def make_movie(): output_list = np.arange(0, 101, 1) # output_list = np.arange(30, 63) pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) print("Number of processors: ", mp.cpu_count()), [output for output in output_list]) pool.close() cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(plot_folder) os.system( 'ffmpeg -framerate 9 -pattern_type glob -i "*.png" -c:v mpeg4 -pix_fmt yuv420p -q:v 3' % field) if projection: movie_name_base = 'multipanel_projection_%s_only' % field else: movie_name_base = 'multipanel_slice_%s_only' % field movie_name = pt.get_fig_name(movie_name_base, profile, compare, tctf, beta = beta, use_tctf = 1, \ cr=cr, crdiff = diff, crstream = stream, crheat = heat, \ sim_fam = '', loc = '../.') print(movie_name[6:-4]) os.rename('' % field, '../' % movie_name[6:-4]) png_files = glob.glob('*.png') print(cwd) # print(png_files) for pic in png_files: os.remove(pic) os.chdir(cwd)
def plot_power_spectrum(sim, compare, tctf, beta, cr, diff=0, stream=0, heat=0, output=50, field='drho', work_dir='../../simulations/production'): tctf_list, beta_list, cr_list, diff_list, stream_list, heat_list\ = pt.generate_lists(compare, tctf, crdiff = diff, cr = cr) print(tctf_list, beta_list, cr_list, diff_list, stream_list, heat_list) color_list = palettable.scientific.sequential.Batlow_6.mpl_colors fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6)) for i, tctf in enumerate(tctf_list): color = color_list[i] # load the simulation sim_loc = pt.get_sim_location(sim, tctf, beta_list[i], cr_list[i], \ diff = diff_list[i], stream = stream_list[i], heat = heat_list[i], work_dir = work_dir) ds_path = '%s/DD%04d/DD%04d' % (sim_loc, output, output) if not os.path.isfile(ds_path): print('nope') continue ds = yt.load(ds_path) label = pt.get_label_name(compare, tctf, beta_list[i], cr_list[i], crdiff = diff_list[i], \ crstream = stream_list[i], crheat = heat_list[i]) k, P_k = pt.make_power_spectrum(ds, field) ax.loglog(k, P_k, label=label, linewidth=3, color=color) ax.set_xlabel('k') ax.set_ylabel('P(k)') ax.set_xlim(1, 200) ax.set_ylim(1e-6, 1e2) ax.legend(loc=1) fig.tight_layout() figname = pt.get_fig_name('power_spectrum', sim, compare, tctf_list[0], beta_list[0], \ cr_list[0], diff_list[0], loc = '../../plots/production') plt.savefig(figname, dpi=300)
def plot_multipanel_slices(field, output, sim, compare, tctf, beta = 100, cr = 0,\ crdiff = 0, crstream = 0, crheat = 0, fixed_time = 0, weight_field = 'density', projection = False, work_dir = '.'): ds_loc_list, label_list = pt.get_sim_list(sim, compare, tctf, beta = beta, cr = cr, \ crdiff = diff, crstream = stream, crheat = heat, work_dir = work_dir, sim_fam = sim_fam) print(ds_loc_list) fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=len(ds_loc_list), nrows=1, figsize=(1.5 * len(ds_loc_list), 3.8), constrained_layout=True) for i, ds_loc in enumerate(ds_loc_list): print(ds_loc) if fixed_time: output_list = [100, 33, 10, 3, 1] output = output_list[i] if not os.path.isfile('%s/DD%04d/DD%04d' % (ds_loc, output, output)): continue ds = ytf.load('%s/DD%04d/DD%04d' % (ds_loc, output, output)) ds.add_field(('gas', 'invT'), function=_inv_T, units='') if projection: s = yt.ProjectionPlot(ds, 'x', ('gas', field), center=(0, 0, 1), width=(1, 1.8), weight_field=weight_field) else: s = yt.SlicePlot(ds, 'x', ('gas', field), center=(0, 0, 1), width=(1, 1.8)) s.set_buff_size(1024) frb = s.frb xbins = frb['y'].in_units('kpc') ybins = frb['z'].in_units('kpc') if