def get_figure(outage_index, variable_to_show, outages=None, towers=None, discharges=None, centroid=None): outage_date = outages.loc[outage_index, "date"] minutes_animation = 35 frames = get_frames(minutes_animation, outage_date, variable_to_show, discharges=discharges) df = stats.Discharges_before_outage_by_time(outage_date, 1, min_before=minutes_animation, discharges=discharges) fig = go.Figure( go.Scattermapbox( lat=df.latitude, lon=df.longitude, mode="markers", )) fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox( lat=towers.latitude, lon=towers.longitude, mode="markers", # markers+lines marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker(size=7, color="black", opacity=0.7), name="Towers", )) fig.update(layout_showlegend=False) fig.update_layout( margin={ "t": 0.2, "l": 0, "b": 0 }, height=700, mapbox=dict( # accesstoken=mapbox_access_token, bearing=0, center=dict(lat=centroid[1], lon=centroid[0]), pitch=0, zoom=9, style="carto-positron", ), ) fig.update(frames=frames) sliders = [ dict( steps=[ dict( method="animate", args=[ [f"frame{k}"], dict( mode="immediate", frame=dict(duration=100, redraw=True), transition=dict(duration=0), label="C", ), ], label="{:d}".format(k), ) for k in range(len(frames)) ], transition=dict(duration=0), x=0.1, # slider starting position y=0, len=0.9, ticklen=3, pad={ "b": 10, "t": 0 }, font={"size": 10}, currentvalue=dict(font=dict(size=12), prefix="Minute: ", visible=True, xanchor="center"), ) ] fig["layout"]["updatemenus"] = [{ "buttons": [ { "args": [ None, { "frame": { "duration": 500, "redraw": True }, "fromcurrent": True, "transition": { "duration": 0, "easing": "quadratic-in-out" }, }, ], "label": "Play", "method": "animate", }, { "args": [ [None], { "frame": { "duration": 0, "redraw": True }, "mode": "immediate", "transition": { "duration": 0 }, }, ], "label": "Pause", "method": "animate", }, ], "direction": "left", "pad": { "r": 10, "t": 20 }, "showactive": False, "type": "buttons", "x": 0.1, "xanchor": "right", "y": 0, "yanchor": "top", }] fig["layout"]["sliders"] = sliders return fig
def plot_map(end_year: int) -> None: """ Plots a map showing the weather stations in the UK and their projected increase percentage in E.Coli cases. """ total = projection.get_percentage_increase(end_year) temps = projection.temp_prediction_all(end_year) print(temps) mapbox_access_token = 'pk.eyJ1Ijoiam9qb29udGhhdCIsImEiOiJja2lta3Uzbnow' \ 'YWRtMzVud3NrNjI3N2JjIn0.kYIFPU3HJbjDsNYyQFaGdA' df = pd.read_csv('plotly_map_station_locations.csv') site_lat = site_lon = df.lon locations_name = df.text.tolist() temp_values = temps['temp'].tolist() max_temp = max(temp_values) min_temp = min(temp_values) temp_diff = max_temp - min_temp location_colors = [] for i in range(len(locations_name)): location = locations_name[i] locations_name[ i] = "{}: Projected to have {:.4f}% of increase until {}".format( location.title(), total[location], end_year) temp_value = temps.loc[temps['location'] == location]['temp'][0][0] ratio = (temp_value - min_temp) / temp_diff gb_value = 255 - int(ratio * 255) rgb = 'rgb(255, {}, {})'.format(gb_value, gb_value) location_colors.append(rgb) fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox(lat=site_lat, lon=site_lon, name='Weather Station Temperature', mode='markers', marker=dict(size=20, color=location_colors, colorscale=[[0, "rgb(255, 255, 255)"], [1, "rgb(255, 0, 0)"]], showscale=False, opacity=0.75), text=locations_name, hoverinfo='text', hoverlabel=dict(bgcolor='rgb(255, 217, 255)', font_size=40, font_family="Helvetica"))) fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox(lat=site_lat, lon=site_lon, name='', mode='markers', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( size=0, color=temps['temp'], colorscale=[[0, "rgb(255, 255, 255)"], [1, "rgb(255, 0, 0)"]], showscale=True, opacity=0.75), text=locations_name, hoverinfo='text', hoverlabel=dict(bgcolor='rgb(182, 252, 213)', font_size=40, font_family="Helvetica"))) fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox( lat=site_lat, lon=site_lon, name='', mode='markers', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( size=7, color='rgb(182, 252, 213)', # percentage opacity=0.8), text=locations_name, hoverinfo='text', hoverlabel=dict(bgcolor='rgb(182, 252, 213)', font_size=14, font_family="Helvetica"))) fig.update_layout(title={ 'text': 'Percentage of Increase in E.Coli Cases for Weather Stations in the UK', 'y': 0.9, 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center', 'yanchor': 'top' }, autosize=True, hovermode='closest', font=dict(family="Helvetica", size=18), mapbox=dict(accesstoken=mapbox_access_token, bearing=0, center=dict(lat=52, lon=0.12), pitch=10, zoom=3, style='dark')) fig.update_traces(showlegend=True, selector=dict(type='scattermapbox')) fig.update_layout(legend=dict( orientation="h", yanchor="top", y=1.00, xanchor="right", x=1.00))
def return_datatable(selected_date, selected_auth, selected_data, selected_cases): # print(str(, '[1] start update_map...') df1 = df[df['date'].isin([selected_date])] if selected_data: if selected_cases: display = 'newCasesByPublishDate' marker_col = col_1 else: display = 'newDeaths28DaysByPublishDate' marker_col = col_2 else: if selected_cases: display = 'cumCasesByPublishDate' marker_col = col_3 else: display = 'cumDeaths28DaysByPublishDate' marker_col = col_4 if selected_auth is None or selected_auth == []: pass else: df1 = df1[df1['areaName'].isin(selected_auth)] df1 = df1.sort_values(by=[display], ascending=False) df1['Row'] = df1.reset_index().index df1['Row'] += 1 lat_mean = pd.to_numeric(df1['Latitude']).mean() lon_mean = pd.to_numeric(df1['Longitude']).mean() df1.loc[(pd.isna(df1['newDeaths28DaysByPublishDate'])), 'newDeaths28DaysByPublishDate'] = 0 df1.loc[(pd.isna(df1['cumDeaths28DaysByPublishDate'])), 'cumDeaths28DaysByPublishDate'] = 0 fig = go.Figure( go.Scattermapbox( lat=df1['Latitude'], lon=df1['Longitude'], mode='text+markers', marker={'size': df1[display] * marker_calc_size / df1[display].max(), 'color': marker_col, }, name='', text=df1['areaName'], textposition='top center', customdata=np.stack( ( df1['date'], df1['newCasesByPublishDate'], df1['newDeaths28DaysByPublishDate'], df1['cumCasesByPublishDate'], df1['cumDeaths28DaysByPublishDate'] ), axis=-1 ), hovertemplate='<br><b>Date</b>: %{customdata[0]}' + \ '<br><b>Local Authority</b>: %{text}' + \ '<br><b>New Cases</b>: %{customdata[1]:,}' + \ '<br><b>New Deaths</b>: %{customdata[2]:,}' + \ '<br><b>Cumulative Cases</b>: %{customdata[3]:,}' + \ '<br><b>Cumulative Deaths</b>: %{customdata[4]:,}' ) ) fig.update_layout( hovermode='closest', mapbox=dict( accesstoken=mapbox_access_token, bearing=0, center=dict(lat=lat_mean, lon=lon_mean), pitch=0, zoom=5, style='light' # satellite, outdoors, streets, dark ), hoverlabel=dict(bgcolor=bgcol_1, font_size=12, font_family='Rockwell'), margin=dict(t=0, b=0, l=0, r=0)) # print(str(, '[1] finish update_map...') return fig # df1.to_dict('records')
def update_MapTotal(TipusMap, TempsSelected, geolocationUser, n): """lala""" mydfTracks=_MyDb.GetTracks(1) if mydfTracks is None: fig = go.Figure(go.Scattermapbox( mode = "markers+text", marker =dict(size=20, color='red'), textposition='top right', name='Basic') ) fig.update_layout( margin ={'l':0,'t':0,'b':0,'r':0}, height=750, mapbox = { 'accesstoken':MapBoxToken, 'style': TipusMap}, title_text='Cercador de Babys') return "DB error", fig*10) dfSelected=mydfTracks[mydfTracks['LocDate']>=DateHour] if dfSelected.empty: dfSelected=mydfTracks.head(MAX_ITEMS_SELECTED) fig = go.Figure(go.Scattermapbox( mode = "markers+lines+text", lon = dfSelected.Longitude, lat = dfSelected.Latitude, textposition='top right', textfont=dict(size=MAX_TEXT_SIZE, color=COLOR_SERIE), text=dfSelected['LocDate'].dt.strftime('%H:%M:%S'), marker = {'size': 10, 'color':COLOR_SERIE}, name='Trackers') ) #si tenim la geocalització de l'usuari, la pintem i posicionem el mapa al centre entre la usr location y els tracks maxLatitude=mydfTracks['Latitude'].max() maxLongitude=mydfTracks['Longitude'].max() minLatitude=mydfTracks['Latitude'].min() minLongitude=mydfTracks['Longitude'].min() myloc=geolocationUser.split(",") if (len(myloc)==2): fig.add_trace(go.Scattermapbox( mode = "markers+lines", lon =[myloc[1]], lat = [myloc[0]], textposition='top right', textfont=dict(size=MAX_TEXT_SIZE, color=COLOR_USR), text="MyLoc" + str(, marker =dict(size=20, color='green'), name='MyLoc') ) maxLatitude=max(float(myloc[0]),maxLatitude) maxLongitude=max(float(myloc[1]),maxLongitude) minLatitude=min(float(myloc[0]),minLatitude) minLongitude=min(float(myloc[1]),minLongitude) fig.update_layout( margin ={'l':0,'t':0,'b':0,'r':0}, height=750, mapbox = { 'center': {'lon':(minLongitude+maxLongitude)/2, 'lat': (minLatitude+maxLatitude)/2}, 'accesstoken':MapBoxToken, 'style': TipusMap, 'zoom':calcZoom(minLongitude,maxLongitude,minLatitude,maxLatitude)} ) #mydfTracks=_MyDb.GetTracks(1,HourValue) #fig = go.Figure(go.Scattermapbox( # mode = "markers+lines", # lon = mydfTracks.Longitude, # lat = mydfTracks.Latitude, # marker = {'size': 10, 'color':'fuchsia'}, # name='DadUpdated')) #fig.update_layout( # margin ={'l':0,'t':0,'b':0,'r':0}, # height=750, # mapbox = { # 'center': {'lon':(MIN_LONGITUDE+MAX_LONGITUDE)/2, 'lat': (MIN_LATITUDE+MAX_LATITUDE)/2}, # 'style': "stamen-terrain", # 'zoom': CNST_ZOOM}, # title_text='Cercador de Babys') return f" --Slider SELECT: {TempsSelected} -- GEOLOCATION: {myloc} --",fig
