlabel(r'CSI$_{photopic}$ - CSI$_{mesopic}$') texplot.savefig('csihistogram_mp') manwhitu = stats.mannwhitneyu(csichange_on, csichange_off) print('Mann-Whitney U test for ON and OFF populations ' f'being different: {manwhitu[1]:5.4f}')
with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*divide by zero*.', RuntimeWarning) pars = gfit.gaussfit(fit_frame * onoroff) f = gfit.twodgaussian(pars) Z = f(X, Y) # Correcting for Mahalonobis dist. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*divide by zero*.', RuntimeWarning) Zm = np.log((Z - pars[0]) / pars[1]) Zm[np.isinf(Zm)] = np.nan Zm = np.sqrt(Zm * -2) ax = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plf.subplottext('A', ax, x=0, y=1.3) vmax = np.abs(fit_frame).max() vmin = -vmax im = plf.stashow(fit_frame, ax) ax.set_aspect('equal') plf.spineless(ax) ax.set_axis_off() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*invalid value encountered*.') ax.contour(Y, X, Zm, [inner_b, outer_b], cmap=plf.RFcolormap(('C0', 'C1')))
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*divide by zero*.', RuntimeWarning) pars = gfit.gaussfit(fit_frame*onoroff) f = gfit.twodgaussian(pars) Z = f(X, Y) # Correcting for Mahalonobis dist. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*divide by zero*.', RuntimeWarning) Zm = np.log((Z-pars[0])/pars[1]) Zm[np.isinf(Zm)] = np.nan Zm = np.sqrt(Zm*-2) ax1 = plt.subplot(rows, columns, 1) plf.subplottext('A', ax1) vmax = np.abs(fit_frame).max() vmin = -vmax im = plf.stashow(fit_frame, ax1) ax1.set_aspect('equal') plf.spineless(ax1) ax1.set_xticks([]) ax1.set_yticks([]) checkercolors = ['black', 'orange'] with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*invalid value encountered*.') ax1.contour(Y, X, Zm, [inner_b, outer_b], linewidths=.5,
fig = texplot.texfig(.85, aspect=1.85) ax = plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (0, 0), colspan=3, rowspan=2) # Create an array for all the colors to use with plt.legend() patches = [] for color, label in zip(colorcategories, colorlabels): patches.append(mpatches.Patch(color=color, label=label)) ax.legend(handles=patches, fontsize='xx-small') for group, color in zip(groups, colorcategories): ax.scatter(csichange[group], biaschange[group], c=color, **scatterkwargs) ax.axhline(0, **linekwargs) ax.axvline(0, **linekwargs) plf.subplottext('A', ax, x=-0.05) ax.set_xlabel(r'CSI$_{photopic}$ - CSI$_{mesopic}$') ax.set_ylabel(r'PI$_{photopic}$ - PI$_{mesopic}$') for i, (group, color) in enumerate(zip(groups, colorcategories)): ax = plt.subplot2grid((4, 3), (2 + int((np.round((i - 1) / 3))), i % 3)) ax.scatter(csichange, biaschange, c='grey') ax.scatter(csichange[group], biaschange[group], c=color, **scatterkwargs) ax.axhline(0, **linekwargs) ax.axvline(0, **linekwargs) plf.spineless(ax, 'tr') plf.subplottext(['B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'][i], ax, x=-.25) #axes[-1].set_axis_off() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.45, wspace=.45) #texplot.savefig('csichangevsbiaschange')
popt = all_parameters[index] cut_time = int(100/(frame_duration*1000)/2) # Changed width from 700 micrometer to 400 to zoom in on the # region of interest. This shifts where the fit is drawn, # it's fixed when plotting. fsize_original = int(700/(stx_w*px_size)) fsize = int(400/(stx_w*px_size)) fsize_diff = fsize_original - fsize t = np.arange(filter_length)*frame_duration*1000 vscale = fsize * stx_w*px_size sta, max_i = msc.cutstripe(sta, max_i, fsize*2) ax1 = axes[2*j] plf.subplottext(['A', 'C'][j], ax1, x=-.4) plf.subplottext(['Mesopic', 'Photopic'][j], ax1, x=-.5, y=.5, rotation=90, va='center') plf.stashow(sta, ax1, extent=[0, t[-1], -vscale, vscale]) ax1.set_xlabel('Time [ms]') # ax1.set_ylabel(r'Distance [$\upmu$m]') ax1.set_ylabel(r'Distance [μm]') fitv = np.mean(sta[:, max_i[1]-cut_time:max_i[1]+cut_time+1], axis=1) s = np.arange(fitv.shape[0]) ax2 = axes[2*j+1] plf.subplottext(['B', 'D'][j], ax2, x=-.1) plf.subplottext(f'Center-Surround Index: {csi:4.2f}',