Example #1
File: job.py Project: DC23/plumbing
class JobSLURM(object):
    """Makes launching SLURM jobs easy to write and easy to use. Here are some
    examples on how to use this class:

        for command in ['print "hi"', 'print "hello"']:
            job = JobSLURM(command, time='00:01:00', qos='short')

        for path in ['~/data/scafolds1.txt', '~/data/scafolds2.txt', '~/data/scafolds3.txt']:
            command =  ['import sh\n']
            command += ['script = sh.Command("analyze.py")\n']
            command += ['script(%s)' % path]
            job = JobSLURM(command, time='00:01:00', qos='short', job_name=path[-25:])
            print "Job %i is running !" % job.id

    Then you can easily check the status of your job and the standard out that is associated:

        print job.status
        print job.log_tail
        print job.info['time_left']


    extensions = {'bash': "sh", 'python': "py"}

    shebang_headers = {
        'bash': ["#!/bin/bash -le"],  # As a login shell and stop on error
        'python': ["#!/usr/bin/env python"]

    slurm_headers = OrderedDict((
        ('job_name', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH -J %s',
            'needed': True
        ('change_dir', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH -D %s',
            'needed': True,
            'default': os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
        ('out_file', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH -o %s',
            'needed': True,
            'default': '/dev/null'
        ('project', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH -A %s',
            'needed': False,
            'default': 'b2011035'
        ('time', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH -t %s',
            'needed': True,
            'default': '7-00:00:00'
        ('machines', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH -N %s',
            'needed': True,
            'default': '1'
        ('cores', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH -n %s',
            'needed': True,
            'default': num_processors
        ('partition', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH -p %s',
            'needed': True,
            'default': 'node'
        ('email', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH --mail-user %s',
            'needed': False,
            'default': os.environ.get('EMAIL')
        ('email-when', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH --mail-type=%s',
            'needed': True,
            'default': 'END'
        ('qos', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH --qos=%s',
            'needed': False,
            'default': 'short'
        ('dependency', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH -d %s',
            'needed': False,
            'default': 'afterok:1'
        ('constraint', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH -C %s',
            'needed': False,
            'default': 'fat'
        ('cluster', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH -M %s',
            'needed': False,
            'default': 'milou'
        ('alloc', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH --reservation=%s',
            'needed': False,
            'default': 'workstation'
        ('jobid', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH --jobid=%i',
            'needed': False,
            'default': 2173455
        ('memory', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH --mem=%i',
            'needed': False,
            'default': 120000
        ('mem_per_cpu', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=%i',
            'needed': False,
            'default': 512
        ('threads', {
            'tag': '#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=%i',
            'needed': False,
            'default': num_processors

    script_headers = {
        'bash': ['echo "SLURM: start at $(date) on $(hostname)"'],
        'python': [
            'import dateutil.tz, datetime, platform',
            'now = datetime.datetime.now(dateutil.tz.tzlocal())',
            r'now = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %Hh%Mm%Ss %Z%z")',
            'node = platform.node()',
            'print "SLURM: start at {0} on {1}".format(now, node)'

    script_footers = {
        'bash': ['echo "SLURM: end at $(date)"'],
        'python': [
            'now = datetime.datetime.now(dateutil.tz.tzlocal())',
            r'now = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %Hh%Mm%Ss %Z%z")',
            'print "SLURM: end at {0}".format(now)'

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s object "%s">' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)

    def name(self):
        return self.kwargs['job_name']

    def __init__(self,
                 command=["print 'Hello world'"],
        # Required attributes #
        self.command = command
        self.language = language
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        # Set the file paths #
        self.set_paths(base_dir, script_path)
        # Check command type #
        if not isinstance(self.command, list): self.command = [self.command]
        # Get the name #
        if 'job_name' not in self.kwargs:
            hashed = hashlib.md5(''.join(self.command)).digest()
            encoded = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashed)
            self.kwargs['job_name'] = encoded
        # Check we have a project otherwise choose the one with less hours #
        if hostname.startswith('milou'):
            if 'project' not in self.kwargs and 'SBATCH_ACCOUNT' not in os.environ:
                if projects: self.kwargs['project'] = projects[0]['name']

