def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION calculates calculates declination from sun compass measurements INPUT FORMAT GMT_offset, lat,long,year,month,day,hours,minutes,shadow_angle where GMT_offset is the hours to subtract from local time for GMT. SYNTAX [-i][-f FILE] [< filename ] OPTIONS -i for interactive data entry -f FILE to set file name on command line otherwise put data in input format in space delimited file OUTPUT: declination """ if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') file=sys.argv[ind+1] f=open(file,'rU') data=f.readlines() # read in data from standard input for line in data: # step through line by line dec=spitout(line) sys.exit() if '-i' in sys.argv: while 1: # repeat this block until program killed sundata={} # dictionary with sundata in it print ("Time difference between Greenwich Mean Time (hrs to SUBTRACT from local time to get GMT): ") try: sundata["delta_u"]=raw_input("<cntl-D> to quit ") except: print "\n Good-bye\n" sys.exit() date="" date=date+raw_input("Year: <cntl-D to quit> ") date=date+":"+raw_input("Month: ") date=date+":"+raw_input("Day: ") date=date+":"+raw_input("hour: ") date=date+":"+raw_input("minute: ") sundata["date"]=date sundata["lat"]=raw_input("Latitude of sampling site (negative in southern hemisphere): ") sundata["lon"]=raw_input("Longitude of sampling site (negative for western hemisphere): ") sundata["shadow_angle"]=raw_input("Shadow angle: ") print '%7.1f'%(pmag.dosundec(sundata)) # call sundec function from pmag module and print else: data=sys.stdin.readlines() # read in data from standard input for line in data: # step through line by line dec=spitout(line)
def spitout(line): rec=line.split() sundata={} sundata["delta_u"]=rec[0] # assign first column to delta_u key in sundec dictionary sundata["lat"]=float(rec[1]) sundata["lon"]=float(rec[2]) year=rec[3] month=rec[4] day=rec[5] hours=rec[6] min=rec[7] sundata["date"]=year+":"+month+":"+day+":"+hours+":"+min # put together the date the way dosundec wants it. sundata["shadow_angle"]=rec[8] dec=pmag.dosundec(sundata) # print out the output from sundec (the magnetic declination) print '%7.1f'%(dec) # print out the output from sundec (the magnetic declination) return dec
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION takes tab delimited field notebook information and converts to MagIC formatted tables SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -f FILE: specify input file, default is: orient.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output file, default is: er_samples.txt -Fsi FILE: specify output site location file, default is: er_sites.txt -app append/update these data in existing er_samples.txt, er_sites.txt files -ocn OCON: specify orientation convention, default is #1 below -dcn DCON [DEC]: specify declination convention, default is #1 below if DCON = 2, you must supply the declination correction -BCN don't correct bedding_dip_dir for magnetic declination -already corrected -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below -a: averages all bedding poles and uses average for all samples: default is NO -gmt HRS: specify hours to subtract from local time to get GMT: default is 0 -mcd: specify sampling method codes as a colon delimited string: [default is: FS-FD:SO-POM] FS-FD field sampling done with a drill FS-H field sampling done with hand samples FS-LOC-GPS field location done with GPS FS-LOC-MAP field location done with map SO-POM a Pomeroy orientation device was used SO-ASC an ASC orientation device was used INPUT FORMAT Input files must be tab delimited and have in the first line: tab location_name Note: The "location_name" will facilitate searching in the MagIC database. Data from different "locations" should be put in separate files. The definition of a "location" is rather loose. Also this is the word 'tab' not a tab, which will be indicated by '\t'. The second line has the names of the columns (tab delimited), e.g.: site_name sample_name mag_azimuth field_dip date lat long sample_lithology sample_type sample_class shadow_angle hhmm stratigraphic_height bedding_dip_direction bedding_dip GPS_baseline image_name image_look image_photographer participants method_codes site_description sample_description GPS_Az, sample_igsn, sample_texture, sample_cooling_rate, cooling_rate_corr, cooling_rate_mcd Notes: 1) column order doesn't matter but the NAMES do. 2) sample_name, sample_lithology, sample_type, sample_class, lat and long are required. all others are optional. 