def __init__(self, WD=None, name='Main Frame'): try: version= pmag.get_version() except: version = "" title = "MakeMagIC version: %s"%version wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, wx.ID_ANY, title, name=name) # self.grid_frame = None self.panel = wx.Panel(self, size=wx.GetDisplaySize(), name='main panel') print '-I- Fetching working directory' self.WD = os.path.realpath(WD) or os.getcwd() print '-I- Initializing magic data object' self.data_model = validate_upload.get_data_model() self.er_magic = builder.ErMagicBuilder(self.WD, self.data_model) self.edited = False self.validation_mode = False # initialize magic data object # attempt to read magic_measurements.txt, and all er_* and pmag_* files print '-I- Read in any available data from working directory' self.er_magic.get_all_magic_info() # POSSIBLY RELOCATE THIS EVENTUALLY: print '-I- Initializing headers' self.er_magic.init_default_headers() self.er_magic.init_actual_headers() # print '-I- Initializing interface' self.InitUI()
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION Converts AARM data to best-fit tensor (6 elements plus sigma) Original program ARMcrunch written to accomodate ARM anisotropy data collected from 6 axial directions (+X,+Y,+Z,-X,-Y,-Z) using the off-axis remanence terms to construct the tensor. A better way to do the anisotropy of ARMs is to use 9,12 or 15 measurements in the Hext rotational scheme. SYNTAX [-h][command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify input file, default is aarm_measurements.txt -crd [s,g,t] specify coordinate system, requires er_samples.txt file -fsa FILE: specify er_samples.txt file, default is er_samples.txt -Fa FILE: specify anisotropy output file, default is arm_anisotropy.txt -Fr FILE: specify results output file, default is aarm_results.txt INPUT Input for the present program is a series of baseline, ARM pairs. The baseline should be the AF demagnetized state (3 axis demag is preferable) for the following ARM acquisition. The order of the measurements is: positions 1,2,3, 6,7,8, 11,12,13 (for 9 positions) positions 1,2,3,4, 6,7,8,9, 11,12,13,14 (for 12 positions) positions 1-15 (for 15 positions) """ # initialize some parameters args=sys.argv user="" meas_file="aarm_measurements.txt" samp_file="er_samples.txt" rmag_anis="arm_anisotropy.txt" rmag_res="aarm_results.txt" dir_path='.' # # get name of file from command line # if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index('-WD') dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") meas_file=sys.argv[ind+1] coord='-1' if "-crd" in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-crd") coord=sys.argv[ind+1] if coord=='s':coord='-1' if coord=='g':coord='0' if coord=='t':coord='100' if "-fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-fsa") samp_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-Fa" in args: ind=args.index("-Fa") rmag_anis=args[ind+1] if "-Fr" in args: ind=args.index("-Fr") rmag_res=args[ind+1] meas_file=dir_path+'/'+meas_file samp_file=dir_path+'/'+samp_file rmag_anis=dir_path+'/'+rmag_anis rmag_res=dir_path+'/'+rmag_res # read in data meas_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(meas_file) meas_data=pmag.get_dictitem(meas_data,'magic_method_codes','LP-AN-ARM','has') if file_type != 'magic_measurements': print file_type print file_type,"This is not a valid magic_measurements file " sys.exit() if coord!='-1': # need to read in sample data samp_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if file_type != 'er_samples': print file_type print file_type,"This is not a valid er_samples file " print "Only specimen coordinates will be calculated" coord='-1' # # sort the specimen names # ssort=[] for rec in meas_data: spec=rec["er_specimen_name"] if spec not in ssort: ssort.append(spec) if len(ssort)>1: sids=sorted(ssort) else: sids=ssort # # work on each specimen # specimen=0 RmagSpecRecs,RmagResRecs=[],[] while specimen < len(sids): s=sids[specimen] data=[] RmagSpecRec={} RmagResRec={} method_codes=[] # # find the data from the meas_data file for this sample # data=pmag.get_dictitem(meas_data,'er_specimen_name',s,'T') # # find out the number of measurements (9, 12 or 15) # npos=len(data)/2 if npos==9: # # get dec, inc, int and convert to x,y,z # B,H,tmpH=pmag.designAARM(npos) # B matrix made from design matrix for positions X=[] for rec in data: Dir=[] Dir.append(float(rec["measurement_dec"])) Dir.append(float(rec["measurement_inc"])) Dir.append(float(rec["measurement_magn_moment"])) X.append(pmag.dir2cart(Dir)) # # subtract baseline and put in a work array # work=numpy.zeros((npos,3),'f') for i in range(npos): for j in range(3): work[i][j]=X[2*i+1][j]-X[2*i][j] # # calculate tensor elements # first put ARM components in w vector # w=numpy.zeros((npos*3),'f') index=0 for i in range(npos): for j in range(3): w[index]=work[i][j] index+=1 s=numpy.zeros((6),'f') # initialize the s matrix for i in range(6): for j in range(len(w)): s[i]+=B[i][j]*w[j] trace=s[0]+s[1]+s[2] # normalize by the trace for i in range(6): s[i]=s[i]/trace a=pmag.s2a(s) #------------------------------------------------------------ # Calculating dels is different than in the Kappabridge # routine. Use trace normalized tensor (a) and the applied # unit field directions (tmpH) to generate model X,Y,Z # components. Then compare these with the measured values. #------------------------------------------------------------ S=0. comp=numpy.zeros((npos*3),'f') for i in range(npos): for j in range(3): index=i*3+j compare=a[j][0]*tmpH[i][0]+a[j][1]*tmpH[i][1]+a[j][2]*tmpH[i][2] comp[index]=compare for i in range(npos*3): d=w[i]/trace - comp[i] # del values S+=d*d nf=float(npos*3-6) # number of degrees of freedom if S >0: sigma=numpy.sqrt(S/nf) else: sigma=0 RmagSpecRec["rmag_anisotropy_name"]=data[0]["er_specimen_name"] RmagSpecRec["er_location_name"]=data[0]["er_location_name"] RmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]=data[0]["er_specimen_name"] RmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]=data[0]["er_sample_name"] RmagSpecRec["er_site_name"]=data[0]["er_site_name"] RmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"]=RmagSpecRec["rmag_anisotropy_name"]+":AARM" RmagSpecRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" RmagResRec["rmag_result_name"]=data[0]["er_specimen_name"]+":AARM" RmagResRec["er_location_names"]=data[0]["er_location_name"] RmagResRec["er_specimen_names"]=data[0]["er_specimen_name"] RmagResRec["er_sample_names"]=data[0]["er_sample_name"] RmagResRec["er_site_names"]=data[0]["er_site_name"] RmagResRec["magic_experiment_names"]=RmagSpecRec["rmag_anisotropy_name"]+":AARM" RmagResRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" if "magic_instrument_codes" in data[0].keys(): RmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=data[0]["magic_instrument_codes"] else: RmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]="" RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_type"]="AARM" RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_description"]="Hext statistics adapted to AARM" if coord!='-1': # need to rotate s # set orientation priorities SO_methods=[] for rec in samp_data: if "magic_method_codes" not in rec: rec['magic_method_codes']='SO-NO' if "magic_method_codes" in rec: methlist=rec["magic_method_codes"] for meth in methlist.split(":"): if "SO" in meth and "SO-POM" not in meth.strip(): if meth.strip() not in SO_methods: SO_methods.append(meth.strip()) SO_priorities=pmag.set_priorities(SO_methods,0) # continue here redo,p=1,0 if len(SO_methods)<=1: az_type=SO_methods[0] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(RmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],samp_data,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": method_codes.append(az_type) redo=0 while redo==1: if p>=len(SO_priorities): print "no orientation data for ",s orient["sample_azimuth"]="" orient["sample_dip"]="" method_codes.append("SO-NO") redo=0 else: az_type=SO_methods[SO_methods.index(SO_priorities[p])] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],samp_data,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": method_codes.append(az_type) redo=0 p+=1 az,pl=orient['sample_azimuth'],orient['sample_dip'] s=pmag.dosgeo(s,az,pl) # rotate to geographic coordinates if coord=='100': sampe_bed_dir,sample_bed_dip=orient['sample_bed_dip_direction'],orient['sample_bed_dip'] s=pmag.dostilt(s,bed_dir,bed_dip) # rotate to geographic coordinates hpars=pmag.dohext(nf,sigma,s) # # prepare for output # RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s1"]='%8.6f'%(s[0]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s2"]='%8.6f'%(s[1]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s3"]='%8.6f'%(s[2]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s4"]='%8.6f'%(s[3]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s5"]='%8.6f'%(s[4]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s6"]='%8.6f'%(s[5]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_mean"]='%8.3e'%(trace/3) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_sigma"]='%8.6f'%(sigma) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_unit"]="Am^2" RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_n"]='%i'%(npos) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]=coord RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_F"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["F"]) # used by thellier_gui - must be taken out for uploading RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_F_crit"]=hpars["F_crit"] # used by thellier_gui - must be taken out for uploading RmagResRec["anisotropy_t1"]='%8.6f '%(hpars["t1"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_t2"]='%8.6f '%(hpars["t2"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_t3"]='%8.6f '%(hpars["t3"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v1_dec"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v2_dec"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v3_dec"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v1_inc"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v2_inc"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v3_inc"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_ftest"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["F"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_ftest12"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["F12"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_ftest23"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["F23"]) RmagResRec["result_description"]='Critical F: '+hpars["F_crit"]+';Critical F12/F13: '+hpars["F12_crit"] if hpars["e12"]>hpars["e13"]: RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) else: RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) if hpars["e23"]>hpars['e12']: RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e23']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e23']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) else: RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e23']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e23']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_inc']) RmagResRec["tilt_correction"]='-1' RmagResRec["anisotropy_type"]='AARM' RmagResRec["magic_method_codes"]='LP-AN-ARM:AE-H' RmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]='LP-AN-ARM:AE-H' RmagResRec["magic_software_packages"]=pmag.get_version() RmagSpecRec["magic_software_packages"]=pmag.get_version() specimen+=1 RmagSpecRecs.append(RmagSpecRec) RmagResRecs.append(RmagResRec) else: print 'skipping specimen ',s,' only 9 positions supported','; this has ',npos specimen+=1 if rmag_anis=="":rmag_anis="rmag_anisotropy.txt" pmag.magic_write(rmag_anis,RmagSpecRecs,'rmag_anisotropy') print "specimen tensor elements stored in ",rmag_anis if rmag_res=="":rmag_res="rmag_results.txt" pmag.magic_write(rmag_res,RmagResRecs,'rmag_results') print "specimen statistics and eigenparameters stored in ",rmag_res
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots various measurements versus core_depth or age. plots data flagged as 'FS-SS-C' as discrete samples. SYNTAX [command line optins] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE: specify input magic_measurments format file from magi -fsum FILE: specify input LIMS database (IODP) core summary csv file -fwig FILE: specify input depth,wiggle to plot, in magic format with sample_core_depth key for depth -fsa FILE: specify input er_samples format file from magic for depth -fa FILE: specify input er_ages format file from magic for age NB: must have either -fsa OR -fa (not both) -fsp FILE sym size: specify input zeq_specimen format file from magic, sym and size NB: PCAs will have specified color, while fisher means will be white with specified color as the edgecolor -fres FILE specify input pmag_results file from magic, sym and size -LP [AF,T,ARM,IRM, X] step [in mT,C,mT,mT, mass/vol] to plot -S do not plot blanket treatment data (if this is set, you don't need the -LP) -sym SYM SIZE, symbol, size for continuous points (e.g., ro 5, bs 10, g^ 10 for red dot, blue square, green triangle), default is blue dot at 5 pt -D do not plot declination -M do not plot magnetization -log plot magnetization on a log scale -L do not connect dots with a line -I do not plot inclination -d min max [in m] depth range to plot -n normalize by weight in er_specimen table -Iex: plot the expected inc at lat - only available for results with lat info in file -ts TS amin amax: plot the GPTS for the time interval between amin and amax (numbers in Ma) TS: [ck95, gts04, gts12] -ds [mbsf,mcd] specify depth scale, mbsf default -fmt [svg, eps, pdf, png] specify output format for plot (default: svg) -sav save plot silently DEFAULTS: Measurements file: magic_measurements.txt Samples file: er_samples.txt NRM step Summary file: none """ meas_file='magic_measurements.txt' intlist=['measurement_magnitude','measurement_magn_moment','measurement_magn_volume','measurement_magn_mass'] samp_file='er_samples.txt' depth_scale='sample_core_depth' wt_file='' verbose=pmagplotlib.verbose width=10 sym,size='bo',5 Ssym,Ssize='cs',5 method,fmt="LT-NO",'.svg' step=0 pcol=3 pel=3 pltD,pltI,pltM,pltL,pltS=1,1,1,1,1 logit=0 maxInt=-1000 minInt=1e10 maxSuc=-1000 minSuc=10000 plotexp,pTS=0,0 dir_path="." sum_file="" suc_file="" age_file="" spc_file="" res_file="" ngr_file="" wig_file="" title,location="","" if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] norm=0 if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() if '-L' in sys.argv: pltL=0 if '-S' in sys.argv: pltS=0 # don't plot the bulk measurements at all if '-D' in sys.argv: pltD=0 pcol-=1 pel-=1 width-=2 if '-I' in sys.argv: pltI=0 pcol-=1 pel-=1 width-=2 if '-M' in sys.argv: pltM=0 pcol-=1 pel-=1 width-=2 if '-log' in sys.argv:logit=1 if '-ds' in sys.argv and 'mcd' in sys.argv:depth_scale='sample_composite_depth' if '-sym' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-sym') sym=sys.argv[ind+1] size=float(sys.argv[ind+2]) if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') meas_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fsa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fsa') samp_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fa' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) print('only -fsa OR -fa - not both') sys.exit() elif '-fa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fa') age_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fsp' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fsp') spc_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] spc_sym=sys.argv[ind+2] spc_size=float(sys.argv[ind+3]) if '-fres' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fres') res_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] res_sym=sys.argv[ind+2] res_size=float(sys.argv[ind+3]) if '-fwig' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fwig') wig_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] pcol+=1 width+=2 if '-fsum' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fsum') sum_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fmt') fmt='.'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-sav' in sys.argv: plots=1 verbose=0 if '-LP' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-LP') meth=sys.argv[ind+1] if meth=="AF": step=round(float(sys.argv[ind+2])*1e-3,6) method='LT-AF-Z' elif meth== 'T': step=round(float(sys.argv[ind+2])+273,6) method='LT-T-Z' elif meth== 'ARM': method='LT-AF-I' step=round(float(sys.argv[ind+2])*1e-3,6) elif meth== 'IRM': method='LT-IRM' step=round(float(sys.argv[ind+2])*1e-3,6) elif meth== 'X': method='LP-X' pcol+=1 if sys.argv[ind+2]=='mass': suc_key='measurement_chi_mass' elif sys.argv[ind+2]=='vol': suc_key='measurement_chi_volume' else: print('error in susceptibility units') sys.exit() else: print('method not supported') sys.exit() if '-n' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-n') wt_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] norm=1 dmin,dmax=-1,-1 if '-d' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-d') dmin=float(sys.argv[ind+1]) dmax=float(sys.argv[ind+2]) if '-ts' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-ts') ts=sys.argv[ind+1] amin=float(sys.argv[ind+2]) amax=float(sys.argv[ind+3]) pTS=1 pcol+=1 width+=2 # # # get data read in meas_file=dir_path+'/'+meas_file if age_file=="": samp_file=dir_path+'/'+samp_file Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) else: depth_scale='age' age_file=dir_path+'/'+age_file Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(age_file) age_unit="" if spc_file!="":Specs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(spc_file) if res_file!="":Results,file_type=pmag.magic_read(res_file) if norm==1: ErSpecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(wt_file) print(len(ErSpecs), ' specimens read in from ',wt_file) Cores=[] core_depth_key="Top depth cored CSF (m)" if sum_file!="": input=open(sum_file,'r').readlines() if "Core Summary" in input[0]: headline=1 else: headline=0 keys=input[headline].replace('\n','').split(',') if "Core Top (m)" in keys:core_depth_key="Core Top (m)" if "Core Label" in keys:core_label_key="Core Label" if "Core label" in keys:core_label_key="Core label" for line in input[2:]: if 'TOTALS' not in line: CoreRec={} for k in range(len(keys)):CoreRec[keys[k]]=line.split(',')[k] Cores.append(CoreRec) if len(Cores)==0: print('no Core depth information available: import core summary file') sum_file="" Data=[] if depth_scale=='sample_core_depth': ylab="Depth (mbsf)" elif depth_scale=='age': ylab="Age" else: ylab="Depth (mcd)" # collect the data for plotting declination Depths,Decs,Incs,Ints=[],[],[],[] SDepths,SDecs,SIncs,SInts=[],[],[],[] SSucs=[] samples=[] methods,steps,m2=[],[],[] if pltS: # plot the bulk measurement data Meas,file_type=pmag.magic_read(meas_file) meas_key='measurement_magn_moment' print(len(Meas), ' measurements read in from ',meas_file) for m in intlist: # find the intensity key with data meas_data=pmag.get_dictitem(Meas,m,'','F') # get all non-blank data for this specimen if len(meas_data)>0: meas_key=m break m1=pmag.get_dictitem(Meas,'magic_method_codes',method,'has') # fish out the desired method code if method=='LT-T-Z': m2=pmag.get_dictitem(m1,'treatment_temp',str(step),'eval') # fish out the desired step elif 'LT-AF' in method: m2=pmag.get_dictitem(m1,'treatment_ac_field',str(step),'eval') elif 'LT-IRM' in method: m2=pmag.get_dictitem(m1,'treatment_dc_field',str(step),'eval') elif 'LT-X' in method: m2=pmag.get_dictitem(m1,suc_key,'','F') if len(m2)>0: for rec in m2: # fish out depths and weights D=pmag.get_dictitem(Samps,'er_sample_name',rec['er_sample_name'],'T') if not D: # if using an age_file, you may need to sort by site D=pmag.get_dictitem(Samps,'er_site_name',rec['er_site_name'],'T') depth=pmag.get_dictitem(D,depth_scale,'','F') if len(depth)>0: if ylab=='Age': ylab=ylab+' ('+depth[0]['age_unit']+')' # get units of ages - assume they are all the same! rec['core_depth'] = float(depth[0][depth_scale]) rec['magic_method_codes'] = rec['magic_method_codes']+':'+depth[0]['magic_method_codes'] if norm==1: specrecs=pmag.get_dictitem(ErSpecs,'er_specimen_name',rec['er_specimen_name'],'T') specwts=pmag.get_dictitem(specrecs,'specimen_weight',"",'F') if len(specwts)>0: rec['specimen_weight'] = specwts[0]['specimen_weight'] Data.append(rec) # fish out data with core_depth and (if needed) weights else: Data.append(rec) # fish out data with core_depth and (if needed) weights if title=="": pieces=rec['er_sample_name'].split('-') location=rec['er_location_name'] title=location SData=pmag.sort_diclist(Data,'core_depth') for rec in SData: # fish out bulk measurement data from desired depths if dmax==-1 or float(rec['core_depth'])<dmax and float(rec['core_depth'])>dmin: Depths.append((rec['core_depth'])) if method=="LP-X": SSucs.append(float(rec[suc_key])) else: if pltD==1:Decs.append(float(rec['measurement_dec'])) if pltI==1:Incs.append(float(rec['measurement_inc'])) if norm==0 and pltM==1:Ints.append(float(rec[meas_key])) if norm==1 and pltM==1:Ints.append(old_div(float(rec[meas_key]),float(rec['specimen_weight']))) if len(SSucs)>0: maxSuc=max(SSucs) minSuc=min(SSucs) if len(Ints)>1: maxInt=max(Ints) minInt=min(Ints) if len(Depths)==0: print('no bulk measurement data matched your request') SpecDepths,SpecDecs,SpecIncs=[],[],[] FDepths,FDecs,FIncs=[],[],[] if spc_file!="": # add depths to spec data print('spec file found') BFLs=pmag.get_dictitem(Specs,'magic_method_codes','DE-BFL','has') # get all the discrete data with best fit lines for spec in BFLs: if location=="": location=spec['er_location_name'] samp=pmag.get_dictitem(Samps,'er_sample_name',spec['er_sample_name'],'T') if len(samp)>0 and depth_scale in list(samp[0].keys()) and samp[0][depth_scale]!="": if ylab=='Age': ylab=ylab+' ('+samp[0]['age_unit']+')' # get units of ages - assume they are all the same! if dmax==-1 or float(samp[0][depth_scale])<dmax and float(samp[0][depth_scale])>dmin: # filter for depth SpecDepths.append(float(samp[0][depth_scale])) # fish out data with core_depth SpecDecs.append(float(spec['specimen_dec'])) # fish out data with core_depth SpecIncs.append(float(spec['specimen_inc'])) # fish out data with core_depth else: print('no core_depth found for: ',spec['er_specimen_name']) FMs=pmag.get_dictitem(Specs,'magic_method_codes','DE-FM','has') # get all the discrete data with best fit lines for spec in FMs: if location=="": location=spec['er_location_name'] samp=pmag.get_dictitem(Samps,'er_sample_name',spec['er_sample_name'],'T') if len(samp)>0 and depth_scale in list(samp[0].keys()) and samp[0][depth_scale]!="": if ylab=='Age': ylab=ylab+' ('+samp[0]['age_unit']+')' # get units of ages - assume they are all the same! if dmax==-1 or float(samp[0][depth_scale])<dmax and float(samp[0][depth_scale])>dmin: # filter for depth FDepths.append(float(samp[0][depth_scale]))# fish out data with core_depth FDecs.append(float(spec['specimen_dec'])) # fish out data with core_depth FIncs.append(float(spec['specimen_inc'])) # fish out data with core_depth else: print('no core_depth found for: ',spec['er_specimen_name']) ResDepths,ResDecs,ResIncs=[],[],[] if 'age' in depth_scale: # set y-key res_scale='average_age' else: res_scale='average_height' if res_file!="": #creates lists of Result Data for res in Results: meths=res['magic_method_codes'].split(":") if 'DE-FM' in meths: if dmax==-1 or float(res[res_scale])<dmax and float(res[res_scale])>dmin: # filter for depth ResDepths.append(float(res[res_scale])) # fish out data with core_depth ResDecs.append(float(res['average_dec'])) # fish out data with core_depth ResIncs.append(float(res['average_inc'])) # fish out data with core_depth Susc,Sus_depths=[],[] if dmin==-1: if len(Depths)>0: dmin,dmax=Depths[0],Depths[-1] if len(FDepths)>0: dmin,dmax=Depths[0],Depths[-1] if pltS==1 and len(SDepths)>0: if SDepths[0]<dmin:dmin=SDepths[0] if SDepths[-1]>dmax:dmax=SDepths[-1] if len(SpecDepths)>0: if min(SpecDepths)<dmin:dmin=min(SpecDepths) if max(SpecDepths)>dmax:dmax=max(SpecDepths) if len(ResDepths)>0: if min(ResDepths)<dmin:dmin=min(ResDepths) if max(ResDepths)>dmax:dmax=max(ResDepths) if suc_file!="": sucdat=open(suc_file,'r').readlines() keys=sucdat[0].replace('\n','').split(',') # splits on underscores for line in sucdat[1:]: SucRec={} for k in range(len(keys)):SucRec[keys[k]]=line.split(',')[k] if float(SucRec['Top Depth (m)'])<dmax and float(SucRec['Top Depth (m)'])>dmin and SucRec['Magnetic Susceptibility (80 mm)']!="": Susc.append(float(SucRec['Magnetic Susceptibility (80 mm)'])) if Susc[-1]>maxSuc:maxSuc=Susc[-1] if Susc[-1]<minSuc:minSuc=Susc[-1] Sus_depths.append(float(SucRec['Top Depth (m)'])) WIG,WIG_depths=[],[] if wig_file!="": wigdat,file_type=pmag.magic_read(wig_file) swigdat=pmag.sort_diclist(wigdat,depth_scale) keys=list(wigdat[0].keys()) for key in keys: if key!=depth_scale: plt_key=key break for wig in swigdat: if float(wig[depth_scale])<dmax and float(wig[depth_scale])>dmin: WIG.append(float(wig[plt_key])) WIG_depths.append(float(wig[depth_scale])) tint=4.5 plt=1 if len(Decs)>0 and len(Depths)>0 or (len(SpecDecs)>0 and len(SpecDepths)>0) or (len(ResDecs)>0 and len(ResDepths)>0) or (len(SDecs)>0 and len(SDepths)>0) or (len(SInts)>0 and len(SDepths)>0) or (len(SIncs)>0 and len(SDepths)>0): pylab.figure(1,figsize=(width,8)) version_num=pmag.get_version() pylab.figtext(.02,.01,version_num) if pltD==1: ax=pylab.subplot(1,pcol,plt) if pltL==1: pylab.plot(Decs,Depths,'k') if len(Decs)>0: pylab.plot(Decs,Depths,sym,markersize=size) if len(Decs)==0 and pltL==1 and len(SDecs)>0: pylab.plot(SDecs,SDepths,'k') if len(SDecs)>0: pylab.plot(SDecs,SDepths,Ssym,markersize=Ssize) if spc_file!="": pylab.plot(SpecDecs,SpecDepths,spc_sym,markersize=spc_size) if spc_file!="" and len(FDepths)>0: pylab.scatter(FDecs,FDepths,marker=spc_sym[-1],edgecolor=spc_sym[0],facecolor='white',s=spc_size**2) if res_file!="": pylab.plot(ResDecs,ResDepths,res_sym,markersize=res_size) if sum_file!="": for core in Cores: depth=float(core[core_depth_key]) if depth>dmin and depth<dmax: pylab.plot([0,360.],[depth,depth],'b--') if pel==plt:pylab.text(360,depth+tint,core[core_label_key]) if pel==plt: pylab.axis([0,400,dmax,dmin]) else: pylab.axis([0,360.,dmax,dmin]) pylab.xlabel('Declination') pylab.ylabel(ylab) plt+=1 pmagplotlib.delticks(ax) # dec xticks are too crowded otherwise if pltI==1: pylab.subplot(1,pcol,plt) if pltL==1:pylab.plot(Incs,Depths,'k') if len(Incs)>0:pylab.plot(Incs,Depths,sym,markersize=size) if len(Incs)==0 and pltL==1 and len(SIncs)>0:pylab.plot(SIncs,SDepths,'k') if len(SIncs)>0:pylab.plot(SIncs,SDepths,Ssym,markersize=Ssize) if spc_file!="" and len(SpecDepths)>0:pylab.plot(SpecIncs,SpecDepths,spc_sym,markersize=spc_size) if spc_file!="" and len(FDepths)>0: pylab.scatter(FIncs,FDepths,marker=spc_sym[-1],edgecolor=spc_sym[0],facecolor='white',s=spc_size**2) if res_file!="":pylab.plot(ResIncs,ResDepths,res_sym,markersize=res_size) if sum_file!="": for core in Cores: depth=float(core[core_depth_key]) if depth>dmin and depth<dmax: if pel==plt:pylab.text(90,depth+tint,core[core_label_key]) pylab.plot([-90,90],[depth,depth],'b--') pylab.plot([0,0],[dmax,dmin],'k-') if pel==plt: pylab.axis([-90,110,dmax,dmin]) else: pylab.axis([-90,90,dmax,dmin]) pylab.xlabel('Inclination') pylab.ylabel('') plt+=1 if pltM==1 and len(Ints)>0 or len(SInts)>0: pylab.subplot(1,pcol,plt) for pow in range(-10,10): if maxInt*10**pow>1:break if logit==0: for k in range(len(Ints)): Ints[k]=Ints[k]*10**pow for k in range(len(SInts)): SInts[k]=SInts[k]*10**pow if pltL==1 and len(Ints)>0: pylab.plot(Ints,Depths,'k') if len(Ints)>0:pylab.plot(Ints,Depths,sym,markersize=size) if len(Ints)==0 and pltL==1 and len(SInts)>0:pylab.plot(SInts,SDepths,'k-') if len(SInts)>0:pylab.plot(SInts,SDepths,Ssym,markersize=Ssize) if sum_file!="": for core in Cores: depth=float(core[core_depth_key]) pylab.plot([0,maxInt*10**pow+.1],[depth,depth],'b--') if depth>dmin and depth<dmax:pylab.text(maxInt*10**pow-.2*maxInt*10**pow,depth+tint,core[core_label_key]) pylab.axis([0,maxInt*10**pow+.1,dmax,dmin]) if norm==0: pylab.xlabel('%s %i %s'%('Intensity (10^-',pow,' Am^2)')) else: pylab.xlabel('%s %i %s'%('Intensity (10^-',pow,' Am^2/kg)')) else: if pltL==1: pylab.semilogx(Ints,Depths,'k') if len(Ints)>0:pylab.semilogx(Ints,Depths,sym,markersize=size) if len(Ints)==0 and pltL==1 and len(SInts)>0:pylab.semilogx(SInts,SDepths,'k') if len(Ints)==0 and pltL==1 and len(SInts)>0:pylab.semilogx(SInts,SDepths,'k') if len(SInts)>0:pylab.semilogx(SInts,SDepths,Ssym,markersize=Ssize) if sum_file!="": for core in Cores: depth=float(core[core_depth_key]) pylab.semilogx([minInt,maxInt],[depth,depth],'b--') if depth>dmin and depth<dmax:pylab.text(maxInt-.2*maxInt,depth+tint,core[core_label_key]) pylab.axis([0,maxInt,dmax,dmin]) if norm==0: pylab.xlabel('Intensity (Am^2)') else: pylab.xlabel('Intensity (Am^2/kg)') plt+=1 if suc_file!="" or len(SSucs)>0: pylab.subplot(1,pcol,plt) if len(Susc)>0: if pltL==1:pylab.plot(Susc,Sus_depths,'k') if logit==0:pylab.plot(Susc,Sus_depths,sym,markersize=size) if logit==1:pylab.semilogx(Susc,Sus_depths,sym,markersize=size) if len(SSucs)>0: if logit==0:pylab.plot(SSucs,SDepths,sym,markersize=size) if logit==1:pylab.semilogx(SSucs,SDepths,sym,markersize=size) if sum_file!="": for core in Cores: depth=float(core[core_depth_key]) if logit==0:pylab.plot([minSuc,maxSuc],[depth,depth],'b--') if logit==1:pylab.semilogx([minSuc,maxSuc],[depth,depth],'b--') pylab.axis([minSuc,maxSuc,dmax,dmin]) pylab.xlabel('Susceptibility') plt+=1 if wig_file!="": pylab.subplot(1,pcol,plt) pylab.plot(WIG,WIG_depths,'k') if sum_file!="": for core in Cores: depth=float(core[core_depth_key]) pylab.plot([WIG[0],WIG[-1]],[depth,depth],'b--') pylab.axis([min(WIG),max(WIG),dmax,dmin]) pylab.xlabel(plt_key) plt+=1 if pTS==1: ax1=pylab.subplot(1,pcol,plt) ax1.axis([-.25,1.5,amax,amin]) plt+=1 TS,Chrons=pmag.get_ts(ts) X,Y,Y2=[0,1],[],[] cnt=0 if amin<TS[1]: # in the Brunhes Y=[amin,amin] # minimum age Y1=[TS[1],TS[1]] # age of the B/M boundary ax1.fill_between(X,Y,Y1,facecolor='black') # color in Brunhes, black for d in TS[1:]: pol=cnt%2 cnt+=1 if d<=amax and d>=amin: ind=TS.index(d) Y=[TS[ind],TS[ind]] Y1=[TS[ind+1],TS[ind+1]] if pol: ax1.fill_between(X,Y,Y1,facecolor='black') # fill in every other time ax1.plot([0,1,1,0,0],[amin,amin,amax,amax,amin],'k-') ax2=ax1.twinx() pylab.ylabel("Age (Ma): "+ts) for k in range(len(Chrons)-1): c=Chrons[k] cnext=Chrons[k+1] d=cnext[1]-old_div((cnext[1]-c[1]),3.) if d>=amin and d<amax: ax2.plot([1,1.5],[c[1],c[1]],'k-') # make the Chron boundary tick ax2.text(1.05,d,c[0]) # ax2.axis([-.25,1.5,amax,amin]) figname=location+'_m:_'+method+'_core-depthplot'+fmt pylab.title(location) if verbose: pylab.draw() ans=input("S[a]ve plot? ") if ans=='a': pylab.savefig(figname) print('Plot saved as ',figname) elif plots: pylab.savefig(figname) print('Plot saved as ',figname) sys.exit()
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION Calculates paleointensity parameters for thellier-thellier type data using bounds stored in the "redo" file SYNTAX thellier_magic_redo [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -fcr CRIT, set criteria for grading -f IN: specify input file, default is magic_measurements.txt -fre REDO: specify redo file, default is "thellier_redo" -F OUT: specify output file, default is thellier_specimens.txt -leg: attaches "Recalculated from original measurements; supercedes published results. " to comment field -CR PERC TYPE: apply a cooling rate correction. PERC should be a percentage of original (say reduce to 90%) TYPE should be one of the following: EG (for educated guess); PS (based on pilots); TRM (based on comparison of two TRMs) -Fcr CRout: specify pmag_specimen format file for cooling rate corrected data -ANI: there are anisotropy data to correct thellier results -fan ANIFILE: specify rmag_anisotropy format file, default is rmag_anisotropy.txt -Fac ACout: specify pmag_specimen format file for anisotropy corrected data default is AC_specimens.txt -NLT: there are non-linear trm data in the measurements file to correct thellier results -fnl NLTFILE: specify magic_measurments format file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fnl NLTout: specify pmag_specimen format file for non-linear trm corrected data default is NLT_specimens.txt -z use z component differenences for pTRM calculation """ dir_path='.' critout="" version_num=pmag.get_version() field,first_save=-1,1 spec,recnum,start,end=0,0,0,0 frac=0 NltRecs,PmagSpecs,AniSpecRecs,NltSpecRecs,CRSpecs=[],[],[],[],[] meas_file,pmag_file,mk_file="magic_measurements.txt","thellier_specimens.txt","thellier_redo" anis_file="rmag_anisotropy.txt" anisout,nltout="AC_specimens.txt","NLT_specimens.txt" crout="CR_specimens.txt" nlt_file="" comment,user="","unknown" anis,nltrm=0,0 jackknife=0 # maybe in future can do jackknife args=sys.argv Zdiff=0 if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index('-WD') dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-leg" in args: comment="Recalculated from original measurements; supercedes published results. " if "-CR" in args: ind=args.index("-CR") frac=.01*float(sys.argv[ind+1]) crtype=sys.argv[ind+2] if "-Fcr" in args: ind=args.index("-Fcr") crout=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") meas_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-F" in args: ind=args.index("-F") pmag_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-fre" in args: ind=args.index("-fre") mk_file=args[ind+1] # # if "-ANI" in args: anis=1 ind=args.index("-ANI") if "-Fac" in args: ind=args.index("-Fac") anisout=args[ind+1] if "-fan" in args: ind=args.index("-fan") anis_file=args[ind+1] # if "-NLT" in args: nltrm=1 if "-Fnl" in args: ind=args.index("-Fnl") nltout=args[ind+1] if "-fnl" in args: ind=args.index("-fnl") nlt_file=args[ind+1] if "-z" in args: Zdiff=1 if '-fcr' in sys.argv: ind=args.index("-fcr") critout=sys.argv[ind+1] # # start reading in data: # meas_file=dir_path+"/"+meas_file mk_file=dir_path+"/"+mk_file critout=dir_path+"/"+critout try: open(critout,'rU') accept_keys=['specimen_int_ptrm_n','specimen_md','specimen_fvds','specimen_b_beta','specimen_dang','specimen_drats','specimen_Z'] crit_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(critout) print "Acceptance criteria read in from ", critout accept={} accept['specimen_int_ptrm_n']=2.0 for critrec in crit_data: if critrec["pmag_criteria_code"]=="IE-SPEC": for key in accept_keys: if key not in critrec.keys(): accept[key]=-1 else: accept[key]=float(critrec[key]) except: critout="" # no acceptance criteria specified meas_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(meas_file) if file_type != 'magic_measurements': print file_type print file_type,"This is not a valid magic_measurements file " sys.exit() try: mk_f=open(mk_file,'rU') except: print "Bad redo file" sys.exit() mkspec=[] speclist=[] for line in mk_f.readlines(): tmp=line.split() mkspec.append(tmp) speclist.append(tmp[0]) if anis==1: anis_file=dir_path+"/"+anis_file anis_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(anis_file) if file_type != 'rmag_anisotropy': print file_type print file_type,"This is not a valid rmag_anisotropy file " sys.exit() if nlt_file=="": nlt_data=meas_data # look for trm acquisition data in the meas_data file else: nlt_file=dir_path+"/"+nlt_file nlt_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(nlt_file) # # sort the specimen names and step through one by one # sids=pmag.get_specs(meas_data) # print 'Processing ',len(speclist),' specimens - please wait ' while spec < len(speclist): s=speclist[spec] recnum=0 datablock=[] PmagSpecRec={} PmagSpecRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagSpecRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagSpecRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num methcodes,inst_code=[],"" # # find the data from the meas_data file for this specimen # for rec in meas_data: if rec["er_specimen_name"].lower()==s.lower(): if "magic_instrument_codes" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_instrument_codes"]="unknown" meths=rec["magic_method_codes"] for meth in meths:meth.strip() # get rid of annoying spaces in method codes if "LP-PI-TRM" in meths: datablock.append(rec) # # collect info for the PmagSpecRec dictionary # if len(datablock)>0: rec=datablock[0] PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]=s PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]=rec["er_sample_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_site_name"]=rec["er_site_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_location_name"]=rec["er_location_name"] PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"]="K" PmagSpecRec["specimen_correction"]='u' if "magic_instrument_codes" not in rec.keys(): PmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]="unknown" else: PmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=rec["magic_instrument_codes"] if "magic_experiment_name" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_experiment_name"]="" else: PmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"]=rec["magic_experiment_name"] meths=rec["magic_experiment_name"].split(":") for meth in meths: if meth.strip() not in methcodes and "LP-" in meth:methcodes.append(meth.strip()) # # sort out the data into first_Z, first_I, ptrm_check, ptrm_tail # araiblock,field=pmag.sortarai(datablock,s,Zdiff) first_Z=araiblock[0] first_I=araiblock[1] ptrm_check=araiblock[2] ptrm_tail=araiblock[3] if len(first_I)<3 or len(first_Z)<4: spec+=1 print 'skipping specimen ', s else: # # get start, end # for redospec in mkspec: if redospec[0]==s: b,e=float(redospec[1]),float(redospec[2]) break if e > float(first_Z[-1][0]):e=float(first_Z[-1][0]) for recnum in range(len(first_Z)): if first_Z[recnum][0]==b:start=recnum if first_Z[recnum][0]==e:end=recnum nsteps=end-start if nsteps>2: zijdblock,units=pmag.find_dmag_rec(s,meas_data) pars,errcode=pmag.PintPars(araiblock,zijdblock,start,end) pars['measurement_step_unit']=units pars["specimen_lab_field_dc"]=field pars["specimen_int"]=-1*field*pars["specimen_b"] PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"]='%8.3e' % (pars["measurement_step_min"]) PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"]='%8.3e' % (pars["measurement_step_max"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_int_n"]='%i'%(pars["specimen_int_n"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_lab_field_dc"]='%8.3e'%(pars["specimen_lab_field_dc"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_int"]='%9.4e '%(pars["specimen_int"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_b"]='%5.3f '%(pars["specimen_b"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_q"]='%5.1f '%(pars["specimen_q"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_f"]='%5.3f '%(pars["specimen_f"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_fvds"]='%5.3f'%(pars["specimen_fvds"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_b_beta"]='%5.3f'%(pars["specimen_b_beta"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_int_mad"]='%7.1f'%(pars["specimen_int_mad"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_Z"]='%7.1f'%(pars["specimen_Z"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_gamma"]='%7.1f'%(pars["specimen_gamma"]) if pars["method_codes"]!