#Read CSV File import pandas as pd import config_p24 mapbox_token = (config_p24.mapbox_token) sta_df = pd.read_excel(config_p24.dash_ready) # TO DO refine marker color based on price and add more info in text box (Title, address, size etc.) like here # this data trace shows the listings from plotly.offline import plot import plotly.graph_objects as go scatt = go.Scattermapbox( lat = list(sta_df["lat"]), lon = list(sta_df["lon"]), mode='markers', hoverinfo='text', marker=dict(symbol ='marker', size=5, color='white'), textposition='top right', textfont=dict(size=16, color='black'), text = list(sta_df["Address"] + " Location: " + sta_df["Location"] + " Price: " + sta_df["Price"].astype(str)) ) # TO DO add trace with crime stats per region chlorochart layout = go.Layout(hovermode = "closest", mapbox = dict( accesstoken= mapbox_token, zoom=8, center=dict(lat = sta_df["lat"].median(), lon = sta_df["lon"].median() ) )
def update_cards(n_clicks, dummy_clicks): sum_conf,sum_deat,sum_rec,countries,df_name,df_lat,df_lon,midpoint,df_country,recent,summary,dff_conf,dff_rec = data_parse() card1 = do.Figure(do.Indicator( mode= 'number', value= sum_conf, number={'valueformat':'.%f', 'font':{'size':30,'family':'Nunito Sans','color':'#d9534f'}}, title = {"text": 'Confirmed', 'font':{'size':25,'family':'Nunito Sans'}})) card1.update_layout(margin= do.layout.Margin(t=35,b=0), plot_bgcolor='#ffffff', paper_bgcolor='#ffffff') card2 = do.Figure(do.Indicator( mode= 'number', value= sum_deat, number={'valueformat':'.%f', 'font':{'size':30,'family':'Nunito Sans','color':'#d9534f'}}, title = {"text": 'Deaths', 'font':{'size':25,'family':'Nunito Sans'}})) card2.update_layout(margin= do.layout.Margin(t=35,b=0), plot_bgcolor='#ffffff', paper_bgcolor='#ffffff') card3 = do.Figure(do.Indicator( mode= 'number', value= sum_rec, number={'valueformat':'.%f', 'font':{'size':30,'family':'Nunito Sans','color':'#4bbf73'}}, title = {"text": 'Recovered', 'font':{'size':25,'family':'Nunito Sans'}})) card3.update_layout(margin= do.layout.Margin(t=35,b=0), plot_bgcolor='#ffffff', paper_bgcolor='#ffffff') card4 = do.Figure(do.Indicator( mode= 'number', value= len(countries), number={'valueformat':'.%f', 'font':{'size':30,'family':'Nunito Sans','color':'#d9534f'}}, title = {"text": 'Countries with cases', 'font':{'size':20,'family':'Nunito Sans'}})) card4.update_layout(margin= do.layout.Margin(t=35,b=0), plot_bgcolor='#ffffff', paper_bgcolor='#ffffff') hover_text = ['Province/State: '+'{}'.format(x) + '<br>Country: '+'{}'.format(y) + '<br>Confirmed: '+'{}'.format(z) + '<br>Deaths: '+'{}'.format(v) + '<br>Recovered: '+'{}'.format(w) for x,y,z,v,w in zip(df_name,df_country,list(summary['Confirmed']),list(summary['Deaths']),list(summary['Recovered']))] map1 = do.Figure() map1.add_trace( do.Scattermapbox( lat=df_lat, lon=df_lon, mode='markers', marker=do.scattermapbox.Marker( size=5, color='#c94631', opacity=0.7 ), text= hover_text, hoverinfo='text', showlegend= False ) ) map1.update_layout( mapbox= do.layout.Mapbox( accesstoken= map_token, center= do.layout.mapbox.Center( lat= 30.3753, lon= 69.3451 ), zoom= 1.3, style= map_style ), margin= do.layout.Margin( l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0 ) ) desc = html.P(["Click 'Refresh' to fetch new data & update charts. Featured data are as of {}.".format(recent)], style={'textAlign':'center'}) table = do.Figure( do.Table( header={'values':list(summary.columns),'fill':{'color':'#017cbf'},'font':{'family':'Nunito Sans','color':'#ffffff'}}, cells={'values':[summary.State,summary.Country,summary.Confirmed,summary.Deaths,summary.Recovered], 'fill':{'color':'#f5f4ef'},'font':{'family':'Nunito Sans'}} ) ) table.update_layout(margin= do.layout.Margin(t=0,b=0,l=0,r=0), plot_bgcolor='#ffffff', paper_bgcolor='#ffffff') line1 = do.Figure( do.Scatter( x= dff_conf.index, y= dff_conf[0], marker_color='#d9534f', ) ) line1.update_layout( margin= do.layout.Margin(t=35,b=0,l=0,r=0), plot_bgcolor='#ffffff', paper_bgcolor='#ffffff', xaxis={'showgrid':False,'showticklabels':False},yaxis={'showgrid':False,'showticklabels':False}, title={'text':'Confirmed (previous 15-day range)','font':{'family':'Nunito Sans','size':12}} ) line2 = do.Figure( do.Scatter( x= dff_rec.index, y= dff_rec[0], marker_color='#4bbf73', ) ) line2.update_layout( margin= do.layout.Margin(t=35,b=0,l=0,r=0), plot_bgcolor='#ffffff', paper_bgcolor='#ffffff', xaxis={'showgrid':False,'showticklabels':False},yaxis={'showgrid':False,'showticklabels':False}, title={'text':'Recovered (previous 15-day range)','font':{'family':'Nunito Sans','size':12}} ) return card1,card2,card3,card4,map1,desc,table,line1,line2
def generate_geo_map(df): lat = df["latitude"].tolist() lon = df["longitude"].tolist() state_list = df["State"].tolist() nation_list = df["Country"].tolist() confirmed_list = df["Confirmed"].tolist() deaths_list = df["Deaths"].tolist() recovered_list = df["Recovered"].tolist() #average_confirmed = df["Confirmed"]["mean"].tolist() colors = ["#21c7ef", "#76f2ff", "#ff6969", "#ff1717"] confirmed_metric_data = {} confirmed_metric_data["min"] = df["Confirmed"].min() confirmed_metric_data["max"] = sorted(confirmed_list, reverse=True)[1] confirmed_metric_data["mid"] = (confirmed_metric_data["min"] + confirmed_metric_data["max"]) / 2 confirmed_metric_data["low_mid"] = (confirmed_metric_data["min"] + confirmed_metric_data["mid"]) / 2 confirmed_metric_data["high_mid"] = (confirmed_metric_data["mid"] + confirmed_metric_data["max"]) / 2 countries = [] for i in range(len(lat)): #print("CHECK POINT 1 - {}".format(i)) state = state_list[i] nation = nation_list[i] confirmed = confirmed_list[i] deaths = deaths_list[i] recovered = recovered_list[i] if confirmed <= confirmed_metric_data["low_mid"]: color = colors[0] elif confirmed_metric_data[ "low_mid"] < confirmed <= confirmed_metric_data["mid"]: color = colors[1] elif confirmed_metric_data["mid"] < confirmed <= confirmed_metric_data[ "high_mid"]: color = colors[2] else: color = colors[3] country = go.Scattermapbox( lat=[lat[i]], lon=[lon[i]], mode="markers", marker=dict(color=color, showscale=False, colorscale=[ [0, "#21c7ef"], [0.33, "#76f2ff"], [0.66, "#ff6969"], [1, "#ff1717"], ], size=math.log(confirmed, 6) * 10, opacity=0.7), selected=dict(marker={"color": "#ffff00"}), hoverinfo="text", text=nation + "<br>" + state + "<br>" + "Confirmed : {}".format(confirmed) + "<br>" + "Deaths : {}".format(deaths) + "<br>" + "Recoverd : {}".format(recovered), ) countries.append(country) layout = go.Layout( title="Global Map", margin=dict(l=10, r=10, t=30, b=10, pad=3), plot_bgcolor="white", paper_bgcolor="white", clickmode="event+select", hovermode="closest", showlegend=False, mapbox=go.layout.Mapbox( accesstoken=mapbox_access_token, bearing=0, center=go.layout.mapbox.Center(lat=25, lon=120), pitch=20, zoom=2, #style="mapbox://styles/plotlymapbox/cjvppq1jl1ips1co3j12b9hex", style="light"), ) figure = dict(data=countries, layout=layout) return figure manh_df = crime[crime.BOROUGH_NAME==2] manh_m_df = manh_df[manh_df.LEVEL_OF_OFFENSE==-1] manh_f_df = manh_df[manh_df.LEVEL_OF_OFFENSE==1] pip install geopandas import geopandas as gpd import plotly.offline as py mapbox_access_token = 'pk.eyJ1IjoiZmlzaGVlcCIsImEiOiJjazgwcXd5amIwMnRtM2ZwNDR5OHRjb2Q1In0.wUN67xk4G_3OYy9-tqoqgA' d = [ go.Scattermapbox( lat=manh_m_df.Latitude[m_kmeans.labels_==0], lon=manh_m_df.Longitude[m_kmeans.labels_==0], mode='markers', name='Mis_red', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker(size=5,color='Red')), go.Scattermapbox( lat=manh_m_df.Latitude[m_kmeans.labels_==1], lon=manh_m_df.Longitude[m_kmeans.labels_==1], mode='markers', name='Mis_green', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker(size=5,color='Green')), go.Scattermapbox( lat=manh_m_df.Latitude[m_kmeans.labels_==2], lon=manh_m_df.Longitude[m_kmeans.labels_==2], mode='markers', name='Mis_blue',
