def initialize(self): """ The initialize step further initializes the Request by setting additional information in the _data dict, registering plugins, and entryparsers. """ global VERSION_DATE data = self._request.getData() pyhttp = self._request.getHttp() config = self._request.getConfiguration() data["pyblosxom_version"] = VERSION_DATE data['pi_bl'] = '' # Get our URL and configure the base_url param if pyhttp.has_key('SCRIPT_NAME'): if not config.has_key('base_url'): config['base_url'] = 'http://%s%s' % (pyhttp['HTTP_HOST'], pyhttp['SCRIPT_NAME']) else: config['base_url'] = config.get('base_url', '') if config["datadir"].endswith("\\") or config["datadir"].endswith("/"): config['datadir'] = config['datadir'][:-1] # import and initialize plugins import plugin_utils plugin_utils.initialize_plugins(config.get("plugin_dirs", []), config.get("load_plugins", None)) # entryparser callback is run here first to allow other plugins # register what file extensions can be used data['extensions'] = tools.run_callback("entryparser", {'txt': blosxom_entry_parser}, mappingfunc=lambda x,y:y, defaultfunc=lambda x:x)
def initialize(self): """ The initialize step further initializes the Request by setting additional information in the _data dict, registering plugins, and entryparsers. """ global VERSION_DATE data = self._request.getData() pyhttp = self._request.getHttp() config = self._request.getConfiguration() data["pyblosxom_version"] = VERSION_DATE data['pi_bl'] = '' # Get our URL and configure the base_url param if pyhttp.has_key('SCRIPT_NAME'): if not config.has_key('base_url'): config['base_url'] = 'http://%s%s' % (pyhttp['HTTP_HOST'], pyhttp['SCRIPT_NAME']) else: config['base_url'] = config.get('base_url', '') if config["datadir"].endswith("\\") or config["datadir"].endswith("/"): config['datadir'] = config['datadir'][:-1] # import and initialize plugins import plugin_utils plugin_utils.initialize_plugins(config.get("plugin_dirs", []), config.get("load_plugins", None)) # entryparser callback is run here first to allow other plugins # register what file extensions can be used data['extensions'] = tools.run_callback("entryparser", {'txt': blosxom_entry_parser}, mappingfunc=lambda x, y: y, defaultfunc=lambda x: x)
def test_installation(request): """ This function gets called when someone starts up pyblosxom.cgi from the command line with no REQUEST_METHOD environment variable. It: 1. tests properties in their file 2. verifies they have a datadir and that it exists 3. initializes all the plugins they have installed 4. runs "cb_verify_installation"--plugins can print out whether they are installed correctly (i.e. have valid config property settings and can read/write to data files) 5. exits The goal is to be as useful and informative to the user as we can be without being overly verbose and confusing. This is designed to make it much much much easier for a user to verify their PyBlosxom installation is working and also to install new plugins and verify that their configuration is correct. """ import sys, os, os.path from Pyblosxom import pyblosxom config = request.getConfiguration() # BASE STUFF print "Welcome to PyBlosxom's installation verification system." print "------" print "]] printing diagnostics [[" print "pyblosxom: %s" % pyblosxom.VERSION_DATE print "sys.version: %s" % sys.version.replace("\n", " ") print " %s" % print "codebase: %s" % config.get("codebase", "--default--") print "------" # CONFIG FILE print "]] checking config file [[" print "config has %s properties set." % len(config) print "" required_config = ["datadir"] nice_to_have_config = [ "blog_title", "blog_author", "blog_description", "blog_language", "blog_encoding", "base_url", "depth", "num_entries", "renderer", "cacheDriver", "cacheConfig", "plugin_dirs", "load_plugins" ] missing_properties = 0 for mem in required_config: if not config.has_key(mem): print " missing required property: '%s'" % mem missing_properties = 1 for mem in nice_to_have_config: if not config.has_key(mem): print " missing optional property: '%s'" % mem print "" print "Refer to the documentation for what properties are available" print "and what they do." if missing_properties: print "" print "Missing properties must be set in order for your blog to" print "work." print "" print "This must be done before we can go further. Exiting." return print "PASS: config file is fine." print "------" print "]] checking datadir [[" # DATADIR # FIXME - we should check permissions here? if not os.path.isdir(config["datadir"]): print "datadir '%s' does not exist." % config["datadir"] print "You need to create your datadir and give it appropriate" print "permissions." print "" print "This must be done before we can go further. Exiting." return print "PASS: datadir is fine." print "------" print "Now we're going to verify your plugin configuration." if config.has_key("plugin_dirs"): from Pyblosxom import plugin_utils plugin_utils.initialize_plugins(config["plugin_dirs"], config.get("load_plugins", None)) no_verification_support = [] for mem in plugin_utils.plugins: if "verify_installation" in dir(mem): print "=== plugin: '%s'" % mem.__name__ if "__version__" in dir(mem): print " version: %s" % mem.__version__ else: print " plugin has no version." try: if mem.verify_installation(request) == 1: print " PASS" else: print " FAIL!!!" except AssertionError, error_message: print " FAIL!!! ", error_message else: no_verification_support.append(mem.__name__) if len(no_verification_support) > 0: print "" print "The following plugins do not support installation verification:" for mem in no_verification_support: print " %s" % mem