="" and pars["method_codes"] not in methcodes: methcodes.append(pars["method_codes"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f'%(pars["specimen_dec"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f'%(pars["specimen_inc"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='-1' PmagSpecRec["specimen_direction_type"]='l' PmagSpecRec["direction_type"]='l' # this is redudant, but helpful - won't be imported PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"]='%7.1f '%(pars["specimen_dang"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_drats"]='%7.1f '%(pars["specimen_drats"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_int_ptrm_n"]='%i '%(pars["specimen_int_ptrm_n"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_rsc"]='%6.4f '%(pars["specimen_rsc"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_md"]='%i '%(int(pars["specimen_md"])) if PmagSpecRec["specimen_md"]=='-1':PmagSpecRec["specimen_md"]="" PmagSpecRec["specimen_b_sigma"]='%5.3f '%(pars["specimen_b_sigma"]) if "IE-TT" not in methcodes:methcodes.append("IE-TT") methods="" for meth in methcodes: methods=methods+meth+":" PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]=methods[:-1] PmagSpecRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num PmagSpecRec["specimen_description"]=comment if critout!="": score,kill=pmag.grade(PmagSpecRec,accept) Grade="" if score==len(accept.keys()):Grade='A' if score==len(accept.keys())-1:Grade='B' if score==len(accept.keys())-2:Grade='C' if score==len(accept.keys())-3:Grade='D' if score<=len(accept.keys())-4:Grade='F' PmagSpecRec["specimen_grade"]=Grade else: PmagSpecRec["specimen_grade"]="" if nltrm==0 and anis==0 and frac!=0: # apply cooling rate correction CrSpecRec={} for key in PmagSpecRec.keys():CrSpecRec[key]=PmagSpecRec[key] inten=frac*float(CrSpecRec['specimen_int']) CrSpecRec["specimen_int"]='%9.4e '%(inten) # adjust specimen intensity by cooling rate correction CrSpecRec['magic_method_codes'] = CrSpecRec['magic_method_codes']+':DA-CR-'+crtype CrSpecRec["specimen_correction"]='c' CRSpecs.append(CrSpecRec) PmagSpecs.append(PmagSpecRec) NltSpecRec="" # # check on non-linear TRM correction # if nltrm==1: # # find the data from the nlt_data list for this specimen # TRMs,Bs=[],[] NltSpecRec="" NltRecs=[] for NltRec in nlt_data: if NltRec['er_specimen_name']==PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]: meths=NltRec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") for meth in meths:meth.strip() if "LP-TRM" in meths: NltRecs.append(NltRec) if len(NltRecs) > 2: for NltRec in NltRecs: Bs.append(float(NltRec['treatment_dc_field'])) TRMs.append(float(NltRec['measurement_magn_moment'])) NLTpars=nlt.NLtrm(Bs,TRMs,float(PmagSpecRec['specimen_int']),float(PmagSpecRec['specimen_lab_field_dc']),0) if NLTpars['banc']>0: NltSpecRec={} for key in PmagSpecRec.keys(): NltSpecRec[key]=PmagSpecRec[key] NltSpecRec['specimen_int']='%9.4e'%(NLTpars['banc']) NltSpecRec['magic_method_codes']=PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]+":DA-NL" NltSpecRec["specimen_correction"]='c' NltSpecRec['specimen_grade']=PmagSpecRec['specimen_grade'] NltSpecRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num print NltSpecRec['er_specimen_name'], ' Banc= ',float(NLTpars['banc'])*1e6 if anis==0 and frac!=0: CrSpecRec={} for key in NltSpecRec.keys():CrSpecRec[key]=NltSpecRec[key] inten=frac*float(CrSpecRec['specimen_int']) CrSpecRec["specimen_int"]='%9.4e '%(inten) # adjust specimen intensity by cooling rate correction CrSpecRec['magic_method_codes'] = CrSpecRec['magic_method_codes']+':DA-CR-'+crtype CRSpecs.append(CrSpecRec) NltSpecRecs.append(NltSpecRec) # # check on anisotropy correction if anis==1: if NltSpecRec!="": Spc=NltSpecRec else: # find uncorrected data Spc=PmagSpecRec for AniSpec in anis_data: if AniSpec["er_specimen_name"]==PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]: AniSpecRec=pmag.thellier_anis_corr(Spc,AniSpec) AniSpecRec['specimen_grade']=PmagSpecRec['specimen_grade'] inst_codes=Spc["magic_instrument_codes"] if "magic_instrument_codes" in AniSpec.keys(): if inst_codes=="unknown": inst_codes=AniSpec["magic_instrument_codes"] else: inst_codes=inst_codes+":"+AniSpec["magic_instrument_codes"] AniSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=inst_codes AniSpecRec["specimen_correction"]='c' AniSpecRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num if frac!=0: CrSpecRec={} for key in AniSpecRec.keys():CrSpecRec[key]=AniSpecRec[key] inten=frac*float(CrSpecRec['specimen_int']) CrSpecRec["specimen_int"]='%9.4e '%(inten) # adjust specimen intensity by cooling rate correction CrSpecRec['magic_method_codes'] = CrSpecRec['magic_method_codes']+':DA-CR-'+crtype CRSpecs.append(CrSpecRec) AniSpecRecs.append(AniSpecRec) break elif anis==1: for AniSpec in anis_data: if AniSpec["er_specimen_name"]==PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]: AniSpecRec=pmag.thellier_anis_corr(PmagSpecRec,AniSpec) AniSpecRec['specimen_grade']=PmagSpecRec['specimen_grade'] inst_codes=PmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"] if "magic_instrument_codes" in AniSpec.keys(): if inst_codes=="unknown": inst_codes=AniSpec["magic_instrument_codes"] else: inst_codes=inst_codes+":"+AniSpec["magic_instrument_codes"] AniSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=inst_codes AniSpecRec["specimen_correction"]='c' AniSpecRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num if frac!=0: CrSpecRec={} for key in AniSpecRec.keys():CrSpecRec[key]=AniSpecRec[key] inten=frac*float(CrSpecRec['specimen_int']) CrSpecRec["specimen_int"]='%9.4e '%(inten) # adjust specimen intensity by cooling rate correction CrSpecRec['magic_method_codes'] = CrSpecRec['magic_method_codes']+':DA-CR-'+crtype CRSpecs.append(CrSpecRec) AniSpecRecs.append(AniSpecRec) break spec +=1 else: print "skipping ",s spec+=1 pmag_file=dir_path+'/'+pmag_file pmag.magic_write(pmag_file,PmagSpecs,'pmag_specimens') if anis==1: anisout=dir_path+'/'+anisout pmag.magic_write(anisout,AniSpecRecs,'pmag_specimens') if nltrm==1: nltout=dir_path+'/'+nltout pmag.magic_write(nltout,NltSpecRecs,'pmag_specimens') if frac!=0: crout=dir_path+'/'+crout pmag.magic_write(crout,CRSpecs,'pmag_specimens')
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts HUJI format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify input file, required -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -LP [colon delimited list of protocols, include all that apply] AF: af demag T: thermal including thellier but not trm acquisition N: NRM only TRM: trm acquisition ANI: anisotropy experiment CR: cooling rate experiment. The treatment coding of the measurement file should be: XXX.00,XXX.10, XXX.20 ...XX.70 etc. (XXX.00 is optional) where XXX in the temperature and .10,.20... are running numbers of the cooling rates steps. XXX.00 is optional zerofield baseline. XXX.70 is alteration check. syntax in sio_magic is: -LP CR xxx,yyy,zzz,.....xx where xx, yyy, are cooling time in [K/minutes], seperated by comma, ordered at the same order as XXX.10,XXX.20 ...XX.70 if you use a zerofield step then no need to specify the cooling rate for the zerofield -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SAMPFILE or be a synthetic -dc B PHI THETA: dc lab field (in micro tesla) and phi,theta, default is none NB: use PHI, THETA = -1 -1 to signal that it changes, i.e. in anisotropy experiment # to do! -ac B : peak AF field (in mT) for ARM acquisition, default is none -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. [8] synthetic - has no site name [9] ODP naming convention INPUT separate experiments ( AF, thermal, thellier, trm aquisition) should be seperate files (eg. af.txt, thermal.txt, etc.) HUJI masurement file format (space delimited text): Spec lab-running-numbe-code Date Hour Treatment-type(T/N/A) Treatment(XXX.XX) dec(geo) inc(geo) dec(tilt) inc(tilt) --------- conventions: Spec: specimen name Treat: treatment step XXX T in Centigrade XXX AF in mT for special experiments: Thellier: XXX.0 first zero field step XXX.1 first in field step [XXX.0 and XXX.1 can be done in any order] XXX.2 second in-field step at lower temperature (pTRM check) ATRM: X.00 optional baseline X.1 ATRM step (+X) X.2 ATRM step (+Y) X.3 ATRM step (+Z) X.4 ATRM step (-X) X.5 ATRM step (-Y) X.6 ATRM step (-Z) X.7 optional alteration check (+X) TRM: XXX.YYY XXX is temperature step of total TRM YYY is dc field in microtesla Intensity assumed to be total moment in 10^3 Am^2 (emu) Declination: Declination in specimen coordinate system Inclination: Inclination in specimen coordinate system Optional metatdata string: mm/dd/yy;hh:mm;[dC,mT];xx.xx;UNITS;USER;INST;NMEAS hh in 24 hours. dC or mT units of treatment XXX (see Treat above) for thermal or AF respectively DC field UNITS of DC field (microT, mT) INST: instrument code, number of axes, number of positions (e.g., G34 is 2G, three axes, measured in four positions) NMEAS: number of measurements in a single position (1,3,200...) """ args=sys.argv meas_file="magic_measurements.txt" user="" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] else: user="" if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=args[ind+1] if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") magfile=args[ind+1] try: input=open(magfile,'rU') except: print "bad mag file name" sys.exit() else: print "mag_file field is required option" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-dc" in args: ind=args.index("-dc") labfield=float(args[ind+1])*1e-6 phi=float(args[ind+2]) theta=float(args[ind+3]) if "-ac" in args: ind=args.index("-ac") peakfield=float(args[ind+1])*1e-3 if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4-" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=int(samp_con.split("-")[1]) samp_con="4" if "7-" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=int(samp_con.split("-")[1]) samp_con="7" # lab process: if '-LP' in args: ind=args.index("-LP") codelist=args[ind+1] codes=codelist.split(':') if "AF" in codes: demag='AF' LPcode="LP-DIR-AF" if "T" in codes: demag="T" if '-dc' not in args: LPcode="LP-DIR-T" if '-dc' in args: LPcode="LP-PI-TRM" if "ANI" in codes: if '-dc' not in args: print "missing option -dc exiting" exit() LPcode="LP-AN-TRM" if "TRM" in codes: demag="T" LPcode="LP-TRM" #trm=1 if "CR" in codes: demag="T" # dc should be in the code if '-dc' not in args: print "missing option -dc exiting" exit() LPcode="LP-TRM-CR" # TRM in different cooling rates ind=args.index("-LP") CR_cooling_times=args[ind+2].split(",") #print CR_cooling_time ,"CR_cooling_time" version_num=pmag.get_version() MagRecs=[] #-------------------------------------- # Read the file # Assumption: # 1. different lab protocolsa are in different files # 2. measurements are in the correct order #-------------------------------------- Data={} line_no=0 for line in input.readlines(): line_no+=1 this_line_data={} line_no+=1 instcode="" if len(line)<2: continue if line[0]=="#": #HUJI way of marking bad data points continue rec=line.strip('\n').split() specimen=rec[0] date=rec[2].split("/") hour=rec[3].split(":") treatment_type=rec[4] treatment=rec[5].split(".") dec=rec[6] inc=rec[7] dec_tilted=rec[8] inc_tilted=rec[9] moment_emu=float(rec[10]) if specimen not in Data.keys(): Data[specimen]=[] # check duplicate treatments: # if yes, delete the first and use the second if len(Data[specimen])>0: if treatment==Data[specimen][-1]['treatment']: del(Data[specimen][-1]) print "-W- Identical treatimens in file %s magfile line %i: specimen %s, treatment %s deleting the first. " %(magfile, line_no, specimen,".".join(treatment)) this_line_data={} this_line_data['specimen']=specimen this_line_data['date']=date this_line_data['hour']=hour this_line_data['treatment_type']=treatment_type this_line_data['treatment']=treatment this_line_data['dec']=dec this_line_data['inc']=inc this_line_data['dec_tilted']=dec_tilted this_line_data['inc_tilted']=inc_tilted this_line_data['moment_emu']=moment_emu Data[specimen].append(this_line_data) print "-I- done reading file %s"%magfile #-------------------------------------- # Convert to MagIC #-------------------------------------- specimens_list=Data.keys() specimens_list.sort() MagRecs=[] for specimen in specimens_list: for i in range(len(Data[specimen])): #print LPcode this_line_data=Data[specimen][i] methcode="" MagRec={} MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=this_line_data['specimen'] if specnum!=0: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=this_line_data['specimen'][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=this_line_data['specimen'] if samp_con=="1": MagRec["er_site_name"]=MagRec["er_sample_name"][:-1] elif samp_con=="2": parts=MagRec["er_sample_name"].split('-') MagRec["er_site_name"]= parts[0] elif samp_con=="3": parts=MagRec["er_sample_name"].split('.') MagRec["er_site_name"]= parts[0] elif samp_con=='4': MagRec["er_site_name"]=MagRec["er_sample_name"][0:-Z] elif samp_con=='5': MagRec["er_site_name"]=MagRec["er_sample_name"] elif samp_con=='7': MagRec["er_site_name"]=MagRec["er_sample_name"][0:Z] else: MagRec["er_site_name"]=MagRec["er_sample_name"] # site=sample by default if "-loc" in args: MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name else: MagRec['er_location_name']=MagRec["er_site_name"] MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (float(this_line_data['moment_emu'])*1e-3) # moment in Am^2 (from emu) MagRec["measurement_dec"]=this_line_data['dec'] MagRec["measurement_inc"]=this_line_data['inc'] date=this_line_data['date'] hour=this_line_data['hour'] if float(date[2])>80: yyyy="19"+date[2] else: yyyy="20"+date[2] if len (date[0])==1: date[0]="0"+date[0] if len (date[1])==1: date[1]="0"+date[1] MagRec["measurement_date"]=":".join([yyyy,date[0],date[1],hour[0],hour[1],"00.00"]) #print MagRec["measurement_date"]," Ron check please" MagRec["measurement_time_zone"]='JER' MagRec['er_analyst_mail_names'] =user MagRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"]="HUJI-2G" MagRec["measurement_flag"]="g" MagRec["measurement_positions"]="1" MagRec["measurement_positions"]="1" MagRec["measurement_standard"]="u" MagRec["measurement_description"]="" MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treatment[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin #---------------------------------------- # AF demag # do not support AARM yet #---------------------------------------- if demag=="AF": # demag in zero field if LPcode != "LP-AN-ARM": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(float(this_line_data['treatment'][0])*1e-3) # peak field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' if treatment_type=="N": methcode="LP-DIR-AF:LT-NO" elif treatment_type=="A": methcode="LP-DIR-AF:LT-AF-Z" else: print "ERROR in treatment field line %i... exiting until you fix the problem" %line_no exit() # AARM experiment else: print "Dont supprot AARM in HUJI format yet. sorry... do be DONE" MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=methcode MagRec["magic_experiment_name"]=specimen+ ":" + LPcode MagRec["measurement_number"]="%i"%i MagRec["measurement_description"]="" MagRecs.append(MagRec) #continue #---------------------------------------- # Thermal: # Thellier experiment: "IZ", "ZI", "IZZI", pTRM checks # Thermal demag # Thermal cooling rate experiment # Thermal NLT #---------------------------------------- if demag=="T": treatment=this_line_data['treatment'] treatment_type=this_line_data['treatment_type'] #---------------------------------------- # Thellier experimet #---------------------------------------- if LPcode == "LP-PI-TRM" : # Thelllier experiment MagRec["magic_experiment_name"]=specimen+ ":" + LPcode methcode=LPcode if treatment_type=="N" or ( (treatment[1]=='0' or treatment[1]=='00') and float(treatment[0])==0): LT_code="LT-NO" MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_temp"]='273.' elif treatment[1]=='0' or treatment[1]=='00': LT_code="LT-T-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(0) MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treatment[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin # check if this is ZI or IZ: # check if the same temperature already measured: methcode="LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-TRM-ZI" for j in range (0,i): if Data[specimen][j]['treatment'][0] == treatment[0]: if Data[specimen][j]['treatment'][1] == '1' or Data[specimen][j]['treatment'][1] == '10': methcode="LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-TRM-IZ" else: methcode="LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-TRM-ZI" elif treatment[1]=='1' or treatment[1]=='10': LT_code="LT-T-I" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' % (labfield) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' % (phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f' % (theta) # labfield theta MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treatment[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin # check if this is ZI or IZ: # check if the same temperature already measured: methcode="LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-TRM-IZ" for j in range (0,i): if Data[specimen][j]['treatment'][0] == treatment[0]: if Data[specimen][j]['treatment'][1] == '0' or Data[specimen][j]['treatment'][1] == '00': methcode="LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-TRM-ZI" else: methcode="LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-TRM-IZ" elif treatment[1]=='2' or treatment[1]=='20': LT_code="LT-PTRM-I" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' % (labfield) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' % (phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f' % (theta) # labfield theta MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treatment[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin methcode="LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-TRM-IZ" else: print "ERROR in treatment field line %i... exiting until you fix the problem" %line_no exit() MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=LT_code+":"+methcode MagRec["measurement_number"]="%i"%i MagRec["measurement_description"]="" MagRecs.append(MagRec) #continue #---------------------------------------- # demag experimet #---------------------------------------- if LPcode == "LP-DIR-T" : MagRec["magic_experiment_name"]=specimen+ ":" + LPcode methcode=LPcode if treatment_type=="N": LT_code="LT-NO" else: LT_code="LT-T-Z" methcode=LPcode+":"+"LT-T-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(0) MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treatment[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=LT_code+":"+methcode MagRec["measurement_number"]="%i"%i MagRec["measurement_description"]="" MagRecs.append(MagRec) #continue #---------------------------------------- # ATRM measurements # The direction of the magnetization is used to determine the # direction of the lab field. #---------------------------------------- if LPcode =="LP-AN-TRM" : MagRec["magic_experiment_name"]=specimen+ ":" + LPcode methcode=LPcode if float(treatment[1])==0: MagRec["magic_method_codes"]="LP-AN-TRM:LT-T-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treatment[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' else: if float(treatment[1])==7: # alteration check methcode="LP-AN-TRM:LT-PTRM-I" MagRec["measurement_number"]='7'# -z else: MagRec["magic_method_codes"]="LP-AN-TRM:LT-T-I" inc=float(MagRec["measurement_inc"]);dec=float(MagRec["measurement_dec"]) if abs(inc)<45 and (dec<45 or dec>315): # +x tdec,tinc=0,0 MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' if abs(inc)<45 and (dec<135 and dec>45): tdec,tinc=90,0 MagRec["measurement_number"]='2' # +y if inc>45 : tdec,tinc=0,90 MagRec["measurement_number"]='3' # +z if abs(inc)<45 and (dec<225 and dec>135): tdec,tinc=180,0 MagRec["measurement_number"]='4' # -x if abs(inc)<45 and (dec<315 and dec>225): tdec,tinc=270,0 MagRec["measurement_number"]='5'# -y if inc<-45 : tdec,tinc=0,-90 MagRec["measurement_number"]='6'# -z MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' %(tdec) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'% (tinc) MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treatment[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(labfield) MagRec["measurement_description"]="" MagRecs.append(MagRec) #continue #---------------------------------------- # NLT measurements # or TRM acquisistion experiment #---------------------------------------- if LPcode == "LP-TRM" : MagRec["magic_experiment_name"]=specimen+ ":" + LPcode MagRec["magic_method_codes"]="LP-TRM:LT-T-I" if float(treatment[1])==0: labfield=0 else: labfield=float(float(treatment[1]))*1e-6 MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treatment[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' % (labfield) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' % (phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f' % (theta) # labfield theta MagRec["measurement_number"]="%i"%i MagRec["measurement_description"]="" MagRecs.append(MagRec) #continue #---------------------------------------- # Cooling rate experiments #---------------------------------------- if LPcode =="LP-TRM-CR": index=int(treatment[1][0]) #print index,"index" #print CR_cooling_times,"CR_cooling_times" #print CR_cooling_times[index-1] #print CR_cooling_times[0:index-1] CR_cooling_time=CR_cooling_times[index-1] if CR_cooling_time in CR_cooling_times[0:index-1]: MagRec["magic_method_codes"]="LP-TRM-CR"+":" +"LT-PTRM-I" else: MagRec["magic_method_codes"]="LP-TRM-CR" MagRec["magic_experiment_name"]=specimen+ ":" + LPcode MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treatment[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' % (labfield) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' % (phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f' % (theta) # labfield theta MagRec["measurement_number"]="%i"%index MagRec["measurement_description"]="%i minutes cooling time"%int(CR_cooling_time) MagRecs.append(MagRec) #continue pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagRecs,'magic_measurements') print "-I- results put in ",meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots Thellier-Thellier, allowing interactive setting of bounds and customizing of selection criteria. Saves and reads interpretations from a pmag_specimen formatted table, default: thellier_specimens.txt SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f MEAS, set magic_measurements input file -fsp PRIOR, set pmag_specimen prior interpretations file -fan ANIS, set rmag_anisotropy file for doing the anisotropy corrections -fcr CRIT, set criteria file for grading. -fmt [svg,png,jpg], format for images - default is svg -sav, saves plots with out review (default format) -spc SPEC, plots single specimen SPEC, saves plot with specified format with optional -b bounds adn quits -b BEG END: sets bounds for calculation BEG: starting step for slope calculation END: ending step for slope calculation -z use only z component difference for pTRM calculation DEFAULTS MEAS: magic_measurements.txt REDO: thellier_redo CRIT: NONE PRIOR: NONE OUTPUT figures: ALL: numbers refer to temperature steps in command line window 1) Arai plot: closed circles are zero-field first/infield open circles are infield first/zero-field triangles are pTRM checks squares are pTRM tail checks VDS is vector difference sum diamonds are bounds for interpretation 2) Zijderveld plot: closed (open) symbols are X-Y (X-Z) planes X rotated to NRM direction 3) (De/Re)Magnetization diagram: circles are NRM remaining squares are pTRM gained 4) equal area projections: green triangles are pTRM gained direction red (purple) circles are lower(upper) hemisphere of ZI step directions blue (cyan) squares are lower(upper) hemisphere IZ step directions 5) Optional: TRM acquisition 6) Optional: TDS normalization command line window: list is: temperature step numbers, temperatures (C), Dec, Inc, Int (units of magic_measuements) list of possible commands: type letter followed by return to select option saving of plots creates .svg format files with specimen_name, plot type as name """ # # initializations # meas_file,critout,inspec="magic_measurements.txt","","thellier_specimens.txt" first=1 inlt=0 version_num=pmag.get_version() TDinit,Tinit,field,first_save=0,0,-1,1 user,comment,AniSpec,locname="",'',"","" ans,specimen,recnum,start,end=0,0,0,0,0 plots,pmag_out,samp_file,style=0,"","","svg" verbose=pmagplotlib.verbose fmt='.'+style # # default acceptance criteria # accept=pmag.default_criteria(0)[0] # set the default criteria # # parse command line options # Zdiff,anis=0,0 spc,BEG,END="","","" if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') meas_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fsp' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fsp') inspec=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-fan' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fan') anisfile=sys.argv[ind+1] anis=1 anis_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(anisfile) if verbose: print "Anisotropy data read in from ", anisfile if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fmt') fmt='.'+sys.argv[ind+1] if '-sav' in sys.argv: plots=1 verbose=0 if '-z' in sys.argv: Zdiff=1 if '-spc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-spc') spc=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-b' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-b') BEG=int(sys.argv[ind+1]) END=int(sys.argv[ind+2]) if '-fcr' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fcr') critout=sys.argv[ind+1] crit_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(critout) if file_type!='pmag_criteria': if verbose: print 'bad pmag_criteria file, using no acceptance criteria' accept=pmag.default_criteria(1)[0] else: if verbose: print "Acceptance criteria read in from ", critout accept={'pmag_criteria_code':'ACCEPTANCE','er_citation_names':'This study'} for critrec in crit_data: if 'sample_int_sigma_uT' in critrec.keys(): # accommodate Shaar's new criterion critrec['sample_int_sigma']='%10.3e'%(eval(critrec['sample_int_sigma_uT'])*1e-6) for key in critrec.keys(): if key not in accept.keys() and critrec[key]!='': accept[key]=critrec[key] try: open(inspec,'rU') PriorRecs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(inspec) if file_type != 'pmag_specimens': print file_type print file_type,inspec," is not a valid pmag_specimens file " sys.exit() for rec in PriorRecs: if 'magic_software_packages' not in rec.keys():rec['magic_software_packages']="" except IOError: PriorRecs=[] if verbose:print "starting new specimen interpretation file: ",inspec meas_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(meas_file) if file_type != 'magic_measurements': print file_type print file_type,"This is not a valid magic_measurements file " sys.exit() backup=0 # define figure numbers for arai, zijderveld and # de-,re-magization diagrams AZD={} AZD['deremag'], AZD['zijd'],AZD['arai'],AZD['eqarea']=1,2,3,4 pmagplotlib.plot_init(AZD['arai'],5,5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(AZD['zijd'],5,5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(AZD['deremag'],5,5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(AZD['eqarea'],5,5) # # # # get list of unique specimen names # CurrRec=[] sids=pmag.get_specs(meas_data) # get plots for specimen s - default is just to step through arai diagrams # if spc!="": specimen =sids.index(spc) while specimen < len(sids): methcodes=[] if verbose: print sids[specimen],specimen+1, 'of ', len(sids) MeasRecs=[] s=sids[specimen] datablock,trmblock,tdsrecs=[],[],[] PmagSpecRec={} if first==0: for key in keys:PmagSpecRec[key]="" # make sure all new records have same set of keys PmagSpecRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagSpecRec["specimen_correction"]='u' # # find the data from the meas_data file for this specimen # for rec in meas_data: if rec["er_specimen_name"]==s: MeasRecs.append(rec) if "magic_method_codes" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_method_codes"]="" methods=rec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") meths=[] for meth in methods: meths.append(meth.strip()) # take off annoying spaces methods="" for meth in meths: if meth.strip() not in methcodes and "LP-" in meth:methcodes.append(meth.strip()) methods=methods+meth+":" methods=methods[:-1] rec["magic_method_codes"]=methods if "LP-PI-TRM" in meths: datablock.append(rec) if "LP-TRM" in meths: trmblock.append(rec) if "LP-TRM-TD" in meths: tdsrecs.append(rec) if len(trmblock)>2 and inspec!="": if Tinit==0: Tinit=1 AZD['TRM']=5 pmagplotlib.plot_init(AZD['TRM'],5,5) elif Tinit==1: # clear the TRM figure if not needed pmagplotlib.clearFIG(AZD['TRM']) if len(tdsrecs)>2: if TDinit==0: TDinit=1 AZD['TDS']=6 pmagplotlib.plot_init(AZD['TDS'],5,5) elif TDinit==1: # clear the TDS figure if not needed pmagplotlib.clearFIG(AZD['TDS']) if len(datablock) <4: if backup==0: specimen+=1 if verbose: print 'skipping specimen - moving forward ', s else: specimen-=1 if verbose: print 'skipping specimen - moving backward ', s # # collect info for the PmagSpecRec dictionary # else: rec=datablock[0] PmagSpecRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]=s PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]=rec["er_sample_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_site_name"]=rec["er_site_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_location_name"]=rec["er_location_name"] locname=rec['er_location_name'].replace('/','-') if "er_expedition_name" in rec.keys():PmagSpecRec["er_expedition_name"]=rec["er_expedition_name"] if "magic_instrument_codes" not in rec.keys():rec["magic_instrument_codes"]="" PmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=rec["magic_instrument_codes"] PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"]="K" if "magic_experiment_name" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_experiment_name"]="" else: PmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"]=rec["magic_experiment_name"] meths=rec["magic_method_codes"].split() # sort data into types araiblock,field=pmag.sortarai(datablock,s,Zdiff) first_Z=araiblock[0] GammaChecks=araiblock[5] if len(first_Z)<3: if backup==0: specimen+=1 if verbose: print 'skipping specimen - moving forward ', s else: specimen-=1 if verbose: print 'skipping specimen - moving backward ', s else: backup=0 zijdblock,units=pmag.find_dmag_rec(s,meas_data) recnum=0 if verbose: print "index step Dec Inc Int Gamma" for plotrec in zijdblock: if GammaChecks!="": gamma="" for g in GammaChecks: if g[0]==plotrec[0]-273: gamma=g[1] break if gamma!="": print '%i %i %7.1f %7.1f %8.3e %7.1f' % (recnum,plotrec[0]-273,plotrec[1],plotrec[2],plotrec[3],gamma) else: print '%i %i %7.1f %7.1f %8.3e ' % (recnum,plotrec[0]-273,plotrec[1],plotrec[2],plotrec[3]) recnum += 1 pmagplotlib.plotAZ(AZD,araiblock,zijdblock,s,units[0]) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(AZD) if len(tdsrecs)>2: # a TDS experiment tdsblock=[] # make a list for the TDS data Mkeys=['measurement_magnitude','measurement_magn_moment','measurement_magn_volume','measuruement_magn_mass'] mkey,k="",0 while mkey=="" and k<len(Mkeys)-1: # find which type of intensity key= Mkeys[k] if key in tdsrecs[0].keys() and tdsrecs[0][key]!="": mkey=key k+=1 if mkey=="":break # get outta here Tnorm="" for tdrec in tdsrecs: meths=tdrec['magic_method_codes'].split(":") for meth in meths: meth.replace(" ","") # strip off potential nasty spaces if 'LT-T-I' in meths and Tnorm=="": # found first total TRM Tnorm=float(tdrec[mkey]) # normalize by total TRM tdsblock.append([273,zijdblock[0][3]/Tnorm,1.]) # put in the zero step if 'LT-T-Z' in meths and Tnorm!="": # found a LP-TRM-TD demag step, now need complementary LT-T-Z from zijdblock step=float(tdrec['treatment_temp']) Tint="" if mkey!="": Tint=float(tdrec[mkey]) if Tint!="": for zrec in zijdblock: if zrec[0]==step: # found matching tdsblock.append([step,zrec[3]/Tnorm,Tint/Tnorm]) break if len(tdsblock)>2: pmagplotlib.plotTDS(AZD['TDS'],tdsblock,s+':LP-PI-TDS:') if verbose:pmagplotlib(drawFIGS(AZD)) else: print "Something wrong here" if anis==1: # look up anisotropy data for this specimen AniSpec="" for aspec in anis_data: if aspec["er_specimen_name"]==PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]: AniSpec=aspec if verbose: print 'Found anisotropy record...' break if inspec !="": if verbose: print 'Looking up saved interpretation....' found = 0 for k in range(len(PriorRecs)): try: if PriorRecs[k]["er_specimen_name"]==s: found =1 CurrRec.append(PriorRecs[k]) for j in range(len(zijdblock)): if float(zijdblock[j][0])==float(PriorRecs[k]["measurement_step_min"]):start=j if float(zijdblock[j][0])==float(PriorRecs[k]["measurement_step_max"]):end=j pars,errcode=pmag.PintPars(datablock,araiblock,zijdblock,start,end,accept) pars['measurement_step_unit']="K" pars['experiment_type']='LP-PI-TRM' del PriorRecs[k] # put in CurrRec, take out of PriorRecs if errcode!=1: pars["specimen_lab_field_dc"]=field pars["specimen_int"]=-1*field*pars["specimen_b"] pars["er_specimen_name"]=s if verbose: print 'Saved interpretation: ' pars,kill=pmag.scoreit(pars,PmagSpecRec,accept,'',verbose) pmagplotlib.plotB(AZD,araiblock,zijdblock,pars) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(AZD) if len(trmblock)>2: blab=field best=pars["specimen_int"] Bs,TRMs=[],[] for trec in trmblock: Bs.append(float(trec['treatment_dc_field'])) TRMs.append(float(trec['measurement_magn_moment'])) NLpars=nlt.NLtrm(Bs,TRMs,best,blab,0) # calculate best fit parameters through TRM acquisition data, and get new banc Mp,Bp=[],[] for k in range(int(max(Bs)*1e6)): Bp.append(float(k)*1e-6) npred=nlt.TRM(Bp[-1],NLpars['xopt'][0],NLpars['xopt'][1]) # predicted NRM for this field Mp.append(npred) pmagplotlib.plotTRM(AZD['TRM'],Bs,TRMs,Bp,Mp,NLpars,trec['magic_experiment_name']) PmagSpecRec['specimen_int']=NLpars['banc'] if verbose: print 'Banc= ',float(NLpars['banc'])*1e6 pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(AZD) mpars=pmag.domean(araiblock[1],start,end,'DE-BFL') if verbose: print 'pTRM direction= ','%7.1f'%(mpars['specimen_dec']),' %7.1f'%(mpars['specimen_inc']),' MAD:','%7.1f'%(mpars['specimen_mad']) if AniSpec!="": CpTRM=pmag.Dir_anis_corr([mpars['specimen_dec'],mpars['specimen_inc']],AniSpec) AniSpecRec=pmag.doaniscorr(PmagSpecRec,AniSpec) if verbose: print 'Anisotropy corrected TRM direction= ','%7.1f'%(CpTRM[0]),' %7.1f'%(CpTRM[1]) print 'Anisotropy corrected intensity= ',float(AniSpecRec['specimen_int'])*1e6 else: print 'error on specimen ',s except: pass if verbose and found==0: print ' None found :( ' if spc!="": if BEG!="": pars,errcode=pmag.PintPars(datablock,araiblock,zijdblock,BEG,END,accept) pars['measurement_step_unit']="K" pars["specimen_lab_field_dc"]=field pars["specimen_int"]=-1*field*pars["specimen_b"] pars["er_specimen_name"]=s pars['specimen_grade']='' # ungraded pmagplotlib.plotB(AZD,araiblock,zijdblock,pars) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(AZD) if len(trmblock)>2: if inlt==0: inlt=1 blab=field best=pars["specimen_int"] Bs,TRMs=[],[] for trec in trmblock: Bs.append(float(trec['treatment_dc_field'])) TRMs.append(float(trec['measurement_magn_moment'])) NLpars=nlt.NLtrm(Bs,TRMs,best,blab,0) # calculate best fit parameters through TRM acquisition data, and get new banc # Mp,Bp=[],[] for k in range(int(max(Bs)*1e6)): Bp.append(float(k)*1e-6) npred=nlt.TRM(Bp[-1],NLpars['xopt'][0],NLpars['xopt'][1]) # predicted NRM for this field files={} for key in AZD.keys(): files[key]=s+'_'+key+fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(AZD,files) sys.exit() if verbose: ans='b' while ans != "": print """ s[a]ve plot, set [b]ounds for calculation, [d]elete current interpretation, [p]revious, [s]ample, [q]uit: """ ans=raw_input('Return for next specimen \n') if ans=="": specimen +=1 if ans=="d": save_redo(PriorRecs,inspec) CurrRec=[] pmagplotlib.plotAZ(AZD,araiblock,zijdblock,s,units[0]) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(AZD) if ans=='a': files={} for key in AZD.keys(): files[key]="LO:_"+locname+'_SI:_'+PmagSpecRec['er_site_name']+'_SA:_'+PmagSpecRec['er_sample_name']+'_SP:_'+s+'_CO:_s_TY:_'+key+fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(AZD,files) ans="" if ans=='q': print "Good bye" sys.exit() if ans=='p': specimen =specimen -1 backup = 1 ans="" if ans=='s': keepon=1 spec=raw_input('Enter desired specimen name (or first part there of): ') while keepon==1: try: specimen =sids.index(spec) keepon=0 except: tmplist=[] for qq in range(len(sids)): if spec in sids[qq]:tmplist.append(sids[qq]) print specimen," not found, but this was: " print tmplist spec=raw_input('Select one or try again\n ') ans="" if ans=='b': if end==0 or end >=len(zijdblock):end=len(zijdblock)-1 GoOn=0 while GoOn==0: answer=raw_input('Enter index of first point for calculation: ['+str(start)+'] ') try: start=int(answer) answer=raw_input('Enter index of last point for calculation: ['+str(end)+'] ') end=int(answer) if start >=0 and start <len(zijdblock)-2 and end >0 and end <len(zijdblock) or start>=end: GoOn=1 else: print "Bad endpoints - try again! " start,end=0,len(zijdblock) except ValueError: print "Bad endpoints - try again! " start,end=0,len(zijdblock) s=sids[specimen] pars,errcode=pmag.PintPars(datablock,araiblock,zijdblock,start,end,accept) pars['measurement_step_unit']="K" pars["specimen_lab_field_dc"]=field pars["specimen_int"]=-1*field*pars["specimen_b"] pars["er_specimen_name"]=s pars,kill=pmag.scoreit(pars,PmagSpecRec,accept,'',0) PmagSpecRec['specimen_scat']=pars['specimen_scat'] PmagSpecRec['specimen_frac']='%5.3f'%(pars['specimen_frac']) PmagSpecRec['specimen_gmax']='%5.3f'%(pars['specimen_gmax']) PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"]='%8.3e' % (pars["measurement_step_min"]) PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"]='%8.3e' % (pars["measurement_step_max"]) PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"]="K" PmagSpecRec["specimen_int_n"]='%i'%(pars["specimen_int_n"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_lab_field_dc"]='%8.3e'%(pars["specimen_lab_field_dc"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_int"]='%9.4e '%(pars["specimen_int"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_b"]='%5.3f '%(pars["specimen_b"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_q"]='%5.1f '%(pars["specimen_q"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_f"]='%5.3f '%(pars["specimen_f"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_fvds"]='%5.3f'%(pars["specimen_fvds"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_b_beta"]='%5.3f'%(pars["specimen_b_beta"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_int_mad"]='%7.1f'%(pars["specimen_int_mad"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_Z"]='%7.1f'%(pars["specimen_Z"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_gamma"]='%7.1f'%(pars["specimen_gamma"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_grade"]=pars["specimen_grade"] if pars["method_codes"]!="": tmpcodes=pars["method_codes"].split(":") for t in tmpcodes: if t.strip() not in methcodes:methcodes.append(t.strip()) PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f'%(pars["specimen_dec"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f'%(pars["specimen_inc"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='-1' PmagSpecRec["specimen_direction_type"]='l' PmagSpecRec["direction_type"]='l' # this is redundant, but helpful - won't be imported PmagSpecRec["specimen_int_dang"]='%7.1f '%(pars["specimen_int_dang"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_drats"]='%7.1f '%(pars["specimen_drats"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_drat"]='%7.1f '%(pars["specimen_drat"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_int_ptrm_n"]='%i '%(pars["specimen_int_ptrm_n"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_rsc"]='%6.4f '%(pars["specimen_rsc"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_md"]='%i '%(int(pars["specimen_md"])) if PmagSpecRec["specimen_md"]=='-1':PmagSpecRec["specimen_md"]="" PmagSpecRec["specimen_b_sigma"]='%5.3f '%(pars["specimen_b_sigma"]) if "IE-TT" not in methcodes:methcodes.append("IE-TT") methods="" for meth in methcodes: methods=methods+meth+":" PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]=methods[:-1] PmagSpecRec["specimen_description"]=comment PmagSpecRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num pmagplotlib.plotAZ(AZD,araiblock,zijdblock,s,units[0]) pmagplotlib.plotB(AZD,araiblock,zijdblock,pars) if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(AZD) if len(trmblock)>2: blab=field best=pars["specimen_int"] Bs,TRMs=[],[] for trec in trmblock: Bs.append(float(trec['treatment_dc_field'])) TRMs.append(float(trec['measurement_magn_moment'])) NLpars=nlt.NLtrm(Bs,TRMs,best,blab,0) # calculate best fit parameters through TRM acquisition data, and get new banc Mp,Bp=[],[] for k in range(int(max(Bs)*1e6)): Bp.append(float(k)*1e-6) npred=nlt.TRM(Bp[-1],NLpars['xopt'][0],NLpars['xopt'][1]) # predicted NRM for this field Mp.append(npred) pmagplotlib.plotTRM(AZD['TRM'],Bs,TRMs,Bp,Mp,NLpars,trec['magic_experiment_name']) if verbose: print 'Non-linear TRM corrected intensity= ',float(NLpars['banc'])*1e6 if verbose:pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(AZD) pars["specimen_lab_field_dc"]=field pars["specimen_int"]=-1*field*pars["specimen_b"] pars,kill=pmag.scoreit(pars,PmagSpecRec,accept,'',verbose) saveit=raw_input("Save this interpretation? [y]/n \n") if saveit!='n': PriorRecs.append(PmagSpecRec) # put back an interpretation specimen+=1 save_redo(PriorRecs,inspec) ans="" elif plots==1: specimen+=1 if fmt != ".pmag": files={} for key in AZD.keys(): files[key]="LO:_"+locname+'_SI:_'+PmagSpecRec['er_site_name']+'_SA:_'+PmagSpecRec['er_sample_name']+'_SP:_'+s+'_CO:_s_TY:_'+key+'_'+fmt if pmagplotlib.isServer: black = '#000000' purple = '#800080' titles={} titles['deremag']='DeReMag Plot' titles['zijd']='Zijderveld Plot' titles['arai']='Arai Plot' AZD = pmagplotlib.addBorders(AZD,titles,black,purple) pmagplotlib.saveP(AZD,files) # pmagplotlib.combineFigs(s,files,3) else: # save in pmag format script="grep "+s+" output.mag | thellier -mfsi" script=script+' %8.4e'%(field) min='%i'%((pars["measurement_step_min"]-273)) Max='%i'%((pars["measurement_step_max"]-273)) script=script+" "+min+" "+Max script=script+" |plotxy;cat mypost >>\n" pltf.write(script) pmag.domagicmag(outf,MeasRecs) if len(CurrRec)>0: for rec in CurrRec: PriorRecs.append(rec) CurrRec=[] if plots!=1 and verbose: ans=raw_input(" Save last plot? 1/[0] ") if ans=="1": if fmt != ".pmag": files={} for key in AZD.keys(): files[key]=s+'_'+key+fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(AZD,files) else: print "\n Good bye\n" sys.exit() if len(CurrRec)>0:PriorRecs.append(CurrRec) # put back an interpretation if len(PriorRecs)>0: save_redo(PriorRecs,inspec) print 'Updated interpretations saved in ',inspec if verbose: print "Good bye"
