def planoConvex(self, lens1, lens2, diameters): """A function which calculates and plots the RMS spot radius for the range of diameters input""" lenses = [lens1, lens2] testRay = rt.Ray([0.1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]) for lens in lenses: lens.propagateRay(testRay) output = lenses[-1].paraxial( testRay ) #Setting the output plane at the paraxial focus of the setup lenses.append(output) focalLength = output.getz() - ( (lens1.getz0() + lens2.getz0()) / 2 ) #Calculating the focal length of the lens wavelength = 588e-6 #The wavelength of the light is 588nm (The units used in the simulation are mm) ray = rt.Ray([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]) diameterList = [] RMSList = [] diffractionList = [] for i in diameters: diameterList.append(i) rays = rt.Bundle(10, i / 2, 10).getBundle( ray) #Creating a bundle of rays for each diameter for lens in lenses: lens.propagateBundle( rays) #Propagating the rays through the lenses plot = pt.Plot(rays) RMS = plot.rms( ) #Calculating the RMS spot radius of the rays at the output for each diameter RMSList.append(RMS) diffractionLimit = ( focalLength * wavelength ) / i #Also calculating the diffraction scale for each diameter diffractionList.append(diffractionLimit) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_xlabel('Diameter (mm)') ax.set_ylabel('RMS (mm)') ax.set_title('Diffaction Limit') plt.grid(True) ax.plot(diameterList, RMSList, 'green') #Plotting the RMS spot radius against diameter ax.plot(diameterList, diffractionList, 'red') #Plotting the diffraction scale against diameter RMSValues = np.array(RMSList, dtype='float') diffractionValues = np.array(diffractionList, dtype='float') difference = (diffractionValues - RMSValues).tolist() difference = [ abs(i) for i in difference ] #Calculating the differences between the RMS spot radius and the diffraction scale at each diameter index = difference.index(min(difference)) intersection = diameterList[ index] #Finding the point on the graph where the difference between the two functions is a minimum, and taking this to be the intersection point of the two plots. print 'Intersection is: ', intersection
def plotRays(self, rayVectors): """A function which shows all the various plots of the rays""" plot = pt.Plot(rayVectors) plot.plotRays2D() plot.plotRays3D() plot.plotInput() plot.plotOutput()
def optimalRMS(self, curvatures): """A function which calculates and returns the log of the RMS spot radius for two given curvatures of a biconvex lens""" lens1 = op.SphericalRefraction(100, 20, curvatures[0], 1, 1.5168) lens2 = op.SphericalRefraction(105, 20, curvatures[1], 1.5168, 1) output = op.OutputPlane(200) #The output plane is set at z=200mm lenses = [lens1, lens2, output] ray = rt.Ray([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]) rays = rt.Bundle(10, 5, 10).getBundle(ray) #A bundle of rays is created for lens in lenses: lens.propagateBundle( rays) #The rays are propagated through the biconvex lens plot = pt.Plot(rays) RMS = plot.rms( ) #Calculating the RMS spot radius of the rays at the output for the given curvatures log = np.log(RMS) return log
