def dash_report(): import pandas as pd import plotly import dash import dash_table import as px import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html import ssl ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context app = dash.Dash(__name__) df4 = pd.read_csv('') c = df4.columns fig1 =, x=df4.iloc[:, 1], y=df4.iloc[:, 2], hover_data=df4.columns, color=c[3], labels={'x': c[1], 'y': c[2]}) fig2 = px.scatter(df4, x=df4.iloc[:, 1], y=df4.iloc[:, 2], height=700, hover_data=df4.columns, color=c[3], size=df4.iloc[:, 4], size_max=65, log_x=True, labels={'x': c[1], 'y': c[2]}) fig3 = px.line(df4, x=df4.iloc[:, 1], y=df4.iloc[:, 2], color=c[3], line_group=c[0], hover_name=c[0]) fig4 = px.density_heatmap(df4, x=df4.iloc[:, 1], y=df4.iloc[:, 4], nbinsx=20, nbinsy=20, labels={'x': c[1], 'y': c[4]}, hover_data=df4.columns) fig5 = px.density_heatmap(df4, x=df4.iloc[:, 1], y=df4.iloc[:, 4], nbinsx=10, nbinsy=10, facet_row=df4.iloc[:, 3], labels={'x': c[1], 'y': c[4]}, hover_data=df4.columns) fig6 = px.treemap(df4, path=[df4.iloc[:, 1], df4.iloc[:, 3]], values=df4.iloc[:, 2], color=df4.iloc[:, 1], color_continuous_scale=['red', 'yellow']) plotly.offline.plot(fig6, filename='C:\\Ashwin\\SparkCode\\projects\\CodeWeek\\genie\\SR\\templates\\fig6.html')
def create_analysis_heatmap(yType, lsoa_selected): if 'All' in lsoa_selected: lsoa_selected = sectors df_lsoa_selected, df_stores_selected = create_analysis_data(lsoa_selected) df_display = df_stores_selected.merge(df_lsoa_selected[['LSOA', 'IMDRank', 'IMDDecile']], how='right', on='LSOA') df_display.sort_values(by = ['IMDRank', 'Healthfulness'], inplace=True, ascending=False, ignore_index=True) title = 'Store Distribution' if yType == 0: fig = px.density_heatmap(df_display, x='Healthfulness', y='LSOA', marginal_x='histogram', color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Viridis) elif yType == 1: fig = px.density_heatmap(df_display, x='Healthfulness', y='IMDDecile', marginal_x='violin', marginal_y='violin', color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Viridis) fig.update_yaxes(range = [-1, 12]) else: fig = go.Figure() fig.update_layout(plot_bgcolor=colors['background'], paper_bgcolor=colors['background'], autosize=True, height = 450, #margin={'l': 20, 'b': 30, 'r': 10, 't': 40}, coloraxis_colorbar=dict( title="Number of Stores", thicknessmode="pixels", thickness=20, yanchor="top", y=1, ticks="outside" ), font_color=colors['font']) fig.update_xaxes(range = [-2, 2]) # fig.update_yaxes(title = 'LSOA (Arranged IMDRank)') return fig
def plot_corner_cases(corner_cases, summary, special=None, CORNER_LIMIT=.1): prefix = 'ALL' if special is True: prefix = 'Special Only' corner_cases = corner_cases[corner_cases.spec].copy() elif special is False: prefix = 'NOT Special Only' corner_cases = corner_cases[~corner_cases.spec].copy() print( f'Plotting results for {len(corner_cases)} corner cases for {summary["nb_samples"]} samples.' ) print( f'Corner cases are happening for {len(corner_cases.i.unique()) / summary["nb_samples"] * 100}% of the rejected cutomers' f'Corner cases with perc_shift < 10% are happening for {len(corner_cases[corner_cases.perc_shift < CORNER_LIMIT].i.unique()) / summary["nb_samples"] * 100}% of the rejected cutomers' ) fig = px.histogram( corner_cases, x='Feature', title=f'{prefix} - AAR SHAP Corner - Cases Features', hover_data=corner_cases.columns, ) fig.update_layout(yaxis=dict(tickformat=',.2%', ), ) # fig = go.Figure([go.Bar( # x=features_names, # y=summ['corner_rate'], # )]) # fig.update_layout( # title=f'{prefix} - AAR SHAP Corner - Cases Features Rate (percentage)', # yaxis=dict(tickformat=',.0%', ), # ) # px.histogram( corner_cases, x='perc_shift', title=f'{prefix} - AAR SHAP Corner Cases - Percentile Shifts', hover_data=corner_cases.columns, ).show() px.density_heatmap( corner_cases, x='Feature', y='perc_shift', nbinsy=50, title=f'{prefix} - AAR SHAP Corner Cases', ).show() px.density_heatmap( corner_cases[corner_cases.perc_shift < CORNER_LIMIT], x='Feature', y='perc_shift', nbinsy=50, title=f'{prefix} - AAR SHAP Corner Cases / ONLY with perc_shift < 10%', ).show()
def test_auto_histfunc(): a = [1, 2] assert px.histogram(x=a).data[0].histfunc is None assert px.histogram(y=a).data[0].histfunc is None assert px.histogram(x=a, y=a).data[0].histfunc == "sum" assert px.histogram(x=a, y=a, histfunc="avg").data[0].histfunc == "avg" assert px.density_heatmap(x=a, y=a).data[0].histfunc is None assert px.density_heatmap(x=a, y=a, z=a).data[0].histfunc == "sum" assert px.density_heatmap(x=a, y=a, z=a, histfunc="avg").data[0].histfunc == "avg"
def get_experiment_digest(experiment: pd.DataFrame): df = experiment.copy() if df.shape[0] > 0: temp_date_time = pd.DatetimeIndex(df["date_time"]) df.insert(loc=4, column="time", value=temp_date_time.time) df.insert(loc=4, column="date", df["hour"] = pd.to_numeric( df.time.astype("str").str.split(pat=":", expand=True).iloc[:, 0] ).to_list() count = df.shape[0] desc_lines = { f"{col.replace('_', ' ').capitalize()}s": f"{len(list(df[col].unique()))} unique" for col in ["Plant", "date", "Camera", "view_option"] } fig = px.density_heatmap( title="Observations per day and hour", data_frame=df, x="date", y="hour", height=400, ) fig.update_yaxes(tick0=-0.5) else: count = 0 desc_lines = {col: "None" for col in ["plant", "date", "camera", "view_option"]} fig = None return count, desc_lines, fig
def get_figure(df): # for an explanation fig = px.density_heatmap(df) fig.update_layout(width=500, height=500, margin=dict(l=20, r=0, t=15, b=5)) return fig
def build_graphBB1(dff,x_axis, y_axis,mode,trendline, marginal_sel,color,facet): if marginal_sel == "None": marginal_sel = None if color == "None": color = None if facet == "None": facet = None if trendline == "Ordinary Least Squares Regression": trendline = 'ols' elif trendline == "Locally Weighted Smoothing": trendline = 'lowess' fig = go.Figure() if mode == "Scatter": fig = px.scatter(dff, x=x_axis, y=y_axis, color=color, facet_col=facet, facet_col_wrap=3, marginal_y=marginal_sel, marginal_x=marginal_sel, trendline="ols") if mode == "Heat": fig = px.density_heatmap(dff, x=x_axis, y=y_axis, marginal_x=marginal_sel, marginal_y=marginal_sel) if mode == "Density": #fig = px.density_contour(df, x="total_bill", y="tip", marginal_x=marginal_x, marginal_y=marginal_y) fig = px.density_contour(dff, x=x_axis, y=y_axis, color=color, marginal_x=marginal_sel, marginal_y=marginal_sel, trendline=trendline) if mode == "Density Fill": fig = px.density_contour(dff, x=x_axis, y=y_axis) fig.update_traces(contours_coloring="fill", contours_showlabels = True) fig.update_layout( #margin=dict(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0), #paper_bgcolor="lightcyan", #plot_bgcolor='gainsboro' #gainsboro, lightsteelblue lightsalmon lightgreen lightpink lightcyan lightblue black ) graph = dcc.Graph(id="scatterB", figure=fig) return graph