3) If subsequent data are the same (e.g., date, bedding orientation, participants, stratigraphic_height), you can leave the field blank and the program will fill in the last recorded information. BUT if you really want a blank stratigraphic_height, enter a '-1'. These will not be inherited and must be specified for each entry: image_name, look, photographer or method_codes 4) hhmm must be in the format: hh:mm and the hh must be in 24 hour time. date must be mm/dd/yy (years < 50 will be converted to 20yy and >50 will be assumed 19yy) 5) image_name, image_look and image_photographer are colon delimited lists of file name (e.g., IMG_001.jpg) image look direction and the name of the photographer respectively. If all images had same look and photographer, just enter info once. The images will be assigned to the site for which they were taken - not at the sample level. 6) participants: Names of who helped take the samples. These must be a colon delimited list. 7) method_codes: Special method codes on a sample level, e.g., SO-GT5 which means the orientation is has an uncertainty of >5 degrees for example if it broke off before orienting.... 8) GPS_Az is the place to put directly determined GPS Azimuths, using, e.g., points along the drill direction. 9) sample_cooling_rate is the cooling rate in K per Ma 10) int_corr_cooling_rate 11) cooling_rate_mcd: data adjustment method code for cooling rate correction; DA-CR-EG is educated guess; DA-CR-PS is percent estimated from pilot samples; DA-CR-TRM is comparison between 2 TRMs acquired with slow and rapid cooling rates. is the percent cooling rate factor to apply to specimens from this sample, DA-CR-XX is the method code Orientation convention: Samples are oriented in the field with a "field arrow" and measured in the laboratory with a "lab arrow". The lab arrow is the positive X direction of the right handed coordinate system of the specimen measurements. The lab and field arrows may not be the same. In the MagIC database, we require the orientation (azimuth and plunge) of the X direction of the measurements (lab arrow). Here are some popular conventions that convert the field arrow azimuth (mag_azimuth in the orient.txt file) and dip (field_dip in orient.txt) to the azimuth and plunge of the laboratory arrow (sample_azimuth and sample_dip in er_samples.txt). The two angles, mag_azimuth and field_dip are explained below. [1] Standard Pomeroy convention of azimuth and hade (degrees from vertical down) of the drill direction (field arrow). lab arrow azimuth= sample_azimuth = mag_azimuth; lab arrow dip = sample_dip =-field_dip. i.e. the lab arrow dip is minus the hade. [2] Field arrow is the strike of the plane orthogonal to the drill direction, Field dip is the hade of the drill direction. Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth-90 Lab arrow dip = -field_dip [3] Lab arrow is the same as the drill direction; hade was measured in the field. Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip = 90-field_dip [4] lab azimuth and dip are same as mag_azimuth, field_dip : use this for unoriented samples too [5] Same as AZDIP convention explained below - azimuth and inclination of the drill direction are mag_azimuth and field_dip; lab arrow is as in [1] above. lab azimuth is same as mag_azimuth,lab arrow dip=field_dip-90 [6] Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth-90; Lab arrow dip = 90-field_dip [7] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. Magnetic declination convention: [1] Use the IGRF value at the lat/long and date supplied [default] [2] Will supply declination correction [3] mag_az is already corrected in file [4] Correct mag_az but not bedding_dip_dir Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name = sample name [6] site name entered in site_name column in the orient.txt format input file [7-Z] [XXX]YYY: XXX is site designation with Z characters from samples XXXYYY NB: all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. OUTPUT output saved in er_samples.txt and er_sites.txt - will overwrite any existing files """ # # initialize variables # stratpos="" args=sys.argv date,lat,lon="","","" # date of sampling, latitude (pos North), longitude (pos East) bed_dip,bed_dip_dir="","" participantlist="" Lats,Lons=[],[] # list of latitudes and longitudes SampOuts,SiteOuts,ImageOuts=[],[],[] # lists of Sample records and Site records samplelist,sitelist,imagelist=[],[],[] samp_con,Z,average_bedding,DecCorr="1",1,"0",0. newbaseline,newbeddir,newbeddip="","","" meths='' delta_u="0" sclass,lithology,type="","","" newclass,newlith,newtype='','','' user="" BPs=[]# bedding pole declinations, bedding pole inclinations # # dir_path,AddTo='.',0 if "-WD" in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] orient_file,samp_file,or_con,corr = dir_path+"/orient.txt",dir_path+"/er_samples.txt","1","1" site_file=dir_path+"/er_sites.txt" image_file=dir_path+"/er_images.txt" SampRecs,SiteRecs,ImageRecs=[],[],[] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") orient_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if "-Fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if "-Fsi" in args: ind=args.index("-Fsi") site_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-app' in args: AddTo=1 try: SampRecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) print 'sample data to be appended to: ', samp_file except: print 'problem with existing file: ',samp_file, ' will create new.' try: SiteRecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(site_file) print 'site data to be appended to: ',site_file except: print 'problem with existing file: ',site_file,' will create new.' try: ImageRecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(image_file) print 'image data to be appended to: ',image_file except: print 'problem with existing file: ',image_file,' will create new.' if "-ocn" in args: ind=args.index("-ocn") or_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-dcn" in args: ind=args.index("-dcn") corr=sys.argv[ind+1] if corr=="2": DecCorr=float(sys.argv[ind+2]) elif corr=="3": DecCorr=0. if '-BCN' in args: BedCorr=0 else: BedCorr=1 if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" if "-gmt" in args: ind=args.index("-gmt") delta_u=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-mcd" in args: ind=args.index("-mcd") meths=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-a" in args: average_bedding="1" # # read in file to convert # OrData,location_name=pmag.magic_read(orient_file) # # step through the data sample by sample # for OrRec in OrData: if 'mag_azimuth' not in OrRec.keys():OrRec['mag_azimuth']="" if 'field_dip' not in OrRec.keys():OrRec['field_dip']="" if OrRec['mag_azimuth']==" ":OrRec["mag_azimuth"]="" if OrRec['field_dip']==" ":OrRec["field_dip"]="" if 'sample_description' in OrRec.keys(): sample_description=OrRec['sample_description'] else: sample_description="" if 'sample_igsn' in OrRec.keys(): sample_igsn=OrRec['sample_igsn'] else: sample_igsn="" if 'sample_texture' in OrRec.keys(): sample_texture=OrRec['sample_texture'] else: sample_texture="" if 'sample_cooling_rate' in OrRec.keys(): sample_cooling_rate=OrRec['sample_cooling_rate'] else: sample_cooling_rate="" if 'cooling_rate_corr' in OrRec.keys(): cooling_rate_corr=OrRec['cooling_rate_corr'] if 'cooling_rate_mcd' in OrRec.keys(): cooling_rate_mcd=OrRec['cooling_rate_mcd'] else: cooling_rate_mcd='DA-CR' else: cooling_rate_corr="" cooling_rate_mcd="" sample_orientation_flag='g' if 'sample_orientation_flag' in OrRec.keys(): if OrRec['sample_orientation_flag']=='b' or OrRec["mag_azimuth"]=="": sample_orientation_flag='b' methcodes=meths # initialize method codes if meths!