def test_kaleido_engine_to_image(): with mocked_scope() as scope: pio.to_image(fig, engine="kaleido", validate=False) scope.transform.assert_called_with(fig, format=None, width=None, height=None, scale=None)
def _figure_data(self, plot, fmt, as_script=False, **kwargs): if fmt == 'gif': import as pio from PIL import Image from import ensure_server, shutdown_server, status running = status.state == 'running' if not running: ensure_server() nframes = len(plot) frames = [] for i in range(nframes): plot.update(i) img_bytes = BytesIO() figure = go.Figure(self.get_plot_state(plot)) img = pio.to_image(figure, 'png', validate=False) img_bytes.write(img) frames.append( if not running: shutdown_server() bio = BytesIO() duration = (1. / self.fps) * 1000 frames[0].save(bio, format='GIF', append_images=frames[1:], save_all=True, duration=duration, loop=0) data = elif fmt in ('png', 'svg'): import as pio # Wrapping plot.state in go.Figure here performs validation # and applies any default theme. figure = go.Figure(self.get_plot_state(plot)) data = pio.to_image(figure, fmt) if fmt == 'svg': data = data.decode('utf-8') else: raise ValueError("Unsupported format: {fmt}".format(fmt=fmt)) if as_script: b64 = base64.b64encode(data).decode("utf-8") (mime_type, tag) = MIME_TYPES[fmt], HTML_TAGS[fmt] src = HTML_TAGS['base64'].format(mime_type=mime_type, b64=b64) div = tag.format(src=src, mime_type=mime_type, css='') return div return data
def test_invalid_figure_json(): # Do image export bad_fig = {"foo": "bar"} with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err: pio.to_image(bad_fig, format="png") assert "Invalid" in str(err.value) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err: pio.to_image(bad_fig, format="png", validate=False) assert "The image request was rejected by the orca conversion utility" in str( err.value) assert "400: invalid or malformed request syntax" in str(err.value)
def createBarChart(filename, xAxis, yAxis, xName, yName, name): trace1 = go.Bar(text=list(yAxis), textposition='auto', x=list(xAxis), y=list(yAxis)) layout = go.Layout(barmode='group', title=name, xaxis=dict(title=xName), yaxis=dict(title=yName)) data = [trace1] fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) img_bytes = pio.to_image(fig, format='PNG', width=1600, height=960, scale=2) if not os.path.exists('images/bar'): os.mkdir('images/bar') with open('images/bar/' + filename + '.PNG', 'wb') as f: f.write(img_bytes) return
def render_barchart(title, names, dates, datas, colours, scale=2, type="linear"): if type == "log": datas = [x[1:] for x in datas] dates = dates[1:] fig = go.Figure(data=[ go.Bar(name=name, x=dates, y=item, marker_color=colour) for name, item, colour in zip(names, datas, colours) ]) fig.update_yaxes(rangemode="tozero") fig.update_xaxes(rangemode="tozero") fig.update_layout(title=title, yaxis_type=type, xaxis_title="Date", yaxis_title="Total", xaxis_tickangle=-45, barmode="stack") return plotio.to_image(fig, format="png", scale=scale)
def render_linechart(title, names, dates, datas, colours, scale=2, type="linear"): if type == "log": datas = [x[1:] for x in datas] dates = dates[1:] fig = go.Figure() for name, data, colour in zip(names, datas, colours): fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=dates, y=data, name=name, line=dict(color=colour, width=2), line_shape="linear", mode="lines+markers")) fig.update_yaxes(rangemode="tozero") fig.update_xaxes(rangemode="tozero") fig.update_layout(title=title, yaxis_type=type, xaxis_title="Date", yaxis_title="Total", xaxis_tickangle=-45) return plotio.to_image(fig, format="png", scale=scale)
def render_plot(static_fig=None, interactive_fig=None, backend=None, filename=None): """ Render the plot using either file export, static png inline display or interactive display. """ # Delay imports import IPython.display as disp from import write_html, write_image, to_image if filename is not None: if filename.endswith(".html"): write_html(fig=static_fig, file=filename, auto_open=False) else: write_image(fig=static_fig, file=filename) else: if backend == "static": disp.display(disp.Image(to_image(static_fig, format='png'))) elif backend == "interactive": disp.display(interactive_fig) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown backend {}. Currently supported " "backends are 'interactive' and " "'static'".format(backend)) return
