def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive(r"Module 'pylorax' has no 'version' member"), FalsePositive(r"Catching too general exception Exception"), FalsePositive(r"Module 'composer' has no 'version' member"), ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive( r"^W1113.*: Keyword argument before variable positional arguments list in the definition of __init__ function$" ), FalsePositive("W0707.*raise-missing-from"), ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive(r"Module 'pylorax' has no 'version' member"), FalsePositive(r"Catching too general exception Exception"), # See FalsePositive(r"Module 'rpm' has no '.*' member"), FalsePositive(r"raise-missing-from"), ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive(r"No name 'version' in module 'pylorax'"), FalsePositive(r"Module 'pylorax' has no 'version' member"), FalsePositive(r"Instance of 'int' has no .* member"), FalsePositive( r"ImageMinimizer.remove_rpm.runCallback: Unused argument .*") ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive( r"Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from (BaseException|Exception): (BlockDev|DM|Crypto|Swap|LVM|Btrfs|MDRaid|Utils|G)Error$" ), FalsePositive(r"Instance of 'int' has no .* member"), FalsePositive( r"Method 'do_task' is abstract in class 'Task' but is not overridden" ), FalsePositive( r"Method 'do_task' is abstract in class 'UnimplementedTask' but is not overridden" ), FalsePositive( r"No value for argument 'member_count' in unbound method call$" ), FalsePositive( r"No value for argument 'smallest_member_size' in unbound method call$" ), FalsePositive( r"Parameters differ from overridden 'do_task' method$"), FalsePositive( r"Bad option value '(subprocess-popen-preexec-fn|try-except-raise)'" ), FalsePositive( r"Instance of '(Action.*Device|Action.*Format|Action.*Member|Device|DeviceAction|DeviceFormat|Event|ObjectID|PartitionDevice|StorageDevice|BTRFS.*Device|LoopDevice)' has no 'id' member$" ) ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive(r"Module 'pylorax' has no 'version' member"), FalsePositive(r"Catching too general exception Exception"), FalsePositive( r"^E0712.*: Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from (Base|)Exception: GError$" ), FalsePositive(r"Module 'composer' has no 'version' member"), ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive( r"^E1102.*: .*_TestCase.runTest: self.handler is not callable$" ), FalsePositive( r"^W1113.*: Keyword argument before variable positional arguments list in the definition of __init__ function$" ), ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive(r"Module 'pylorax' has no 'version' member"), # threading.Lock() is a factory function which returns an # instance of the Lock class that is supported by the platform FalsePositive( r"Context manager 'lock' doesn't implement __enter__ and __exit__" ), ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive( r"^W1113.*: Keyword argument before variable positional arguments list in the definition of __init__ function$" ), FalsePositive(r"W0707.*raise-missing-from"), FalsePositive(r"W1406.*redundant-u-string-prefix"), FalsePositive(r"W1514.*unspecified-encoding"), ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive(r"Module 'pylorax' has no 'version' member"), # threading.Lock() is a factory function which returns an # instance of the Lock class that is supported by the platform FalsePositive(r"Context manager 'lock' doesn't implement __enter__ and __exit__"), FalsePositive(r"Catching too general exception Exception"), FalsePositive(r"^E0712.*: Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from (Base|)Exception: GError$"), FalsePositive(r"Module 'composer' has no 'version' member"), ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive(r"Value '.*\.parents_store' is unsubscriptable"), FalsePositive( r"Non-iterable value .*\.parents_store is used in an iterating context" ), FalsePositive( r".*Test\..*: Too many positional arguments for method call") ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive( r"Context manager 'lock' doesn't implement __enter__ and __exit__" ), FalsePositive(r"Value '.*\.parents_store' is unsubscriptable"), FalsePositive( r"Non-iterable value .*\.parents_store is used in an iterating context" ), FalsePositive(r"Bad option value 'subprocess-popen-preexec-fn'") ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [FalsePositive(r"BTRFSVolumeDevice._create: Instance of 'DeviceFormat' has no 'label' member"), FalsePositive(r"Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from BaseException: (BlockDev|DM|Crypto|Swap|LVM|Btrfs|MDRaid|G)Error$"), FalsePositive(r"Function 'run_program' has no 'called' member"), FalsePositive(r"(PartitioningTestCase|PartitionDeviceTestCase).*: Instance of 'DeviceFormat' has no .* member"), FalsePositive(r"Instance of 'int' has no .* member"), FalsePositive(r"Instance of 'LUKSDevice' has no .* member"), FalsePositive(r"Method 'do_task' is abstract in class 'Task' but is not overridden"), FalsePositive(r"Method 'do_task' is abstract in class 'UnimplementedTask' but is not overridden"), FalsePositive(r"No value for argument 'member_count' in unbound method call$"), FalsePositive(r"No value for argument 'smallest_member_size' in unbound method call$") ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive( r"Context manager 'lock' doesn't implement __enter__ and __exit__" ) ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive( r"^E0611.*: No name '_isys' in module 'pyanaconda'$"), FalsePositive( r"^E0712.*: Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from BaseException: GError$" ), FalsePositive( r"^E0712.*: Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from BaseException: S390Error$" ), # XXX: These are temporary until dogtail and koji have python3 versions. FalsePositive(r"^F0401.*: Unable to import 'dogtail.*'$"), FalsePositive(r"^F0401.*: Unable to import 'koji'$") ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive( r"^E1102.*: .*_TestCase.runTest: self.handler is not callable$" ), ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive( r"Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from (BaseException|Exception): (BlockDev|DM|Crypto|Swap|LVM|Btrfs|MDRaid|Utils|G)Error$" ), FalsePositive(r"Instance of 'int' has no .