def loadList( self ):
     #Return a list [imdbid, texname]
     data = Plugin.getUrl(self,'')
     #print("Data: " + data)
     bs = BeautifulSoup(data,convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
     if bs is None:
         print("Fail to read imdb toplist")
         return None
     tables = bs.findAll('table')
     for table in tables:
         rows = table.findAll('tr')
         if len(rows) < 251:
         ret = []
         i = iter(rows);
         next(i) #Ignore first row with the names.
         h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
         for row in i:
             link = row.find('a',href=True)
             #TODO: I am probably doing something wrong with beautifulsoup
             name = h.unescape(link.getText())
             imdb_id = Plugin.iMDBlink(self, link['href'])
         return ret
     return None