def make_heatmap(**params): if params['hist_x']: params['hist_x'] = "histogram" else: params['hist_x'] = None if params['hist_y']: params['hist_y'] = "histogram" else: params['hist_y'] = None fig = px.density_heatmap( df, x=Xs[-1], y=Y, marginal_x=params['hist_x'], marginal_y=params['hist_y'], title=params['Title'], width=params['Figsize_x'] * 100, height=params['Figsize_y'] * 100, ) fig.update_layout( xaxis_title=params['xlabel'], yaxis_title=params['ylabel'], ) if params['save']: fig.write_image("saved_plotly_heatmap.png")
def DiversityMap(): fig = px.density_heatmap(HR_df, x="Position", y="RaceDesc", facet_row="Sex") return fig.write_html( "/Users/christiannielsen/Documents/GitHub/" )
def g8(batch_id, x, y, colorset): input_model = models.BatchInput(batch_id) df = input_model.as_pandas_dataframe() fig = px.density_heatmap(df, x=x, y=y, marginal_x="rug", marginal_y="histogram", color_continuous_scale=get_colorset(colorset)) div = opy.plot(fig, auto_open=False, output_type='div') return div
def log_plotly(step): df = fig = px.density_heatmap(df, x="total_bill", y="tip", facet_row="sex", facet_col="smoker") tracking.log_plotly_chart(name="2d-hist", figure=fig, step=step)
def analyze(plot_against_income): fig = px.density_heatmap(_data, x=plot_against_income, y="V2026") fig = px.density_heatmap( _data, x=plot_against_income, y="V2026", title='<b>Expected Income</b>\r\n(Hover for details)', height=400, width=400, nbinsx=pd.Series(_data[plot_against_income]).nunique(), nbinsy=pd.Series(_data['V2026']).nunique(), range_color=heatmap_z_min_max(fig)) fig.layout['xaxis']['title']['text'] = mf.dataDictionary[ plot_against_income]['Desc'].capitalize() fig.layout['yaxis']['title']['text'] = 'Income Bracket' fig.layout['coloraxis']['colorbar']['title']['text'] = 'Count' graph = dcc.Graph(figure=fig) return graph
def heatmap(df: pd.DataFrame, x: str, y: str, criteria: str = None) -> go.Figure: if criteria is not None: df = filter_records(df, criteria) if not x in df.columns: logger.log_error('x not found in columns') return if not y in df.columns: logger.log_error('y not found in columns') return return px.density_heatmap(df, x=x, y=y)
def plotting(data): # scatter plot of petal lengths vs. petal widths petal_length_v_width_plot = px.scatter(data, x=2, y=3) petal_length_v_width_plot.update_layout( title_text="petal lengths vs. petal widths") petal_length_v_width_plot.update_xaxes(ticks="inside", title_text="Petal Lengths (cm)") petal_length_v_width_plot.update_yaxes(ticks="inside", title_text="Petal Widths (cm)") # violin plot of sepal lengths # sepal_lengths_violin_plot = px.violin(data, y=0:4) sepal_lengths_violin_plot = px.violin(data, y=0, color=4, violinmode="overlay") sepal_lengths_violin_plot.update_layout( title_text="violin plot of sepal lengths", ) sepal_lengths_violin_plot.update_yaxes(title_text="sepal length (cm)") # pie chart of different classes observed setosa = data[:, 4].tolist().count("Iris-setosa") versicolor = data[:, 4].tolist().count("Iris-versicolor") virginica = data[:, 4].tolist().count("Iris-virginica") labels = ["Setosa", "Versicolor", "Virginica"] values = [setosa, versicolor, virginica] pie_chart_classes = go.Figure(data=[ go.Pie( labels=labels, values=values, textinfo="label+text+value+percent", insidetextorientation="auto", hole=0.3, ) ]) # box plot of petal lengths of each class box_plot_of_petal_lengths =, x=4, y=2, points="all") box_plot_of_petal_lengths.update_xaxes(title="Unique Species") box_plot_of_petal_lengths.update_yaxes(title="Petal Lengths (cm)") # 2-D histogram (heatmap) of petal width and sepal width hist_2d = px.density_heatmap(data, x=3, y=1) hist_2d.update_xaxes(title="Petal Width (cm)") hist_2d.update_yaxes(title="Sepal Width (cm)") # show plots return
