Example #1
    def Plot(self, **kwds):
        """produce a scatterplot of (x,z) and the surface z = function(*x.T)

          step: int, plot every 'step' points on the grid [default: 200]
          scale: float, scaling factor for the z-axis [default: False]
          shift: float, additive shift for the z-axis [default: False]
          density: int, density of wireframe for the plot surface [default: 9]
          axes: tuple, indicies of the axes to plot [default: ()]
          axis: int, index of the z-axis to plot, if multi-dim [default: 0]
          vals: list of values (one per axis) for unplotted axes [default: ()]
          maxpts: int, maximum number of (x,z) points to use [default: None]
          kernel: function transforming x to x', where x' = kernel(x)
          vtol: float, maximum distance outside bounds hypercube to plot data

        NOTE: the default axis is 0 unless an interpolation axis has been set
        axis = kwds.pop('axis', self.args.get('axis', 0))
        # get interpolated function
        fx = self.function or self.Interpolate()
        # plot interpolated surface
        from plotter import Plotter
        p = Plotter(self.x, self.z, fx, axis=axis, **kwds)
        # if plotter interpolated the function, get the function
        self.function = fx or p.function
Example #2
    def Plot(self, **kwds):
        """produce a scatterplot of (x,z) and the surface z = function(*x.T)

          step: int, plot every 'step' points on the grid [default: 200]
          scale: float, scaling factor for the z-axis [default: False]
          shift: float, additive shift for the z-axis [default: False]
          density: int, density of wireframe for the plot surface [default: 9]
          axes: tuple, indicies of the axes to plot [default: ()]
          vals: list of values (one per axis) for unplotted axes [default: ()]
          maxpts: int, maximum number of (x,z) points to use [default: None]
          kernel: function transforming x to x', where x' = kernel(x)
        # get interpolted function
        fx = self.function
        # plot interpolated surface
        from plotter import Plotter
        p = Plotter(self.x, self.z, fx, **kwds)
        # if plotter interpolated the function, get the function
        self.function = fx or p.function