field == 'density': data_norm = rho0 elif field == 'temperature': data_norm = T0 else: data_norm = p0 data = frb[field] / data_norm if field == 'density': vmin = 1e-1 vmax = 3 if projection: vmax = 1.5 label = '$\\rho / \\rho_0 $' elif field == 'temperature': vmin = 5e4 / T0 vmax = 5e6 / T0 label = 'T / T$_0$' elif field == 'cr_eta': cr_eta = pt.get_cr_eta(ds) vmin = cr_eta / 100 vmax = cr_eta * 100 label = 'P$_c$ / P$_g$' elif field == 'cr_pressure': label = 'P$_c$ / P$_{c,0}$' vmin = 0.2 vmax = 2 cmap = pt.get_cmap(field) pcm = ax[i].pcolormesh(xbins, ybins, data, cmap = cmap, norm = LogNorm(),\ vmax = vmax, vmin = vmin, zorder = 1) ax[i].set_aspect('equal') # ax[i].tick_params(direction='in', top=True, right=True, zorder = 10) ax[i].set_xticklabels([]) if i == 0: ax[i].set_ylabel('z (kpc)') else: ax[i].set_yticklabels([]) H_kpc = 43.85 # scale height in kpc ax[i].axhline(0.8 * H_kpc, linestyle='dashed', color='black', linewidth=0.7) ax[i].axhline(1.2 * H_kpc, linestyle='dashed', color='black', linewidth=0.7) if field == 'temperature': ax[i].set_xlabel(label_list[i], fontsize=10) else: ax[i].set_title(label_list[i], fontsize=10) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) pos_l = ax[0].get_position().get_points() pos_r = ax[-1].get_position().get_points() dx = 0.02 dy = pos_r[1][1] - pos_r[0][1] cbar_y = pos_r[0][1] cbar_x = pos_r[1][0] + .02 print(cbar_x, cbar_y) cbax = fig.add_axes([cbar_x, cbar_y, dx, dy]) if field == 'cr_pressure': cbar = fig.colorbar(pcm, cax=cbax, orientation='vertical', ticks=[0.2, 2])['0.2', '2']) else: cbar = fig.colorbar(pcm, cax=cbax, orientation='vertical') cbar.set_label(label) if projection: fig_base = '%s_multipanel_projection' % field else: fig_base = '%s_multipanel_slice' % field figname = pt.get_fig_name(fig_base, sim, compare, tctf, beta = beta, use_tctf = 1, \ cr=cr, crdiff = crdiff, crstream = crstream, crheat = crheat, \ time = output, sim_fam = sim_fam) plt.savefig(figname, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)
def plot_density_fluctuation_growth(sim, compare, tctf, beta, cr, diff=0, stream=0, heat=0, zstart=0.8, zend=1.2, T_cold=3.33333e5, fs=12, field='density', work_dir='../../simulations/', grid_rank=3): tctf_list, beta_list, cr_list, diff_list, stream_list, heat_list \ = pt.generate_lists(compare, tctf, beta = beta, crdiff = crdiff, cr = cr, crstream = stream, crheat = heat) print(tctf_list, beta_list, cr_list, diff_list, stream_list, heat_list) ncols = 3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=ncols, figsize=(4 * ncols, 3.8), sharex=True, sharey=False) for col in range(ncols): ax[col].set_yscale('log') ax[col].set_xlim(0, 10) ax[col].set_xlabel('$t / t_{cool}$', fontsize=fs) ax[0].set_ylim(1e-2, 5) ax[1].set_ylim(5e-3, 4) ax[2].set_ylim(2e-2, 10) ax[0].set_ylabel('Density Fluctuation', fontsize=fs) ax[1].set_ylabel('Cold Mass Fraction', fontsize=fs) ax[2].set_ylabel('Cold Mass Flux', fontsize=fs) gamma = 5. / 3. time_list = np.arange(0, 12, 1) wcool = 1.0 / (gamma * 1.0) pi = (5. / 3.) * wcool linecolor = 'black' if pt.dark_mode: linecolor = 'white' if compare == 'tctf' or compare == 'cr': pi = 1.0 ax[0].plot(time_list, 0.02*np.exp(pi*time_list), color = linecolor,\ linestyle = 'dashed', label = 'Linear Theory', linewidth = 3) # if compare == 'cr': # pi = 2./3. # ax[0].plot(time_list, 0.02*np.exp(pi*time_list), color = linecolor,\ # linestyle = 'dotted', label = 'Linear Theory, $\\eta \\gg 1$', linewidth = 3) # pi = 1./3. # ax[0].plot(time_list, 0.02*np.exp(pi*time_list), color = linecolor,\ # linestyle = 'dotted', label = 'Linear Theory, $\\eta \\gg 1$', linewidth = 3) # # pi = 1./12. # ax[0].plot(time_list, 0.02*np.exp(pi*time_list), color = linecolor,\ # linestyle = 'dotted', label = 'Linear Theory, $\\eta \\gg 1$', linewidth = 3) cpal = pt.get_color_list(compare) for col, plot_type in enumerate( ['density_fluctuation', 'cold_fraction', 'cold_flux']): for i, tctf in enumerate(tctf_list): time_list, data_list = pt.get_time_data(plot_type, sim, tctf, beta_list[i], cr_list[i], use_mpi = use_mpi, \ diff = diff_list[i], stream = stream_list[i], heat = heat_list[i], field = field, zstart = zstart, zend = zend, grid_rank = grid_rank, load = load, save = save, work_dir = work_dir, sim_fam = sim_fam) label = pt.get_label_name(compare, tctf, beta_list[i], cr_list[i], crdiff = diff_list[i], \ crstream = stream_list[i], crheat = heat_list[i], counter = i) # linestyle = pt.get_linestyle(compare, tctf, beta_list[i], cr_list[i], crdiff = diff_list[i], \ # crstream = stream_list[i], crheat = heat_list[i], counter = i) linestyle = 'solid' ax[col].plot(time_list / tctf, data_list, linewidth=3, linestyle=linestyle, label=label, color=cpal[i]) ax[col].tick_params(labelsize=fs) if resolution_compare: time_list, data_list = pt.get_time_data(plot_type, sim, tctf, beta_list[i], cr_list[i], use_mpi = use_mpi,\ diff = diff_list[i], stream = stream_list[i], heat = heat_list[i], field = field, zstart = zstart, zend = zend, grid_rank = grid_rank, load = load, save = save, work_dir = work_dir, sim_fam = 'production/high_res') ax[col].plot(time_list / tctf, data_list, linewidth=2, linestyle='dotted', label=label, color=cpal[i]) if mhd_compare: linestyle_list = ['dashed', 'dotted'] alpha_list = [.8, .8] for j, compare_beta in enumerate([3, 'inf']): time_list, data_list = pt.get_time_data(plot_type, sim, tctf, compare_beta, cr_list[i], use_mpi =use_mpi,\ diff = diff_list[i], stream = stream_list[i], heat = heat_list[i], field = field, zstart = zstart, zend = zend, grid_rank = grid_rank, load = load, save = save, work_dir = work_dir, sim_fam = sim_fam) label = None ax[col].plot(time_list / tctf, data_list, linewidth=2, linestyle=linestyle_list[j], alpha=alpha_list[j], label=label, color=cpal[i]) if compare == 'stream' and stream_list[i] > 0: linestyle = 'dotted' time_list, data_list = pt.get_time_data(plot_type, sim, tctf, beta_list[i], cr_list[i], use_mpi =use_mpi,\ diff = diff_list[i], stream = stream_list[i], heat = 0, field = field, zstart = zstart, zend = zend, grid_rank = grid_rank, load = load, save = save, work_dir = work_dir, sim_fam = sim_fam) label = None ax[col].plot(time_list / tctf, data_list, linewidth=2, linestyle=linestyle, label=label, color=cpal[i]) if compare == 'transport' or compare == 'transport_relative': ax[0].legend(fontsize=7, loc=3, ncol=2) else: ax[1].legend(fontsize=8, loc=2) fig.tight_layout() figname = pt.get_fig_name('dens_cfrac_cflux_growth', sim, compare, \ tctf, beta, cr, diff, sim_fam = sim_fam) plt.savefig(figname, dpi=300)
