Example #1
def meanProfile(basedir, acronym, f, startindx, endindx, fileprefix):
    # How many vertical levels depends on which set we look at
    if suffix == '_PL2':
       c = 120
    elif suffix == '_PL':
       c = 18
    H = np.zeros((24,2,c))

    for i in np.arange(startindx,endindx):
        prefix = file_prefix(i)
        flx = xr.open_dataset(basedir + fileprefix + '_icon_tropic_' + prefix + str(i) + suffix + '.nc')
        clch = xr.open_dataset(basedir + 'CLCONV_2D_icon_tropic_' + prefix + str(i) + '.nc').clch.isel(time=0,lev=0)
        # The factor of -1 is because pressure decreases upward
        temp = -1.*(flx.lwflxall.isel(time=0)-flx.lwflxclr.isel(time=0)).where(clch > f)
        temp = temp.assign_coords(plev_2=temp.plev_2.values)
        temp = temp.differentiate('plev_2')
        # Factor of 86400 to convert K s-1 to K day-1.
        H[i-startindx,0] = g/cp*86400*temp.mean(dim={'ncells'})
        temp = -1.*(flx.swflxall.isel(time=0)-flx.swflxclr.isel(time=0)).where(clch > f)
        temp = temp.assign_coords(plev_2=temp.plev_2.values)
        temp = temp.differentiate('plev_2')
        H[i-startindx,1] = g/cp*86400*temp.mean(dim={'ncells'})
    print('Saving mean heating rates from ' + basedir + '...')
    np.save('../output/H_' + acronym + suffix + '.npy',H)
    return H
def meanProfile(basedir, acronym, f, startindx, endindx, fileprefix):
    # How many vertical levels depends on which set we look at
    if suffix == '_PL2':
       c = 120
    elif suffix == '_PL':
       c = 18
    QG = np.zeros((24,c))

    for i in np.arange(startindx,endindx):
        prefix = file_prefix(i)
        flx = xr.open_dataset(basedir + fileprefix + '_icon_tropic_' + prefix + str(i) + suffix + '.nc')
        clch = xr.open_dataset(basedir + 'CLCONV_2D_icon_tropic_' + prefix + str(i) + '.nc').clch.isel(time=0,lev=0)
        QG[i-startindx] = flx.qg.isel(time=0).where(clch > f).mean(dim={'ncells'})
    print('Saving hourly mean profiles from ' + basedir + '...')
    np.save('../output/QG_' + acronym + suffix + '.npy',QG)
    return QG
Example #3
def meanProfile(basedir, acronym, f, startindx, endindx, fileprefix):
    # How many vertical levels depends on which set we look at
    if suffix == '_PL2':
        c = 120
    elif suffix == '_PL':
        c = 18
    WT = np.zeros((2, 24, c))

    for i in np.arange(startindx, endindx):
        prefix = file_prefix(i)
        w = xr.open_dataset(basedir + fileprefix + '_icon_tropic_' + prefix +
                            str(i) + suffix + '.nc')
        clch = xr.open_dataset(basedir + 'CLCONV_2D_icon_tropic_' + prefix +
                               str(i) + '.nc').clch.isel(time=0, lev=0)
        WT[0, i - startindx] = w.omega.isel(time=0).where(clch > f).mean(
        WT[1, i - startindx] = w.temp.isel(time=0).where(clch > f).mean(

    print('Saving mean pressure velocity and temperature from ' + basedir +
    np.save('../output/WT_' + acronym + suffix + '.npy', WT)
    return WT