def pythonParallelization(self): connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() colsDict = self.getColumnNamesDict(False) if self.parallelType == 'cand': idsQuery = "SELECT " + self.getParallelHint( ) + " BLK_ID FROM " + self.blockTable + ", " + self.queryTable + " WHERE SDO_FILTER(BLK_EXTENT,GEOM) = 'TRUE' AND id = " + str( self.queryIndex) (eTime, result) = dbops.genericQueryParallelCand( cursor, self.qp.queryMethod, oracleops.mogrifyExecute, self.qp.columns, colsDict, self.qp.statistics, self.resultTable, idsQuery, None, self.runGenericQueryParallelCandChild, self.numProcessesQuery, oracleops.createSQLFile, oracleops.executeSQLFileCount, self.getConnectionString(False)) #returnDict[queryId] = self.genericQueryParallelCand() elif self.parallelType in ('grid', 'griddis'): # q = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' + self.blockTable + ', ' + self.queryTable + ' WHERE id = ' + str(self.queryIndex) + " AND SDO_ANYINTERACT(blk_extent, geom) = 'TRUE'" # oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, q) # print self.queryIndex, 'TOUCHED_BLOCKS TOTAL ', cursor.fetchone()[0] gridTable = ('query_grid_' + str(self.queryIndex)).upper() oracleops.dropTable(cursor, gridTable, True) (eTime, result) = dbops.genericQueryParallelGrid( cursor, self.qp.queryMethod, oracleops.mogrifyExecute, self.qp.columns, colsDict, self.qp.statistics, self.resultTable, gridTable, self.createGridTableMethod, self.runGenericQueryParallelGridChild, self.numProcessesQuery, (self.parallelType == 'griddis'), oracleops.createSQLFile, oracleops.executeSQLFileCount, self.getConnectionString(False)) connection.close() return (eTime, result)
def createBlocksTable(self, cursor, blockTable, tableSpace, compression, baseTable=None, includeBlockId=False): """ Create the blocks table and meta-data table""" oracleops.dropTable(cursor, blockTable, True) if baseTable != None: oracleops.dropTable(cursor, baseTable, True) # Tables to contain point data and point cloud metadata oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, """ CREATE TABLE """ + blockTable + self.getTableSpaceString(tableSpace) + """ pctfree 0 nologging lob(points) store as securefile (""" + self.getTableSpaceString(tableSpace) + self.getCompressString(compression) + """ cache reads nologging) as SELECT * FROM mdsys.SDO_PC_BLK_TABLE where 0 = 1""") if baseTable != None: if includeBlockId: oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, """ CREATE TABLE """ + baseTable + """ (id number, pc sdo_pc) """ + self.getTableSpaceString(tableSpace) + """ pctfree 0 nologging""") else: oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, """ CREATE TABLE """ + baseTable + """ (pc sdo_pc) """ + self.getTableSpaceString(tableSpace) + """ pctfree 0 nologging""")
def query(self, queryId, iterationId, queriesParameters): (eTime, result) = (-1, None) connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() self.prepareQuery(cursor, queryId, queriesParameters, iterationId == 0) oracleops.dropTable(cursor, self.resultTable, True) if self.numProcessesQuery > 1 and self.parallelType != 'nati': if self.qp.queryType in ('rectangle','circle','generic') : return self.pythonParallelization() else: logging.error('Python parallelization only available for queries which are not NN!') return (eTime, result) t0 = time.time() query = self.getSelect() if self.qp.queryMethod != 'stream': # disk or stat oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.resultTable + " AS " + query) (eTime, result) = dbops.getResult(cursor, t0, self.resultTable, None, True, self.qp.columns, self.qp.statistics) else: sqlFileName = str(queryId) + '.sql' oracleops.createSQLFile(cursor, sqlFileName, query, None) result = oracleops.executeSQLFileCount(self.getConnectionString(False), sqlFileName) eTime = time.time() - t0 connection.close() return (eTime, result)
def createFlatMeta(self, cursor, tableName): # Create the meta-data table oracleops.dropTable(cursor, tableName, True) oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (tablename varchar(50), srid number, minx number, miny number, maxx number, maxy number, scalex number, scaley number)" )