='': if 'method_codes' in OrRec.keys() and OrRec['method_codes'].strip()!="":methcodes=methcodes+":"+OrRec['method_codes'] # add notes else: if 'method_codes' in OrRec.keys() and OrRec['method_codes'].strip()!="":methcodes=OrRec['method_codes'] # add notes codes=methcodes.replace(" ","").split(":") MagRec={} MagRec["er_location_name"]=location_name MagRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" MagRec['sample_orientation_flag']=sample_orientation_flag MagRec['sample_igsn']=sample_igsn MagRec['sample_texture']=sample_texture MagRec['sample_cooling_rate']=sample_cooling_rate MagRec['cooling_rate_corr']=cooling_rate_corr MagRec['cooling_rate_mcd']=cooling_rate_mcd # # parse information common to all orientation methods # MagRec["er_sample_name"]=OrRec["sample_name"] if "IGSN" in OrRec.keys(): MagRec["sample_igsn"]=OrRec["IGSN"] else: MagRec["sample_igsn"]="" MagRec["sample_height"],MagRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"],MagRec["sample_bed_dip"]="","","" if "er_sample_alternatives" in OrRec.keys():MagRec["er_sample_alternatives"]=OrRec["sample_alternatives"] sample=OrRec["sample_name"] if OrRec['mag_azimuth']=="" and OrRec['field_dip']!="": OrRec['mag_azimuth']='999' if OrRec["mag_azimuth"]!="": labaz,labdip=pmag.orient(float(OrRec["mag_azimuth"]),float(OrRec["field_dip"]),or_con) if labaz<0:labaz+=360. else: labaz,labdip="","" if OrRec['mag_azimuth']=='999':labaz="" if "GPS_baseline" in OrRec.keys() and OrRec['GPS_baseline']!="":newbaseline=OrRec["GPS_baseline"] if newbaseline!="":baseline=float(newbaseline) if 'participants' in OrRec.keys() and OrRec['participants']!="" and OrRec['participants']!=participantlist: participantlist=OrRec['participants'] MagRec['er_scientist_mail_names']=participantlist newlat=OrRec["lat"] if newlat!="":lat=float(newlat) if lat=="": print "No latitude specified for ! ",sample sys.exit() MagRec["sample_lat"]='%11.5f'%(lat) newlon=OrRec["long"] if newlon!="":lon=float(newlon) if lon=="": print "No longitude specified for ! ",sample sys.exit() MagRec["sample_lon"]='%11.5f'%(lon) if 'bedding_dip_direction' in OrRec.keys(): newbeddir=OrRec["bedding_dip_direction"] if newbeddir!="":bed_dip_dir=OrRec['bedding_dip_direction'] if 'bedding_dip' in OrRec.keys(): newbeddip=OrRec["bedding_dip"] if newbeddip!="":bed_dip=OrRec['bedding_dip'] MagRec["sample_bed_dip"]=bed_dip MagRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"]=bed_dip_dir if "sample_class" in OrRec.keys():newclass=OrRec["sample_class"] if newclass!="":sclass=newclass if sclass=="": sclass="Not Specified" MagRec["sample_class"]=sclass if "sample_lithology" in OrRec.keys():newlith=OrRec["sample_lithology"] if newlith!="":lithology=newlith if lithology=="": lithology="Not Specified" MagRec["sample_lithology"]=lithology if "sample_type" in OrRec.keys():newtype=OrRec["sample_type"] if newtype!="":type=newtype if type=="": type="Not Specified" MagRec["sample_type"]=type if labdip!="": MagRec["sample_dip"]='%7.1f'%labdip else: MagRec["sample_dip"]="" if "date" in OrRec.keys(): newdate=OrRec["date"] if newdate!="":date=newdate mmddyy=date.split('/') yy=int(mmddyy[2]) if yy>50: yy=1900+yy else: yy=2000+yy decimal_year=yy+float(mmddyy[0])/12 sample_date='%i:%s:%s'%(yy,mmddyy[0],mmddyy[1]) MagRec["sample_date"]=sample_date if labaz!="": MagRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(labaz) else: MagRec["sample_azimuth"]="" if "stratigraphic_height" in OrRec.keys(): if OrRec["stratigraphic_height"]!="": MagRec["sample_height"]=OrRec["stratigraphic_height"] stratpos=OrRec["stratigraphic_height"] elif OrRec["stratigraphic_height"]=='-1': MagRec["sample_height"]="" # make empty else: MagRec["sample_height"]=stratpos # keep last record if blank # if corr=="1" and MagRec['sample_azimuth']!