class CacheTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(CacheTest, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        corparch = None

        mocked_json = [{
            'ident': 'wiktionary_for_ic_9_en',
            'heading': {'en_US': 'Wiktionary', 'cs_CZ': 'Wiktionary'},
            'backend': 'plugins.default_token_connect.mock_http_backend.MockHTTPBackend',
            'frontend': 'plugins.default_token_connect.frontends.RawHtmlFrontend',
                    'server': '',
                    'path': '/w/index.php?title={lemma}&action=render',
                    'ssl': True,
                    'port': 443,
                    'posAttrs': ['lemma']

        providers_conf = mocked_json
        self.tok_det = DefaultTokenConnect(dict((b['ident'], init_provider(b, b['ident'])) for b in providers_conf),
        self.cache_path = CACHE_DB_PATH
        cache_rows_limit = 10
        cache_ttl_days = 7
        self.cache_man = CacheMan(self.cache_path, cache_rows_limit, cache_ttl_days)

    def setUp(self):
        create an empty cache db file with properly structured table

    def tearDown(self):

    def raise_exc(self):
        self.tok_det.fetch_data(['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], "corpora",
                                "lang", dict(lemma=u"exception"), 1, 1)

    def test_get_path(self):
        check whether the cache path set above using set_cache_path is returned using get_cache_path
        self.assertEqual(self.cache_man.get_cache_path(), self.cache_path)

    def test_cache_item(self):
        fetch two items from http backend, check whether they get stored in cache by checking number of rows
        mc = MockCorpus({1: u'lemma1', 2: u'lemma2'})
        self.tok_det.fetch_data(['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], mc, ["corpora"], "lang", 1, 1)
        self.tok_det.fetch_data(['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], mc, ["corpora"], "lang", 2, 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.cache_man.get_numrows(), 2)

    def test_retrieve_cached_item(self):
        fetch two items from http backend, they should be cached
        then fetch the same two items again and check whether they are retrieved correctly from cache
        and that the cache contains only two items
        mc = MockCorpus({1: u'lemma1', 2: u'lemma2'})
        orig1 = self.tok_det.fetch_data(['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], mc, ["corpora"], "lang", 1, 1)
        orig2 = self.tok_det.fetch_data(['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], mc, ["corpora"], "lang", 2, 1)

        cached1 = self.tok_det.fetch_data(['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], mc, ["corpora"], "lang", 1, 1)
        cached2 = self.tok_det.fetch_data(['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], mc, ["corpora"], "lang", 2, 1)
        self.assertEqual(self.cache_man.get_numrows(), 2)
        self.assertEqual(orig1, cached1)
        self.assertEqual(orig2, cached2)

    def test_last_access(self):
        fetch two items from http backend to cache them, get their last access value from cache
        then fetch the same two items again after a time interval and check whether the last access values changed
        mc = MockCorpus({1: u'lemma1', 2: u'lemma2'})
        key1 = mk_token_connect_cache_key("wiktionary_for_ic_9_en", [
                                          "corpora"], "lang", dict(lemma=u'lemma1'))
        key2 = mk_token_connect_cache_key("wiktionary_for_ic_9_en", [
                                          "corpora"], "lang", dict(lemma=u'lemma2'))
        self.tok_det.fetch_data(['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], mc, ["corpora"], "lang", 1, 1)
        self.tok_det.fetch_data(['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], mc, ["corpora"], "lang", 2, 1)
        la1bef = self.get_last_access(key1)
        la2bef = self.get_last_access(key2)
        self.tok_det.fetch_data(['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], mc, ["corpora"], "lang", 1, 1)
        self.tok_det.fetch_data(['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], mc, ["corpora"], "lang", 2, 1)
        la1aft = self.get_last_access(key1)
        la2aft = self.get_last_access(key2)
        self.assertNotEqual(la1bef, la1aft)
        self.assertNotEqual(la2bef, la2aft)

    def test_clear_cache(self):
        fill the cache db with excessive number of rows, run cache maintenance, check whether size was decreased
        to the limit
        limit = self.cache_man.get_rows_limit()
        self.fill_cache(limit + 10)
        self.assertEqual(self.cache_man.get_numrows(), limit)

    def test_unicode(self):
        cache a unicode encoded string, check whether it gets returned correctly
        the unicode-encoded result is returned from the mocked backend when searching for lemma "unicode"
        mc = MockCorpus({1: u'unicode'})
        orig1 = self.tok_det.fetch_data(['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], mc, ["corpora"], "lang", 1, 1)

        cached1 = self.tok_det.fetch_data(['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], mc, ["corpora"], "lang", 1, 1)
        self.assertEqual(orig1, cached1)

    def test_status_true_false(self):
        cache a "found" and a "not-found" result returned by the mocked backend, check whether
        the "found" / "not-found" information gets cached and retrieved correctly
        mc = MockCorpus()
        _, orig1 = self.tok_det.fetch_data(
            ['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], mc, ["corpora"], "lang", 1, 1)
        _, cached1 = self.tok_det.fetch_data(
            ['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], mc, ["corpora"], "lang", 1, 1)
        _, orig2 = self.tok_det.fetch_data(
            ['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], mc, ["corpora"], "lang", 2, 1)
        _, cached2 = self.tok_det.fetch_data(
            ['wiktionary_for_ic_9_en'], mc, ["corpora"], "lang", 2, 1)
                         cached1[0].get('contents')[0][1][1], False)
                         cached2[0].get('contents')[0][1][1], True)

    def test_backend_exception(self):
        self.assertRaises(Exception, self.raise_exc)

    # -----------
    # aux methods
    # -----------
    def list_cached(self):
        print "--- cache contents: ---"
        conn = self.cache_man.conn
        c = conn.cursor()
        for row in c.execute("SELECT * FROM cache"):
            print row
        print "------"

    def fill_cache(self, numrows=10):
        conn = self.cache_man.conn
        c = conn.cursor()
        for i in range(0, numrows):
            c.execute("INSERT INTO cache VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", (i, 'some-provider', i, True, i))

    def get_specific_row(self, key):
        conn = self.cache_man.conn
        c = conn.cursor()
        res = c.execute("SELECT data FROM cache WHERE key = ?", (key,)).fetchone()
        return res

    def get_last_access(self, key):
        conn = self.cache_man.conn
        c = conn.cursor()
        last_access = c.execute("SELECT last_access FROM cache WHERE key = ?", (key,)).fetchone()
        if last_access:
            return last_access[0]
            return 0
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

import os
import sys

import settings
from plugins.default_token_connect.cache_man import CacheMan

conf_path = os.path.realpath(
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../../../../conf/config.xml'))

conf = settings.get('plugins', 'token_connect')
cache_path = conf.get('default:cache_db_path')
if cache_path:
    cache_rows_limit = conf.get('default:cache_rows_limit')
    cache_ttl_days = conf.get('default:cache_ttl_days')
    cacheMan = CacheMan(cache_path, cache_rows_limit, cache_ttl_days)