* member"), FalsePositive( r"Method 'do_task' is abstract in class 'Task' but is not overridden" ), FalsePositive( r"Method 'do_task' is abstract in class 'UnimplementedTask' but is not overridden" ), FalsePositive( r"No value for argument 'member_count' in unbound method call$" ), FalsePositive( r"No value for argument 'smallest_member_size' in unbound method call$" ), FalsePositive( r"Parameters differ from overridden 'do_task' method$") ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive(r"^E0712.*: Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from (Base|)Exception: GError$"), FalsePositive(r"^E0712.*: Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from (Base|)Exception: S390Error$"), FalsePositive(r"^E0712.*: Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from (Base|)Exception: BlockDevError$"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'KickstartSpecificationHandler' has no '.*' member$"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Method 'PropertiesChanged' has no 'connect' member$"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'GError' has no 'message' member"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: FedoraGeoIPProvider._refresh: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: HostipGeoIPProvider._refresh: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Geocoder._reverse_geocode_nominatim: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'Namespace' has no '.*' member$"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Module 'crypt' has no 'METHOD_MD5' member$"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Module 'crypt' has no 'METHOD_SHA256' member$"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Module 'crypt' has no 'METHOD_SHA512' member$"), FalsePositive(r"^E1120.*: No value for argument 'self' in function call$"), FalsePositive(r"^E1120.*: No value for argument 'self' in unbound method call$"), # TODO: BlockDev introspection needs to be added to pylint to handle these FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_needs_format' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_format' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'sanitize_dev_input' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_online' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'zfcp_sanitize_wwpn_input' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'zfcp_sanitize_lun_input' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'name_from_node' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'generate_backup_passphrase' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_is_ldl' member"), ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'KickstartSpecificationHandler' has no '.*' member$" ), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'GError' has no 'message' member"), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: FedoraGeoIPProvider._refresh: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member" ), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: HostipGeoIPProvider._refresh: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member" ), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: Geocoder._reverse_geocode_nominatim: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member" ), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'Namespace' has no '.*' member$"), FalsePositive(r"^W0107.*: Unnecessary pass statement$"), FalsePositive( r"^E0237.*: DBusTestCase.*: Assigning to attribute '.*' not defined in class slots$" ), # TODO: BlockDev introspection needs to be added to pylint to handle these FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_needs_format' member" ), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_format' member"), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'sanitize_dev_input' member" ), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_online' member"), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'zfcp_sanitize_wwpn_input' member" ), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'zfcp_sanitize_lun_input' member" ), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'name_from_node' member"), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'generate_backup_passphrase' member" ), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_is_ldl' member"), ] # This will solve problems with C python extensions self.loadAllExtensions = True
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive( r"^E0712.*: Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from BaseException: GError$" ), FalsePositive( r"^E0712.*: Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from BaseException: S390Error$" ), # XXX: This is temporary until koji has python3 versions. FalsePositive(r"^E0401.*: Unable to import 'koji'$"), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'GError' has no 'message' member"), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: FedoraGeoIPProvider._refresh: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member" ), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: HostipGeoIPProvider._refresh: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member" ), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: Geocoder._reverse_geocode_nominatim: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member" ), # TODO: BlockDev introspection needs to be added to pylint to handle these FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_needs_format' member" ), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_format' member"), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'sanitize_dev_input' member" ), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_online' member"), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'zfcp_sanitize_wwpn_input' member" ), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'zfcp_sanitize_lun_input' member" ), ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive( r"^E0712.*: Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from (Base|)Exception: GError$" ), FalsePositive( r"^E0712.*: Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from (Base|)Exception: S390Error$" ), FalsePositive( r"^E0712.*: Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from (Base|)Exception: BlockDevError$" ), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'KickstartSpecificationHandler' has no '.*' member$" ), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'Namespace' has no '.