="": # get magnetic declination (corrected with igrf value) x,y,z,f=pmag.doigrf(lon,lat,0,decimal_year) Dir=pmag.cart2dir( (x,y,z)) DecCorr=Dir[0] if "bedding_dip" in OrRec.keys(): if OrRec["bedding_dip"]!="": MagRec["sample_bed_dip"]=OrRec["bedding_dip"] bed_dip=OrRec["bedding_dip"] else: MagRec["sample_bed_dip"]=bed_dip else: MagRec["sample_bed_dip"]='0' if "bedding_dip_direction" in OrRec.keys(): if OrRec["bedding_dip_direction"]!="" and BedCorr==1: dd=float(OrRec["bedding_dip_direction"])+DecCorr if dd>360.:dd=dd-360. MagRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"]='%7.1f'%(dd) dip_dir=MagRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"] else: MagRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"]=OrRec['bedding_dip_direction'] else: MagRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"]='0' if average_bedding!="0": BPs.append([float(MagRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"]),float(MagRec["sample_bed_dip"])-90.,1.]) if MagRec['sample_azimuth']=="" and MagRec['sample_dip']=="": MagRec["sample_declination_correction"]='' methcodes=methcodes+':SO-NO' MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=methcodes MagRec['sample_description']=sample_description # # work on the site stuff too if 'site_name' in OrRec.keys(): site=OrRec['site_name'] else: site=pmag.parse_site(OrRec["sample_name"],samp_con,Z) # parse out the site name MagRec["er_site_name"]=site site_description="" # overwrite any prior description if 'site_description' in OrRec.keys() and OrRec['site_description']!="": site_description=OrRec['site_description'].replace(",",";") if "image_name" in OrRec.keys(): images=OrRec["image_name"].split(":") if "image_look" in OrRec.keys(): looks=OrRec['image_look'].split(":") else: looks=[] if "image_photographer" in OrRec.keys(): photographers=OrRec['image_photographer'].split(":") else: photographers=[] for image in images: if image !="" and image not in imagelist: imagelist.append(image) ImageRec={} ImageRec['er_image_name']=image ImageRec['image_type']="outcrop" ImageRec['image_date']=sample_date ImageRec['er_citation_names']="This study" ImageRec['er_location_name']=location_name ImageRec['er_site_name']=MagRec['er_site_name'] k=images.index(image) if len(looks)>k: ImageRec['er_image_description']="Look direction: "+looks[k] elif len(looks)>=1: ImageRec['er_image_description']="Look direction: "+looks[-1] else: ImageRec['er_image_description']="Look direction: unknown" if len(photographers)>k: ImageRec['er_photographer_mail_names']=photographers[k] elif len(photographers)>=1: ImageRec['er_photographer_mail_names']=photographers[-1] else: ImageRec['er_photographer_mail_names']="unknown" ImageOuts.append(ImageRec) if site not in sitelist: sitelist.append(site) # collect unique site names SiteRec={} SiteRec["er_site_name"]=site SiteRec["site_definition"]="s" SiteRec["er_location_name"]=location_name SiteRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" SiteRec["site_lat"]=MagRec["sample_lat"] SiteRec["site_lon"]=MagRec["sample_lon"] SiteRec["site_height"]=MagRec["sample_height"] SiteRec["site_class"]=MagRec["sample_class"] SiteRec["site_lithology"]=MagRec["sample_lithology"] SiteRec["site_type"]=MagRec["sample_type"] SiteRec["site_description"]=site_description SiteOuts.append(SiteRec) if sample not in samplelist: samplelist.append(sample) if MagRec['sample_azimuth']!="": # assume magnetic compass only MagRec['magic_method_codes']=MagRec['magic_method_codes']+':SO-MAG' MagRec['magic_method_codes']=MagRec['magic_method_codes'].strip(":") SampOuts.append(MagRec) if MagRec['sample_azimuth']!="" and corr!