Example #1
with open(filename, 'rb') as handle:
    wgs_data_incomps = pickle.load(handle)

#Temperature of WGS data (convert to K)
Tdata = wgs_data_incomps['Tout'] + 273.15

#CO/H2O ratio at the inlet 
Xg_in = wgs_data_incomps['Xg'][:,:,0,:]
ratio_data = wgs_data_incomps['ratio']
#Load phases solution objects
gas = ct.Solution(input_file)
surfCT = ct.Interface(input_file,surf_name,[gas])

#Load in-house surface phase object
surf = pfr.SurfacePhase(gas,surfCT, 
                        cov_file = cov_file)

#Set up equilibrium gas phase
gas_eq = ct.Solution(input_file)

#Vary the inlet CO:H2O ratio 
ratio = np.linspace(1,10,10)
flipratio = np.flip(ratio,axis=0)

#CO and H2O inlet molar fractions
co_x = 0.55*(ratio/(ratio+flipratio))
h2o_x = 0.55*(flipratio/(ratio+flipratio))

'''Test PFR with simplified kinetics expression'''

#Initialize simple PFR
Example #2
input_file = 'wgs_ni_redux.cti'
surf_name = 'Ni_surface'

#### Data files path ####:
basepath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
filepath = os.path.join(basepath, '../..', 'data')

#### Coverage dependency matrix file ####:
cov_file = os.path.join(filepath, 'cov_matrix/covmatrix_wgs_ni.inp')

#Load phases solution objects
gas0 = ct.Solution(input_file0)
surfCT0 = ct.Interface(input_file0, surf_name, [gas0])

#Load in-house surface phase object
surf0 = pfr.SurfacePhase(gas0, surfCT0, cov_file=cov_file)

#Load phases solution objects for reduced mechanism
gas = ct.Solution(input_file)
surfCT = ct.Interface(input_file, surf_name, [gas])

#Load in-house surface phase object
surf = pfr.SurfacePhase(gas, surfCT, cov_file=cov_file)

#### Current thermo state ####:
X_in = 'H2O:0.457, CO:0.114, H2:0.229, N2:0.2'
T_in = 750.0
P_in = 101325.0

#Inlet gas solution object
gas_in = ct.Solution(input_file)
Example #3
#### Coverage dependency matrix file ####:
cov_file = os.path.join(filepath, 'cov_matrix/covmatrix_wgs_ni.inp')

#### Save results into file? ####
savefile = 0
savepath = '/home/tpcarvalho/carva/python_data/wgs_ni/'
savename = 'wgs_nib_redux_mdots.pickle'

#Load phases solution objects
gas = ct.Solution(input_file)
bulk = ct.Solution(input_file, bulk_name)
surfCT = ct.Interface(input_file, surf_name, [gas, bulk])

#Load in-house surface phase object
surf = pfr.SurfacePhase(gas, surfCT, bulk=bulk, cov_file=cov_file)

#### Current thermo state ####:
X_in = 'H2O:0.457, CO:0.114, H2:0.229, N2:0.2'  #WGS Ni
T_in = 750.0
P_in = 1e05

#Set up equilibrium gas phase
gas_eq = ct.Solution(input_file)

#Load gas phase at inlet conditions
gas_in = ct.Solution(input_file)
gas_in.TPX = 273.15, P_in, X_in

#Inlet mass flow rate [kg/s] at 0.3-30 SLPM
vdot0 = np.array([0.03, 0.3, 3, 30, 300, 3000])
Example #4
#### Data files path ####:
basepath = os.path.dirname(__file__)
filepath = os.path.join(basepath, '../..', 'data')

#### Coverage dependency matrix file ####:
cov_file = os.path.join(filepath, 'cov_matrix/covmatrix_wgs_ni.inp')

#Load phases solution objects
gas = ct.Solution(input_file)
surfCT = ct.Interface(input_file, surf_name, [gas])

gas_wc = ct.Solution(input_file)
surfCT_wc = ct.Interface(input_file, surf_name, [gas_wc])

#Load in-house surface phase object
surf = pfr.SurfacePhase(gas, surfCT, cov_file=cov_file)

surf_wc = pfr.SurfacePhase(gas_wc, surfCT_wc, cov_file=cov_file)

#Reactor geometric parameters
diam = 0.017  #Diameter [m]
length = 0.01  #Length [m]
vol = np.pi * diam**2 / 4 * length  #Volume [m**3]

#Foam monolith properties
porosity = 0.8  #Foam porosity [-]
dp_foam = 1e-3  #Foam mean pore size [m]
ds_foam = dp_foam * np.sqrt(4 / (3 * np.pi) *
                            (1 - porosity))  #Foam mean strut size [m]

#Foam specific surface [m**-1]