def density2d(x, y, z=None, **kwargs): """ Create a histogram. Parameter `z` is for a unified API. Args: x (iterable): Values for the density x-axis. y (iterable): Values for the density y-axis. z: Not applicable. **kwargs: Any other keyword argument passed to `go.Histogram2dContour`. Returns: list[`go.Scatter`, `go.Histogram2dContour`] """ marker = { "color": 'rgb(102,0,0)', "size": 2, "opacity": 0.2, } histogram_params = { "name": "density", "ncontours": 20, "colorscale": "Hot", "reversescale": True, "showscale": False } histogram_params.update(kwargs) return [ _simple_scatter(x, y, mode='markers', marker=marker), go.Histogram2dContour(x=x, y=y, **histogram_params), ]
def make2dHist(poslist, sizelist, boundD): if args.g: geneModel = buildGeneModel() chartTitle = str("Gene:" + args.g + " |||| Inputs:" + args.i), else: geneModel = [] geneModel.insert( 0, { 'type': 'rect', 'x0': min(poslist), 'y0': 52.5, 'x1': max(poslist), 'y1': 55, 'fillcolor': 'rgb(100,100,100)' }) chartTitle = str("Inputs:" + args.i), trace1 = go.Histogram2dContour( x=poslist, y=sizelist, zmin=0, zmax=10000, contours=dict(showlines=False), colorscale=[[0, 'rgb(255,255,255)'], [0.25, 'rgb(31,120,180)'], [0.45, 'rgb(178,223,138)'], [0.65, 'rgb(51,159,44)'], [0.85, 'rgb(251,154,153)'], [1, 'rgb(227,26,28)']], ) data = go.Data([trace1]) layout = go.Layout( title=chartTitle, autosize=True, width=1800, height=800, yaxis=dict( title='Particle Size', titlefont=dict( family='Arial, sans-serif', size=18, #color='lightgrey' ), showgrid=True, type='log', #autorange=True # log 50 and log 500. Christ knows why it wont let me log it in place... range=[1.698970004, 2.698970004]), xaxis=dict( title="Genomic Co-ordinates", titlefont=dict( family='Arial, sans-serif', size=18, #color='lightgrey' )), shapes=geneModel) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) outname = str(args.o) + "-2Dcontour.html" plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename=outname)
def update_graph_graph6(xaxis_column_name, yaxis_column_name): return { 'data': [ go.Histogram2dContour(x=table[xaxis_column_name], y=table[yaxis_column_name], colorscale='Blues', reversescale=True, xaxis='x', yaxis='y'), ], 'layout': go.Layout(autosize=False, xaxis=dict(zeroline=False, showgrid=False), yaxis=dict(zeroline=False, showgrid=False), xaxis2=dict(zeroline=False, showgrid=False), yaxis2=dict(zeroline=False, showgrid=False), hovermode='closest', showlegend=True, plot_bgcolor=colors['background'], paper_bgcolor=colors['background'], margin={ 'l': 70, 'b': 70, 't': 40, 'r': 0 }, font={'color': colors['text']}) }
def test_add_traces(self): # Add two traces self.figure.add_traces([ go.Sankey(arrangement="snap"), go.Histogram2dContour(line={"color": "cyan"}), ]) # Check access properties self.assertEqual([-2].type, "sankey") self.assertEqual([-2].arrangement, "snap") self.assertEqual([-1].type, "histogram2dcontour") self.assertEqual([-1].line.color, "cyan") # Check message new_uid1 =[-2].uid new_uid2 =[-1].uid self.figure._send_addTraces_msg.assert_called_once_with([ { "type": "sankey", "arrangement": "snap" }, { "type": "histogram2dcontour", "line": { "color": "cyan" } }, ])