def test_invalid_figure_json(): # Do image export bad_fig = {'foo': 'bar'} with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err: pio.to_image(bad_fig, format='png') assert "Invalid value of type" in str(err.value) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err: pio.to_image(bad_fig, format='png', validate=False) assert ('The image request was rejected by the orca conversion utility' in str(err.value)) assert ('400: invalid or malformed request syntax' in str(err.value))
def test_png_renderer_mimetype(fig1): pio.renderers.default = "png" # Configure renderer so that we can use the same parameters # to build expected image below pio.renderers["png"].width = 400 pio.renderers["png"].height = 500 pio.renderers["png"].scale = 1 image_bytes = pio.to_image(fig1, width=400, height=500, scale=1) image_str = base64.b64encode(image_bytes).decode("utf8") expected = {"image/png": image_str} pio.renderers.render_on_display = False with mock.patch("IPython.display.display") as mock_display: fig1._ipython_display_() # assert fig1._repr_mimebundle_(None, None) is None mock_display.assert_not_called() pio.renderers.render_on_display = True with mock.patch("IPython.display.display") as mock_display: fig1._ipython_display_() mock_display.assert_called_once_with(expected, raw=True)
def test_latex_fig_to_image(latexfig, format): img_bytes = pio.to_image(latexfig, format=format, width=700, height=500, engine="orca") assert_image_bytes(img_bytes, "latexfig." + format)
def test_topojson_fig_to_image(topofig, format): img_bytes = pio.to_image(topofig, format=format, width=700, height=500, engine="orca") assert_image_bytes(img_bytes, "topofig." + format)
def test_simple_to_image(fig1, format): img_bytes = pio.to_image(fig1, format=format, width=700, height=500, engine="orca") assert_image_bytes(img_bytes, "fig1." + format)
def test_mimetype_combination(fig1): pio.renderers.default = 'png+jupyterlab' # Configure renderer so that we can use the same parameters # to build expected image below pio.renderers['png'].width = 400 pio.renderers['png'].height = 500 pio.renderers['png'].scale = 1 # pdf image_bytes = pio.to_image( fig1, format='png', width=400, height=500, scale=1) image_str = base64.b64encode(image_bytes).decode('utf8') # plotly mimetype plotly_mimetype_dict = json.loads( pio.to_json(fig1, remove_uids=False)) plotly_mimetype_dict['config'] = { 'plotlyServerURL': get_config()['plotly_domain']} # Build expected bundle expected = { 'image/png': image_str, plotly_mimetype: plotly_mimetype_dict, } pio.renderers.render_on_display = False assert fig1._repr_mimebundle_(None, None) is None pio.renderers.render_on_display = True bundle = fig1._repr_mimebundle_(None, None) assert bundle == expected
def test_kaleido_engine_to_image_kwargs(): with mocked_scope() as scope: pio.to_image( fig, format="pdf", width=700, height=600, scale=2, engine="kaleido", validate=False, ) scope.transform.assert_called_with(fig, format="pdf", width=700, height=600, scale=2)
def world_map(df, return_base64=False): """Create a world map. @param attribute: df (dataframe) dataframe containing the data @param attribute: return_base64 (bool): Whether to return the result as a base64 string or not. :returns: HTML or base64 string.""" # Limit data to page views df = df[~df.type.str.contains('users')] scl = [[0.0, '#C5A653'], [0.2, '#C5A653'], [0.4, '#C5A653'], [0.6, '#C5A653'], [0.8, '#C5A653'], [1.0, '#C5A653']] data = [ dict( type='choropleth', locations=df['country_iso_code'], z=df['value'], text=df['country'], colorscale=scl, showscale=False, ) ] layout = dict( geo=dict(showframe=False, showcoastlines=False, showcountries=True, projection=dict(type='equirectangular')), autosize=False, width=700, height=300, margin=go.layout.Margin( l=0, # noqa: E741 r=0, b=0, t=0, pad=0), ) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) if return_base64: img = pio.to_image( fig, format='svg', ) data = "data:image/svg;base64," + base64.b64encode(img).decode('utf8') else: # Generate the HTML data = plotly.offline.plot( fig, output_type='div', show_link=False, config=dict(displaylogo=False, modeBarButtonsToRemove=['sendDataToCloud'])) return mark_safe(data)