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts Liverpool microwave format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -f FILE: specify liverpool format input file, required -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -ins INST: identify instrument, e.g., LIV-TRISTAN, LIV-OLD14GHZ, default is "" -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, required -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsa FILE: specify er_samples formatted file for appending, default is new er_samples.txt -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 1 -sit Site_name : specify site name for this specimen -unc measurement units are uncalibrated (default is uAm^2) -B PHI THETA: dc lab field phi, theta, default is 0, 90 -ncn NCON: specify naming convention - required if -sit not specified Sample naming convention: do not use if -sit option used! [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. """ # initialize some stuff version_num = pmag.get_version() noave = 0 methcode, instcode = "", "" phi, theta, peakfield, labfield = 0, 0, 0, 0 pMRM, MD, samp_con, Z, site = 0, 0, "6", "", "" er_location_name = "" citation = "This study" args = sys.argv methcode = "LP-NO" # NRM specnum, measnum = 1, 1 powt_max = 0 ErSamps, Samps = [], [] # # get command line arguments # dirpath = "." meas_file, samp_file = dirpath + "/magic_measurements.txt", dirpath + "/er_samples.txt" user = "" unc = 0 if "-WD" in args: ind = args.index("-WD") dirpath = args[ind + 1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind = args.index("-usr") user = args[ind + 1] if "-ins" in args: ind = args.index("-ins") instcode = args[ind + 1] if "-F" in args: ind = args.index("-F") meas_file = dirpath + "/" + args[ind + 1] if "-Fsa" in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = args[ind + 1] samp_file = dirpath + "/" + samp_file try: open(samp_file, "rU") ErSamps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) print "sample information will be appended to new er_samples.txt file" except: print "er_samples.txt file does not exist" print "sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file" if "-f" in args: ind = args.index("-f") magfile = args[ind + 1] magfile = dirpath + "/" + magfile try: input = open(magfile, "rU") except: print "bad mag file name" sys.exit() else: print "mag_file field is required option" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-B" in args: ind = args.index("-B") phi = args[ind + 1] theta = args[ind + 2] else: phi, theta = "0.", "90." if "-spc" in args: ind = args.index("-spc") specnum = int(args[ind + 1]) if specnum != 0: specnum = -specnum if "-loc" in args: ind = args.index("-loc") er_location_name = args[ind + 1] if "-unc" in args: unc = 1 if "-sit" in args: ind = args.index("-sit") site = args[ind + 1] if "-ncn" in args: ind = args.index("-ncn") samp_con = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "7" if samp_con == "6" and site == "": print "you must either specify a naming convention, or a site name" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() MagRecs = [] if len(ErSamps) > 1: for samp in ErSamps: if samp["er_sample_name"] not in Samps: Samps.append(samp["er_sample_name"]) Data = input.readlines() if 1: # never mind for line in Data: if len(line) > 1: rec = line.split(",") MagRec = {} MagRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" MagRec["er_location_name"] = er_location_name MagRec["magic_software_packages"] = version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "0" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = "0" MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"] = "" MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"] = "" MagRec["treatment_mw_integral"] = "" meas_type = "LT-NO" MagRec["er_specimen_name"] = rec[0][1:-1] MagRec["er_location_name"] = er_location_name if specnum != 0: MagRec["er_sample_name"] = rec[0][1:-1][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"] = rec[0][1:-1] if site == "": site = pmag.parse_site(MagRec["er_sample_name"], samp_con, Z) MagRec["er_site_name"] = site MagRec["treatment_mw_power"] = rec[2] MagRec["treatment_mw_time"] = rec[3] powt = int(float(MagRec["treatment_mw_power"]) * (float(MagRec["treatment_mw_time"]))) MagRec["treatment_mw_energy"] = "%7.1f" % (powt) if powt > powt_max: powt_max = powt treat = rec[1].strip('"').upper() if treat == "Z": # in zero field meas_type = "LT-M-Z" # as opposed to LT-MV-Z if powt < powt_max: meas_type = "LT-PMRM-Z" elif treat == "A": # in zero field meas_type = "LT-M-I" # as opposed to LT-MV-I labfield = float(rec[10]) * 1e-6 # assuming uT, convert to T MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = "%8.3e" % (labfield) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"] = phi # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"] = theta # labfield theta if powt < powt_max: meas_type = "LT-PMRM-I" if len(rec) > 10: MagRec["treatment_mw_integral"] = rec[10] if unc == 0: MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"] = "%10.3e" % (float(rec[4]) * 1e-6) # moment in Am^2 (from uAm^2) if unc == 1: MagRec["measurement_magnitude"] = rec[4] # uncalibrated moment cart = [] cart.append(float(rec[7])) cart.append(float(rec[8])) cart.append(float(rec[9])) dir = pmag.cart2dir(cart) MagRec["measurement_dec"] = "%9.3f" % (dir[0]) MagRec["measurement_inc"] = "%9.3f" % (dir[1]) MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"] = instcode MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = meas_type MagRec["measurement_flag"] = "g" MagRec["measurement_standard"] = "u" MagRec["measurement_number"] = "%i" % (measnum) MagRec["magic_experiment_name"] = MagRec["er_specimen_name"] + ":" + methcode measnum += 1 MagRecs.append(MagRec) if MagRec["er_sample_name"] not in Samps: # add this puppy to the list in er_samples.txt Samps.append(MagRec["er_sample_name"]) ErSamp = {} ErSamp["er_sample_name"] = Samps[-1] ErSamp["er_location_name"] = MagRec["er_location_name"] ErSamp["er_site_name"] = site ErSamp["er_citation_names"] = "This study" gdec = float(rec[5]) ginc = float(rec[6]) az, pl = pmag.get_azpl(dir[0], dir[1], gdec, ginc) ErSamp["sample_azimuth"] = "%7.1f" % az ErSamp["sample_dip"] = "%7.1f" % pl ErSamps.append(ErSamp) MagOuts = pmag.mw_measurements_methods(MagRecs) pmag.magic_write(meas_file, MagOuts, "magic_measurements") print "measurements put in ", meas_file pmag.magic_write(samp_file, ErSamps, "er_samples") print "sample names put in ", samp_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION plots anisotropy data with either bootstrap or hext ellipses SYNTAX [-h] [command line options] OPTIONS -h plots help message and quits -usr USER: set the user name -f AFILE, specify rmag_anisotropy formatted file for input -F RFILE, specify rmag_results formatted file for output -x Hext [1963] and bootstrap -B DON'T do bootstrap, do Hext -par Tauxe [1998] parametric bootstrap -v plot bootstrap eigenvectors instead of ellipses -sit plot by site instead of entire file -crd [s,g,t] coordinate system, default is specimen (g=geographic, t=tilt corrected) -P don't make any plots - just make rmag_results table -sav don't make the rmag_results table - just save all the plots -fmt [svg, jpg, eps] format for output images, pdf default -gtc DEC INC dec,inc of pole to great circle [down(up) in green (cyan) -d Vi DEC INC; Vi (1,2,3) to compare to direction DEC INC -nb N; specifies the number of bootstraps - default is 1000 DEFAULTS AFILE: rmag_anisotropy.txt RFILE: rmag_results.txt plot bootstrap ellipses of Constable & Tauxe [1987] NOTES minor axis: circles major axis: triangles principal axis: squares directions are plotted on the lower hemisphere for bootstrapped eigenvector components: Xs: blue, Ys: red, Zs: black """ # dir_path = "." version_num = pmag.get_version() verbose = pmagplotlib.verbose args = sys.argv ipar, ihext, ivec, iboot, imeas, isite, iplot, vec = 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 hpars, bpars, PDir = [], [], [] CS, crd = "-1", "s" nb = 1000 fmt = "pdf" ResRecs = [] orlist = [] outfile, comp, Dir, gtcirc, PDir = "rmag_results.txt", 0, [], 0, [] infile = "rmag_anisotropy.txt" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-WD" in args: ind = args.index("-WD") dir_path = args[ind + 1] if "-nb" in args: ind = args.index("-nb") nb = int(args[ind + 1]) if "-usr" in args: ind = args.index("-usr") user = args[ind + 1] else: user = "" if "-B" in args: iboot, ihext = 0, 1 if "-par" in args: ipar = 1 if "-x" in args: ihext = 1 if "-v" in args: ivec = 1 if "-sit" in args: isite = 1 if "-P" in args: iplot = 0 if "-f" in args: ind = args.index("-f") infile = args[ind + 1] if "-F" in args: ind = args.index("-F") outfile = args[ind + 1] if "-crd" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-crd") crd = sys.argv[ind + 1] if crd == "g": CS = "0" if crd == "t": CS = "100" if "-fmt" in args: ind = args.index("-fmt") fmt = args[ind + 1] if "-sav" in args: plots = 1 verbose = 0 else: plots = 0 if "-gtc" in args: ind = args.index("-gtc") d, i = float(args[ind + 1]), float(args[ind + 2]) PDir.append(d) PDir.append(i) if "-d" in args: comp = 1 ind = args.index("-d") vec = int(args[ind + 1]) - 1 Dir = [float(args[ind + 2]), float(args[ind + 3])] # # set up plots # if infile[0] != "/": infile = dir_path + "/" + infile if outfile[0] != "/": outfile = dir_path + "/" + outfile ANIS = {} initcdf, inittcdf = 0, 0 ANIS["data"], ANIS["conf"] = 1, 2 if iboot == 1: ANIS["tcdf"] = 3 if iplot == 1: inittcdf = 1 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS["tcdf"], 5, 5) if comp == 1 and iplot == 1: initcdf = 1 ANIS["vxcdf"], ANIS["vycdf"], ANIS["vzcdf"] = 4, 5, 6 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS["vxcdf"], 5, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS["vycdf"], 5, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS["vzcdf"], 5, 5) if iplot == 1: pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS["conf"], 5, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS["data"], 5, 5) # read in the data data, ifiletype = pmag.magic_read(infile) for rec in data: # find all the orientation systems if "anisotropy_tilt_correction" not in rec.keys(): rec["anisotropy_tilt_correction"] = "-1" if rec["anisotropy_tilt_correction"] not in orlist: orlist.append(rec["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]) if CS not in orlist: if len(orlist) > 0: CS = orlist[0] else: CS = "-1" if CS == "-1": crd = "s" if CS == "0": crd = "g" if CS == "100": crd = "t" if verbose: print "desired coordinate system not available, using available: ", crd if isite == 1: sitelist = [] for rec in data: if rec["er_site_name"] not in sitelist: sitelist.append(rec["er_site_name"]) sitelist.sort() plt = len(sitelist) else: plt = 1 k = 0 while k < plt: site = "" sdata, Ss = [], [] # list of S format data Locs, Sites, Samples, Specimens, Cits = [], [], [], [], [] if isite == 0: sdata = data else: site = sitelist[k] for rec in data: if rec["er_site_name"] == site: sdata.append(rec) anitypes = [] csrecs = pmag.get_dictitem(sdata, "anisotropy_tilt_correction", CS, "T") for rec in csrecs: if rec["anisotropy_type"] not in anitypes: anitypes.append(rec["anisotropy_type"]) if rec["er_location_name"] not in Locs: Locs.append(rec["er_location_name"]) if rec["er_site_name"] not in Sites: Sites.append(rec["er_site_name"]) if rec["er_sample_name"] not in Samples: Samples.append(rec["er_sample_name"]) if rec["er_specimen_name"] not in Specimens: Specimens.append(rec["er_specimen_name"]) if rec["er_citation_names"] not in Cits: Cits.append(rec["er_citation_names"]) s = [] s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s1"])) s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s2"])) s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s3"])) s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s4"])) s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s5"])) s.append(float(rec["anisotropy_s6"])) if s[0] <= 1.0: Ss.append(s) # protect against crap # tau,Vdirs=pmag.doseigs(s) fpars = pmag.dohext(int(rec["anisotropy_n"]) - 6, float(rec["anisotropy_sigma"]), s) ResRec = {} ResRec["er_location_names"] = rec["er_location_name"] ResRec["er_citation_names"] = rec["er_citation_names"] ResRec["er_site_names"] = rec["er_site_name"] ResRec["er_sample_names"] = rec["er_sample_name"] ResRec["er_specimen_names"] = rec["er_specimen_name"] ResRec["rmag_result_name"] = rec["er_specimen_name"] + ":" + rec["anisotropy_type"] ResRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user ResRec["tilt_correction"] = CS ResRec["anisotropy_type"] = rec["anisotropy_type"] ResRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"] = "%7.1f" % (fpars["v1_dec"]) ResRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"] = "%7.1f" % (fpars["v2_dec"]) ResRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"] = "%7.1f" % (fpars["v3_dec"]) ResRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"] = "%7.1f" % (fpars["v1_inc"]) ResRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"] = "%7.1f" % (fpars["v2_inc"]) ResRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"] = "%7.1f" % (fpars["v3_inc"]) ResRec["anisotropy_t1"] = "%10.8f" % (fpars["t1"]) ResRec["anisotropy_t2"] = "%10.8f" % (fpars["t2"]) ResRec["anisotropy_t3"] = "%10.8f" % (fpars["t3"]) ResRec["anisotropy_ftest"] = "%10.3f" % (fpars["F"]) ResRec["anisotropy_ftest12"] = "%10.3f" % (fpars["F12"]) ResRec["anisotropy_ftest23"] = "%10.3f" % (fpars["F23"]) ResRec["result_description"] = "F_crit: " + fpars["F_crit"] + "; F12,F23_crit: " + fpars["F12_crit"] ResRec["anisotropy_type"] = pmag.makelist(anitypes) ResRecs.append(ResRec) if len(Ss) > 1: title = "LO:_" + ResRec["er_location_names"] + "_SI:_" + site + "_SA:__SP:__CO:_" + crd ResRec["er_location_names"] = pmag.makelist(Locs) bpars, hpars = pmagplotlib.plotANIS(ANIS, Ss, iboot, ihext, ivec, ipar, title, iplot, comp, vec, Dir, nb) if len(PDir) > 0: pmagplotlib.plotC(ANIS["data"], PDir, 90.0, "g") pmagplotlib.plotC(ANIS["conf"], PDir, 90.0, "g") if verbose and plots == 0: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ANIS) ResRec["er_location_names"] = pmag.makelist(Locs) if plots == 1: save(ANIS, fmt, title) ResRec = {} ResRec["er_citation_names"] = pmag.makelist(Cits) ResRec["er_location_names"] = pmag.makelist(Locs) ResRec["er_site_names"] = pmag.makelist(Sites) ResRec["er_sample_names"] = pmag.makelist(Samples) ResRec["er_specimen_names"] = pmag.makelist(Specimens) ResRec["rmag_result_name"] = pmag.makelist(Sites) + ":" + pmag.makelist(anitypes) ResRec["anisotropy_type"] = pmag.makelist(anitypes) ResRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user ResRec["tilt_correction"] = CS if isite == "0": ResRec["result_description"] = "Study average using coordinate system: " + CS if isite == "1": ResRec["result_description"] = "Site average using coordinate system: " + CS if hpars != [] and ihext == 1: HextRec = {} for key in ResRec.keys(): HextRec[key] = ResRec[key] # copy over stuff HextRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"] = "%7.1f" % (hpars["v1_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"] = "%7.1f" % (hpars["v2_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"] = "%7.1f" % (hpars["v3_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"] = "%7.1f" % (hpars["v1_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"] = "%7.1f" % (hpars["v2_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"] = "%7.1f" % (hpars["v3_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_t1"] = "%10.8f" % (hpars["t1"]) HextRec["anisotropy_t2"] = "%10.8f" % (hpars["t2"]) HextRec["anisotropy_t3"] = "%10.8f" % (hpars["t3"]) HextRec["anisotropy_hext_F"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["F"]) HextRec["anisotropy_hext_F12"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["F12"]) HextRec["anisotropy_hext_F23"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["F23"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["e12"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["v2_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["v2_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["e13"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["v3_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["v3_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["e12"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["v1_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["v1_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["e23"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["v3_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["v3_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["e12"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["v1_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["v1_inc"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["e23"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["v2_dec"]) HextRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"] = "%7.1f " % (hpars["v2_inc"]) HextRec["magic_method_codes"] = "LP-AN:AE-H" if verbose: print "Hext Statistics: " print " tau_i, V_i_D, V_i_I, V_i_zeta, V_i_zeta_D, V_i_zeta_I, V_i_eta, V_i_eta_D, V_i_eta_I" print HextRec["anisotropy_t1"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"], HextRec[ "anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle" ], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"], HextRec[ "anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle" ], HextRec[ "anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec" ], HextRec[ "anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc" ] print HextRec["anisotropy_t2"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"], HextRec[ "anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle" ], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"], HextRec[ "anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle" ], HextRec[ "anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec" ], HextRec[ "anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc" ] print HextRec["anisotropy_t3"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"], HextRec[ "anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle" ], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"], HextRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"], HextRec[ "anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle" ], HextRec[ "anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec" ], HextRec[ "anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc" ] HextRec["magic_software_packages"] = version_num ResRecs.append(HextRec) if bpars != []: BootRec = {} for key in ResRec.keys(): BootRec[key] = ResRec[key] # copy over stuff BootRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"] = "%7.1f" % (bpars["v1_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"] = "%7.1f" % (bpars["v2_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"] = "%7.1f" % (bpars["v3_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"] = "%7.1f" % (bpars["v1_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"] = "%7.1f" % (bpars["v2_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"] = "%7.1f" % (bpars["v3_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_t1"] = "%10.8f" % (bpars["t1"]) BootRec["anisotropy_t2"] = "%10.8f" % (bpars["t2"]) BootRec["anisotropy_t3"] = "%10.8f" % (bpars["t3"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v1_eta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v1_eta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v1_eta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v1_zeta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v1_zeta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v1_zeta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v2_eta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v2_eta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v2_eta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v2_zeta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v2_zeta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v2_zeta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v3_eta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v3_eta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v3_eta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v3_zeta_inc"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v3_zeta_dec"]) BootRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"] = "%7.1f " % (bpars["v3_zeta"]) BootRec["anisotropy_hext_F"] = "" BootRec["anisotropy_hext_F12"] = "" BootRec["anisotropy_hext_F23"] = "" BootRec["magic_method_codes"] = "LP-AN:AE-H:AE-BS" # regular bootstrap if ipar == 1: BootRec["magic_method_codes"] = "LP-AN:AE-H:AE-BS-P" # parametric bootstrap if verbose: print "Boostrap Statistics: " print " tau_i, V_i_D, V_i_I, V_i_zeta, V_i_zeta_D, V_i_zeta_I, V_i_eta, V_i_eta_D, V_i_eta_I" print BootRec["anisotropy_t1"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"], BootRec[ "anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle" ], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"], BootRec[ "anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle" ], BootRec[ "anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec" ], BootRec[ "anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc" ] print BootRec["anisotropy_t2"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"], BootRec[ "anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle" ], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"], BootRec[ "anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle" ], BootRec[ "anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec" ], BootRec[ "anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc" ] print BootRec["anisotropy_t3"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"], BootRec[ "anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle" ], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"], BootRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"], BootRec[ "anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle" ], BootRec[ "anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec" ], BootRec[ "anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc" ] BootRec["magic_software_packages"] = version_num ResRecs.append(BootRec) k += 1 goon = 1 while goon == 1 and iplot == 1 and verbose: if iboot == 1: print "compare with [d]irection " print " plot [g]reat circle, change [c]oord. system, change [e]llipse calculation, s[a]ve plots, [q]uit " if isite == 1: print " [p]revious, [s]ite, [q]uit, <return> for next " ans = raw_input("") if ans == "q": sys.exit() if ans == "e": iboot, ipar, ihext, ivec = 1, 0, 0, 0 e = raw_input("Do Hext Statistics 1/[0]: ") if e == "1": ihext = 1 e = raw_input("Suppress bootstrap 1/[0]: ") if e == "1": iboot = 0 if iboot == 1: e = raw_input("Parametric bootstrap 1/[0]: ") if e == "1": ipar = 1 e = raw_input("Plot bootstrap eigenvectors: 1/[0]: ") if e == "1": ivec = 1 if iplot == 1: if inittcdf == 0: ANIS["tcdf"] = 3 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS["tcdf"], 5, 5) inittcdf = 1 bpars, hpars = pmagplotlib.plotANIS( ANIS, Ss, iboot, ihext, ivec, ipar, title, iplot, comp, vec, Dir, nb ) if verbose and plots == 0: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ANIS) if ans == "c": print "Current Coordinate system is: " if CS == "-1": print " Specimen" if CS == "0": print " Geographic" if CS == "100": print " Tilt corrected" key = raw_input(" Enter desired coordinate system: [s]pecimen, [g]eographic, [t]ilt corrected ") if key == "s": CS = "-1" if key == "g": CS = "0" if key == "t": CS = "100" if CS not in orlist: if len(orlist) > 0: CS = orlist[0] else: CS = "-1" if CS == "-1": crd = "s" if CS == "0": crd = "g" if CS == "100": crd = "t" print "desired coordinate system not available, using available: ", crd k -= 1 goon = 0 if ans == "": if isite == 1: goon = 0 else: print "Good bye " sys.exit() if ans == "d": if initcdf == 0: initcdf = 1 ANIS["vxcdf"], ANIS["vycdf"], ANIS["vzcdf"] = 4, 5, 6 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS["vxcdf"], 5, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS["vycdf"], 5, 5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ANIS["vzcdf"], 5, 5) Dir, comp = [], 1 print """ Input: Vi D I to compare eigenvector Vi with direction D/I where Vi=1: principal Vi=2: major Vi=3: minor D= declination of comparison direction I= inclination of comparison direction""" con = 1 while con == 1: try: vdi = raw_input("Vi D I: ").split() vec = int(vdi[0]) - 1 Dir = [float(vdi[1]), float(vdi[2])] con = 0 except IndexError: print " Incorrect entry, try again " bpars, hpars = pmagplotlib.plotANIS( ANIS, Ss, iboot, ihext, ivec, ipar, title, iplot, comp, vec, Dir, nb ) Dir, comp = [], 0 if ans == "g": con, cnt = 1, 0 while con == 1: try: print " Input: input pole to great circle ( D I) to plot a great circle: " di = raw_input(" D I: ").split() PDir.append(float(di[0])) PDir.append(float(di[1])) con = 0 except: cnt += 1 if cnt < 10: print " enter the dec and inc of the pole on one line " else: print "ummm - you are doing something wrong - i give up" sys.exit() pmagplotlib.plotC(ANIS["data"], PDir, 90.0, "g") pmagplotlib.plotC(ANIS["conf"], PDir, 90.0, "g") if verbose and plots == 0: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ANIS) if ans == "p": k -= 2 goon = 0 if ans == "q": k = plt goon = 0 if ans == "s": keepon = 1 site = raw_input(" print site or part of site desired: ") while keepon == 1: try: k = sitelist.index(site) keepon = 0 except: tmplist = [] for qq in range(len(sitelist)): if site in sitelist[qq]: tmplist.append(sitelist[qq]) print site, " not found, but this was: " print tmplist site = raw_input("Select one or try again\n ") k = sitelist.index(site) goon, ans = 0, "" if ans == "a": locs = pmag.makelist(Locs) title = "LO:_" + locs + "_SI:__" + "_SA:__SP:__CO:_" + crd save(ANIS, fmt, title) goon = 0 else: if verbose: print "skipping plot - not enough data points" k += 1 # put rmag_results stuff here if len(ResRecs) > 0: ResOut, keylist = pmag.fillkeys(ResRecs) pmag.magic_write(outfile, ResOut, "rmag_results") if verbose: print " Good bye "
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts ODP discrete sample format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -F FILE: specify output measurements file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsp FILE: specify output er_specimens.txt file, default is er_specimens.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output er_samples.txt file for appending, default is er_samples.txt -Fsi FILE: specify output er_sites.txt file, default is er_sites.txt -dc B PHI THETA: dc lab field (in micro tesla) and phi,theta, default is none NB: use PHI, THETA = -1 -1 to signal that it changes, i.e. in anisotropy experiment -ac B : peak AF field (in mT) for ARM acquisition, default is none -A : don't average replicate measurements INPUT Put data from separate experiments (all AF, thermal, thellier, trm aquisition, Shaw, etc.) in separate directory """ # # version_num=pmag.get_version() meas_file='magic_measurements.txt' spec_file='er_specimens.txt' samp_file='er_samples.txt' site_file='er_sites.txt' ErSpecs,ErSamps,ErSites,ErLocs,ErCits=[],[],[],[],[] MagRecs=[] citation="This study" dir_path,demag='.','NRM' args=sys.argv noave=0 if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-A" in args: noave=1 if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsp' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsp") spec_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] ErSamps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) else: samp_file=dir_path+'/'+samp_file if '-LP' in args: ind=args.index("-LP") codelist=args[ind+1] codes=codelist.split(':') if "AF" in codes: demag='AF' if'-dc' not in args: methcode="LT-AF-Z" if'-dc' in args: methcode="LT-AF-I" if "T" in codes: demag="T" if '-dc' not in args: methcode="LT-T-Z" if '-dc' in args: methcode="LT-T-I" if "I" in codes: methcode="LP-IRM" if "S" in codes: demag="S" methcode="LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-ALT-AFARM" trm_labfield=labfield ans=raw_input("DC lab field for ARM step: [50uT] ") if ans=="": arm_labfield=50e-6 else: arm_labfield=float(ans)*1e-6 ans=raw_input("temperature for total trm step: [600 C] ") if ans=="": trm_peakT=600+273 # convert to kelvin else: trm_peakT=float(ans)+273 # convert to kelvin if "G" in codes: methcode="LT-AF-G" if "D" in codes: methcode="LT-AF-D" if "TRM" in codes: demag="T" trm=1 if demag=="T" and "ANI" in codes: methcode="LP-AN-TRM" if demag=="AF" and "ANI" in codes: methcode="LP-AN-ARM" if labfield==0: labfield=50e-6 if peakfield==0: peakfield=.180 spec_file=dir_path+'/'+spec_file site_file=dir_path+'/'+site_file meas_file=dir_path+'/'+meas_file filelist=os.listdir(dir_path) # read in list of files to import specimens,samples,sites=[],[],[] MagRecs,SpecRecs,SampRecs=[],[],[] for samp in ErSamps: if samp['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(samp['er_sample_name']) SampRecs.append(samp) for file in filelist: # parse each file if file[-3:].lower()=='dsc': print 'processing: ',file MagRec,SpecRec,SampRec={},{},{} treatment_type,treatment_value,user="","","" inst="ODP-SRM" input=open(dir_path+'/'+file,'rU').readlines() IDs=file.split('_') # splits on underscores pieces=IDs[0].split('-') expedition=pieces[0] location=pieces[1] if file[0]!='_': while len(pieces[2])<4:pieces[2]='0'+pieces[2] # pad core to be 3 characters specimen="" else: specimen="test" for piece in pieces: specimen=specimen+piece+'-' specimen=specimen[:-1] alt_spec=IDs[1] # alternate specimen is second field in field name # set up specimen record for Er_specimens table SpecRec['er_expedition_name']=expedition SpecRec['er_location_name']=location SpecRec['er_site_name']=specimen SpecRec['er_sample_name']=specimen SpecRec['er_citation_names']=citation for key in SpecRec.keys():SampRec[key]=SpecRec[key] SampRec['sample_azimuth']='0' SampRec['sample_dip']='0' SampRec['magic_method_codes']='FS-C-DRILL-IODP:FS-SS-C:SO-V' SpecRec['er_specimen_name']=specimen for key in SpecRec.keys():MagRec[key]=SpecRec[key] # set up measurement record - default is NRM MagRec['er_analyst_mail_names']=user MagRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-NO' MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=0. MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_csd"]='' # set csd to blank SpecRec['er_specimen_alternatives']=alt_spec vol=7e-6 # assume 7 cc samples datestamp=input[1].split() # date time is second line of file mmddyy=datestamp[0].split('/') # break into month day year date=mmddyy[2]+':'+mmddyy[0]+":"+mmddyy[1] +':' +datestamp[1] MagRec["measurement_date"]=date for k in range(len(input)): fields= input[k].split("=") if 'treatment_type' in fields[0]: if "Alternating Frequency Demagnetization" in fields[1]: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst=inst+':ODP-DTECH' # measured on shipboard AF DTECH D2000 treatment_type="AF" if "Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetization" in fields[1]: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-I' inst=inst+':ODP-DTECH' # measured on shipboard AF DTECH D2000 treatment_type="ARM" if "Isothermal Remanent Magnetization" in fields[1]: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-IRM' inst=inst+':ODP-IMP' # measured on shipboard ASC IMPULSE magnetizer treatment_type="IRM" if "treatment_value" in fields[0]: values=fields[1].split(',') value=values[0] if value!=" \n": if treatment_type=="AF": treatment_value=float(value)*1e-3 MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T elif treatment_type=="IRM": treatment_value=float(value)*1e-3 MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(treatment_value) # IRM treat mT => T if treatment_type=="ARM": treatment_value=float(value)*1e-3 dc_value=float(values[1])*1e-3 MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(dc_value) # DC mT => T if 'user' in fields[0]: user=fields[-1] MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user if 'sample_orientation' in fields[0]: MagRec["measurement_description"]=fields[-1] MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" if 'sample_area' in fields[0]: vol=float(fields[1])*1e-6 # takes volume (cc) and converts to m^3 if 'run_number' in fields[0]: MagRec['external_database_ids']=fields[1] # run number is the LIMS measurement number MagRec['external_database_names']='LIMS' if input[k][0:7]=='<MULTI>': rec=input[k+1].split(',') # list of data for item in rec: items=item.split('=') if items[0].strip()=='demag_level' and treatment_value=="" : treat= float(items[1]) if treat!=0: MagRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-AF-Z' inst=inst+':ODP-SRM-AF' MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=treat*1e-3 # AF demag in treat mT => T if items[0].strip()=='inclination_w_tray_w_bkgrd': MagRec['measurement_inc']=items[1] if items[0].strip()=='declination_w_tray_w_bkgrd': MagRec['measurement_dec']=items[1] if items[0].strip()=='intensity_w_tray_w_bkgrd': MagRec['measurement_magn_moment']='%8.3e'%(float(items[1])*vol) # convert intensity from A/m to Am^2 using vol if items[0].strip()=='x_stdev':MagRec['measurement_x_sd']=items[1] if items[0].strip()=='y_stdev':MagRec['measurement_y_sd']=items[1] if items[0].strip()=='z_stdev':MagRec['measurement_z_sd']=items[1] MagRec['magic_instrument_codes']=inst MagRec['measurement_number']='1' MagRecs.append(MagRec) if specimen not in specimens: specimens.append(specimen) SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) if MagRec['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(MagRec['er_sample_name']) SampRecs.append(SampRec) MagOuts=pmag.sort_diclist(MagRecs,'treatment_ac_field') for MagRec in MagOuts: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e'%(MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]) # convert to string pmag.magic_write(spec_file,SpecRecs,'er_specimens') if len(SampRecs)>0: SampOut,keys=pmag.fillkeys(SampRecs) pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampOut,'er_samples') print 'samples stored in ',samp_file pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampRecs,'er_samples') print 'specimens stored in ',spec_file Fixed=pmag.measurements_methods(MagOuts,noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,Fixed,'magic_measurements') print 'data stored in ',meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION takes an er_samples.txt file and creates an orient.txt file SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -f FILE: specify input file, default is er_samples.txt -F FILE: specify output file, default is: location_orient.txt INPUT FORMAT er_samples.txt formatted file OUTPUT orient.txt formatted file """ # # initialize variables # version_num=pmag.get_version() orient_file,samp_file = "orient","er_samples.txt" args=sys.argv dir_path='.' # # if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index('-WD') dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-F" in args: ind=args.index("-F") opath=sys.argv[ind+1] pathlist=opath.split('/') opath="" for p in pathlist[:-1]:opath=opath+p+"/" orient_file=pathlist[-1] if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") samp_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] # # read in file to convert # Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) Locs=[] OrKeys=['sample_name','mag_azimuth','field_dip','sample_class','sample_type','sample_lithology','lat','long','stratigraphic_height','method_codes','site_name','site_description'] SampKeys=['er_sample_name','sample_azimuth','sample_dip','sample_class','sample_type','sample_lithology','sample_lat','sample_lon','sample_height','magic_method_codes','er_site_name','er_sample_description'] for samp in Samps: if samp['er_location_name'] not in Locs:Locs.append(samp['er_location_name']) # get all the location names for location_name in Locs: OrOut=[] for samp in Samps: if samp['er_location_name']==location_name: OrRec={} if 'sample_date' in samp.keys() and samp['sample_date'].strip()!="": date=samp['sample_date'].split(':') OrRec['date']=date[1]+'/'+date[2]+'/'+date[0][2:4] for i in range(len(SampKeys)): if SampKeys[i] in samp.keys():OrRec[OrKeys[i]]=samp[SampKeys[i]] OrOut.append(OrRec) loc=location_name.replace(" ","_") outfile=opath+orient_file+'_'+loc+'.txt' pmag.magic_write(outfile,OrOut,location_name) print "Data saved in: ", outfile