def update_heatmap(x_axis_name, y_axis_name, year_value): dff = df[df['year'] == year_value] return { 'data': [ go.Histogram2dContour(x=dff[x_axis_name.lower()], y=dff[y_axis_name.lower()], colorscale='Blues', reversescale=True, xaxis='x', yaxis='y'), go.Scatter( x=dff[x_axis_name.lower()], y=dff[y_axis_name.lower()], mode='markers', marker={ 'color': 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)', 'size': 3 # 'size': 15, # 'opacity': 0.5, # 'line': {'width': 0.5, 'color': 'white'} }), go.Histogram(y=dff[y_axis_name.lower()], xaxis='x2', marker=dict(color='rgba(190,186,218,0.8)')), go.Histogram(x=dff[x_axis_name.lower()], yaxis='y2', marker=dict(color='rgba(190,186,218,0.8)')) ], 'layout': go.Layout(autosize=False, xaxis={ 'title': x_axis_name, 'zeroline': False, 'domain': [0, 0.85], 'showgrid': False }, yaxis={ 'title': y_axis_name, 'zeroline': False, 'domain': [0, 0.85], 'showgrid': False }, xaxis2=dict(zeroline=False, domain=[0.85, 1], showgrid=False), yaxis2=dict(zeroline=False, domain=[0.85, 1], showgrid=False), height=300, width=600, bargap=0, margin={ 'l': 40, 'b': 40, 't': 10, 'r': 0 }, hovermode='closest', showlegend=False) }
def make2dHist(poslist, sizelist, bCount): if args.g: geneModel = buildGeneModel() chartTitle = str("Gene:" + args.g + " |||| Inputs:" + args.i) outname = str(args.g) + "-2Dcontour.html" elif args.B: geneModel = [] chartTitle = str("Region: " + chrom + ":" + str(min(poslist)) + "-" + str(max(poslist)) + "|||| Inputs: " + args.i) outname = str(chrom + ":" + min(poslist) + "-" + max(poslist)) + "-2Dcontour.html" else: geneModel = [] chartTitle = str("Inputs: " + args.i + " |||| No. Regions: " + str(bCount)) outname = str(args.b) + "-2Dcontour.html" trace1 = go.Histogram2dContour( x=poslist, y=sizelist, zmin=0, zmax=args.z, contours=dict(showlines=False), colorscale=[[0, 'rgb(255,255,255)'], [0.25, 'rgb(31,120,180)'], [0.45, 'rgb(178,223,138)'], [0.65, 'rgb(51,159,44)'], [0.85, 'rgb(251,154,153)'], [1, 'rgb(227,26,28)']], ) data = go.Data([trace1]) layout = go.Layout( title=chartTitle, autosize=True, width=1800, height=800, yaxis=dict( title='Particle Size', titlefont=dict( family='Arial, sans-serif', size=18, #color='lightgrey' ), showgrid=True, type='log', #autorange=True # log 50 and log 500. Christ knows why it wont let me log it in place... range=[1, 2.698970004]), xaxis=dict( title="Genomic Co-ordinates", titlefont=dict( family='Arial, sans-serif', size=18, #color='lightgrey' )), shapes=geneModel) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) plotly.offline.plot(fig, filename=outname)
def return_densities(label, Distances={}, data={}, Centre_distances={}, Dr=''): select_l1 = [label] selected1 = [ x for x in range(Distances.shape[0]) if data[Dr]['labels_l1'][x] + 1 in select_l1 ] x = np.mean(Distances[selected1, :], axis=0) y = np.mean(Centre_distances[selected1, :], axis=0) fig = [go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='markers')] colorscale = [ '#7A4579', '#D56073', 'rgb(236,158,105)', (1, 1, 0.2), (0.98, 0.98, 0.98) ] trace1 = go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='markers', name='points', marker=dict(color='rgb(102,0,0)', size=5, opacity=0.4)) trace2 = go.Histogram2dContour(x=x, y=y, name='density', ncontours=20, colorscale='Hot', reversescale=True, showscale=False) trace3 = go.Histogram(x=x, name='x density', marker=dict(color='rgb(102,0,0)'), yaxis='y2') trace4 = go.Histogram(y=y, name='y density', marker=dict(color='rgb(102,0,0)'), xaxis='x2') fig = {'data': [trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4]} fig['layout'] = go.Layout( showlegend=False, autosize=True, #width=1200, #height=550, xaxis=dict(domain=[0, 0.85], showgrid=False, zeroline=False), yaxis=dict(domain=[0, 0.85], showgrid=False, zeroline=False), margin=dict(t=50), hovermode='closest', bargap=0, xaxis2=dict(domain=[0.85, 1], showgrid=False, zeroline=False), yaxis2=dict(domain=[0.85, 1], showgrid=False, zeroline=False)) iplot(fig)
