def test_get_subplot_out_of_bounds(self): fig = subplots.make_subplots(rows=4, cols=2) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: fig.get_subplot(0, 1)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: fig.get_subplot(5, 1)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: fig.get_subplot(1, 0)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: fig.get_subplot(1, 3))
def setUp(self): self.fig = make_subplots(rows=2, cols=2, specs=[[{}, { "secondary_y": True }], [{}, { "type": "polar" }]])
def setUp(self): fig = make_subplots( rows=3, cols=3, specs=[ [{}, { "type": "scene" }, {}], [{ "secondary_y": True }, { "type": "polar" }, { "type": "polar" }], [{ "type": "xy", "colspan": 2 }, None, { "type": "ternary" }], ], ).update(layout={"height": 800}) fig.layout.xaxis.title.text = "A" fig.layout.xaxis2.title.text = "A" fig.layout.xaxis3.title.text = "B" fig.layout.xaxis4.title.text = "B" fig.layout.yaxis.title.text = "A" fig.layout.yaxis2.title.text = "B" fig.layout.yaxis3.title.text = "A" fig.layout.yaxis4.title.text = "B" fig.layout.polar.angularaxis.rotation = 45 fig.layout.polar2.angularaxis.rotation = 45 fig.layout.polar.radialaxis.title.text = "A" fig.layout.polar2.radialaxis.title.text = "B" fig.layout.scene.xaxis.title.text = "A" fig.layout.scene.yaxis.title.text = "B" fig.layout.ternary.aaxis.title.text = "A" self.fig = fig self.fig_no_grid = go.Figure(self.fig.to_dict())
def setUp(self): fig = make_subplots( rows=3, cols=2, specs=[ [{}, {"type": "scene"}], [{"secondary_y": True}, {"type": "polar"}], [{"type": "domain", "colspan": 2}, None], ], ).update(layout={"height": 800}) # data[0], (1, 1) fig.add_scatter( mode="markers", y=[2, 3, 1], name="A", marker={"color": "green", "size": 10}, row=1, col=1, ) # data[1], (1, 1) fig.add_bar(y=[2, 3, 1], row=1, col=1, name="B") # data[2], (2, 1) fig.add_scatter( mode="lines", y=[1, 2, 0], line={"color": "purple"}, name="C", row=2, col=1 ) # data[3], (2, 1) fig.add_heatmap(z=[[2, 3, 1], [2, 1, 3], [3, 2, 1]], row=2, col=1, name="D") # data[4], (1, 2) fig.add_scatter3d( x=[0, 0, 0], y=[0, 0, 0], z=[0, 1, 2], mode="markers", marker={"color": "green", "size": 10}, name="E", row=1, col=2, ) # data[5], (1, 2) fig.add_scatter3d( x=[0, 0, -1], y=[-1, 0, 0], z=[0, 1, 2], mode="lines", line={"color": "purple", "width": 4}, name="F", row=1, col=2, ) # data[6], (2, 2) fig.add_scatterpolar( mode="markers", r=[0, 3, 2], theta=[0, 20, 87], marker={"color": "green", "size": 8}, name="G", row=2, col=2, ) # data[7], (2, 2) fig.add_scatterpolar( mode="lines", r=[0, 3, 2], theta=[20, 87, 111], name="H", row=2, col=2 ) # data[8], (3, 1) fig.add_parcoords( dimensions=[{"values": [1, 2, 3, 2, 1]}, {"values": [3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1]}], line={"color": "purple"}, name="I", row=3, col=1, ) # data[9], (2, 1) with secondary_y fig.add_scatter( mode="lines", y=[1, 2, 0], line={"color": "purple"}, name="C", row=2, col=1, secondary_y=True, ) self.fig = fig self.fig_no_grid = go.Figure(self.fig.to_dict())
def _facet_grid( df, x, y, facet_row, facet_col, num_of_rows, num_of_cols, facet_row_labels, facet_col_labels, trace_type, flipped_rows, flipped_cols, show_boxes, SUBPLOT_SPACING, marker_color, kwargs_trace, kwargs_marker, ): fig = make_subplots( rows=num_of_rows, cols=num_of_cols, shared_xaxes=True, shared_yaxes=True, horizontal_spacing=SUBPLOT_SPACING, vertical_spacing=SUBPLOT_SPACING, print_grid=False, ) annotations = [] if not facet_row and not facet_col: trace = dict(type=trace_type, marker=dict(color=marker_color, line=kwargs_marker["line"]), **kwargs_trace) if