def _figure_data(self, plot, fmt=None, divuuid=None, comm=True, as_script=False, width=800, height=600): # Wrapping plot.state in go.Figure here performs validation # and applies any default theme. figure = go.Figure(plot.state) if fmt in ('png', 'svg'): import as pio data = pio.to_image(figure, fmt) if as_script: b64 = base64.b64encode(data).decode("utf-8") (mime_type, tag) = MIME_TYPES[fmt], HTML_TAGS[fmt] src = HTML_TAGS['base64'].format(mime_type=mime_type, b64=b64) div = tag.format(src=src, mime_type=mime_type, css='') js = '' return div, js return data if divuuid is None: divuuid = jdata = json.dumps(, cls=utils.PlotlyJSONEncoder) jlayout = json.dumps(figure.layout, cls=utils.PlotlyJSONEncoder) config = {} config['showLink'] = False jconfig = json.dumps(config) if as_script: header = 'window.PLOTLYENV=window.PLOTLYENV || {};' else: header = ('<script type="text/javascript">' 'window.PLOTLYENV=window.PLOTLYENV || {};' '</script>') script = '\n'.join([ 'var plotly = window._Plotly || window.Plotly;' 'plotly.plot("{id}", {data}, {layout}, {config}).then(function() {{', ' var elem = document.getElementById("{id}.loading"); elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem);', '}})']).format(id=divuuid, data=jdata, layout=jlayout, config=jconfig) html = ('<div id="{id}.loading" style="color: rgb(50,50,50);">' 'Drawing...</div>' '<div id="{id}" style="height: {height}; width: {width};" ' 'class="plotly-graph-div">' '</div>'.format(id=divuuid, height=height, width=width)) if as_script: return html, header + script content = ( '{html}' '<script type="text/javascript">' ' {script}' '</script>' ).format(html=html, script=script) return '\n'.join([header, content])
def to_image(self, format="png", **kwargs): """creates static image, suffix dictates format""" from import to_image fig = self.figure kwargs["width"] = kwargs.get("width", fig.layout.width) kwargs["height"] = kwargs.get("height", fig.layout.height) return to_image(fig, format=format, **kwargs)
def test_bytesio(fig1): """Verify that writing to a BytesIO object contains the same data as to_image(). The goal of this test is to ensure that Plotly correctly handles a writable buffer which doesn't correspond to a filesystem path. """ bio = BytesIO() pio.write_image(fig1, bio, format="jpg", validate=False) bio_bytes = to_image_bytes = pio.to_image(fig1, format="jpg", validate=False) assert bio_bytes == to_image_bytes
def to_mimebundle(self, fig_dict): image_bytes = to_image(fig_dict, format=self.format, width=self.width, height=self.height, scale=self.scale) if self.b64_encode: image_str = base64.b64encode(image_bytes).decode('utf8') else: image_str = image_bytes.decode('utf8') return {self.mime_type: image_str}
def test_problematic_environment_variables(fig1, format): pio.orca.config.restore_defaults(reset_server=True) os.environ['NODE_OPTIONS'] = '--max-old-space-size=4096' os.environ['ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE'] = '1' # Do image export img_bytes = pio.to_image(fig1, format=format, width=700, height=500) assert_image_bytes(img_bytes, 'fig1.' + format) # Check that environment variables were restored assert os.environ['NODE_OPTIONS'] == '--max-old-space-size=4096' assert os.environ['ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE'] == '1'
