def plotly_map(): mapbox_access_token = 'pk.eyJ1Ijoic3VodHdpbnMiLCJhIjoi' +\ 'Y2pnNGJvbXRhMGpoNDJwcWRva3JieWgwcCJ9' +\ '.cmsuwG65XkGUh2pv07nIVg' data = Data([ Scattermapbox( lat=['37.7765', '37.791377'], lon=['-122.4506', '-122.392609'], mode='markers', marker=Marker(size=15), text=["University of San Francisco, Main Campus", "University of San Francisco, Downtown Campus"])]) layout = Layout( autosize=True, hovermode='closest', mapbox=dict( accesstoken=mapbox_access_token, bearing=0, center=dict( lat=37.773972, lon=-122.431297 ), pitch=0, zoom=11 ), ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) output = plotly.offline.plot(fig, include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div') activities_grouped_df = activities_df.groupby(['date'], as_index=False)['miles'].sum() activities_grouped_df['dow'] = x: x.weekday()) activities_grouped_df['week_start'] = x: x - timedelta(days=x.weekday())) miles_per_week = activities_grouped_df.groupby(['week_start'], as_index=False).miles.sum() by_week_df = pd.DataFrame(activities_grouped_df.week_start.unique(), columns=['week_start']) for i in range(7): by_week_df['{}'.format(i)] = i for i in range(7): by_week_df = pd.merge(by_week_df, activities_grouped_df, left_on=['week_start', '{}'.format(i)], right_on=['week_start', 'dow'], how='left', suffixes=('', '_{}'.format(i))) by_week_df = by_week_df[['week_start', 'miles', 'miles_1', 'miles_2', 'miles_3', 'miles_4', 'miles_5', 'miles_6']] by_week_df.columns = ['week_start', 'miles_0', 'miles_1', 'miles_2', 'miles_3', 'miles_4', 'miles_5', 'miles_6'] by_week_df['year'] = by_week_df['week_start'].apply(lambda x: x.year) by_week_df.fillna(0, inplace=True) by_week_df = pd.merge(by_week_df, miles_per_week, how='left', on='week_start') days_dict = {0: 'Monday', 1: 'Tuesday', 2: 'Wednesday', 3: 'Thursday', 4: 'Friday', 5: 'Saturday', 6: 'Sunday'} dimensions = list() for i in range(7): dimensions.append( dict(range=[0, 20], constraintrange=[0, 20], label='{}'.format(days_dict[i]), values=by_week_df['miles_{}'.format(i)])) data = [ go.Parcoords( line=dict(color=by_week_df['miles'], colorscale='Hot', showscale=True, reversescale=True), opacity=0.5, dimensions=dimensions, hoverinfo='text') ] layout = go.Layout( plot_bgcolor='#E5E5E5', paper_bgcolor='#E5E5E5', title='Miles per week broken down by day' ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) output2 = plotly.offline.plot(fig, include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div') activities_df['week_start'] = x: x - timedelta(days=x.weekday())) activities_grouped_df_2 = activities_df.groupby(['workout_type', 'week_start'], as_index=False)['miles'].sum() by_week_activity_df = pd.DataFrame(activities_grouped_df_2.week_start.unique(), columns=['week_start']) for i in activities_df.workout_type.unique(): by_week_activity_df['{}'.format(i)] = i for i in range(4): by_week_activity_df = pd.merge(by_week_activity_df, activities_grouped_df_2, left_on=['week_start', '{}'.format(activities_df.workout_type.unique()[i])], right_on=['week_start', 'workout_type'], how='left', suffixes=('', '_{}'.format(activities_df.workout_type.unique()[i]))) by_week_activity_df = by_week_activity_df[['week_start', 'miles', 'miles_Workout', 'miles_Long Run', 'miles_Race']] by_week_activity_df.columns = ['week_start', 'miles_Run', 'miles_Workout', 'miles_Long Run', 'miles_Race'] by_week_activity_df.fillna(0, inplace=True) by_week_activity_df['miles_Run'] = np.array(by_week_activity_df['miles_Run']) + np.array( by_week_activity_df['miles_Long Run']) by_week_activity_df['miles_Run'] = np.array(by_week_activity_df['miles_Run']) + np.array( by_week_activity_df['miles_Long Run']) data = [] custom_colours = ['blue', 'orange', 'red'] j = 0 for i in ['Run', 'Workout', 'Race']: data.append(go.Bar( x=by_week_activity_df['week_start'], y=by_week_activity_df['miles_{}'.format(i)], marker=dict(color=custom_colours[j]), name=i)) j += 1 layout = dict( barmode='stack', hovermode='closest', title='Miles per week', xaxis=dict( rangeselector=dict( buttons=list([ dict(count=1, label='1m', step='month', stepmode='backward'), dict(count=6, label='6m', step='month', stepmode='backward'), dict(count=1, label='YTD', step='year', stepmode='todate'), dict(count=1, label='1y', step='year', stepmode='backward'), dict(step='all') ]) ), rangeslider=dict(), type='date' ) ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) output3 = plotly.offline.plot(fig, include_plotlyjs=False, output_type='div') return(output,output2,output3)