x: trace["x"] = df[x] if y: trace["y"] = df[y] trace = _make_trace_for_scatter(trace, trace_type, marker_color, **kwargs_marker) fig.append_trace(trace, 1, 1) elif (facet_row and not facet_col) or (not facet_row and facet_col): groups_by_facet = list( df.groupby(facet_row if facet_row else facet_col)) for j, group in enumerate(groups_by_facet): trace = dict(type=trace_type, marker=dict(color=marker_color, line=kwargs_marker["line"]), **kwargs_trace) if x: trace["x"] = group[1][x] if y: trace["y"] = group[1][y] trace = _make_trace_for_scatter(trace, trace_type, marker_color, **kwargs_marker) fig.append_trace(trace, j + 1 if facet_row else 1, 1 if facet_row else j + 1) label = _return_label( group[0], facet_row_labels if facet_row else facet_col_labels, facet_row if facet_row else facet_col, ) annotations.append( _annotation_dict( label, num_of_rows - j if facet_row else j + 1, num_of_rows if facet_row else num_of_cols, SUBPLOT_SPACING, "row" if facet_row else "col", flipped_rows, )) elif facet_row and facet_col: groups_by_facets = list(df.groupby([facet_row, facet_col])) tuple_to_facet_group = {item[0]: item[1] for item in groups_by_facets} row_values = df[facet_row].unique() col_values = df[facet_col].unique() for row_count, x_val in enumerate(row_values): for col_count, y_val in enumerate(col_values): try: group = tuple_to_facet_group[(x_val, y_val)] except KeyError: group = pd.DataFrame([[None, None]], columns=[x, y]) trace = dict(type=trace_type, marker=dict(color=marker_color, line=kwargs_marker["line"]), **kwargs_trace) if x: trace["x"] = group[x] if y: trace["y"] = group[y] trace = _make_trace_for_scatter(trace, trace_type, marker_color, **kwargs_marker) fig.append_trace(trace, row_count + 1, col_count + 1) if row_count == 0: label = _return_label(col_values[col_count], facet_col_labels, facet_col) annotations.append( _annotation_dict( label, col_count + 1, num_of_cols, SUBPLOT_SPACING, row_col="col", flipped=flipped_cols, )) label = _return_label(row_values[row_count], facet_row_labels, facet_row) annotations.append( _annotation_dict( label, num_of_rows - row_count, num_of_rows, SUBPLOT_SPACING, row_col="row", flipped=flipped_rows, )) return fig, annotations
def get_subplots(rows=1,cols=1, shared_xaxes=False, shared_yaxes=False, start_cell='top-left', theme=None,base_layout=None, **kwargs): """ Generates a subplot view for a set of figures Parameters: ----------- rows : int Number of rows cols : int Number of cols shared_xaxes : bool Assign shared x axes. If True, subplots in the same grid column have one common shared x-axis at the bottom of the gird. shared_yaxes : bool Assign shared y axes. If True, subplots in the same grid row have one common shared y-axis on the left-hand side of the gird. start_cell : string 'bottom-left' 'top-left' Choose the starting cell in the subplot grid used to set the domains of the subplots. theme : string Layout Theme solar pearl white see cufflinks.getThemes() for all available themes horizontal_spacing : float [0,1] Space between subplot columns. vertical_spacing : float Space between subplot rows. specs : list of dicts Subplot specifications. ex1: specs=[[{}, {}], [{'colspan': 2}, None]] ex2: specs=[[{'rowspan': 2}, {}], [None, {}]] - Indices of the outer list correspond to subplot grid rows starting from the bottom. The number of rows in 'specs' must be equal to 'rows'. - Indices of the inner lists correspond to subplot grid columns starting from the left. The number of columns in 'specs' must be equal to 'cols'. - Each item in the 'specs' list corresponds to one subplot