def test_problematic_environment_variables(fig1, format): pio.orca.config.restore_defaults(reset_server=True) os.environ["NODE_OPTIONS"] = "--max-old-space-size=4096" os.environ["ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE"] = "1" # Do image export img_bytes = pio.to_image(fig1, format=format, width=700, height=500) assert_image_bytes(img_bytes, "fig1." + format) # Check that environment variables were restored assert os.environ["NODE_OPTIONS"] == "--max-old-space-size=4096" assert os.environ["ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE"] == "1"
def to_mimebundle(self, fig_dict): image_bytes = to_image( fig_dict, format=self.format, width=self.width, height=self.height, scale=self.scale, validate=False, ) if self.b64_encode: image_str = base64.b64encode(image_bytes).decode('utf8') else: image_str = image_bytes.decode('utf8') return {self.mime_type: image_str}
def boxplot_scores(scores, name='Cost'): data = [] for col in scores.columns: data.append(go.Box(y=scores[col], name=col, showlegend=False)) layout = go.Layout(title=go.layout.Title(text='%s Boxplot' % name, xref='paper', x=0), ) fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) if exporting == True: static_image_bytes = pio.to_image(fig, format='png') display(Image(static_image_bytes)) else: display(iplot(fig))
def test_bytesio(): """Verify that writing to a BytesIO object contains the same data as to_image(). The goal of this test is to ensure that Plotly correctly handles a writable buffer which doesn't correspond to a filesystem path. """ bio = BytesIO() pio.write_image(fig, bio, format="jpg", engine="kaleido", validate=False) 0 ) # Rewind to the beginning of the buffer, otherwise read() returns b''. bio_bytes = to_image_bytes = pio.to_image(fig, format="jpg", engine="kaleido", validate=False) assert bio_bytes == to_image_bytes
def to_mimebundle(self, fig_dict): image_bytes = to_image( fig_dict, format=self.format, width=self.width, height=self.height, scale=self.scale, validate=False, engine=self.engine, ) if self.b64_encode: image_str = base64.b64encode(image_bytes).decode("utf8") else: image_str = image_bytes.decode("utf8") return {self.mime_type: image_str}
def make_sankey_chart(labels, sources, targets, values, descs, title:str=DEFAULT_TITLE, black_theme:bool=False, png:bool or (int, int)=False) -> str: "Return the HTML describing a sankey chart, according to given args" data = { 'type': 'sankey', # 'width': 4000, # 'height': 1000, 'orientation': 'h', 'valuesuffix': " personnages", 'valueformat': '.i', 'node': { 'pad': 15, 'thickness': 3, 'line': {'color': 'black'}, 'label': labels, }, 'link': { 'source': sources, 'target': targets, 'value': values, 'label': descs, } } layout = {'title': title, 'font': {'size': 12}} if black_theme: layout.update({ 'plot_bgcolor': 'black', 'paper_bgcolor': 'black', }) layout['font']['color'] = 'white' fig = {'data': [data], 'layout': layout} if png: kwargs = {} if not isinstance(png, bool): width, height = png if width: kwargs['width'] = width if height: kwargs['height'] = height return pio.to_image( fig, format='png', **kwargs ) else: return plotly.offline.plot(fig, auto_open=False, output_type='div')
def main(): n = 1 file_prefix = 'fig' color = 'Viridis' zvmax = float('-inf') zvmin = float('inf') images = [] print('Converting output ...') with open("output_wave2d.txt", 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for counter, line in enumerate(lines[:-1]): line = line.replace('|\n', '') rows = line.split('|') matrix = [] for row in rows: try: vals = list(literal_eval(row)) matrix.append(vals) temp_min = np.min(vals) temp_max = np.max(vals) if (temp_min < zvmin): zvmin = temp_min if (temp_max > zvmax): zvmax = temp_max except Exception as e: print(row) fig = go.Figure() fig.add_heatmap(z=matrix, zmin=-32, zmax=20, colorscale=color) print(n) n += 1 #pio.write_image(fig, f'{file_prefix}{int(counter + 1)}.png') images.append( pio.to_image(fig, format='png', width=700, height=500)) print("Range: [", zvmin, ", ", zvmax, "]") print('Creating animation ...') convertGif(file_prefix, f'Wave2D_{color}', n, images) print('Cleaning up ...') cleanUp(file_prefix, n) print('Done.')