# this is the token used to generate the plotly map, may have to be regenerated token = "pk.eyJ1IjoidWdoaXRzc2lkIiwiYSI6ImNrNm54Z3I5cTE1aDIzbW55MjcwdWp4MnEifQ.xylSSPUA0Yt9ly6jOBMg4w" # the latitutes, longitudes, and names of the respective points. First lat corresponds to first lon and text, second to second, and so on lats = [,,,] lons = [rep.codeDay.lon, rep.sb1.lon, rep.chpt1.lon, rep.pnbrd1.lon] texts = [rep.codeDay.text, rep.sb1.text, rep.chpt1.text, rep.pnbrd1.text] # create a new figure using plotly # initialize the longitudes, latitudes, and texs as points fig = go.Figure( go.Scattermapbox( lat=lats, lon=lons, mode='markers', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker(size=14), text=texts, )) # create the map with needed visual attributes fig.update_layout( autosize=True, hovermode='closest', mapbox=dict( accesstoken=token, bearing=0, center=go.layout.mapbox.Center( # center the map at a calculated average of the points' positions lat=rep.avgLat, lon=rep.avgLon),
def animedPlot(self, solution, time_res, costmap, start, goal, region, obstacle,scenario, filename): #colorscale to be used in the contour plot colorscale=[[0, '#ffffff'], [0.25, '#a0ff7d'], [0.5, '#c5c400'], [0.75, '#dc8000'], [1, '#e10000']] colorscale = 'dense' #Create the plot Structure fig = make_subplots( rows=1, cols=2, column_widths=[0.45,0.45], row_heights=[1], subplot_titles=("Solution Path in a Real Map","2D CostMap"), specs=[[{"type": "Scattermapbox"},{"type": "contour"}]]) #0 #Trace for solution fig.append_trace(go.Scattermapbox( lat=solution['lat'], lon=solution['lon'], #lat=[], #lon=[], name='Solution Path', mode='markers+lines', marker=dict(size=5, color='blue') ),row=1,col=1) #1 #Trace for area of flight lat_aux = [reg[0] for reg in region] lon_aux = [reg[1] for reg in region] fig.append_trace(go.Scattermapbox( lon = lon_aux, lat = lat_aux, fill = "toself", name='Area of Flight', marker = { 'size': 5, 'color': "rgba(123, 239, 178, 1)" }),row=1,col=1) #2 #Start position fig.append_trace(go.Scattermapbox( mode = "markers", lon = [start[1]], lat = [start[0]], marker = {'size':5,'color':"black"}, name='Start' ),row=1,col=1) #3 #goal position fig.append_trace(go.Scattermapbox( mode = "markers", lon = [goal[1]], lat = [goal[0]], marker = {'size':5,'color':"black"}, name='Goal' ),row=1,col=1) #4 #Solution trace for contour fig.append_trace(go.Scatter( x = solution['lon'], y = solution['lat'], #x = [], #y = [], mode='markers+lines', name='Solution Path', marker=dict(size=5, color='red') ),row=1,col=2) #5 #Contour plot lat,lon = zip(*region) lat = list(lat) lon = list(lon) costmap_y = np.linspace(min(lat),max(lat), len(costmap.y)) costmap_x = np.linspace(min(lon),max(lon), len(costmap.x)) fig.append_trace(go.Contour( z=costmap.z_time[0], x=costmap_x, y=costmap_y, ids=costmap.z_time, name='Cost Time: 0', line_smoothing=0, colorscale=colorscale, contours=dict( start=costmap.z_time[0].min(), end=costmap.z_time[0].max(), size=1, showlines=False) ), row=1, col=2) #Fixa o eixo dos plots fig.update_xaxes(range=[min(lon),max(lon)],showgrid=False,constrain="domain") fig.update_yaxes(range=[min(lat),max(lat)],showgrid=False,constrain="domain") #Trace for area of flight if obstacle != [] : for idx, polygon in enumerate(obstacle): lat,lon = zip(*polygon[0]) lat = list(lat) lon = list(lon) fig.append_trace(go.Scattermapbox( lon = lon, lat = lat, fill = "toself", name=polygon[3], marker = { 'size': 5, 'color': "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0)" }),row=1,col=1) #Cria o perimetro ao redor dos vertiports if costmap.verti_perimeters != []: vertiport_lat, vertiport_lon = zip(*scenario.vertiports_real) fig.append_trace(go.Scattermapbox( lon = vertiport_lon, lat = vertiport_lat, mode='markers', name='Vertiport', marker=dict(size=5, color='yellow') ),row=1,col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter( x = vertiport_lon, y = vertiport_lat, mode='markers', name='Vertiports', marker=dict(size=5, color='yellow') ),row=1,col=2) verti_r_lat = [] verti_r_lon = [] for idx, verti_region in enumerate(costmap.verti_perimeters): r_lon = verti_region[1]*scenario.lon_range + min(scenario.lon_region) r_lat = verti_region[0]*scenario.lat_range + min(scenario.lat_region) verti_r_lon.extend(r_lon) verti_r_lat.extend(r_lat) fig.append_trace(go.Scattermapbox( mode = "markers", lon = verti_r_lon, lat = verti_r_lat, marker = {'size':5,'color':"green"}, name='Vertiport Region' ),row=1,col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter( x = verti_r_lon, y = verti_r_lat, mode='markers', name='Vertiport Region', marker=dict(size=5, color='green') ),row=1,col=2) #Atualiza o layout token = 'pk.eyJ1Ijoiam9zdWVoZmEiLCJhIjoiY2tldnNnODB3MDBtdDJzbXUxMXowMTY5MyJ9.Vwj9BTqB1z9RLKlyh70RHw' fig.update_layout( mapbox = { #'style': "outdoors", 'style': "stamen-terrain", 'center': {'lon': -43.9520, 'lat': -19.8997 }, #'accesstoken': token, 'zoom': 11}, title_text="UAS Path Generation", hovermode="closest", legend=dict( orientation="h", yanchor="top", #y=1.02, xanchor="right", x=1 ), updatemenus=[dict( type="buttons", showactive= False, buttons=[ dict(label="Play", method="animate", args=[[None], dict(frame= { "duration": 100}, fromcurrent= True, mode='immediate', transition= {"duration":0, "easing": "linear"} )]), dict(label='Pause', method='animate', args= [ [None], dict(frame= { "duration": 0}, fromcurrent= True, mode='immediate', transition= {"duration": 0, "easing": "linear"} )] )] )]) frames = [] #for idx, t in enumerate(time_res): # frames.append(go.Frame(data=[go.Scattermapbox( # lat=solution['lat'][:idx+1], # lon=solution['lon'][:idx+1],mode='markers+lines')],traces=[0])) # frames.append(go.Frame(data=[go.Scatter( # x=solution['lon'][:idx], # y=solution['lat'][:idx],mode='markers+lines')],traces=[4])) # frames.append(go.Frame(data=[go.Contour(x=costmap_x, y=costmap_y, z=costmap.z_time[t], line_smoothing=0, # colorscale=colorscale, # name='Cost Time: '+str(t), # contours=dict( # start=costmap.z_time[t].min(), # end=costmap.z_time[t].max(), # size=1, # showlines=False))],traces=[5])) #fig.update(frames=frames) plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename=filename,auto_open=False)
def createFigureWithOptimalPointsAndBubbleFlows(D_res, D_res_optimal, latCol, lonCol, descrCol='PERIOD'): ''' generates the map with the optimal location of a network. Optimal locations for each period are in D_res_optimal. Period are prepresented as animation frames of the figure #D_res is a dataframe with flows defined by the function calculateOptimalLocation #D_res_optimal is a dataframe with optimal locations defined by the function calculateOptimalLocation #latCol is a string with column name for latitude #lonCol is a string with column name for longitude #descrCol is a string with column name for node description ''' #assign color for the optimal points #aaa=pd.factorize(D_res['YEAR']) D_res_optimal['COLOR'] = pd.factorize(D_res_optimal['YEAR'])[0] ######################################## ######### DEFINE RAW FIGURE ############ ######################################## #define raw figure fig_dict = {"data": [], "layout": {}, "frames": []} ######################################## ######### DEFINE BASE LAYOUT ########### ######################################## # Identify all the years years = list(set(D_res_optimal["YEAR"])) years.sort() # define layout hovermode fig_dict["layout"]["hovermode"] = "closest" # define sliders fig_dict["layout"]["sliders"] = { "args": ["transition", { "duration": 400, "easing": "cubic-in-out" }], "initialValue": "1952", "plotlycommand": "animate", "values": years, "visible": True } #define menus and buttons fig_dict["layout"]["updatemenus"] = [{ "buttons": [{ "args": [ None, { "frame": { "duration": 500, "redraw": True }, "fromcurrent": True, "transition": { "duration": 300, "easing": "quadratic-in-out" } } ], "label": "Play", "method": "animate" }, { "args": [[None], { "frame": { "duration": 0, "redraw": True }, "mode": "immediate", "transition": { "duration": 0 } }], "label": "Pause", "method": "animate" }], "direction": "left", "pad": { "r": 10, "t": 87 }, "showactive": False, "type": "buttons", "x": 0.1, "xanchor": "right", "y": 0, "yanchor": "top" }] #define slider dictionary sliders_dict = { "active": 0, "yanchor": "top", "xanchor": "left", "currentvalue": { "font": { "size": 20 }, "prefix": "Year:", "visible": True, "xanchor": "right" }, "transition": { "duration": 300, "easing": "cubic-in-out" }, "pad": { "b": 10, "t": 50 }, "len": 0.9, "x": 0.1, "y": 0, "steps": [] } ######################################## ######### DEFINE DATA ################## ######################################## #start from the first frame and define the figure year = years[0] ######################################## ######### DEFINE FIGURE ################ ######################################## #define the trace with optimal point currentColor = 0 data_dict = go.Scattermapbox( lat=D_res_optimal[D_res_optimal['YEAR'] == year][latCol], lon=D_res_optimal[D_res_optimal['YEAR'] == year][lonCol], mode='markers', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( size=14, #color='red', #color=currentColor, #color=cm.Reds(colore), color=[i for i in range(0, len(D_res_optimal['YEAR'] == year))], opacity=1, colorscale="Reds"), text=D_res_optimal[D_res_optimal['YEAR'] == year]['PERIOD'], name='optimal') fig_dict["data"].append(data_dict) #define the trace with bubbles of the other flows