def Histogram2dContour(): x = np.random.randn(2000) y = np.random.randn(2000) plot([ go.Histogram2dContour(x=x, y=y, contours=dict(coloring='heatmap')), go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='markers', marker=dict(color='white', size=3, opacity=0.3)) ], show_link=False, auto_open=False, filename='test_plot.html')
def cont_hist(yh, y, title='2D Contour Histogram', xlab='Model Output', ylab='Y', subtitle=None, plot_dir=None, in_browser=False): """ Make a 2D contour histogram plot of y vs yh. The plot is produced in the browser and optionally written to a file. :param yh: Model outputs -- nd.array or pd.Series :param y: Target value, same type as yh :param title: Title for plot :param xlab: x-axis label :param ylab: y-axis label :param subtitle: optional subtitle :param plot_dir: optional file to write graph to :param in_browser: if True plot to browser :return: """ fig = [go.Histogram2dContour(x=yh, y=y)] min_value = min([yh.min(), y.quantile(.01)]) max_value = max([yh.max(), y.quantile(.99)]) fig += [ go.Scatter(x=[min_value, max_value], y=[min_value, max_value], mode='lines', line=dict(color='red')) ] if subtitle is not None: title += title + '<br>' + subtitle layout = go.Layout(title=dict(text=title, x=0.5), height=800, width=800, xaxis=dict(title=xlab), yaxis=dict(title=ylab)) figx = go.Figure(fig, layout=layout) if in_browser: if plot_dir is not None: figx.write_image(plot_dir + 'png/model_fit.png') figx.write_html(plot_dir + 'html/model_fit.html', include_plotlyjs='cdn')
def update_figure(input1): df1 = df[df.pitcher_id == input1] trace_2 = go.Histogram2dContour(x=df1.px, y=df1.pz, colorscale='Jet', zmin=1, zauto=False) fig = go.Figure(data=[trace_2], layout=layouts) fig.layout.update(shapes=[ # unfilled Rectangle go.layout.Shape(type="rect", x0=-.7083, y0=1.56, x1=.7083, y1=3.435, line=dict(color="Black", )) ]) return fig
def test_add_traces(self): # Add two traces self.figure.add_traces([go.Sankey(arrangement='snap'), go.Histogram2dContour( line={'color': 'cyan'})]) # Check access properties self.assertEqual([-2].type, 'sankey') self.assertEqual([-2].arrangement, 'snap') self.assertEqual([-1].type, 'histogram2dcontour') self.assertEqual([-1].line.color, 'cyan') # Check message new_uid1 =[-2].uid new_uid2 =[-1].uid self.figure._send_addTraces_msg.assert_called_once_with( [{'type': 'sankey', 'arrangement': 'snap', 'uid': new_uid1}, {'type': 'histogram2dcontour', 'line': {'color': 'cyan'}, 'uid': new_uid2}])
sns.jointplot("x", "y", data, kind='hex') # In[21]: sns.pairplot(data) # In[90]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import plotly.graph_objs as go import numpy as np x = np.random.randn(2000) y = np.random.randn(2000) plt([ go.Histogram2dContour(x=x, y=y, contours=dict(coloring='heatmap')), go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='markers', marker=dict(color='white', size=3)) ], show_link=False) # In[5]: import plotly.offline as offline import plotly.graph_objs as go offline.plot( { 'data': [{ 'y': [14, 22, 30, 44] }], 'layout': { 'title': 'Offline Plotly',