    def set_paths(self, base_dir, script_path):
        """Set the directory, the script path and the outfile path"""
        # Make absolute paths #
        if 'change_dir' in self.kwargs:
            self.kwargs['change_dir'] = DirectoryPath(
        if 'out_file' in self.kwargs:
            self.kwargs['out_file'] = FilePath(
        # In case there is a base directory #
        if base_dir is not None:
            self.base_dir = DirectoryPath(os.path.abspath(base_dir))
            self.script_path = FilePath(base_dir + "run." +
            self.kwargs['change_dir'] = base_dir
            self.kwargs['out_file'] = FilePath(base_dir + "run.out")
        # Other cases #
        if base_dir is None and script_path is None:
            self.script_path = FilePath(new_temp_path())
        if script_path is not None:
            self.script_path = FilePath(os.path.abspath(script_path))

    def slurm_params(self):
        """The list of parameters to give to the `sbatch` command."""
        # Main loop #
        result = OrderedDict()
        for param, info in self.slurm_headers.items():
            if not info['needed'] and not param in self.kwargs: continue
            if param in self.kwargs: result[param] = self.kwargs.get(param)
            else: result[param] = info['default']
        # Special cases #
        if result.get('cluster') == 'halvan': result['partition'] = 'halvan'
        # Return #
        return result

    def script(self):
        """The script to be submitted to the SLURM queue."""
        self.shebang_header = self.shebang_headers[self.language]
        self.slurm_header = [
            self.slurm_headers[k]['tag'] % v
            for k, v in self.slurm_params.items()
        self.script_header = self.script_headers[self.language]
        self.script_footer = self.script_footers[self.language]
        return '\n'.join(
                self.shebang_header, self.slurm_header, self.script_header,
                self.command, self.script_footer

    def make_script(self):
        """Make the script and return a FilePath object pointing to the script above."""
        return self.script_path

    def log(self):
        """The log as a FilePath object"""
        return self.slurm_params['out_file']

    def log_tail(self):
        """If we have a log file, what is its tail"""
        if not self.kwargs['out_file'].exists: return False
        else: return tail(self.slurm_params['out_file'])

    def status(self):
        """What is the status of the job ?"""
        # If there is no script it is either ready or a lost duplicate #
        if not self.script_path.exists:
            if self.name in jobs.names: return "DUPLICATE"
            if self.name not in jobs.names: return "READY"
        # It is submitted already #
        if self.name in jobs.names:
            if jobs[self.name]['type'] == 'queued': return "QUEUED"
            if jobs[self.name]['type'] == 'running': return "RUNNING"
        # So the script exists for sure but it is not in the queue #
        if not self.kwargs['out_file'].exists: return "ABORTED"
        # Let's look in log file #
        if 'CANCELED' in self.log_tail: return "CANCELLED"
        if 'slurmstepd: error' in self.log_tail: return "CANCELLED"
        # It all looks good #
        if 'SLURM: end at' in self.log_tail: return "FINISHED"
        # At this point we have no idea #
        return "INTERUPTED"

    def info(self):
        """Get the existing job information dictionary"""
        if self.name not in jobs: return {'status': self.status}
        else: return jobs[self.name]

    def run(self):
        """Will call self.launch() after performing some checks"""
        # Check already exists #
        if self.status == "READY": return self.launch()
        # Check name conflict #
        if self.status == "DUPLICATE":
            message = "Job with same name '%s' already in queue, but we lost the script."
        if self.status == "QUEUED": message = "Job '%s' already in queue."
        if self.status == "RUNNING": message = "Job '%s' already running."
        if self.status == "FINISHED":
            message = "Job '%s' already ended successfully."
        if self.status == "ABORTED":
            message = "Job '%s' was killed without any output file (?)."
        if self.status == "CANCELED":
            message = "Job '%s' was canceled or killed while running."
        if self.status == "INTERUPTED":
            message = "Job '%s' is not running. We don't know why. Look at the log file."
        print Color.i_red + message % (self.name, ) + Color.end
        print "Job might have run already (?). Not starting."

