Example #1
 def test_loading(self):
     class MockLoader(object):
         def __init__(self, files):
             self.files = files
             self.load_counts = defaultdict(int)
         def __call__(self, filename):
             self.load_counts[filename] += 1
             return self.files[filename]
     files = {c: c * 5 for c in [chr(ord('a') + i) for i in range(10)]}
     loader = MockLoader(files)
     with patch('plover.dictionary.loading_manager.load_dictionary', loader):
         manager = loading_manager.DictionaryLoadingManager()
         results = manager.load(['c', 'b'])
         # Returns the right values in the right order.
         self.assertEqual(results, ['ccccc', 'bbbbb'])
         # Only loaded the files once.
         self.assertTrue(all(x == 1 for x in loader.load_counts.values()))
         # Dropped superfluous files.
         self.assertEqual(['b', 'c'], sorted(manager.dictionaries.keys()))
Example #2
    def test_loading(self):
        class FakeDictionaryContents(object):
            def __init__(self, contents, timestamp):
                self.contents = contents
                self.timestamp = timestamp

            def __eq__(self, other):
                if isinstance(other, FakeDictionaryContents):
                    return self.contents == other.contents
                return self.contents == other

        class FakeDictionaryInfo(object):
            def __init__(self, name, contents):
                self.name = name
                self.contents = contents
                self.tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()

            def __repr__(self):
                return 'FakeDictionaryInfo(%r, %r)' % (self.name,

        class MockLoader(object):
            def __init__(self, files):
                self.files = files
                self.load_counts = defaultdict(int)

            def __call__(self, filename):
                self.load_counts[filename] += 1
                d = self.files[filename]
                if isinstance(d.contents, Exception):
                    raise d.contents
                timestamp = os.path.getmtime(filename)
                return FakeDictionaryContents(d.contents, timestamp)

        dictionaries = {}
        for i in range(8):
            c = chr(ord('a') + i)
            contents = c * 5
            if i >= 4:
                contents = Exception(contents)
            d = FakeDictionaryInfo(c, contents)
            assert d.tf.name not in dictionaries
            dictionaries[d.tf.name] = d
            assert c not in dictionaries
            dictionaries[c] = d

        def df(name):
            return dictionaries[name].tf.name

        loader = MockLoader(dictionaries)
        with patch('plover.dictionary.loading_manager.load_dictionary',
            manager = loading_manager.DictionaryLoadingManager()
            results = manager.load([df('c'), df('b')])
            # Returns the right values in the right order.
            self.assertEqual(results, ['ccccc', 'bbbbb'])
            # Dropped superfluous files.
            self.assertCountEqual([df('b'), df('c')],
            # Check dict like interface.
            self.assertEqual(len(manager), 2)
            self.assertFalse(df('a') in manager)
            with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
            self.assertTrue(df('b') in manager)
            self.assertTrue(df('c') in manager)
            self.assertEqual(results, [manager[df('c')], manager[df('b')]])
            # Return a DictionaryLoaderException for load errors.
            results = manager.load([df('c'), df('e'), df('b'), df('f')])
            self.assertEqual(len(results), 4)
            self.assertEqual(results[0], 'ccccc')
            self.assertEqual(results[2], 'bbbbb')
            self.assertIsInstance(results[1], DictionaryLoaderException)
            self.assertEqual(results[1].path, df('e'))
            self.assertIsInstance(results[1].exception, Exception)
            self.assertIsInstance(results[3], DictionaryLoaderException)
            self.assertEqual(results[3].path, df('f'))
            self.assertIsInstance(results[3].exception, Exception)
            # Only loaded the files once.
            self.assertTrue(all(x == 1 for x in loader.load_counts.values()))
            # No reload if file timestamp is unchanged, or the dictionary
            # timestamp is more recent. (use case: dictionary edited with
            # Plover and saved back)
            file_timestamp = results[0].timestamp
            results[0].timestamp = file_timestamp + 1
            dictionaries['c'].contents = 'CCCCC'
            results = manager.load([df('c')])
            self.assertEqual(results, ['ccccc'])
            self.assertEqual(loader.load_counts[df('c')], 1)
            # Check outdated dictionaries are reloaded.
            results[0].timestamp = file_timestamp - 1
            results = manager.load([df('c')])
            self.assertEqual(results, ['CCCCC'])
            self.assertEqual(loader.load_counts[df('c')], 2)
            # Check trimming of outdated dictionaries.
            results[0].timestamp = file_timestamp - 1
            self.assertEqual(len(manager), 0)
            self.assertFalse(df('c') in manager)
def test_loading(monkeypatch):

    dictionaries = {}
    for i in range(8):
        c = chr(ord('a') + i)
        contents = c * 5
        if i >= 4:
            contents = Exception(contents)
        d = FakeDictionaryInfo(c, contents)
        assert d.tf.name not in dictionaries
        dictionaries[d.tf.name] = d
        assert c not in dictionaries
        dictionaries[c] = d

