def hq(option): option = option if option == '1': ip = input('\u001b[38;5;88mIP$ \u001b[0m') censys(ip) if option == '2': inp = input('\u001b[38;5;88mDomain/IP$ \u001b[0m') dnsLookup(inp) if option == '3': inp = input('\u001b[38;5;88mDomain/IP$ \u001b[0m') nmap(inp) if option == '4': domain = input('\u001b[38;5;88mDomain$ \u001b[0m') detectCMS(domain) if option == '5': inp = input('\u001b[38;5;88mDomain/IP$ \u001b[0m') whois(inp) if option == '6': inp = input('\u001b[38;5;88mDomain/IP$ \u001b[0m') honeypot(inp) if option == '7': domain = input('\u001b[38;5;88mDomain$ \u001b[0m') subdomains(domain) if option == '8': inp = input('\u001b[38;5;88mDomain/IP$ \u001b[0m') reverseLookup(inp) if option == '9': url = input('\u001b[38;5;88mURL$ \u001b[0m') detectTech(url) if option == '10': inp = input('\u001b[38;5;88mDomain/IP$ \u001b[0m') geoip(inp) if option == '11': inp = input('\u001b[38;5;88mDomain/IP$ \u001b[0m') nping(inp) if option == '12': domain = input('\u001b[38;5;88mDomain$ \u001b[0m') headers(domain) if option == '13': url = input('\u001b[38;5;88mURL$ \u001b[0m') extractLinks(url) if option == '14': inp = input('\u001b[38;5;88mDomain/IP$ \u001b[0m') subnetcalc(inp) if option == '15': iap = input('\u001b[38;5;88mIP/ASN$ \u001b[0m') aslookup(iap) if option == '16': domup = input('\u001b[38;5;88mDomain/UA/pub$ \u001b[0m') analytics(domup) if option == '17': inp = input('\u001b[38;5;88mDomain/IP$ \u001b[0m') traceroute(inp) if option == '18': os.system('python3 plugins/') if option == '19': os.system('python3 plugins/') if option == '20': os.system('python3 plugins/') if option == '21': os.system('python3 plugins/') if option == '22': os.system('python3 plugins/') if option == '23': os.system('python3 plugins/') if option == '24': os.system('python3 plugins/') if option == '25': os.system('python3 plugins/')
def repl(): # Read\xe2\x80\x93eval\xe2\x80\x93print loop while True: print(menu()) choice = None while True: try: user_input = input(f"{COLORS.GNSL} └──> Выберите опцию : {COLORS.ENDL}") print() except KeyboardInterrupt: return if len(user_input) == 0: break try: choice = int(user_input) except ValueError: print(f"{COLORS.REDL}Неверный ввод!{COLORS.ENDL}") else: break if choice is None: continue if choice == 1: from plugins.shodan_io import shodan_host, check_shodan_api from plugins.censys import censys_ip if not check_shodan_api(): show_banner(clear=True) print(f"{COLORS.REDL}API ключ Shodan'а невалиден! ({COLORS.REDL}") else: print() ip = input(" └──> Введите IP адрес : ") show_banner(clear=True) shodan_host(ip) censys_ip(ip) elif choice == 2: from plugins.domain import domain host = input(" └──> Введите доменное имя : ") port = "" while True: try: print() port = input(" └──> Нажмите enter, или напишите свой варианта порта : ") port = int(port) except ValueError: if port == "": port = 80 else: continue if port not in [80, 443]: print(" Неверный порт ") continue else: break try: domain(host, port) finally: show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 3: from plugins.Phonenumber import phone_number, check_phone_api_token if not check_phone_api_token(): show_banner(clear=True) print(f"{COLORS.REDL}phone api невалиден! ({COLORS.REDL}") else: ph = input(" └──> Введи мобильный номер телефона с +7... : ") show_banner(clear=True) phone_number(ph) elif choice == 4: from plugins.dnsdump import dnsmap print("\n Работает только с (.com .ru)\n") dnsmap_inp = input(" └──> Введите url : ") show_banner(clear=True) dnsmap(dnsmap_inp) elif choice == 5: from plugins.metadata import gps_analyzer print("\n Пример пути: /home/bafomet/Desktop/deanon.png\n") img_path = input(" └──> Укажите путь до фотографии :") show_banner(clear=True) gps_analyzer(img_path) elif choice == 6: from plugins.reverseimagesearch import reverseimagesearch print("\n Пример пути: /home/bafomet/Desktop/deanon.png\n") img = input(" └──> Укажите путь до фотографии :") show_banner(clear=True) reverseimagesearch(img) elif choice == 7: from plugins.shodan_io import check_shodan_api from plugins.honeypot import honeypot if not check_shodan_api(): show_banner(clear=True) print(f"{COLORS.REDL}`shodan_api` не валиден, поправь в токен!{COLORS.REDL}") else: print() hp_inp = input(" └──> Введите IP адрес : ") show_banner(clear=True) honeypot(hp_inp) elif choice == 8: from plugins.macaddress import MacAddressLookup print() mac = input(" └──> Ожидаю ввод MAC адреса :") show_banner(clear=True) MacAddressLookup(mac) elif choice == 9: from module.gui import run_gui run_gui() show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 10: from plugins.torrent import torrent ip_ = input(" └──> Введите IP адрес :") show_banner(clear=True) torrent(ip_) elif choice == 11: from module.instagram_search import search_through_instagram search_through_instagram() show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 12: from module.subzone import subzone subzone() show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 13: while 1: print("") print(" Пример") print("") web = prompt(" └──> Введи домен организации :") show_banner(clear=True) break maildb(web) continue elif choice == 14: from module import startadb startadb.main() show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 15: while 1: os.system("cd plugins/Brother;sudo python3 -t manual -k start") show_banner(clear=True) break