Example #1
    def handle( self, body=None, chunk=None, trailers=None ):
        interface method."""
        self.cookies = self.cookie.parse_cookies( self.headers )

        # In case of `chunked` encoding, check whether this is the last chunk.
        finishing = body or ( chunk and trailers and chunk[0] == 0)

        # Apply IHTTPInBound transformers on this request.
        data = body if body != None else (chunk[2] if chunk else b'')
        for tr in self.webapp.in_transformers :
            data = tr.transform( self, data, finishing=finishing )

        # Update the request plugin with attributes.
        if body :
            self.body = data
        elif chunk :
            self.chunks.append( (chunk[0], chunk[1], data) )
        self.trailers = trailers or self.trailers

        # Process POST and PUT request interpreting multipart content.
        if self.method in ( b'POST', b'PUT' ) :
            self.postparams, self.multiparts = \
                    h.parse_formbody( self.content_type, self.body )
            self.postparams = { h.strof(k) : list( map( h.strof, vs )) 
                                for k,vs in self.postparams.items() }
            [ self.params.setdefault( name, [] ).extend( value )
              for name, value in self.postparams.items() ]
            [ self.params.setdefault( name, [] ).extend( value )
              for name, value in self.multiparts.items() ]
            [ self.files.setdefault( name, [] 
                                   ).extend( (f['filename'], f['value'] ) )
              for name, value in self.multiparts.items() ]
Example #2
    def __init__( self, httpconn, method, uri, uriparts, version, headers ):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRequest.__init__` interface
        self.router = self.cookie = None
        self.response = self.session = None

        self.httpconn = httpconn
        self.method, self.uri, self.uriparts, self.version = \
                method, uri, uriparts, version
        self.headers = headers

        # Initialize request handler attributes, these attributes will be
        # valid only after a call to handle() method.
        self.body = b''
        self.chunks = []
        self.trailers = {}
        self.cookies = {}

        # Only in case of POST and PUT method.
        self.postparams = {}
        self.multiparts = {}
        self.files = {}

        # Initialize
        self.params = {}
        self.getparams = { h.strof(k) : list( map( h.strof, vs )) 
                           for k,vs in self.uriparts['query'].items() }
        self.params.update( self.getparams )

        self.content_type = \
                h.parse_content_type( headers.get( 'content_type', None ))

        self.view = None
        self.receivedat = time.time()
        self.finishedat = None
    def _match_predicates( self, request, matches ):
        """Filter matching views, whose pattern matches with request-url,
        based on view-predicates. 
        TODO: More predicates to be added."""
        variants = []
        for viewd in matches :
            x = True
            if viewd['method'] != None :
                x = x and viewd['method'] == h.strof( request.method )
            variants.append( viewd ) if x else None

        return variants
    def handle(self, body=None, chunk=None, trailers=None):
        interface method."""
        self.cookies = self.cookie.parse_cookies(self.headers)

        # In case of `chunked` encoding, check whether this is the last chunk.
        finishing = body or (chunk and trailers and chunk[0] == 0)

        # Apply IHTTPInBound transformers on this request.
        data = body if body != None else (chunk[2] if chunk else b'')
        for tr in self.webapp.in_transformers:
            data = tr.transform(self, data, finishing=finishing)

        # Update the request plugin with attributes.
        if body:
            self.body = data
        elif chunk:
            self.chunks.append((chunk[0], chunk[1], data))
        self.trailers = trailers or self.trailers

        # Process POST and PUT request interpreting multipart content.
        if self.method in (b'POST', b'PUT'):
            self.postparams, self.multiparts = \
                    h.parse_formbody( self.content_type, self.body )
            self.postparams = {
                h.strof(k): list(map(h.strof, vs))
                for k, vs in self.postparams.items()
                self.params.setdefault(name, []).extend(value)
                for name, value in self.postparams.items()
                self.params.setdefault(name, []).extend(value)
                for name, value in self.multiparts.items()
                self.files.setdefault(name, []).extend(
                    (f['filename'], f['value']))
                for name, value in self.multiparts.items()
    def __init__(self, httpconn, method, uri, uriparts, version, headers):
        """:meth:`pluggdapps.web.interfaces.IHTTPRequest.__init__` interface
        self.router = self.cookie = None
        self.response = self.session = None

        self.httpconn = httpconn
        self.method, self.uri, self.uriparts, self.version = \
                method, uri, uriparts, version
        self.headers = headers