    def launch(self):
        """Make the script file and return the newly created job id"""
        # Make script file #
        # Do it #
        sbatch_out = sh.sbatch(self.script_path)
        # Message #
        print Color.i_blu + "SLURM:" + Color.end + " " + str(sbatch_out),
        # Return id #
        self.id = int(
            re.findall("Submitted batch job ([0-9]+)", str(sbatch_out))[0])
        return self.id

    def cancel(self):
        if self.status != "QUEUED" and self.status != "RUNNING":
            raise Exception("Can't cancel job '%s'" % self.name)

    def wait(self):
        """Wait until the job is finished"""

    def run_locally(self):
        """A convenience method to run the same result as a SLURM job
        but locally in a non-blocking way. Useful for testing."""
        self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.execute_locally)
        self.thread.daemon = True  # So that they die when we die

    def execute_locally(self):
        """Runs the equivalent command locally in a blocking way."""
        # Make script file #
        # Do it #
        with open(self.kwargs['out_file'], 'w') as handle:
            sh.python(self.script_path, _out=handle, _err=handle)

    def wait_locally(self):
        """If you have run the query in a non-blocking way, call this method to pause
        until the query is finished."""
                sys.maxint)  # maxint timeout so that we can Ctrl-C them
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print "Stopped waiting on job '%s'" % self.kwargs['job_name']
Example #2
class JobSLURM(object):
    """Makes launching SLURM jobs easy to write and easy to use. Here are some
    examples on how to use this class:

        for command in ['print "hi"', 'print "hello"']:
            job = JobSLURM(command, time='00:01:00', qos='short')

        for path in ['~/data/scafolds1.txt', '~/data/scafolds2.txt', '~/data/scafolds3.txt']:
            command =  ['import sh\n']
            command += ['script = sh.Command("analyze.py")\n']
            command += ['script(%s)' % path]
            job = JobSLURM(command, time='00:01:00', qos='short', job_name=path[-25:])
            print "Job %i is running !" % job.id

    Then you can easily check the status of your job and the standard out that is associated:

        print job.status
        print job.log_tail
        print job.info['time_left']


    extensions = {
        'bash':   "sh",
        'python': "py"

    shebang_headers = {
        'bash':   ["#!/bin/bash -le"],      # As a login shell and stop on error
        'python': ["#!/usr/bin/env python"]

    slurm_headers = OrderedDict((
        ('job_name'   , {'tag': '#SBATCH -J %s',              'needed': True}),
        ('change_dir' , {'tag': '#SBATCH -D %s',              'needed': True,  'default': os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())}),
        ('out_file'   , {'tag': '#SBATCH -o %s',              'needed': True,  'default': '/dev/null'}),
        ('project'    , {'tag': '#SBATCH -A %s',              'needed': False, 'default': 'b2011035'}),
        ('time'       , {'tag': '#SBATCH -t %s',              'needed': True,  'default': '7-00:00:00'}),
        ('machines'   , {'tag': '#SBATCH -N %s',              'needed': True,  'default': '1'}),
        ('cores'      , {'tag': '#SBATCH -n %s',              'needed': True,  'default': num_processors}),
        ('partition'  , {'tag': '#SBATCH -p %s',              'needed': True,  'default': 'node'}),
        ('email'      , {'tag': '#SBATCH --mail-user %s',     'needed': False, 'default': os.environ.get('EMAIL')}),
        ('email-when' , {'tag': '#SBATCH --mail-type=%s',     'needed': True,  'default': 'END'}),
        ('qos'        , {'tag': '#SBATCH --qos=%s',           'needed': False, 'default': 'short'}),
        ('dependency' , {'tag': '#SBATCH -d %s',              'needed': False, 'default': 'afterok:1'}),
        ('constraint' , {'tag': '#SBATCH -C %s',              'needed': False, 'default': 'fat'}),
        ('cluster'    , {'tag': '#SBATCH -M %s',              'needed': False, 'default': 'milou'}),
        ('alloc'      , {'tag': '#SBATCH --reservation=%s',   'needed': False, 'default': 'workstation'}),
        ('jobid'      , {'tag': '#SBATCH --jobid=%i',         'needed': False, 'default': 2173455}),
        ('memory'     , {'tag': '#SBATCH --mem=%i',           'needed': False, 'default': 120000}),
        ('mem_per_cpu', {'tag': '#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=%i',   'needed': False, 'default': 512}),
        ('threads'    , {'tag': '#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=%i', 'needed': False, 'default': num_processors}),