def create_contour(df, title='Retweets vs. Polarity', yaxis='polarity', xaxes=['retweets'], colors=['Blues'], domains=[[[.0, .85], [.0, .85], [.85, 1.0], [.85, 1.0]]]): """ This method will create contour plots for given groups of paired data. TODO: Figure out how to get multiple plots to work #colors = ['Blues', 'Reds', 'Greens'] #domains = [ # [[.0, .45], [.5, .95], [.45, 0.5], [.95, 1.0]], # [[.5, .95], [.5, .95], [.95, 1.0], [.95, 1.0]], # [[.0, .95], [.0, .45], [.95, 1.0], [.45, 0.5]] #] Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): data yaxis (str): yaxis value xaxis (list): xaxis values domains (list): list of domain values for each trace colors (list): list of color scales Returns: figure dict object formatted for plotly """ # Initialize data and layout lists data = [] layout = { 'showlegend': False, 'title': title, 'bargap': 0, 'hovermode': 'closest' } for i in range(len(xaxes)): if i == 0: axis1_args = { 'xaxis': { 'trace': 'x', 'layout': 'xaxis' }, 'yaxis': { 'trace': 'y', 'layout': 'yaxis' } } else: axis1_args = { 'xaxis': { 'trace': 'x' + str(i * 2 + 1), 'layout': 'xaxis' + str(i * 2 + 1) }, 'yaxis': { 'trace': 'y' + str(i * 2 + 1), 'layout': 'yaxis' + str(i * 2 + 1) } } axis2_args = { 'xaxis': { 'trace': 'x' + str(i * 2 + 2), 'layout': 'xaxis' + str(i * 2 + 2) }, 'yaxis': { 'trace': 'y' + str(i * 2 + 2), 'layout': 'yaxis' + str(i * 2 + 2) } } # Append trace values data.append( go.Histogram2dContour(x=df[xaxes[i]], y=df[yaxis], xaxis=axis1_args['xaxis']['trace'], yaxis=axis1_args['yaxis']['trace'], colorscale=colors[i], reversescale=True)) data.append( go.Histogram(y=df[yaxis], xaxis=axis2_args['xaxis']['trace'], marker={'color': 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'})) data.append( go.Histogram(x=df[xaxes[i]], yaxis=axis2_args['yaxis']['trace'], marker={'color': 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'})) # Add layout keys layout[axis1_args['xaxis']['layout']] = dict(zeroline=False, domain=domains[i][0], showgrid=False, title=xaxes[i]) layout[axis1_args['yaxis']['layout']] = dict(zeroline=False, domain=domains[i][1], showgrid=False, title=yaxis) layout[axis2_args['xaxis']['layout']] = dict( zeroline=False, domain=domains[i][2], showgrid=False, ) layout[axis2_args['yaxis']['layout']] = dict( zeroline=False, domain=domains[i][3], showgrid=False, ) fig = {'data': data, 'layout': layout} return fig
def update_map(slider_taxiSummaryId, hoverData): """ Update map Data to display: 0: MRT Station 1: taxi locations based on current time """ #print(figure.keys()) #layout = go.Layout( # mapbox= { # 'accesstoken': MAPBOX_TOKEN, # 'center': {'lat': 1.353869, 'lon':103.817780}, # 'zoom': 10.5, # # }, # hovermode = 'closest', # margin = {'l': 0, 'r': 0, 'b': 0, 't': 0} #) datasetId = slider_taxiSummaryId dfAllTaxi = db.selectTaxiDetailsWhereDatasetId(datasetId) # plot using 2D histogram contour x = dfAllTaxi['long'] y = dfAllTaxi['lat'] data = [ go.Histogram2dContour(x=x, y=y, colorscale='Blues', reversescale=True, xaxis='x', yaxis='y'), go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, xaxis='x', yaxis='y', mode='markers', marker=dict(color='rgba(0,0,0,0.3)', size=3)), go.Histogram(y=y, xaxis='x2', marker=dict(color='rgba(0,0,0,1)')), go.Histogram(x=x, yaxis='y2', marker=dict(color='rgba(0,0,0,1)')) ] layout = go.Layout(autosize=False, xaxis=dict(zeroline=False, domain=[0, 0.85], showgrid=False), yaxis=dict(zeroline=False, domain=[0, 0.85], showgrid=False), xaxis2=dict(zeroline=False, domain=[0.85, 1], showgrid=False), yaxis2=dict(zeroline=False, domain=[0.85, 1], showgrid=False), height=600, width=1200, bargap=0, hovermode='closest', showlegend=False) #dfNearestTaxi = db.selectNearestTaxi(1, ) # dummy df #colorscale = #['rgb(255,0,0)','rgb(255,128,0)','rgb(255,255,0)','rgb(128,255,0)','rgb(0,255,0)','rgb(0,255,255)','rgb(0,128,255)', # 'rgb(0,0,255)', 'rgb(127,0,255)','rgb(255,0,255)','rgb(255,255,255)' ] #fig = ff.create_2d_density( # dfAllTaxi['long'], dfAllTaxi['lat'], colorscale=colorscale, # hist_color='rgb(255, 237, 222)', point_size=3 #) # go.figure is dash plot figure #return fig return go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
def density_plot(): ''' Use a density plot to explore the realtionship ''' df = pd.read_csv('CSVs/city_score.csv') df.fillna(0, inplace=True) # print(df.head()) scl = cl.scales['9']['seq']['Blues'] colorscale = [[float(i) / float(len(scl) - 1), scl[i]] for i in range(len(scl))] colorscale def kde_scipy(x, x_grid, bandwidth=0.2): kde = gaussian_kde(x, bw_method=bandwidth / x.std(ddof=1)) return kde.evaluate(x_grid) x_grid = np.linspace(df['number'].min(), df['number'].max(), 100) y_grid = np.linspace(df['area'].min(), df['area'].max(), 100) trace1 = go.Histogram2dContour(x=df['number'], y=df['area'], name='density', ncontours=20, colorscale=colorscale, showscale=False) trace2 = go.Histogram(x=df['number'], name='x density', yaxis='y2', histnorm='probability density', marker=dict(color='rgb(217, 217, 217)'), nbinsx=25) trace2s = go.Scatter( x=x_grid, y=kde_scipy(df['number'].as_matrix(), x_grid), yaxis='y2', line=dict(color='rgb(31, 119, 180)'), fill='tonexty', ) trace3 = go.Histogram(y=df['area'], name='y density', xaxis='x2', histnorm='probability density', marker=dict(color='rgb(217, 217, 217)'), nbinsy=50) trace3s = go.Scatter( y=y_grid, x=kde_scipy(df['area'].as_matrix(), y_grid), xaxis='x2', line=dict(color='rgb(31, 119, 180)'), fill='tonextx', ) data = [trace1, trace2, trace2s, trace3, trace3s] layout = go.Layout( showlegend=False, autosize=False, width=700, height=700, hovermode='closest', bargap=0, xaxis=dict(domain=[0, 0.746], linewidth=2, linecolor='#444', title='Time', showgrid=False, zeroline=False, ticks='', showline=True, mirror=True), yaxis=dict(domain=[0, 0.746], linewidth=2, linecolor='#444', title='Area', showgrid=False, zeroline=False, ticks='', showline=True, mirror=True), xaxis2=dict(domain=[0.75, 1], showgrid=False, zeroline=False, ticks='', showticklabels=False), yaxis2=dict(domain=[0.75, 1], showgrid=False, zeroline=False, ticks='', showticklabels=False), ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) url = py.plot(fig, filename='visualization/density-plot')
], diagonal_visible=False, text=df['class'], marker=dict(color=index_vals, showscale=False, line_color='white', line_width=0.5))) fig.update_layout(title='Iris Data set', width=600, height=600) pyo.plot(fig, filename="scatter_matrix.html") # In[99]: x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=500) y = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=500) fig = go.Figure(go.Histogram2dContour(x=x, y=y, colorscale='Blues')) pyo.plot(fig, filename="hist_contour_plot.html") # In[100]: fig = go.Figure(data=go.Contour( z=[[10, 10.625, 12.5, 15.625, 20], [5.625, 6.25, 8.125, 11.25, 15.625], [2.5, 3.125, 5., 8.125, 12.5], [0.625, 1.25, 3.125, 6.25, 10.625], [0, 0.625, 2.5, 5.625, 10]], x=[-9, -6, -5, -3, -1], # horizontal axis y=[0, 1, 4, 5, 7] # vertical axis )) pyo.plot(fig, filename="contour_plot.html")
def dens_plot(data, data_groups, titles, Dr='PCA', Ncols=2, width=1000, height=400): Distances = data['Distances'] Centre_distances = data['centre_dists'] fig_subplots = tools.make_subplots(rows=int(len(titles) / float(Ncols)) + (len(titles) % Ncols > 0), cols=Ncols, subplot_titles=tuple(titles)) for pop in range(len(titles)): name = titles[pop] pos1 = int(float(pop) / Ncols) + 1 pos2 = pop - (pos1 - 1) * Ncols + 1 label = data_groups[pop] + 1 print(label) select_l1 = [label] selected1 = [ x for x in range(Distances.shape[0]) if