import sys import numpy as np from decimal import Decimal from my_utils import * from load_and_save_data import * import scenario_objects import agent import plotting from gym import spaces, logger import os load = Loader() load.maps_data() load.users_clusters() load.maps_status() plot = plotting.Plot() class UAVEnv(gym.Env): def __init__(self): # Setting upper and lower bounds for actions values: upper_limits = np.array([val[0] for val in LIMIT_VALUES_FOR_ACTION]) lower_limits = np.array([val[1] for val in LIMIT_VALUES_FOR_ACTION]) self.action_set_min = ACTION_SPACE_3D_MIN if DIMENSION_2D==False else ACTION_SPACE_2D_MIN if (UNLIMITED_BATTERY==True): self.q_table_action_set = self.action_set_min else: if (self.action_set_min==ACTION_SPACE_2D_MIN): self.q_table_action_set = ACTION_SPACE_2D_TOTAL self.charging_set = ACTION_SPACE_2D_WHILE_CHARGING
def setUp(self): self.plot = plt.Plot([SomeTrace()])
def compare_mode(args): # --------------- # LOAD HISTOGRAMS # ----------------------------------------- histfile = h5py.File(args.histfilename, 'r') Hmap = histfile['data/histogram'] Hbinsize = histfile['data/histogramBinsize'][0] Hcount = histfile['data/histogramCount'][0] Hmin = histfile['data/histogramMin'][0] Hnbins = histfile['data/histogramNbins'][0] dark_offset = histfile['data/offset'][:] Hbins = np.arange(Hmin, (Hbinsize * (Hnbins - 1) + Hmin) + Hbinsize, Hbinsize) NY = Hmap.shape[0] NX = Hmap.shape[1] SH = (NY, NX) NXY = NX * NY # -------------------- # LOAD FITTING RESULTS # ---------------------------------------- fitfile = h5py.File(args.fitfilename, 'r') bg_offset = fitfile['bg_offset'][:].reshape( tuple(fitfile['bg_offset'].attrs['shape'])) bg_amp = fitfile['bg_amp'][:].reshape( tuple(fitfile['bg_amp'].attrs['shape'])) bg_sigma = fitfile['bg_sigma'][:].reshape( tuple(fitfile['bg_sigma'].attrs['shape'])) photon_offset = fitfile['photon_offset'][:].reshape( tuple(fitfile['photon_offset'].attrs['shape'])) photon_amp = fitfile['photon_amp'][:].reshape( tuple(fitfile['photon_amp'].attrs['shape'])) photon_sigma = fitfile['photon_sigma'][:].reshape( tuple(fitfile['photon_sigma'].attrs['shape'])) status = fitfile['status'][:].reshape( tuple(fitfile['status'].attrs['shape'])) dark = fitfile['dark_offset'][:] + bg_offset gain = photon_offset - bg_offset # --------- # LOAD MASK # ---------------------------------------------------- if args.m is None: mask = np.zeros(SH).astype(np.bool) else: maskfile = h5py.File(args.m, 'r') mask = (1 - maskfile['data/data'][:]).astype(np.bool) maskfile.close() gain[mask] = np.nan # ------------- # PLOT GAIN MAP # ------------------------------------------------------ plot = plotting.Plot(colorbar=True) plot.xlabel = 'x (total width = %d pixel)' % gain.shape[1] plot.ylabel = 'y (total height = %d pixel)' % gain.shape[0] plot.title_label = '%s - gain' % (args.fitfilename) plot.colorbar_label = 'ADUs' plot.plotting_a_map(0, gain, cmap=args.cmap, vmin=args.vmin, vmax=args.vmax) # --------------------- # PHOTON DETECTION RATE # --------------------- if args.d: N = (photon_amp * np.sqrt(2 * math.pi * photon_sigma**2)) bg_amp /= N photon_amp /= N Hmap /= N pdr = [] thresholds = np.linspace(0, 2, 200) for i in range(200): threshold = bg_offset + thresholds[i] * gain pdr_t = (math.sqrt(math.pi) / 2) * (photon_amp * photon_sigma * sp.special.erfc( (threshold - photon_offset) / (math.sqrt(2) * photon_sigma)) - bg_amp * bg_sigma * sp.special.erfc( (threshold - bg_offset) / (math.sqrt(2) * bg_sigma))) pdr.append(pdr_t) pdr = np.dstack(pdr) bestth = thresholds[np.argmax(pdr, axis=2)] pdrmap = np.amax(pdr, axis=2) # ------------------------- # PLOT PHOTON DETECTABILITY # -------------------------- gaussian_model = lambda x, p: p[0] * np.exp(-(np.power(x - p[1], 2)) / ( 