        # Initialize request handler attributes, these attributes will be
        # valid only after a call to handle() method.
        self.body = b''
        self.chunks = []
        self.trailers = {}
        self.cookies = {}

        # Only in case of POST and PUT method.
        self.postparams = {}
        self.multiparts = {}
        self.files = {}

        # Initialize
        self.params = {}
        self.getparams = {
            h.strof(k): list(map(h.strof, vs))
            for k, vs in self.uriparts['query'].items()

        self.content_type = \
                h.parse_content_type( headers.get( 'content_type', None ))

        self.view = None
        self.receivedat = time.time()
        self.finishedat = None
    def add_view( self, name, pattern, **kwargs ):
        """Add a router mapping rule.
            The name of the route. This attribute is required and it must be
            unique among all defined routes in a given web-application.

            The pattern of the route. This argument is required. If pattern
            doesn't match the current URL, route matching continues.

        For EG,

        .. code-block:: python

            self.add_view( 'article', 'blog/{year}/{month}/{date}' )

        Optional key-word arguments,

            A plugin name or plugin instance implementing :class:`IHTTPView`
            interface, or just a plain python callable or a string that
            imports a callable object. What ever the case, please do go 
            through the :class:`IHTTPView` interface specification before 
            authoring a view-callable.

            A plugin name or plugin instance implementing
            :class:`IHTTPResource` interface, or just a plain python callable.
            What ever the case, please do go through the :class:`IHTTPResource`
            interface specification before authoring a resource-callable.

            If view-callable is a method on ``view`` object then supply this
            argument with a valid method name.

            Request predicate. HTTP-method as byte string to be matched with
            incoming request.

            Request predicate. Media type/subtype string specifying the
            resource variant. If unspecified, will be automatically detected
            using heuristics.

            Request predicate. Language-range string specifying the resource
            variant. If unspecified, assumes webapp['language'] from
            configuration settings.

            Request predicate. Charset string specifying the resource variant.
            If unspecified, assumes webapp['encoding'] from configuration

            Comma separated list of content coding that will be applied, in
            the same order as given, on the resource variant. Defaults to 

            Cache-Control response header value to be used for the resource's

            To add views for static files, use this attribute. Specifies the
            root location where static files are located. Note that when using
            this option, ``pattern`` argument must end with ``*path``.

        ``media_type``, ``language``, ``content_coding`` and ``charset``
        kwargs, if supplied, will be used during content negotiation.
        # Positional arguments.
        self.views[ name ] = view = {}
        view['name'] = name
        view['pattern'] = pattern
        regex, tmpl, redict = self._compile_pattern( pattern )
        view['compiled_pattern'] = re.compile( regex )
        view['path_template'] = tmpl
        view['match_segments'] = redict

        # Supported key-word arguments
        view['view'] = kwargs.pop( 'view', None )
        view['resource'] = kwargs.pop( 'resource', None )
        view['attr'] = kwargs.pop( 'attr', None )
        view['method'] = h.strof( kwargs.pop( 'method', None ))
        # Content Negotiation attributes
        view['media_type']=kwargs.pop('media_type', 'application/octet-stream')
        view['content_coding'] = kwargs.pop('content_coding',CONTENT_IDENTITY)
        view['language'] = kwargs.pop( 'language', self.webapp['language'] )
        view['charset'] = kwargs.pop( 'charset', self.webapp['encoding'] )
        # Content Negotiation attributes
        view.update( kwargs )
        self.viewlist.append( (name, view) )