='3': az=labaz+DecCorr if az>360.:az=az-360. CMDRec={} for key in MagRec.keys(): CMDRec[key]=MagRec[key] # make a copy of MagRec CMDRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(az) CMDRec["magic_method_codes"]=methcodes+':SO-CMD-NORTH' CMDRec["magic_method_codes"]=CMDRec['magic_method_codes'].strip(':') CMDRec["sample_declination_correction"]='%7.1f'%(DecCorr) if corr=='1': CMDRec['sample_description']=sample_description+':Declination correction calculated from IGRF' else: CMDRec['sample_description']=sample_description+':Declination correction supplied by user' CMDRec["sample_description"]=CMDRec['sample_description'].strip(':') SampOuts.append(CMDRec) if "mag_az_bs" in OrRec.keys() and OrRec["mag_az_bs"] !="" and OrRec["mag_az_bs"]!=" ": SRec={} for key in MagRec.keys(): SRec[key]=MagRec[key] # make a copy of MagRec labaz=float(OrRec["mag_az_bs"]) az=labaz+DecCorr if az>360.:az=az-360. SRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(az) SRec["sample_declination_correction"]='%7.1f'%(DecCorr) SRec["magic_method_codes"]=methcodes+':SO-SIGHT-BACK:SO-CMD-NORTH' SampOuts.append(SRec) # # check for suncompass data # if "shadow_angle" in OrRec.keys() and OrRec["shadow_angle"]!="": # there are sun compass data if delta_u=="": delta_u=raw_input("Enter hours to SUBTRACT from time for GMT: [0] ") if delta_u=="":delta_u="0" SunRec,sundata={},{} shad_az=float(OrRec["shadow_angle"]) sundata["date"]='%i:%s:%s:%s'%(yy,mmddyy[0],mmddyy[1],OrRec["hhmm"]) # if eval(delta_u)<0: # MagRec["sample_time_zone"]='GMT'+delta_u+' hours' # else: # MagRec["sample_time_zone"]='GMT+'+delta_u+' hours' sundata["delta_u"]=delta_u sundata["lon"]='%7.1f'%(lon) sundata["lat"]='%7.1f'%(lat) sundata["shadow_angle"]=OrRec["shadow_angle"] sundec=pmag.dosundec(sundata) for key in MagRec.keys(): SunRec[key]=MagRec[key] # make a copy of MagRec SunRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(sundec) SunRec["sample_declination_correction"]='' SunRec["magic_method_codes"]=methcodes+':SO-SUN' SunRec["magic_method_codes"]=SunRec['magic_method_codes'].strip(':') SampOuts.append(SunRec) # # check for differential GPS data # if "prism_angle" in OrRec.keys() and OrRec["prism_angle"]!="": # there are diff GPS data GPSRec={} for key in MagRec.keys(): GPSRec[key]=MagRec[key] # make a copy of MagRec prism_angle=float(OrRec["prism_angle"]) laser_angle=float(OrRec["laser_angle"]) if OrRec["GPS_baseline"]!="": baseline=float(OrRec["GPS_baseline"]) # new baseline gps_dec=baseline+laser_angle+prism_angle-90. while gps_dec>360.: gps_dec=gps_dec-360. while gps_dec<0: gps_dec=gps_dec+360. for key in MagRec.keys(): GPSRec[key]=MagRec[key] # make a copy of MagRec GPSRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(gps_dec) GPSRec["sample_declination_correction"]='' GPSRec["magic_method_codes"]=methcodes+':SO-GPS-DIFF' SampOuts.append(GPSRec) if "GPS_Az" in OrRec.keys() and OrRec["GPS_Az"]!="": # there are differential GPS Azimuth data GPSRec={} for key in MagRec.keys(): GPSRec[key]=MagRec[key] # make a copy of MagRec GPSRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(float(OrRec["GPS_Az"])) GPSRec["sample_declination_correction"]='' GPSRec["magic_method_codes"]=methcodes+':SO-GPS-DIFF' SampOuts.append(GPSRec) if average_bedding!="0": fpars=pmag.fisher_mean(BPs) print 'over-writing all bedding with average ' Samps=[] for rec in SampOuts: if average_bedding!="0": rec['sample_bed_dip_direction']='%7.1f'%(fpars['dec']) rec['sample_bed_dip']='%7.1f'%(fpars['inc']+90.) Samps.append(rec) else: Samps.append(rec) for rec in SampRecs: if rec['er_sample_name'] not in samplelist: # overwrite prior for this sample Samps.append(rec) for rec in SiteRecs: if rec['er_site_name'] not in sitelist: # overwrite prior for this sample SiteOuts.append(rec) for rec in ImageRecs: if rec['er_image_name'] not in imagelist: # overwrite prior for this sample ImageOuts.append(rec) print 'saving data...' SampsOut,keys=pmag.fillkeys(Samps) Sites,keys=pmag.fillkeys(SiteOuts) pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampsOut,"er_samples") pmag.magic_write(site_file,Sites,"er_sites") print "Data saved in ", samp_file,' and ',site_file if len(ImageOuts)>0: Images,keys=pmag.fillkeys(ImageOuts) pmag.magic_write(image_file,Images,"er_images") print "Image info saved in ",image_file