    def df(name):
        return dictionaries[name].tf.name

    loader = MockLoader(dictionaries)
    manager = loading_manager.DictionaryLoadingManager()
    results = manager.load([df('c'), df('b')])
    # Returns the right values in the right order.
    assert results == ['ccccc', 'bbbbb']
    # Dropped superfluous files.
    assert sorted([df('b'), df('c')]) == sorted(manager.dictionaries.keys())
    # Check dict like interface.
    assert len(manager) == 2
    assert df('a') not in manager
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
    assert df('b') in manager
    assert df('c') in manager
    assert results == [manager[df('c')], manager[df('b')]]
    # Return a DictionaryLoaderException for load errors.
    results = manager.load([df('c'), df('e'), df('b'), df('f')])
    assert len(results) == 4
    assert results[0] == 'ccccc'
    assert results[2] == 'bbbbb'
    assert isinstance(results[1], DictionaryLoaderException)
    assert results[1].path == df('e')
    assert isinstance(results[1].exception, Exception)
    assert isinstance(results[3], DictionaryLoaderException)
    assert results[3].path == df('f')
    assert isinstance(results[3].exception, Exception)
    # Only loaded the files once.
    assert all(x == 1 for x in loader.load_counts.values())
    # No reload if file timestamp is unchanged, or the dictionary
    # timestamp is more recent. (use case: dictionary edited with
    # Plover and saved back)
    file_timestamp = results[0].timestamp
    results[0].timestamp = file_timestamp + 1
    dictionaries['c'].contents = 'CCCCC'
    results = manager.load([df('c')])
    assert results == ['ccccc']
    assert loader.load_counts[df('c')] == 1
    # Check outdated dictionaries are reloaded.
    results[0].timestamp = file_timestamp - 1
    results = manager.load([df('c')])
    assert results == ['CCCCC']
    assert loader.load_counts[df('c')] == 2
    # Check trimming of outdated dictionaries.
    results[0].timestamp = file_timestamp - 1
    assert len(manager) == 0
    assert df('c') not in manager
Example #4
    def test_loading(self):
        class FakeDictionaryContents(object):
            def __init__(self, contents, timestamp):
                self.contents = contents
                self.timestamp = timestamp

            def __eq__(self, other):
                if isinstance(other, FakeDictionaryContents):
                    return self.contents == other.contents
                return self.contents == other

        class FakeDictionaryInfo(object):
            def __init__(self, name, contents):
                self.name = name
                self.contents = contents
                self.tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
                self.timestamp = os.path.getmtime(self.tf.name)

            def __repr__(self):
                return 'FakeDictionaryInfo(%r, %r)' % (self.name,

        class MockLoader(object):
            def __init__(self, files):
                self.files = files
                self.load_counts = defaultdict(int)

            def __call__(self, filename):
                self.load_counts[filename] += 1
                d = self.files[filename]
                if isinstance(d.contents, Exception):
                    raise d.contents
                return FakeDictionaryContents(d.contents, d.timestamp)

        dictionaries = {}
        for i in range(8):
            c = chr(ord('a') + i)
            contents = c * 5
            if i >= 4:
                contents = Exception(contents)
            d = FakeDictionaryInfo(c, contents)
            assert d.tf.name not in dictionaries
            dictionaries[d.tf.name] = d
            assert c not in dictionaries
            dictionaries[c] = d

        def df(name):
            return dictionaries[name].tf.name

        loader = MockLoader(dictionaries)
        with patch('plover.dictionary.loading_manager.load_dictionary',
            manager = loading_manager.DictionaryLoadingManager()
            results = manager.load([df('c'), df('b')])
            # Returns the right values in the right order.
            self.assertEqual(results, ['ccccc', 'bbbbb'])
            # Dropped superfluous files.
            assertCountEqual(self, [df('b'), df('c')],
            # Return a DictionaryLoaderException for load errors.
            results = manager.load([df('c'), df('e'), df('b'), df('f')])
            self.assertEqual(len(results), 4)
            self.assertEqual(results[0], 'ccccc')
            self.assertEqual(results[2], 'bbbbb')
            self.assertIsInstance(results[1], DictionaryLoaderException)
            self.assertEqual(results[1].path, df('e'))
            self.assertIsInstance(results[1].exception, Exception)
            self.assertIsInstance(results[3], DictionaryLoaderException)
            self.assertEqual(results[3].path, df('f'))
            self.assertIsInstance(results[3].exception, Exception)
            # Only loaded the files once.
            self.assertTrue(all(x == 1 for x in loader.load_counts.values()))
            # No reload if timestamp is unchanged, or more recent.
            # (use case: dictionary edited with Plover and saved back)
            dictionaries['c'].contents = 'CCCCC'
            dictionaries['c'].timestamp += 1
            results = manager.load([df('c')])
            self.assertEqual(results, ['ccccc'])
            self.assertEqual(loader.load_counts[df('c')], 1)
            # Check files are reloaded when modified.
            # Note: do not try to "touch" the file using os.utime
            # as it's not reliable without sleeping to account
            # for operating system resolution.
            mtime = os.path.getmtime(df('c'))

            def getmtime(path):
                assert path == df('c')
                return mtime + 1

            with patch('os.path.getmtime', getmtime):
                results = manager.load([df('c')])
            self.assertEqual(results, ['CCCCC'])
            self.assertEqual(loader.load_counts[df('c')], 2)