*' member$"), # TODO: Should be fixed with FalsePositive( r"^E1129.*: Context manager 'lock' doesn't implement __enter__ and __exit__.$" ), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'GError' has no 'message' member"), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: FedoraGeoIPProvider._refresh: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member" ), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: HostipGeoIPProvider._refresh: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member" ), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: Geocoder._reverse_geocode_nominatim: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member" ), # TODO: BlockDev introspection needs to be added to pylint to handle these FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_needs_format' member" ), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_format' member"), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'sanitize_dev_input' member" ), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_online' member"), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'zfcp_sanitize_wwpn_input' member" ), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'zfcp_sanitize_lun_input' member" ), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'name_from_node' member"), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'generate_backup_passphrase' member" ), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_is_ldl' member"), ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive(r"Redefining built-in 'copyright'") ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'KickstartSpecificationHandler' has no '.*' member$"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'GError' has no 'message' member"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: FedoraGeoIPProvider._refresh: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: HostipGeoIPProvider._refresh: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Geocoder._reverse_geocode_nominatim: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'Namespace' has no '.*' member$"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Module 'crypt' has no 'METHOD_SHA512' member$"), FalsePositive(r"^W0107.*: Unnecessary pass statement$"), # TODO: BlockDev introspection needs to be added to pylint to handle these FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_needs_format' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_format' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'sanitize_dev_input' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_online' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'zfcp_sanitize_wwpn_input' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'zfcp_sanitize_lun_input' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'name_from_node' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'generate_backup_passphrase' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_is_ldl' member"), ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive( r"^E0712.*: Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from (Base|)Exception: GError$" ), FalsePositive( r"^E0712.*: Catching an exception which doesn't inherit from (Base|)Exception: S390Error$" ), # TODO: Should be fixed with FalsePositive( r"^E1129.*: Context manager 'lock' doesn't implement __enter__ and __exit__.$" ), # XXX: This is temporary until koji has python3 versions. FalsePositive(r"^E0401.*: Unable to import 'koji'$"), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'GError' has no 'message' member"), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: FedoraGeoIPProvider._refresh: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member" ), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: HostipGeoIPProvider._refresh: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member" ), FalsePositive( r"^E1101.*: Geocoder._reverse_geocode_nominatim: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member" ), # TODO: BlockDev introspection needs to be added to pylint to handle these FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_needs_format' member" ), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_format' member"), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'sanitize_dev_input' member" ), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_online' member"), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'zfcp_sanitize_wwpn_input' member" ), FalsePositive( r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'zfcp_sanitize_lun_input' member" ), ]
def __init__(self): PocketLintConfig.__init__(self) self.falsePositives = [ FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'KickstartSpecificationHandler' has no '.*' member$"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'GError' has no 'message' member"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: FedoraGeoIPProvider._refresh: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: HostipGeoIPProvider._refresh: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Geocoder._reverse_geocode_nominatim: Instance of 'LookupDict' has no 'ok' member"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Instance of 'Namespace' has no '.*' member$"), FalsePositive(r"^E1101.*: Module 'crypt' has no 'METHOD_SHA512' member$"), FalsePositive(r"^W0107.*: Unnecessary pass statement$"), # TODO: BlockDev introspection needs to be added to pylint to handle these FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_needs_format' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_format' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'sanitize_dev_input' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_online' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'zfcp_sanitize_wwpn_input' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'zfcp_sanitize_lun_input' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'name_from_node' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'generate_backup_passphrase' member"), FalsePositive(r"E1101.*: Instance of 'int' has no 'dasd_is_ldl' member"), # TODO: Remove this when pylint start to support python 3.8 correctly FalsePositive(r"E1121.*: CheckValidity.checkGlade: Too many positional arguments for constructor call"), ] # This will solve problems with C python extensions self.loadAllExtensions = True