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts LDGO format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify .ldgo format input file, required -fsa SAMPFILE : specify er_samples.txt file relating samples, site and locations names,default is none -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsy: specify er_synthetics file, default is er_sythetics.txt -Fsa: specify output er_samples file, default is NONE (only for LDGO formatted files) -LP [colon delimited list of protocols, include all that apply] AF: af demag T: thermal including thellier but not trm acquisition S: Shaw method I: IRM (acquisition) N: NRM only TRM: trm acquisition ANI: anisotropy experiment D: double AF demag G: triple AF demag (GRM protocol) -V [1,2,3] units of IRM field in volts using ASC coil #1,2 or 3 -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SAMPFILE or be a synthetic -syn INST TYPE: sets these specimens as synthetics created at institution INST and of type TYPE -ins INST : specify which demag instrument was used (e.g, SIO-Suzy or SIO-Odette),default is "" -dc B PHI THETA: dc lab field (in micro tesla) and phi,theta, default is none NB: use PHI, THETA = -1 -1 to signal that it changes, i.e. in anisotropy experiment -ac B : peak AF field (in mT) for ARM acquisition, default is none -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below -A: don't average replicate measurements Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. [8] synthetic - has no site name INPUT Best to put separate experiments (all AF, thermal, thellier, trm aquisition, Shaw, etc.) in seperate .mag files (eg. af.mag, thermal.mag, etc.) Format of LDEO files: isaf2.fix LAT: .00 LON: .00 ID TREAT I CD J CDECL CINCL GDECL GINCL BDECL BINCL SUSC M/V ________________________________________________________________________________ is031c2 .0 SD 0 461.600 163.9 17.5 337.1 74.5 319.1 74.4 .0 .0 ID: specimen name TREAT: treatment step I: Instrument CD: Circular standard devation J: intensity. assumed to be total moment in 10^-4 (emu) CDECL: Declination in specimen coordinate system CINCL: Declination in specimen coordinate system GDECL: Declination in geographic coordinate system GINCL: Declination in geographic coordinate system BDECL: Declination in bedding adjusted coordinate system BINCL: Declination in bedding adjusted coordinate system SUSC: magnetic susceptibility (in micro SI)a M/V: mass or volume for nomalizing (0 won't normalize) """ # initialize some stuff noave = 0 methcode, inst = "LP-NO", "" phi, theta, peakfield, labfield = 0, 0, 0, 0 pTRM, MD, samp_con, Z = 0, 0, '1', 1 dec = [315, 225, 180, 135, 45, 90, 270, 270, 270, 90, 180, 180, 0, 0, 0] inc = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -45, -45, 0, 45, 45, 45, -45, -90, -45, 45] tdec = [0, 90, 0, 180, 270, 0, 0, 90, 0] tinc = [0, 0, 90, 0, 0, -90, 0, 0, 90] missing = 1 demag = "N" er_location_name = "" citation = 'This study' args = sys.argv fmt = 'old' syn = 0 synfile = 'er_synthetics.txt' samp_file, ErSamps = '', [] trm = 0 irm = 0 specnum = 0 coil = "" # # get command line arguments # meas_file = "magic_measurements.txt" user = "" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind = args.index("-usr") user = args[ind + 1] if '-F' in args: ind = args.index("-F") meas_file = args[ind + 1] if '-Fsy' in args: ind = args.index("-Fsy") synfile = args[ind + 1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = args[ind + 1] try: open(samp_file, 'rU') ErSamps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) print 'sample information will be appended to new er_samples.txt file' except: print 'sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file' if '-f' in args: ind = args.index("-f") magfile = args[ind + 1] try: input = open(magfile, 'rU') except: print "bad mag file name" sys.exit() else: print "mag_file field is required option" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-dc" in args: ind = args.index("-dc") labfield = float(args[ind + 1]) * 1e-6 phi = float(args[ind + 2]) theta = float(args[ind + 3]) if "-ac" in args: ind = args.index("-ac") peakfield = float(args[ind + 1]) * 1e-3 if "-spc" in args: ind = args.index("-spc") specnum = int(args[ind + 1]) if specnum != 0: specnum = -specnum if "-loc" in args: ind = args.index("-loc") er_location_name = args[ind + 1] if "-fsa" in args: ind = args.index("-fsa") Samps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(args[ind + 1]) if '-syn' in args: syn = 1 ind = args.index("-syn") institution = args[ind + 1] syntype = args[ind + 2] if '-fsy' in args: ind = args.index("-fsy") synfile = args[ind + 1] if "-ins" in args: ind = args.index("-ins") inst = args[ind + 1] if "-A" in args: noave = 1 if "-ncn" in args: ind = args.index("-ncn") samp_con = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "4" if '-LP' in args: ind = args.index("-LP") codelist = args[ind + 1] codes = codelist.split(':') if "AF" in codes: demag = 'AF' if '-dc' not in args: methcode = "LT-AF-Z" if '-dc' in args: methcode = "LT-AF-I" if "T" in codes: demag = "T" if '-dc' not in args: methcode = "LT-T-Z" if '-dc' in args: methcode = "LT-T-I" if "I" in codes: methcode = "LP-IRM" irmunits = "mT" if "S" in codes: demag = "S" methcode = "LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-ALT-AFARM" trm_labfield = labfield ans = raw_input("DC lab field for ARM step: [50uT] ") if ans == "": arm_labfield = 50e-6 else: arm_labfield = float(ans) * 1e-6 ans = raw_input("temperature for total trm step: [600 C] ") if ans == "": trm_peakT = 600 + 273 # convert to kelvin else: trm_peakT = float(ans) + 273 # convert to kelvin if "G" in codes: methcode = "LT-AF-G" if "D" in codes: methcode = "LT-AF-D" if "TRM" in codes: demag = "T" trm = 1 if "-V" in args: methcode = "LP-IRM" ind = args.index("-V") irmunits = "V" coil = args[ind + 1] if coil not in ["1", "2", "3"]: print main.__doc__ print 'not a valid coil specification' sys.exit() if demag == "T" and "ANI" in codes: methcode = "LP-AN-TRM" if demag == "AF" and "ANI" in codes: methcode = "LP-AN-ARM" if labfield == 0: labfield = 50e-6 if peakfield == 0: peakfield = .180 SynRecs, MagRecs = [], [] version_num = pmag.get_version() if 1: # ldgo file format # # find start of data: # Samps = [] # keeps track of sample orientations DIspec = [] Data, k = input.readlines(), 0 for k in range(len(Data)): rec = Data[k].split() if rec[0][0] == "_" or rec[0][0:2] == "!_": break start = k + 1 for k in range(start, len(Data)): rec = Data[k].split() if len(rec) > 0: MagRec = {} MagRec["treatment_temp"] = '%8.3e' % (273 ) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"] = '%8.3e' % ( 273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = '0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = '0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"] = '0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"] = '0' meas_type = "LT-NO" MagRec["measurement_flag"] = 'g' MagRec["measurement_standard"] = 'u' MagRec["measurement_number"] = '1' MagRec["er_specimen_name"] = rec[0] if specnum != 0: MagRec["er_sample_name"] = rec[0][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"] = rec[0] site = pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'], samp_con, Z) MagRec["er_site_name"] = site MagRec["er_location_name"] = er_location_name MagRec["measurement_csd"] = rec[3] MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"] = '%10.3e' % ( float(rec[4]) * 1e-7) # moment in Am^2 (from 10^-4 emu) # #if samp_file!="" and MagRec["er_sample_name"] not in Samps: # create er_samples.txt file with these data # cdec,cinc=float(rec[5]),float(rec[6]) # gdec,ginc=float(rec[7]),float(rec[8]) # az,pl=pmag.get_azpl(cdec,cinc,gdec,ginc) # bdec,binc=float(rec[9]),float(rec[10]) # if rec[7]!=rec[9] and rec[6]!=rec[8]: # dipdir,dip=pmag.get_tilt(gdec,ginc,bdec,binc) # else: # dipdir,dip=0,0 # ErSampRec={} # ErSampRec['er_location_name']=MagRec['er_location_name'] # ErSampRec['er_sample_name']=MagRec['er_sample_name'] # ErSampRec['er_site_name']=MagRec['er_site_name'] # ErSampRec['sample_azimuth']='%7.1f'%(az) # ErSampRec['sample_dip']='%7.1f'%(pl) # ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip_direction']='%7.1f'%(dipdir) # ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip']='%7.1f'%(dip) # ErSampRec['sample_description']='az,pl,dip_dir and dip recalculated from [c,g,b][dec,inc] in ldeo file' # ErSampRec['magic_method_codes']='SO-REC' # ErSamps.append(ErSampRec) # Samps.append(ErSampRec['er_sample_name']) MagRec["measurement_dec"] = rec[5] MagRec["measurement_inc"] = rec[6] MagRec["measurement_chi"] = '%10.3e' % ( float(rec[11]) * 1e-5 ) #convert to SI (assume Bartington, 10-5 SI) #MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=rec[2] #MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]="" MagRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = meas_type if demag == "AF": if methcode != "LP-AN-ARM": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = '%8.3e' % ( float(rec[1]) * 1e-3) # peak field in tesla meas_type = "LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = '0' else: # AARM experiment if treat[1][0] == '0': meas_type = "LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = '%8.3e' % ( peakfield) # peak field in tesla else: meas_type = "LT-AF-I" ipos = int(treat[0]) - 1 MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"] = '%7.1f' % ( dec[ipos]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"] = '%7.1f' % ( inc[ipos]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = '%8.3e' % (labfield) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = '%8.3e' % ( peakfield) # peak field in tesla elif demag == "T": if rec[1][0] == ".": rec[1] = "0" + rec[1] treat = rec[1].split('.') if len(treat) == 1: treat.append('0') MagRec["treatment_temp"] = '%8.3e' % (float(rec[1]) + 273. ) # temp in kelvin meas_type = "LT-T-Z" MagRec["treatment_temp"] = '%8.3e' % ( float(treat[0]) + 273.) # temp in kelvin if trm == 0: # demag=T and not trmaq if treat[1][0] == '0': meas_type = "LT-T-Z" else: MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = '%8.3e' % ( labfield ) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"] = '%7.1f' % ( phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"] = '%7.1f' % ( theta) # labfield theta if treat[1][0] == '1': meas_type = "LT-T-I" # in-field thermal step if treat[1][0] == '2': meas_type = "LT-PTRM-I" # pTRM check pTRM = 1 if treat[1][0] == '3': MagRec[ "treatment_dc_field"] = '0' # this is a zero field step meas_type = "LT-PTRM-MD" # pTRM tail check else: meas_type = "LT-T-I" # trm acquisition experiment MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts = pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs, noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file, MagOuts, 'magic_measurements') print "results put in ", meas_file if samp_file != "": pmag.magic_write(samp_file, ErSamps, 'er_samples') print "sample orientations put in ", samp_file if len(SynRecs) > 0: pmag.magic_write(synfile, SynRecs, 'er_synthetics') print "synthetics put in ", synfile
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts ODP LIMS sample format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -f FILE: specify input .csv file, default is all in directory -F FILE: specify output measurements file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsp FILE: specify output er_specimens.txt file, default is er_specimens.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output er_samples.txt file, default is er_samples.txt -Fsi FILE: specify output er_sites.txt file, default is er_sites.txt -A : don't average replicate measurements INPUTS IODP .csv file format exported from LIMS database """ # # version_num=pmag.get_version() meas_file='magic_measurements.txt' spec_file='er_specimens.txt' samp_file='er_samples.txt' site_file='er_sites.txt' csv_file='' ErSpecs,ErSamps,ErSites,ErLocs,ErCits=[],[],[],[],[] MagRecs=[] citation="This study" dir_path,demag='.','NRM' args=sys.argv noave=0 depth_method='a' if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] print "dir_path", dir_path if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-A" in args: noave=1 if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") # csv_file=args[ind+1] # original csv_file=dir_path + '/' + args[ind+1] # LJ if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsp' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsp") spec_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] Specs,file_type=pmag.magic_read(spec_file) else: spec_file=dir_path+'/'+spec_file if '-Fsi' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsi") site_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] ErSamps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) else: samp_file=dir_path+'/'+samp_file site_file=dir_path+'/'+site_file meas_file=dir_path+'/'+meas_file if csv_file=="": filelist=os.listdir(dir_path) # read in list of files to import else: filelist=[csv_file] specimens,samples,sites=[],[],[] MagRecs,SpecRecs,SampRecs,SiteRecs=[],[],[],[] for samp in ErSamps: if samp['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(samp['er_sample_name']) SampRecs.append(samp) print "filelist", filelist # LJ for file in filelist: # parse each file if file[-3:].lower()=='csv': print 'processing: ',file input=open(file,'rU').readlines() keys=input[0].replace('\n','').split(',') # splits on underscores if "Interval Top (cm) on SHLF" in keys:interval_key="Interval Top (cm) on SHLF" if " Interval Bot (cm) on SECT" in keys:interval_key=" Interval Bot (cm) on SECT" if "Top Depth (m)" in keys:depth_key="Top Depth (m)" if "CSF-A Top (m)" in keys:depth_key="CSF-A Top (m)" if "CSF-B Top (m)" in keys: comp_depth_key="CSF-B Top (m)" # use this model if available else: comp_depth_key="" if "Demag level (mT)" in keys:demag_key="Demag level (mT)" if "Demag Level (mT)" in keys: demag_key="Demag Level (mT)" if "Inclination (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (deg)" in keys:inc_key="Inclination (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (deg)" if "Inclination background + tray corrected (deg)" in keys:inc_key="Inclination background + tray corrected (deg)" if "Inclination background + tray corrected (\xc2\xb0)" in keys:inc_key="Inclination background + tray corrected (\xc2\xb0)" if "Declination (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (deg)" in keys:dec_key="Declination (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (deg)" if "Declination background + tray corrected (deg)" in keys:dec_key="Declination background + tray corrected (deg)" if "Declination background + tray corrected (\xc2\xb0)" in keys:dec_key="Declination background + tray corrected (\xc2\xb0)" if "Intensity (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (A/m)" in keys:int_key="Intensity (Tray- and Bkgrd-Corrected) (A/m)" if "Intensity background + tray corrected (A/m)" in keys:int_key="Intensity background + tray corrected (A/m)" if "Core Type" in keys: type="Core Type" else: type="Type" for line in input[1:]: InRec={} for k in range(len(keys)):InRec[keys[k]]=line.split(',')[k] try: run_number="" inst="ODP-SRM" volume='15.59' # set default volume to this MagRec,SpecRec,SampRec,SiteRec={},{},{},{} expedition=InRec['Exp'] location=InRec['Site']+InRec['Hole'] # Maintain backward compatibility for the ever-changing LIMS format (Argh!) while len(InRec['Core'])<3: InRec['Core']='0'+InRec['Core'] if "Last Tray Measurment" in InRec.keys() and "Discrete" in InRec['Last Tray Measurement'] or 'dscr' in csv_file : # assume discrete sample specimen=expedition+'-'+location+'-'+InRec['Core']+InRec[type]+"-"+InRec['Section']+'-'+InRec['Section Half']+'-'+InRec[interval_key] else: # mark as continuous measurements specimen=expedition+'-'+location+'-'+InRec['Core']+InRec[type]+"_"+InRec['Section']+InRec['Section Half']+'-'+InRec[interval_key] SpecRec['er_expedition_name']=expedition SpecRec['er_location_name']=location SpecRec['er_site_name']=specimen SpecRec['er_citation_names']=citation for key in SpecRec.keys():SampRec[key]=SpecRec[key] for key in SpecRec.keys():SiteRec[key]=SpecRec[key] SampRec['sample_azimuth']='0' SampRec['sample_dip']='0' SampRec['sample_core_depth']=InRec[depth_key] if comp_depth_key!='': SampRec['sample_composite_depth']=InRec[comp_depth_key] if "Discrete" in InRec['Last Tray Measurement']: SampRec['magic_method_codes']='FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SP-SS-C:SO-V' else: SampRec['magic_method_codes']='FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SO-V' SpecRec['er_specimen_name']=specimen SpecRec['er_sample_name']=specimen SampRec['er_sample_name']=specimen SampRec['er_specimen_names']=specimen SiteRec['er_specimen_names']=specimen for key in SpecRec.keys():MagRec[key]=SpecRec[key] # set up measurement record - default is NRM MagRec['er_analyst_mail_names']=InRec['Test Entered By'] MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=0 MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" SpecRec['er_specimen_alternatives']=InRec['Text Id'] if 'Sample Area (cm?)' in InRec.keys() and InRec['Sample Area (cm?)']!= "": volume=InRec['Sample Area (cm?)'] if InRec['Run Number']!= "": run_number=InRec['Run Number'] datestamp=InRec['Test Changed On'].split() # date time is second line of file mmddyy=datestamp[0].split('/') # break into month day year if len(mmddyy[0])==1: mmddyy[0]='0'+mmddyy[0] # make 2 characters if len(mmddyy[1])==1: mmddyy[1]='0'+mmddyy[1] # make 2 characters if len(datestamp[1])==1: datestamp[1]='0'+datestamp[1] # make 2 characters date='20'+mmddyy[2]+':'+mmddyy[0]+":"+mmddyy[1] +':' +datestamp[1]+":00.00" MagRec["measurement_date"]=date MagRec["magic_method_codes"]='LT-NO' if InRec[demag_key]!="0": MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst=inst+':ODP-SRM-AF' # measured on shipboard in-line 2G AF treatment_value=float(InRec[demag_key].strip('"'))*1e-3 # convert mT => T MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T if InRec['Treatment Type']!="": if 'Alternating Frequency' in InRec['Treatment Type']: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst=inst+':ODP-DTECH' # measured on shipboard Dtech D2000 treatment_value=float(InRec['Treatment Value'])*1e-3 # convert mT => T MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]=treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T elif 'Thermal' in InRec['Treatment Type']: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-T-Z' inst=inst+':ODP-TDS' # measured on shipboard Schonstedt thermal demagnetizer treatment_value=float(InRec['Treatment Value'])+273 # convert C => K MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e'%(treatment_value) # MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" vol=float(volume)*1e-6 # convert from cc to m^3 if run_number!="": MagRec['external_database_ids']=run_number MagRec['external_database_names']='LIMS' else: MagRec['external_database_ids']="" MagRec['external_database_names']='' MagRec['measurement_inc']=InRec[inc_key].strip('"') MagRec['measurement_dec']=InRec[dec_key].strip('"') intens= InRec[int_key].strip('"') MagRec['measurement_magn_moment']='%8.3e'%(float(intens)*vol) # convert intensity from A/m to Am^2 using vol MagRec['magic_instrument_codes']=inst MagRec['measurement_number']='1' MagRec['measurement_csd']='' MagRec['measurement_positions']='' MagRecs.append(MagRec) if specimen not in specimens: specimens.append(specimen) SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) if MagRec['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(MagRec['er_sample_name']) SampRecs.append(SampRec) if MagRec['er_site_name'] not in sites: sites.append(MagRec['er_site_name']) SiteRecs.append(SiteRec) except: pass if len(SpecRecs)>0: pmag.magic_write(spec_file,SpecRecs,'er_specimens') print 'specimens stored in ',spec_file if len(SampRecs)>0: SampOut,keys=pmag.fillkeys(SampRecs) pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampOut,'er_samples') print 'samples stored in ',samp_file if len(SiteRecs)>0: pmag.magic_write(site_file,SiteRecs,'er_sites') print 'sites stored in ',site_file MagSort=pmag.sortbykeys(MagRecs,["er_specimen_name","treatment_ac_field"]) MagOuts=[] for MagRec in MagSort: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e'%(MagRec['treatment_ac_field']) # convert to string MagOuts.append(MagRec) Fixed=pmag.measurements_methods(MagOuts,noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,Fixed,'magic_measurements') print 'data stored in ',meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION combines pmag_specimens.txt file with age, location, acceptance criteria and outputs pmag_results table along with other MagIC tables necessary for uploading to the database SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f: specimen input magic_measurements format file, default is "magic_measurements.txt" -fsp: specimen input pmag_specimens format file, default is "pmag_specimens.txt" -fsm: sample input er_samples format file, default is "er_samples.txt" -fsi: specimen input er_sites format file, default is "er_sites.txt" -fla: specify a file with paleolatitudes for calculating VADMs, default is not to calculate VADMS format is: site_name paleolatitude (space delimited file) -fa AGES: specify er_ages format file with age information -crd [s,g,t,b]: specify coordinate system (s, specimen, g geographic, t, tilt corrected, b, geographic and tilt corrected) Default is to assume geographic NB: only the tilt corrected data will appear on the results table, if both g and t are selected. -cor [AC:CR:NL]: colon delimited list of required data adjustments for all specimens included in intensity calculations (anisotropy, cooling rate, non-linear TRM) unless specified, corrections will not be applied -pri [TRM:ARM] colon delimited list of priorities for anisotropy correction (-cor must also be set to include AC). default is TRM, then ARM -age MIN MAX UNITS: specify age boundaries and units -exc: use exiting selection criteria (in pmag_criteria.txt file), default is default criteria -C: no acceptance criteria -aD: average directions per sample, default is NOT -aI: average multiple specimen intensities per sample, default is by site -aC: average all components together, default is NOT -pol: calculate polarity averages -sam: save sample level vgps and v[a]dms, default is by site -xSi: skip the site level intensity calculation -p: plot directions and look at intensities by site, default is NOT -fmt: specify output for saved images, default is svg (only if -p set) -lat: use present latitude for calculating VADMs, default is not to calculate VADMs -xD: skip directions -xI: skip intensities OUPUT writes pmag_samples, pmag_sites, pmag_results tables """ # set defaults Comps=[] # list of components version_num=pmag.get_version() args=sys.argv DefaultAge=["none"] skipdirs,coord,excrit,custom,vgps,average,Iaverage,plotsites,opt=1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 get_model_lat=0 # this skips VADM calculation altogether, when get_model_lat=1, uses present day fmt='svg' dir_path="." model_lat_file="" Caverage=0 infile='pmag_specimens.txt' measfile="magic_measurements.txt" sampfile="er_samples.txt" sitefile="er_sites.txt" agefile="er_ages.txt" specout="er_specimens.txt" sampout="pmag_samples.txt" siteout="pmag_sites.txt" resout="pmag_results.txt" critout="pmag_criteria.txt" instout="magic_instruments.txt" sigcutoff,OBJ="","" noDir,noInt=0,0 polarity=0 coords=['0'] Dcrit,Icrit,nocrit=0,0,0 corrections=[] nocorrection=['DA-NL','DA-AC','DA-CR'] priorities=['DA-AC-ARM','DA-AC-TRM'] # priorities for anisotropy correction # get command line stuff if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] if '-cor' in args: ind=args.index('-cor') cors=args[ind+1].split(':') # list of required data adjustments for cor in cors: nocorrection.remove('DA-'+cor) corrections.append('DA-'+cor) if '-pri' in args: ind=args.index('-pri') priorities=args[ind+1].split(':') # list of required data adjustments for p in priorities: p='DA-AC-'+p if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") measfile=args[ind+1] if '-fsp' in args: ind=args.index("-fsp") infile=args[ind+1] if '-fsi' in args: ind=args.index("-fsi") sitefile=args[ind+1] if "-crd" in args: ind=args.index("-crd") coord=args[ind+1] if coord=='s':coords=['-1'] if coord=='g':coords=['0'] if coord=='t':coords=['100'] if coord=='b':coords=['0','100'] if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=sys.argv[ind+1] else: user="" if "-C" in args: Dcrit,Icrit,nocrit=1,1,1 # no selection criteria if "-sam" in args: vgps=1 # save sample level VGPS/VADMs if "-xSi" in args: nositeints=1 # skip site level intensity else: nositeints=0 if "-age" in args: ind=args.index("-age") DefaultAge[0]=args[ind+1] DefaultAge.append(args[ind+2]) DefaultAge.append(args[ind+3]) Daverage,Iaverage,Caverage=0,0,0 if "-aD" in args: Daverage=1 # average by sample directions if "-aI" in args: Iaverage=1 # average by sample intensities if "-aC" in args: Caverage=1 # average all components together ??? why??? if "-pol" in args: polarity=1 # calculate averages by polarity if '-xD' in args:noDir=1 if '-xI' in args: noInt=1 elif "-fla" in args: if '-lat' in args: print "you should set a paleolatitude file OR use present day lat - not both" sys.exit() ind=args.index("-fla") model_lat_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] get_model_lat=2 mlat=open(model_lat_file,'rU') ModelLats=[] for line in mlat.readlines(): ModelLat={} tmp=line.split() ModelLat["er_site_name"]=tmp[0] ModelLat["site_model_lat"]=tmp[1] ModelLat["er_sample_name"]=tmp[0] ModelLat["sample_lat"]=tmp[1] ModelLats.append(ModelLat) get_model_lat=2 elif '-lat' in args: get_model_lat=1 if "-p" in args: plotsites=1 if "-fmt" in args: ind=args.index("-fmt") fmt=args[ind+1] if noDir==0: # plot by site - set up plot window import pmagplotlib EQ={} EQ['eqarea']=1 pmagplotlib.plot_init(EQ['eqarea'],5,5) # define figure 1 as equal area projection pmagplotlib.plotNET(EQ['eqarea']) # I don't know why this has to be here, but otherwise the first plot never plots... pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) if '-WD' in args: infile=dir_path+'/'+infile measfile=dir_path+'/'+measfile instout=dir_path+'/'+instout sampfile=dir_path+'/'+sampfile sitefile=dir_path+'/'+sitefile agefile=dir_path+'/'+agefile specout=dir_path+'/'+specout sampout=dir_path+'/'+sampout siteout=dir_path+'/'+siteout resout=dir_path+'/'+resout critout=dir_path+'/'+critout if "-exc" in args: # use existing pmag_criteria file if "-C" in args: print 'you can not use both existing and no criteria - choose either -exc OR -C OR neither (for default)' sys.exit() crit_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(critout) print "Acceptance criteria read in from ", critout else : # use default criteria (if nocrit set, then get really loose criteria as default) crit_data=pmag.default_criteria(nocrit) if nocrit==0: print "Acceptance criteria are defaults" else: print "No acceptance criteria used " accept={} for critrec in crit_data: for key in critrec.keys(): if 'sample_int_sigma_uT' in critrec.keys(): critrec['sample_int_sigma']='%10.3e'%(eval(critrec['sample_int_sigma_uT'])*1e-6) if key not in accept.keys() and critrec[key]!='': accept[key]=critrec[key] # # if "-exc" not in args and "-C" not in args: print "args",args pmag.magic_write(critout,[accept],'pmag_criteria') print "\n Pmag Criteria stored in ",critout,'\n' # # now we're done slow dancing # SiteNFO,file_type=pmag.magic_read(sitefile) # read in site data - has the lats and lons SampNFO,file_type=pmag.magic_read(sampfile) # read in site data - has the lats and lons height_nfo=pmag.get_dictitem(SiteNFO,'site_height','','F') # find all the sites with height info. if agefile !="":AgeNFO,file_type=pmag.magic_read(agefile) # read in the age information Data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(infile) # read in specimen interpretations IntData=pmag.get_dictitem(Data,'specimen_int','','F') # retrieve specimens with intensity data comment,orient="",[] samples,sites=[],[] for rec in Data: # run through the data filling in missing keys and finding all components, coordinates available # fill in missing fields, collect unique sample and site names if 'er_sample_name' not in rec.keys(): rec['er_sample_name']="" elif rec['er_sample_name'] not in samples: samples.append(rec['er_sample_name']) if 'er_site_name' not in rec.keys(): rec['er_site_name']="" elif rec['er_site_name'] not in sites: sites.append(rec['er_site_name']) if 'specimen_int' not in rec.keys():rec['specimen_int']='' if 'specimen_comp_name' not in rec.keys() or rec['specimen_comp_name']=="":rec['specimen_comp_name']='A' if rec['specimen_comp_name'] not in Comps:Comps.append(rec['specimen_comp_name']) rec['specimen_tilt_correction']=rec['specimen_tilt_correction'].strip('\n') if "specimen_tilt_correction" not in rec.keys(): rec["specimen_tilt_correction"]="-1" # assume sample coordinates if rec["specimen_tilt_correction"] not in orient: orient.append(rec["specimen_tilt_correction"]) # collect available coordinate systems if "specimen_direction_type" not in rec.keys(): rec["specimen_direction_type"]='l' # assume direction is line - not plane if "specimen_dec" not in rec.keys(): rec["specimen_direction_type"]='' # if no declination, set direction type to blank if "specimen_n" not in rec.keys(): rec["specimen_n"]='' # put in n if "specimen_alpha95" not in rec.keys(): rec["specimen_alpha95"]='' # put in alpha95 if "magic_method_codes" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_method_codes"]='' # # start parsing data into SpecDirs, SpecPlanes, SpecInts SpecInts,SpecDirs,SpecPlanes=[],[],[] samples.sort() # get sorted list of samples and sites sites.sort() if noInt==0: # don't skip intensities IntData=pmag.get_dictitem(Data,'specimen_int','','F') # retrieve specimens with intensity data if nocrit==0: # use selection criteria for rec in IntData: # do selection criteria kill=pmag.grade(rec,accept,'specimen_int') if len(kill)==0: SpecInts.append(rec) # intensity record to be included in sample, site calculations else: SpecInts=IntData[:] # take everything - no selection criteria # check for required data adjustments if len(corrections)>0 and len(SpecInts)>0: for cor in corrections: SpecInts=pmag.get_dictitem(SpecInts,'magic_method_codes',cor,'has') # only take specimens with the required corrections if len(nocorrection)>0 and len(SpecInts)>0: for cor in nocorrection: SpecInts=pmag.get_dictitem(SpecInts,'magic_method_codes',cor,'not') # exclude the corrections not specified for inclusion # take top priority specimen of its name in remaining specimens (only one per customer) PrioritySpecInts=[] specimens=pmag.get_specs(SpecInts) # get list of uniq specimen names for spec in specimens: ThisSpecRecs=pmag.get_dictitem(SpecInts,'er_specimen_name',spec,'T') # all the records for this specimen if len(ThisSpecRecs)==1: PrioritySpecInts.append(ThisSpecRecs[0]) elif len(ThisSpecRecs)>1: # more than one prec=[] for p in priorities: ThisSpecRecs=pmag.get_dictitem(SpecInts,'magic_method_codes',p,'has') # all the records for this specimen if len(ThisSpecRecs)>0:prec.append(ThisSpecRecs[0]) PrioritySpecInts.append(prec[0]) # take the best one SpecInts=PrioritySpecInts # this has the first specimen record if noDir==0: # don't skip directions AllDirs=pmag.get_dictitem(Data,'specimen_direction_type','','F') # retrieve specimens with directed lines and planes Ns=pmag.get_dictitem(AllDirs,'specimen_n','','F') # get all specimens with specimen_n information if nocrit!=1: # use selection criteria for rec in Ns: # look through everything with specimen_n for "good" data kill=pmag.grade(rec,accept,'specimen_dir') if len(kill)==0: # nothing killed it SpecDirs.append(rec) else: # no criteria SpecDirs=AllDirs[:] # take them all # SpecDirs is now the list of all specimen directions (lines and planes) that pass muster # PmagSamps,SampDirs=[],[] # list of all sample data and list of those that pass the DE-SAMP criteria PmagSites,PmagResults=[],[] # list of all site data and selected results SampInts=[] for samp in samples: # run through the sample names if Daverage==1: # average by sample if desired SampDir=pmag.get_dictitem(SpecDirs,'er_sample_name',samp,'T') # get all the directional data for this sample if len(SampDir)>0: # there are some directions for coord in coords: # step through desired coordinate systems CoordDir=pmag.get_dictitem(SampDir,'specimen_tilt_correction',coord,'T') # get all the directions for this sample if len(CoordDir)>0: # there are some with this coordinate system if Caverage==0: # look component by component for comp in Comps: CompDir=pmag.get_dictitem(CoordDir,'specimen_comp_name',comp,'T') # get all directions from this component if len(CompDir)>0: # there are some PmagSampRec=pmag.lnpbykey(CompDir,'sample','specimen') # get a sample average from all specimens PmagSampRec["er_location_name"]=CompDir[0]['er_location_name'] # decorate the sample record PmagSampRec["er_site_name"]=CompDir[0]['er_site_name'] PmagSampRec["er_sample_name"]=samp PmagSampRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagSampRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagSampRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num if nocrit!=1:PmagSampRec['pmag_criteria_codes']="ACCEPT" if agefile != "": PmagSampRec= pmag.get_age(PmagSampRec,"er_site_name","sample_inferred_",AgeNFO,DefaultAge) site_height=pmag.get_dictitem(height_nfo,'er_site_name',PmagSampRec['er_site_name'],'T') if len(site_height)>0:PmagSampRec["sample_height"]=site_height[0]['site_height'] # add in height if available PmagSampRec['sample_comp_name']=comp PmagSampRec['sample_tilt_correction']=coord PmagSampRec['er_specimen_names']= pmag.get_list(CompDir,'er_specimen_name') # get a list of the specimen names used PmagSampRec['magic_method_codes']= pmag.get_list(CompDir,'magic_method_codes') # get a list of the methods used if nocrit!=1: # apply selection criteria kill=pmag.grade(PmagSampRec,accept,'sample_dir') else: kill=[] if len(kill)==0: SampDirs.append(PmagSampRec) if vgps==1: # if sample level VGP info desired, do that now PmagResRec=pmag.getsampVGP(PmagSampRec,SiteNFO) if PmagResRec!="":PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) PmagSamps.append(PmagSampRec) if Caverage==1: # average all components together basically same as above PmagSampRec=pmag.lnpbykey(CoordDir,'sample','specimen') PmagSampRec["er_location_name"]=CoordDir[0]['er_location_name'] PmagSampRec["er_site_name"]=CoordDir[0]['er_site_name'] PmagSampRec["er_sample_name"]=samp PmagSampRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagSampRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagSampRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num if nocrit!=1:PmagSampRec['pmag_criteria_codes']="" if agefile != "": PmagSampRec= pmag.get_age(PmagSampRec,"er_site_name","sample_inferred_",AgeNFO,DefaultAge) site_height=pmag.get_dictitem(height_nfo,'er_site_name',site,'T') if len(site_height)>0:PmagSampRec["sample_height"]=site_height[0]['site_height'] # add in height if available PmagSampRec['sample_tilt_correction']=coord PmagSampRec['sample_comp_name']= pmag.get_list(CoordDir,'specimen_comp_name') # get components used PmagSampRec['er_specimen_names']= pmag.get_list(CoordDir,'er_specimen_name') # get specimne names averaged PmagSampRec['magic_method_codes']= pmag.get_list(CoordDir,'magic_method_codes') # assemble method codes if nocrit!=1: # apply selection criteria kill=pmag.grade(PmagSampRec,accept,'sample_dir') if len(kill)==0: # passes the mustard SampDirs.append(PmagSampRec) if vgps==1: PmagResRec=pmag.getsampVGP(PmagSampRec,SiteNFO) if PmagResRec!="":PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) else: # take everything SampDirs.append(PmagSampRec) if vgps==1: PmagResRec=pmag.getsampVGP(PmagSampRec,SiteNFO) if PmagResRec!="":PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) PmagSamps.append(PmagSampRec) if Iaverage==1: # average by sample if desired SampI=pmag.get_dictitem(SpecInts,'er_sample_name',samp,'T') # get all the intensity data for this sample if len(SampI)>0: # there are some PmagSampRec=pmag.average_int(SampI,'specimen','sample') # get average intensity stuff PmagSampRec["sample_description"]="sample intensity" # decorate sample record PmagSampRec["sample_direction_type"]="" PmagSampRec['er_site_name']=SampI[0]["er_site_name"] PmagSampRec['er_sample_name']=samp PmagSampRec['er_location_name']=SampI[0]["er_location_name"] PmagSampRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagSampRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user if agefile != "": PmagSampRec=pmag.get_age(PmagSampRec,"er_site_name","sample_inferred_", AgeNFO,DefaultAge) site_height=pmag.get_dictitem(height_nfo,'er_site_name',PmagSampRec['er_site_name'],'T') if len(site_height)>0:PmagSampRec["sample_height"]=site_height[0]['site_height'] # add in height if available PmagSampRec['er_specimen_names']= pmag.get_list(SampI,'er_specimen_name') PmagSampRec['magic_method_codes']= pmag.get_list(SampI,'magic_method_codes') if nocrit!=1: # apply criteria! kill=pmag.grade(PmagSampRec,accept,'sample_int') if len(kill)==0: PmagSampRec['pmag_criteria_codes']="ACCEPT" SampInts.append(PmagSampRec) PmagSamps.append(PmagSampRec) else:PmagSampRec={} # sample rejected else: # no criteria SampInts.append(PmagSampRec) PmagSamps.append(PmagSampRec) PmagSampRec['pmag_criteria_codes']="" if vgps==1 and get_model_lat!=0 and PmagSampRec!={}: # if get_model_lat==1: # use sample latitude PmagResRec=pmag.getsampVDM(PmagSampRec,SampNFO) del(PmagResRec['model_lat']) # get rid of the model lat key elif get_model_lat==2: # use model latitude PmagResRec=pmag.getsampVDM(PmagSampRec,ModelLats) if PmagResRec!={}:PmagResRec['magic_method_codes']=PmagResRec['magic_method_codes']+":IE-MLAT" if PmagResRec!