    script_headers = {
        'bash':   ['echo "SLURM: start at $(date) on $(hostname)"'],
        'python': ['import dateutil.tz, datetime, platform',
                   'now = datetime.datetime.now(dateutil.tz.tzlocal())',
                  r'now = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %Hh%Mm%Ss %Z%z")',
                   'node = platform.node()',
                   'print "SLURM: start at {0} on {1}".format(now, node)']}

    script_footers = {
        'bash':   ['echo "SLURM: end at $(date)"'],
        'python': ['now = datetime.datetime.now(dateutil.tz.tzlocal())',
                  r'now = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %Hh%Mm%Ss %Z%z")',
                   'print "SLURM: end at {0}".format(now)']}

    def __repr__(self): return '<%s object "%s">' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)

    def name(self): return self.kwargs['job_name']

    def __init__(self,
                 command     = ["print 'Hello world'"],
                 language    = 'python',
                 base_dir    = None,
                 script_path = None,
        # Required attributes #
        self.command  = command
        self.language = language
        self.kwargs   = kwargs
        # Set the file paths #
        self.set_paths(base_dir, script_path)
        # Check command type #
        if not isinstance(self.command, list): self.command = [self.command]
        # Get the name #
        if 'job_name' not in self.kwargs:
            hashed  = hashlib.md5(''.join(self.command)).digest()
            encoded = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashed)
            self.kwargs['job_name'] = encoded
        # Check we have a project otherwise choose the one with less hours #
        if hostname.startswith('milou'):
            if 'project' not in self.kwargs and 'SBATCH_ACCOUNT' not in os.environ:
                if projects: self.kwargs['project'] = projects[0]['name']

    def set_paths(self, base_dir, script_path):
        """Set the directory, the script path and the outfile path"""
        # Make absolute paths #
        if 'change_dir' in self.kwargs:
            self.kwargs['change_dir'] = DirectoryPath(os.path.abspath(self.kwargs['change_dir']))
        if 'out_file' in self.kwargs:
            self.kwargs['out_file']   = FilePath(os.path.abspath(self.kwargs['out_file']))
        # In case there is a base directory #
        if base_dir is not None:
            self.base_dir             = DirectoryPath(os.path.abspath(base_dir))
            self.script_path          = FilePath(base_dir + "run." + self.extensions[self.language])
            self.kwargs['change_dir'] = base_dir
            self.kwargs['out_file']   = FilePath(base_dir + "run.out")
        # Other cases #
        if base_dir is None and script_path is None: self.script_path = FilePath(new_temp_path())
        if script_path is not None: self.script_path = FilePath(os.path.abspath(script_path))

    def slurm_params(self):
        """The list of parameters to give to the `sbatch` command."""
        # Main loop #
        result = OrderedDict()
        for param, info in self.slurm_headers.items():
            if not info['needed'] and not param in self.kwargs: continue
            if param in self.kwargs: result[param] = self.kwargs.get(param)
            else:                    result[param] = info['default']
        # Special cases #
        if result.get('cluster') == 'halvan': result['partition'] = 'halvan'
        # Return #
        return result

