def on_pubmsg(self, connection, event): """Respond to command requests in public channels""" channel = nick = event.source.nick message = event.arguments[0] url_regex = re.compile( r'(?i)\b((?:https?://|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)' r'(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))' r'+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|' r'''[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))''', re.IGNORECASE) if message_list = [ element for element in message.split(' ') if url_regex.match(element) ] for element in message_list: title = url_announce.parse_url(element) if title is not None: self.say(channel, title) command_regex = re.compile( r'^(' + re.escape(self.nick) + '( |[:,] ?)' r'|' + re.escape(self.prefix) + ')' r'([^ ]*)( (.*))?$', re.IGNORECASE) if command_regex.match(message): command = command_regex.match(message).group(3) arguments = command_regex.match(message).group(5) self.do_command(event, self.channels[channel].is_oper(nick), channel, command, arguments)
def on_pubmsg(self, connection, event): """Respond to command requests in public channels""" channel = nick = event.source.nick message = event.arguments[0] url_regex = re.compile( r'(?i)\b((?:https?://|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)' r'(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))' r'+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|' r'''[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))''', re.IGNORECASE) if message_list = [element for element in message.split(' ') if url_regex.match(element)] for element in message_list: title = url_announce.parse_url(element) if title is not None: self.say(channel, title) command_regex = re.compile( r'^(' + re.escape(self.nick) + '( |[:,] ?)' r'|' + re.escape(self.prefix) + ')' r'([^ ]*)( (.*))?$', re.IGNORECASE) if command_regex.match(message): command = command_regex.match(message).group(3) arguments = command_regex.match(message).group(5) self.do_command(event, self.channels[channel].is_oper(nick), channel, command, arguments)
def do_command(self, event, isOper, source, command, arguments): """Commands the bot will respond to""" user = event.source.nick factoid = FactInfo.FactInfo().fcget(command, user) if factoid: self.say(source, factoid.format(user)) elif command == "devour": if arguments is None or arguments.isspace():, "noms {0}".format(user)) else: source, "takes a large bite out of {0}".format(arguments.strip())) elif command == "dice": if arguments is None or arguments.isspace(): self.say( source, "Please tell me how many sides the die " "should have. dice <num>") else: roll = dice.rollDie(arguments) self.say(source, roll) elif command == "slap": if arguments is None or arguments.isspace(): source, "slaps {0} around a bit with a large trout".format(user)) else: source, "slaps {0} around a bit with a large trout.".format( arguments.strip())) elif command == "rot13": if arguments is None: self.say( source, "I'm sorry, I need a message to cipher," " try \"!rot13 message\"") else: self.say(source, codecs.encode(arguments, 'rot13')) elif command == "bloat": if arguments is None: self.say(source, "{0} is bloat.".format(user)) else: self.say(source, "{0} is bloat".format(arguments.strip())) elif command == "ddg": query = search.ddg(arguments) self.say(source, query) title = url_announce.parse_url(query) if title is not None: self.say(source, title) elif command == "w": query = self.say(source, query) elif command == "alw": query = search.alwiki(arguments) self.say(source, query) elif command == "gh": query = search.github(arguments) self.say(source, query) elif command == "help": self.say( source, "Available commands: ![devour, dice <num>, " "bloat <message>, slap, rot13 <message>, " "ddg <search>, w <search>, alw <search>, gh <search>, " "disconnect, die, help]") elif command == "disconnect": if isOper: self.disconnect(msg="I'll be back!") else: self.say(source, "You don't have permission to do that") elif command == "die": if isOper: #new_thread.join() self.die(msg="Bye, cruel world!") else: self.say(source, "You don't have permission to do that") else: self.connection.notice( user, "I'm sorry, {0}. I'm afraid I can't do that.".format(user))
def do_command(self, event, isOper, source, command, arguments): """Commands the bot will respond to""" user = event.source.nick factoid = FactInfo.FactInfo().fcget(command,user) if factoid: self.say(source,factoid.format(user)) elif command == "devour": if arguments is None or arguments.isspace():, "noms {0}".format(user)) else:, "takes a large bite out of {0}" .format(arguments.strip())) elif command == "dice": if arguments is None or arguments.isspace(): self.say(source, "Please tell me how many sides the die " "should have. dice <num>") else: roll = dice.rollDie(arguments) self.say(source, roll) elif command == "slap": if arguments is None or arguments.isspace():, "slaps {0} around a bit with a large trout" .format(user)) else:, "slaps {0} around a bit with a large trout." .format(arguments.strip())) elif command == "rot13": if arguments is None: self.say(source, "I'm sorry, I need a message to cipher," " try \"!rot13 message\"") else: self.say(source, codecs.encode(arguments, 'rot13')) elif command == "bloat": if arguments is None: self.say(source, "{0} is bloat.".format(user)) else: self.say(source, "{0} is bloat".format(arguments.strip())) elif command == "ddg": query = search.ddg(arguments) self.say(source, query) title = url_announce.parse_url(query) if title is not None: self.say(source, title) elif command == "w": query = self.say(source, query) elif command == "alw": query = search.alwiki(arguments) self.say(source, query) elif command == "gh": query = search.github(arguments) self.say(source, query) elif command == "help": self.say(source, "Available commands: ![devour, dice <num>, " "bloat <message>, slap, rot13 <message>, " "ddg <search>, w <search>, alw <search>, gh <search>, " "disconnect, die, help]") elif command == "disconnect": if isOper: self.disconnect(msg="I'll be back!") else: self.say(source, "You don't have permission to do that") elif command == "die": if isOper: #new_thread.join() self.die(msg="Bye, cruel world!") else: self.say(source, "You don't have permission to do that") else: self.connection.notice(user, "I'm sorry, {0}. I'm afraid I can't do that." .format(user))