def fig_to_buffer(fig, format, width=DEFAULT_WIDTH, height=DEFAULT_HEIGHT, margin=None, scale=DEFAULT_SCALE): """Converts the specified figure to an image buffer with the specified format.""" update_layout_size(fig, width=width, height=height, margin=margin) if is_matplot(fig): buffer = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(buffer, format=format, dpi=scale * 100) return elif is_plotly(fig): return pio.to_image(fig, format=format, width=width, height=height, scale=scale)
def test_png_renderer_mimetype(fig1): pio.renderers.default = 'png' # Configure renderer so that we can use the same parameters # to build expected image below pio.renderers['png'].width = 400 pio.renderers['png'].height = 500 pio.renderers['png'].scale = 1 image_bytes = pio.to_image(fig1, width=400, height=500, scale=1) image_str = base64.b64encode(image_bytes).decode('utf8') expected = {'image/png': image_str} pio.renderers.render_on_display = False assert fig1._repr_mimebundle_(None, None) is None pio.renderers.render_on_display = True bundle = fig1._repr_mimebundle_(None, None) assert bundle == expected
def test_pdf_renderer_show_override(fig1): pio.renderers.default = None # Configure renderer so that we can use the same parameters # to build expected image below pio.renderers['png'].width = 400 pio.renderers['png'].height = 500 pio.renderers['png'].scale = 1 image_bytes_png = pio.to_image( fig1, format='png', width=400, height=500, scale=1) image_str_png = base64.b64encode(image_bytes_png).decode('utf8') with mock.patch('IPython.display.display') as mock_display:, renderer='png') expected_bundle = {'image/png': image_str_png} mock_display.assert_called_once_with(expected_bundle, raw=True)
def createPieChart(filename, xAxis, yAxis, name): trace1 = go.Pie(labels=list(xAxis), values=list(yAxis)) layout = go.Layout(title=name) data = [trace1] fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout) img_bytes = pio.to_image(fig, format='PNG', width=1600, height=960, scale=2) if not os.path.exists('images/pie'): os.mkdir('images/pie') with open('images/pie/' + filename + '.PNG', 'wb') as f: f.write(img_bytes) return
def test_mimetype_combination(fig1): pio.renderers.default = "png+jupyterlab" # Configure renderer so that we can use the same parameters # to build expected image below pio.renderers["png"].width = 400 pio.renderers["png"].height = 500 pio.renderers["png"].scale = 1 # pdf image_bytes = pio.to_image(fig1, format="png", width=400, height=500, scale=1) image_str = base64.b64encode(image_bytes).decode("utf8") # plotly mimetype plotly_mimetype_dict = json.loads(pio.to_json(fig1, remove_uids=False)) plotly_mimetype_dict["config"] = { "plotlyServerURL": _get_jconfig()["plotlyServerURL"] } # Build expected bundle expected = {"image/png": image_str, plotly_mimetype: plotly_mimetype_dict} pio.renderers.render_on_display = False with mock.patch("IPython.display.display") as mock_display: fig1._ipython_display_() # assert fig1._repr_mimebundle_(None, None) is None mock_display.assert_not_called() pio.renderers.render_on_display = True with mock.patch("IPython.display.display") as mock_display: fig1._ipython_display_() mock_display.assert_called_once_with(expected, raw=True)
def home(): data = request.json df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data) df.head() geojson="" fig = px.choropleth( df[['States','Deaths']], geojson="", featureidkey='properties.ST_NM', locations='States', color='Deaths', color_continuous_scale='Reds', ) fig.update_geos(fitbounds="locations", visible=False) unwrapped = wrapped = retrying.retry(wait_random_min=1000)(unwrapped) = wrapped img_bytes = pio.to_image(fig,format='png') encoding = b64encode(img_bytes).decode() return str(encoding)