    def script(self):
        """The script to be submitted to the SLURM queue."""
        self.shebang_header = self.shebang_headers[self.language]
        self.slurm_header   = [self.slurm_headers[k]['tag'] % v for k,v in self.slurm_params.items()]
        self.script_header  = self.script_headers[self.language]
        self.script_footer  = self.script_footers[self.language]
        return '\n'.join(flatter([self.shebang_header,

    def make_script(self):
        """Make the script and return a FilePath object pointing to the script above."""
        return self.script_path

    def log(self):
        """The log as a FilePath object"""
        return self.slurm_params['out_file']

    def log_tail(self):
        """If we have a log file, what is its tail"""
        if not self.kwargs['out_file'].exists: return False
        else: return tail(self.slurm_params['out_file'])

    def status(self):
        """What is the status of the job ?"""
        # If there is no script it is either ready or a lost duplicate #
        if not self.script_path.exists:
            if self.name in     jobs.names: return "DUPLICATE"
            if self.name not in jobs.names: return "READY"
        # It is submitted already #
        if self.name in jobs.names:
            if jobs[self.name]['type'] == 'queued':  return "QUEUED"
            if jobs[self.name]['type'] == 'running': return "RUNNING"
        # So the script exists for sure but it is not in the queue #
        if not self.kwargs['out_file'].exists: return "ABORTED"
        # Let's look in log file #
        if 'CANCELED'          in self.log_tail: return "CANCELLED"
        if 'slurmstepd: error' in self.log_tail: return "CANCELLED"
        # It all looks good #
        if 'SLURM: end at'     in self.log_tail: return "FINISHED"
        # At this point we have no idea #
        return "INTERUPTED"

    def info(self):
        """Get the existing job information dictionary"""
        if self.name not in jobs: return {'status': self.status}
        else:                     return jobs[self.name]

    def run(self):
        """Will call self.launch() after performing some checks"""
        # Check already exists #
        if self.status == "READY": return self.launch()
        # Check name conflict #
        if self.status == "DUPLICATE":  message = "Job with same name '%s' already in queue, but we lost the script."
        if self.status == "QUEUED":     message = "Job '%s' already in queue."
        if self.status == "RUNNING":    message = "Job '%s' already running."
        if self.status == "FINISHED":   message = "Job '%s' already ended successfully."
        if self.status == "ABORTED":    message = "Job '%s' was killed without any output file (?)."
        if self.status == "CANCELED":   message = "Job '%s' was canceled or killed while running."
        if self.status == "INTERUPTED": message = "Job '%s' is not running. We don't know why. Look at the log file."
        print Color.i_red + message % (self.name,) + Color.end
        print "Job might have run already (?). Not starting."

    def launch(self):
        """Make the script file and return the newly created job id"""
        # Make script file #
        # Do it #
        sbatch_out = sh.sbatch(self.script_path)
        # Message #
        print Color.i_blu + "SLURM:" + Color.end + " " + str(sbatch_out),
        # Return id #
        self.id = int(re.findall("Submitted batch job ([0-9]+)", str(sbatch_out))[0])
        return self.id

    def cancel(self):
        if self.status != "QUEUED" and self.status != "RUNNING":
            raise Exception("Can't cancel job '%s'" % self.name)

    def wait(self):
        """Wait until the job is finished"""

    def run_locally(self):
        """A convenience method to run the same result as a SLURM job
        but locally in a non-blocking way. Useful for testing."""
        self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.execute_locally)
        self.thread.daemon = True # So that they die when we die

    def execute_locally(self):
        """Runs the equivalent command locally in a blocking way."""
        # Make script file #
        # Do it #
        with open(self.kwargs['out_file'], 'w') as handle:
            sh.python(self.script_path, _out=handle, _err=handle)

    def wait_locally(self):
        """If you have run the query in a non-blocking way, call this method to pause
        until the query is finished."""
        try: self.thread.join(sys.maxint) # maxint timeout so that we can Ctrl-C them
        except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Stopped waiting on job '%s'" % self.kwargs['job_name']