data_dict = go.Scattermapbox( lat=D_res[D_res['YEAR'] == year][latCol], lon=D_res[D_res['YEAR'] == year][lonCol], #color=, text=D_res[D_res['YEAR'] == year][descrCol], marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( size=D_res[D_res['YEAR'] == year]['FLOW_norm'], color=D_res[D_res['YEAR'] == year]['COST_TOBE'], opacity=0.5, showscale=True, colorscale='Viridis', ), name='flow intensity') #projection="natural earth") fig_dict["data"].append(data_dict) ######################################## ######### DEFINE FRAMES ################ ######################################## for year in years: frame = {"data": [], "name": year} #count the current color to have a gradient in the optimal point currentColor = currentColor + 1 #define the trace with optimal point data_dict = go.Scattermapbox( lat=D_res_optimal[D_res_optimal['YEAR'] <= year][latCol], lon=D_res_optimal[D_res_optimal['YEAR'] <= year][lonCol], mode='markers', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( size=14, #color='red', #color=currentColor, #color=cm.Reds(colore), color=D_res_optimal[D_res_optimal['YEAR'] <= year]['COLOR'], #color=[i for i in range(0,len(D_res_optimal['YEAR']==year))], opacity=1, colorscale="Reds"), text=D_res_optimal[D_res_optimal['YEAR'] <= year]['PERIOD'], name='optimal') frame["data"].append(data_dict) #define the trace with bubbles of the other flows data_dict = go.Scattermapbox( lat=D_res[D_res['YEAR'] == year][latCol], lon=D_res[D_res['YEAR'] == year][lonCol], #color=, text=D_res[D_res['YEAR'] == year][descrCol], marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( size=D_res[D_res['YEAR'] == year]['FLOW_norm'], color=D_res[D_res['YEAR'] == year]['COST_TOBE'], opacity=0.5, showscale=True, colorscale='Viridis', ), name='flow intensity') #projection="natural earth") frame["data"].append(data_dict) fig_dict["frames"].append(frame) # update the slider slider_step = { "args": [[year], { "frame": { "duration": 300, "redraw": True }, "mode": "immediate", "transition": { "duration": 300 } }], "label": year, "method": "animate" } sliders_dict["steps"].append(slider_step) #update the layout fig_dict["layout"]["sliders"] = [sliders_dict] #create the figure fig = go.Figure(fig_dict) #update with openStreetMap style fig.update_layout(mapbox_style="open-street-map") return fig
def simplePlot(self, solution, final_solution, obstacle, costmap, start, goal, region): #Generate a simple solution plot using plotly t = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100) x = t + t ** 2 y = t - t ** 2 xm = np.min(x) - 1.5 xM = np.max(x) + 1.5 ym = np.min(y) - 1.5 yM = np.max(y) + 1.5 N = 200 s = np.linspace(-1, 1, N) xx = s + s ** 2 yy = s - s ** 2 def get_sliders(n_frames, fr_duration=100, x_pos=0.0, slider_len=1.0): # n_frames= number of frames #fr_duration=the duration in milliseconds of each frame #x_pos x-coordinate where the slider starts #slider_len is a number in (0,1] giving the slider length as a fraction of x-axis length return [dict(steps= [dict(method= 'animate',#Sets the Plotly method to be called when the slider value is changed. args= [ [ 'frame{}'.format(k) ],#Sets the arguments values to be passed to the Plotly, #method set in method on slide dict(mode= 'immediate', frame= dict( duration=fr_duration, redraw= True ), transition=dict( duration= 0) ) ], label='fr{}'.format(k) ) for k in range(n_frames)], transition= { 'duration': 0 }, x=x_pos, len=slider_len)] #Create a Plot Structure fig = make_subplots( rows=1, cols=2, column_widths=[0.45,0.45], row_heights=[1], subplot_titles=("Solution Path in a Real Map","2D CostMap"), specs=[[{"type": "Scattermapbox"},{"type": "contour"}]]) #data_fig.append(go.Scattermapbox( # mode = "markers+lines", # lon = [], # lat = [], # marker = {'size': 5}, # name='test')) #data_fig.append(go.Scattermapbox( # mode = "markers+lines", # lon = [], # lat = [], # marker = {'size': 5}, # name='FinalResult')) z = [[2, 4, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16], [3, 1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17], [4, 2, 7, 7, 11, 14, 17, 18], [5, 3, 8, 8, 13, 15, 18, 19], [7, 4, 10, 9, 16, 18, 20, 19], [9, 10, 5, 27, 23, 21, 21, 21], [11, 14, 17, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22]] nrows = 80 ncols = 80 time = 10 z_t = [] for t in range(time): z = np.zeros((nrows+1, ncols+1), dtype=np.uint8) + 1 xx,yy = disk((0.5*nrows,0.5*nrows),0.5*nrows) z[xx,yy] = 10 xx,yy = disk((0.5*nrows,0.5*nrows),0.25*nrows) z[xx,yy] = 20 xx,yy = disk((0.5*nrows,0.5*nrows),0.125*nrows) z[xx,yy] = 50 #Region Clearece xx, yy = ellipse(0.5*nrows+t*(0.5*nrows/time), 0.5*ncols-t*(0.5*ncols/time), 0.15*nrows, 0.25*ncols, rotation=np.deg2rad(10)) x_del = np.argwhere( (xx <= 0) | (xx >= nrows) ) y_del = np.argwhere( (yy <= 0) | (yy >= ncols) ) xx = np.delete(xx, np.concatenate((x_del, y_del), axis=0)) yy = np.delete(yy, np.concatenate((x_del, y_del), axis=0)) z[xx,yy] = 50 #Region Clearece xx, yy = ellipse(0.5*nrows-t*(0.5*nrows/time), 0.5*ncols+t*(0.5*ncols/time), 0.15*nrows, 0.25*ncols, rotation=np.deg2rad(10)) x_del = np.argwhere( (xx <= 0) | (xx >= nrows) ) y_del = np.argwhere( (yy <= 0) | (yy >= ncols) ) xx = np.delete(xx, np.concatenate((x_del, y_del), axis=0)) yy = np.delete(yy, np.concatenate((x_del, y_del), axis=0)) z[xx,yy] = 50 z = np.asarray(z,dtype=np.double) z_t.append(z) X=np.linspace(-1,1, 80) Y=np.linspace(-1,1, 80) colorscale=[[0, '#e1ebec'], [0.25, '#b1d3e3'], [0.5, '#72a5d3'], [0.75, '#3b6ba5'], [1, '#193f6e']] colorscale=[[0, '#ffffff'], [0.25, '#a0ff7d'], [0.5, '#c5c400'], [0.75, '#dc8000'], [1, '#e10000']] y=np.arange(100) #fig.append_trace(go.Scatter(x=[1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5], y=[1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3], marker_size = 100,mode='markers',marker_symbol='square', marker=dict( # color=z, # line_width=1)),row=1,col=1) #filename = "" #df = pd.read_csv(filename, encoding='utf-8') #df = df.head(100) lat=np.arange(50) lon=np.arange(50) fig.append_trace(go.Scattermapbox( lat=lat, lon=lon, mode='markers+lines', marker=dict(size=5, color='red') ),row=1,col=1) lat_aux = [reg[0] for reg in region] lon_aux = [reg[1] for reg in region] fig.append_trace(go.Scattermapbox( lon = lon_aux, lat = lat_aux, fill = "toself", name='Area of Flight', marker = { 'size': 5, 'color': "rgba(123, 239, 178, 1)" }),row=1,col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scattermapbox( mode = "markers", lon = [start[1]], lat = [start[0]], marker = {'size':5,'color':"black"}, name='Start' ),row=1,col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scattermapbox( mode = "markers", lon = [goal[1]], lat = [goal[0]], marker = {'size':5,'color':"black"}, name='Goal' ),row=1,col=1) fig.append_trace(go.Scatter( x = [], y = [], ids=X, mode='markers+lines', marker=dict(size=5, color='black') ),row=1,col=2) fig.append_trace(go.Contour(x=X, y=Y, z=z_t[0], ids=z_t, name='testcolormap', line_smoothing=0, colorscale=colorscale, contours=dict( start=0, end=50, size=1, showlines=False) ), row=1, col=2) fig.update_xaxes(range=[-1,1],showgrid=False,constrain="domain") fig.update_yaxes(range=[-1,1],showgrid=False,constrain="domain") fig.update_layout( mapbox = { 'style': "stamen-terrain", 'center': {'lon': 0, 'lat': 0 }, 'zoom': 5}, title_text="UAS Path Generation", hovermode="closest", legend=dict( orientation="h", yanchor="top", #y=1.02, xanchor="right", x=1 ), updatemenus=[dict( #x=0, #y=0, #yanchor='top', #xanchor= 'right', #pad= dict(r= 10, t=40 ), type="buttons", showactive= False, buttons=[dict(label="Play", method="animate", args=[[None], dict(frame= { "duration": 50}, fromcurrent= True, mode='immediate'#, #transition= {"duration":10, "easing": "linear"} )]), dict(label='Pause', method='animate', args= [ [None], dict(frame= { "duration": 0}, fromcurrent= True, mode='immediate'#, #transition= {"duration": 0, "easing": "linear"} ) ] )])]#, #sliders=get_sliders(n_frames=100) ) #frames = [go.Frame( # data=[go.Scattermapbox( # lon=solution[k][1], # lat=solution[k][0], # mode="markers", # marker=dict(color="orange", size=10), # name='test'), # go.Scattermapbox( # lon=final_solution[1][:k], # lat=final_solution[1][:k], # mode="lines", # marker=dict(color="red", size=10), # name='FinalResult')]) for k in range(len(solution))] move = 0 frames = [] for i in range(1, 50): frames.append(go.Frame(data=[go.Scattermapbox( lat=lat[:i], lon=lon[:i],mode='markers+lines')],traces=[0])) frames.append(go.Frame(data=[go.Scatter( x=X[:i], y=Y[:i],mode='markers+lines')],traces=[4])) frames.append(go.Frame(data=[go.Contour(x=X, y=Y, z=z_t[move], line_smoothing=0, colorscale=colorscale, contours=dict( start=0, end=50, size=1, showlines=False))],traces=[5])) if i%10 == 0 and i < 100: move = move + 1 #frames= [go.Frame(data=[go.Scatter(y=y[:i],name='Testing Points'),go.Contour(z=z, line_smoothing=0, colorscale='dense',name='testcolormap')]) for i in range(1, 100)] fig.update(frames=frames) plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename='path.html') print()
