Example #1
    def test_dockerfile(self, mock_path):
        mock_parent = mock_path.parent.return_value = Mock()
        mock_parent.samefile.return_value = True

        actual = api.prepare_containerfile("/work", "/work/Dockerfile")
        self.assertEqual(actual, "/work/Dockerfile")
Example #2
    def test_dockerfile_copy(self, mock_copy):
        mock_copy.return_value = None

        with mock.patch.object(pathlib.Path, "parent") as mock_parent:
            mock_parent.samefile.return_value = False

            actual = api.prepare_containerfile("/work", "/home/Dockerfile")
            self.assertRegex(actual, r"\.containerfile\..*")
Example #3
    def build(self, **kwargs) -> Tuple[Image, Iterator[bytes]]:
        """Returns built image.

        Keyword Args:
            path (str) – Path to the directory containing the Dockerfile
            fileobj – A file object to use as the Dockerfile. (Or an IO object)
            tag (str) – A tag to add to the final image
            quiet (bool) – Whether to return the status
            nocache (bool) – Don’t use the cache when set to True
            rm (bool) – Remove intermediate containers. Default True
            timeout (int) – HTTP timeout
            custom_context (bool) – Optional if using fileobj (ignored)
            encoding (str) – The encoding for a stream. Set to gzip for compressing (ignored)
            pull (bool) – Downloads any updates to the FROM image in Dockerfile
            forcerm (bool) – Always remove intermediate containers, even after unsuccessful builds
            dockerfile (str) – path within the build context to the Dockerfile
            buildargs (Mapping[str,str) – A dictionary of build arguments
            container_limits (Dict[str, Union[int,str]]) –
                A dictionary of limits applied to each container created by the build process.
                    Valid keys:

                    - memory (int): set memory limit for build
                    - memswap (int): Total memory (memory + swap), -1 to disable swap
                    - cpushares (int): CPU shares (relative weight)
                    - cpusetcpus (str): CPUs in which to allow execution, For example, "0-3", "0,1"
                    - cpuperiod (int): CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period (Podman only)
                    - cpuquota (int): CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota (Podman only)
            shmsize (int) – Size of /dev/shm in bytes. The size must be greater than 0.
                If omitted the system uses 64MB
            labels (Mapping[str,str]) – A dictionary of labels to set on the image
            cache_from (List[str]) – A list of image's identifier used for build cache resolution
            target (str) – Name of the build-stage to build in a multi-stage Dockerfile
            network_mode (str) – networking mode for the run commands during build
            squash (bool) – Squash the resulting images layers into a single layer.
            extra_hosts (Dict[str,str]) – Extra hosts to add to /etc/hosts in building
                containers, as a mapping of hostname to IP address.
            platform (str) – Platform in the format os[/arch[/variant]].
            isolation (str) – Isolation technology used during build. (ignored)
            use_config_proxy (bool) – (ignored)
            http_proxy (bool) - Inject http proxy environment variables into container (Podman only)

            first item is Image built
            second item is the build logs

            BuildError: when there is an error during the build
            APIError: when service returns an error
            TypeError: when neither path nor fileobj is not specified

        params = self._render_params(kwargs)

        body = None
        path = None
        if "fileobj" in kwargs:
            path = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
            filename = pathlib.Path(path.name) / params["dockerfile"]

            with open(filename, "w") as file:
                shutil.copyfileobj(kwargs["fileobj"], file)
            body = api.create_tar(anchor=path.name,
                                  gzip=kwargs.get("gzip", False))
        elif "path" in kwargs:
            # The Dockerfile will be copied into the context_dir if needed
            params["dockerfile"] = api.prepare_containerfile(
                kwargs["path"], params["dockerfile"])

            excludes = api.prepare_containerignore(kwargs["path"])
            body = api.create_tar(anchor=kwargs["path"],
                                  gzip=kwargs.get("gzip", False))

        timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", api.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
        response = self.client.post(
                "Content-type": "application/x-tar",
                # "X-Registry-Config": "TODO",
        if hasattr(body, "close"):

        if hasattr(path, "cleanup"):


        image_id = unknown = None
        marker = re.compile(r"(^[0-9a-f]+)\n$")
        report_stream, stream = itertools.tee(response.iter_lines())
        for line in stream:
            result = json.loads(line)
            if "error" in result:
                raise BuildError(result["error"], report_stream)
            if "stream" in result:
                match = marker.match(result["stream"])
                if match:
                    image_id = match.group(1)
            unknown = line

        if image_id:
            return self.get(image_id), report_stream

        raise BuildError(unknown or "Unknown", report_stream)
Example #4
 def test_containerfile_2(self, mock_parent):
     mock_parent.samefile.return_value = True
     actual = api.prepare_containerfile(".", "Dockerfile")
     self.assertEqual(actual, "Dockerfile")