# In[15]: dates_borough['COUNT'] = 1 # In[16]: date_borough_sum = dates_borough.groupby(['borough', "date"]).sum() date_borough_sum.head() # In[17]: data = [] for g, df in date_borough_sum.reset_index().groupby('borough'): data.append(Scatter(x=, y=df.COUNT,name=g)) layout = Layout(xaxis=XAxis(title="Date"), yaxis=YAxis(title="Accident Count")) # In[18]: py.iplot(Figure(data=Data(data), layout=layout), filename='nypd_crashes/over_time') # Luckily for us, while this graph is a bit of a mess, we can still zoom in on specific times and ranges. This makes plotly perfect for exploring datasets. You can create a high level visual of the data then zoom into a more detailed level. # # See below where using the above graph I could zoom in on a particular point and anontate it for future investigation. # In[19]: tls.embed("")
def fig2(): # (!) Set 'size' values to be proportional to rendered area, # instead of diameter. This makes the range of bubble sizes smaller sizemode = 'area' # (!) Set a reference for 'size' values (i.e. a population-to-pixel scaling). # Here the max bubble area will be on the order of 100 pixels sizeref = df['Population'].max() / 1e2 ** 2 colors = { 'Asia': "rgb(255,65,54)", 'Europe': "rgb(133,20,75)", 'Africa': "rgb(0,116,217)", 'North America': "rgb(255,133,27)", 'South America': "rgb(23,190,207)", 'Antarctica': "rgb(61,153,112)", 'Oceania': "rgb(255,220,0)", } # Define a hover-text generating function (returns a list of strings) def make_text(X): return 'Country: %s\ <br>Life Expectancy: %s years\ <br>Population: %s million' \ % (X['Name'], X['LifeExpectancy'], X['Population'] / 1e6) # Define a trace-generating function (returns a Scatter object) def make_trace(X, continent, sizes, color): return Scatter( x=X['GNP'], # GDP on the x-xaxis y=X['LifeExpectancy'], # life Exp on th y-axis name=continent, # label continent names on hover mode='markers', # (!) point markers only on this plot text=X.apply(make_text, axis=1).tolist(), marker=Marker( color=color, # marker color size=sizes, # (!) marker sizes (sizes is a list) sizeref=sizeref, # link sizeref sizemode=sizemode, # link sizemode opacity=0.6, # (!) partly transparent markers line=Line(width=3, color="white") # marker borders ) ) # Initialize data object data = Data() # Group data frame by continent sub-dataframe (named X), # make one trace object per continent and append to data object for continent, X in df.groupby('Continent'): sizes = X['Population'] # get population array color = colors[continent] # get bubble color data.append( make_trace(X, continent, sizes, color) # append trace to data object ) # Set plot and axis titles title = "Life expectancy vs GNP from MySQL world database (bubble chart)" x_title = "Gross National Product" y_title = "Life Expectancy [in years]" # Define a dictionary of axis style options axis_style = dict( type='log', zeroline=False, # remove thick zero line gridcolor='#FFFFFF', # white grid lines ticks='outside', # draw ticks outside axes ticklen=8, # tick length tickwidth=1.5 # and width ) # Make layout object layout = Layout( title=title, # set plot title plot_bgcolor='#EFECEA', # set plot color to grey hovermode="closest", xaxis=XAxis( axis_style, # add axis style dictionary title=x_title, # x-axis title range=[2.0, 7.2], # log of min and max x limits ), yaxis=YAxis( axis_style, # add axis style dictionary title=y_title, # y-axis title ) ) # Make Figure object fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) # (@) Send to Plotly and show in notebook py.iplot(fig, filename='s3_life-gdp')
def test_validate_error(): data = Data() data.append({'not-a-key': 'anything'}) data.validate()