def test_installation(request): """ This function gets called when someone starts up pyblosxom.cgi from the command line with no REQUEST_METHOD environment variable. It: 1. tests properties in their file 2. verifies they have a datadir and that it exists 3. initializes all the plugins they have installed 4. runs "cb_verify_installation"--plugins can print out whether they are installed correctly (i.e. have valid config property settings and can read/write to data files) 5. exits The goal is to be as useful and informative to the user as we can be without being overly verbose and confusing. This is designed to make it much much much easier for a user to verify their PyBlosxom installation is working and also to install new plugins and verify that their configuration is correct. """ import sys, os, os.path from Pyblosxom import pyblosxom config = request.getConfiguration() # BASE STUFF print "Welcome to PyBlosxom's installation verification system." print "------" print "]] printing diagnostics [[" print "pyblosxom: %s" % pyblosxom.VERSION_DATE print "sys.version: %s" % sys.version.replace("\n", " ") print " %s" % print "codebase: %s" % config.get("codebase", "--default--") print "------" # CONFIG FILE print "]] checking config file [[" print "config has %s properties set." % len(config) print "" required_config = ["datadir"] nice_to_have_config = ["blog_title", "blog_author", "blog_description", "blog_language", "blog_encoding", "base_url", "depth", "num_entries", "renderer", "cacheDriver", "cacheConfig", "plugin_dirs", "load_plugins"] missing_properties = 0 for mem in required_config: if not config.has_key(mem): print " missing required property: '%s'" % mem missing_properties = 1 for mem in nice_to_have_config: if not config.has_key(mem): print " missing optional property: '%s'" % mem print "" print "Refer to the documentation for what properties are available" print "and what they do." if missing_properties: print "" print "Missing properties must be set in order for your blog to" print "work." print "" print "This must be done before we can go further. Exiting." return print "PASS: config file is fine." print "------" print "]] checking datadir [[" # DATADIR # FIXME - we should check permissions here? if not os.path.isdir(config["datadir"]): print "datadir '%s' does not exist." % config["datadir"] print "You need to create your datadir and give it appropriate" print "permissions." print "" print "This must be done before we can go further. Exiting." return print "PASS: datadir is fine." print "------" print "Now we're going to verify your plugin configuration." if config.has_key("plugin_dirs"): from Pyblosxom import plugin_utils plugin_utils.initialize_plugins(config["plugin_dirs"], config.get("load_plugins", None)) no_verification_support = [] for mem in plugin_utils.plugins: if "verify_installation" in dir(mem): print "=== plugin: '%s'" % mem.__name__ if "__version__" in dir(mem): print " version: %s" % mem.__version__ else: print " plugin has no version." try: if mem.verify_installation(request) == 1: print " PASS" else: print " FAIL!!!" except AssertionError, error_message: print " FAIL!!! ", error_message else: no_verification_support.append(mem.__name__) if len(no_verification_support) > 0: print "" print "The following plugins do not support installation verification:" for mem in no_verification_support: print " %s" % mem
def run(self): """ Main loop for pyblosxom. """ config = self._request.getConfiguration() data = self._request.getData() # import and initialize plugins import plugin_utils plugin_utils.initialize_plugins(config) # inject our own startup into the callback thing plugin_utils.callbacks.setdefault("startup", []).append(self.startup) # get the renderer we want to use r = config.get("renderer", "blosxom") # import the renderer r = tools.importName("Pyblosxom.renderers", r) # get the renderer object r = r.Renderer(self._request, config.get("stdoutput", sys.stdout)) # go through the renderer callback to see if anyone else # wants to render. the default is the renderer object we # figured out from above. this renderer gets stored in # the data dict for downstream processing. data['renderer'] = tools.run_callback('renderer', {'request': self._request}, donefunc = lambda x: x != None, defaultfunc = lambda x: r) # do start callback tools.run_callback("start", {'request': self._request}) # entryparser callback is runned first here to allow other plugins # register what file extensions can be used data['extensions'] = tools.run_callback("entryparser", {'txt': self.defaultEntryParser}, mappingfunc=lambda x,y:y, defaultfunc=lambda x:x) # process the path info to determine what kind of blog entry(ies) # this is tools.run_callback("pathinfo", {"request": self._request}, donefunc=lambda x:x != None, defaultfunc=self.processPathInfo) # call the filelist callback to generate a list of entries data["entry_list"] = tools.run_callback("filelist", {"request": self._request}, donefunc=lambda x:x != None, defaultfunc=self.defaultFileListHandler) # we pass the request with the entry_list through the prepare callback # giving everyone a chance to transform the data. the request is # modified in place. tools.run_callback("prepare", {"request": self._request}) # now we pass the entry_list through the renderer entry_list = data["entry_list"] renderer = data['renderer'] if renderer and not renderer.rendered: if entry_list: renderer.setContent(entry_list) # Log it as success tools.run_callback("logrequest", {'filename':config.get('logfile',''), 'return_code': '200', 'request': self._request}) else: renderer.addHeader('Status', '404 Not Found') renderer.setContent( {'title': 'The page you are looking for is not available', 'body': 'Somehow I cannot find the page you want. ' + 'Go Back to <a href="%s">%s</a>?' % (config["base_url"], config["blog_title"])}) # Log it as failure tools.run_callback("logrequest", {'filename':config.get('logfile',''), 'return_code': '404', 'request': self._request}) renderer.render() # do end callback tools.run_callback("end", {'request':self._request}) elif not renderer: output = config.get('stdoutput', sys.stdout) output.write("Content-Type: text/plain\n\nThere is something wrong with your setup.\n Check your config files and verify that your configuration is correct.\n")