def signal_heatmap_plot(cluster_pd_2D_pre_2, sel_binning): fig = px.density_heatmap(x=cluster_pd_2D_pre_2.cl_pos_x, y=cluster_pd_2D_pre_2.cl_pos_y, marginal_x="histogram", marginal_y="histogram", nbinsx=int(128 / sel_binning), nbinsy=int(128 / sel_binning)) fig.update_layout(yaxis_title="Y strips ", xaxis_title="X strips", height=800) return fig
def genre_year_position_heatmap(genre_per_act_df, smooth, category_orders): # Position on lineup x Musical Genre df = genre_per_act_df.copy() binsize = int(100 / smooth) df.loc[:, 'importance_order'] = df['order_in_lineup'].apply( lambda x: min([x // binsize, smooth - 1])) df.loc[:, 'importance_order'] = df['importance_order'].apply(lambda x: "{:.0f}%-{:.0f}%".format(x*binsize, (x+1)*binsize)\ if x < smooth - 1 else "{:.0f}%-100%".format(x*binsize)) df = df.sort_values('importance_order') df.loc[:, 'value'] = 100 * df['value'] df.loc[:, 'rank_on_order'] = df.groupby(['importance_order', 'genre', 'year' ])['value'].rank(ascending=False) df_artists = df\ .loc[df['rank_on_order'] <= 5]\ .groupby(['genre', 'importance_order', 'year'])['artist_name'].apply(lambda x: '<br>'.join(x))\ .to_frame().reset_index() df = df\ .groupby(['genre', 'importance_order', 'year'], as_index=False)\ .agg({'value':'mean'}) df = pd.merge(left=df, right=df_artists, on=['year', 'genre', 'importance_order'], how='left') fig = px.density_heatmap(df, animation_frame='genre', z='value', y='importance_order', hover_data=['artist_name'], category_orders=category_orders, x='year', color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.RdPu, nbinsx=9, range_color=[0, 50]) fig = format_fig(fig) fig.update_layout( title= 'Evolução da relevância de cada gênero musical por horário do Lineup', coloraxis_colorbar_title='Participação<br>', coloraxis_colorbar_ticksuffix='%', coloraxis_colorbar_tickvals=[0, 15, 30, 45]) return fig
def update_grad_yr_histogram(selected_country): filtered_df = df_grad_years[df_grad_years["COUNTRY_ISO"] == selected_country] maxyr = df_grad_years["YEAR"].max() fig = px.density_heatmap(filtered_df, x="FOREIGN_WORKER_YRS_ED_COMP", y="YEAR", z="COUNT", range_x=[1980, maxyr]) fig.update_traces(xbins_size=1) return fig
def basic_image(self): """Create a heat-map plot and update the figure attribute. Requires that x, y and z attributes are set. z must be a 2D image. """ self.figure = px.density_heatmap(, x=self.x, y=self.y, z=self.z, color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Viridis, hover_data=self.labels, )
def index(): # extract data needed for visuals # TODO: Below is an example - modify to extract data for your own visuals genre_counts = df.groupby('genre').count()['message'] genre_names = list(genre_counts.index) # create visuals # TODO: Below is an example - modify to create your own visuals graphs = [{ 'data': [Bar(x=genre_names, y=genre_counts)], 'layout': { 'title': 'Distribution of Message Genres', 'yaxis': { 'title': "Count" }, 'xaxis': { 'title': "Genre" } } }] df['summ'] = df[df.columns[4:]].sum(axis=1) fig = px.density_heatmap( df, x="genre", y="summ", marginal_x="histogram", marginal_y="histogram", labels={ "genre": "Message genre", "summ": "Number