={}: PmagResRec['er_specimen_names']=PmagSampRec['er_specimen_names'] PmagResRec['er_sample_names']=PmagSampRec['er_sample_name'] PmagResRec['pmag_criteria_codes']='ACCEPT' PmagResRec['average_int_sigma_perc']=PmagSampRec['sample_int_sigma_perc'] PmagResRec['average_int_sigma']=PmagSampRec['sample_int_sigma'] PmagResRec['average_int_n']=PmagSampRec['sample_int_n'] PmagResRec['vadm_n']=PmagSampRec['sample_int_n'] PmagResRec['data_type']='i' PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) if len(PmagSamps)>0: TmpSamps,keylist=pmag.fillkeys(PmagSamps) # fill in missing keys from different types of records pmag.magic_write(sampout,TmpSamps,'pmag_samples') # save in sample output file print ' sample averages written to ',sampout # #create site averages from specimens or samples as specified # for site in sites: if Daverage==0: key,dirlist='specimen',SpecDirs # if specimen averages at site level desired if Daverage==1: key,dirlist='sample',SampDirs # if sample averages at site level desired tmp=pmag.get_dictitem(dirlist,'er_site_name',site,'T') # get all the sites with directions tmp1=pmag.get_dictitem(tmp,key+'_tilt_correction',coords[-1],'T') # use only the last coordinate if Caverage==0 sd=pmag.get_dictitem(SiteNFO,'er_site_name',site,'T') # fish out site information (lat/lon, etc.) if len(sd)>0: sitedat=sd[0] if Caverage==0: # do component wise averaging for comp in Comps: siteD=pmag.get_dictitem(tmp1,key+'_comp_name',comp,'T') # get all components comp if len(siteD)>0: # there are some for this site and component name PmagSiteRec=pmag.lnpbykey(siteD,'site',key) # get an average for this site PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name']=comp # decorate the site record PmagSiteRec["er_location_name"]=siteD[0]['er_location_name'] PmagSiteRec["er_site_name"]=siteD[0]['er_site_name'] PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction']=coords[-1] PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name']= pmag.get_list(siteD,key+'_comp_name') if Daverage==1: PmagSiteRec['er_sample_names']= pmag.get_list(siteD,'er_sample_name') else: PmagSiteRec['er_specimen_names']= pmag.get_list(siteD,'er_specimen_name') # determine the demagnetization code (DC3,4 or 5) for this site AFnum=len(pmag.get_dictitem(siteD,'magic_method_codes','LP-DIR-AF','has')) Tnum=len(pmag.get_dictitem(siteD,'magic_method_codes','LP-DIR-T','has')) DC=3 if AFnum>0:DC+=1 if Tnum>0:DC+=1 PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']= pmag.get_list(siteD,'magic_method_codes')+':'+ 'LP-DC'+str(DC) PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes'].strip(":") if plotsites==1: print PmagSiteRec['er_site_name'] pmagplotlib.plotSITE(EQ['eqarea'],PmagSiteRec,siteD,key) # plot and list the data pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) PmagSites.append(PmagSiteRec) else: # last component only siteD=tmp1[:] # get the last orientation system specified if len(siteD)>0: # there are some PmagSiteRec=pmag.lnpbykey(siteD,'site',key) # get the average for this site PmagSiteRec["er_location_name"]=siteD[0]['er_location_name'] # decorate the record PmagSiteRec["er_site_name"]=siteD[0]['er_site_name'] PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name']=comp PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction']=coords[-1] PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name']= pmag.get_list(siteD,key+'_comp_name') PmagSiteRec['er_specimen_names']= pmag.get_list(siteD,'er_specimen_name') PmagSiteRec['er_sample_names']= pmag.get_list(siteD,'er_sample_name') AFnum=len(pmag.get_dictitem(siteD,'magic_method_codes','LP-DIR-AF','has')) Tnum=len(pmag.get_dictitem(siteD,'magic_method_codes','LP-DIR-T','has')) DC=3 if AFnum>0:DC+=1 if Tnum>0:DC+=1 PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']= pmag.get_list(siteD,'magic_method_codes')+':'+ 'LP-DC'+str(DC) PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes'].strip(":") if Daverage==0:PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name']= pmag.get_list(siteD,key+'_comp_name') if plotsites==1: pmagplotlib.plotSITE(EQ['eqarea'],PmagSiteRec,siteD,key) pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(EQ) PmagSites.append(PmagSiteRec) else: print 'site information not found in er_sites for site, ',site,' site will be skipped' for PmagSiteRec in PmagSites: # now decorate each dictionary some more, and calculate VGPs etc. for results table PmagSiteRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagSiteRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagSiteRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num if agefile != "": PmagSiteRec= pmag.get_age(PmagSiteRec,"er_site_name","site_inferred_",AgeNFO,DefaultAge) PmagSiteRec['pmag_criteria_codes']='ACCEPT' if 'site_n_lines' in PmagSiteRec.keys() and 'site_n_planes' in PmagSiteRec.keys() and PmagSiteRec['site_n_lines']!="" and PmagSiteRec['site_n_planes']!="": if int(PmagSiteRec["site_n_planes"])>0: PmagSiteRec["magic_method_codes"]=PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']+":DE-FM-LP" elif int(PmagSiteRec["site_n_lines"])>2: PmagSiteRec["magic_method_codes"]=PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']+":DE-FM" kill=pmag.grade(PmagSiteRec,accept,'site_dir') if len(kill)==0: PmagResRec={} # set up dictionary for the pmag_results table entry PmagResRec['data_type']='i' # decorate it a bit PmagResRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num PmagSiteRec['site_description']='Site direction included in results table' PmagResRec['pmag_criteria_codes']='ACCEPT' dec=float(PmagSiteRec["site_dec"]) inc=float(PmagSiteRec["site_inc"]) if 'site_alpha95' in PmagSiteRec.keys() and PmagSiteRec['site_alpha95']!="": a95=float(PmagSiteRec["site_alpha95"]) else:a95=180. sitedat=pmag.get_dictitem(SiteNFO,'er_site_name',PmagSiteRec['er_site_name'],'T')[0] # fish out site information (lat/lon, etc.) lat=float(sitedat['site_lat']) lon=float(sitedat['site_lon']) plong,plat,dp,dm=pmag.dia_vgp(dec,inc,a95,lat,lon) # get the VGP for this site if PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction']=='-1':C=' (spec coord) ' if PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction']=='0':C=' (geog. coord) ' if PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction']=='100':C=' (strat. coord) ' PmagResRec["pmag_result_name"]="VGP Site: "+PmagSiteRec["er_site_name"] # decorate some more PmagResRec["result_description"]="Site VGP, coord system = "+str(coord)+' component: '+comp PmagResRec['er_site_names']=PmagSiteRec['er_site_name'] PmagResRec['pmag_criteria_codes']='ACCEPT' PmagResRec['er_citation_names']='This study' PmagResRec['er_analyst_mail_names']=user PmagResRec["er_location_names"]=PmagSiteRec["er_location_name"] if Daverage==1: PmagResRec["er_sample_names"]=PmagSiteRec["er_sample_names"] else: PmagResRec["er_specimen_names"]=PmagSiteRec["er_specimen_names"] PmagResRec["tilt_correction"]=PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction'] PmagResRec["pole_comp_name"]=PmagSiteRec['site_comp_name'] PmagResRec["average_dec"]=PmagSiteRec["site_dec"] PmagResRec["average_inc"]=PmagSiteRec["site_inc"] PmagResRec["average_alpha95"]=PmagSiteRec["site_alpha95"] PmagResRec["average_n"]=PmagSiteRec["site_n"] PmagResRec["average_n_lines"]=PmagSiteRec["site_n_lines"] PmagResRec["average_n_planes"]=PmagSiteRec["site_n_planes"] PmagResRec["vgp_n"]=PmagSiteRec["site_n"] PmagResRec["average_k"]=PmagSiteRec["site_k"] PmagResRec["average_r"]=PmagSiteRec["site_r"] PmagResRec["average_lat"]='%10.4f ' %(lat) PmagResRec["average_lon"]='%10.4f ' %(lon) if agefile != "": PmagResRec= pmag.get_age(PmagResRec,"er_site_names","average_",AgeNFO,DefaultAge) site_height=pmag.get_dictitem(height_nfo,'er_site_name',site,'T') if len(site_height)>0:PmagResRec["average_height"]=site_height[0]['site_height'] PmagResRec["vgp_lat"]='%7.1f ' % (plat) PmagResRec["vgp_lon"]='%7.1f ' % (plong) PmagResRec["vgp_dp"]='%7.1f ' % (dp) PmagResRec["vgp_dm"]='%7.1f ' % (dm) PmagResRec["magic_method_codes"]= PmagSiteRec["magic_method_codes"] if PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction']=='0':PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']=PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']+":DA-DIR-GEO" if PmagSiteRec['site_tilt_correction']=='100':PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']=PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']+":DA-DIR-TILT" PmagSiteRec['site_polarity']="" if polarity==1: # assign polarity based on angle of pole lat to spin axis - may want to re-think this sometime angle=pmag.angle([0,0],[0,(90-plat)]) if angle <= 55.: PmagSiteRec["site_polarity"]='n' if angle > 55. and angle < 125.: PmagSiteRec["site_polarity"]='t' if angle >= 125.: PmagSiteRec["site_polarity"]='r' PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) if noInt!=1 and nositeints!=1: for site in sites: # now do intensities for each site if plotsites==1:print site if Iaverage==0: key,intlist='specimen',SpecInts # if using specimen level data if Iaverage==1: key,intlist='sample',PmagSamps # if using sample level data Ints=pmag.get_dictitem(intlist,'er_site_name',site,'T') # get all the intensities for this site if len(Ints)>0: # there are some PmagSiteRec=pmag.average_int(Ints,key,'site') # get average intensity stuff for site table PmagResRec=pmag.average_int(Ints,key,'average') # get average intensity stuff for results table if plotsites==1: # if site by site examination requested - print this site out to the screen for rec in Ints:print rec['er_'+key+'_name'],' %7.1f'%(1e6*float(rec[key+'_int'])) if len(Ints)>1: print 'Average: ','%7.1f'%(1e6*float(PmagResRec['average_int'])),'N: ',len(Ints) print 'Sigma: ','%7.1f'%(1e6*float(PmagResRec['average_int_sigma'])),'Sigma %: ',PmagResRec['average_int_sigma_perc'] raw_input('Press any key to continue\n') er_location_name=Ints[0]["er_location_name"] PmagSiteRec["er_location_name"]=er_location_name # decorate the records PmagSiteRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagResRec["er_location_names"]=er_location_name PmagResRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" PmagSiteRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagResRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagResRec["data_type"]='i' if Iaverage==0: PmagSiteRec['er_specimen_names']= pmag.get_list(Ints,'er_specimen_name') # list of all specimens used PmagResRec['er_specimen_names']= pmag.get_list(Ints,'er_specimen_name') PmagSiteRec['er_sample_names']= pmag.get_list(Ints,'er_sample_name') # list of all samples used PmagResRec['er_sample_names']= pmag.get_list(Ints,'er_sample_name') PmagSiteRec['er_site_name']= site PmagResRec['er_site_names']= site PmagSiteRec['magic_method_codes']= pmag.get_list(Ints,'magic_method_codes') PmagResRec['magic_method_codes']= pmag.get_list(Ints,'magic_method_codes') kill=pmag.grade(PmagSiteRec,accept,'site_int') if nocrit==1 or len(kill)==0: b,sig=float(PmagResRec['average_int']),"" if(PmagResRec['average_int_sigma'])!="":sig=float(PmagResRec['average_int_sigma']) sdir=pmag.get_dictitem(PmagResults,'er_site_names',site,'T') # fish out site direction if len(sdir)>0 and sdir[-1]['average_inc']!="": # get the VDM for this record using last average inclination (hope it is the right one!) inc=float(sdir[0]['average_inc']) # mlat=pmag.magnetic_lat(inc) # get magnetic latitude using dipole formula PmagResRec["vdm"]='%8.3e '% (pmag.b_vdm(b,mlat)) # get VDM with magnetic latitude PmagResRec["vdm_n"]=PmagResRec['average_int_n'] if 'average_int_sigma' in PmagResRec.keys() and PmagResRec['average_int_sigma']!="": vdm_sig=pmag.b_vdm(float(PmagResRec['average_int_sigma']),mlat) PmagResRec["vdm_sigma"]='%8.3e '% (vdm_sig) else: PmagResRec["vdm_sigma"]="" mlat="" # define a model latitude if get_model_lat==1: # use present site latitude mlats=pmag.get_dictitem(SiteNFO,'er_site_name',site,'T') if len(mlats)>0: mlat=mlats[0]['site_lat'] elif get_model_lat==2: # use a model latitude from some plate reconstruction model (or something) mlats=pmag.get_dictitem(ModelLats,'er_site_name',site,'T') if len(mlats)>0: PmagResRec['model_lat']=mlats[0]['site_model_lat'] mlat=PmagResRec['model_lat'] if mlat!="": PmagResRec["vadm"]='%8.3e '% (pmag.b_vdm(b,float(mlat))) # get the VADM using the desired latitude if sig!="": vdm_sig=pmag.b_vdm(float(PmagResRec['average_int_sigma']),float(mlat)) PmagResRec["vadm_sigma"]='%8.3e '% (vdm_sig) PmagResRec["vadm_n"]=PmagResRec['average_int_n'] else: PmagResRec["vadm_sigma"]="" sitedat=pmag.get_dictitem(SiteNFO,'er_site_name',PmagSiteRec['er_site_name'],'T') # fish out site information (lat/lon, etc.) if len(sitedat)>0: sitedat=sitedat[0] PmagResRec['average_lat']=sitedat['site_lat'] PmagResRec['average_lon']=sitedat['site_lon'] else: PmagResRec['average_lon']='UNKNOWN' PmagResRec['average_lon']='UNKNOWN' PmagResRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num PmagResRec["pmag_result_name"]="V[A]DM: Site "+site PmagResRec["result_description"]="V[A]DM of site" PmagResRec["pmag_criteria_codes"]="ACCEPT" if agefile != "": PmagResRec= pmag.get_age(PmagResRec,"er_site_names","average_",AgeNFO,DefaultAge) site_height=pmag.get_dictitem(height_nfo,'er_site_name',site,'T') if len(site_height)>0:PmagResRec["average_height"]=site_height[0]['site_height'] PmagSites.append(PmagSiteRec) PmagResults.append(PmagResRec) if len(PmagSites)>0: Tmp,keylist=pmag.fillkeys(PmagSites) pmag.magic_write(siteout,Tmp,'pmag_sites') print ' sites written to ',siteout else: print "No Site level table" if len(PmagResults)>0: TmpRes,keylist=pmag.fillkeys(PmagResults) pmag.magic_write(resout,TmpRes,'pmag_results') print ' results written to ',resout else: print "No Results level table"
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts PMD (Enkin) format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -f FILE: specify input file, or -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsa: specify er_samples format file for appending, default is new er_samples.txt -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 1 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name -A: don't average replicate measurements -ncn NCON: specify naming convention -mcd [SO-MAG,SO-SUN,SO-SIGHT...] supply how these samples were oriented Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. INPUT PMD format files """ # initialize some stuff noave=0 inst="" samp_con,Z='1',"" missing=1 demag="N" er_location_name="unknown" citation='This study' args=sys.argv meth_code="LP-NO" specnum=-1 MagRecs=[] version_num=pmag.get_version() Samps=[] # keeps track of sample orientations DIspec=[] MagFiles=[] user="" mag_file="" dir_path='.' ErSamps=[] SampOuts=[] samp_file = 'er_samples.txt' meas_file = 'magic_measurements.txt' # # get command line arguments # if command_line: if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-ID' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-ID') input_dir_path = sys.argv[ind+1] else: input_dir_path = dir_path output_dir_path = dir_path if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ return False if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file = args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = args[ind+1] #try: # open(samp_file,'rU') # ErSamps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) # print 'sample information will be appended to ', samp_file #except: # print samp_file,' not found: sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file' # samp_file = output_dir_path+'/er_samples.txt' if '-f' in args: ind = args.index("-f") mag_file= args[ind+1] if "-spc" in args: ind = args.index("-spc") specnum = int(args[ind+1]) if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-A" in args: noave=1 if "-mcd" in args: ind=args.index("-mcd") meth_code=args[ind+1] if not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get('dir_path', '.') input_dir_path = kwargs.get('input_dir_path', dir_path) output_dir_path = dir_path meas_file = kwargs.get('meas_file', 'magic_measurements.txt') mag_file = kwargs.get('mag_file') samp_file = kwargs.get('samp_file', 'er_samples.txt') specnum = kwargs.get('specnum', 0) samp_con = kwargs.get('samp_con', '1') er_location_name = kwargs.get('er_location_name', '') noave = kwargs.get('noave', 0) # default (0) means DO average meth_code = kwargs.get('meth_code', "LP-NO") print samp_con # format variables mag_file = input_dir_path+"/" + mag_file meas_file = output_dir_path+"/" + meas_file samp_file = output_dir_path+"/" + samp_file if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "naming convention option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" return False, "naming convention option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" return False, "naming convention option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" # parse data data=open(mag_file,'rU').readlines() # read in data from file comment=data[0] line=data[1].strip() line=line.replace("=","= ") # make finding orientations easier rec=line.split() # read in sample orientation, etc. er_specimen_name=rec[0] ErSampRec,ErSiteRec={},{} # make a sample record if specnum!=0: er_sample_name=rec[0][:specnum] else: er_sample_name=rec[0] if len(ErSamps)>0: # need to copy existing for samp in ErSamps: if samp['er_sample_name']==er_sample_name: ErSampRec=samp # we'll ammend this one else: SampOuts.append(samp) # keep all the others if int(samp_con)<6: er_site_name=pmag.parse_site(er_sample_name,samp_con,Z) else: if 'er_site_name' in ErSampRec.keys():er_site_name=ErSampREc['er_site_name'] if 'er_location_name' in ErSampRec.keys():er_location_name=ErSampREc['er_location_name'] az_ind=rec.index('a=')+1 ErSampRec['er_sample_name']=er_sample_name ErSampRec['er_sample_description']=comment ErSampRec['sample_azimuth']=rec[az_ind] dip_ind=rec.index('b=')+1 dip=-float(rec[dip_ind]) ErSampRec['sample_dip']='%7.1f'%(dip) strike_ind=rec.index('s=')+1 ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip_direction']='%7.1f'%(float(rec[strike_ind])+90.) bd_ind=rec.index('d=')+1 ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip']=rec[bd_ind] v_ind=rec.index('v=')+1 vol=rec[v_ind][:-3] date=rec[-2] time=rec[-1] ErSampRec['magic_method_codes']=meth_code if 'er_location_name' not in ErSampRec.keys():ErSampRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name if 'er_site_name' not in ErSampRec.keys():ErSampRec['er_site_name']=er_site_name if 'er_citation_names' not in ErSampRec.keys():ErSampRec['er_citation_names']='This study' if 'magic_method_codes' not in ErSampRec.keys():ErSampRec['magic_method_codes']='SO-NO' SampOuts.append(ErSampRec) for k in range(3,len(data)): # read in data line=data[k] rec=line.split() if len(rec)>1: # skip blank lines at bottom MagRec={} MagRec['measurement_description']='Date: '+date+' '+time MagRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name MagRec['er_site_name']=er_site_name MagRec['er_sample_name']=er_sample_name MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=er_specimen_name if rec[0]=='NRM': meas_type="LT-NO" elif rec[0][0]=='M' or rec[0][0]=='H': meas_type="LT-AF-Z" elif rec[0][0]=='T': meas_type="LT-T-Z" else: print "measurement type unknown" return False, "measurement type unknown" X=[float(rec[1]),float(rec[2]),float(rec[3])] Vec=pmag.cart2dir(X) MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (Vec[2]) # Am^2 MagRec["measurement_magn_volume"]=rec[4] # A/m MagRec["measurement_dec"]='%7.1f'%(Vec[0]) MagRec["measurement_inc"]='%7.1f'%(Vec[1]) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' if meas_type!='LT-NO': treat=float(rec[0][1:]) else: treat=0 if meas_type=="LT-AF-Z": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(treat*1e-3) # convert from mT to tesla elif meas_type=="LT-T-Z": MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (treat+273.) # temp in kelvin MagRec['magic_method_codes']=meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "results put in ",meas_file pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampOuts,'er_samples') print "sample orientations put in ",samp_file return True, meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION Converts AARM data to best-fit tensor (6 elements plus sigma) Original program ARMcrunch written to accomodate ARM anisotropy data collected from 6 axial directions (+X,+Y,+Z,-X,-Y,-Z) using the off-axis remanence terms to construct the tensor. A better way to do the anisotropy of ARMs is to use 9,12 or 15 measurements in the Hext rotational scheme. SYNTAX [-h][command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify input file, default is aarm_measurements.txt -Fa FILE: specify anisotropy output file, default is rmag_anisotropy.txt -Fr FILE: specify results output file, default is rmag_results.txt INPUT Input for the present program is a series of baseline, ARM pairs. The baseline should be the AF demagnetized state (3 axis demag is preferable) for the following ARM acquisition. The order of the measurements is: positions 1,2,3, 6,7,8, 11,12,13 (for 9 positions) positions 1,2,3,4, 6,7,8,9, 11,12,13,14 (for 12 positions) positions 1-15 (for 15 positions) """ # initialize some parameters args=sys.argv user="" meas_file="aarm_measurements.txt" rmag_anis="rmag_anisotropy.txt" rmag_res="rmag_results.txt" dir_path='.' # # get name of file from command line # if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index('-WD') dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") meas_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-Fa" in args: ind=args.index("-Fa") rmag_anis=args[ind+1] if "-Fr" in args: ind=args.index("-Fr") rmag_res=args[ind+1] meas_file=dir_path+'/'+meas_file rmag_anis=dir_path+'/'+rmag_anis rmag_res=dir_path+'/'+rmag_res # read in data meas_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(meas_file) if file_type != 'magic_measurements': print file_type print file_type,"This is not a valid magic_measurements file " sys.exit() # # sort the specimen names # ssort=[] for rec in meas_data: spec=rec["er_specimen_name"] ssort.append(spec) ssort.sort() bak=ssort[0] # # get list of unique specimen names # sids=[bak] for s in ssort: if s != bak: sids.append(s) bak=s # # work on each specimen # specimen=0 RmagSpecRecs,RmagResRecs=[],[] while specimen < len(sids): s=sids[specimen] data=[] RmagSpecRec={} RmagResRec={} method_codes=[] # # find the data from the meas_data file for this sample # for rec in meas_data: if rec["er_specimen_name"]==s: data.append(rec) # # find out the number of measurements (9, 12 or 15) # npos=len(data)/2 if npos==9: print 'Processing: ',s, ' Number of positions: ',npos # # get dec, inc, int and convert to x,y,z # B,H,tmpH=pmag.designAARM(npos) # B matrix made from design matrix for positions X=[] for rec in data: Dir=[] Dir.append(float(rec["measurement_dec"])) Dir.append(float(rec["measurement_inc"])) Dir.append(float(rec["measurement_magn_moment"])) X.append(pmag.dir2cart(Dir)) # # subtract baseline and put in a work array # work=numpy.zeros((npos,3),'f') for i in range(npos): for j in range(3): work[i][j]=X[2*i+1][j]-X[2*i][j] # # calculate tensor elements # first put ARM components in w vector # w=numpy.zeros((npos*3),'f') index=0 for i in range(npos): for j in range(3): w[index]=work[i][j] index+=1 s=numpy.zeros((6),'f') # initialize the s matrix for i in range(6): for j in range(len(w)): s[i]+=B[i][j]*w[j] trace=s[0]+s[1]+s[2] # normalize by the trace for i in range(6): s[i]=s[i]/trace a=pmag.s2a(s) #------------------------------------------------------------ # Calculating dels is different than in the Kappabridge # routine. Use trace normalized tensor (a) and the applied # unit field directions (tmpH) to generate model X,Y,Z # components. Then compare these with the measured values. #------------------------------------------------------------ S=0. comp=numpy.zeros((npos*3),'f') for i in range(npos): for j in range(3): index=i*3+j compare=a[j][0]*tmpH[i][0]+a[j][1]*tmpH[i][1]+a[j][2]*tmpH[i][2] comp[index]=compare for i in range(npos*3): d=w[i]/trace - comp[i] # del values S+=d*d nf=float(npos*3-6) # number of degrees of freedom if S >0: sigma=math.sqrt(S/nf) else: sigma=0 hpars=pmag.dohext(nf,sigma,s) # # prepare for output # RmagSpecRec["rmag_anisotropy_name"]=data[0]["er_specimen_name"] RmagSpecRec["er_location_name"]=data[0]["er_location_name"] RmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]=data[0]["er_specimen_name"] RmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]=data[0]["er_sample_name"] RmagSpecRec["er_site_name"]=data[0]["er_site_name"] RmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"]=RmagSpecRec["rmag_anisotropy_name"]+":AARM" RmagSpecRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" RmagResRec["rmag_result_name"]=data[0]["er_specimen_name"] RmagResRec["er_location_names"]=data[0]["er_location_name"] RmagResRec["er_specimen_names"]=data[0]["er_specimen_name"] RmagResRec["er_sample_names"]=data[0]["er_sample_name"] RmagResRec["er_site_names"]=data[0]["er_site_name"] RmagResRec["magic_experiment_names"]=RmagSpecRec["rmag_anisotropy_name"]+":AARM" RmagResRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" if "magic_instrument_codes" in data[0].keys(): RmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=data[0]["magic_instrument_codes"] else: RmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"]="" RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_type"]="AARM" RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_description"]="Hext statistics adapted to AARM" RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s1"]='%8.6f'%(s[0]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s2"]='%8.6f'%(s[1]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s3"]='%8.6f'%(s[2]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s4"]='%8.6f'%(s[3]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s5"]='%8.6f'%(s[4]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_s6"]='%8.6f'%(s[5]) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_mean"]='%8.3e'%(trace/3) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_sigma"]='%8.6f'%(sigma) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_unit"]="Am^2" RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_n"]='%i'%(npos) RmagSpecRec["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='-1' RmagResRec["anisotropy_t1"]='%8.6f '%(hpars["t1"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_t2"]='%8.6f '%(hpars["t2"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_t3"]='%8.6f '%(hpars["t3"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v1_dec"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v2_dec"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v3_dec"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v1_inc"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v2_inc"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["v3_inc"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_ftest"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["F"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_ftest12"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["F12"]) RmagResRec["anisotropy_ftest23"]='%7.1f '%(hpars["F23"]) if hpars["e12"]>hpars["e13"]: RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) else: RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) if hpars["e23"]>hpars['e12']: RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e23']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e23']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) else: RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e12']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e23']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v2_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e13']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v1_inc']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['e23']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_dec"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_dec']) RmagResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_inc"]='%7.1f '%(hpars['v3_inc']) RmagResRec["tilt_correction"]='-1' RmagResRec["anisotropy_type"]='AARM' RmagResRec["magic_method_codes"]='LP-AN-ARM:AE-H' RmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"]='LP-AN-ARM:AE-H' RmagResRec["magic_software_packages"]=pmag.get_version() RmagSpecRec["magic_software_packages"]=pmag.get_version() specimen+=1 RmagSpecRecs.append(RmagSpecRec) RmagResRecs.append(RmagResRec) else: print npos print 'skipping specimen ',s,' only 9 positions supported' specimen+=1 if rmag_anis=="":rmag_anis="rmag_anisotropy.txt" pmag.magic_write(rmag_anis,RmagSpecRecs,'rmag_anisotropy') print "specimen tensor elements stored in ",rmag_anis if rmag_res=="":rmag_res="rmag_results.txt" pmag.magic_write(rmag_res,RmagResRecs,'rmag_results') print "specimen statistics and eigenparameters stored in ",rmag_res
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts ThellierTool format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify .tdt format input file, required -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SAMPFILE or be a synthetic -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. INPUT Format of ThellierTool files: 2 line header: Thellier-tdt XX.0 (field in microtesla) Data: Spec Treat Intensity Declination Inclination Spec: specimen name Treat: treatment step XXX.00 first zero field step XXX.11 (or .1) first in field step [XXX.0 and XXX.1 can be done in any order] XXX.12 (or .2)second in-field step at lower temperature (pTRM check) XXX.13 (or .3) second zero-field step after infield (pTRM check step) XXX.13 MUST be done in this order [XXX.00, XXX.11 [optional XXX.12] XXX.13] Intensity assumed to be total moment in 10^3 Am^2 (emu) Declination: Declination in specimen coordinate system Inclination: Declination in specimen coordinate system """ # initialize some stuff noave=0 methcode,inst="","" phi,theta,labfield=0,90,0 pTRM,MD,samp_con,Z=0,0,'1',1 demag="N" er_location_name="" citation='This study' args=sys.argv methcode="LP-NO" specnum=0 # # get command line arguments # dir_path='.' meas_file,samp_file="magic_measurements.txt","er_samples.txt" user="" if "-WD" in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") magfile=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] try: input=open(magfile,'rU') except: print "bad mag file name" sys.exit() else: print "mag_file field is required option" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" MagRecs=[] demag="T" version_num=pmag.get_version() data=input.readlines() rec=data[1].split() labfield=float(rec[0])*1e-6 for line in data[2:]: rec=line.split() if len(rec)>2: MagRec={} MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' meas_type="LT-NO" MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] MagRec["er_synthetic_name"]="" MagRec["er_site_name"]="" if specnum!=0: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0] if "-fsa" in args: for samp in Samps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == MagRec["er_sample_name"]: MagRec["er_location_name"]=samp["er_location_name"] MagRec["er_site_name"]=samp["er_site_name"] break elif int(samp_con)!=6: site=pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) MagRec["er_site_name"]=site if MagRec['er_site_name']=="": print 'No site name found for: ',MagRec['er_specimen_name'],MagRec['er_sample_name'] if MagRec["er_location_name"]=="": print 'no location name for: ',MagRec["er_specimen_name"] if rec[1]==".00":rec[1]="0.00" treat=rec[1].split('.') if float(rec[1])==0: pass if len(treat)==1:treat.append('0') MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin if treat[1][0]=='0': meas_type="LT-T-Z" else: MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' % (labfield) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' % (phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f' % (theta) # labfield theta if treat[1][-1]=='1':meas_type="LT-T-I" # in-field thermal step if treat[1][-1]=='2': meas_type="LT-PTRM-I" # pTRM check pTRM=1 if treat[1][-1]=='3': MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' # this is a zero field step meas_type="LT-PTRM-MD" # pTRM tail check MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[2])*1e-3) # moment in Am^2 (from emu) MagRec["measurement_dec"]=rec[3] MagRec["measurement_inc"]=rec[4] MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user MagRec["er_citation_names"]=citation MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=meas_type MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "results put in ",meas_file
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts Berkeley Geochronology Center (BGC) format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -f FILE: specify input file, or -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsa: specify er_samples format file for appending, default is new er_samples.txt (Not working yet) -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name -site SITENAME : specify site name -A: don't average replicate measurements -mcd [SO-MAG,SO-SUN,SO-SIGHT...] supply how these samples were oriented -v NUM : specify the volume in cc of the sample, default 2.5^3cc. Will use vol in data file if volume!=0 in file. INPUT BGC paleomag format file """ # initialize some stuff noave = 0 volume = 0.025 ** 3 # default volume is a 2.5cm cube # inst="" # samp_con,Z='1',"" # missing=1 # demag="N" er_location_name = "unknown" er_site_name = "unknown" # citation='This study' args = sys.argv meth_code = "LP-NO" # specnum=1 version_num = pmag.get_version() mag_file = "" dir_path = "." MagRecs = [] SampOuts = [] samp_file = "er_samples.txt" meas_file = "magic_measurements.txt" meth_code = "" # # get command line arguments # if command_line: if "-WD" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-WD") dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-ID" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-ID") input_dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] else: input_dir_path = dir_path output_dir_path = dir_path if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ return False if "-F" in args: ind = args.index("-F") meas_file = args[ind + 1] if "-Fsa" in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = args[ind + 1] # try: # open(samp_file,'rU') # ErSamps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) # print 'sample information will be appended to ', samp_file # except: # print samp_file,' not found: sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file' # samp_file = output_dir_path+'/er_samples.txt' if "-f" in args: ind = args.index("-f") mag_file = args[ind + 1] if "-loc" in args: ind = args.index("-loc") er_location_name = args[ind + 1] if "-site" in args: ind = args.index("-site") er_site_name = args[ind + 1] if "-A" in args: noave = 1 if "-mcd" in args: ind = args.index("-mcd") meth_code = args[ind + 1] # samp_con='5' if "-v" in args: ind = args.index("-v") volume = float(args[ind + 1]) * 1e-6 # enter volume in cc, convert to m^3 if not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get("dir_path", ".") input_dir_path = kwargs.get("input_dir_path", dir_path) output_dir_path = dir_path meas_file = kwargs.get("meas_file", "magic_measurements.txt") mag_file = kwargs.get("mag_file") samp_file = kwargs.get("samp_file", "er_samples.txt") er_location_name = kwargs.get("er_location_name", "") er_site_name = kwargs.get("er_site_name", "") noave = kwargs.get("noave", 0) # default (0) means DO average meth_code = kwargs.get("meth_code", "LP-NO") volume = float(kwargs.get("volume", 0)) if not volume: volume = 0.025 ** 3 # default volume is a 2.5 cm cube, translated to meters cubed else: # convert cm^3 to m^3 volume *= 1e-6 # format variables if not mag_file: return False, "You must provide a BCG format file" mag_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, mag_file) meas_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, meas_file) samp_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, samp_file) ErSampRec = {} # parse data # Open up the BGC file and read the header information print "mag_file in BGC_magic", mag_file pre_data = open(mag_file, "rU") line = pre_data.readline() line_items = line.split(" ") sample_name = line_items[2] sample_name = sample_name.replace("\n", "") line = pre_data.readline() line = pre_data.readline() line_items = line.split("\t") sample_azimuth = float(line_items[1]) sample_dip = 90.0 - float(line_items[2]) sample_bed_dip = line_items[3] sample_bed_azimuth = line_items[4] sample_lon = line_items[5] sample_lat = line_items[6] tmp_volume = line_items[7] if tmp_volume != 0.0: volume = float(tmp_volume) * 1e-6 pre_data.close() data = pd.read_csv(mag_file, sep="\t", header=3, index_col=False) # print "\ndata\n", data cart = np.array([data["X"], data["Y"], data["Z"]]).transpose() direction = pmag.cart2dir(cart).transpose() data["measurement_dec"] = direction[0] data["measurement_inc"] = direction[1] data["measurement_magn_moment"] = direction[2] * 1000 * volume # the data are in EMU - this converts to Am^2 data["measurement_magn_volume"] = direction[2] * 1000 # EMU - data converted to A/m # DGEOs, IGEOs = [], [] # print "len(data)=",len(data) # for ind in range(len(data)): # dgeo,igeo=pmag.dogeo(data.ix[ind]['measurement_dec'],data.ix[ind]['measurement_inc'],90-sample_azimuth,sample_dip) # DGEOs.append(dgeo) # IGEOs.append(igeo) # data['specimen_dec']=DGEOs # data['specimen_inc']=IGEOs # data['specimen_tilt']='1' # print "data specimn_dec=",DGEOs # print "data specimn_inc=",IGEOs # Configure the er_sample table ErSampRec["er_sample_name"] = sample_name ErSampRec["sample_azimuth"] = sample_azimuth ErSampRec["sample_dip"] = sample_dip ErSampRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"] = sample_bed_azimuth ErSampRec["sample_bed_dip"] = sample_bed_dip ErSampRec["sample_lat"] = sample_lat ErSampRec["sample_lon"] = sample_lon ErSampRec["magic_method_codes"] = meth_code ErSampRec["er_location_name"] = er_location_name ErSampRec["er_site_name"] = er_site_name ErSampRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" SampOuts.append(ErSampRec.copy()) # Configure the magic_measurements table for rowNum, row in data.iterrows(): MagRec = {} MagRec["measurement_description"] = "Date: " + str(row["Date"]) + " Time: " + str(row["Time"]) MagRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" MagRec["er_location_name"] = er_location_name MagRec["er_site_name"] = er_site_name MagRec["er_sample_name"] = sample_name MagRec["magic_software_packages"] = version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_flag"] = "g" MagRec["measurement_standard"] = "u" MagRec["measurement_number"] = "1" MagRec["er_specimen_name"] = sample_name MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "0" if row["DM Val"] == "0": meas_type = "LT-NO" elif int(row["DM Type"]) > 0.0: meas_type = "LT-AF-Z" treat = float(row["DM Val"]) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "%8.3e" % (treat * 1e-3) # convert from mT to tesla elif int(row["DM Type"]) == -1: meas_type = "LT-T-Z" treat = float(row["DM Val"]) MagRec["treatment_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (treat + 273.0) # temp in kelvin else: print "measurement type unknown:", row["DM Type"], " in row ", rowNum MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"] = str(row["measurement_magn_moment"]) MagRec["measurement_magn_volume"] = str(row["measurement_magn_volume"]) MagRec["measurement_dec"] = str(row["measurement_dec"]) MagRec["measurement_inc"] = str(row["measurement_inc"]) MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = meas_type MagRec["measurement_csd"] = "0.0" # added due to magic.write error MagRec["measurement_positions"] = "1" # added due to magic.write error MagRecs.append(MagRec.copy()) pmag.magic_write(samp_file, SampOuts, "er_samples") print "sample orientations put in ", samp_file MagOuts = pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs, noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file, MagOuts, "magic_measurements") print "results put in ", meas_file print "exit!" return True, meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts PMD (IPG - PaleoMac) format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify input file, or -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsa: specify er_samples format file for appending, default is new er_samples.txt -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 1 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name -A: don't average replicate measurements -ncn NCON: specify naming convention Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. INPUT IPG-PMD format files """ # initialize some stuff noave = 0 methcode, inst = "", "" samp_con, Z = "1", "" missing = 1 demag = "N" er_location_name = "unknown" citation = "This study" args = sys.argv methcode = "LP-NO" specnum = -1 MagRecs = [] version_num = pmag.get_version() Samps = [] # keeps track of sample orientations DIspec = [] MagFiles = [] # # get command line arguments # user = "" mag_file = "" dir_path = "." ErSamps = [] SampOuts = [] if "-WD" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-WD") dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] samp_file = dir_path + "/er_samples.txt" meas_file = dir_path + "/magic_measurements.txt" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind = args.index("-usr") user = args[ind + 1] if "-F" in args: ind = args.index("-F") meas_file = dir_path + "/" + args[ind + 1] if "-Fsa" in args: ind = args.index("-Fsa") samp_file = dir_path + "/" + args[ind + 1] try: open(samp_file, "rU") ErSamps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) print "sample information will be appended to ", samp_file except: print samp_file, " not found: sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file" samp_file = dir_path + "/er_samples.txt" if "-f" in args: ind = args.index("-f") mag_file = dir_path + "/" + args[ind + 1] if "-spc" in args: ind = args.index("-spc") specnum = int(args[ind + 1]) if specnum != 0: specnum = -specnum if "-ncn" in args: ind = args.index("-ncn") samp_con = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "4" if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z = samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con = "7" if "-loc" in args: ind = args.index("-loc") er_location_name = args[ind + 1] if "-A" in args: noave = 1 data = open(mag_file, "rU").readlines() # read in data from file for line in data: rec = line.split() if "E-" not in rec[1] and "E+" not in rec[1]: # new specimen er_specimen_name = rec[0] ErSampRec, ErSiteRec = {}, {} # make a sample record if specnum != 0: er_sample_name = rec[0][:specnum] else: er_sample_name = rec[0] if len(ErSamps) > 0: # need to copy existing for samp in ErSamps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == er_sample_name: ErSampRec = samp # we'll ammend this one else: SampOuts.append(samp) # keep all the others if int(samp_con) < 6: er_site_name = pmag.parse_site(er_sample_name, samp_con, Z) else: if "er_site_name" in ErSampRec.keys(): er_site_name = ErSampREc["er_site_name"] if "er_location_name" in ErSampRec.keys(): er_location_name = ErSampREc["er_location_name"] ErSampRec["er_sample_name"] = er_sample_name ErSampRec["sample_azimuth"] = rec[1] dip = -float(rec[2]) ErSampRec["sample_dip"] = "%7.1f" % (dip) ErSampRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"] = "%7.1f" % (float(rec[3]) + 90.0) ErSampRec["sample_bed_dip"] = rec[4] if "er_location_name" not in ErSampRec.keys(): ErSampRec["er_location_name"] = er_location_name if "er_site_name" not in ErSampRec.keys(): ErSampRec["er_site_name"] = er_site_name if "er_citation_names" not in ErSampRec.keys(): ErSampRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" if "magic_method_codes" not in ErSampRec.keys(): ErSampRec["magic_method_codes"] = "SO-NO" SampOuts.append(ErSampRec) elif rec[0][0] == "N" or rec[0][0] == "T" or rec[0][0] == "M": if len(rec) > 1: # skip blank lines at bottom MagRec = {} # MagRec['measurement_date']=measdate MagRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" MagRec["er_location_name"] = er_location_name MagRec["er_site_name"] = er_site_name MagRec["er_sample_name"] = er_sample_name MagRec["magic_software_packages"] = version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_flag"] = "g" MagRec["measurement_standard"] = "u" MagRec["measurement_number"] = "1" MagRec["er_specimen_name"] = er_specimen_name if rec[0] == "NRM": meas_type = "LT-NO" elif rec[0][0] == "M": meas_type = "LT-AF-Z" elif rec[0][0] == "T": meas_type = "LT-T-Z" else: print "measurement type unknown" sys.exit() X = [float(rec[1]), float(rec[2]), float(rec[3])] Vec = pmag.cart2dir(X) MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"] = "%10.3e" % (Vec[2]) # Am^2 # MagRec["measurement_magn_volume"]=rec[4] # A/m MagRec["measurement_dec"] = "%7.1f" % (Vec[0]) MagRec["measurement_inc"] = "%7.1f" % (Vec[1]) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "0" if meas_type != "LT-NO": treat = float(rec[0][1:]) else: treat = 0 if meas_type == "LT-AF-Z": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "%8.3e" % (treat * 1e-3) # convert from mT to tesla elif meas_type == "LT-T-Z": MagRec["treatment_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (treat + 273.0) # temp in kelvin MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts = pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs, noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file, MagOuts, "magic_measurements") print "results put in ", meas_file pmag.magic_write(samp_file, SampOuts, "er_samples") print "sample orientations put in ", samp_file
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts shipboard .jr6 format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -f FILE: specify input file, or -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -fsa FILE: specify er_samples.txt file for sample name lookup , default is 'er_samples.txt' -loc HOLE : specify hole name (U1456A) -A: don't average replicate measurements INPUT JR6 .jr6 format file """ def fix_separation(filename, new_filename): old_file = open(filename, 'rU') data = old_file.readlines() new_data = [] for line in data: new_line = line.replace('-', ' -') new_line = new_line.replace(' ', ' ') new_data.append(new_line) new_file = open(new_filename, 'w') for s in new_data: new_file.write(s) old_file.close() new_file.close() return new_filename def old_fix_separation(filename, new_filename): old_file = open(filename, 'rU') data = old_file.readlines() new_data = [] for line in data: new_line = [] for i in line.split(): if '-' in i[1:]: lead_char = '-' if i[0] == '-' else '' if lead_char: v = i[1:].split('-') else: v = i.split('-') new_line.append(lead_char + v[0]) new_line.append('-' + v[1]) else: new_line.append(i) new_line = (' '.join(new_line)) + '\n' new_data.append(new_line) new_file = open(new_filename, 'w') for s in new_data: new_file.write(s) new_file.close() old_file.close() return new_filename # initialize some stuff noave=0 volume=2.5**3 #default volume is a 2.5cm cube inst="" samp_con,Z='5',"" missing=1 demag="N" er_location_name="unknown" citation='This study' args=sys.argv meth_code="LP-NO" version_num=pmag.get_version() dir_path='.' MagRecs=[] samp_file = 'er_samples.txt' meas_file = 'magic_measurements.txt' mag_file = '' # # get command line arguments # if command_line: if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-ID' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-ID') input_dir_path = sys.argv[ind+1] else: input_dir_path = dir_path output_dir_path = dir_path if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ return False if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file = args[ind+1] if '-fsa' in args: ind = args.index("-fsa") samp_file = args[ind+1] if samp_file[0]!='/': samp_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, samp_file) try: open(samp_file,'rU') ErSamps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) except: print samp_file,' not found: ' print ' download csv file and import to MagIC with' if '-f' in args: ind = args.index("-f") mag_file= args[ind+1] if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-A" in args: noave=1 if not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get('dir_path', '.') input_dir_path = kwargs.get('input_dir_path', dir_path) output_dir_path = dir_path meas_file = kwargs.get('meas_file', 'magic_measurements.txt') mag_file = kwargs.get('mag_file', '') samp_file = kwargs.get('samp_file', 'er_samples.txt') specnum = kwargs.get('specnum', 1) samp_con = kwargs.get('samp_con', '1') if len(str(samp_con)) > 1: samp_con, Z = samp_con.split('-') else: Z = '' er_location_name = kwargs.get('er_location_name', '') noave = kwargs.get('noave', 0) # default (0) means DO average meth_code = kwargs.get('meth_code', "LP-NO") # format variables meth_code=meth_code+":FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SP-SS-C:SO-V" meth_code=meth_code.strip(":") if mag_file: mag_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, mag_file) samp_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, samp_file) meas_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, meas_file) # validate variables if not mag_file: print "You must provide an IODP_jr6 format file" return False, "You must provide an IODP_jr6 format file" if not os.path.exists(mag_file): print 'The input file you provided: {} does not exist.\nMake sure you have specified the correct filename AND correct input directory name.'.format(os.path.join(input_dir_path, mag_file)) return False, 'The input file you provided: {} does not exist.\nMake sure you have specified the correct filename AND correct input directory name.'.format(magfile) if not os.path.exists(samp_file): print 'samp_file', samp_file print "Your input directory:\n{}\nmust contain an er_samples.txt file, or you must explicitly provide one".format(input_dir_path) return False, "Your input directory:\n{}\nmust contain an er_samples.txt file, or you must explicitly provide one".format(input_dir_path) # parse data temp = os.path.join(output_dir_path, 'temp.txt') fix_separation(mag_file, temp) #os.rename('temp.txt', mag_file) #data = open(mag_file, 'rU').readlines() data=pd.read_csv(temp, delim_whitespace=True,header=None) os.remove(temp) samples,filetype = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) data.columns=['specname','step','negz','y','x','expon','sample_azimuth','sample_dip','sample_bed_dip_direction','sample_bed_dip','bed_dip_dir2','bed_dip2','param1','param2','param3','param4','measurement_csd'] cart=np.array([data['x'],data['y'],-data['negz']]).transpose() dir= pmag.cart2dir(cart).transpose() data['measurement_dec']=dir[0] data['measurement_inc']=dir[1] data['measurement_magn_volume']=dir[2]*(10.0**data['expon']) # A/m - data in A/m data['measurement_flag']='g' data['measurement_standard']='u' data['measurement_number']='1' data['measurement_temp']='273' data['er_location_name']=er_location_name for rowNum, row in data.iterrows(): MagRec={} spec_text_id=row['specname'].split('_')[1] SampRecs=pmag.get_dictitem(samples,'er_sample_alternatives',spec_text_id,'has') # retrieve sample record for this specimen if len(SampRecs)>0: # found one MagRec['er_specimen_name']=SampRecs[0]['er_sample_name'] MagRec['er_sample_name']=MagRec['er_specimen_name'] MagRec['er_site_name']=MagRec['er_specimen_name'] MagRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' volume=float(SampRecs[0]['sample_volume']) moment=row['measurement_magn_volume'] * volume MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]=str(moment) MagRec["measurement_magn_volume"]=str(row['measurement_magn_volume']) MagRec["measurement_dec"]='%7.1f'%(row['measurement_dec']) MagRec["measurement_inc"]='%7.1f'%(row['measurement_inc']) if row['step'] == 'NRM': meas_type="LT-NO" elif row['step'][0:2] == 'AD': meas_type="LT-AF-Z" treat=float(row['step'][2:]) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(treat*1e-3) # convert from mT to tesla elif row['step'][0] == 'TD': meas_type="LT-T-Z" treat=float(row['step'][2:]) MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (treat+273.) # temp in kelvin elif row['step'][0:3]=='ARM': # meas_type="LT-AF-I" treat=float(row['step'][3:]) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(treat*1e-3) # convert from mT to tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' %(50e-6) # assume 50uT DC field MagRec["measurement_description"]='Assumed DC field - actual unknown' elif row['step'][0:3]=='IRM': # meas_type="LT-IRM" treat=float(row['step'][3:]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' %(treat*1e-3) # convert from mT to tesla else: print 'unknown treatment type for ',row return False, 'unknown treatment type for ',row MagRec['magic_method_codes']=meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec.copy()) else: print 'sample name not found: ',row['specname'] MagOuts=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) file_created, error_message = pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') if file_created: return True, meas_file else: return False, 'Results not written to file'
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts ODP LIMS discrete sample format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -f FILE: specify input .csv file, default is all in directory -F FILE: specify output measurements file, default is magic_measurements.txt -A : don't average replicate measurements INPUTS IODP discrete sample .csv file format exported from LIMS database """ # # initialize defaults version_num = pmag.get_version() meas_file = "magic_measurements.txt" csv_file = "" MagRecs, Specs = [], [] citation = "This study" dir_path, demag = ".", "NRM" args = sys.argv noave = 0 # get command line args if command_line: if "-WD" in args: ind = args.index("-WD") dir_path = args[ind + 1] if "-ID" in args: ind = args.index("-ID") input_dir_path = args[ind + 1] else: input_dir_path = dir_path output_dir_path = dir_path if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ return False if "-A" in args: noave = 1 if "-f" in args: ind = args.index("-f") csv_file = args[ind + 1] if "-F" in args: ind = args.index("-F") meas_file = args[ind + 1] if not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get("dir_path", ".") input_dir_path = kwargs.get("input_dir_path", dir_path) output_dir_path = dir_path # rename dir_path after input_dir_path is set noave = kwargs.get("noave", 0) # default (0) is DO average csv_file = kwargs.get("csv_file", "") meas_file = kwargs.get("meas_file", "magic_measurements.txt") # format variables meas_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, meas_file) if csv_file == "": filelist = os.listdir(input_dir_path) # read in list of files to import else: csv_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, csv_file) filelist = [csv_file] # parsing the data file_found = False for file in filelist: # parse each file if file[-3:].lower() == "csv": file_found = True print "processing: ", file input = open(file, "rU").readlines() keys = input[0].replace("\n", "").split(",") # splits on underscores interval_key = "Offset (cm)" demag_key = "Demag level (mT)" offline_demag_key = "Treatment Value (mT or °C)" offline_treatment_type = "Treatment type" run_key = "Test No." if "Inclination background + tray corrected (deg)" in keys: inc_key = "Inclination background + tray corrected (deg)" if "Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys: inc_key = "Inclination background & tray corrected (deg)" if "Declination background + tray corrected (deg)" in keys: dec_key = "Declination background + tray corrected (deg)" if "Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" in keys: dec_key = "Declination background & tray corrected (deg)" if "Intensity background + tray corrected (A/m)" in keys: int_key = "Intensity background + tray corrected (A/m)" if "Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" in keys: int_key = "Intensity background & tray corrected (A/m)" type = "Type" sect_key = "Sect" half_key = "A/W" # need to add volume_key to LORE format! if "Sample volume (cm^3)" in keys: volume_key = "Sample volume (cm^3)" if "Sample volume (cc)" in keys: volume_key = "Sample volume (cc)" if "Sample volume (cm³)" in keys: volume_key = "Sample volume (cm³)" for line in input[1:]: InRec = {} for k in range(len(keys)): InRec[keys[k]] = line.split(",")[k] inst = "IODP-SRM" MagRec = {} expedition = InRec["Exp"] location = InRec["Site"] + InRec["Hole"] offsets = InRec[interval_key].split( "." ) # maintain consistency with er_samples convention of using top interval if len(offsets) == 1: offset = int(offsets[0]) else: offset = int(offsets[0]) - 1 # interval=str(offset+1)# maintain consistency with er_samples convention of using top interval interval = str(offset) # maintain consistency with er_samples convention of using top interval specimen = ( expedition + "-" + location + "-" + InRec["Core"] + InRec[type] + "-" + InRec[sect_key] + "_" + InRec[half_key] + "_" + interval ) if specimen not in Specs: Specs.append(specimen) MagRec["er_expedition_name"] = expedition MagRec["er_location_name"] = location MagRec["er_site_name"] = specimen MagRec["er_citation_names"] = citation MagRec["er_specimen_name"] = specimen MagRec["er_sample_name"] = specimen MagRec["er_site_name"] = specimen # set up measurement record - default is NRM MagRec["magic_software_packages"] = version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "0" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = "0" MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"] = "0" MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"] = "0" MagRec["measurement_flag"] = "g" # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_standard"] = "u" # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_csd"] = "0" # assume all data are "good" volume = InRec[volume_key] MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = "LT-NO" sort_by = "treatment_ac_field" # set default to AF demag if InRec[demag_key] != "0": MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = "LT-AF-Z" inst = inst + ":IODP-SRM-AF" # measured on shipboard in-line 2G AF treatment_value = float(InRec[demag_key].strip('"')) * 1e-3 # convert mT => T if sort_by == "treatment_ac_field": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = treatment_value # AF demag in treat mT => T else: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = str(treatment_value) # AF demag in treat mT => T elif offline_treatment_type in InRec.keys() and InRec[offline_treatment_type] != "": if "Lowrie" in InRec["Comments"]: MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = "LP-IRM-3D" treatment_value = float(InRec[offline_demag_key].strip('"')) + 273.0 # convert C => K MagRec["treatment_temp"] = treatment_value MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "0" sort_by = "treatment_temp" elif "Isothermal" in InRec[offline_treatment_type]: MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = "LT-IRM" treatment_value = float(InRec[offline_demag_key].strip('"')) * 1e-3 # convert mT => T MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = treatment_value MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "0" sort_by = "treatment_dc_field" MagRec["measurement_standard"] = "u" # assume all data are "good" vol = float(volume) * 1e-6 # convert from cc to m^3 if run_key in InRec.keys(): run_number = InRec[run_key] MagRec["external_database_ids"] = run_number MagRec["external_database_names"] = "LIMS" else: MagRec["external_database_ids"] = "" MagRec["external_database_names"] = "" MagRec["measurement_description"] = "sample orientation: " + InRec["Sample orientation"] MagRec["measurement_inc"] = InRec[inc_key].strip('"') MagRec["measurement_dec"] = InRec[dec_key].strip('"') intens = InRec[int_key].strip('"') MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"] = "%8.3e" % ( float(intens) * vol ) # convert intensity from A/m to Am^2 using vol MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"] = inst MagRec["measurement_number"] = "1" MagRec["measurement_positions"] = "" MagRecs.append(MagRec) if not file_found: print "No .csv files were found" return False, "No .csv files were found" MagOuts = [] for spec in Specs: Speclist = pmag.get_dictitem(MagRecs, "er_specimen_name", spec, "T") sorted = pmag.sort_diclist(Speclist, sort_by) for rec in sorted: for key in rec.keys(): rec[key] = str(rec[key]) MagOuts.append(rec) Fixed = pmag.measurements_methods(MagOuts, noave) Out, keys = pmag.fillkeys(Fixed) if pmag.magic_write(meas_file, Out, "magic_measurements"): print "data stored in ", meas_file return True, meas_file else: print "no data found. bad magfile?" return False, "no data found. bad magfile?"
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts MsT data (T,M) to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify T,M format input file, required -fsa SFILE: name with sample, site, location information -F FILE: specify output file, default is MsT_measurements.txt -dc H: specify applied field during measurement, default is 0.5 T -syn : This is a synthetic specimen and has no sample/site/location information -spn SPEC: specimen name -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SAMPFILE or be a synthetic -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. INPUT files: T M: T is in Centigrade and M is uncalibrated magnitude """ # initialize some stuff samp_con,Z="1","0" dir_path='.' citation='This study' args=sys.argv specnum,measnum=0,1 # # get command line arguments # user="" if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] meas_file=dir_path+"/MsT_measurements.txt" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] labfield='0.5' if "-dc" in args: ind=args.index("-dc") labfield=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] if "-fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-fsa") samp_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") infile=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] try: input=open(infile,'rU') except: print "bad mag file name" sys.exit() else: print main.__doc__ print "-f is required option" sys.exit() if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum er_location_name,syn,specimen_name='unknown',0,'unknown' if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-spn" in args: ind=args.index("-spn") specimen_name=args[ind+1] else: print main.__doc__ print "-spn is required option" sys.exit() if "-syn" in args: syn=1 if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" MagRecs,specs=[],[] version_num=pmag.get_version() data=input.readlines() T0=float(data[0].split()[0]) for line in data: instcode="" if len(line)>1: MagRec={} if syn==0: MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]=labfield rec=line.split() T=float(rec[0]) MagRec["measurment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(rec[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin if T>T0: MagRec["magic_method_codes"]='LP-MW-I' elif T<T0: MagRec["magic_method_codes"]='LP-MC-I' T0=T else: print 'skipping repeated temperature step' MagRec["magic_method_codes"]='' T0=T MagRec["measurement_magnitude"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[1])) # uncalibrated magnitude if syn==0: MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=specimen_name MagRec["er_site_name"]="" if specnum!=0: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=specimen_name[:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=specimen_name if "-fsa" in args: for samp in Samps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == MagRec["er_sample_name"]: MagRec["er_location_name"]=samp["er_location_name"] MagRec["er_site_name"]=samp["er_site_name"] break elif int(samp_con)!=6: site=pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) MagRec["er_site_name"]=site if MagRec['er_site_name']=="": print 'No site name found for: ',MagRec['er_specimen_name'],MagRec['er_sample_name'] if MagRec["er_location_name"]=="": print 'no location name for: ',MagRec["er_specimen_name"] else: MagRec["er_synthetic_name"]=specimen_name MagRec["er_location_name"]="" MagRec["er_sample_name"]="" MagRec["er_site_name"]="" MagRec["er_specimen_name"]="" MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=instcode MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user MagRec["er_citation_names"]=citation MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["measurement_number"]=str(measnum) measnum+=1 MagRecs.append(MagRec) for rec in MagRecs: # sort out the measurements by experiment type rec['magic_experiment_name']=specimen_name if rec['magic_method_codes']=='LP-MW-I': rec["magic_experiment_name"]=specimen_name+':LP-MW-I:Curie' elif rec['magic_method_codes']=='LP-MC-I': rec["magic_experiment_name"]=specimen_name+':LP-MC-I' pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagRecs,'magic_measurements') print "results put in ",meas_file
def main(command_line=True, **kwargs): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts shipboard .jr6 format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -f FILE: specify input file, or -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -fsa FILE: specify er_samples.txt file for sample name lookup , default is 'er_samples.txt' -loc HOLE : specify hole name (U1456A) -A: don't average replicate measurements INPUT JR6 .jr6 format file """ def fix_separation(filename, new_filename): old_file = open(filename, "rU") data = old_file.readlines() new_data = [] for line in data: new_line = line.replace("-", " -") new_line = new_line.replace(" ", " ") new_data.append(new_line) new_file = open(new_filename, "w") for s in new_data: new_file.write(s) old_file.close() new_file.close() return new_filename def old_fix_separation(filename, new_filename): old_file = open(filename, "rU") data = old_file.readlines() new_data = [] for line in data: new_line = [] for i in line.split(): if "-" in i[1:]: lead_char = "-" if i[0] == "-" else "" if lead_char: v = i[1:].split("-") else: v = i.split("-") new_line.append(lead_char + v[0]) new_line.append("-" + v[1]) else: new_line.append(i) new_line = (" ".join(new_line)) + "\n" new_data.append(new_line) new_file = open(new_filename, "w") for s in new_data: new_file.write(s) new_file.close() old_file.close() return new_filename # initialize some stuff noave = 0 volume = 2.5 ** 3 # default volume is a 2.5cm cube inst = "" samp_con, Z = "5", "" missing = 1 demag = "N" er_location_name = "unknown" citation = "This study" args = sys.argv meth_code = "LP-NO" version_num = pmag.get_version() dir_path = "." MagRecs = [] samp_file = "er_samples.txt" meas_file = "magic_measurements.txt" mag_file = "" # # get command line arguments # if command_line: if "-WD" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-WD") dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-ID" in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index("-ID") input_dir_path = sys.argv[ind + 1] else: input_dir_path = dir_path output_dir_path = dir_path if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ return False if "-F" in args: ind = args.index("-F") meas_file = args[ind + 1] if "-fsa" in args: ind = args.index("-fsa") samp_file = args[ind + 1] if samp_file[0] != "/": samp_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, samp_file) try: open(samp_file, "rU") ErSamps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) except: print samp_file, " not found: " print " download csv file and import to MagIC with" if "-f" in args: ind = args.index("-f") mag_file = args[ind + 1] if "-loc" in args: ind = args.index("-loc") er_location_name = args[ind + 1] if "-A" in args: noave = 1 if not command_line: dir_path = kwargs.get("dir_path", ".") input_dir_path = kwargs.get("input_dir_path", dir_path) output_dir_path = dir_path meas_file = kwargs.get("meas_file", "magic_measurements.txt") mag_file = kwargs.get("mag_file", "") samp_file = kwargs.get("samp_file", "er_samples.txt") specnum = kwargs.get("specnum", 1) samp_con = kwargs.get("samp_con", "1") if len(str(samp_con)) > 1: samp_con, Z = samp_con.split("-") else: Z = "" er_location_name = kwargs.get("er_location_name", "") noave = kwargs.get("noave", 0) # default (0) means DO average meth_code = kwargs.get("meth_code", "LP-NO") # format variables meth_code = meth_code + ":FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SP-SS-C:SO-V" meth_code = meth_code.strip(":") if mag_file: mag_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, mag_file) samp_file = os.path.join(input_dir_path, samp_file) meas_file = os.path.join(output_dir_path, meas_file) # validate variables if not mag_file: print "You must provide an IODP_jr6 format file" return False, "You must provide an IODP_jr6 format file" if not os.path.exists(mag_file): print "The input file you provided: {} does not exist.\nMake sure you have specified the correct filename AND correct input directory name.".format( mag_file ) return ( False, "The input file you provided: {} does not exist.\nMake sure you have specified the correct filename AND correct input directory name.".format( mag_file ), ) if not os.path.exists(samp_file): print "Your input directory:\n{}\nmust contain an er_samples.txt file, or you must explicitly provide one".format( input_dir_path ) return ( False, "Your input directory:\n{}\nmust contain an er_samples.txt file, or you must explicitly provide one".format( input_dir_path ), ) # parse data temp = os.path.join(output_dir_path, "temp.txt") fix_separation(mag_file, temp) samples, filetype = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) lines = open(temp, "rU").readlines() os.remove(temp) for line in lines: MagRec = {} line = line.split() spec_text_id = line[0].split("_")[1] SampRecs = pmag.get_dictitem(samples, "er_sample_alternatives", spec_text_id, "has") if len(SampRecs) > 0: # found one MagRec["er_specimen_name"] = SampRecs[0]["er_sample_name"] MagRec["er_sample_name"] = MagRec["er_specimen_name"] MagRec["er_site_name"] = MagRec["er_specimen_name"] MagRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" MagRec["er_location_name"] = er_location_name MagRec["magic_software_packages"] = version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_flag"] = "g" MagRec["measurement_standard"] = "u" MagRec["measurement_number"] = "1" MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "0" volume = float(SampRecs[0]["sample_volume"]) x = float(line[4]) y = float(line[3]) negz = float(line[2]) cart = np.array([x, y, -negz]).transpose() direction = pmag.cart2dir(cart).transpose() expon = float(line[5]) magn_volume = direction[2] * (10.0 ** expon) moment = magn_volume * volume MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"] = str(moment) MagRec["measurement_magn_volume"] = str(magn_volume) # str(direction[2] * (10.0 ** expon)) MagRec["measurement_dec"] = "%7.1f" % (direction[0]) MagRec["measurement_inc"] = "%7.1f" % (direction[1]) step = line[1] if step == "NRM": meas_type = "LT-NO" elif step[0:2] == "AD": meas_type = "LT-AF-Z" treat = float(step[2:]) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "%8.3e" % (treat * 1e-3) # convert from mT to tesla elif step[0:2] == "TD": meas_type = "LT-T-Z" treat = float(step[2:]) MagRec["treatment_temp"] = "%8.3e" % (treat + 273.0) # temp in kelvin elif step[0:3] == "ARM": # meas_type = "LT-AF-I" treat = float(row["step"][3:]) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"] = "%8.3e" % (treat * 1e-3) # convert from mT to tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = "%8.3e" % (50e-6) # assume 50uT DC field MagRec["measurement_description"] = "Assumed DC field - actual unknown" elif step[0:3] == "IRM": # meas_type = "LT-IRM" treat = float(step[3:]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field"] = "%8.3e" % (treat * 1e-3) # convert from mT to tesla else: print "unknown treatment type for ", row return False, "unknown treatment type for ", row MagRec["magic_method_codes"] = meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec.copy()) else: print "sample name not found: ", row["specname"] MagOuts = pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs, noave) file_created, error_message = pmag.magic_write(meas_file, MagOuts, "magic_measurements") if file_created: return True, meas_file else: return False, "Results not written to file"
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts UCSC legacy format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify input file, or -fin INDEX: specify index file for reading whole directory: default is index.txt -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsa: specify er_samples format file for appending, default is new er_samples.txt -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 1 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name -A: don't average replicate measurements Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXXYYY: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] sample = site [6] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. INPUT Format of UCSC legacy files: Spec Treat CDec CInc GDec GInc SDec SInc Int [optional A95] Treat is HX where X is AF field in Oe, TX where X is T in C, or NRM Intensity assumed to be total moment in (emu/cc) with a 10cc specimen volume CDec: Declination in specimen coordinate system CInc: Declination in specimen coordinate system GDec: Declination in geographic coordinate system GInc: Declination in geographic coordinate system SDec: Declination in stratigraphic coordinate system SInc: Declination in stratigraphic coordinate system index file: must be formatted: FILENAME SITE """ # initialize some stuff noave=0 methcode,inst="","" samp_con,Z='4',3 missing=1 demag="N" er_location_name="" citation='This study' args=sys.argv methcode="LP-NO" specnum=-1 MagRecs=[] version_num=pmag.get_version() Samps=[] # keeps track of sample orientations DIspec=[] MagFiles=[] # # get command line arguments # user="" mag_file="" ind_file="" dir_path='.' ErSamps,ErSites=[],[] if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] samp_file=dir_path+'/er_samples.txt' site_file=dir_path+'/er_sites.txt' meas_file=dir_path+"/magic_measurements.txt" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] if '-Fsi' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsi") site_file=dirpath+'.'+args[ind+1] try: open(site_file,'rU') ErSites,file_type=pmag.magic_read(site_file) print 'site information will be appended to ', site_file except: print site_file,' not found: site information will be stored in new er_sites.txt file' site_file=dir_path+'/er_sites.txt' if '-Fsa' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=dirpath+'/'+args[ind+1] try: open(samp_file,'rU') ErSamps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) print 'sample information will be appended to ', samp_file except: print samp_file,' not found: sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file' samp_file=dir_path+'/er_samples.txt' if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") mag_file=args[ind+1] site=mag_file.split('.')[0] magfile=dir_path+'/'+mag_file try: input=open(magfile,'rU') MagFiles.append([magfile,site]) except: print "bad input file name" sys.exit() elif '-fin' in args: ind=args.index("-fin") ind_file=args[ind+1] ind_file=dir_path+'/'+ind_file try: index_file=open(ind_file,'rU') except: print "bad index file name" sys.exit() elif '-fin' not in args: ind_file=dir_path+'/index.txt' try: index_file=open(ind_file,'rU') except: print "bad index file name" sys.exit() if ind_file!="": Files=index_file.readlines() for file in Files: rec=file.split() MagFiles.append(rec) if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] else: print "-loc is required option" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-A" in args: noave=1 Sites=[] for file in MagFiles: site=file[1] # attach site name either from file name or from index file if site not in Sites: Sites.append(site) ErSiteRec={'er_location_name': er_location_name,'er_site_name':site,'er_citation_names':citation,'site_definition':'s','site_lat':'','site_lon':"",'site_class':"",'site_lithology':"",'site_type':""} ErSites.append(ErSiteRec) print 'processing file: ',file[0],' for site: ',site data=open(dir_path+'/'+file[0],'rU').readlines() # read in data from file firstrec=data[0].split() if firstrec[0]=='FILE': # this file has a header, must look for start of data for k in range(len(data)): if data[k][0]=='-': break else: k=-1 while k<len(data)-1: k+=1 line=data[k] if len(line)>2: # skip stupid terminal lines line=line.replace(' T ',' T') # make columns consistent line=line.replace(' H ',' H') # make columns consistent line=line.replace(' T ',' T') # make columns consistent line=line.replace(' H ',' H') # make columns consistent rec=line.split() if len(rec)<2: break # skip junk MagRec={} MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' meas_type="LT-NO" MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] if specnum!=0: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0] # site=pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) MagRec["er_site_name"]=site MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[8])*1e-4) # # int is in emu/cc; assuming 10cc, this converts to Am^2 # if samp_file!="" and MagRec["er_sample_name"] not in Samps: # create er_samples.txt file with these data cdec,cinc=float(rec[2]),float(rec[3]) gdec,ginc=float(rec[4]),float(rec[5]) az,pl=pmag.get_azpl(cdec,cinc,gdec,ginc) bdec,binc=float(rec[6]),float(rec[7]) if rec[4]!=rec[6] and rec[5]!=rec[7]: dipdir,dip=pmag.get_tilt(gdec,ginc,bdec,binc) else: dipdir,dip=0,0 ErSampRec={} ErSampRec['er_citation_names']='This study' ErSampRec['er_location_name']=MagRec['er_location_name'] ErSampRec['er_site_name']=MagRec['er_site_name'] ErSampRec['er_sample_name']=MagRec['er_sample_name'] ErSampRec['sample_azimuth']='%7.1f'%(az) ErSampRec['sample_dip']='%7.1f'%(pl) ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip_direction']='%7.1f'%(dipdir) ErSampRec['sample_bed_dip']='%7.1f'%(dip) ErSampRec['sample_description']='az,pl,dip_dir and dip recalculated from [c,g,b][dec,inc] in UCSC legacy file' ErSampRec['magic_method_codes']='SO-NO' ErSamps.append(ErSampRec) Samps.append(ErSampRec['er_sample_name']) MagRec["measurement_dec"]=rec[2] MagRec["measurement_inc"]=rec[3] MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]="" MagRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" demag=rec[1][0] if demag!