data[Dr]['labels_l1'][x] + 1 in select_l1 ] x = np.mean(Distances[selected1, :], axis=0) y = np.mean(Centre_distances[selected1, :], axis=0) colorscale = [ '#7A4579', '#D56073', 'rgb(236,158,105)', (1, 1, 0.2), (0.98, 0.98, 0.98) ] trace1 = go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='markers', name='points', marker=dict(color='rgb(102,0,0)', size=5, opacity=0.4)) trace2 = go.Histogram2dContour(x=x, y=y, name='density', ncontours=20, colorscale='Hot', reversescale=True, showscale=False) trace3 = go.Histogram(x=x, name='x density', marker=dict(color='rgb(102,0,0)'), yaxis='y2') trace4 = go.Histogram(y=y, name='y density', marker=dict(color='rgb(102,0,0)'), xaxis='x2') fig_subplots.append_trace(trace1, pos1, pos2) fig_subplots.append_trace(trace2, pos1, pos2) #fig_subplots.append_trace(trace3, pos1, pos2) #fig_subplots.append_trace(trace4, pos1, pos2) fig_subplots['layout']['yaxis' + str(pop + 1)].update( title='reference distances', showgrid=False, zeroline=False) fig_subplots['layout']['xaxis' + str(pop + 1)].update( title='target distances', showgrid=False, zeroline=False) fig_subplots['layout'].update(height=height, width=width) iplot(fig_subplots)
title='Distribution of Review Lengths Based on Recommendation') fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) iplot(fig, filename='stacked histogram') #Recommended have lengthier reviews #2D joint plots of rating VS Sentiment Polarity trace1 = go.Scatter(x=df['polarity'], y=df['Rating'], mode='markers', name='points', marker=dict(color='rgb(102,0,0)', size=2, opacity=0.4)) trace2 = go.Histogram2dContour(x=df['polarity'], y=df['Rating'], name='density', ncontours=20, colorscale='Hot', reversescale=True, showscale=False) trace3 = go.Histogram(x=df['polarity'], name='Sentiment polarity density', marker=dict(color='rgb(102,0,0)'), yaxis='y2') trace4 = go.Histogram(y=df['Rating'], name='Rating density', marker=dict(color='rgb(102,0,0)'), xaxis='x2') data = [trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4] layout = go.Layout(showlegend=False, autosize=False,
def ViewportSizedHist2d(width, height): global prediction_df vw = width*45/100 vh = height*45/100 tw = width*0.6/100 if width < 768: vw = width*80/100 tw = width*1.5/100 fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Histogram2dContour( x = prediction_df['預測鳥種數'], y = prediction_df['預測總隻數'], colorscale = 'Greens', showscale =False, xaxis = 'x', yaxis = 'y', hoverinfo = "none", )) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x = prediction_df['預測鳥種數'], y = prediction_df['預測總隻數'], xaxis = 'x', yaxis = 'y', text = [n for n in prediction_df['名稱']], hoverlabel=dict(bgcolor='#000000',bordercolor='#ffffff',font=dict(size=18, color='#ffffff')), hovertemplate="%{text}預測,%{x}種鳥,共%{y}隻<extra></extra>", mode = 'markers', marker = dict( color = '#fe7171', size = 3 ) )) fig.add_trace(go.Histogram( y = prediction_df['預測總隻數'], xaxis = 'x2', hoverinfo = "none", marker = dict( color = '#006a71' ) )) fig.add_trace(go.Histogram( x = prediction_df['預測鳥種數'], yaxis = 'y2', hoverinfo = "none", marker = dict( color = '#e5df88' ) )) fig.update_layout( autosize = False, xaxis = dict(zeroline = False,domain = [0,0.85],showgrid = False), yaxis = dict(zeroline = False,domain = [0,0.85],showgrid = False), xaxis2 = dict(zeroline = False,domain = [0.85,1],showgrid = False,title=dict(text='預測總鳥種數',font=dict(size=tw))), yaxis2 = dict(zeroline = False,domain = [0.85,1],showgrid = False,title=dict(text='預測總隻數',font=dict(size=tw))), bargap = 0, hovermode = 'closest', showlegend = False, dragmode=False, plot_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', paper_bgcolor='rgba(0,0,0,0)', margin=dict(l=0,r=0,b=0,t=0), height = vh, width = vw, ) return fig