def pythonParallelization(self): connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() colsDict = self.getColumnNamesDict(False) if self.parallelType == 'cand': idsQuery = "SELECT " + self.getParallelHint() + " BLK_ID FROM " + self.blockTable + ", " + self.queryTable + " WHERE SDO_FILTER(BLK_EXTENT,GEOM) = 'TRUE' AND id = " + str(self.queryIndex) (eTime, result) = dbops.genericQueryParallelCand(cursor, self.qp.queryMethod, oracleops.mogrifyExecute, self.qp.columns, colsDict, self.qp.statistics, self.resultTable, idsQuery, None, self.runGenericQueryParallelCandChild, self.numProcessesQuery, oracleops.createSQLFile, oracleops.executeSQLFileCount, self.getConnectionString(False)) #returnDict[queryId] = self.genericQueryParallelCand() elif self.parallelType in ('grid','griddis'): # q = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' + self.blockTable + ', ' + self.queryTable + ' WHERE id = ' + str(self.queryIndex) + " AND SDO_ANYINTERACT(blk_extent, geom) = 'TRUE'" # oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, q) # print self.queryIndex, 'TOUCHED_BLOCKS TOTAL ', cursor.fetchone()[0] gridTable = ('query_grid_' + str(self.queryIndex)).upper() oracleops.dropTable(cursor, gridTable, True) (eTime, result) = dbops.genericQueryParallelGrid(cursor, self.qp.queryMethod, oracleops.mogrifyExecute, self.qp.columns, colsDict, self.qp.statistics, self.resultTable, gridTable, self.createGridTableMethod, self.runGenericQueryParallelGridChild, self.numProcessesQuery, (self.parallelType == 'griddis'), oracleops.createSQLFile, oracleops.executeSQLFileCount, self.getConnectionString(False)) connection.close() return (eTime, result)
def createTableAsSelect(self, cursor, newTableName, tableName, columns, tableSpace, numProcesses): oracleops.dropTable(cursor, newTableName, True) oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, """ CREATE TABLE """ + newTableName + self.getTableSpaceString(tableSpace) + """ pctfree 0 nologging """ + self.getParallelString(numProcesses) + """ as select """ + (','.join(self.getDBColumns(columns,False))) + """ from """ + tableName)
def createIOTTable(self, cursor, iotTableName, tableName, tableSpace, icolumns, ocolumns, keycolumns, numProcesses, check=False, hilbertFactor=None): """ Create Index-Organized-Table and populate it from tableName Table""" oracleops.dropTable(cursor, iotTableName, True) hilbertColumnName = 'd' if hilbertFactor != None: hilbertColumnName = 'd+(rownum*' + hilbertFactor + ') d' icols = self.getDBColumns(icolumns, False, hilbertColumnName) ocols = self.getDBColumns(ocolumns, False) kcols = self.getDBColumns(keycolumns, False) oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, """ CREATE TABLE """ + iotTableName + """ (""" + (','.join(ocols)) + """ , constraint """ + iotTableName + """_PK primary key (""" + (','.join(kcols)) + """)) organization index """ + self.getTableSpaceString(tableSpace) + """ pctfree 0 nologging """ + self.getParallelString(numProcesses) + """ as SELECT """ + (','.join(icols)) + """ FROM """ + tableName)
def populateBlocks(self, cursor, srid, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, flatTable, blockTable, baseTable, blockSize, columns, tolerance, workTableSpace): """Populate blocks from points in a flat table and delete flat table afterwards""" viewFlatTable = 'VIEW_' + flatTable # Drop previous Base and Block tables if existing cursor.execute('SELECT view_name FROM all_views WHERE view_name = :1', [ viewFlatTable, ]) if len(cursor.fetchall()): oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, 'DROP VIEW ' + viewFlatTable) # Create a view that contains of the flat table to include the rid column required by the blocks oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "CREATE VIEW " + viewFlatTable + " as SELECT '0' rid, " + (','.join(self.getDBColumns(columns, False))) + " from " + flatTable) #Initialize point cloud metadata and create point cloud self.initCreatePC(cursor, srid, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, viewFlatTable, blockTable, baseTable, blockSize, tolerance, workTableSpace) #oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor,"""ALTER TABLE """ + self.blockTable + """ add constraint """ + self.blockTable + """_PK primary key (obj_id, blk_id) using index tablespace """ + self.indexTableSpace) oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, """DROP VIEW """ + viewFlatTable) oracleops.dropTable(cursor, flatTable)
