Example #1
def checkLibraries(buildReport=False):
    Looks for required libraries, and their matching QA versions.
    @ In, buildReport, bool, optional, if True then report all libraries instead of just problems
    @ Out, missing, list(tuple(str, str)), list of missing libraries and needed versions
    @ Out, notQA, list(tuple(str, str, str)), mismatched versions as (libs, need version, found version)
  missing = []  # libraries that are not present, that should be
  notQA = []    # libraries that are not the correct version, but are present
  plugins = pluginHandler.getInstalledPlugins()
  need = getRequiredLibs(plugins=plugins)
  messages = []
  for lib, request in need.items():
    # some libs aren't checked from within python
    if request['skip_check']:
    needVersion = request['version']
    found, msg, foundVersion = checkSingleLibrary(lib, version=needVersion)
    if not found:
      missing.append((lib, needVersion))
    if needVersion is not None and foundVersion != needVersion:
      notQA.append((lib, needVersion, foundVersion))
    if buildReport:
      messages.append((lib, found, msg, foundVersion))
  if buildReport:
    return messages
  return missing, notQA
Example #2
            for e in msgs:
                print('          ', e)
            print('       Skipping plugin installation.')
            returnCode += 1

    if args.full_copy:
        # TODO: copy the files
        #       register the plugin in the plugin_directory as being in the plugins folder
        raise NotImplementedError

    infoFile, root = pluginHandler.loadPluginTree()

    # add or update plugins from sources
    installed = pluginHandler.getInstalledPlugins()
    if installed:
        existing, _ = zip(*installed)
        existing = []
    print('Installing plugins ...')
    for plugDir in sources:
        name = os.path.basename(plugDir)
        if name in existing:
            match = pluginHandler.updatePluginXML(root, name, plugDir)
            print(' ... plugin "{}" path updated to "{}" ...'.format(
                name, plugDir))
            # create a new entry
            new = pluginHandler.writeNewPluginXML(name, plugDir)
            print(' ... plugin "{}" path created as "{}" ...'.format(