of categories each message is classified as" }, title="Density heatmap of message category vs genre") graphs.append(fig) fig = px.imshow( df[df.columns[4:-1]], labels=dict(x="Message category", y="Message number", color="classified as"), title='Visualization of the categories, each message is classified as') graphs.append(fig) # encode plotly graphs in JSON ids = ["graph-{}".format(i) for i, _ in enumerate(graphs)] graphJSON = json.dumps(graphs, cls=plotly.utils.PlotlyJSONEncoder) # render web page with plotly graphs return render_template('master.html', ids=ids, graphJSON=graphJSON)
def graf_ods_2(local): df = ROYALTIES local = trata_local(local) if len(local) > 0: df = df.loc[df['municipio'].isin(local)] fig = px.density_heatmap(df, x='ano', z='royalties per capita', y="municipio", hover_data=['municipio', 'ano'], title="Graf. 1 - Metas ODS") fig.update_layout(xaxis=dict(tickmode='linear', dtick=1)) return fig
def update_graph(events_json, player, value) : if player : events = pd.read_json(events_json, orient='split') player_events = events[events["player"] == player] newxbins = math.floor(120 / value) newybins = math.floor(80 / value) print("loc_x: ") print(player_events["loc_x"]) return px.density_heatmap(player_events, x="loc_x", y="loc_y", nbinsx=newxbins, nbinsy=newybins, color_continuous_scale="Viridis") else : return {}
def get_html(cfg, mode=None): df = HeatMap.compute() fig = px.density_heatmap(df, y="Rolle-Kontext", x="Gesamtbewertung", nbinsy=20, color_continuous_scale="Viridis") fig.update_layout(title="Verteilung Teilnehmer", paper_bgcolor='rgb(243, 243, 243)', plot_bgcolor='rgb(243, 243, 243)') return fig.to_html(**cfg)
def doTomography(bins, mdf, title): fig = px.density_heatmap(mdf, x="xx", y="yy", title=title, nbinsx=bins, nbinsy=bins, marginal_x="histogram", marginal_y="histogram") fig.update_layout( xaxis_title="XView (cm)", yaxis_title="YView (cm)", )
def signal_heatmap_plot(cluster_pd_2D_pre_2, sel_binning): fig = px.density_heatmap( x=cluster_pd_2D_pre_2.cl_pos_x * 0.0650, y=cluster_pd_2D_pre_2.cl_pos_y * 0.0650, marginal_x="histogram", marginal_y="histogram", nbinsx=int(128 / sel_binning), nbinsy=int(128 / sel_binning), color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Viridis) fig.update_layout(yaxis_title="Y pos [cm] ", xaxis_title="X pos [cm]", height=800, width=800) return fig
def get_figure5(df, x_col, y_col): print("HEATMAP") print(df) fig = px.density_heatmap(df, x=x_col, y=y_col, marginal_x="histogram", marginal_y="histogram") fig.update_layout(autosize=True, margin=dict(l=30, r=30, b=20, t=40), hovermode="closest", plot_bgcolor="#F9F9F9", paper_bgcolor="#E9E9E9", legend=dict(font=dict(size=10), orientation="h")) return fig
def charge_vs_time_plot(hit_pd_APV): fig = px.density_heatmap(hit_pd_APV, x="GemHit_time", y="GemHit_q", title="Charge vs time", marginal_x="histogram", marginal_y="histogram", color_continuous_scale=colorscale, nbinsx=150, nbinsy=150) fig.update_layout(xaxis_title="Time ", yaxis_title="Charge [adc]", height=800) # fig.update_xaxes(range=[1300, 1600]) # fig.update_yaxes(range=[0, 60]) return fig