def get_states_cases_plot(self): coord_dict = { 'AC': [-8.77, -70.55], 'AL': [-9.71, -35.73], 'AM': [-3.07, -61.66], 'AP': [1.41, -51.77], 'BA': [-12.96, -38.51], 'CE': [-3.71, -38.54], 'DF': [-15.83, -47.86], 'ES': [-19.19, -40.34], 'GO': [-16.64, -49.31], 'MA': [-2.55, -44.30], 'MT': [-12.64, -55.42], 'MS': [-20.51, -54.54], 'MG': [-18.10, -44.38], 'PA': [-5.53, -52.29], 'PB': [-7.06, -35.55], 'PR': [-24.89, -51.55], 'PE': [-8.28, -35.07], 'PI': [-8.28, -43.68], 'RJ': [-22.84, -43.15], 'RN': [-5.22, -36.52], 'RO': [-11.22, -62.80], 'RS': [-30.01, -51.22], 'RR': [1.89, -61.22], 'SC': [-27.33, -49.44], 'SE': [-10.90, -37.07], 'SP': [-23.55, -46.64], 'TO': [-10.25, -48.25] } _, siglas_df = self.get_state_cases() list_states = [state for state in coord_dict.keys()] lat_coords = [coord[0] for coord in coord_dict.values()] long_coords = [coord[1] for coord in coord_dict.values()] coord_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'state': list_states, 'lat': lat_coords, 'long': long_coords }) coord_states_cases = pd.merge(coord_df, siglas_df, how='inner', left_on='state', right_on='uf') coord_states_cases['hover_text'] = coord_states_cases.apply( lambda row: row.state + ': ' + str(row.cases), axis=1) api_key = 'pk.eyJ1IjoiYWxleG1hZ25vIiwiYSI6ImNrODU5d2pveDA0b28zaW95a2p6cHhydnAifQ.YiOEJwtD28loQ2d4txK6dg' fig = go.Figure( go.Scattermapbox(lat=coord_states_cases['lat'], lon=coord_states_cases['long'], mode='markers', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( size=coord_states_cases['cases'] / 30), text=coord_states_cases['hover_text'], hoverinfo='text')) fig.update_layout( title={ 'text': '<b>Total de casos por estado</b><br>(Explore com o mouse)', 'x': 0.5, 'xanchor': 'center', 'yanchor': 'top' }, autosize=True, hovermode='closest', mapbox=dict(accesstoken=api_key, bearing=0, center=dict(lat=-15, lon=-55), pitch=5, zoom=2.5), ) return fig
def update_alarms(tab, n_intervals, type_connection, sta): # COUNTING THE ALARMS WHATEVER THE TAB i = 0 try: with open(f'log/{type_connection}/alarms.xml', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp: content = bs_alarms = BS(content, 'lxml-xml') bs_ongoing = bs_alarms.find('ongoing') if bs_ongoing is not None: i = len(bs_ongoing.find_all('alarm')) except FileNotFoundError: pass if tab == 'map': fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scattermapbox(lat=LIST_LAT_STA, lon=LIST_LON_STA, text=LIST_NAME_STA, mode='markers', hovertemplate='<b>Sta:</b> %{text}<br>' + '<b>Pos:</b> (%{lat}, %{lon})<extra></extra>', marker=dict(size=12, color='rgba(17, 119, 51, 0.6)'))) fig.update_layout(height=450, margin={"r": 0, "t": 0, "l": 0, "b": 0}, mapbox=dict(zoom=ZOOM_MAP, style='stamen-terrain', bearing=0, center=go.layout.mapbox.Center(lat=LAT_MAP, lon=LON_MAP), pitch=0)) return html.Div([ dcc.Graph(figure=fig, config={'displaylogo': False}), html.Div(id='number-alarms', children=i, hidden=True) ]) elif tab == 'soh': states_xat = [] states_xat_table = [] states_soh = [] states_soh_table = [] try: with open(f'log/{type_connection}/states_xat.xml', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp: content = bs_states_xat = BS(content, 'lxml-xml') bs_station = bs_states_xat.find('station', {'name': sta}) if bs_station is not None: for state in bs_station.find_all('state'): state_dt = state.get('datetime') state_datetime = state_dt[1:5] + '-' + state_dt[5:7] + '-' + \ state_dt[7:9] + ' ' + state_dt[10:12] + ':' + \ state_dt[12:14] + ':' + state_dt[14:] states_xat_table.append(html.Tr( [html.Td(state_datetime), html.Td(state.get('name')), html.Td(state.get('value')) ] )) table_body = [html.Tbody(states_xat_table)] states_xat = dbc.Table(table_body, bordered=True, dark=True, hover=True, responsive=True, striped=True ) except FileNotFoundError: print(f'states_xat.xml file not found in log/{type_connection}') try: with open(f'log/{type_connection}/states_soh.xml', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp: content = bs_states_soh = BS(content, 'lxml-xml') bs_station = bs_states_soh.find('station', {'name': sta}) if bs_station is not None: for state in bs_station.find_all('state'): state_dt = state.get('datetime') state_datetime = state_dt[1:5] + '-' + state_dt[5:7] + '-' + \ state_dt[7:9] + ' ' + state_dt[10:12] + ':' + \ state_dt[12:14] + ':' + state_dt[14:] states_soh_table.append(html.Tr( [html.Td(state_datetime), html.Td(state.get('name')), html.Td(state.get('value')) ] )) table_body = [html.Tbody(states_soh_table)] states_soh = dbc.Table(table_body, bordered=True, dark=True, hover=True, responsive=True, striped=True ) except FileNotFoundError: print(f'states_soh.xml file not found in log/{type_connection}') return [html.Div(id='tabs-content-inline', children=[states_xat, states_soh]), html.Div(id='number-alarms', children=i, hidden=True)] elif tab == 'alarms_in_progress': nc_alarms_list = [] i = 0 try: with open(f'log/{type_connection}/alarms.xml', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp: content = bs_alarms = BS(content, 'lxml-xml') bs_ongoing = bs_alarms.find('ongoing') # display all the ongoing alarms nc_alarms_inside = [] if bs_ongoing is not None: for alarm in bs_ongoing.find_all('alarm'): i = i + 1 alarm_station = alarm.get('station') alarm_state = alarm.get('state') alarm_detail = alarm.get('detail') alarm_id = alarm.get('id') alarm_problem = int(alarm.get('problem')) if alarm_problem == 1: text_badge = "Warning" color = "warning" else: text_badge = "Critic" color = "danger" alarm_dt = alarm.get('datetime') alarm_datetime = alarm_dt[1:5] + '-' + alarm_dt[5:7] + '-' + \ alarm_dt[7:9] + ' ' + alarm_dt[10:12] + ':' + \ alarm_dt[12:14] + ':' + alarm_dt[14:] nc_alarms_inside.append(html.Tr([html.Td(alarm_datetime), html.Td(alarm_station), html.Td(alarm_state), html.Td(alarm_detail), html.Td(dbc.Badge(text_badge, color=color, className="mr-1")), html.Td([dbc.Button('Complete Alarm?', id={'type': 'btn-alarm', 'id_alarm': alarm_id}, className="mr-1", n_clicks=0) ]), ])) table_body = [html.Tbody(nc_alarms_inside)] nc_alarms_list = dbc.Table(table_body, bordered=True, dark=True, hover=True, responsive=True, striped=True ) except FileNotFoundError: pass return [html.Div(id='tabs-content-inline', children=nc_alarms_list), html.Div(id='number-alarms', children=i, hidden=True)] elif tab == 'alarms_completed': c_alarms_list = [] try: with open(f'log/{type_connection}/alarms.xml', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp: content = bs_alarms = BS(content, 'lxml-xml') bs_completed = bs_alarms.find('completed') # display all the ongoing alarms c_alarms_inside = [] if bs_completed is not None: for alarm in bs_completed.find_all('alarm'): alarm_station = alarm.get('station') alarm_state = alarm.get('state') alarm_detail = alarm.get('detail') alarm_problem = int(alarm.get('problem')) if alarm_problem == 1: text_badge = "Warning" color = "warning" else: text_badge = "Critic" color = "danger" alarm_dt = alarm.get('datetime') alarm_datetime = alarm_dt[1:5] + '-' + alarm_dt[5:7] + '-' + \ alarm_dt[7:9] + ' ' + alarm_dt[10:12] + ':' + \ alarm_dt[12:14] + ':' + alarm_dt[14:] c_alarms_inside.append(html.Tr([html.Td(alarm_datetime), html.Td(alarm_station), html.Td(alarm_state), html.Td(alarm_detail), html.Td(dbc.Badge(text_badge, color=color, className="mr-1"))])) table_body = [html.Tbody(c_alarms_inside)] c_alarms_list = dbc.Table(table_body, bordered=True, dark=True, hover=True, responsive=True, striped=True ) except FileNotFoundError: pass return [html.Div(id='tabs-content-inline', children=c_alarms_list), html.Div(id='number-alarms', children=i, hidden=True)]
def update_figures(derived_virtual_selected_rows): # When the table is first rendered, `derived_virtual_data` and # `derived_virtual_selected_rows` will be `None`. This is due to an # idiosyncracy in Dash (unsupplied properties are always None and Dash # calls the dependent callbacks when the component is first rendered). # So, if `rows` is `None`, then the component was just rendered # and its value will be the same as the component's dataframe. # Instead of setting `None` in here, you could also set # `derived_virtual_data=df.to_rows('dict')` when you initialize # the component. if derived_virtual_selected_rows is None: derived_virtual_selected_rows = [] dff = dfSum mapbox_access_token = "pk.eyJ1IjoicGxvdGx5bWFwYm94IiwiYSI6ImNqdnBvNDMyaTAxYzkzeW5ubWdpZ2VjbmMifQ.TXcBE-xg9BFdV2ocecc_7g" # Generate a list for hover text display textList = [] for area, region in zip(dfs[keyList[0]]['Province/State'], dfs[keyList[0]]['Country/Region']): if type(area) is str: if region == "Hong Kong" or region == "Macau" or region == "Taiwan": textList.append(area) else: textList.append(area + ', ' + region) else: textList.append(region) fig2 = go.Figure( go.Scattermapbox( lat=dfs[keyList[0]]['lat'], lon=dfs[keyList[0]]['lon'], mode='markers', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( color='#ca261d', size=dfs[keyList[0]]['Confirmed'].tolist(), sizemin=4, sizemode='area', sizeref=2. * max(dfs[keyList[0]]['Confirmed'].tolist()) / (150.**2), ), text=textList, hovertext=[ 'Comfirmed: {}<br>Recovered: {}<br>Death: {}'.format(i, j, k) for i, j, k in zip(dfs[keyList[0]]['Confirmed'], dfs[ keyList[0]]['Recovered'], dfs[keyList[0]]['Deaths']) ], hovertemplate="<b>%{text}</b><br><br>" + "%{hovertext}<br>" + "<extra></extra>")) fig2.update_layout( plot_bgcolor='#151920', paper_bgcolor='#cbd2d3', margin=go.layout.Margin(l=10, r=10, b=10, t=0, pad=40), hovermode='closest', transition={'duration': 1000}, mapbox=go.layout.Mapbox( accesstoken=mapbox_access_token, style="light", # The direction you're facing, measured clockwise as an angle from true north on a compass bearing=0, center=go.layout.mapbox.Center( lat=3.684188 if len(derived_virtual_selected_rows) == 0 else dff['lat'][derived_virtual_selected_rows[0]], lon=148.374024 if len(derived_virtual_selected_rows) == 0 else dff['lon'][derived_virtual_selected_rows[0]]), pitch=0, zoom=1.2 if len(derived_virtual_selected_rows) == 0 else 4)) return fig2
