Example #1
    def test_oneliners(self):

        cases = []

        # simple B
        cases.append (("text, 1234:test [b:479bf42510]test, something:else, test [/b:479bf42510], ende!",
                       "text, 1234:test <strong>test, something:else, test </strong>, ende!"))

        # img with url between tags
        cases.append (("text, [img:9f40f45e57]http://adamstrang.widerstand.org/images/flyer/flyer666.jpg[/img:9f40f45e57], ende!",
                       'text, <img src="http://adamstrang.widerstand.org/images/flyer/flyer666.jpg"></img>, ende!'))

        # transforms bare urls into links
        #cases.append (("text, http://www.mapec.at/program2.html ende!",
        #               'text, <a href="http://www.mapec.at/program2.html">http://www.mapec.at/program2.html</a> ende!'))

        # leaves bare urls alone
        cases.append (("text, http://www.mapec.at/program2.html ende!",
                       'text, http://www.mapec.at/program2.html ende!'))

        # keeps the tags
        cases.append (("<h1>headline&gt; &lt;</h1> &gt; &lt;",
                       '<h1>headline&gt; &lt;</h1> &gt; &lt;'))

        # email transform
#        cases.append (("oder schickt mir ein mail an  [email][email protected][/email]...",
#                       'oder schickt mir ein mail an  <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>...'))

        for case in cases:
            output = transformPostingText(case[0])
            self.assertEqual(case[1], output)
Example #2
    def DONTRUNtest_complex(self):
        src = """
test text vor tags
[b:479bf42510] tag text : nochmal test [/b:479bf42510]
zwischen text abc: defgh i !
insgesamt handelt es sich dabei um material von  [b:479bf42510] 871 stück!!!!!!!!!
http://www.somelink.at in die news rubrik
oder schickt mir ein mail an  [email][email protected][/email]...

        expected=u'<br/>test text vor tags<br/><strong> tag text : nochmal test </strong><br/>zwischen text abc: defgh i !<br/>insgesamt handelt es sich dabei um material von  <strong> 871 stück!!!!!!!!!<br/>vinyl...</strong><br/><a href="http://www.somelink.at">http://www.somelink.at</a> in die news rubrik<br/>oder schickt mir ein mail an  <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>...'
        expected=u'<br/>test text vor tags<br/><strong> tag text : nochmal test </strong><br/>zwischen text abc: defgh i !<br/>insgesamt handelt es sich dabei um material von  <strong> 871 st��ck!!!!!!!!!<br/>vinyl&#8230;</strong><br/><a href="http://www.somelink.at">http://www.somelink.at</a> in die news rubrik<br/>oder schickt mir ein mail an  [email protected]&#8230;<br/>  '
        output = transformPostingText(src)

        self.assertEqual(expected, output)
Example #3
    def test_mixed_tags(self):

        """ behavoir for auto-urls False """

        src = 'test some url: http://singleurl.com ' \
                'html tag <a href="http://testme.com/abc">click here</a> ' \
                'bbtag [url]http://hallo.at/test/test[/url]'

        expected = u'test some url: http://singleurl.com ' \
                'html tag <a href="http://testme.com/abc">click here</a> ' \
                'bbtag <a href="http://hallo.at/test/test">http://hallo.at/test/test</a>'

        output = transformPostingText(src)
        print output

        self.assertEqual(expected, output)
Example #4
    def test_escapeing(self):

        src="""[b:3e68732ebc]BLACK HOLE[/b:3e68732ebc]

[b:3e68732ebc]Fr. 28.11.2003 - 21.00 Uhr[/b:3e68732ebc]
@ Uhrturmkasematten, GRAZ - Schlossberg - direkt unter dem Uhrturm

special lineup:

&gt;&gt;&gt; Live
[b:3e68732ebc]Dan Doormouse[/b:3e68732ebc] (Addict Records - Miami/USA)
[b:3e68732ebc]Abelcain[/b:3e68732ebc] (Zhark, Zod, Low Res - Madison/USA)
[b:3e68732ebc]Ripit[/b:3e68732ebc] (Riposte Records - Paris/France)
[b:3e68732ebc]Hecate[/b:3e68732ebc] (Zhark, Praxis - Basel/CH)"""

        expected="<strong>BLACK HOLE</strong><br/><br/><strong>Fr. 28.11.2003 - 21.00 Uhr</strong><br/>@ Uhrturmkasematten, GRAZ - Schlossberg - direkt unter dem Uhrturm <br/><br/>special lineup: <br/><br/>&gt;&gt;&gt; Live <br/><strong>Dan Doormouse</strong> (Addict Records - Miami/USA) <br/><strong>Abelcain</strong> (Zhark, Zod, Low Res - Madison/USA) <br/><strong>Ripit</strong> (Riposte Records - Paris/France) <br/><strong>Hecate</strong> (Zhark, Praxis - Basel/CH)"

        output = transformPostingText(src)
        self.assertEqual(expected, output)
Example #5
            # un-escape htmlchars in subject
            row['post_subject'] = row['post_subject'].replace("&amp;","&").replace("&quot;",'"').replace("&lt;","<").replace("&gt;",">")

            # set attributes
            export_fields = ["post_username", "post_subject", "username", "post_id"]
            for attr in export_fields:
                postnode.setAttribute(attr, str(row[attr]).decode(IN_ENCODING))

            tstruct = time.gmtime( row["post_time"])
            postnode.setAttribute('post_time', time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S CET", tstruct))

            # add posting text
            posting_text = cleanTextFromControlChars(row['post_text'].decode(IN_ENCODING))
            txt         = dom.createElement('text')
            if row['enable_bbcode']:
                posting_text  = transformPostingText(posting_text)

            # add tags
            for t in tags:
                tagnode = dom.createElement('tag')
                tagnode.setAttribute('name', t)

            # add posting to thread

        # add topic/thread to export