2 * np.power(p[2], 2))) # the gaussian model y, x = args.pixel H = Hmap[y, x] bg_params = [bg_amp[y, x], bg_offset[y, x], bg_sigma[y, x]] photon_params = [photon_amp[y, x], photon_offset[y, x], photon_sigma[y, x]] photon2_params = [ 0.08 * photon_amp[y, x], 2 * photon_offset[y, x], photon_sigma[y, x] ] bfit = gaussian_model(Hbins, bg_params) pfit = gaussian_model(Hbins, photon_params) p2fit = gaussian_model(Hbins, photon2_params) sfit = 0 for i in range(5, int(photon_offset[y, x]) - 5 + 1): split_params = [ 0.5 * photon_amp[y, x] / (int(photon_offset[y, x] + 1) - 9), i, bg_sigma[y, x] ] sfit += gaussian_model(Hbins, split_params) sfit2 = 0 for i in range(5, int(photon_offset[y, x]) - 5 + 1): i += photon_offset[y, x] split_params = [ 0.5 * 0.08 * photon_amp[y, x] / (int(photon_offset[y, x] + 1) - 5), i, bg_sigma[y, x] ] sfit2 += gaussian_model(Hbins, split_params) print photon_params, bg_params plot = plotting.Plot(save_png=True) plot.axes[0].plot((Hbins - bg_offset[y, x]) / gain[y, x], H, 'r-', label='Data') plot.axes[0].plot((Hbins - bg_offset[y, x]) / gain[y, x], bfit, 'b-', label='Gaussian fit to 0-ph peak') plot.axes[0].plot((Hbins - bg_offset[y, x]) / gain[y, x], pfit, 'g-', label='Gaussian fit to 1-ph peak') plot.axes[0].plot((Hbins - bg_offset[y, x]) / gain[y, x], p2fit, 'g-', label='Gaussian fit to 2-ph peak') plot.axes[0].plot((Hbins - bg_offset[y, x]) / gain[y, x], sfit, 'm-', label='Gaussian fit to 0/1-ph peak') plot.axes[0].plot((Hbins - bg_offset[y, x]) / gain[y, x], sfit2, 'm-', label='Gaussian fit to 1/2-ph peak') plot.axes[0].plot((Hbins - bg_offset[y, x]) / gain[y, x], bfit + pfit + p2fit + sfit + sfit2, 'k--', label='Sum of Gaussians') if args.d: pdryx = pdr[y, x] plot.axes[0].plot(thresholds, pdryx, color='0.5', label='Photon detection rate') plot.axes[0].axvline(bestth[y, x], color='k', lw=1, ls='dotted') #plot.axes[0].plot(Hbins, H-(bfit + pfit), 'm-') plot.axes[0].semilogy() plot.axes[0].set_ylim([1, None]) plot.axes[0].set_xlim([-1, 4]) plot.axes[0].set_xlabel("Signal in nr. of photons") plot.axes[0].set_title("Pixel: X=%d, Y=%d" % (x, y)) plot.axes[0].legend()"fit.png") # ------------------------- # PLOT FITTING TO HISTOGRAM # ---------------------- y, x = args.pixel H = Hmap[y, x] bg_params = [bg_amp[y, x], bg_offset[y, x], bg_sigma[y, x]] photon_params = [photon_amp[y, x], photon_offset[y, x], photon_sigma[y, x]] gaussian_model = lambda x, p: p[0] * np.exp(-(np.power(x - p[1], 2)) / ( 2 * np.power(p[2], 2))) # the gaussian model bfit = gaussian_model(Hbins, bg_params) pfit = gaussian_model(Hbins, photon_params) print 'Status: ', status[y, x] print '0-photon, mean = %.2f, std = %.2f' % (bg_offset[y, x], bg_sigma[y, x]) print '1-photon, mean = %.2f, std = %.2f' % (photon_offset[y, x], photon_sigma[y, x]) print 'Estimated gain: ', gain[y, x] #print 'Optimal threshold: ', bestth[y,x] #print 'Max. photon detectability rate: ', pdrmap[y,x] plot = plotting.Plot(save_pdf=True) plot.axes[0].plot(Hbins, H, 'r-', label='Data') plot.axes[0].plot(Hbins, bfit, 'b-', label='Gaussian fit to 0-ph peak') plot.axes[0].plot(Hbins, pfit, 'g-', label='Gaussian fit to 1-ph peak') plot.axes[0].plot(Hbins, bfit + pfit, 'k--', label='Sum of Gaussians') #plot.axes[0].plot(Hbins, H-(bfit + pfit), 'm-') plot.axes[0].semilogy() plot.axes[0].set_ylim([1, None]) plot.axes[0].set_xlabel("Signal in ADUs") plot.axes[0].set_title("Pixel: X=%d, Y=%d" % (x, y)) plot.axes[0].legend()"test.pdf")