def update_figures(row_ids, selected_row_ids): # When the table is first rendered, `derived_virtual_data` and # `derived_virtual_selected_rows` will be `None`. This is due to an # idiosyncracy in Dash (unsupplied properties are always None and Dash # calls the dependent callbacks when the component is first rendered). # So, if `rows` is `None`, then the component was just rendered # and its value will be the same as the component's dataframe. # Instead of setting `None` in here, you could also set # `derived_virtual_data=df.to_rows('dict')` when you initialize # the component. if row_ids is None: row_ids = [] dff = dfSum mapbox_access_token = "pk.eyJ1IjoicGxvdGx5bWFwYm94IiwiYSI6ImNqdnBvNDMyaTAxYzkzeW5ubWdpZ2VjbmMifQ.TXcBE-xg9BFdV2ocecc_7g" # Generate a list for hover text display textList = [] for area, region in zip(dfs[keyList[0]]['Province/State'], dfs[keyList[0]]['Country/Region']): if type(area) is str: if region == "Hong Kong" or region == "Macau" or region == "Taiwan": textList.append(area) else: textList.append(area + ', ' + region) else: textList.append(region) # Generate a list for color gradient display colorList = [] for comfirmed, recovered, deaths in zip(dfs[keyList[0]]['Confirmed'], dfs[keyList[0]]['Recovered'], dfs[keyList[0]]['Deaths']): remaining = recovered / (comfirmed - deaths) colorList.append(remaining) fig2 = go.Figure( go.Scattermapbox( lat=dfs[keyList[0]]['lat'], lon=dfs[keyList[0]]['lon'], mode='markers', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( color=['#d7191c' if i < 1 else '#1a9622' for i in colorList], size=[i**(1 / 3) for i in dfs[keyList[0]]['Confirmed']], sizemin=1, sizemode='area', sizeref=2. * max([math.sqrt(i) for i in dfs[keyList[0]]['Confirmed']]) / (100.**2), ), text=textList, hovertext=[ 'Comfirmed: {}<br>Recovered: {}<br>Death: {}'.format(i, j, k) for i, j, k in zip(dfs[keyList[0]]['Confirmed'], dfs[ keyList[0]]['Recovered'], dfs[keyList[0]]['Deaths']) ], hovertemplate="<b>%{text}</b><br><br>" + "%{hovertext}<br>" + "<extra></extra>")) fig2.update_layout( plot_bgcolor='#151920', paper_bgcolor='#cbd2d3', margin=go.layout.Margin(l=10, r=10, b=10, t=0, pad=40), hovermode='closest', transition={'duration': 50}, annotations=[ dict( x=.5, y=-.01, align='center', showarrow=False, text= "Points are placed based on data geolocation levels.<br><b>Province/State level<b> - China, Australia, United States, and Canada; <b>Country level<b> - other countries.", xref="paper", yref="paper", font=dict(size=10, color='#292929'), ) ], mapbox=go.layout.Mapbox( accesstoken=mapbox_access_token, style="light", # The direction you're facing, measured clockwise as an angle from true north on a compass bearing=0, center=go.layout.mapbox.Center( lat=14.056159 if len(row_ids) == 0 else dff.loc[selected_row_ids[0]].lat, lon=22.920039 if len(row_ids) == 0 else dff.loc[selected_row_ids[0]].lon), pitch=0, zoom=1.03 if len(row_ids) == 0 else 4)) return fig2
def plot_movement(df, selected_numbers): data = [] colors = [ '#636EFA', '#EF553B', '#00CC96', '#AB63FA', '#FFA15A', '#19D3F3', '#FF6692', '#B6E880', '#FF97FF', '#FECB52' ] color_no = 0 df = pd.merge(df, towers[['lat', 'lon', 'TowerID']], on='TowerID') for number in selected_numbers: df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], format='%d-%m-%Y') #df=df[df['Date'].isin(pd.date_range('2020/06/05','2020/06/06'))].sort_values(['Date','Time']).reset_index() filtered_df = df[df['Caller'] == number].sort_values(['Date', 'Time' ]).reset_index() all_lat = [] all_lon = [] locs = [] duration_hover = [] duration_output = [] l1 = filtered_df['Date'] str) + ' ' + filtered_df['Time'].apply(str) for i in range(len(l1)): l1[i] = pd.to_datetime(l1[i], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') for i in range(len(l1) - 1): x = l1[i + 1] - l1[i] duration_hover.append(x) dura_op = [] # Will hold str(transitduration) to be hovered per edge for i in range(len(duration_output)): dura_op.append(str(duration_output[i])) for (index, row) in filtered_df.iterrows(): locs.append([row['lat'], row['lon']]) for i in range(len(locs) - 1): all_lat, all_lon, duration_output = addEdgemap( locs[i], locs[i + 1], duration_hover[i], all_lat, all_lon, duration_output, 0.7, "end", 0.009, 30, 10) data.append( go.Scattermapbox( lat=all_lat, lon=all_lon, mode="lines", hovertext=duration_output, marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker(size=17, color=colors[color_no], opacity=1), )) color_no += 1 color_no %= len(colors) fig = go.Figure(data, layout={ 'mapbox_style': 'open-street-map', 'showlegend': False, 'margin': dict(l=0, r=0, t=0, b=0), 'mapbox': dict(bearing=0, center=dict(lat=23.2599, lon=77.4126), pitch=0, zoom=10) }) return fig
# mapbox_access_token = open(".mapbox_token").read() df = pd.read_csv( '' ) site_lat = site_lon = df.lon locations_name = df.text fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox(lat=site_lat, lon=site_lon, mode='markers', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker(size=17, color='rgb(255, 0, 0)', opacity=0.7), text=locations_name, hoverinfo='text')) fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox(lat=site_lat, lon=site_lon, mode='markers', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker(size=8, color='rgb(242, 177, 172)', opacity=0.7), hoverinfo='none')) fig.update_layout( title='Nuclear Waste Sites on Campus',
years = [ 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2018, 2019, 2020 ] maps = go.Figure() access = ( "pk.eyJ1Ijoiam5kaXRpZmVpIiwiYSI6ImNrbHVwN2o4NDA5NmgybnBsNzI3Z3c1dWYifQ.971IMEJSB-BBVl575_HH3w" ) maps.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox(lat=teamsStats['lat'], lon=teamsStats['lon'], mode='markers', hovertext=teamsStats['short'], hoverinfo="text", marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker(size=20, color='#e83e8c', opacity=0.7))) maps.update_layout(autosize=True, hovermode='closest', showlegend=False, mapbox=dict(accesstoken=access, bearing=0, center=dict(lat=38, lon=-94), pitch=0, zoom=3, style='light'), mapbox_style="light", margin=dict(
mapbox_style = "mapbox://styles/neeharikak/ck3yt0g624vwr1clm0itq8t5r" listvolcanos = [] lats = [] lons = [] for obj in volc.find(): listvolcanos.append(db["volcanos"].find().sort([("PEI", -1)])) lats.append(obj["latitude"]) lons.append(obj["longitude"]) fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox(lat=lats, lon=lons, mode="markers", marker={ "size": [30, 20, 10], "color": ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow"] })) fig.update_layout(autosize=True, hovermode='closest', mapbox=go.layout.Mapbox(accesstoken=token, bearing=0, style=mapbox_style, center=go.layout.mapbox.Center( lat=33.930828, lon=-98.484879), pitch=0, zoom=3))
xWidth=maxLong-minLong yZoom=-1.446*math.log(yWidth)+7.2753 xZoom=-1.415*math.log(yWidth)+8.7068 #yZoom=CNST_ZOOM #xZoom=CNST_ZOOM return min(round(yZoom,2),round(xZoom,2)) _MyDb=db.BabyTrackerDB(Params.DB_USER, Params.DB_PASS, Params.DB_SERVER, Params.DB_DATABASE, Params.DB_PORT) mydfTracks=_MyDb.GetTracks(1) #mydfTracksA=_MyDb.GetTracks(1,2,datetime.strptime('03/01/2021','%d/%m/%Y')) #Dibuixem el mapa base amb la posició de l'usuari if mydfTracks is None: fig = go.Figure(go.Scattermapbox( mode = "markers+text", marker =dict(size=20, color='red'), textposition='top right', name='Basic') ) fig.update_layout( margin ={'l':0,'t':0,'b':0,'r':0}, height=750, mapbox = { 'accesstoken':MapBoxToken, 'style': 'stamen-watercolor', 'zoom': CNST_ZOOM}, title_text='Cercador de Babys') else: fig = go.Figure(go.Scattermapbox( mode = "markers+text", lon =mydfTracks,
def generate_map(): json_data = request.get_json(force=True) offenders_co_ordinates = json_data[ 'offenders'] if 'offenders' in json_data else { 'lats': [], 'lons': [] } citizens_co_ordinates = json_data[ 'citizens'] if 'citizens' in json_data else { 'lats': [], 'lons': [] } victims_co_ordinates = json_data['victims'] if 'victims' in json_data else { 'lats': [], 'lons': [] } cameras_co_ordinates = json_data['cameras'] if 'cameras' in json_data else { 'lats': [], 'lons': [] } campaigns_co_ordinates = json_data[ 'campaigns'] if 'campaigns' in json_data else { 'lats': [], 'lons': [] } stations_co_ordinates = json_data[ 'stations'] if 'stations' in json_data else { 'lats': [], 'lons': [] } parks_co_ordinates = json_data['parks'] if 'parks' in json_data else { 'lats': [], 'lons': [] } whether_night_time = json_data[ 'whether_night_time'] if 'whether_night_time' in json_data else False style = 'light' if (whether_night_time): style = 'dark' offenders = len(offenders_co_ordinates['lats']) citizens = len(citizens_co_ordinates['lats']) victims = len(victims_co_ordinates['lats']) cameras = len(cameras_co_ordinates['lats']) campaigns = len(campaigns_co_ordinates['lats']) stations = len(stations_co_ordinates['lats']) parks = len(parks_co_ordinates['lats']) mapbox_access_token = open(".mapbox_token").read() fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox( name="Offenders", lat=offenders_co_ordinates['lats'], lon=offenders_co_ordinates['lons'], mode='markers', hoverinfo='text', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( size=size_of_the_markers['offenders'], color=colors_of_the_markers['offenders'], opacity=0.7), text=generate_names("Offender", offenders, 'offender'), )) fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox( name="Citizens", lat=citizens_co_ordinates['lats'], lon=citizens_co_ordinates['lons'], mode='markers', hoverinfo='text', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( size=size_of_the_markers['citizens'], color=colors_of_the_markers['citizens'], opacity=0.7), text=generate_names("Citizen", offenders), )) fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox( name="Victims", lat=victims_co_ordinates['lats'], lon=victims_co_ordinates['lons'], mode='markers', hoverinfo='text', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( size=size_of_the_markers['victims'], color=colors_of_the_markers['victims'], opacity=0.7), text=generate_names("Victim", victims, 'victim'), )) # Cameras to the map fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox( name="Cameras", lat=cameras_co_ordinates['lats'], lon=cameras_co_ordinates['lons'], mode='markers', hoverinfo='text', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( size=size_of_the_markers['cameras'], color=colors_of_the_markers['cameras'], opacity=0.7), text=generate_names("Camera", cameras), )) # Campaigns to the map fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox( name="Campaigns", lat=campaigns_co_ordinates['lats'], lon=campaigns_co_ordinates['lons'], mode='markers', hoverinfo='text', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( size=size_of_the_markers['campaigns'], color=colors_of_the_markers['campaigns'], opacity=0.7), text=generate_names("Campaign", campaigns), )) # Stations to the map fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox( name="Stations", lat=stations_co_ordinates['lats'], lon=stations_co_ordinates['lons'], mode='markers', hoverinfo='text', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( size=size_of_the_markers['station'], color=colors_of_the_markers['station'], opacity=0.7), text=generate_names("Station", stations), )) # Parks to the map fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox( name="Parks", lat=parks_co_ordinates['lats'], lon=parks_co_ordinates['lons'], mode='markers', hoverinfo='text', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker(size=size_of_the_markers['park'], color=colors_of_the_markers['park'], opacity=0.7), text=generate_names("Park", parks), )) fig.update_layout( title="Westminster Crime Simulator", autosize=True, hovermode='closest', showlegend=True, mapbox=go.layout.Mapbox(accesstoken=mapbox_access_token, bearing=0, center=go.layout.mapbox.Center(lat=lat, lon=lon), pitch=0, zoom=11.5, style=style), ) fig.write_html('templates/map.html') return {'status': True, 'message': "Successfully created Map"}
obj["TotalFatalInjuries"]) >= 100: Lats_3.append(obj["Latitude"]) Lons_3.append(obj["Longitude"]) else: Lats_4.append(obj["Latitude"]) Lons_4.append(obj["Longitude"]) else: Lats_4.append(obj["Latitude"]) Lons_4.append(obj["Longitude"]) L4 = [ go.Scattermapbox(lat=Lats_1, lon=Lons_1, mode='markers', marker=dict( size=20, color='red', opacity=1, ), name="Greater than 300") ] L3 = [ go.Scattermapbox(lat=Lats_2, lon=Lons_2, mode='markers', marker=dict( size=15, color='orange', opacity=1, ),
def run_simulation(): json_data = request.get_json(force=True) max_effective_distance['campaigns'] = int( json_data['campaigns_effective_distance'] ) if 'campaigns_effective_distance' in json_data else max_effective_distance[ 'cameras'] max_effective_distance['cameras'] = int( json_data['cameras_effective_distance'] ) if 'cameras_effective_distance' in json_data else max_effective_distance[ 'campaigns'] whether_night_time = json_data[ 'whether_night_time'] if 'whether_night_time' in json_data else False day = json_data['day'] print("day: ", day) style = 'light' if (whether_night_time): max_effective_distance['campaigns'] = max_effective_distance[ 'campaigns'] * night_effectiveness_reduction_factor max_effective_distance['cameras'] = max_effective_distance[ 'cameras'] * night_effectiveness_reduction_factor style = 'dark' print("type", type(max_effective_distance['cameras'])) sim.env.setCameraEffective(max_effective_distance['cameras']) sim.env.setCampaignEffective(max_effective_distance['campaigns']) happened_attacks, attackpositions = sim.runStep() mapbox_access_token = open(".mapbox_token").read() attackPostion['lat'] = attackPostion['lat'] + happened_attacks['lats'] attackPostion['lon'] = attackPostion['lon'] + happened_attacks['lons'] fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox( lat=happened_attacks['lats'], lon=happened_attacks['lons'], mode='markers', hoverinfo='text', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker( size=size_of_the_markers['offenders'], color=colors_of_the_markers['offenders'], opacity=0.7), text=happened_attacks['texts'], )) fig.update_layout( title="Westminster Crime Simulator", autosize=True, hovermode='closest', showlegend=False, mapbox=go.layout.Mapbox(accesstoken=mapbox_access_token, bearing=0, center=go.layout.mapbox.Center(lat=lat, lon=lon), pitch=0, zoom=11.5, style=style), ) print("day: ", day) fig.write_html('templates/attacks-day-' + str(day) + '.html') return { 'status': True, 'message': "Successfully created Attack", 'attacks': attackpositions, }
marker_line_width=5, marker_line_color="rgb(0,0,0)", showscale=False), go.Choroplethmapbox( geojson=choropleth_bg.set_index('GEOID').__geo_interface__, locations=choropleth_bg.GEOID, z=choropleth_bg.over_60, text=choropleth_bg.NAMELSAD, hoverinfo="text+z", colorscale="Viridis", marker_opacity=0.3, marker_line_width=2, marker_line_color="#C6C6C6"), go.Scattermapbox(lat=sampled_bgs.Sampled_Point_Latitude, lon=sampled_bgs.Sampled_Point_Longitude, mode='markers', name='Patient Location', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker(color='rgb(0,0,0)')), go.Scattermapbox(lat=comprehensives.Latitude, lon=comprehensives.Longitude, name='Comprehensive', text=comprehensives.OrganizationName, hoverinfo='text', mode='markers', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker(size=15, color='rgb(255,0,0)')), go.Scattermapbox(lat=primaries.Latitude, lon=primaries.Longitude, text=primaries.OrganizationName, hoverinfo='text', name='Primary',
orangelat200.append(obj["Latitude"]) orangelon200.append(obj["Longitude"]) elif (int(obj["TotalFatalInjuries"]) > 100): yellowlat100.append(obj["Latitude"]) yellowlon100.append(obj["Longitude"]) else: bluelat.append(obj["Latitude"]) bluelon.append(obj["Longitude"]) fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox(lat=redlat300, lon=redlon300, mode="markers", marker={ "size": 10, "color": "red" })) fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox(lat=orangelat200, lon=orangelon200, mode="markers", marker={ "size": 10, "color": "orange" })) fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox(lat=yellowlat100,
def plot_path(lat, long, origin_point, destination_point): """ Given a list of latitudes and longitudes, origin and destination point, plots a path on a map Parameters ---------- lat, long: list of latitudes and longitudes origin_point, destination_point: co-ordinates of origin and destination Returns ------- Nothing. Only shows the map. """ # adding the lines joining the nodes fig = go.Figure( go.Scattermapbox(name="Path", mode="lines", lon=long, lat=lat, marker={'size': 10}, line=dict(width=4.5, color='blue'))) # adding source marker fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox(name="Source", mode="markers", lon=[origin_point[1]], lat=[origin_point[0]], marker={ 'size': 12, 'color': "red" })) # adding destination marker fig.add_trace( go.Scattermapbox(name="Destination", mode="markers", lon=[destination_point[1]], lat=[destination_point[0]], marker={ 'size': 12, 'color': 'green' })) # getting center for plots: lat_center = np.mean(lat) long_center = np.mean(long) # defining the layout using mapbox_style fig.update_layout(mapbox_style="stamen-terrain", mapbox_center_lat=30, mapbox_center_lon=-80) fig.update_layout(margin={ "r": 0, "t": 0, "l": 0, "b": 0 }, mapbox={ 'center': { 'lat': lat_center, 'lon': long_center }, 'zoom': 13 })
mapbox_token = "" # using pymongo to interface with my mongo database image (mongodb) in docker client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/") db = client["armageddon"] uf = db["ufos"] # iterate through mongodb collection and create a pandas dataframe with the collection data cursor_ufos = uf.find() df = pd.DataFrame(list(cursor_ufos)) # sets the geospatial data up figure = go.Figure( go.Scattermapbox(lat=df["latitude"], lon=df["longitude"], text=df["city"], mode="markers", marker=dict(size=4, color="blue", opacity=.8))) # sets the layout for plotting figure.update_layout(autosize=True, hovermode="closest", template="plotly_dark", mapbox=go.layout.Mapbox(accesstoken=mapbox_token, bearing=0, center=go.layout.mapbox.Center( lat=33.9137, lon=-98.4934), pitch=0, zoom=5), title="UFO sightings around the world")
columns=['totalCasesMS', 'deathsMS', 'country', 'URL', 'notConfirmedByMS']) df_table = df_table.rename(columns={ 'id': 'Local', 'totalCases': 'Total', 'deaths': 'Fatais' }) trace_size = result.Confirmados * 100 fig = go.Figure( go.Scattermapbox(, lon=result.lon, mode='markers', marker=go.scattermapbox.Marker(sizemode='area', size=result.Confirmados, sizeref=2),, customdata=result.Mortes, hovertemplate="<b>%{text}</b><br><br>" + "Confirmados: %{marker.size}<br>" + "Óbitos: %{customdata}<br>" + "<extra></extra>", )) fig.update_layout(mapbox=dict( center=go.layout.mapbox.Center(lat=-15, lon=-47), zoom=3, )) fig.update_layout(mapbox_style="carto-positron") fig.update_layout(margin={"r": 0, "t": 0, "l": 0, "b": 0}) map_layout = html.Div(children=[
def iplot(n, fig=None, bus_colors='blue', bus_colorscale=None, bus_colorbar=None, bus_sizes=10, bus_text=None, line_colors='green', line_widths=2, line_text=None, layouter=None, title="", size=None, branch_components=['Line', 'Link'], iplot=True, jitter=None, mapbox=False, mapbox_style='open-street-map', mapbox_token="", mapbox_parameters={}): """ Plot the network buses and lines interactively using plotly. Parameters ---------- fig : dict, default None If not None, figure is built upon this fig. bus_colors : dict/pandas.Series Colors for the buses, defaults to "b" bus_colorscale : string Name of colorscale if bus_colors are floats, e.g. 'Jet', 'Viridis' bus_colorbar : dict Plotly colorbar, e.g. {'title' : 'my colorbar'} bus_sizes : dict/pandas.Series Sizes of bus points, defaults to 10 bus_text : dict/pandas.Series Text for each bus, defaults to bus names line_colors : dict/pandas.Series Colors for the lines, defaults to "g" for Lines and "cyan" for Links. Colors for branches other than Lines can be specified using a pandas Series with a MultiIndex. line_widths : dict/pandas.Series Widths of lines, defaults to 2. Widths for branches other than Lines can be specified using a pandas Series with a MultiIndex. line_text : dict/pandas.Series Text for lines, defaults to line names. Text for branches other than Lines can be specified using a pandas Series with a MultiIndex. layouter : networkx.drawing.layout function, default None Layouting function from `networkx <>`_ which overrules coordinates given in ``n.buses[['x','y']]``. See `list <>`_ of available options. title : string Graph title size : None|tuple Tuple specifying width and height of figure; e.g. (width, heigh). branch_components : list of str Branch components to be plotted, defaults to Line and Link. iplot : bool, default True Automatically do an interactive plot of the figure. jitter : None|float Amount of random noise to add to bus positions to distinguish overlapping buses mapbox : bool, default False Switch to use Mapbox. mapbox_style : str, default 'open-street-map' Define the mapbox layout style of the interactive plot. If this is set to a mapbox layout, the argument ``mapbox_token`` must be a valid Mapbox API access token. Valid open layouts are: open-street-map, white-bg, carto-positron, carto-darkmatter, stamen-terrain, stamen-toner, stamen-watercolor Valid mapbox layouts are: basic, streets, outdoors, light, dark, satellite, satellite-streets mapbox_token : string Mapbox API access token. Obtain from Can also be included in mapbox_parameters as `accesstoken=mapbox_token`. mapbox_parameters : dict Configuration parameters of the Mapbox layout. E.g. {"bearing": 5, "pitch": 10, "zoom": 1, "style": 'dark'}. Returns ------- fig: dictionary for plotly figure """ defaults_for_branches = { 'Link': dict(color="cyan", width=2), 'Line': dict(color="blue", width=2), 'Transformer': dict(color='green', width=2) } if fig is None: fig = dict(data=[], layout={}) if bus_text is None: bus_text = 'Bus ' + n.buses.index x, y = _get_coordinates(n, layouter=layouter) if jitter is not None: x = x + np.random.uniform(low=-jitter, high=jitter, size=len(x)) y = y + np.random.uniform(low=-jitter, high=jitter, size=len(y)) bus_trace = dict( x=x, y=y, text=bus_text, type="scatter", mode="markers", hoverinfo="text", marker=dict(color=bus_colors, size=bus_sizes), ) if bus_colorscale is not None: bus_trace['marker']['colorscale'] = bus_colorscale if bus_colorbar is not None: bus_trace['marker']['colorbar'] = bus_colorbar def as_branch_series(ser): if isinstance(ser, dict) and set(ser).issubset(branch_components): return pd.Series(ser) elif isinstance(ser, pd.Series): if isinstance(ser.index, pd.MultiIndex): return ser index = ser.index ser = ser.values else: index = n.lines.index return pd.Series(ser, index=pd.MultiIndex(levels=(["Line"], index), labels=(np.zeros(len(index)), np.arange(len(index))))) line_colors = as_branch_series(line_colors) line_widths = as_branch_series(line_widths) if line_text is not None: line_text = as_branch_series(line_text) shapes = [] shape_traces = [] for c in n.iterate_components(branch_components): l_defaults = defaults_for_branches[] l_widths = line_widths.get(, l_defaults['width']) l_colors = line_colors.get(, l_defaults['color']) if line_text is None: l_text = + ' ' + c.df.index else: l_text = line_text.get( if isinstance(l_colors, pd.Series): if issubclass(l_colors.dtype.type, np.number): l_colors = None else: l_colors.fillna(l_defaults['color'], inplace=True) x0 = x1 = y0 = y1 = for line in c.df.index: color = l_colors if isinstance(l_colors, string_types) else l_colors[line] width = l_widths if isinstance(l_widths, (int, float)) else l_widths[line] shapes.append( dict(type='line', x0=x0[line], y0=y0[line], x1=x1[line], y1=y1[line], opacity=0.7, line=dict(color=color, width=width))) shape_traces.append( dict(x=0.5 * (x0 + x1), y=0.5 * (y0 + y1), text=l_text, type="scatter", mode="markers", hoverinfo="text", marker=dict(opacity=0.))) if mapbox: shape_traces_latlon = [] for st in shape_traces: st['lon'] = st.pop('x') st['lat'] = st.pop('y') shape_traces_latlon.append(go.Scattermapbox(st)) shape_traces = shape_traces_latlon shapes_mapbox = [] for s in shapes: s['lon'] = [s.pop('x0'), s.pop('x1')] s['lat'] = [s.pop('y0'), s.pop('y1')] shapes_mapbox.append(go.Scattermapbox(s, mode='lines')) shapes = shapes_mapbox bus_trace['lon'] = bus_trace.pop('x') bus_trace['lat'] = bus_trace.pop('y') bus_trace = go.Scattermapbox(bus_trace) fig['data'].extend(shapes + shape_traces + [bus_trace]) else: fig['data'].extend([bus_trace] + shape_traces) fig['layout'].update( dict(title=title, hovermode='closest', showlegend=False)) if size is not None: assert len( size) == 2, "Parameter size must specify a tuple (width, height)." fig['layout'].update(dict(width=size[0], height=size[1])) if mapbox: if mapbox_token != "": mapbox_parameters['accesstoken'] = mapbox_token mapbox_parameters.setdefault('style', mapbox_style) if mapbox_parameters['style'] in _token_required_mb_styles: assert 'accesstoken' in mapbox_parameters.keys(), ( "Using Mapbox " "layout styles requires a valid access token from, " f"style which do not require a token are:\n{', '.join(_open__mb_styles)}." ) if 'center' not in mapbox_parameters.keys(): lon = (n.buses.x.min() + n.buses.x.max()) / 2 lat = (n.buses.y.min() + n.buses.y.max()) / 2 mapbox_parameters['center'] = dict(lat=lat, lon=lon) if 'zoom' not in mapbox_parameters.keys(): mapbox_parameters['zoom'] = 2 fig['layout']['mapbox'] = mapbox_parameters else: fig['layout']['shapes'] = shapes if iplot: if not pltly_present: logger.warning( "Plotly is not present, so interactive plotting won't work.") else: pltly.iplot(fig) return fig