in a subplot grid. (N.B. The subplot grid has exactly 'rows' times 'cols' cells.) - Use None for blank a subplot cell (or to move pass a col/row span). - Note that specs[0][0] has the specs of the 'start_cell' subplot. - Each item in 'specs' is a dictionary. The available keys are: * is_3d (boolean, default=False): flag for 3d scenes * colspan (int, default=1): number of subplot columns for this subplot to span. * rowspan (int, default=1): number of subplot rows for this subplot to span. * l (float, default=0.0): padding left of cell * r (float, default=0.0): padding right of cell * t (float, default=0.0): padding right of cell * b (float, default=0.0): padding bottom of cell - Use 'horizontal_spacing' and 'vertical_spacing' to adjust the spacing in between the subplots. insets : list of dicts Inset specifications. - Each item in 'insets' is a dictionary. The available keys are: * cell (tuple, default=(1,1)): (row, col) index of the subplot cell to overlay inset axes onto. * is_3d (boolean, default=False): flag for 3d scenes * l (float, default=0.0): padding left of inset in fraction of cell width * w (float or 'to_end', default='to_end') inset width in fraction of cell width ('to_end': to cell right edge) * b (float, default=0.0): padding bottom of inset in fraction of cell height * h (float or 'to_end', default='to_end') inset height in fraction of cell height ('to_end': to cell top edge) """ if not theme: theme = auth.get_config_file()['theme'] layout= base_layout if base_layout else getLayout(theme,**check_kwargs(kwargs,__LAYOUT_AXIS)) sp=make_subplots(rows=rows,cols=cols,shared_xaxes=shared_xaxes, shared_yaxes=shared_yaxes,print_grid=False, start_cell=start_cell,**kwargs) sp, grid_ref = sp.to_dict(), sp._grid_ref for k,v in list(layout.items()): if 'xaxis' not in k and 'yaxis' not in k: sp['layout'].update({k:v}) def update_axis(fig,layout): for axis, n in list(Figure(fig).axis['len'].items()): for _ in range(1,n+1): for k,v in list(layout['{0}axis'.format(axis)].items()): _='' if _==1 else _ if k not in fig['layout']['{0}axis{1}'.format(axis,_)]: fig['layout']['{0}axis{1}'.format(axis,_)][k]=v update_axis(sp,layout) # 124 - zeroline on the first figure # if 'subplot_titles' in kwargs: # if 'annotations' in layout: # annotation=sp['layout']['annotations'][0] # else: # annotation=getLayout(theme,annotations=[Annotation(text='')])['annotations'] # for ann in sp['layout']['annotations']: # ann.update(font=dict(color=annotation['font']['color'])) # def update_items(sp_item,layout,axis): # for k,v in list(layout[axis].items()): # sp_item.update({k:v}) # for k,v in list(sp['layout'].items()): # if isinstance(v,go.XAxis): # update_items(v,layout,'xaxis1') # elif isinstance(v,go.YAxis): # update_items(v,layout,'xaxis1') return sp, grid_ref
def test_get_subplot(self): # Make Figure with subplot types fig = subplots.make_subplots( rows=4, cols=2, specs=[ [{}, {"secondary_y": True}], [{"type": "polar"}, {"type": "ternary"}], [{"type": "scene"}, {"type": "geo"}], [{"type": "domain", "colspan": 2}, None], ], ) fig.add_scatter(y=[2, 1, 3], row=1, col=1) fig.add_scatter(y=[2, 1, 3], row=1, col=2) fig.add_scatter(y=[1, 3, 2], row=1, col=2, secondary_y=True) fig.add_trace(go.Scatterpolar(r=[2, 1, 3], theta=[20, 50, 125]), row=2, col=1) fig.add_traces( [go.Scatterternary(a=[0.2, 0.1, 0.3], b=[0.4, 0.6, 0.5])], rows=[2], cols=[2], ) fig.add_scatter3d( x=[2, 0, 1], y=[0, 1, 0], z=[0, 1, 2], mode="lines", row=3, col=1 ) fig.add_scattergeo(lat=[0, 40], lon=[10, 5], mode="lines", row=3, col=2) fig.add_parcats( dimensions=[ {"values": ["A", "A", "B", "A", "B"]}, {"values": ["a", "a", "a", "b", "b"]}, ], row=4, col=1, ) fig.update_traces(uid=None) fig.update(layout_height=1200) # Check expected = Figure( { "data": [ {"type": "scatter", "xaxis": "x", "y": [2, 1, 3], "yaxis": "y"}, {"type": "scatter", "xaxis": "x2", "y": [2, 1, 3], "yaxis": "y2"}, {"type": "scatter", "xaxis": "x2", "y": [1, 3, 2], "yaxis": "y3"}, { "r": [2, 1, 3], "subplot": "polar", "theta": [20, 50, 125], "type": "scatterpolar", }, { "a": [0.2, 0.1, 0.3], "b": [0.4, 0.6, 0.5], "subplot": "ternary", "type": "scatterternary", }, { "mode": "lines", "scene": "scene", "type": "scatter3d", "x": [2, 0, 1], "y": [0, 1, 0], "z": [0, 1, 2], }, { "geo": "geo", "lat": [0, 40], "lon": [10, 5], "mode": "lines", "type": "scattergeo", }, { "dimensions": [ {"values": ["A", "A", "B", "A", "B"]}, {"values": ["a", "a", "a", "b", "b"]}, ], "domain": {"x": [0.0, 0.9400000000000001], "y": [0.0, 0.19375]}, "type": "parcats", }, ], "layout": { "geo": { "domain": { "x": [0.5700000000000001, 0.9400000000000001], "y": [0.26875, 0.4625], } }, "height": 1200, "polar": {"domain": {"x": [0.0, 0.37], "y": [0.5375, 0.73125]}}, "scene": {"domain": {"x": [0.0, 0.37], "y": [0.26875, 0.4625]}}, "ternary": { "domain": { "x": [0.5700000000000001, 0.9400000000000001], "y": [0.5375, 0.73125], } }, "xaxis": {"anchor": "y", "domain": [0.0, 0.37]}, "xaxis2": { "anchor": "y2", "domain": [0.5700000000000001, 0.9400000000000001], }, "yaxis": {"anchor": "x", "domain": [0.80625, 1.0]}, "yaxis2": {"anchor": "x2", "domain": [0.80625, 1.0]}, "yaxis3": {"anchor": "x2", "overlaying": "y2", "side": "right"}, }, } ) expected.update_traces(uid=None) # Make sure we have expected starting figure self.assertEqual(fig, expected) # (1, 1) subplot = fig.get_subplot(1, 1) self.assertEqual( subplot, SubplotXY(xaxis=fig.layout.xaxis, yaxis=fig.layout.yaxis) ) # (1, 2) Primary subplot = fig.get_subplot(1, 2) self.assertEqual( subplot, SubplotXY(xaxis=fig.layout.xaxis2, yaxis=fig.layout.yaxis2) ) # (1, 2) Primary subplot = fig.get_subplot(1, 2, secondary_y=True) self.assertEqual( subplot, SubplotXY(xaxis=fig.layout.xaxis2, yaxis=fig.layout.yaxis3) ) # (2, 1) subplot = fig.get_subplot(2, 1) self.assertEqual(subplot, fig.layout.polar) # (2, 2) subplot = fig.get_subplot(2, 2) self.assertEqual(subplot, fig.layout.ternary) # (3, 1) subplot = fig.get_subplot(3, 1) self.assertEqual(subplot, fig.layout.scene) # (3, 2) subplot = fig.get_subplot(3, 2) self.assertEqual(subplot, fig.layout.geo) # (4, 1) subplot = fig.get_subplot(4, 1) domain =[-1].domain self.assertEqual(subplot, SubplotDomain(x=domain.x, y=domain.y))
def plot_resultats(self, col=pcol.sequential.Bluered, d3=False, share_xaxes=True, share_yaxes=True, hideUpper=False, zmaxHisto=4, offset=0, iloc=slice(None), loc=slice(None), nb=None, max3d=15, begin3d=0, offset3d=0, scatterColorBarX=-0.2, mesh3d=True): obj = self.obj resu = obj.resultat yy = resu >>"param_"), "mean_test_score") yy["mean_test_score"] = np.round(yy["mean_test_score"] * 100, 2) nb = nb if nb is not None else np.shape(yy)[1] - 1 nbo = min(nb + offset, nb) yyX = yy.iloc[:, :-1].iloc[:, offset:nbo].loc[:, loc].iloc[:, iloc] yyX["mean_test_score"] = yy["mean_test_score"] yy = yyX yy_ = yy.fillna("`None`") yl = yy["mean_test_score"] cmax = max(yl) cmin = min(yl) # yy=yy.fillna("`None`") yy = yy_.apply(lambda x: namesEscape(x.values), axis=0) # print(yy) yy["mean_test_score"] = yl yy2 = yy # print(yy) nb = np.shape(yy)[1] nb1 = nb - 1 nbCols = nb1 ff2 = yy.columns.tolist()[:-1] if d3: nbCols -= 2 if nbCols == 0: raise Exception("if 3D -> minimun 3 params") comb = list(combinations( range(nb1), 3))[(begin3d + offset3d):(max3d + offset3d)] # Initialize figure with 4 3D subplots images_per_row = min(len(comb), nbCols) n_rows = (len(comb) - 1) // images_per_row + 1 # print(comb) # print(n_rows) # print(images_per_row) spco = np.full((n_rows, images_per_row), [{ 'type': 'scatter3d' }]).tolist() fig = make_subplots(vertical_spacing=0.01, horizontal_spacing=0.01, rows=n_rows, cols=images_per_row, specs=spco) iio = 0 lay = {} ip = None for i in range(n_rows): for j in range(images_per_row): # print(i+1,j+1,iio) com1 = comb[iio] x = ff2[com1[0]] y = ff2[com1[1]] z = ff2[com1[2]] # print(x,y,z) opX = px.scatter_3d(yy_, x=x, color_continuous_scale="Bluered", y=y, z=z, color="mean_test_score") oip = opX["layout"] xxo = "scene" + ("" if iio == 0 else str(iio + 1)) oip[xxo] = oip["scene"] if iio != 0: oip["scene"] = None opX["data"][0]["scene"] = "scene" + ("" if iio == 0 else str(iio + 1)) opX['data'][0]["marker"].cmax = cmax opX['data'][0]["marker"].cmin = cmin # opX["data"][0].hoverlabel=dict(bgcolor=yy_["mean_test_score"]) # opX["data"][0]["yaxis"]="y"+("" if i ==0 else str(i+1)) oip[xxo]["domain"] = None if iio == 0: ip = oip["coloraxis"] # opX["data"][0]["marker"]["color"]=pcol.sequential.Bluered lay[xxo] = oip[xxo].to_plotly_json() lay[xxo]["aspectmode"] = "cube" fig.append_trace(opX["data"][0], row=i + 1, col=j + 1) fig.append_trace(scatter3D_MESH( x=yy_.loc[:, x], y=yy_.loc[:, y], z=yy_.loc[:, z], cmax=cmax, cmin=cmin, col=yy_.loc[:, "mean_test_score"], onlyMesh=True, visible=mesh3d).data[0], row=i + 1, col=j + 1) iio += 1 if len(comb) == iio: lay["coloraxis"] = ip fig["layout"] = merge(fig["layout"].to_plotly_json(), lay, add=False) return fromCombiToplot( fig.update_layout(showlegend=False), comb, nbCols).update_layout(width=1500, height=1500, margin=dict(t=300)) # return fig # raise NotImplementedError() else: # print(yy) oo2 = ff.create_scatterplotmatrix( yy, index="mean_test_score", diag='histogram', marker=dict(colorbar=dict(x=scatterColorBarX, ticktextside="left", title="mean_test_score"), showscale=True), colormap=col, width=1000, height=1000, hovertemplate="<b>%{marker.color}%</b><br>" + "x : %{x}<br>" + "y : %{y}<br>" + "<extra></extra>", size=17).update_yaxes(automargin=True).update_xaxes( automargin=True) ii = 0 oo = # print() diago = 0 od2 = list( gh = True gh2 = True # df2= mmax = 0 mmin = 0 for i in range(1, nb): for k in range(1, nb): if i < k: xx = yy_.iloc[:, k - 1] dt = od2[ii] yy = dt["y"] yy = yy_.iloc[:, i - 1] mmax_ = np.max( pd.crosstab(np.array(yy), np.array(xx)).values) mmin_ = np.min( pd.crosstab(np.array(yy), np.array(xx)).values) mmax = max(mmax, mmax_) mmin = min(mmin, mmin_) ii += 1 ii = 0 for i in range(1, nb): i1 = i x_ticker = ff2[i - 1] for k in range(1, nb): y_ticker = ff2[k - 1] k1 = k dt = od2[ii] xx = dt["x"] if i1 < k1: # print(ii) # dt.update(visible=False) xx = yy_.iloc[:, k - 1] yy = dt["y"] # yy=yy.fillna("None") yy = yy_.iloc[:, i - 1] ft = dt.xaxis visible = True if hideUpper: ft = "x2" visible = False zz = pd.crosstab(np.array(yy), np.array(xx)) figi = go.Heatmap( #blueRed colorscale="oranges", showscale=gh, colorbar=dict(x=1.10, title="Count"), zmin=mmin, zmax=mmax, z=zz.values, y=namesEscape(zz.index.tolist()), x=namesEscape(zz.columns.tolist()), xgap=2, ygap=2, xaxis=ft, yaxis=dt.yaxis, visible=visible) gh = False # figi.hoverlabel=dict(bgcolor=zz.values.tolist()) # if i1==1: # oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii+1)].tickangle=0 # if k1 == (nb-1): # oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii+1)].tickvals=namesEscape(zz.index.tolist()) # print(ii) # print(od2[ii]) #'{0} vs {1}'.format(x_ticker,y_ticker) od2[ii] = figi if i1 > k1 and gh2: gh2 = False od2[ii].marker.showscale = True if i1 == k1: zr = yy_.iloc[:, k - 1] # print(zr) od2[ii].x = od2[ii].x if isinstance( zr[0], str) else namesEscape(secureSort(zr)) uni = unique(od2[ii].x) # print(yy) vl = yy2.groupby(x_ticker).mean().loc[ uni, :].values.flatten().tolist() # print(vl) od2[ii].marker.cmin = cmin od2[ii].marker.cmax = cmax od2[ii].marker.color = vl od2[ii].marker.colorscale = "Bluered" od2[ii]["hovertemplate"]="x ["+y_ticker+"]: %{x}<br>" +\ "nb : %{y}<br>" +\ "mean(mean_test_score) : %{marker.color} <br>" +\ "<extra></extra>" od2[ii]["name"] = "" if i1 < k1: od2[ii]["hovertemplate"]="x ["+y_ticker+"]: %{x}<br>" +\ "y ["+x_ticker+"]: %{y}<br>" +\ "nb : %{z} <br>" +\ "<extra></extra>" if i1 > k1: od2[ii]["marker"]["opacity"] = 0.5, # zr=yy_.iloc[:,k-1] # # print(zr) # # print(isinstance(zr[0],str)) # od2[ii].x = od2[ii].x# if isinstance(zr[0],str) else namesEscape(secureSort(zr)) # # print(od2[ii].x) # zr=yy_.iloc[:,i-1] # # print(zr) # od2[ii].y = od2[ii].y #if isinstance(zr[0],str) else namesEscape(secureSort(zr)) xo = yy_.iloc[:, k - 1] #od2[ii].x yi = yy_.iloc[:, i - 1] #od2[ii].y colr = od2[ii].marker.color bhh = pd.DataFrame(dict(a=xo, b=yi, z=colr)) # print(bhh) bhh2_ = bhh.groupby(["a", "b"], sort=False) bhh2 = bhh2_.mean().reset_index() bhj_ = (bhh2_.count().values).flatten() bhj = [min(10, int(i / 2.)) for i in bhj_] # print(bhj) # raise Exception() od2[ii].x = bhh2.loc[:, "a"] od2[ii].y = bhh2.loc[:, "b"] od2[ii].marker.color = bhh2.loc[:, "z"] od2[ii].marker.line = dict(width=bhj, color='black') od2[ii].customdata = bhj_ od2[ii]["hovertemplate"]="x ["+y_ticker+"]: %{x}<br>" +\ "y ["+x_ticker+"]: %{y}<br>" +\ "mean(mean_test_score) : %{marker.color}%<br>nb : %{customdata}" +\ "<extra></extra>" kkop = od2[ii].x kkop2 = od2[ii].y od2[ii].x = namesEscape(od2[ii].x) od2[ii].y = namesEscape(od2[ii].y) # print(od2[ii].x) ii += 1 if i1 > k1: zr = kkop.tolist() #yy_.iloc[:,k-1] # print(zr) # oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii+1)].tickangle=0 yj = kkop if isinstance(zr[0], str) else namesEscape( secureSort(zr)) # print(unique(yj)) oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format( "" if ii == 0 else ii)].categoryorder = "array" oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format( "" if ii == 0 else ii)].categoryarray = unique( yj).tolist() oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format( "" if ii == 0 else ii)].type = "category" oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format( "" if ii == 0 else ii)].tickvals = unique( yj).tolist() # oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii)].rangemode = 'tozero' oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format( "" if ii == 0 else ii)].range = [ 0, len(unique(yj).tolist()) - 1 ] # oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii)].tick0= '' # oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii)].tickson='boundaries'#=unique(yj).tolist() # yy=dt["y"] zr = kkop2.tolist() # print(type(zr[0])) # oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii+1)].tickangle=0 yj2 = zr if isinstance(zr[0], str) else namesEscape( secureSort(zr)) # print(unique(yj2)) # print(yj2) # oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii)].tickvals=unique(yj2).tolist() # oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii)].ticktext=unique(yj2).tolist() oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format( "" if ii == 0 