def showgraph(graph_selection, liste_annee, liste_ville, liste_specialite): if graph_selection == "Carte Thermique": df = pd.read_csv('data/2_aggregates/agg_latest_spot.csv', index_col=0) df = df[df.ville.isin(liste_ville) & df.specialite.isin(liste_specialite) & df.annee.isin(liste_annee)] fig = px.density_heatmap(df, x="ville", y="specialite", z="classement", histfunc="avg") st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) if graph_selection == "Boites à Moustaches": st.write("WIP") if graph_selection == "Résulats par Ville à travers le temps": df = df.groupby(['ville', 'annee']).max() df = df.reset_index(level=['ville', 'annee']) st.write(df) fig = px.line(df, x="annee", y="classement", color='ville') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) if graph_selection == "Résulats par Spécialité à travers le temps": fig = px.line(df, x="annee", y="classement", color='specialite') st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) if graph_selection == "Lignes de crêtes par Ville": df_full = pd.read_csv('data/2_aggregates/full.csv', index_col=0) df_full = df_full[df_full.ville.isin(liste_ville) & df_full.specialite.isin(liste_specialite) & df_full.annee.isin(liste_annee)] plt.figure() joyplot(data=df_full[['classement', 'ville']], by='ville', figsize=(12, 8), linecolor="blue", colormap=cm.autumn_r) plt.title('Ligne de crête des classements par ville', fontsize=20) st.pyplot(plt, use_container_width=True) if graph_selection == "Lignes de crêtes par Spécialité": st.write("WIP")
def fig_density_heatmap(df, df_x, df_y, title, marginal_x=None, marginal_y=None): """ Density heatmap for the first feature of the dataframe """ fig = px.density_heatmap( df, x=df_x, y=df_y, marginal_x=marginal_x, marginal_y=marginal_y, title=title, ) fig = fig_update_layout(fig) return fig
def interactive_heatmap2D(df): """ Interactive Histogram2D Plot params: df: input data frame return: plots histogram2D plot in streamlit """ global column2idx # Choose X, Y and Color Axis cols = st.beta_columns([1, 3]) with cols[0]: st.markdown("### X-axis") x_col = st.selectbox("Choose X-Axis Feature", df.columns, column2idx["age"]) nbinsx = st.slider("Number of Bins", 10, 100, 20) st.markdown("### Y-axis") y_col = st.selectbox("Choose Y-Axis Feature", df.columns, column2idx["fnlwgt"]) nbinsy = st.slider("Number of Bins (Y-Axis)", 10, 100, 20) st.markdown("### Z-axis") z_col = st.selectbox("Choose Z-Axis Feature", df.columns, column2idx["hours_per_week"]) agg_func = st.selectbox("Aggregation Function", ["avg", "sum", "min", "sum", "count"], 0) with cols[1]: fig = px.density_heatmap(df, x=x_col, y=y_col, z=z_col, nbinsx=nbinsx, nbinsy=nbinsy, histfunc=agg_func) fig.update_layout(width=1000, height=800, font_size=20) st.plotly_chart(fig)
def scatter_browser_dimensions(self, df, type_plot='scatter', save_file=True): """ Output scatter plot of browser dimensions. Args: df (dataframe): dataframe with data from heroku. type_plot (str, optional): type of plot: scatter, density_heatmap. save_file (bool, optional): flag for saving an html file with plot. """'Creating plot of type_plot %s for browser dimensions.', type_plot) # scatter plot with histograms if type_plot == 'scatter': fig = px.scatter(df, x='window_width', y='window_height', marginal_x='violin', marginal_y='violin', color='browser_name') # density map with histograms elif type_plot == 'density_heatmap': fig = px.density_heatmap(df, x='window_width', y='window_height', marginal_x='violin', marginal_y='violin') # unsopported type else: logger.error('Wrong type of plot %s given.', type_plot) return -1 # update layout fig.update_layout(template=self.template) # save file if save_file: self.save_plotly(fig, 'scatter_browser_dimensions', self.folder) # open it in localhost instead else: