def plot_propagation(self) -> None: Figure( data=[self.get_single_propagation_scatter()], layout=Layout( template="plotly_white", title=Title( text= f"Tweets propagation, root: {self.unique_id}, {self.tweet_type}", x=0.5), yaxis=YAxis(title="Cumulative number of retweets"), xaxis=XAxis(title="Delay since root tweet"), )).show()
def setup_figure(data, datetimes, use_gradient, show_yaxis_ticks, height): """Create figure.""" n_channels = data.shape[1] datetimes = [ dt.utcfromtimestamp((datetime + np.timedelta64(3, 'h')).tolist() / 1e9) for datetime in datetimes ] domains = np.linspace(1, 0, n_channels + 1) fig = tools.make_subplots( rows=n_channels, cols=1, # specs=[[{}]] * n_channels, shared_xaxes=True, shared_yaxes=True, vertical_spacing=-5, print_grid=False) traces = create_traces(data, datetimes, n_channels, use_gradient)"Appending traces") # for i, trace in tqdm(enumerate(traces), desc='Appending traces to figure'): # fig.append_trace(trace, i + 1, 1) for i, trace in tqdm(enumerate(traces), desc='Updating layout'): fig['layout'].update({ f'yaxis{i + 1}': YAxis({ 'domain': np.flip(domains[i:i + 2], axis=0), 'showticklabels': show_yaxis_ticks, 'zeroline': False, 'showgrid': False, 'automargin': False }), 'showlegend': False, 'margin': { 't': 0, 'l': 0 } }) fig['data'] = traces if not show_yaxis_ticks: annotations = create_annotations(data, n_channels) fig['layout'].update(annotations=annotations) fig['layout'].update(autosize=False, height=height) # fig['layout']['xaxis'].update(side='top') # fig['layout']['xaxis'].update(tickformat='%H:%M:%S:%L') # fig['layout']['xaxis'].update(mirror='allticks', side='bottom')"Figure set up") return fig
def plot_all_tweets_propagation(all_tweets: List[Tweet]) -> None: colors = {TweetType.TRUE: "green", TweetType.FALSE: "red"} all_tweets.sort(key=lambda tweet: tweet.tweet_type) Figure( data=[ tweet.get_single_propagation_scatter(colors[tweet.tweet_type]) for tweet in all_tweets if tweet.tweet_type in {TweetType.TRUE, TweetType.FALSE} ], layout=Layout( template="plotly_white", title=Title(text="Tweets propagation", x=0.5), yaxis=YAxis(title="Skumulowana liczba tweetów"), xaxis=XAxis(title="Czas od pojawiania się pierwszego wpisu [s]"), )).show()
def plot_explained_variance(pca): import plotly from plotly.graph_objs import Bar, Line from plotly.graph_objs import Scatter, Layout from plotly.graph_objs.scatter import Marker from plotly.graph_objs.layout import XAxis, YAxis plotly.offline.init_notebook_mode() # run at the start of every notebook explained_var = pca.explained_variance_ratio_ cum_var_exp = np.cumsum(explained_var) plotly.offline.iplot({ "data": [Bar(y=explained_var, name='individual explained variance'), Scatter(y=cum_var_exp, name='cumulative explained variance') ], "layout": Layout(xaxis=XAxis(title='Principal components'), yaxis=YAxis(title='Explained variance ratio')) })
def plot_colored_table( master_values: np.ndarray, branch_values: np.ndarray, row_labels: List[str], col_labels: List[str], tab_data: np.ndarray, ) -> str: """Create an annotated heatmap of shape (H,W), where there are H metrics, and W benchmark datasets. Args: master_values: array of shape (H,W), representing values in master branch_values: array of shape (H,W), representing values in new branch col_labels: list of length (W), representing labels for each column (column names) in the "x" direction. row_labels: list of length (H), representing labels for each row (row names) in the "y" direction. tab_data: (H,W) 2d matrix, representing table data. Entries of the table represent percentage changes from a value for a metric on the master branch. Values can be considered in the "z" direction. Returns: string representing HTML code for the generated Plotly table. """ if tab_data.size == 0: return "" # Clip "Z" to -20% and +20%. The clipping is only for the color -- the text will still display the correct numbers. tab_data_clipped = np.clip(tab_data, a_min=MIN_RENDERABLE_PERCENT_CHANGE, a_max=MAX_RENDERABLE_PERCENT_CHANGE) H, W = tab_data.shape hovertext_table = np.empty((H, W), dtype=object) for i in range(H): for j in range(W): cell_text = f"Master: {master_values[i,j]}<br />" cell_text += f"Branch: {branch_values[i,j]} <br />" cell_text += f"Percentage: {tab_data[i,j]}" hovertext_table[i, j] = cell_text redgreen = [RED_HEX, PALE_YELLOW_HEX, GREEN_HEX] colorscale = colorscale_from_list(redgreen) trace = go.Heatmap( z=tab_data_clipped, x=col_labels, y=row_labels, colorscale=colorscale, hoverinfo="text", text=hovertext_table.tolist(), zmin=-MIN_RENDERABLE_PERCENT_CHANGE, zmax=MAX_RENDERABLE_PERCENT_CHANGE, ) layout = go.Layout( title="Percentage Change", font=Font(family="Balto, sans-serif", size=12, color="rgb(68,68,68)"), showlegend=False, xaxis=XAxis(title="", showgrid=True, side="top", tickangle=-45), yaxis=YAxis( title="", autorange="reversed", showgrid=True, ), autosize=False, height=HEATMAP_HEIGHT, width=HEATMAP_WIDTH, margin=Margin(l=135, r=40, b=85, t=170), ) fig = go.Figure(data=[trace], layout=layout) annotations = [] num_rows, num_cols = tab_data.shape for i in range(num_rows): for j in range(num_cols): annotations.append( Annotation( text=str(np.round(tab_data[i, j], 1)) + "%", x=col_labels[j], y=row_labels[i], xref="x1", yref="y1", font=dict(color="rgb(25,25,25)"), showarrow=False, )) fig["layout"].update(annotations=annotations) return fig.to_html(full_html=False, include_plotlyjs="cdn")
def draw_traces_nograph(traces, on_map=False, map_style='basic', showlegend=True, figsize=1, aspectratio='auto', filename='temp-plot.html'): """ plots all the traces (which can be created using :func:`create_bus_trace`, :func:`create_line_trace`, :func:`create_trafo_trace`) to PLOTLY (see INPUT: **traces** - list of dicts which correspond to plotly traces generated using: `create_bus_trace`, `create_line_trace`, `create_trafo_trace` OPTIONAL: **on_map** (bool, False) - enables using mapbox plot in plotly **map_style** (str, 'basic') - enables using mapbox plot in plotly - 'streets' - 'bright' - 'light' - 'dark' - 'satellite' **showlegend** (bool, 'True') - enables legend display **figsize** (float, 1) - aspectratio is multiplied by it in order to get final image size **aspectratio** (tuple, 'auto') - when 'auto' it preserves original aspect ratio of the network geodata any custom aspectration can be given as a tuple, e.g. (1.2, 1) **filename** (str, "temp-plot.html") - plots to a html file called filename OUTPUT: **figure** (graph_objs._figure.Figure) figure object without showing the graph. The graph values will be stored as variables. """ if on_map: try: on_map = _on_map_test(traces[0]['x'][0], traces[0]['y'][0]) except: logger.warning("Test if geo-data are in lat/long cannot be performed using geopy -> " "eventual plot errors are possible.") if on_map is False: logger.warning("Existing geodata are not real lat/lon geographical coordinates. -> " "plot on maps is not possible.\n" "Use geo_data_to_latlong(net, projection) to transform geodata from specific projection.") if on_map: # change traces for mapbox # change trace_type to scattermapbox and rename x to lat and y to lon for trace in traces: trace['lat'] = trace.pop('x') trace['lon'] = trace.pop('y') trace['type'] = 'scattermapbox' if "line" in trace and isinstance(trace["line"], Line): # scattermapboxplot lines do not support dash for some reason, make it a red line instead if "dash" in trace["line"]._props: _prps = dict(trace["line"]._props) _prps.pop("dash", None) _prps["color"] = "red" trace["line"] = scmLine(_prps) else: trace["line"] = scmLine(dict(trace["line"]._props)) elif "marker" in trace and isinstance(trace["marker"], Marker): trace["marker"] = scmMarker(trace["marker"]._props) # setting Figure object fig = Figure(data=traces, # edge_trace layout=Layout( titlefont=dict(size=16), showlegend=showlegend, autosize=(aspectratio == 'auto'), hovermode='closest', margin=dict(b=5, l=5, r=5, t=5), # annotations=[dict( # text="", # showarrow=False, # xref="paper", yref="paper", # x=0.005, y=-0.002)], xaxis=XAxis(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False), yaxis=YAxis(showgrid=False, zeroline=False, showticklabels=False), # legend=dict(x=0, y=1.0) ), ) # check if geodata are real geographical lat/lon coordinates using geopy if on_map: try: mapbox_access_token = _get_mapbox_token() except Exception: logger.exception('mapbox token required for map plots. ' 'Get Mapbox token by signing in to\n' 'After getting a token, set it to pandapower using:\n' 'pandapower.plotting.plotly.mapbox_plot.set_mapbox_token(\'<token>\')') raise MapboxTokenMissing fig['layout']['mapbox'] = dict(accesstoken=mapbox_access_token, bearing=0, center=dict(lat=pd.Series(traces[0]['lat']).dropna().mean(), lon=pd.Series(traces[0]['lon']).dropna().mean()), style=map_style, pitch=0, zoom=11) # default aspectratio: if on_map use auto, else use 'original' aspectratio = 'original' if not on_map and aspectratio == 'auto' else aspectratio if aspectratio != 'auto': if aspectratio == 'original': # TODO improve this workaround for getting original aspectratio xs = [] ys = [] for trace in traces: xs += trace['x'] ys += trace['y'] x_dropna = pd.Series(xs).dropna() y_dropna = pd.Series(ys).dropna() xrange = x_dropna.max() - x_dropna.min() yrange = y_dropna.max() - y_dropna.min() ratio = xrange / yrange if ratio < 1: aspectratio = (ratio, 1.) else: aspectratio = (1., 1 / ratio) aspectratio = np.array(aspectratio) / max(aspectratio) fig['layout']['width'], fig['layout']['height'] = ([ar * figsize * 700 for ar in aspectratio]) # check if called from ipynb or not in order to consider appropriate plot function if _in_ipynb(): from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, iplot as plot init_notebook_mode() else: from plotly.offline import plot as plot # delete the plot function here. # plot(fig, filename=filename) return fig
def offline_plotly_scatter_bubble( df, x='x', y='y', size_col='size', text_col='text', category_col='category', possible_categories=None, filename=None, config={'displaylogo': False}, xscale=None, yscale='log', layout={ 'hovermode': 'closest', 'showlegend': False, 'autosize': True }, marker={'sizemode': 'area'}, min_size=10, ): r"""Interactive scatterplot of a DataFrame with the size and color of circles linke to two columns config keys: fillFrame setBackground displaylogo sendData showLink linkText staticPlot scrollZoom plot3dPixelRatio displayModeBar showTips workspace doubleClick autosizable editable layout keys: angularaxis annotations autosize bargap bargroupgap barmode barnorm boxgap boxgroupgap boxmode calendar direction dragmode font geo height hiddenlabels hiddenlabelssrc hidesources hovermode images legend mapbox margin orientation paper_bgcolor plot_bgcolor radialaxis scene separators shapes showlegend sliders smith ternary title titlefont updatemenus width xaxis yaxis marker keys: autocolorscale blend border cauto cmax cmin color colorbar colors colorscale colorsrc colorssrc line maxdisplayed opacity opacitysrc outliercolor reversescale showscale size sizemax sizemin sizemode sizeref sizesrc symbol symbolsrc marker['sizeref'] gives the denominator of the circle scaling factor. Typically it should be about a tenth of the minimum 'size' column value >>> from import get_data >>> df = get_data('cities_us_wordvectors_pca2_meta').iloc[:100] >>> html = offline_plotly_scatter_bubble( ... df.sort_values('population', ascending=False)[:350].copy().sort_values('population'), ... x='x', y='y', ... size_col='population', text_col='name', category_col='timezone', ... xscale=None, yscale=None, # 'log' or None ... layout={}, marker={'sizeref': 3000}) """ config_default = dict(DEFAULT_PLOTLY_CONFIG) marker_default = { 'size': size_col or min_size, 'sizemode': 'area', 'sizeref': int(df[size_col].min() * .8) if size_col else min_size } marker_default.update(marker) size_col = marker_default.pop('size') layout_default = { 'xaxis': XAxis(title=x, type=xscale), 'yaxis': YAxis(title=y, type=yscale), } layout_default.update(**layout) if config is not None: config_default.update(config) df.columns = clean_columns(df.columns) if possible_categories is None and category_col is not None: if category_col in df.columns: category_labels = df[category_col] else: category_labels = np.array(category_col) possible_categories = list(set(category_labels)) possible_categories = [ None ] if possible_categories is None else possible_categories if category_col and category_col in df: masks = [ np.array(df[category_col] == label) for label in possible_categories ] else: masks = [np.array([True] * len(df))] * len(possible_categories) data = { 'data': [ Scatter(x=df[x][mask].values, y=df[y][mask].values, text=df[text_col][mask].values, marker=Marker(size=df[size_col][mask] if size_col in df.columns else size_col, **marker_default), mode='markers', name=str(category_name)) for (category_name, mask) in zip(possible_categories, masks) ], 'layout': Layout(**layout_default) } return offline_plotly_data(data, filename=filename, config=config_default)
data = [pneumo_size_m_trace, pneumo_size_f_trace] fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) iplot(fig) pneumo_size_m_trace = Scatter(x=pneumothorax_df_m['patient_age'].values, y=pneumothorax_df_m['pneumothorax_area'].values, mode='markers', name='Male') pneumo_size_f_trace = Scatter(x=pneumothorax_df_f['patient_age'].values, y=pneumothorax_df_f['pneumothorax_area'].values, mode='markers', name='Female') layout = Layout( title='Pneumothorax Affected Area vs Age for Male and Female Population', yaxis=YAxis(title='Area (in sq mm)'), xaxis=XAxis(title='Age')) data = [pneumo_size_m_trace, pneumo_size_f_trace] fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) iplot(fig) size_m = pneumothorax_df_m['pneumothorax_area'].values size_ref_m = 2. * max(size_m) / (40.**2) size_f = pneumothorax_df_f['pneumothorax_area'].values size_ref_f = 2. * max(size_f) / (40.**2) pneumo_size_m_trace = Scatter( x=pneumothorax_df_m['patient_age'].values, y=pneumothorax_df_m['encoded_pixels_count'].values, marker=dict(size=size_m, sizemode='area', sizeref=size_ref_m, sizemin=4), mode='markers',
) trace5 = Scatter( x=[], y=[], name="PM2.5", stream=dict(token=stream_token_PM25, maxpoints=10000), ) trace6 = Scatter( x=[], y=[], name="PM10.0", stream=dict(token=stream_token_PM10, maxpoints=10000), ) layout = Layout(title='EnviroPi with ZIO QWIIC Sensors', yaxis=YAxis(title='Value'), yaxis2=YAxis(title='%'), yaxis3=YAxis(title='Lux'), yaxis4=YAxis(title='PM1'), yaxis5=YAxis(title='PM25'), yaxis6=YAxis(title='PM10')) data = [trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4, trace5, trace6] fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) print py.plot(fig, filename='EnviroPi with ZIO QWIIC sensors', fileopt='extend') stream_temp = py.Stream(stream_token_temp)
'bgcolor': 'white', 'font': { 'color': 'grey' } }, 'paper_bgcolor': 'white', 'plot_bgcolor': 'grey', 'yaxis1': YAxis({ 'tickfont': { 'color': 'grey' }, 'gridcolor': 'lightyellow', 'titlefont': { 'color': 'grey' }, 'zerolinecolor': 'lightyellow', 'showgrid': True }), 'xaxis1': XAxis({ 'tickfont': { 'color': 'grey' }, 'gridcolor': 'lightyellow', 'titlefont': { 'color': 'grey' }, 'zerolinecolor': 'lightyellow',