def daily_layout(response): import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html # import plotly.graph_objects as go import plotly.graph_objs as go data = [['2019-10-12', '1.00000000 USDT', '0.000 USD', '0 trade'], ['2019-10-11', '200.00000000 USDT', '0.000 USD', '0 trade'], ['2019-10-10', '-150.00000000 USDT', '0.000 USD', '0 trade'], ['2019-10-09', '25.00000000 USDT', '0.000 USD', '0 trade'], ['2019-10-08', '22.00000000 USDT', '0.000 USD', '0 trade'], ['2019-10-07', '2.00000000 USDT', '0.000 USD', '0 trade'], ['2019-10-06', '12.00000000 USDT', '0.000 USD', '0 trade']] # name = data[0][1].split(' ')[1]) xaxis = [i[0] for i in data] yaxis = [float(i[1].split(' ')[0]) for i in data] layout = dcc.Graph(figure=go.Figure( data=[[2], y=[1], name='ust')])) return layout
from data import dataset from task1 import * import plotly import plotly.graph_objs as graph data = dict() for user_num in list(dataset.keys()): for county, country_list in (dataset[user_num]).items(): if user_num in data: data[user_num] += sum(country_list) else: data[user_num] = sum(country_list) print(data) diagram =, y=list(data.values())) figure = graph.Figure(data=[diagram]) plotly.ofline.plot(figure, filename='user costs.html')
def update_graph_live(n): # Loading data from Heroku PostgreSQL # DATABASE_URL = os.environ['DATABASE_URL'] # conn = psycopg2.connect(DATABASE_URL, sslmode='require') # query = "SELECT id_str, text, created_at, polarity, user_location, user_followers_count FROM {}".format( # settings.TABLE_NAME) # df = pd.read_sql(query, con=conn) # # # Convert UTC into PDT # df['created_at'] = pd.to_datetime(df['created_at']).apply(lambda x: x - datetime.timedelta(hours=7)) # # # Clean and transform data to enable time series # result = df.groupby([pd.Grouper(key='created_at', freq='10s'), 'polarity']).count().unstack( # fill_value=0).stack().reset_index() # result = result.rename( # columns={"id_str": "Num of '{}' mentions".format(settings.TRACK_WORDS[0]), "created_at": "Time"}) # time_series = result["Time"][result['polarity'] == 0].reset_index(drop=True) # # min10 = - datetime.timedelta(hours=7, minutes=10) # min20 = - datetime.timedelta(hours=7, minutes=20) # # neu_num = result[result['Time'] > min10]["Num of '{}' mentions".format(settings.TRACK_WORDS[0])][ # result['polarity'] == 0].sum() # neg_num = result[result['Time'] > min10]["Num of '{}' mentions".format(settings.TRACK_WORDS[0])][ # result['polarity'] == -1].sum() # pos_num = result[result['Time'] > min10]["Num of '{}' mentions".format(settings.TRACK_WORDS[0])][ # result['polarity'] == 1].sum() # # # Loading back-up summary data # query = "SELECT daily_user_num, daily_tweets_num, impressions FROM Back_Up;" # back_up = pd.read_sql(query, con=conn) # daily_tweets_num = back_up['daily_tweets_num'].iloc[0] + result[-6:-3][ # "Num of '{}' mentions".format(settings.TRACK_WORDS[0])].sum() # daily_impressions = back_up['impressions'].iloc[0] + \ # df[df['created_at'] > ( - datetime.timedelta(hours=7, seconds=10))][ # 'user_followers_count'].sum() # cur = conn.cursor() # # PDT_now = - datetime.timedelta(hours=7) # if PDT_now.strftime("%H%M") == '0000': # cur.execute("UPDATE Back_Up SET daily_tweets_num = 0, impressions = 0;") # else: # cur.execute( # "UPDATE Back_Up SET daily_tweets_num = {}, impressions = {};".format(daily_tweets_num, daily_impressions)) # conn.commit() # cur.close() # conn.close() # # # Percentage Number of Tweets changed in Last 10 mins # # count_now = df[df['created_at'] > min10]['id_str'].count() # count_before = df[(min20 < df['created_at']) & (df['created_at'] < min10)]['id_str'].count() # percent = (count_now - count_before) / count_before * 100 # Create the graph vectorizer = pickle.load(open("vector.pickel", "rb")) w = pickle.load(open('train', 'rb')) x_train = w['x_train'] print(vectorizer) print(len(vectorizer.get_feature_names())) filename = 'logR.sav' ps = PorterStemmer() wnl = WordNetLemmatizer() # filename='logR.sav' loaded_model = joblib.load(open(filename, 'rb')) def calctime(a): return time.time() - a # positive = 0 # negative = 0 # neutral = 0 # compound = 0 # # count = 0 # initime = time.time() # # # plt.ion() import test ckey = 'WnyAgUaacX1YheRSJqwMhhZgR' csecret = 'LzHg7GuAfJNIsHRpRXEk72TaEjcG5RL9yl85c0rbI1V1pg6rHQ' atoken = "1125091796046843905-DNeIxEe9RNwlwzZZXwXEW3VJFlv7Az" asecret = "n3Yc9GzA2Saa6LNPZ5465WdQNj06G6hBrqcWnpwkc4jCb" class listener(StreamListener): def on_data(self, data): global initime all_data = json.loads(data) tweet = all_data["text"] # username=all_data["user"]["screen_name"] # tweet = " ".join(re.findall("[a-zA-Z]+", tweet)) # # print(tweet) global ps global wnl sequencePattern = r"(.)\1\1+" seqReplacePattern = r"\1\1" tweets = " ".join(filter(lambda x: x[0] != '@', tweet.split())) tweets = re.sub(r'([^a-zA-Z0-9])', ' ', tweets) tweets = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', tweets) # tweets=re.sub('[\s][a-z]{1,3}[\s]',' ',tweets) # tweets=re.sub('^[a-z]{1,3}[\s]',' ',tweets) tweets = re.sub(r'[0-9_]', '', tweets) tweets = re.sub(r'^https?:\/\/.*[\r\n]*', '', tweets) tweets = re.sub(r"http\S+", "", tweets) tweets = tweets.lower() tweets = re.sub(sequencePattern, seqReplacePattern, tweets) # print(tweets) tweets = tweets.split() tweets = [word for word in tweets if not word in set(stopwords.words('english'))] tweets = [lemma.lemmatize(word) for word in tweets] tweets = " ".join(tweets) # print(tweets[0]) # tweets=tweets.split(" ") ps = PorterStemmer() wnl = WordNetLemmatizer() tweets = word_tokenize(tweets) # print(tweets) t = [] for j in tweets: # t.append(ps.stem(j)) # t.append(wnl.lemmatize(j)) t.append(" ") tweets = " ".join(t) # tweets = tweets.split() tweets = tweets.replace('ing', '') tweets = tweets.replace('pic', '') tweets = tweets.replace('com', '') # l = vectorizer.transform(tweets).toarray() # tweets='f**k corona' k = pd.Series(tweets) print(k) l = vectorizer.transform(k).toarray() # print(l) m = loaded_model.predict(l) print(m[0]) t = int(calctime(initime)) # blob = TextBlob(tweet.strip()) print(t) # print(loaded_model) # print(vectorizer) global positive global negative global neutral global count global compound count = count + 1 # senti = 0 # for sen in blob.sentences: # senti = senti + sen.sentiment.polarity # if sen.sentiment.polarity >= 0: # positive = positive + sen.sentiment.polarity # else: # negative = negative + sen.sentiment.polarity # compound = compound + senti # print # count # print if m[0] == 1: positive = positive + 1 elif m[0] == -1: negative = negative + 1 else: neutral = neutral + 1 print("pos ", positive) print("neg", negative) print("neu", neutral) # u=positive+negative+neutral sen = [positive, negative, neutral] # print(sen) xsen = ['positive', 'negative', 'neutral'] tweets.strip() # print # senti # print # t # print # str(positive) + ' ' + str(negative) + ' ' + str(neutral) # print(len(t)) # plt.axis([ 0, 70,0,220]) # plt.xlabel('Time') # plt.ylabel('Sentiment') # # plt.plot([t],[positive],'go',[t] ,[negative],'ro',[t],[neutral],'bo') # # plt.plot([t],[u]) # width = 0.35 #, sen, width=0.35, color='r') # # # plt.pause(0.0001) if count == 200: return False else: return True def on_error(self, status): print(status) auth = OAuthHandler(ckey, csecret) auth.set_access_token(atoken, asecret) twitterStream = Stream(auth, listener(count), lang='en', geocode="22.3511148,78.6677428,1km") twitterStream.filter(track=["#IndiaFightsCorona", "covid19 india", "corona