def test_external_server_url(): # Build server url port = find_open_port() server_url = "http://{hostname}:{port}".format(hostname="localhost", port=port) # Build external orca command orca_path = which("orca") cmd_list = [orca_path] + [ "serve", "-p", str(port), "--plotly", pio.orca.config.plotlyjs, "--graph-only", ] # Run orca as subprocess to simulate external orca server DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, "wb") with orca_env(): proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd_list, stdout=DEVNULL) # Start plotly managed orca server so we can ensure it gets shut down properly pio.orca.config.port = port pio.orca.ensure_server() assert pio.orca.status.state == "running" # Configure orca to use external server pio.orca.config.server_url = server_url # Make sure that the locally managed orca server has been shutdown and the local # config options have been cleared assert pio.orca.status.state == "unvalidated" assert pio.orca.config.port is None fig = go.Figure() img_bytes = pio.to_image(fig, format="svg") assert img_bytes.startswith(b"<svg class") # Kill server orca process proc.terminate()
def test_simple_to_image(fig1, format): img_bytes = pio.to_image(fig1, format=format, width=700, height=500) assert_image_bytes(img_bytes, 'fig1.' + format)
def sample(self, filename, save_samples): gan = self.gan generator = gan.generator.sample sess = gan.session config = gan.config contours = args.contour_size x,y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-1.5, 1.5, 3/contours), np.arange(-1.5, 1.5, 3/contours)) d = [] for i in range(args.contour_size): _x = np.reshape(x[:,i], [-1]) _y = np.reshape(y[:,i], [-1]) for j in range(args.contour_size // gan.batch_size()): offset = j*gan.batch_size() endoffset = (j+1)*gan.batch_size() _x_sample = _x[offset:endoffset] _y_sample = _y[offset:endoffset] _d =, {gan.inputs.x: [[__x,__y] for __x, __y in zip(_x_sample, _y_sample)]}) d.append(_d) contour = go.Contour( z = np.reshape(d, [-1]), x = np.reshape(x, [-1]), y = np.reshape(y, [-1]), opacity=0.5, showlegend=False, contours = dict( start=-0.5, end=0.5, size=0.03, ) ) print(np.shape(x), np.shape(y)) #z =, global x_v, z_v if x_v is None: x_v = [] z_v = [] for j in range(args.sample_points // gan.batch_size()): _x_v, _z_v =[gan.inputs.x, gan.latent.sample]) x_v.append(_x_v) z_v.append( _z_v) x_v = np.reshape(x_v, [-1,gan.inputs.x.shape[1]]) z_v = np.reshape(z_v, [-1,gan.latent.sample.shape[1]]) sample = [] for j in range(args.sample_points // gan.batch_size()): offset = j*gan.batch_size() endoffset = (j+1)*gan.batch_size() z_v_sample = z_v[offset:endoffset] x_v_sample = x_v[offset:endoffset] _sample =, {gan.inputs.x: x_v_sample, gan.latent.sample: z_v_sample}) sample.append(_sample) sample = np.reshape(sample, [-1, 2]) points = go.Scatter(x=sample[:,0], y=sample[:,1], mode='markers', marker = dict( size = 10, color = 'rgba(0, 152, 0, .8)', line = dict( width = 2, color = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' )), name='fake') xpoints = go.Scatter(x=x_v[:,0], y=x_v[:,1], mode='markers', marker = dict( size = 10, color = 'rgba(255, 182, 193, .9)', line = dict( width = 2, color = 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' )), name='real') layout = go.Layout(hovermode='closest', xaxis=dict(range=[-1.5,1.5]), yaxis=dict(range=[-1.5,1.5]), width=1920, showlegend=False, height=1080 ) fig = go.Figure([contour, xpoints, points], layout=layout) data = pio.to_image(fig, format='png') #pio.write_image(fig,"sample.png") img = #img ="sample.png").convert("RGB")"save.jpg") #plt.savefig(filename) self.plot(np.array(img), filename, save_samples, regularize=False) return [{'image': filename, 'label': '2d'}]
def test_latex_fig_to_image(latexfig, format): img_bytes = pio.to_image(latexfig, format=format, width=700, height=500) assert_image_bytes(img_bytes, 'latexfig.' + format)
def test_topojson_fig_to_image(topofig, format): img_bytes = pio.to_image(topofig, format=format, width=700, height=500) assert_image_bytes(img_bytes, 'topofig.' + format)
def test_to_image_default(fig1, format): pio.orca.config.default_format = format img_bytes = pio.to_image(fig1, width=700, height=500) assert_image_bytes(img_bytes, 'fig1.' + format)