Example #1

# Importing Numpy (math, arrays, etc...)
import numpy as np
# Importing Matplotlib (plotting)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Importing plot utilities
from plotutils import loadFile, getPoint

data = loadFile("../solid_envelope.dat")
Tc1, Pc1 = getPoint("../solid_envelope.dat","#Critical point 1")
Tc2, Pc2 = getPoint("../solid_envelope.dat","#Critical point 2")

colors = [ "black", "blue", "red", "green", "grey", "cyan", "navy"]
linestyles = [ "-", "--", ":", "-."]
p_conv=1.0e-5 # Pa -> Bar

for i in range(int(data.shape[1]/2)):
    iT = 2*i
    env, = plt.plot(data[:,iT],data[:,iT+1]*p_conv,color=colors[i],linestyle=linestyles[0],label=label)

if Tc1 > 1.0:
    crit, = plt.plot(Tc1,Pc1*p_conv,'ko')
if Tc2 > 1.0:
    crit, = plt.plot(Tc2,Pc2*p_conv,'ko')

plt.xlabel(r"$T$ (K)")
plt.ylabel(r"$P$ (bar)")
Example #2

# Importing Numpy (math, arrays, etc...)
import numpy as np
# Importing Matplotlib (plotting)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Importing plot utilities
from plotutils import loadFile, getFloat

T = getFloat("../binary.dat", "#Pxy")
data = loadFile("../binary.dat")

if T > 0:
    legend = "T=" + str(T)
    legend = None

env, = plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 2] * 1e-5, color="r", label=legend)
env, = plt.plot(data[:, 1], data[:, 2] * 1e-5, color="r")

plt.xlabel(r"$x$ ($-$)")
plt.ylabel(r"$P$ (Bar)")
plt.grid(b=True, which='major', color='k', linestyle='--')
if legend is not None:
    leg = plt.legend(loc="best", numpoints=1)
Example #3

# Importing Numpy (math, arrays, etc...)
import numpy as np
# Importing Matplotlib (plotting)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Importing plot utilities
from plotutils import loadFile, getFloat, file_exists

T = None

if file_exists("../binary_LLE.dat"):
    T_LLE = getFloat("../binary_LLE.dat", "#Pxy")
    if T_LLE is not None:
        T = T_LLE
    data = loadFile("../binary_LLE.dat")
    env, = plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 2] * 1e-5, color="b")
    env, = plt.plot(data[:, 1], data[:, 2] * 1e-5, color="b")

if file_exists("../binary_L1VE.dat"):
    T_L1VE = getFloat("../binary_L1VE.dat", "#Pxy")
    if T_L1VE is not None:
        T = T_L1VE
    data = loadFile("../binary_L1VE.dat")
    env, = plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 2] * 1e-5, color="g")
    env, = plt.plot(data[:, 1], data[:, 2] * 1e-5, color="g")

if file_exists("../binary_L2VE.dat"):
    T_L2VE = getFloat("../binary_L2VE.dat", "#Pxy")
    if T_L2VE is not None:
        T = T_L2VE
Example #4

# Importing Numpy (math, arrays, etc...)
import numpy as np
# Importing Matplotlib (plotting)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Importing plot utilities
from plotutils import loadFile, getInteger, getBinary

data = loadFile("../global_binary.dat")
diagram_type = getInteger("../global_binary.dat",
                          "#Global phase diagram of type:")
nCrit = getInteger("../global_binary.dat", "#Number of critical lines:")
nLLVE = getInteger("../global_binary.dat", "#Number of LLVE lines:")
nAZ = getInteger("../global_binary.dat", "#Number of AZ lines:")
comp1, comp2 = getBinary("../global_binary.dat", "#Binary system:")

if diagram_type == 1:
    ks_str = "I"
elif diagram_type == 2:
    ks_str = "II"
elif diagram_type == 3:
    ks_str = "III"
elif diagram_type == 4:
    ks_str = "IV"
elif diagram_type == 5:
    ks_str = "V"

title = "van Konynenburg and Scott type " + ks_str + " binary: " + comp1 + " " + comp2
base_filename = "global_binary_" + comp1 + "_" + comp2
Example #5

# Importing Numpy (math, arrays, etc...)
import numpy as np
# Importing Matplotlib (plotting)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Importing plot utilities
from plotutils import loadFile, getPoint

data = loadFile("../envelope.dat")
Tc, Pc = getPoint("../envelope.dat", "#Critical")
Tcb, Pcb = getPoint("../envelope.dat", "#Cricondenbar")
Tct, Pct = getPoint("../envelope.dat", "#Cricondentherm")

env, = plt.plot(data[:, 0] - 273.15, data[:, 1], label="Envelope")
if Tc > 1.0:
    crit, = plt.plot(Tc - 273.15, Pc, 'ko', label="Crit")
if Tcb > 1.0:
    criconBar, = plt.plot(Tcb - 273.15, Pcb, 'ro', label="Cricondenbar")
if Tct > 1.0:
    criconTherm, = plt.plot(Tct - 273.15, Pct, 'go', label="Cricondentherm")

plt.xlabel(u"$T$ (\N{DEGREE SIGN}C)")
plt.ylabel(r"$P$ (bar)")
plt.grid(b=True, which='major', color='k', linestyle='--')
leg = plt.legend(loc="lower right", numpoints=1)