def make_plot(field, compare, tctf=0.3, cr=1, weighted=True, nbins=100, work_dir='../../simulations', plot_dir='../../plots', sim_fam='production'): sim_list = pt.generate_sim_list(compare, tctf=tctf, cr=cr) label_list = pt.generate_label_list(compare, tctf=tctf, cr=cr) if field == 'cr_eta': sim_list = sim_list[1:] label_list = label_list[1:] #color_list = pt.get_color_list(compare) if field == 'density': pal = sns.cubehelix_palette(len(sim_list), rot=-.25, light=.7) elif field == 'temperature': pal = palettable.scientific.sequential.LaJolla_13.mpl_colors[2:-1] if compare == 'transport_pdf': pal = palettable.scientific.sequential.LaJolla_16.mpl_colors[2:-1] elif field == 'cr_eta': pal = sns.cubehelix_palette(len(sim_list) + 1)[1:] elif field == 'plasma_beta': pal = palettable.cmocean.sequential.Ice_16.mpl_colors[2:-1] x, y = format_data_for_pdf(field, sim_list, label_list, weighted=weighted, nbins=nbins, work_dir=work_dir, sim_fam=sim_fam) if field == 'density': xlabel = 'Log Number Density (cm$^{-3}$)' # xlims = (-28.5, -25.8) xlims = (-28.7, -25.6) xlims -= log_mumh aspect = 8 use_label = True ylims = (0, 1) elif field == 'temperature': xlabel = 'Log Temperature (K)' # xlims = (3.5, 7) xlims = (4.3, 6.8) aspect = 8.137 #7.5 use_label = False ylims = (0, 1) elif field == 'cr_eta': xlabel = 'Log ($P_c / P_g$)' # xlims = (np.log10(cr) - 2, np.log10(cr) + 2) xlims = (np.log10(cr) - 0.8, np.log10(cr) + 1.7) aspect = 8 use_label = False ylims = (0, 1) elif field == 'plasma_beta': xlabel = 'Log ($P_g / P_b$)' xlims = (-3, 2) aspect = 8 use_label = True ylims = (0, 1) g = create_pdf_plot(x, y, len(sim_list), height=1, aspect=aspect, pal=pal, use_label=use_label) ax = g.axes ax[-1][0].set_xlabel(xlabel, color='black', fontsize=16) ax[-1][0].tick_params(axis='x', colors='black', bottom=True, labelsize='large') g.set(xlim=xlims) g.set(ylim=ylims) if field == 'cr_eta': field = 'creta' fig_basename = 'pdf_%s' % field if weighted: fig_basename += '_weighted' figname = pt.get_fig_name(fig_basename, 'isocool', compare, \ tctf, 100, cr, sim_fam = sim_fam,\ loc = plot_dir) g.savefig(figname, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
def plot_density_fluctuation(output, sim, compare, tctf, beta, cr, diff = 0, stream = 0, heat = 0, T_cold = 3.3333333e5, zstart = 0.8, zend = 1.2, relative = 0, work_dir = '../../simulations/', grid_rank = 3): tctf_list, beta_list, cr_list, diff_list, stream_list, heat_list\ = pt.generate_lists(compare, tctf, crdiff = diff, cr = cr, beta = beta) mask = cr_list > 0 tctf_list = tctf_list[mask] beta_list = beta_list[mask] cr_list = cr_list[mask] diff_list = diff_list[mask] stream_list = stream_list[mask] heat_list = heat_list[mask] tctf_list = [0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10] print(tctf_list, beta_list, cr_list, diff_list, stream_list, heat_list) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols = 1, figsize = (4.4, 4), sharex = True, sharey = False) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlim(.09, 10) ax.set_xlabel('$t_{cool} / t_{ff}$') ax.set_ylim(1e-2, 5e2) ax.set_ylabel('CR Pressure Ratio') color_list = pt.get_color_list(compare) for i in range(len(cr_list)): for col, plot_type in enumerate(['cold_creta']): x_list = [] y_list = [] err_list = [] x_rel = [] y_rel = [] err_rel_list = [] for tctf in tctf_list: time_list, data_list = pt.get_time_data(plot_type, sim, tctf, beta_list[i], cr_list[i], \ diff = diff_list[i], stream = stream_list[i], heat = heat_list[i], T_min = T_cold, zstart = zstart, zend = zend, grid_rank = grid_rank, load = load, save = save, work_dir = work_dir, sim_fam = sim_fam) if len(data_list) > 0: data = np.nan_to_num(data_list[output-10:output+10]) mean = np.mean(data) err = np.std(data) x_list.append(tctf) y_list.append(mean) err_list.append(err) if relative: time_nocr, data_nocr = pt.get_time_data(plot_type, sim, tctf, beta_list[i], cr = 0, \ diff = 0, stream = 0, heat = 0, T_min = T_cold, zstart = zstart, zend = zend, grid_rank = grid_rank, load = load, save = save, work_dir = work_dir, sim_fam = sim_fam) if len(data_list) > 0 and len(data_nocr) > 0: data_nocr = np.nan_to_num(data_nocr[output-10:output+10]) mean_nocr = np.mean(data_nocr) err_nocr = np.std(data_nocr) data = np.nan_to_num(data_list[output-10:output+10]) mean_cr = np.mean(data) err_cr = np.std(data) mean = mean_cr / mean_nocr err = mean * np.sqrt( np.power(err_nocr / mean_nocr, 2) + np.power(err_cr / mean, 2)) x_rel.append(tctf) y_rel.append(mean) err_rel_list.append(err) label = pt.get_label_name(compare, tctf, beta_list[i], cr_list[i], crdiff = diff_list[i], \ crstream = stream_list[i], crheat = heat_list[i], counter = i) color = color_list[i] marker = 'o' if label is None: marker = None linestyle = pt.get_linestyle(compare, tctf, beta_list[i], cr_list[i], crdiff = diff_list[i], \ crstream = stream_list[i], crheat = heat_list[i], counter = i) x_list = np.array(x_list) y_list = np.array(y_list) err_list = np.array(err_list) if relative == 0: mask = y_list > 0 x_list = x_list[mask] y_list = y_list[mask] err_list = err_list[mask] ax.plot(x_list, y_list, color = color_list[i], label = label, linewidth = 2, marker = marker, linestyle = linestyle) ax.errorbar(x_list, y_list, err_list, color = color_list[i]) elif relative and cr_list[i] > 0: ax.plot(x_rel, y_rel, color = color_list[i], label = label, linewidth = 2, marker = marker, linestyle = linestyle) ax.errorbar(x_rel, y_rel, err_rel_list, color = color_list[i]) ax.axhline(y = 1, linestyle = 'dashed', color = 'gray', linewidth = 1) ax.legend(fontsize = 8) fig.tight_layout() fig_basename = 'creta_tctf' if relative: fig_basename += '_relative' figname = pt.get_fig_name(fig_basename, sim, compare, \ tctf, beta, cr, crdiff = diff, crstream = stream, \ crheat = heat, time = output, sim_fam = sim_fam,\ loc = '../../plots') print(figname) plt.savefig(figname, dpi = 300)
def plot_density_fluctuation_growth(sim, compare, tctf, beta, cr, diff=0, stream=0, heat=0, zstart=0.8, zend=1.2, T_cold=3.33333e5, fs=12, field='density', work_dir='../../simulations/', grid_rank=3): tctf_list, beta_list, cr_list, diff_list, stream_list, heat_list \ = pt.generate_lists(compare, tctf, beta = beta, crdiff = crdiff, cr = cr) print(tctf_list, beta_list, cr_list, diff_list, stream_list, heat_list) ncols = 2 fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=ncols, figsize=(4 * ncols, 3.8), sharex=True, sharey=False) for col in range(ncols): ax[col].set_yscale('log') ax[col].set_xlim(0, 10) ax[col].set_xlabel('$t / t_{cool}$', fontsize=fs) ax[0].set_ylim(1, 100) ax[1].set_ylim(1, 300) ax[0].set_ylabel('Clump Size', fontsize=fs) ax[1].set_ylabel('Number of Clumps', fontsize=fs) cpal = pt.get_color_list(compare) for i, tctf in enumerate(tctf_list): time_list, clump_data = pt.get_time_data('clump', sim, tctf, beta_list[i], cr_list[i], use_mpi = True,\ diff = diff_list[i], stream = stream_list[i], heat = heat_list[i], field = field, zstart = zstart, zend = zend, grid_rank = grid_rank, load = load, save = save, work_dir = work_dir, sim_fam = sim_fam) # print(clump_data[0]) # clump_data = list(clump_data) print(len(clump_data), len(clump_data[0])) # n_clumps, clump_size, clump_std = list(zip(*clump_data)) n_clumps, clump_size, clump_std = clump_data print(n_clumps, clump_size) label = pt.get_label_name(compare, tctf, beta_list[i], cr_list[i], crdiff = diff_list[i], \ crstream = stream_list[i], crheat = heat_list[i], counter = i) linestyle = 'solid' ax[0].plot(time_list / tctf, clump_size, linewidth=3, linestyle=linestyle, label=label, color=cpal[i]) ax[0].tick_params(labelsize=fs) ax[1].plot(time_list / tctf, n_clumps, linewidth=3, linestyle=linestyle, color=cpal[i]) ax[0].legend() fig.tight_layout() figname = pt.get_fig_name('clump_growth', sim, compare, \ tctf, beta, cr, diff, sim_fam = sim_fam) plt.savefig(figname, dpi=300)
def plot_density_fluctuation(output, sim, compare, tctf, beta, cr, diff=0, stream=0, heat=0, T_cold=3.3333333e5, zstart=0.8, zend=1.2, relative=0, work_dir='../../simulations/', grid_rank=3): tctf_list, beta_list, cr_list, diff_list, stream_list, heat_list\ = pt.generate_lists(compare, tctf, crdiff = diff, cr = cr, beta = beta, cr_only = 1) tctf_list = [0.1, 0.3, 1, 3] all_cr_list = [0.01, 0.1, 1, 10] print(tctf_list, beta_list, cr_list, diff_list, stream_list, heat_list) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(4.4 * 3, 4), sharex=True, sharey=False) for col in range(3): ax[col].set_xscale('log') ax[col].set_yscale('log') ax[col].set_xlim(5e-3, 5e2) ax[col].set_xlabel('$ P_c / P_g $') if relative == 0: ax[0].set_ylim(1e-2, 5) ax[1].set_ylim(5e-3, 4) ax[2].set_ylim(5e-3, 4) ax[0].set_ylabel('Density Fluctuation') ax[1].set_ylabel('Cold Mass Fraction') ax[2].set_ylabel('Cold Mass Flux') else: ax[0].set_ylim(1e-2, 10) ax[1].set_ylim(1e-2, 100) ax[2].set_ylim(1e-2, 10) ax[0].set_ylabel('Relative Density Fluctuation') ax[1].set_ylabel('Relative Cold Mass Fraction') ax[2].set_ylabel('Relative Cold Mass Flux') color_list = pt.get_color_list('tctf') marker = 'o' for acr in all_cr_list: cr_list = len(beta_list) * [acr] for i in range(len(cr_list)): for col, plot_type in enumerate( ['density_fluctuation', 'cold_fraction', 'cold_flux']): for j, tctf in enumerate(tctf_list): data = 0 creta = 0 err = 0 time_list, data_list = pt.get_time_data(plot_type, sim, tctf, beta_list[i], cr_list[i], \ diff = diff_list[i], stream = stream_list[i], heat = heat_list[i], T_min = T_cold, zstart = zstart, zend = zend, grid_rank = grid_rank, load = load, save = save, work_dir = work_dir, sim_fam = sim_fam) creta_time_list, creta_list = pt.get_time_data('cold_creta', sim, tctf, beta_list[i], cr_list[i], \ diff = diff_list[i], stream = stream_list[i], heat = heat_list[i], T_min = T_cold, zstart = zstart, zend = zend, grid_rank = grid_rank, load = load, save = save, work_dir = work_dir, sim_fam = sim_fam) if len(data_list) > 0 and len(creta_list) > 0: data = np.nan_to_num(data_list[output - 10:output + 10]) creta = np.nan_to_num(creta_list[output - 10:output + 10]) if acr == 0.01 and i == 0 and col == 0: label = pt.get_label_name('tctf', tctf, beta_list[i], cr_list[i], crdiff = diff_list[i], \ crstream = stream_list[i], crheat = heat_list[i], counter = i) else: label = None ax[col].scatter(np.mean(creta), np.mean(data), color=color_list[j], label=label, marker=marker) ax[col].errorbar(np.mean(creta), np.mean(data), xerr=np.std(creta), yerr=np.std(data), color=color_list[j]) ax[0].legend(fontsize=8) fig.tight_layout() fig_basename = 'dens_cfrac_cflux_creta' figname = pt.get_fig_name(fig_basename, sim, compare, \ tctf, beta, cr, crdiff = diff, crstream = stream, \ crheat = heat, time = output, sim_fam = sim_fam,\ loc = '../../plots') print(figname) plt.savefig(figname, dpi=300)