def pose_callback(self, msg): '''handles arrival of pose messages :type msg: PoseStamped''' cam_pose = msg.pose # two camera poses and TFs are available if self.last_cam_pose is not None and self.has_tfs: # actually not the base_link poses, but camera poses from perspective of base_link frame last_base_pose = tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_pose( PoseStamped(pose=self.last_cam_pose), self.base_link_to_camera_tf).pose base_pose = tf2_geometry_msgs.do_transform_pose( PoseStamped(pose=cam_pose), self.base_link_to_camera_tf).pose # transform to actual base_link poses (still in base_link frame) transform_pose(last_base_pose, self.camera_to_base_link_tf.transform) transform_pose(base_pose, self.camera_to_base_link_tf.transform) # get difference delta_transform = get_relative_transform( last_base_pose.position, last_base_pose.orientation, base_pose.position, base_pose.orientation) # everything seems to be working fine if not self.enabled: rospy.loginfo('ORBSLAM2PoseSubscriber enabled') self.enabled = True # hand in the update self.callback(delta_transform) if self.do_plot: plotting.add_transform(self, delta_transform) # delay poses until TFs initialized if self.last_cam_pose is None or self.has_tfs: self.last_cam_pose = cam_pose
def pose_callback(self, msg): '''handles arrival of pose messages''' # strip potential header and cov pose, stamp = (msg.pose, msg.header.stamp) if self.is_stamped else (msg, None) pose = pose.pose if self.is_with_covariance else pose # IMU enhanced mode if self.is_roll_pitch_imu: # check IMU availability imu = self.imu_subscriber.get_last_imu() if stamp is None else self.imu_subscriber.get_imu_at_time(stamp) if imu is None: rospy.logwarn('PoseSubscriber: IMU data unavailable. Suspending pose updates.') self.enabled = False return self.global_orientation = imu.orientation # replace roll and pitch with IMU values _, pitch, roll = euler_from_quaternion(unpack_quaternion(imu.orientation), axes='rzyx') yaw, _, _ = euler_from_quaternion(unpack_quaternion(pose.orientation), axes='rzyx') pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(yaw, pitch, roll, axes='rzyx')) if self.last_pose is not None: # get difference delta_transform = get_relative_transform( self.last_pose.position, self.last_pose.orientation, pose.position, pose.orientation) self.enabled = True # hand in the update self.callback(delta_transform) if self.do_plot: plotting.add_transform(self, delta_transform) self.last_pose = pose self.last_pose_time = stamp
def __init__(self, gps_topic='/mavros/global_position/global', initial_heading=0., **kwargs): super(GPSSubscriber, self).__init__(**kwargs) # params self.gps_topic = gps_topic self.orig_ll = None self.last_position = Vector3() if self.do_plot and initial_heading != 0.: q = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, initial_heading)) plotting.add_transform( self, Transform(translation=Vector3(0., 0., 0.), rotation=q)) self.sub_gps = rospy.Subscriber(self.gps_topic, NavSatFix, self.gps_callback)
def state_callback(self, msg): '''handles arrival of ORBState messages, validates queued TFs and processes them''' if msg.state == ORBState.OK: # update 'ok' time frame if self.first_ok_time is None: self.first_ok_time = msg.header.stamp self.last_ok_time = msg.header.stamp while len(self.tf_queue) > 1: # need two or moar for a diff # discard an invalid TF if self.tf_queue[0].header.stamp < self.first_ok_time: self.tf_queue.popleft() continue # pending 'ok' state if self.tf_queue[0].header.stamp > self.last_ok_time or self.tf_queue[1].header.stamp > self.last_ok_time: # wait for clearance return # assume sequential timestamps assert(self.tf_queue[0].header.stamp <= self.tf_queue[1].header.stamp) # everything seems to be working fine if not self.enabled: rospy.loginfo('ORBSLAM2Subscriber enabled') self.enabled = True # get TFs and let's go tf1 = self.tf_queue.popleft().transform tf2 = self.tf_queue[0].transform # get difference delta_transform = get_relative_transform(tf1.translation, tf1.rotation, tf2.translation, tf2.rotation) # hand in the update self.callback(delta_transform) if self.do_plot: plotting.add_transform(self, delta_transform) rospy.logdebug('ORBSLAM2Subscriber: tf processed') else: # not 'ok' self.disable()
def imu_callback(self, msg): '''handles arrival of Imu messages :type msg: Imu''' # maintain IMU log for `get_imu_at_time` if self.is_imu_log_enabled: with self.imu_queue_mutex: self.imu_queue.append(msg) # discard old messages while self.imu_queue[ 0].header.stamp + self.imu_log_duration < msg.header.stamp: self.imu_queue.popleft() # provide rotation if self.callback is not None and self.last_imu is not None: # check if `orientation` is available (it's a bit smoother than `angular_velocity`) if self.last_imu.orientation_covariance[ 0] != -1 and msg.orientation_covariance[0] != -1: delta_transform = get_relative_transform( Vector3(), self.last_imu.orientation, Vector3(), msg.orientation) else: # integrate angular velocities instead dt = (msg.header.stamp - self.last_imu.header.stamp).to_sec() translation = Vector3( ) # TODO: consider integrating linear acceleration av = msg.angular_velocity rotation = quaternion_from_euler(dt * av.x, dt * av.y, dt * av.z) delta_transform = Transform(translation=translation, rotation=get_quaternion(rotation)) # hand in the update self.callback(delta_transform) if self.do_plot: plotting.add_transform(self, delta_transform) self.last_imu = msg
def gps_callback(self, msg): '''handles arrival of NavSatFix messages''' if self.orig_ll is None: self.orig_ll = msg.latitude, msg.longitude # position difference x, y = latlon_to_dxdy(msg.latitude, msg.longitude, *self.orig_ll) z = msg.altitude position = Vector3(x, y, z) translation = get_vector3_subtraction(position, self.last_position) # construct a transform delta_transform = Transform( translation=translation, rotation=Quaternion( 0, 0, 0, 1 ) # The commonly-used unit quaternion that yields no rotation about the x/y/z axes is (0,0,0,1) [] ) # hand in the update self.callback(delta_transform) if self.do_plot: plotting.add_transform(self, delta_transform) self.last_position = position