='N': treat=float(rec[1][1:]) else: treat=0 if demag=="H": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(treat*1e-4) # convert from oe to tesla meas_type="LT-AF-Z" elif demag=="T": MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (treat+273.) # temp in kelvin meas_type="LT-T-Z" MagRec['magic_method_codes']=meas_type MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "results put in ",meas_file pmag.magic_write(samp_file,ErSamps,'er_samples') print "sample orientations put in ",samp_file pmag.magic_write(site_file,ErSites,'er_sites') print "site names put in ",site_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts SIO .mag format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify .mag format input file, required -fsa SAMPFILE : specify er_samples.txt file relating samples, site and locations names,default is none -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsy: specify er_synthetics file, default is er_sythetics.txt -Fsa: specify output er_samples file, default is NONE (only for LDGO formatted files) -LP [colon delimited list of protocols, include all that apply] AF: af demag T: thermal including thellier but not trm acquisition S: Shaw method I: IRM (acquisition) I3d: 3D IRM experiment N: NRM only TRM: trm acquisition ANI: anisotropy experiment D: double AF demag G: triple AF demag (GRM protocol) CR: cooling rate experiment. The treatment coding of the measurement file should be: XXX.00,XXX.10, XXX.20 ...XX.70 etc. (XXX.00 is optional) where XXX in the temperature and .10,.20... are running numbers of the cooling rates steps. XXX.00 is optional zerofield baseline. XXX.70 is alteration check. syntax in sio_magic is: -LP CR xxx,yyy,zzz,.....xx -A where xx, yyy, are cooling time in [K/minutes], seperated by comma, ordered at the same order as XXX.10,XXX.20 ...XX.70 if you use a zerofield step then no need to specify the cooling rate for the zerofield It is important to add to the command line the -A option so the measurements will not be evraged. But users need to make sure that there are no duplicate meaurements in the file -V [1,2,3] units of IRM field in volts using ASC coil #1,2 or 3 -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SAMPFILE or be a synthetic -syn INST TYPE: sets these specimens as synthetics created at institution INST and of type TYPE -ins INST : specify which demag instrument was used (e.g, SIO-Suzy or SIO-Odette),default is "" -dc B PHI THETA: dc lab field (in micro tesla) and phi,theta, default is none NB: use PHI, THETA = -1 -1 to signal that it changes, i.e. in anisotropy experiment -ac B : peak AF field (in mT) for ARM acquisition, default is none -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below -A: don't average replicate measurements Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. [8] synthetic - has no site name [9] ODP naming convention INPUT Best to put separate experiments (all AF, thermal, thellier, trm aquisition, Shaw, etc.) in seperate .mag files (eg. af.mag, thermal.mag, etc.) Format of SIO .mag files: Spec Treat CSD Intensity Declination Inclination [optional metadata string] Spec: specimen name Treat: treatment step XXX T in Centigrade XXX AF in mT for special experiments: Thellier: XXX.0 first zero field step XXX.1 first in field step [XXX.0 and XXX.1 can be done in any order] XXX.2 second in-field step at lower temperature (pTRM check) XXX.3 second zero-field step after infield (pTRM check step) XXX.3 MUST be done in this order [XXX.0, XXX.1 [optional XXX.2] XXX.3] AARM: X.00 baseline step (AF in zero bias field - high peak field) X.1 ARM step (in field step) where X is the step number in the 15 position scheme (see Appendix to Lecture 13 - ATRM: X.00 optional baseline X.1 ATRM step (+X) X.2 ATRM step (+Y) X.3 ATRM step (+Z) X.4 ATRM step (-X) X.5 ATRM step (-Y) X.6 ATRM step (-Z) X.7 optional alteration check (+X) TRM: XXX.YYY XXX is temperature step of total TRM YYY is dc field in microtesla Intensity assumed to be total moment in 10^3 Am^2 (emu) Declination: Declination in specimen coordinate system Inclination: Declination in specimen coordinate system Optional metatdata string: mm/dd/yy;hh:mm;[dC,mT];xx.xx;UNITS;USER;INST;NMEAS hh in 24 hours. dC or mT units of treatment XXX (see Treat above) for thermal or AF respectively DC field UNITS of DC field (microT, mT) INST: instrument code, number of axes, number of positions (e.g., G34 is 2G, three axes, measured in four positions) NMEAS: number of measurements in a single position (1,3,200...) """ # initialize some stuff infile_type="mag" noave=0 methcode,inst="LP-NO","" phi,theta,peakfield,labfield=0,0,0,0 pTRM,MD,samp_con,Z=0,0,'1',1 dec=[315,225,180,135,45,90,270,270,270,90,180,180,0,0,0] inc=[0,0,0,0,0,-45,-45,0,45,45,45,-45,-90,-45,45] tdec=[0,90,0,180,270,0,0,90,0] tinc=[0,0,90,0,0,-90,0,0,90] missing=1 demag="N" er_location_name="" citation='This study' args=sys.argv fmt='old' syn=0 synfile='er_synthetics.txt' samp_file,ErSamps='',[] trm=0 irm=0 specnum=0 coil="" # # get command line arguments # meas_file="magic_measurements.txt" user="" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsy' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsy") synfile=args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=args[ind+1] try: open(samp_file,'rU') ErSamps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) print 'sample information will be appended to new er_samples.txt file' except: print 'sample information will be stored in new er_samples.txt file' if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") magfile=args[ind+1] try: input=open(magfile,'rU') except: print "bad mag file name" sys.exit() else: print "mag_file field is required option" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-dc" in args: ind=args.index("-dc") labfield=float(args[ind+1])*1e-6 phi=float(args[ind+2]) theta=float(args[ind+3]) if "-ac" in args: ind=args.index("-ac") peakfield=float(args[ind+1])*1e-3 if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-fsa") Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(args[ind+1]) if '-syn' in args: syn=1 ind=args.index("-syn") institution=args[ind+1] syntype=args[ind+2] if '-fsy' in args: ind=args.index("-fsy") synfile=args[ind+1] if "-ins" in args: ind=args.index("-ins") inst=args[ind+1] if "-A" in args: noave=1 if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4-" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if "7-" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" if '-LP' in args: ind=args.index("-LP") codelist=args[ind+1] codes=codelist.split(':') if "AF" in codes: demag='AF' if'-dc' not in args: methcode="LT-AF-Z" if'-dc' in args: methcode="LT-AF-I" if "T" in codes: demag="T" if '-dc' not in args: methcode="LT-T-Z" if '-dc' in args: methcode="LT-T-I" if "I" in codes: methcode="LP-IRM" irmunits="mT" if "I3d" in codes: methcode="LT-T-Z:LP-IRM-3D" if "S" in codes: demag="S" methcode="LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-ALT-AFARM" trm_labfield=labfield ans=raw_input("DC lab field for ARM step: [50uT] ") if ans=="": arm_labfield=50e-6 else: arm_labfield=float(ans)*1e-6 ans=raw_input("temperature for total trm step: [600 C] ") if ans=="": trm_peakT=600+273 # convert to kelvin else: trm_peakT=float(ans)+273 # convert to kelvin if "G" in codes: methcode="LT-AF-G" if "D" in codes: methcode="LT-AF-D" if "TRM" in codes: demag="T" trm=1 if "CR" in codes: demag="T" cooling_rate_experiment=1 ind=args.index("CR") coolling_times=args[ind+1] coolling_times_list=coolling_times.split(',') if "-V" in args: methcode="LP-IRM" ind=args.index("-V") irmunits="V" coil=args[ind+1] if coil not in ["1","2","3"]: print main.__doc__ print 'not a valid coil specification' sys.exit() if demag=="T" and "ANI" in codes: methcode="LP-AN-TRM" if demag=="T" and "CR" in codes: methcode="LP-CR-TRM" if demag=="AF" and "ANI" in codes: methcode="LP-AN-ARM" if labfield==0: labfield=50e-6 if peakfield==0: peakfield=.180 SynRecs,MagRecs=[],[] version_num=pmag.get_version() if 1: #if infile_type=="SIO format": for line in input.readlines(): instcode="" if len(line)>2: SynRec={} MagRec={} MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' meas_type="LT-NO" rec=line.split() if rec[1]==".00":rec[1]="0.00" treat=rec[1].split('.') if methcode=="LP-IRM": if irmunits=='mT': labfield=float(treat[0])*1e-3 else: labfield=pmag.getfield(irmunits,coil,treat[0]) if rec[1][0]!="-": phi,theta=0.,90. else: phi,theta=0.,-90. meas_type="LT-IRM" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(labfield) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f'%(phi) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'%(theta) if len(rec)>6: code1=rec[6].split(';') # break e.g., 10/15/02;7:45 indo date and time if len(code1)==2: # old format with AM/PM missing=0 code2=code1[0].split('/') # break date into mon/day/year code3=rec[7].split(';') # break e.g., AM;C34;200 into time;instr/axes/measuring pos;number of measurements yy=int(code2[2]) if yy <90: yyyy=str(2000+yy) else: yyyy=str(1900+yy) mm=int(code2[0]) if mm<10: mm="0"+str(mm) else: mm=str(mm) dd=int(code2[1]) if dd<10: dd="0"+str(dd) else: dd=str(dd) time=code1[1].split(':') hh=int(time[0]) if code3[0]=="PM":hh=hh+12 if hh<10: hh="0"+str(hh) else: hh=str(hh) min=int(time[1]) if min<10: min= "0"+str(min) else: min=str(min) MagRec["measurement_date"]=yyyy+":"+mm+":"+dd+":"+hh+":"+min+":00.00" MagRec["measurement_time_zone"]='SAN' if inst=="": if code3[1][0]=='C':instcode='SIO-bubba' if code3[1][0]=='G':instcode='SIO-flo' else: instcode='' MagRec["measurement_positions"]=code3[1][2] elif len(code1)>2: # newest format (cryo7 or later) if "LP-AN-ARM" not in methcode:labfield=0 fmt='new' date=code1[0].split('/') # break date into mon/day/year yy=int(date[2]) if yy <90: yyyy=str(2000+yy) else: yyyy=str(1900+yy) mm=int(date[0]) if mm<10: mm="0"+str(mm) else: mm=str(mm) dd=int(date[1]) if dd<10: dd="0"+str(dd) else: dd=str(dd) time=code1[1].split(':') hh=int(time[0]) if hh<10: hh="0"+str(hh) else: hh=str(hh) min=int(time[1]) if min<10: min= "0"+str(min) else: min=str(min) MagRec["measurement_date"]=yyyy+":"+mm+":"+dd+":"+hh+":"+min+":00.00" MagRec["measurement_time_zone"]='SAN' if inst=="": if code1[6][0]=='C':instcode='SIO-bubba' if code1[6][0]=='G':instcode='SIO-flo' else: instcode='' if len(code1)>1: MagRec["measurement_positions"]=code1[6][2] else: MagRec["measurement_positions"]=code1[7] # takes care of awkward format with bubba and flo being different if user=="":user=code1[5] if code1[2][-1]=='C': demag="T" if code1[4]=='microT' and float(code1[3])!=0. and "LP-AN-ARM" not in methcode: labfield=float(code1[3])*1e-6 if code1[2]=='mT' and methcode!="LP-IRM": demag="AF" if code1[4]=='microT' and float(code1[3])!=0.: labfield=float(code1[3])*1e-6 if code1[4]=='microT' and labfield!=0. and meas_type!="LT-IRM": phi,theta=0.,-90. if demag=="T": meas_type="LT-T-I" if demag=="AF": meas_type="LT-AF-I" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(labfield) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f'%(phi) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'%(theta) if code1[4]=='' or labfield==0. and meas_type!="LT-IRM": if demag=='T':meas_type="LT-T-Z" if demag=="AF":meas_type="LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' if syn==0: MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] MagRec["er_synthetic_name"]="" MagRec["er_site_name"]="" if specnum!=0: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0] if "-fsa" in args: samp=pmag.get_dictitem(Samps,'er_sample_name',MagRec['er_sample_name'],'T') if len(samp)>0: MagRec["er_location_name"]=samp[0]["er_location_name"] MagRec["er_site_name"]=samp[0]["er_site_name"] else: MagRec['er_location_name']='' MagRec["er_site_name"]='' elif int(samp_con)!=6: site=pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) MagRec["er_site_name"]=site if MagRec['er_site_name']=="": print 'No site name found for: ',MagRec['er_specimen_name'],MagRec['er_sample_name'] if MagRec["er_location_name"]=="": print 'no location name for: ',MagRec["er_specimen_name"] else: if specnum!=0: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0] MagRec["er_site_name"]="" MagRec["er_synthetic_name"]=MagRec["er_specimen_name"] SynRec["er_synthetic_name"]=MagRec["er_specimen_name"] site=pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) SynRec["synthetic_parent_sample"]=site SynRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" SynRec["synthetic_institution"]=institution SynRec["synthetic_type"]=syntype SynRecs.append(SynRec) if float(rec[1])==0: pass elif demag=="AF": if methcode != "LP-AN-ARM": MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(float(rec[1])*1e-3) # peak field in tesla if meas_type=="LT-AF-Z": MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' else: # AARM experiment if treat[1][0]=='0': meas_type="LT-AF-Z:LP-AN-ARM:" MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(peakfield) # peak field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(0) if labfield!=0 and methcode!="LP-AN-ARM": print "Warning - inconsistency in mag file with lab field - overriding file with 0" else: meas_type="LT-AF-I:LP-AN-ARM" ipos=int(treat[0])-1 MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' %(dec[ipos]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'% (inc[ipos]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(labfield) MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(peakfield) # peak field in tesla elif demag=="T" and methcode == "LP-AN-TRM": MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin if treat[1][0]=='0': meas_type="LT-T-Z:LP-AN-TRM" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(0) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' else: MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(labfield) if treat[1][0]=='7': # alteration check as final measurement meas_type="LT-PTRM-I:LP-AN-TRM" else: meas_type="LT-T-I:LP-AN-TRM" # find the direction of the lab field in two ways: # (1) using the treatment coding (XX.1=+x, XX.2=+y, XX.3=+z, XX.4=-x, XX.5=-y, XX.6=-z) ipos_code=int(treat[1][0])-1 # (2) using the magnetization DEC=float(rec[4]) INC=float(rec[5]) if INC < 45 and INC > -45: if DEC>315 or DEC<45: ipos_guess=0 if DEC>45 and DEC<135: ipos_guess=1 if DEC>135 and DEC<225: ipos_guess=3 if DEC>225 and DEC<315: ipos_guess=4 else: if INC >45: ipos_guess=2 if INC <-45: ipos_guess=5 # prefer the guess over the code ipos=ipos_guess MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' %(tdec[ipos]) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'% (tinc[ipos]) # check it if ipos_guess!=ipos_code and treat[1][0]!='7': print "-E- ERROR: check specimen %s step %s, ATRM measurements, coding does not match the direction of the lab field!"%(rec[0],".".join(list(treat))) elif demag=="S": # Shaw experiment if treat[1][1]=='0': if int(treat[0])!=0: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])*1e-3) # AF field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' meas_type="LT-AF-Z" # first AF else: meas_type="LT-NO" MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' elif treat[1][1]=='1': if int(treat[0])==0: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(peakfield) # peak field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(arm_labfield) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f'%(phi) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'%(theta) meas_type="LT-AF-I" else: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' % ( float(treat[0])*1e-3) # AF field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' meas_type="LT-AF-Z" elif treat[1][1]=='2': if int(treat[0])==0: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(trm_labfield) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f'%(phi) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'%(theta) MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (trm_peakT) meas_type="LT-T-I" else: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' % ( float(treat[0])*1e-3) # AF field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' meas_type="LT-AF-Z" elif treat[1][1]=='3': if int(treat[0])==0: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' %(peakfield) # peak field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(arm_labfield) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f'%(phi) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f'%(theta) meas_type="LT-AF-I" else: MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' % ( float(treat[0])*1e-3) # AF field in tesla MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' meas_type="LT-AF-Z" # Cooling rate experient # added by rshaar elif demag=="T" and methcode == "LP-CR-TRM": MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin if treat[1][0]=='0': meas_type="LT-T-Z:LP-CR-TRM" MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(0) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' else: MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e'%(labfield) if treat[1][0]=='7': # alteration check as final measurement meas_type="LT-PTRM-I:LP-CR-TRM" else: meas_type="LT-T-I:LP-CR-TRM" MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' % (phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f' % (theta) # labfield theta indx=int(treat[1][0])-1 # alteration check matjed as 0.7 in the measurement file if indx==6: cooling_time= coolling_times_list[-1] else: cooling_time=coolling_times_list[indx] MagRec["measurement_description"]="cooling_rate"+":"+cooling_time+":"+"K/min" elif demag!='N': if len(treat)==1:treat.append('0') MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin if trm==0: # demag=T and not trmaq if treat[1][0]=='0': meas_type="LT-T-Z" else: MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' % (labfield) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' % (phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f' % (theta) # labfield theta if treat[1][0]=='1':meas_type="LT-T-I" # in-field thermal step if treat[1][0]=='2': meas_type="LT-PTRM-I" # pTRM check pTRM=1 if treat[1][0]=='3': MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' # this is a zero field step meas_type="LT-PTRM-MD" # pTRM tail check else: labfield=float(treat[1])*1e-6 MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='%8.3e' % (labfield) # labfield in tesla (convert from microT) MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='%7.1f' % (phi) # labfield phi MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='%7.1f' % (theta) # labfield theta meas_type="LT-T-I:LP-TRM" # trm acquisition experiment MagRec["measurement_csd"]=rec[2] MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[3])*1e-3) # moment in Am^2 (from emu) MagRec["measurement_dec"]=rec[4] MagRec["measurement_inc"]=rec[5] MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=instcode MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user MagRec["er_citation_names"]=citation if "LP-IRM-3D" in methcode : meas_type=methcode #MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=methcode.strip(':') MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=meas_type MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] if 'std' in rec[0]: MagRec["measurement_standard"]='s' else: MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' #print MagRec['treatment_temp'] MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "results put in ",meas_file if samp_file!="": pmag.magic_write(samp_file,ErSamps,'er_samples') print "sample orientations put in ",samp_file if len(SynRecs)>0: pmag.magic_write(synfile,SynRecs,'er_synthetics') print "synthetics put in ",synfile
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION Calculates paleointensity parameters for thellier-thellier type data using bounds stored in the "redo" file SYNTAX thellier_magic_redo [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -fcr CRIT, set criteria for grading -f IN: specify input file, default is magic_measurements.txt -fre REDO: specify redo file, default is "thellier_redo" -F OUT: specify output file, default is thellier_specimens.txt -leg: attaches "Recalculated from original measurements; supercedes published results. " to comment field -CR PERC TYPE: apply a blanket cooling rate correction if none supplied in the er_samples.txt file PERC should be a percentage of original (say reduce to 90%) TYPE should be one of the following: EG (for educated guess); PS (based on pilots); TRM (based on comparison of two TRMs) -ANI: perform anisotropy correction -fsa SAMPFILE: er_samples.txt file with cooling rate correction information, default is NO CORRECTION -Fcr CRout: specify pmag_specimen format file for cooling rate corrected data -fan ANIFILE: specify rmag_anisotropy format file, default is rmag_anisotropy.txt -Fac ACout: specify pmag_specimen format file for anisotropy corrected data default is AC_specimens.txt -fnl NLTFILE: specify magic_measurments format file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fnl NLTout: specify pmag_specimen format file for non-linear trm corrected data default is NLT_specimens.txt -z use z component differenences for pTRM calculation INPUT a thellier_redo file is Specimen_name Tmin Tmax (where Tmin and Tmax are in Centigrade) """ dir_path = "." critout = "" version_num = pmag.get_version() field, first_save = -1, 1 spec, recnum, start, end = 0, 0, 0, 0 crfrac = 0 NltRecs, PmagSpecs, AniSpecRecs, NltSpecRecs, CRSpecs = [], [], [], [], [] meas_file, pmag_file, mk_file = "magic_measurements.txt", "thellier_specimens.txt", "thellier_redo" anis_file = "rmag_anisotropy.txt" anisout, nltout = "AC_specimens.txt", "NLT_specimens.txt" crout = "CR_specimens.txt" nlt_file = "" samp_file = "" comment, user = "", "unknown" anis, nltrm = 0, 0 jackknife = 0 # maybe in future can do jackknife args = sys.argv Zdiff = 0 if "-WD" in args: ind = args.index("-WD") dir_path = args[ind + 1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind = args.index("-usr") user = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-leg" in args: comment = "Recalculated from original measurements; supercedes published results. " cool = 0 if "-CR" in args: cool = 1 ind = args.index("-CR") crfrac = 0.01 * float(sys.argv[ind + 1]) crtype = "DA-CR-" + sys.argv[ind + 2] if "-Fcr" in args: ind = args.index("-Fcr") crout = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-f" in args: ind = args.index("-f") meas_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-F" in args: ind = args.index("-F") pmag_file = sys.argv[ind + 1] if "-fre" in args: ind = args.index("-fre") mk_file = args[ind + 1] if "-fsa" in args: ind = args.index("-fsa") samp_file = dir_path + "/" + args[ind + 1] Samps, file_type = pmag.magic_read(samp_file) SampCRs = pmag.get_dictitem(Samps, "cooling_rate_corr", "", "F") # get samples cooling rate corrections cool = 1 if file_type != "er_samples": print "not a valid er_samples.txt file" sys.exit() # # if "-ANI" in args: anis = 1 ind = args.index("-ANI") if "-Fac" in args: ind = args.index("-Fac") anisout = args[ind + 1] if "-fan" in args: ind = args.index("-fan") anis_file = args[ind + 1] # if "-NLT" in args: if "-Fnl" in args: ind = args.index("-Fnl") nltout = args[ind + 1] if "-fnl" in args: ind = args.index("-fnl") nlt_file = args[ind + 1] if "-z" in args: Zdiff = 1 if "-fcr" in sys.argv: ind = args.index("-fcr") critout = sys.argv[ind + 1] # # start reading in data: # meas_file = dir_path + "/" + meas_file mk_file = dir_path + "/" + mk_file accept = pmag.default_criteria(1)[0] # set criteria to none if critout != "": critout = dir_path + "/" + critout crit_data, file_type = pmag.magic_read(critout) if file_type != "pmag_criteria": print "bad pmag_criteria file, using no acceptance criteria" print "Acceptance criteria read in from ", critout for critrec in crit_data: if "sample_int_sigma_uT" in critrec.keys(): # accommodate Shaar's new criterion critrec["sample_int_sigma"] = "%10.3e" % (eval(critrec["sample_int_sigma_uT"]) * 1e-6) for key in critrec.keys(): if key not in accept.keys() and critrec[key] != "": accept[key] = critrec[key] meas_data, file_type = pmag.magic_read(meas_file) if file_type != "magic_measurements": print file_type print file_type, "This is not a valid magic_measurements file " sys.exit() try: mk_f = open(mk_file, "rU") except: print "Bad redo file" sys.exit() mkspec = [] speclist = [] for line in mk_f.readlines(): tmp = line.split() mkspec.append(tmp) speclist.append(tmp[0]) if anis == 1: anis_file = dir_path + "/" + anis_file anis_data, file_type = pmag.magic_read(anis_file) if file_type != "rmag_anisotropy": print file_type print file_type, "This is not a valid rmag_anisotropy file " sys.exit() if nlt_file == "": nlt_data = pmag.get_dictitem( meas_data, "magic_method_codes", "LP-TRM", "has" ) # look for trm acquisition data in the meas_data file else: nlt_file = dir_path + "/" + nlt_file nlt_data, file_type = pmag.magic_read(nlt_file) if len(nlt_data) > 0: nltrm = 1 # # sort the specimen names and step through one by one # sids = pmag.get_specs(meas_data) # print "Processing ", len(speclist), " specimens - please wait " while spec < len(speclist): s = speclist[spec] recnum = 0 datablock = [] PmagSpecRec = {} PmagSpecRec["er_analyst_mail_names"] = user PmagSpecRec["er_citation_names"] = "This study" PmagSpecRec["magic_software_packages"] = version_num methcodes, inst_code = [], "" # # find the data from the meas_data file for this specimen # datablock = pmag.get_dictitem(meas_data, "er_specimen_name", s, "T") datablock = pmag.get_dictitem( datablock, "magic_method_codes", "LP-PI-TRM", "has" ) # pick out the thellier experiment data if len(datablock) > 0: for rec in datablock: if "magic_instrument_codes" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_instrument_codes"] = "unknown" # # collect info for the PmagSpecRec dictionary # rec = datablock[0] PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"] = s PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"] = rec["er_sample_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_site_name"] = rec["er_site_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_location_name"] = rec["er_location_name"] PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"] = "K" PmagSpecRec["specimen_correction"] = "u" if "er_expedition_name" in rec.keys(): PmagSpecRec["er_expedition_name"] = rec["er_expedition_name"] if "magic_instrument_codes" not in rec.keys(): PmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"] = "unknown" else: PmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"] = rec["magic_instrument_codes"] if "magic_experiment_name" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_experiment_name"] = "" else: PmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"] = rec["magic_experiment_name"] meths = rec["magic_experiment_name"].split(":") for meth in meths: if meth.strip() not in methcodes and "LP-" in meth: methcodes.append(meth.strip()) # # sort out the data into first_Z, first_I, ptrm_check, ptrm_tail # araiblock, field = pmag.sortarai(datablock, s, Zdiff) first_Z = araiblock[0] first_I = araiblock[1] ptrm_check = araiblock[2] ptrm_tail = araiblock[3] if len(first_I) < 3 or len(first_Z) < 4: spec += 1 print "skipping specimen ", s else: # # get start, end # for redospec in mkspec: if redospec[0] == s: b, e = float(redospec[1]), float(redospec[2]) break if e > float(first_Z[-1][0]): e = float(first_Z[-1][0]) for recnum in range(len(first_Z)): if first_Z[recnum][0] == b: start = recnum if first_Z[recnum][0] == e: end = recnum nsteps = end - start if nsteps > 2: zijdblock, units = pmag.find_dmag_rec(s, meas_data) pars, errcode = pmag.PintPars(datablock, araiblock, zijdblock, start, end, accept) if "specimen_scat" in pars.keys(): PmagSpecRec["specimen_scat"] = pars["specimen_scat"] if "specimen_frac" in pars.keys(): PmagSpecRec["specimen_frac"] = "%5.3f" % (pars["specimen_frac"]) if "specimen_gmax" in pars.keys(): PmagSpecRec["specimen_gmax"] = "%5.3f" % (pars["specimen_gmax"]) pars["measurement_step_unit"] = units pars["specimen_lab_field_dc"] = field pars["specimen_int"] = -1 * field * pars["specimen_b"] PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_min"] = "%8.3e" % (pars["measurement_step_min"]) PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_max"] = "%8.3e" % (pars["measurement_step_max"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_int_n"] = "%i" % (pars["specimen_int_n"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_lab_field_dc"] = "%8.3e" % (pars["specimen_lab_field_dc"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_int"] = "%9.4e " % (pars["specimen_int"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_b"] = "%5.3f " % (pars["specimen_b"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_q"] = "%5.1f " % (pars["specimen_q"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_f"] = "%5.3f " % (pars["specimen_f"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_fvds"] = "%5.3f" % (pars["specimen_fvds"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_b_beta"] = "%5.3f" % (pars["specimen_b_beta"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_int_mad"] = "%7.1f" % (pars["specimen_int_mad"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_Z"] = "%7.1f" % (pars["specimen_Z"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_gamma"] = "%7.1f" % (pars["specimen_gamma"]) if pars["method_codes"] != "" and pars["method_codes"] not in methcodes: methcodes.append(pars["method_codes"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_dec"] = "%7.1f" % (pars["specimen_dec"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_inc"] = "%7.1f" % (pars["specimen_inc"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_tilt_correction"] = "-1" PmagSpecRec["specimen_direction_type"] = "l" PmagSpecRec["direction_type"] = "l" # this is redudant, but helpful - won't be imported PmagSpecRec["specimen_dang"] = "%7.1f " % (pars["specimen_dang"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_drats"] = "%7.1f " % (pars["specimen_drats"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_drat"] = "%7.1f " % (pars["specimen_drat"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_int_ptrm_n"] = "%i " % (pars["specimen_int_ptrm_n"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_rsc"] = "%6.4f " % (pars["specimen_rsc"]) PmagSpecRec["specimen_md"] = "%i " % (int(pars["specimen_md"])) if PmagSpecRec["specimen_md"] == "-1": PmagSpecRec["specimen_md"] = "" PmagSpecRec["specimen_b_sigma"] = "%5.3f " % (pars["specimen_b_sigma"]) if "IE-TT" not in methcodes: methcodes.append("IE-TT") methods = "" for meth in methcodes: methods = methods + meth + ":" PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"] = methods.strip(":") PmagSpecRec["magic_software_packages"] = version_num PmagSpecRec["specimen_description"] = comment if critout != "": kill = pmag.grade(PmagSpecRec, accept, "specimen_int") if len(kill) > 0: Grade = "F" # fails else: Grade = "A" # passes PmagSpecRec["specimen_grade"] = Grade else: PmagSpecRec["specimen_grade"] = "" # not graded if nltrm == 0 and anis == 0 and cool != 0: # apply cooling rate correction SCR = pmag.get_dictitem( SampCRs, "er_sample_name", PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"], "T" ) # get this samples, cooling rate correction CrSpecRec = pmag.cooling_rate(PmagSpecRec, SCR, crfrac, crtype) if CrSpecRec["er_specimen_name"] != "none": CrSpecs.append(CrSpecRec) PmagSpecs.append(PmagSpecRec) NltSpecRec = "" # # check on non-linear TRM correction # if nltrm == 1: # # find the data from the nlt_data list for this specimen # TRMs, Bs = [], [] NltSpecRec = "" NltRecs = pmag.get_dictitem( nlt_data, "er_specimen_name", PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"], "has" ) # fish out all the NLT data for this specimen if len(NltRecs) > 2: for NltRec in NltRecs: Bs.append(float(NltRec["treatment_dc_field"])) TRMs.append(float(NltRec["measurement_magn_moment"])) NLTpars = nlt.NLtrm( Bs, TRMs, float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_int"]), float(PmagSpecRec["specimen_lab_field_dc"]), 0, ) if NLTpars["banc"] > 0: NltSpecRec = {} for key in PmagSpecRec.keys(): NltSpecRec[key] = PmagSpecRec[key] NltSpecRec["specimen_int"] = "%9.4e" % (NLTpars["banc"]) NltSpecRec["magic_method_codes"] = PmagSpecRec["magic_method_codes"] + ":DA-NL" NltSpecRec["specimen_correction"] = "c" NltSpecRec["specimen_grade"] = PmagSpecRec["specimen_grade"] NltSpecRec["magic_software_packages"] = version_num print NltSpecRec["er_specimen_name"], " Banc= ", float(NLTpars["banc"]) * 1e6 if anis == 0 and cool != 0: SCR = pmag.get_dictitem( SampCRs, "er_sample_name", NltSpecRec["er_sample_name"], "T" ) # get this samples, cooling rate correction CrSpecRec = pmag.cooling_rate(NltSpecRec, SCR, crfrac, crtype) if CrSpecRec["er_specimen_name"] != "none": CrSpecs.append(CrSpecRec) NltSpecRecs.append(NltSpecRec) # # check on anisotropy correction if anis == 1: if NltSpecRec != "": Spc = NltSpecRec else: # find uncorrected data Spc = PmagSpecRec AniSpecs = pmag.get_dictitem( anis_data, "er_specimen_name", PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"], "T" ) if len(AniSpecs) > 0: AniSpec = AniSpecs[0] AniSpecRec = pmag.doaniscorr(Spc, AniSpec) AniSpecRec["specimen_grade"] = PmagSpecRec["specimen_grade"] AniSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"] = PmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"] AniSpecRec["specimen_correction"] = "c" AniSpecRec["magic_software_packages"] = version_num if cool != 0: SCR = pmag.get_dictitem( SampCRs, "er_sample_name", AniSpecRec["er_sample_name"], "T" ) # get this samples, cooling rate correction CrSpecRec = pmag.cooling_rate(AniSpecRec, SCR, crfrac, crtype) if CrSpecRec["er_specimen_name"] != "none": CrSpecs.append(CrSpecRec) AniSpecRecs.append(AniSpecRec) elif anis == 1: AniSpecs = pmag.get_dictitem( anis_data, "er_specimen_name", PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"], "T" ) if len(AniSpecs) > 0: AniSpec = AniSpecs[0] AniSpecRec = pmag.doaniscorr(PmagSpecRec, AniSpec) AniSpecRec["specimen_grade"] = PmagSpecRec["specimen_grade"] AniSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"] = PmagSpecRec["magic_instrument_codes"] AniSpecRec["specimen_correction"] = "c" AniSpecRec["magic_software_packages"] = version_num if crfrac != 0: CrSpecRec = {} for key in AniSpecRec.keys(): CrSpecRec[key] = AniSpecRec[key] inten = frac * float(CrSpecRec["specimen_int"]) CrSpecRec["specimen_int"] = "%9.4e " % ( inten ) # adjust specimen intensity by cooling rate correction CrSpecRec["magic_method_codes"] = CrSpecRec["magic_method_codes"] + ":DA-CR-" + crtype CRSpecs.append(CrSpecRec) AniSpecRecs.append(AniSpecRec) spec += 1 else: print "skipping ", s spec += 1 pmag_file = dir_path + "/" + pmag_file pmag.magic_write(pmag_file, PmagSpecs, "pmag_specimens") print "uncorrected thellier data saved in: ", pmag_file if anis == 1 and len(AniSpecRecs) > 0: anisout = dir_path + "/" + anisout pmag.magic_write(anisout, AniSpecRecs, "pmag_specimens") print "anisotropy corrected data saved in: ", anisout if nltrm == 1 and len(NltSpecRecs) > 0: nltout = dir_path + "/" + nltout pmag.magic_write(nltout, NltSpecRecs, "pmag_specimens") print "non-linear TRM corrected data saved in: ", nltout if crfrac != 0: crout = dir_path + "/" + crout pmag.magic_write(crout, CRSpecs, "pmag_specimens") print "cooling rate corrected data saved in: ", crout
