def disableVhost(): try: hostname = sys.argv[1] except: print "Hostname is required." return ploud_config.initializeConfig() ploud = ploud_config.PLOUD_POOL.getconn() c1 = ploud.cursor() c1.execute("SELECT id FROM vhost WHERE host = %s", (hostname,)) try: id = c1.fetchone()[0] except: print "Can't find host name: %s"%hostname return c1.execute("UPDATE sites SET disabled = TRUE WHERE id = %s", (id,)) c1.execute("SELECT host FROM vhost WHERE id = %s", (id,)) hosts = [row[0] for row in c1.fetchall()] disableVhosts(hosts) c1.close() ploud.commit() ploud.close() print "Host is disabled."
def rebalance(): ploud_config.initializeConfig() APACHE = ptah.get_settings('apache') file = APACHE['lbfile'] processes = APACHE['processes'] conn = ploud_config.PLOUD_POOL.getconn() c1 = conn.cursor() c1.execute("SELECT,sites.bwin,sites.bwout,sites.site_name FROM vhost, sites " "WHERE = and sites.disabled = %s ORDER by",(False,)) db = bsddb.hashopen(file, 'w') data = [(bwin+bwout, host, name) for host, bwin, bwout, name in c1.fetchall()] data.sort() i = 1 for size, host, name in data: db[host] = str(i) db[name] = str(i) i = i + 1 if i > processes: i = 1 print 'Rebalancing is done.' db.close() c1.close() conn.close()
def clearBandwidth(): ploud_config.initializeConfig() conn = ploud_config.PLOUD_POOL.getconn() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("UPDATE sites SET bwin=0, bwout=0") cursor.close() conn.commit() ploud_config.PLOUD_POOL.putconn(conn)
def initVirtualHosts(): ploud_config.initializeConfig() ploud = ploud_config.PLOUD_POOL.getconn() c1 = ploud.cursor() PLOUD = ptah.get_settings('ploud') #c1.execute("DELETE FROM vhost") c1.execute("SELECT id, site_name FROM sites") for row in c1.fetchall(): host = row[1].endswith('.%s'%PLOUD['domain']) \ and row[1] or '%s.%s'%(row[1], PLOUD['domain']) stmt = "INSERT INTO vhost(id, host) VALUES(%d, '%s')"%(row[0], host) c1.execute(stmt) c1.close() ploud.commit() ploud.close()
def rebuildVirtualHosts(): ploud_config.initializeConfig() ploud = ploud_config.PLOUD_POOL.getconn() c1 = ploud.cursor() c1.execute("SELECT host FROM vhost") hosts = [row[0] for row in c1.fetchall()] try: os.unlink(file) except: pass addVirtualHosts(hosts, 'plone41') print '%d added.'%len(hosts) c1.close() ploud.close()
def main(): user = sys.argv[1] polid = int(sys.argv[2]) ploud_config.initializeConfig() conn = ploud_config.PLOUD_POOL.getconn() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM users WHERE email=%s", (user,)) uid = cursor.fetchone()[0] cursor.execute("UPDATE users SET type=%s WHERE id=%s",(polid, uid)) POLICIES[polid].apply(uid, cursor) cursor.close() conn.commit() ploud_config.PLOUD_POOL.putconn(conn)
def rebuildPolicy(): ploud_config.initializeConfig() conn = ploud_config.PLOUD_POOL.getconn() c1 = conn.cursor() c1.execute("SELECT,users.type FROM sites,vhost,users " "WHERE = sites.user_id and =") hosts = {} for host, polid in c1.fetchall(): data = hosts.setdefault(polid, set()) data.add(host) for polid, data in hosts.items(): changePolicy(data, polid) print 'Policy %s: %d added.'%(polid, len(data)) c1.close() conn.close()
def rebuildVhosts(): ploud_config.initializeConfig() ploud = ploud_config.PLOUD_POOL.getconn() c1 = ploud.cursor() c1.execute("SELECT host FROM sites, vhost WHERE disabled = TRUE and =") hosts = [row[0] for row in c1.fetchall()] try: os.unlink(file) except: pass disableVhosts(hosts) for host in hosts: print 'Disabled: %s'%host print '%d disabled.'%len(hosts) c1.close() ploud.close()
def main(): ploud_config.initializeConfig() APACHE = ptah.get_settings('apache') accesspos = APACHE['accesspos'] pos = 0 vpos = 0 try: line = open(accesspos, 'rb').read() line = line.split(' ') pos = int(line[0]) vpos = int(line[1]) except: pass # process ploud-access file ploudlog = APACHE['ploudlog'] logfile = open(ploudlog, 'rb'), 2) size = logfile.tell() if pos > size: pos = 0 rotated = True logfile = open('%s.1'%ploudlog, 'rb') else: pos = size rotated = False data = {} accessed = {} for line in logfile.xreadlines(): host = line.split(':', 1)[0] ac, bwin, bwout = line.split(':::')[-1].split(' ') rec = data.get(host) if rec is None: rec = [0, 0] data[host] = rec rec[0] = rec[0] + int(bwin) rec[1] = rec[1] + int(bwout) if ac == 'False': accessed[host] = 1 logfile.close() # process varnish log varnishlog = APACHE['varnishlog'] logfile = open(varnishlog, 'rb'), 2) size = logfile.tell() if vpos > size: vpos = 0 logfile = open('%s.1'%varnishlog, 'rb') else: vpos = size for line in logfile.xreadlines(): try: info, other = line.split('HTTP/1.1"', 1) except: try: info, other = line.split('HTTP/1.0"', 1) except: pass try: code, size = other.strip().split(' ', 2)[:2] size = int(size) except: continue url = info.split(']', 1)[-1].strip().split(' ', 1)[-1] host = urllib.splithost(urllib.splittype(url)[1])[0] rec = data.get(host) if rec is None: rec = [0, 0] data[host] = rec rec[1] = rec[1] + size # save pos posfile = open(accesspos, 'wb') posfile.write('%s %s'%(pos, vpos)) posfile.close() # save data to db ploud = ploud_config.PLOUD_POOL.getconn() cursor = ploud.cursor() for host, rec in data.items(): cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM vhost WHERE host = %s", (host,)) try: host_id = cursor.fetchone()[0] except: continue cursor.execute("SELECT bwin, bwout FROM sites WHERE id = %s", (host_id,)) bwin, bwout = cursor.fetchone() cursor.execute("UPDATE sites SET bwin=%d, bwout=%d WHERE id=%d"%( bwin+rec[0], bwout+rec[1], host_id)) print host, 'in: %0.2fK, out: %0.2fK'%(float(bwin+rec[0])/1024, float(bwout+rec[1])/1024) now = for host in accessed.keys(): cursor.execute("UPDATE sites SET last_accessed=%s WHERE id in (" "SELECT id FROM vhost WHERE host = %s)", (now, host)) cursor.close() ploud.commit() ploud.close()