else ii)].categoryorder = "array" oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format( "" if ii == 0 else ii)].categoryarray = unique( yj2).tolist() oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format( "" if ii == 0 else ii)].type = "category" oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format( "" if ii == 0 else ii)].tickvals = unique( yj2).tolist() oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format( "" if ii == 0 else ii)].rangemode = 'tozero' # oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii)].range= [0, len(unique(yj2).tolist())-1] # gg=list( if i1 < k1 and hideUpper: oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format("" if ii == 0 else ii)].ticks = "" oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format("" if ii == 0 else ii)].tickvals = [] oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format( "" if ii == 0 else ii)].showgrid = False oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format( "" if ii == 0 else ii)].zeroline = False oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format("" if ii == 0 else ii)].ticks = "" oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format("" if ii == 0 else ii)].tickvals = [] oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format( "" if ii == 0 else ii)].showgrid = False oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format( "" if ii == 0 else ii)].zeroline = False ls = list(oo2.layout.annotations) if k1 == i1: u = dt xx = "x{}".format("" if ii == 0 else ii) yy = "y{}".format("" if ii == 0 else ii) ooo = oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format("" if ii == 0 else ii)] ooo2 = oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format("" if ii == 0 else ii)] # oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii)].tickangle=0 # print(ooo.domain) texto = ff2[diago] diago += 1 ooi = dt["y"] ooi = max(ooo.domain) + 0.01 ooi2 = sum(ooo2.domain) / 2. # print(ooo.domain) # print(max(ooo.domain)-min(ooo.domain)) oo2.layout.annotations = ls + [ dict(yref="paper", showarrow=F, x=ooi2, y=ooi, xref="paper", text=texto, yanchor="bottom", xanchor="center", textangle=0) ] #[ii].title.text = ff2[] if k1 == 1 or i1 == (nb - 1): # print(ii) oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format("" if ii == 0 else ii)].title.text = "" oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format("" if ii == 0 else ii)].title.text = "" if share_xaxes and i1 > 1 and i1 < (nb - 1) and i1 != k1: # print(ii) # if k1 >1: oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format( "" if ii == 0 else ii)].showticklabels = F # oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii)].tickangle=45 # oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii)].showticklabels=F # oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii)].showgrid=True # if i1==2 and k1==1: # oo2.layout["xaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii)].showticklabels=T if share_yaxes and (i1 == k1 or k1 == (nb - 1)): oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format("" if ii == 0 else ii)].side = "right" if share_yaxes and k1 > 1 and i1 != k1 and k1 != (nb - 1): oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format( "" if ii == 0 else ii)].showticklabels = F # if share_yaxes and i1==(k1+1) and k1 > 2 and not oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii)].showticklabels: # oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii)].side="right" # oo2.layout["yaxis{}".format("" if ii==0 else ii)].showticklabels=T oo2 = go.Figure(data=od2, layout=oo2.layout) return oo2
def fromCombiToplot(fig, combi, nbCols=4): d = l = fig.layout comb = np.array(combi) firstrow = len(np.unique(comb[:, 0])) dfComb = pd.DataFrame(comb, columns=["f", "s", "t"]) dfCombGr = dfComb.groupby(["f", "s"]) dfCombGrG = dfComb.groupby(["f"]).count() dfCombGrCount = dfCombGr.count() #offset=0 nrowsG = 0 ncolsG = 0 dims = [] subT = [] iio = 0 for j in range(firstrow): nbJ = dfCombGrG.loc[j]["s"] #datasJ=d[offset:(offset+nbJ)] #layoutJ=getLayoutsScene(l,offset,nbJ) dfCombGrCountJ = dfCombGrCount.loc[j] nbT = dfCombGrCountJ.values.ravel() yba = [] for i_, j2 in enumerate(nbT): if i_ == 0: tb = [ "z : " + l["scene" + ("" if i + iio == 0 else str(i + iio + 1))] ["zaxis"]["title"]["text"] for i in range(j2) ] #print([""]*(i_+j)+tb+[""]*(nbCols-j2-i_-j)) yba.append([""] * (i_ + j) + tb + [""] * (nbCols - j2 - i_ - j)) else: yba.append([""] * j2 + [""] * (nbCols - j2)) nrows, ncols = getNbRowsCols(j2, nbCols) dims.append((nrows, ncols)) nrowsG += nrows ncolsG += ncols iio += j2 #subTR=+[""]*(nbCols-j2) subT.append(yba) #print(nrowsG,nbCols) #offset+=nbJ #print(subT) f = make_subplots(rows=int(nrowsG), horizontal_spacing=0, vertical_spacing=0.05, cols=nbCols, specs=np.full((nrowsG, nbCols), [{ 'type': 'scene' }]).tolist(), subplot_titles=np.concatenate(subT).flatten()) fl = f.layout offset = 0 nrowsOff = 0 datg = [] iio = 0 iioo = 0 layu = {} #print(firstrow) for j in range(firstrow): nbJ = dfCombGrG.loc[j]["s"] #print("firstRow",j,nbJ) datasJ = d[(offset * 2):(offset + nbJ) * 2] layoutJ = getLayoutsScene(l, offset, nbJ) dfCombGrCountJ = dfCombGrCount.loc[j] nbT = dfCombGrCountJ.values.ravel() #print(nbT) iiop = 0 for i_, j2 in enumerate(nbT): nrows, ncols = dims[i_] iio2 = 0 iio2X = 0 #print(iiop,j2) layoutJ2 = layoutJ[iiop:(iiop + j2)] datasJ2 = datasJ[iiop * 2:(iiop + j2) * 2] if i_ == 0: lsr = list(fl.annotations) ooi2 = -0.1 lop = "scene" + ("" if iio == 0 else str(iio + 1)) ooi = fl[lop]["domain"]["y"][1] texto = "x : " + layoutJ2[0]["xaxis"]["title"]["text"] fl.annotations = lsr + [ dict(yref="paper", showarrow=F, x=ooi2, y=ooi, font=dict(size=16), xref="paper", text=texto, yanchor="top", xanchor="center", textangle=0) ] #print("second",j2,nrows,ncols) for k in range(nrows): texto = "y : " + layoutJ2[k]["yaxis"]["title"]["text"] #lop="scene"+("" if iio==0 else str(iio+1)) for k2 in range(ncols): #print("IIO",iio+1) lop = "scene" + ("" if iio == 0 else str(iio + 1)) lopX = "scene" + ("" if iio + i_ + j == 0 else str(iio + i_ + j + 1)) #print("t",k,k2,layoutJ2,iio2) layU = copy(layoutJ2[iio2]) layU2 = fl[lopX]["domain"] layU["domain"] = layU2 #print("lop",k,lop,lopX,layU2) = dict(x=-1.5, y=1.5, z=-0.1) layU["xaxis"]["title"]["text"] = "x" layU["yaxis"]["title"]["text"] = "y" layU["zaxis"]["title"]["text"] = "z" layu[lopX] = layU.to_plotly_json() datU = datasJ2[iio2X] datU2 = datasJ2[iio2X + 1] datU["scene"] = lopX datU2["scene"] = lopX datg.append(datU) datg.append(datU2) iio2 += 1 iiop += 1 iioo += 1 iio += 1 iio2X += 2 if iio2 == (j2): iio += (nrows * nbCols - j2) break lsr = list(fl.annotations) ooi2 = max(layU2["x"]) + 0.1 ooi = fl[lop]["domain"]["y"][1] #texto="x : "+layoutJ2[k]["yaxis"]["title"]["text"] fl.annotations = lsr + [ dict(yref="paper", showarrow=F, x=ooi2, y=ooi, font=dict(size=16), xref="paper", text=texto, yanchor="top", xanchor="center", textangle=0) ] nrowsOff += 1 offset += nbJ layu["coloraxis"] = l["coloraxis"] #layu["coloraxis"]["colorbar"].titleside="right" layu["coloraxis"]["colorbar"]["x"] = 1.25 layu["showlegend"] = False return go.Figure(data=datg, layout=merge(fl.to_plotly_json(), layu, add=F))