continue elif choice == 16:"cd module;python3", shell=True) show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 17:"sudo etherape", shell=True) show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 18: print() print(" Проверка всех модулей") t.sleep(6) os.system("cd core;mpg123 01.mp3") show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 19: os.system("cd plugins/Brother;sudo python3 -t manual -k start") show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 20: urls = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ] for url in urls: show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 21: from module.Information_services import information_menu information_menu() show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 22:"") show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 23: urls = [ "", "", ] for url in urls: show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 24: from module.password_menu import password_menu password_menu() show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 25: os.system("cd plugins/xss;python2") elif choice == 26: from module.bx54 import bx_menu bx_menu() show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 27: os.system("git clone") show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 28:"sudo maltego", shell=True) show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 29: while 1: os.system("cd module;python3") show_banner(clear=True) break continue elif choice == 30: from module.deanon_main import deanon_menu deanon_menu() show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 31:"") show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 32: pass elif choice == 33: from module.whoyous import whois_menu whois_menu() show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 34: pass elif choice == 35: pass elif choice == 36: pass elif choice == 37: pass elif choice == 38: pass elif choice == 39: pass elif choice == 40: pass elif choice == 41: pass elif choice == 42: pass elif choice == 43: pass elif choice == 65:"") show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 45: pass elif choice == 75: show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 99: os.system("python3") return elif choice == 88: from core.repl_huepl import main main() show_banner(clear=True) elif choice == 00: return else: os.system("clear") print(f"{COLORS.REDL} Опции такой нет, дурак!{COLORS.ENDL}")
def repl(): # Read–eval–print loop while 1: print(menu()) user_input = prompt("\nReconspider >> ") if len(user_input) == 0: print("\n") continue try: choice = int(user_input) except ValueError: print("\n") continue if choice == 1: while 1: ip = prompt("IP >> ") break shodan_host(ip) censys_ip(ip) continue elif choice == 2: while 1: host = input("HOST (URL / IP) >> ") port = input("PORT >> ") try: if port == "": port = 80 elif int(port) not in [80, 443]: print("Invalid port - Available(80,443)") continue except ValueError: port = 80 break domain(host, int(port)) continue elif choice == 3: while 1: ph = prompt("PHONE NUMBER (with CountryCode example) >> ") break Phonenumber(ph) continue elif choice == 4: while 1: dnsmap_inp = prompt("DNS MAP (URL) >> ") break dnsmap(dnsmap_inp) continue elif choice == 5: while 1: img_path = prompt("Metadata (PATH) >> ") break gps_analyzer(img_path) continue elif choice == 6: while 1: img = prompt("REVERSE IMAGE SEARCH (PATH) >> ") break reverseimagesearch(img) continue elif choice == 7: while 1: hp_inp = prompt("HONEYPOT (IP) >> ") break honeypot(hp_inp) continue elif choice == 8: while 1: mac = prompt("MAC ADDRESS LOOKUP (Eg:08:00:69:02:01:FC) >> ") break MacAddressLookup(mac) continue elif choice == 9: while 1: IPHeatmap() break continue elif choice == 10: while 1: IP = prompt("IPADDRESS (Eg: >> ") break torrent(IP) continue elif choice == 11: while 1: print("\n1.Facebook \n2.Twitter \n3.Instagram\n") username = input("Username >> ") choice = input("choice >> ") break user(choice, username) continue elif choice == 12: while 1: IP = prompt("IPADDRESS (Eg: >> ") break ip2Proxy(IP) continue elif choice == 13: while 1: web = prompt("DOMAIN ( >> ") break maildb(web) continue elif choice == 99: while 1: break update() continue elif choice == 0: exit('\nBye, See ya again..') else: pass
def repl(): # Read–eval–print loop while 1: user_input = prompt("\nReconspider >> ") if len(user_input) != 1: print("ENTER 1 - 7 TO SELECT OPTIONS") continue try: choice = int(user_input) except ValueError: print("ENTER 1 - 7 TO SELECT OPTIONS") continue if choice == 1: while 1: ip = prompt("IP >> ") break shodan_host(ip) censys_ip(ip) continue elif choice == 2: while 1: url_inp = prompt("URL >> ") break url = socket.gethostbyname(url_inp) # URL to IP address conversion shodan_ip(url) continue elif choice == 3: while 1: whois_inp = prompt("WHOIS (URL) >> ") break whois(whois_inp) continue elif choice == 4: while 1: dnsmap_inp = prompt("DNS MAP (URL) >> ") break dnsmap(dnsmap_inp) continue elif choice == 5: while 1: port_inp = prompt("PORT SCAN (URL / IP) >> ") break portscan(port_inp) continue elif choice == 6: while 1: ns_inp = prompt("NS LOOKUP (URL) >> ") break nslookup(ns_inp) continue elif choice == 7: while 1: hp_inp = prompt("HONEYPOT (IP) >> ") break honeypot(hp_inp) continue elif choice == 0: exit('\nBye, See ya again..')