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION takes tab delimited Hebrew University sample file and converts to MagIC formatted tables SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -f FILE: specify input file -Fsa FILE: specify sample output file, default is: er_samples.txt -Fsi FILE: specify site output file, default is: er_sites.txt -Iso: import sample orientation info - default is to set sample_az/dip to 0,0 -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below -mcd: specify sampling method codes as a colon delimited string: [default is: FS-FD:SO-POM] FS-FD field sampling done with a drill FS-H field sampling done with hand samples FS-LOC-GPS field location done with GPS FS-LOC-MAP field location done with map SO-POM a Pomeroy orientation device was used SO-ASC an ASC orientation device was used SO-MAG orientation with magnetic compass -loc: location name, default="unknown" INPUT FORMAT Input files must be tab delimited: Samp Az Dip Dip_dir Dip Orientation convention: Lab arrow azimuth = mag_azimuth; Lab arrow dip = 90-field_dip e.g. field_dip is degrees from horizontal of drill direction Magnetic declination convention: Az is already corrected in file Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXXYYY: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] sample = site [5] all others you will have to either customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. OUTPUT output saved in er_samples.txt will overwrite any existing files """ # # initialize variables # version_num=pmag.get_version() samp_file,or_con,corr = "er_samples.txt","1","1" site_file='er_sites.txt' args=sys.argv date,lat,lon="","","" # date of sampling, latitude (pos North), longitude (pos East) bed_dip,bed_dip_dir="","" participantlist="" sites=[] # list of site names Lats,Lons=[],[] # list of latitudes and longitudes SampRecs,SiteRecs,ImageRecs,imagelist=[],[],[],[] # lists of Sample records and Site records samp_con,Z,average_bedding="1",1,"0" newbaseline,newbeddir,newbeddip="","","" meths='FS-FD:SO-POM:SO-SUN' delta_u="0" sclass,lithology,type="","","" newclass,newlith,newtype='','','' user="" or_con='3' corr=="3" DecCorr=0. location_name="unknown" ignore=1 # # if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") orient_file=sys.argv[ind+1] else: "Must have orientation file name" sys.exit() if "-Fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 3-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" print samp_con, Z if "-mcd" in args: ind=args.index("-mcd") meths=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") location_name=(sys.argv[ind+1]) if "-Iso" in args: ignore=0 # # read in file to convert # azfile=open(orient_file,'rU') AzDipDat=azfile.readlines() azfile.close() SampOut=[] SiteOut=[] for line in AzDipDat[1:]: orec=line.split() if len(orec)>1: labaz,labdip=pmag.orient(float(orec[1]),float(orec[2]),or_con) bed_dip_dir=(orec[3]) bed_dip=(orec[4]) SampRec={} SiteRec={} SampRec["er_location_name"]=location_name SampRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" SiteRec["er_location_name"]=location_name SiteRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" SiteRec["site_class"]="" SiteRec["site_lithology"]="" SiteRec["site_type"]="" SiteRec["site_definition"]="s" SiteRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" # # parse information common to all orientation methods # SampRec["er_sample_name"]=orec[0] SampRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"]=orec[3] SampRec["sample_bed_dip"]=orec[4] SiteRec["site_bed_dip_direction"]=orec[3] SiteRec["site_bed_dip"]=orec[4] if ignore==0: SampRec["sample_dip"]='%7.1f'%(labdip) SampRec["sample_azimuth"]='%7.1f'%(labaz) else: SampRec["sample_dip"]='0' SampRec["sample_azimuth"]='0' SampRec["sample_lat"]=orec[5] SampRec["sample_lon"]=orec[6] SiteRec["site_lat"]=orec[5] SiteRec["site_lon"]=orec[6] methods=meths.split(":") SampRec["magic_method_codes"]=meths site=pmag.parse_site(orec[0],samp_con,Z) # parse out the site name SampRec["er_site_name"]=site SampRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num SiteRec["er_site_name"]=site SiteRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num SampOut.append(SampRec) SiteOut.append(SiteRec) pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampOut,"er_samples") print "Sample info saved in ", samp_file pmag.magic_write(site_file,SiteOut,"er_sites") print "Site info saved in ", site_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION Calculate principal components through demagnetization data using bounds and calculation type stored in "redo" file SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f: specify input file, default is magic_measurements.txt -F: specify output file, default is zeq_specimens.txt -fre REDO: specify redo file, default is "zeq_redo" -fsa SAMPFILE: specify er_samples format file, default is "er_samples.txt" -A : don't average replicate measurements, default is yes -crd [s,g,t] : specify coordinate system [s,g,t] [default is specimen coordinates] are specimen, geographic, and tilt corrected respectively NB: you must have a SAMPFILE in this directory to rotate from specimen coordinates -leg: attaches "Recalculated from original measurements; supercedes published results. " to comment field INPUTS zeq_redo format file is: specimen_name calculation_type[DE-BFL,DE-BFL-A,DE-BFL-O,DE-BFP,DE-FM] step_min step_max component_name[A,B,C] """ dir_path='.' INCL=["LT-NO","LT-AF-Z","LT-T-Z","LT-M-Z"] # looking for demag data beg,end,pole,geo,tilt,askave,save=0,0,[],0,0,0,0 user,doave,comment= "",1,"" geo,tilt=0,0 version_num=pmag.get_version() args=sys.argv if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index('-WD') dir_path=args[ind+1] meas_file,pmag_file,mk_file= dir_path+"/"+"magic_measurements.txt",dir_path+"/"+"zeq_specimens.txt",dir_path+"/"+"zeq_redo" samp_file,coord=dir_path+"/"+"er_samples.txt","" if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=sys.argv[ind+1] if "-A" in args:doave=0 if "-leg" in args: comment="Recalculated from original measurements; supercedes published results. " if "-f" in args: ind=args.index("-f") meas_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if "-F" in args: ind=args.index("-F") pmag_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if "-fre" in args: ind=args.index("-fre") mk_file=dir_path+"/"+args[ind+1] try: mk_f=open(mk_file,'rU') except: print "Bad redo file" sys.exit() mkspec,skipped=[],[] speclist=[] for line in mk_f.readlines(): tmp=line.split() mkspec.append(tmp) speclist.append(tmp[0]) if "-fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-fsa") samp_file=dir_path+'/'+sys.argv[ind+1] if "-crd" in args: ind=args.index("-crd") coord=sys.argv[ind+1] if coord=="g":geo,tilt=1,0 if coord=="t":geo,tilt=1,1 # # now get down to bidness if geo==1: samp_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if file_type != 'er_samples': print file_type print "This is not a valid er_samples file " sys.exit() # set orientation priorities SO_methods=[] for rec in samp_data: if "magic_method_codes" in rec: methlist=rec["magic_method_codes"] for meth in methlist.split(":"): if "SO" in meth and "SO-POM" not in meth.strip(): if meth.strip() not in SO_methods: SO_methods.append(meth.strip()) SO_priorities=pmag.set_priorities(SO_methods,0) # # # meas_data,file_type=pmag.magic_read(meas_file) if file_type != 'magic_measurements': print file_type print file_type,"This is not a valid magic_measurements file " sys.exit() # # sort the specimen names # k = 0 print 'Processing ',len(speclist), ' specimens - please wait' PmagSpecs=[] while k < len(speclist): s=speclist[k] recnum=0 PmagSpecRec={} method_codes,inst_codes=[],[] # find the data from the meas_data file for this sample # # collect info for the PmagSpecRec dictionary # meas_meth=[] for rec in meas_data: # copy of vital stats to PmagSpecRec from first spec record in demag block skip=1 if rec["er_specimen_name"]==s: methods=rec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") if len(set(methods) & set(INCL))>0: PmagSpecRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user PmagSpecRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num PmagSpecRec["er_specimen_name"]=s PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]=rec["er_sample_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_site_name"]=rec["er_site_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_location_name"]=rec["er_location_name"] PmagSpecRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" if "magic_experiment_name" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_experiment_name"]="" PmagSpecRec["magic_experiment_names"]=rec["magic_experiment_name"] if "magic_instrument_codes" not in rec.keys(): rec["magic_instrument_codes"]="" inst=rec['magic_instrument_codes'].split(":") for I in inst: if I not in inst_codes: # copy over instruments inst_codes.append(I) meths=rec["magic_method_codes"].split(":") for meth in meths: if meth.strip() not in meas_meth:meas_meth.append(meth) if "LP-DIR-AF" in meas_meth or "LT-AF-Z" in meas_meth: PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"]="T" if "LP-DIR-AF" not in method_codes:method_codes.append("LP-DIR-AF") if "LP-DIR-T" in meas_meth or "LT-T-Z" in meas_meth: PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"]="K" if "LP-DIR-T" not in method_codes:method_codes.append("LP-DIR-T") if "LP-DIR-M" in meas_meth or "LT-M-Z" in meas_meth: PmagSpecRec["measurement_step_unit"]="J" if "LP-DIR-M" not in method_codes:method_codes.append("LP-DIR-M") if PmagSpecRec=={}: print 'no data found for specimen: ',s print 'delete from zeq_redo input file...., then try again' sys.exit() # # data,units=pmag.find_dmag_rec(s,meas_data) # datablock=data noskip=1 if len(datablock) <2 or s not in speclist : noskip=0 k+=1 # print 'skipping ', s,len(datablock) if noskip: # # find replicate measurements at given treatment step and average them # # step_meth,avedata=pmag.vspec(data) # # if len(avedata) != len(datablock): # if doave==1: # method_codes.append("DE-VM") # datablock=avedata # # do geo or stratigraphic correction now # if geo==1: # find top priority orientation method redo,p=1,0 if len(SO_methods)<=1: az_type=SO_methods[0] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],samp_data,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": method_codes.append(az_type) redo=0 while redo==1: if p>=len(SO_priorities): print "no orientation data for ",s orient["sample_azimuth"]="" orient["sample_dip"]="" method_codes.append("SO-NO") redo=0 else: az_type=SO_methods[SO_methods.index(SO_priorities[p])] orient=pmag.find_samp_rec(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],samp_data,az_type) if orient["sample_azimuth"] !="": method_codes.append(az_type) redo=0 p+=1 # # if tilt selected, get stratigraphic correction # tiltblock,geoblock=[],[] for rec in datablock: if "sample_azimuth" in orient.keys() and orient["sample_azimuth"]!="": d_geo,i_geo=pmag.dogeo(rec[1],rec[2],orient["sample_azimuth"],orient["sample_dip"]) geoblock.append([rec[0],d_geo,i_geo,rec[3],rec[4],rec[5]]) if tilt==1 and "sample_bed_dip_direction" in orient.keys(): d_tilt,i_tilt=pmag.dotilt(d_geo,i_geo,orient["sample_bed_dip_direction"],orient["sample_bed_dip"]) tiltblock.append([rec[0],d_tilt,i_tilt,rec[3],rec[4],rec[5]]) elif tilt==1: if PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"] not in skipped: print 'no tilt correction for ', PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],' skipping....' skipped.append(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]) else: if PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"] not in skipped: print 'no geographic correction for ', PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"],' skipping....' skipped.append(PmagSpecRec["er_sample_name"]) # # get beg_pca, end_pca, pca if PmagSpecRec['er_sample_name'] not in skipped: compnum=-1 for spec in mkspec: if spec[0]==s: CompRec={} for key in PmagSpecRec.keys():CompRec[key]=PmagSpecRec[key] compnum+=1 calculation_type=spec[1] beg=float(spec[2]) end=float(spec[3]) if len(spec)>4: comp_name=spec[4] else: comp_name=string.uppercase[compnum] CompRec['specimen_comp_name']=comp_name if beg < float(datablock[0][0]):beg=float(datablock[0][0]) if end > float(datablock[-1][0]):end=float(datablock[-1][0]) for l in range(len(datablock)): if datablock[l][0]==beg:beg_pca=l if datablock[l][0]==end:end_pca=l if geo==1 and tilt==0: mpars=pmag.domean(geoblock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]!="Error": CompRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_dec"]) CompRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_inc"]) CompRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='0' if geo==1 and tilt==1: mpars=pmag.domean(tiltblock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]!="Error": CompRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_dec"]) CompRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_inc"]) CompRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='100' if geo==0 and tilt==0: mpars=pmag.domean(datablock,beg_pca,end_pca,calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]!="Error": CompRec["specimen_dec"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_dec"]) CompRec["specimen_inc"]='%7.1f ' %(mpars["specimen_inc"]) CompRec["specimen_tilt_correction"]='-1' if mpars["specimen_direction_type"]=="Error": pass else: CompRec["measurement_step_min"]='%8.3e '%(datablock[beg_pca][0]) try: CompRec["measurement_step_max"]='%8.3e '%(datablock[end_pca][0] ) except: print 'error in end_pca ',PmagSpecRec['er_specimen_name'] CompRec["specimen_correction"]='u' if calculation_type!='DE-FM': CompRec["specimen_mad"]='%7.1f '%(mpars["specimen_mad"]) CompRec["specimen_alpha95"]="" else: CompRec["specimen_mad"]="" CompRec["specimen_alpha95"]='%7.1f '%(mpars["specimen_alpha95"]) CompRec["specimen_n"]='%i '%(mpars["specimen_n"]) CompMeths=[] for meth in method_codes: if meth not in CompMeths:CompMeths.append(meth) if calculation_type not in CompMeths:CompMeths.append(calculation_type) if geo==1: CompMeths.append("DA-DIR-GEO") if tilt==1: CompMeths.append("DA-DIR-TILT") if "DE-BFP" not in calculation_type: CompRec["specimen_direction_type"]='l' else: CompRec["specimen_direction_type"]='p' CompRec["magic_method_codes"]="" if len(CompMeths) != 0: methstring="" for meth in CompMeths: methstring=methstring+ ":" +meth CompRec["magic_method_codes"]=methstring.strip(':') CompRec["specimen_description"]=comment if len(inst_codes) != 0: inststring="" for inst in inst_codes: inststring=inststring+ ":" +inst CompRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=inststring.strip(':') PmagSpecs.append(CompRec) k+=1 pmag.magic_write(pmag_file,PmagSpecs,'pmag_specimens') print "Recalculated specimen data stored in ",pmag_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts .k15 format data to magic_measurements format. assums Jelinek Kappabridge measurement scheme SYNTAX [-h] [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f KFILE: specify .k15 format input file -F MFILE: specify magic_measurements format output file -Fsa SFILE, specify er_samples format file for output -Fa AFILE, specify rmag_anisotropy format file for output -loc LOC: specify location name for study -ins INST: specify instrument that measurements were made on -spc NUM: specify number of digets for specimen ID, default is 0 -ncn NCOM: specify naming convention (default is #1) Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXXYYY: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] sample = site [6] sample, site, location info in er_samples.txt [7] all others you will have to either customize your DEFAULTS MFILE: k15_measurements.txt SFILE: er_samples.txt AFILE: rmag_anisotropy.txt LOC: unknown INST: unknown INPUT name [az,pl,strike,dip], followed by 3 rows of 5 measurements for each specimen """ # # initialize some variables # version_num=pmag.get_version() specnum=0 sampfile, measfile="er_samples.txt","k15_measurements.txt" anisfile='rmag_anisotropy.txt' resfile='rmag_results.txt' syn=0 er_location_name="unknown" inst="unknown" itilt,igeo,linecnt,key=0,0,0,"" first_save=1 k15,specnum=[],0 citation='This study' dir_path='.' if '-WD' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-WD') dir_path=sys.argv[ind+1] # pick off stuff from command line if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') k15file=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-F' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-F') measfile=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Fsa') sampfile=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-Fa' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-Fa') anisfile=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-loc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-loc') er_location_name=sys.argv[ind+1] if '-spc' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-spc') specnum=-int(sys.argv[ind+1]) samp_con,Z="1","" if "-ncn" in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" if samp_con=='6': Samps,filetype=pmag.magic_read(dirpath+'/er_samples.txt') sampfile, measfile=dir_path+'/'+sampfile,dir_path+'/'+measfile anisfile=dir_path+'/'+anisfile resfile=dir_path+'/'+resfile k15file=dir_path+'/'+k15file try: SampRecs,filetype=pmag.magic_read(sampfile) # append new records to existing samplist=[] for samp in SampRecs: if samp['er_sample_name'] not in samplist:samplist.append(samp['er_sample_name']) except IOError: SampRecs=[] # measurement directions for Jelinek 1977 protocol: Decs=[315,225,180,135,45,90,270,270,270,90,180,180,0,0,0] Incs=[0,0,0,0,0,-45,-45,0,45,45,45,-45,-90,-45,45] # some defaults to read in .k15 file format # list of measurements and default number of characters for specimen ID # some magic default definitions # # read in data input=open(k15file,'rU') MeasRecs,SpecRecs,AnisRecs,ResRecs=[],[],[],[] # read in data MeasRec,SpecRec,SampRec,SiteRec,AnisRec,ResRec={},{},{},{},{},{} for line in input.readlines(): linecnt+=1 rec=line.split() if linecnt==1: MeasRec["magic_method_codes"]="" SpecRec["magic_method_codes"]="" SampRec["magic_method_codes"]="" AnisRec["magic_method_codes"]="" SiteRec["magic_method_codes"]="" ResRec["magic_smethod_codes"]="" MeasRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num SpecRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num SampRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num AnisRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num SiteRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num ResRec["magic_software_packages"]=version_num MeasRec["magic_method_codes"]="LP-X" MeasRec["measurement_flag"]="g" MeasRec["measurement_standard"]="u" MeasRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" SpecRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" SampRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" AnisRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" ResRec["er_citation_names"]="This study" MeasRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] MeasRec["magic_experiment_name"]=rec[0]+":LP-AN-MS" AnisRec["magic_experiment_names"]=rec[0]+":AMS" ResRec["magic_experiment_names"]=rec[0]+":AMS" SpecRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] AnisRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] SampRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] ResRec["rmag_result_name"]=rec[0] if specnum!=0: MeasRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0][:specnum] if specnum==0: MeasRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0] SampRec["er_sample_name"]=MeasRec["er_sample_name"] SpecRec["er_sample_name"]=MeasRec["er_sample_name"] AnisRec["er_sample_name"]=MeasRec["er_sample_name"] ResRec["er_sample_names"]=MeasRec["er_sample_name"] if samp_con=="6": for samp in Samps: if samp['er_sample_name']==AnisRec["er_sample_name"]: sitename=samp['er_site_name'] er_location_name=samp['er_location_name'] elif samp_con!="": sitename=pmag.parse_site(AnisRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) MeasRec["er_site_name"]=sitename MeasRec["er_location_name"]=er_location_name SampRec["er_site_name"]=MeasRec["er_site_name"] SpecRec["er_site_name"]=MeasRec["er_site_name"] AnisRec["er_site_name"]=MeasRec["er_site_name"] ResRec["er_site_names"]=MeasRec["er_site_name"] SampRec["er_location_name"]=MeasRec["er_location_name"] SpecRec["er_location_name"]=MeasRec["er_location_name"] AnisRec["er_location_name"]=MeasRec["er_location_name"] ResRec["er_location_names"]=MeasRec["er_location_name"] if len(rec)>=3: SampRec["sample_azimuth"],SampRec["sample_dip"]=rec[1],rec[2] az,pl,igeo=float(rec[1]),float(rec[2]),1 if len(rec)==5: SampRec["sample_bed_dip_direction"],SampRec["sample_bed_dip"]= '(%7.1f)'%(90.+float(rec[3])),(rec[4]) bed_az,bed_dip,itilt,igeo=90.+float(rec[3]),float(rec[4]),1,1 else: for i in range(5): k15.append(1e-6*float(rec[i])) # assume measurements in micro SI if linecnt==4: sbar,sigma,bulk=pmag.dok15_s(k15) hpars=pmag.dohext(9,sigma,sbar) MeasRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MeasRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin for i in range(15): NewMeas=copy.deepcopy(MeasRec) NewMeas["measurement_orient_phi"]='%7.1f' %(Decs[i]) NewMeas["measurement_orient_theta"]='%7.1f'% (Incs[i]) NewMeas["measurement_chi_volume"]='%12.10f'% (k15[i]) NewMeas["measurement_number"]='%i'% (i+1) NewMeas["magic_experiment_name"]=rec[0]+":LP-AN-MS" MeasRecs.append(NewMeas) if SampRec['er_sample_name'] not in samplist: SampRecs.append(SampRec) samplist.append(SampRec['er_sample_name']) SpecRecs.append(SpecRec) AnisRec["anisotropy_type"]="AMS" ResRec["anisotropy_type"]="AMS" AnisRec["anisotropy_s1"]='%12.10f'%(sbar[0]) AnisRec["anisotropy_s2"]='%12.10f'%(sbar[1]) AnisRec["anisotropy_s3"]='%12.10f'%(sbar[2]) AnisRec["anisotropy_s4"]='%12.10f'%(sbar[3]) AnisRec["anisotropy_s5"]='%12.10f'%(sbar[4]) AnisRec["anisotropy_s6"]='%12.10f'%(sbar[5]) AnisRec["anisotropy_mean"]='%12.10f'%(bulk) AnisRec["anisotropy_sigma"]='%12.10f'%(sigma) AnisRec["anisotropy_unit"]='SI' AnisRec["anisotropy_n"]='15' AnisRec["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='-1' AnisRec["magic_method_codes"]='LP-X:AE-H:LP-AN-MS' AnisRecs.append(AnisRec) ResRec["magic_method_codes"]='LP-X:AE-H:LP-AN-MS' ResRec["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='-1' ResRec["anisotropy_t1"]='%12.10f'%(hpars['t1']) ResRec["anisotropy_t2"]='%12.10f'%(hpars['t2']) ResRec["anisotropy_t3"]='%12.10f'%(hpars['t3']) ResRec["anisotropy_fest"]='%12.10f'%(hpars['F']) ResRec["anisotropy_ftest12"]='%12.10f'%(hpars['F12']) ResRec["anisotropy_ftest23"]='%12.10f'%(hpars['F23']) ResRec["anisotropy_v1_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['v1_dec']) ResRec["anisotropy_v2_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['v2_dec']) ResRec["anisotropy_v3_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['v3_dec']) ResRec["anisotropy_v1_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['v1_inc']) ResRec["anisotropy_v2_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['v2_inc']) ResRec["anisotropy_v3_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['v3_inc']) ResRec['anisotropy_v1_eta_dec']=ResRec['anisotropy_v2_dec'] ResRec['anisotropy_v1_eta_inc']=ResRec['anisotropy_v2_inc'] ResRec['anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec']=ResRec['anisotropy_v3_dec'] ResRec['anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc']=ResRec['anisotropy_v3_inc'] ResRec['anisotropy_v2_eta_dec']=ResRec['anisotropy_v1_dec'] ResRec['anisotropy_v2_eta_inc']=ResRec['anisotropy_v1_inc'] ResRec['anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec']=ResRec['anisotropy_v3_dec'] ResRec['anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc']=ResRec['anisotropy_v3_inc'] ResRec['anisotropy_v3_eta_dec']=ResRec['anisotropy_v1_dec'] ResRec['anisotropy_v3_eta_inc']=ResRec['anisotropy_v1_inc'] ResRec['anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec']=ResRec['anisotropy_v2_dec'] ResRec['anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc']=ResRec['anisotropy_v2_inc'] ResRec["anisotropy_v1_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['e12']) ResRec["anisotropy_v1_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['e13']) ResRec["anisotropy_v2_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['e12']) ResRec["anisotropy_v2_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['e23']) ResRec["anisotropy_v3_eta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['e13']) ResRec["anisotropy_v3_zeta_semi_angle"]='%7.1f'%(hpars['e23']) ResRec["result_description"]='Critical F: '+hpars["F_crit"]+';Critical F12/F13: '+hpars["F12_crit"] ResRecs.append(ResRec) if igeo==1: sbarg=pmag.dosgeo(sbar,az,pl) hparsg=pmag.dohext(9,sigma,sbarg) AnisRecG=copy.copy(AnisRec) ResRecG=copy.copy(ResRec) AnisRecG["anisotropy_s1"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[0]) AnisRecG["anisotropy_s2"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[1]) AnisRecG["anisotropy_s3"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[2]) AnisRecG["anisotropy_s4"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[3]) AnisRecG["anisotropy_s5"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[4]) AnisRecG["anisotropy_s6"]='%12.10f'%(sbarg[5]) AnisRecG["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='0' ResRecG["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='0' ResRecG["anisotropy_v1_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hparsg['v1_dec']) ResRecG["anisotropy_v2_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hparsg['v2_dec']) ResRecG["anisotropy_v3_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hparsg['v3_dec']) ResRecG["anisotropy_v1_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hparsg['v1_inc']) ResRecG["anisotropy_v2_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hparsg['v2_inc']) ResRecG["anisotropy_v3_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hparsg['v3_inc']) ResRecG['anisotropy_v1_eta_dec']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v2_dec'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v1_eta_inc']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v2_inc'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v3_dec'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v3_inc'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v2_eta_dec']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v1_dec'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v2_eta_inc']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v1_inc'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v3_dec'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v3_inc'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v3_eta_dec']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v1_dec'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v3_eta_inc']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v1_inc'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v2_dec'] ResRecG['anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc']=ResRecG['anisotropy_v2_inc'] ResRecG["result_description"]='Critical F: '+hpars["F_crit"]+';Critical F12/F13: '+hpars["F12_crit"] ResRecs.append(ResRecG) AnisRecs.append(AnisRecG) if itilt==1: sbart=pmag.dostilt(sbarg,bed_az,bed_dip) hparst=pmag.dohext(9,sigma,sbart) AnisRecT=copy.copy(AnisRec) ResRecT=copy.copy(ResRec) AnisRecT["anisotropy_s1"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[0]) AnisRecT["anisotropy_s2"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[1]) AnisRecT["anisotropy_s3"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[2]) AnisRecT["anisotropy_s4"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[3]) AnisRecT["anisotropy_s5"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[4]) AnisRecT["anisotropy_s6"]='%12.10f'%(sbart[5]) AnisRecT["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='100' ResRecT["anisotropy_v1_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hparst['v1_dec']) ResRecT["anisotropy_v2_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hparst['v2_dec']) ResRecT["anisotropy_v3_dec"]='%7.1f'%(hparst['v3_dec']) ResRecT["anisotropy_v1_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hparst['v1_inc']) ResRecT["anisotropy_v2_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hparst['v2_inc']) ResRecT["anisotropy_v3_inc"]='%7.1f'%(hparst['v3_inc']) ResRecT['anisotropy_v1_eta_dec']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v2_dec'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v1_eta_inc']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v2_inc'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v1_zeta_dec']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v3_dec'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v1_zeta_inc']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v3_inc'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v2_eta_dec']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v1_dec'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v2_eta_inc']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v1_inc'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v2_zeta_dec']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v3_dec'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v2_zeta_inc']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v3_inc'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v3_eta_dec']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v1_dec'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v3_eta_inc']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v1_inc'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v3_zeta_dec']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v2_dec'] ResRecT['anisotropy_v3_zeta_inc']=ResRecT['anisotropy_v2_inc'] ResRecT["anisotropy_tilt_correction"]='100' ResRecT["result_description"]='Critical F: '+hpars["F_crit"]+';Critical F12/F13: '+hpars["F12_crit"] ResRecs.append(ResRecT) AnisRecs.append(AnisRecT) k15,linecnt=[],0 MeasRec,SpecRec,SampRec,SiteRec,AnisRec={},{},{},{},{} pmag.magic_write(sampfile,SampRecs,'er_samples') pmag.magic_write(anisfile,AnisRecs,'rmag_anisotropy') pmag.magic_write(resfile,ResRecs,'rmag_results') pmag.magic_write(measfile,MeasRecs,'magic_measurements') print "Data saved to: ",sampfile,anisfile,resfile,measfile
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts ODP measurement format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -F FILE: specify output measurements file, default is magic_measurements.txt -Fsa FILE: specify output er_sample.txt file, default is er_sample.txt -A : don't average replicate measurements INPUT put data from a single core into a directory. depths will be below core top """ # # version_num=pmag.get_version() meas_file='magic_measurements.txt' samp_file='er_samples.txt' ErSpecs,ErSamps,ErSites,ErLocs,ErCits=[],[],[],[],[] MagRecs=[] citation="This study" dir_path,demag='.','NRM' args=sys.argv noave=0, if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-A" in args: noave=1 if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=args[ind+1] if '-Fsa' in args: ind=args.index("-Fsa") samp_file=args[ind+1] if '-LP' in args: ind=args.index("-LP") codelist=args[ind+1] codes=codelist.split(':') if "AF" in codes: demag='AF' if'-dc' not in args: methcode="LT-AF-Z" if'-dc' in args: methcode="LT-AF-I" if "T" in codes: demag="T" if '-dc' not in args: methcode="LT-T-Z" if '-dc' in args: methcode="LT-T-I" if "I" in codes: methcode="LP-IRM" if "S" in codes: demag="S" methcode="LP-PI-TRM:LP-PI-ALT-AFARM" trm_labfield=labfield ans=raw_input("DC lab field for ARM step: [50uT] ") if ans=="": arm_labfield=50e-6 else: arm_labfield=float(ans)*1e-6 ans=raw_input("temperature for total trm step: [600 C] ") if ans=="": trm_peakT=600+273 # convert to kelvin else: trm_peakT=float(ans)+273 # convert to kelvin if "G" in codes: methcode="LT-AF-G" if "D" in codes: methcode="LT-AF-D" if "TRM" in codes: demag="T" trm=1 if demag=="T" and "ANI" in codes: methcode="LP-AN-TRM" if demag=="AF" and "ANI" in codes: methcode="LP-AN-ARM" if labfield==0: labfield=50e-6 if peakfield==0: peakfield=.180 samp_file=dir_path+'/'+samp_file meas_file=dir_path+'/'+meas_file filelist=os.listdir(dir_path) # read in list of files to import specimens,samples,sites=[],[],[] MagRecs,SpecRecs,SampRecs=[],[],[] for file in filelist: # parse each file if file[-3:].lower()=='srm': print 'processing: ',file Nfo=file.split('_')[0].split('-') try: sect=int(Nfo[3][:-1]) except: sect=1 input=open(file,'rU').readlines() MagRec,SpecRec,SampRec={},{},{} alt_spec,treatment_type,treatment_value,user="","","","" inst="ODP-SRM" SampRec['sample_azimuth']='0' SampRec['sample_dip']='0' SampRec['magic_method_code']='FS-C-DRILL-IODP:SP-SS-C' MagRec['er_analyst_mail_names']=user MagRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-NO' MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" MagRec["measurement_csd"]='' # set csd to blank SpecRec['er_specimen_alternatives']=alt_spec vol=7e-6 # assume 7 cc samples datestamp=input[1].split() # date time is second line of file mmddyy=datestamp[0].split('/') # break into month day year date=mmddyy[2]+':'+mmddyy[0]+":"+mmddyy[1] +':' +datestamp[1] MagRec["measurement_date"]=date treatment_value,inst="","ODP-SRM" k=0 while 1: fields= input[k].replace('\n','').split("=") if 'treatment_type' in fields[0]: if "Alternating Frequency Demagnetization" in fields[1]: MagRec['magic_method_codes'] = 'LT-AF-Z' inst=inst+':ODP-DTECH' # measured on shipboard AF DTECH D2000 if "treatment_value" in fields[0]: value=fields[1] if value!=" ": treatment_value=float(value)*1e-3 MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e'%(treatment_value) # AF demag in treat mT => T if 'user' in fields[0]: user=fields[-1] MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user MagRec["measurement_standard"]='u' # assume all data are "good" if 'sample_area' in fields[0]: vol=float(fields[1])*1e-6 # takes volume (cc) and converts to m^3 if 'run_number' in fields[0]: MagRec['external_database_ids']=fields[1] # run number is the LIMS measurement number MagRec['external_database_names']='LIMS' k+=1 if input[k][0:7]=='<MULTI>': break while 1: k+=1 line = input[k] if line[0:5]=='<RAW>': break treatment_value="" rec=line.replace('\n','').split(',') # list of data if len(rec)>2: MeasRec,SampRec={},{'core_depth':'0','er_sample_name':'0','er_site_name':'0','er_location_name':'location'} for key in MagRec.keys():MeasRec[key]=MagRec[key] for item in rec: items=item.split('=') if 'demag_level' in items[0]: treat= float(items[1]) if treat!=0: MeasRec['magic_method_codes']='LT-AF-Z' inst=inst+':ODP-SRM-AF' MeasRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e'%(treat*1e-3) # AF demag in treat mT => T if 'inclination_w_tray_w_bkgrd' in items[0]: MeasRec['measurement_inc']=items[1] if 'declination_w_tray_w_bkgrd' in items[0]: MeasRec['measurement_dec']=items[1] if 'intensity_w_tray_w_bkgrd' in items[0]: MeasRec['measurement_magn_moment']='%8.3e'%(float(items[1])*vol) # convert intensity from A/m to Am^2 using vol MeasRec['magic_instrument_codes']=inst if 'offset' in items[0]: depth='%7.3f'%(float(sect-1)*1.5+float(items[1])) SampRec['core_depth']=depth MeasRec['er_specimen_name']=depth MeasRec['er_sample_name']=depth MeasRec['er_site_name']=depth MeasRec['er_location_name']='location' SampRec['er_sample_name']=depth SampRec['er_site_name']=depth SampRec['er_location_name']='location' MeasRec['measurement_number']='1' SampRecs.append(SampRec) MagRecs.append(MeasRec) pmag.magic_write(samp_file,SampRecs,'er_samples') print 'samples stored in ',samp_file Fixed=pmag.measurements_methods(MagRecs,noave) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,Fixed,'magic_measurements') print 'data stored in ',meas_file
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION converts UMICH .mag format files to magic_measurements format files SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h: prints the help message and quits. -usr USER: identify user, default is "" -f FILE: specify .mag format input file, required -fsa SAMPFILE : specify er_samples.txt file relating samples, site and locations names,default is none -F FILE: specify output file, default is magic_measurements.txt -spc NUM : specify number of characters to designate a specimen, default = 0 -loc LOCNAME : specify location/study name, must have either LOCNAME or SAMPFILE or be a synthetic -ncn NCON: specify naming convention: default is #1 below -A: don't average replicate measurements Sample naming convention: [1] XXXXY: where XXXX is an arbitrary length site designation and Y is the single character sample designation. e.g., TG001a is the first sample from site TG001. [default] [2] XXXX-YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [3] XXXX.YY: YY sample from site XXXX (XXX, YY of arbitary length) [4-Z] XXXX[YYY]: YYY is sample designation with Z characters from site XXX [5] site name same as sample [6] site is entered under a separate column [7-Z] [XXXX]YYY: XXXX is site designation with Z characters with sample name XXXXYYYY NB: all others you will have to customize your self or e-mail [email protected] for help. Format of UMICH .mag files: Spec Treat CSD Intensity Declination Inclination metadata string Spec: specimen name Treat: treatment step XXX T in Centigrade XXX AF in mT Intensity assumed to be total moment in 10^3 Am^2 (emu) Declination: Declination in specimen coordinate system Inclination: Declination in specimen coordinate system metatdata string: mm/dd/yy;hh:mm;[dC,mT];xx.xx;UNITS;USER;INST;NMEAS hh in 24 hours. dC or mT units of treatment XXX (see Treat above) for thermal or AF respectively DC field UNITS of DC field (microT, mT) INST: instrument code, number of axes, number of positions (e.g., G34 is 2G, three axes, measured in four positions) NMEAS: number of measurements in a single position (1,3,200...) """ # initialize some stuff dir_path='.' infile_type="mag" noave=0 methcode,inst="","" phi,theta,peakfield,labfield=0,0,0,0 pTRM,MD,samp_con,Z=0,0,'1',1 missing=1 demag="N" er_location_name="" citation='This study' args=sys.argv methcode="LP-NO" samp_file,ErSamps='',[] specnum=0 # # get command line arguments # meas_file="magic_measurements.txt" user="" if '-WD' in args: ind=args.index("-WD") dir_path=args[ind+1] if "-h" in args: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-usr" in args: ind=args.index("-usr") user=args[ind+1] if '-F' in args: ind=args.index("-F") meas_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] if '-f' in args: ind=args.index("-f") magfile=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] try: input=open(magfile,'rU') except: print "bad mag file name" sys.exit() else: print "mag_file field is required option" print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if "-spc" in args: ind=args.index("-spc") specnum=int(args[ind+1]) if specnum!=0:specnum=-specnum if "-loc" in args: ind=args.index("-loc") er_location_name=args[ind+1] if "-fsa" in args: ind=args.index("-fsa") samp_file=dir_path+'/'+args[ind+1] Samps,file_type=pmag.magic_read(samp_file) if "-A" in args: noave=1 if "-ncn" in args: ind=args.index("-ncn") samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "4" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [4] must be in form 4-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="4" samp_con=sys.argv[ind+1] if "7" in samp_con: if "-" not in samp_con: print "option [7] must be in form 7-Z where Z is an integer" sys.exit() else: Z=samp_con.split("-")[1] samp_con="7" MagRecs,specs=[],[] version_num=pmag.get_version() if infile_type=="mag": for line in input.readlines(): instcode="" if len(line)>2: MagRec={} MagRec['er_location_name']=er_location_name MagRec['magic_software_packages']=version_num MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["measurement_temp"]='%8.3e' % (273) # room temp in kelvin MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_phi"]='0' MagRec["treatment_dc_field_theta"]='0' meas_type="LT-NO" rec=line.split() labfield=0 code1=rec[6].split(';') date=code1[0].split('/') # break date into mon/day/year yy=int(date[2]) if yy <90: yyyy=str(2000+yy) else: yyyy=str(1900+yy) mm=int(date[0]) if mm<10: mm="0"+str(mm) else: mm=str(mm) dd=int(date[1]) if dd<10: dd="0"+str(dd) else: dd=str(dd) time=code1[1].split(':') hh=int(time[0]) if hh<10: hh="0"+str(hh) else: hh=str(hh) min=int(time[1]) if min<10: min= "0"+str(min) else: min=str(min) MagRec["measurement_date"]=yyyy+":"+mm+":"+dd+":"+hh+":"+min+":00.00" MagRec["measurement_time_zone"]='' instcode='' if len(code1)>1: MagRec["measurement_positions"]=code1[6][2] else: MagRec["measurement_positions"]=code1[7] # takes care of awkward format with bubba and flo being different if user=="":user=code1[5] if code1[2][-1]=='C': demag="T" if code1[2]=='mT': demag="AF" treat=rec[1].split('.') if len(treat)==1:treat.append('0') if demag=='T' and treat!=0: meas_type="LT-T-Z" MagRec["treatment_temp"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])+273.) # temp in kelvin if demag=="AF": meas_type="LT-AF-Z" MagRec["treatment_ac_field"]='%8.3e' % (float(treat[0])*1e-3) # Af field in T MagRec["treatment_dc_field"]='0' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] if rec[0] not in specs:specs.append(rec[0]) # get a list of specimen names experiment=rec[0]+":" MagRec["er_site_name"]="" if specnum!=0: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0][:specnum] else: MagRec["er_sample_name"]=rec[0] if "-fsa" in args: for samp in Samps: if samp["er_sample_name"] == MagRec["er_sample_name"]: MagRec["er_location_name"]=samp["er_location_name"] MagRec["er_site_name"]=samp["er_site_name"] break elif int(samp_con)!=6: site=pmag.parse_site(MagRec['er_sample_name'],samp_con,Z) MagRec["er_site_name"]=site if MagRec['er_site_name']=="": print 'No site name found for: ',MagRec['er_specimen_name'],MagRec['er_sample_name'] if MagRec["er_location_name"]=="": print 'no location name for: ',MagRec["er_specimen_name"] if rec[1]==".00":rec[1]="0.00" MagRec["measurement_csd"]=rec[2] MagRec["measurement_magn_moment"]='%10.3e'% (float(rec[3])*1e-3) # moment in Am^2 (from emu) MagRec["measurement_dec"]=rec[4] MagRec["measurement_inc"]=rec[5] MagRec["magic_instrument_codes"]=instcode MagRec["er_analyst_mail_names"]=user MagRec["er_citation_names"]=citation MagRec["magic_method_codes"]=meas_type MagRec["measurement_flag"]='g' MagRec["er_specimen_name"]=rec[0] MagRec["measurement_number"]='1' MagRecs.append(MagRec) MagOuts=[] for spec in specs: # gather all demag types for this specimen SpecRecs,meths,measnum=[],[],1 for rec in MagRecs: if rec['er_specimen_name']==spec: rec['measurement_number']=str(measnum) measnum+=1 if rec['magic_method_codes'] not in meths:meths.append(rec['magic_method_codes']) SpecRecs.append(rec) expname=spec if "LT-AF-Z" in meths:expname=expname+ ':LP-DIR-AF' if "LT-T-Z" in meths:expname=expname+ ':LP-DIR-T' for rec in SpecRecs: rec['magic_experiment_name']=expname MagOuts.append(rec) pmag.magic_write(meas_file,MagOuts,'magic_measurements') print "results put in ",meas_file