india", "#covid19#india", "corona warriors","#cluelessbjp"]) children = [ html.Div([ dcc.Graph( id='crossfilter-indicator-scatter', figure={ 'data': [ x=t, y=xsen, name="Neutrals", opacity=0.8, mode='lines', line=dict(width=0.5, color='rgb(131, 90, 241)'), stackgroup='one' ) ] } ) ], style={'width': '73%', 'display': 'inline-block', 'padding': '0 0 0 20'}) # html.Div([ # dcc.Graph( # id='pie-chart', # figure={ # 'data': [ # go.Pie( # labels=['Positives', 'Negatives', 'Neutrals'], # values=[positive, negative, neutral], # name="View Metrics", # marker_colors=['rgba(184, 247, 212, 0.6)', 'rgba(255, 50, 50, 0.6)', # 'rgba(131, 90, 241, 0.6)'], # textinfo='value', # hole=.65) # ], # 'layout': { # 'showlegend': False, # 'title': 'Tweets In Last 10 Mins', # 'annotations': [ # dict( # text='{0:.1f}K'.format((positive + negative + neutral) / 1000), # font=dict( # size=40 # ), # showarrow=False # ) # ] # } # # } # ) # ], style={'width': '27%', 'display': 'inline-block'}) # ]), # html.Div( # className='row', # children=[ # html.Div( # children=[ # html.P('Tweets/10 Mins Changed By', # style={ # 'fontSize': 17 # } # ), # html.P('{0:.2f}%'.format(percent) if percent <= 0 else '+{0:.2f}%'.format(percent), # style={ # 'fontSize': 40 # } # ) # ], # style={ # 'width': '20%', # 'display': 'inline-block' # } # # ), # html.Div( # children=[ # html.P('Potential Impressions Today', # style={ # 'fontSize': 17 # } # ), # html.P('{0:.1f}K'.format(daily_impressions / 1000) \ # if daily_impressions < 1000000 else \ # ('{0:.1f}M'.format(daily_impressions / 1000000) if daily_impressions < 1000000000 \ # else '{0:.1f}B'.format(daily_impressions / 1000000000)), # style={ # 'fontSize': 40 # } # ) # ], # style={ # 'width': '20%', # 'display': 'inline-block' # } # ), # html.Div( # children=[ # html.P('Tweets Posted Today', # style={ # 'fontSize': 17 # } # ), # html.P('{0:.1f}K'.format(daily_tweets_num / 1000), # style={ # 'fontSize': 40 # } # ) # ], # style={ # 'width': '20%', # 'display': 'inline-block' # } # ), # # html.Div( # children=[ # html.P( # "Currently tracking \"Facebook\" brand (NASDAQ: FB) on Twitter in Pacific Daylight Time (PDT).", # style={ # 'fontSize': 25 # } # ), # ], # style={ # 'width': '40%', # 'display': 'inline-block' # } # ), # # ], # style={'marginLeft': 70} # ) ] return children # # if __name__ == '__main__': # app.run_server(debug=True)
'text': '#7FDBFF' } df = pd.read_csv('tweet_ana.csv') with open('Tweet_topic_sentiment.json','r') as f: data = json.load(f) sa2 = '206041122' #app.layout = html.Div([ # 横向柱形图 dcc.Graph( className='city_graph', figure=go.Figure( data = [ x = list(data[sa2]['hashtag'].values())[:10][::-1], y = list(data[sa2]['hashtag'].keys())[:10][::-1] #type = 'bar' )], layout=go.layout( orientation= 'h', ylabel='hashtags', xlabel= 'frequency', title=data[sa2]['sa2_name']+'\'s hot topics on Social Media', showlegend = True, legend = go.layout.Legend(x=0,y=1.0), yaxis = go.yaxis(hoverformat='.0f'), margin=go.layout.Margin(l = 80, r= 35, t=50, b=30) )), id='graph-bar-horizontal', style={'height':300} )
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(x=x, y=y)) # # CHART 3 (HORIZONTAL BAR) # # # bar_data = [ # {"genre": "Thriller", "viewers": 123456}, # {"genre": "Mystery", "viewers": 234567}, # {"genre": "Sci-Fi", "viewers": 987654}, # {"genre": "Fantasy", "viewers": 876543}, # {"genre": "Documentary", "viewers": 283105}, # {"genre": "Action", "viewers": 544099}, # {"genre": "Romantic Comedy", "viewers": 121212} # ] print("----------------") print("GENERATING BAR CHART...") print(bar_data) # TODO: create a horizontal bar chart based on the bar_data x = [] y = [] for d in bar_data: x.append(d["genre"]) y.append(d["viewers"]) fig = go.figure([, y=y)])