Example #1
def loop_requirement(t1, t2):
    if t1 == t2:
        return False
    for p in pn_util.pre_set(t2):
        if len(pn_util.pre_set(p)) != 1:  # check that the preset of the t2 preset has one entry
            return False
        if t1 not in pn_util.pre_set(p):  # check that t1 is the unique way to mark the preset of t2
            return False
    for p in pn_util.post_set(t2):
        if len(pn_util.post_set(p)) != 1:
            return False
        if t1 not in pn_util.post_set(p):
            return False
    for p in pn_util.pre_set(t1):
        if len(pn_util.post_set(p)) != 1:
            return False
        if t1 not in pn_util.post_set(p):
            return False
        if t2 not in pn_util.pre_set(p):  # t2 has to enable t1!
            return False
    for p in pn_util.post_set(t1):
        if len(pn_util.pre_set(p)) != 1:  # check that the preset of the t2 preset has one entry
            return False
        if t1 not in pn_util.pre_set(p):  # check that t1 is the unique way to mark the preset of t2
            return False
        if t2 not in pn_util.post_set(p):
            return False
    return True
Example #2
def sequence_requirement(t1, t2):
    if t1 == t2:
        return False
    if len(pn_util.pre_set(t2)) == 0:
        return False
    for p in pn_util.post_set(t1):
        if len(pn_util.pre_set(p)) != 1 or len(pn_util.post_set(p)) != 1:
            return False
        if t1 not in pn_util.pre_set(p):
            return False
        if t2 not in pn_util.post_set(p):
            return False
    for p in pn_util.pre_set(t2):
        if len(pn_util.pre_set(p)) != 1 or len(pn_util.post_set(p)) != 1:
            return False
        if t1 not in pn_util.pre_set(p):
            return False
        if t2 not in pn_util.post_set(p):  # redundant check, just to be sure...
            return False
    return True
Example #3
def binary_sequence_detection(net):
    c1 = None
    c2 = None
    for t1, t2 in itertools.product(net.transitions, net.transitions):
        if sequence_requirement(t1, t2):
            c1 = t1
            c2 = t2
    if c1 is not None and c2 is not None:
        t = generate_new_binary_transition(c1, c2, pt_operator.Operator.SEQUENCE, net)
        for a in c1.in_arcs:
            pn_util.add_arc_from_to(a.source, t, net)
        for a in c2.out_arcs:
            pn_util.add_arc_from_to(t, a.target, net)
        for p in pn_util.post_set(c1):
            pn_util.remove_place(net, p)
        pn_util.remove_transition(net, c1)
        pn_util.remove_transition(net, c2)
        return net
    return None
def _get_sink_transition(sub_net):
    for t in sub_net.transitions:
        if len(pn_util.post_set(t)) == 0:
            return t
    return None
Example #5
def concurrent_requirement(t1, t2):
    if t1 == t2:  # check if transitions different
        return False
    if len(pn_util.pre_set(t1)) == 0 or len(pn_util.post_set(t1)) == 0 or len(pn_util.pre_set(t2)) == 0 or len(
            pn_util.post_set(t2)) == 0:  # not possible in WF-net, just checking...
        return False
    pre_pre = set()
    post_post = set()
    for p in pn_util.pre_set(t1):  # check if t1 is unique post of its preset
        pre_pre = set.union(pre_pre, pn_util.pre_set(p))
        if len(pn_util.post_set(p)) > 1 or t1 not in pn_util.post_set(p):
            return False
    for p in pn_util.post_set(t1):  # check if t1 is unique pre of its postset
        post_post = set.union(post_post, pn_util.post_set(p))
        if len(pn_util.pre_set(p)) > 1 or t1 not in pn_util.pre_set(p):
            return False
    for p in pn_util.pre_set(t2):  # check if t2 is unique post of its preset
        pre_pre = set.union(pre_pre, pn_util.pre_set(p))
        if len(pn_util.post_set(p)) > 1 or t2 not in pn_util.post_set(p):
            return False
    for p in pn_util.post_set(t2):  # check if t2 is unique pre of its postset
        post_post = set.union(post_post, pn_util.post_set(p))
        if len(pn_util.pre_set(p)) > 1 or t2 not in pn_util.pre_set(p):
            return False
    for p in set.union(pn_util.pre_set(t1), pn_util.pre_set(t2)):  # check if presets synchronize
        for t in pre_pre:
            if t not in pn_util.pre_set(p):
                return False
    for p in set.union(pn_util.post_set(t1), pn_util.post_set(t2)):  # check if postsets synchronize
        for t in post_post:
            if t not in pn_util.post_set(p):
                return False
    return True
Example #6
def choice_requirement(t1, t2):
    return t1 != t2 and pn_util.pre_set(t1) == pn_util.pre_set(t2) and pn_util.post_set(t1) == pn_util.post_set(
        t2) and len(pn_util.pre_set(t1)) > 0 and len(
        pn_util.post_set(t1)) > 0