def KDE_plot(): plot([go.Histogram2dContour(x=reviews.head(500)["points"], y=reviews.head(500)["price"], contours=go.Contours(coloring="heatmap")), go.Scatter(x=reviews.head(1000)["points"], y=reviews.head(1000)["price"], mode="markers") ])
yaxis=dict(title='Injury Severity', tickmode='array', automargin=True, titlefont=dict(size=20)), xaxis=dict(title='Hour of Day (24h)', tickvals=list(range(24)), titlefont=dict(size=20))) x = df_DriversData['Crash Date/Time'].dt.hour y = df_DriversData['Injury Severity'] trace = [ go.Histogram2dContour(x=x, y=y, colorscale='Viridis', contours=dict(showlabels=True, labelfont=dict(family='Raleway', color='white')), hoverlabel=dict(bgcolor='white', bordercolor='black', font=dict(family='Raleway', color='black'))) ] fig = go.Figure(data=trace, layout=layout) py.iplot(fig, filename="Histogram2d_Crash_Injury") #HR vs Damage layout = go.Layout(margin=dict(b=50, l=50), yaxis=dict(title='Vehicle Damage Extent', tickmode='array', automargin=True, titlefont=dict(size=20)),
mode='markers') ]) # This chart is fully interactive. We can use the toolbar on the top-right to perform various operations on the data: zooming and panning, for example. When we hover over a data point, we get a tooltip. We can even save the plot as a PNG image. # # This chart also demonstrates the *disadvantage* of this fancier plotting library. In order to keep performance reasonable, we had to limit ourselves to the first 1000 points in the dataset. While this was necessary anyway (to avoid too much overplotting) it's important to note that in general, interactive graphics are much, much more resource-intensive than static ones. It's easier to "max out" how many points of data you can show. # # Notice the "shape" of the `plotly` API. `iplot` takes a list of plot objects and composes them for you, plotting the combined end result. This makes it easy to stack plots. # # As another example, here's a KDE plot (what `plotly` refers to as a `Histogram2dContour`) *and* scatter plot of the same data. # In[ ]: iplot([ go.Histogram2dContour(x=reviews.head(500)['points'], y=reviews.head(500)['price'], contours=go.Contours(coloring='heatmap')), go.Scatter(x=reviews.head(1000)['points'], y=reviews.head(1000)['price'], mode='markers') ]) # `plotly` exposes several different APIs, ranging in complexity from low-level to high-level. `iplot` is the highest-level API, and hence, the most convenient one for general-purpose use. # # Personally I've always found the `plotly` `Surface` its most impressive feature (albeit one of the hardest to get right): # In[ ]: df = reviews.assign(n=0).groupby(['points', 'price'])['n'].count().reset_index() df = df[df["price"] < 100]
import plotly.graph_objs as go import datetime import numpy as np from dash.dependencies import Input, Output from apps import common from app import app df = pd.read_csv('data/finalInfo.csv') features = df.pitcher_id.unique() features.sort() opts = [{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in features] trace_1 = go.Histogram2dContour(x=df.px, y=df.pz, colorscale='Jet', zmin=1, zauto=False) layouts = go.Layout(title='Pitch Location', hovermode=False, height=700, width=700) fig = go.Figure(data=[trace_1], layout=layouts) layout = html.Div([ #common.get_header(), #common.get_menu(), html.Div([ html.H1("This is my first dashboard"), html.P("Dash is so interesting!!")