def query(self, queryId, iterationId, queriesParameters): (eTime, result) = (-1, None) connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() self.prepareQuery(cursor, queryId, queriesParameters, iterationId == 0) oracleops.dropTable(cursor, self.resultTable, True) if self.numProcessesQuery > 1 and self.parallelType != 'nati': if self.qp.queryType in ('rectangle', 'circle', 'generic'): return self.pythonParallelization() else: logging.error( 'Python parallelization only available for queries which are not NN!' ) return (eTime, result) t0 = time.time() query = self.getSelect() if self.qp.queryMethod != 'stream': # disk or stat oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.resultTable + " AS " + query) (eTime, result) = dbops.getResult(cursor, t0, self.resultTable, None, True, self.qp.columns, self.qp.statistics) else: sqlFileName = str(queryId) + '.sql' oracleops.createSQLFile(cursor, sqlFileName, query, None) result = oracleops.executeSQLFileCount( self.getConnectionString(False), sqlFileName) eTime = time.time() - t0 connection.close() return (eTime, result)
def query(self, queryId, iterationId, queriesParameters): (eTime, result) = (-1, None) connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() self.prepareQuery(cursor, queryId, queriesParameters, iterationId == 0) oracleops.dropTable(cursor, self.resultTable, True) wkt = self.qp.wkt if self.qp.queryType == 'nn': g = loads(self.qp.wkt) wkt = dumps(g.buffer(self.qp.rad)) t0 = time.time() scaledWKT = wktops.scale(wkt, self.scaleX, self.scaleY, self.minX, self.minY) (mimranges, mxmranges) = self.quadtree.getMortonRanges(scaledWKT, self.mortonDistinctIn, maxRanges=MAXIMUM_RANGES) if len(mimranges) == 0 and len(mxmranges) == 0:'None morton range in specified extent!') return (eTime, result) self.hints = [] if not self.flatTableIOT: self.hints.append('INDEX(' + self.flatTable + ' ' + self.flatTable + '_IDX)') if self.qp.queryMethod != 'stream' and self.numProcessesQuery > 1 and self.parallelType != 'nati' and self.qp.queryType in ( 'rectangle', 'circle', 'generic'): return self.pythonParallelization(t0, mimranges, mxmranges) if self.numProcessesQuery > 1: self.hints.append('PARALLEL (' + str(self.numProcessesQuery) + ')') (query, queryArgs) = dbops.getSelectMorton( mimranges, mxmranges, self.qp, self.flatTable, self.addContainsCondition, self.colsDict, self.getHintStatement(self.hints)) if self.qp.queryMethod != 'stream': # disk or stat oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.resultTable + " AS " + query + "", queryArgs) (eTime, result) = dbops.getResult(cursor, t0, self.resultTable, self.colsDict, (not self.mortonDistinctIn), self.qp.columns, self.qp.statistics) else: sqlFileName = str(queryId) + '.sql' oracleops.createSQLFile(cursor, sqlFileName, query, queryArgs) result = oracleops.executeSQLFileCount( self.getConnectionString(False), sqlFileName) eTime = time.time() - t0 connection.close() return (eTime, result)
def createFlatTable(self, cursor, tableName, tableSpace, columns): """ Creates a empty flat table""" oracleops.dropTable(cursor, tableName, True) oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, """ CREATE TABLE """ + tableName + """ (""" + (',\n'.join(self.getDBColumns(columns, True))) + """) """ + self.getTableSpaceString(tableSpace) + """ pctfree 0 nologging""")
def populateBlocksHilbert(self, cursor, srid, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, flatTable, blockTable, baseTable, blockSize, tolerance): # NOTE: In this case we do not require to create a view, since the fixed format by the hilbert pre-processor makes it directly compatible # if we change the pre-processor we need to change these ones self.initCreatePCHilbert(cursor, srid, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, flatTable, blockTable, baseTable, blockSize, tolerance) oracleops.dropTable(cursor, flatTable)
def createGridTableMethod(self, cursor, gridTable, ncols, nrows): (minX, maxX) = (self.qp.minx, self.qp.maxx) (minY, maxY) = (self.qp.miny, self.qp.maxy) rangeX = maxX - minX rangeY = maxY - minY tileSizeX = rangeX / float(ncols) tileSizeY = rangeY / float(nrows) #scaleX = 0.01 #scaleY = 0.01 scaleX = float(self.tolerance) scaleY = float(self.tolerance) tilesTableName = "TEMP_" + gridTable tileCounter = 0 oracleops.dropTable(cursor, tilesTableName, True) cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE " + tilesTableName + " (ID NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, GEOM SDO_GEOMETRY )") for xIndex in range(ncols): for yIndex in range(nrows): minTileX = minX + (xIndex * tileSizeX) maxTileX = minX + ((xIndex + 1) * tileSizeX) minTileY = minY + (yIndex * tileSizeY) maxTileY = minY + ((yIndex + 1) * tileSizeY) # To avoid overlapping tiles if xIndex < ncols - 1: maxTileX -= scaleX if yIndex < nrows - 1: maxTileY -= scaleY #print '\t'.join((str(xIndex), str(yIndex), '%.2f' % minTileX, '%.2f' % minTileY, '%.2f' % maxTileX, '%.2f' % maxTileY)) insertStatement = "INSERT INTO " + tilesTableName + """ (id,geom) VALUES (:1, SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, :2, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,3), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(:3,:4, :5,:6)))""" insertArgs = [ tileCounter, self.srid, minTileX, minTileY, maxTileX, maxTileY ] cursor.execute(insertStatement, insertArgs) tileCounter += 1 query = """ CREATE TABLE """ + gridTable + """ AS SELECT, SDO_GEOM.SDO_INTERSECTION(A.geom, T.geom, """ + str( self.tolerance) + """) as geom FROM """ + self.queryTable + """ A, """ + tilesTableName + """ T WHERE = """ + str(self.queryIndex) oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, query) cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX " + gridTable + "_id_idx ON " + gridTable + "(ID)") cursor.connection.commit()
def pythonParallelization(self): connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() gridTable = ('query_grid_' + str(self.queryIndex)).upper() oracleops.dropTable(cursor, gridTable, True) (eTime, result) = dbops.genericQueryParallelGrid(cursor, self.qp.queryMethod, oracleops.mogrifyExecute, self.qp.columns, self.colsDict, self.qp.statistics, self.resultTable, gridTable, self.createGridTableMethod, self.runGenericQueryParallelGridChild, self.numProcessesQuery, (self.parallelType == 'griddis'), oracleops.createSQLFile, oracleops.executeSQLFileCount, self.getConnectionString(False)) connection.close() return (eTime, result)
def initialize(self): # Get connection connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() # Get SRID of the stored PC oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "SELECT srid FROM user_sdo_geom_metadata WHERE table_name = '" + self.blockTable + "'") self.srid = cursor.fetchone()[0] # Create table to store the query geometries oracleops.dropTable(cursor, self.queryTable, check = True) oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.queryTable + " ( id number primary key, geom sdo_geometry) " + self.getTableSpaceString(self.tableSpace) + " pctfree 0 nologging") connection.close()
def pythonParallelization(self): connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() gridTable = ('query_grid_' + str(self.queryIndex)).upper() oracleops.dropTable(cursor, gridTable, True) (eTime, result) = dbops.genericQueryParallelGrid( cursor, self.qp.queryMethod, oracleops.mogrifyExecute, self.qp.columns, self.colsDict, self.qp.statistics, self.resultTable, gridTable, self.createGridTableMethod, self.runGenericQueryParallelGridChild, self.numProcessesQuery, (self.parallelType == 'griddis'), oracleops.createSQLFile, oracleops.executeSQLFileCount, self.getConnectionString(False)) connection.close() return (eTime, result)
def close(self): connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() metaArgs = (self.flatTable, self.srid, self.minX, self.minY, self.maxX, self.maxY, self.scaleX, self.scaleY) oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "INSERT INTO " + self.metaTable + " VALUES (:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8)" , metaArgs) if self.flatTableIOT: tempFlatTable = self.flatTable + '_TEMP' oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "ALTER TABLE " + self.flatTable + " RENAME TO " + tempFlatTable ) self.createIOTTable(cursor, self.flatTable, tempFlatTable, self.tableSpace, self.columns, self.columns, self.index, self.numProcessesLoad) oracleops.dropTable(cursor, tempFlatTable, False) else: self.createIndex(cursor, self.flatTable, self.index, self.indexTableSpace, self.numProcessesLoad) self.computeStatistics(cursor, self.flatTable) connection.close()
def initialize(self): # Get connection connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() # Get SRID of the stored PC oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "SELECT srid, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, scalex, scaley from " + self.metaTable) (self.srid, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, scaleX, scaleY) = cursor.fetchone() # Create table to store the query geometries oracleops.dropTable(cursor, self.queryTable, check = True) oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.queryTable + " ( id number primary key, geom sdo_geometry) " + self.getTableSpaceString(self.tableSpace) + " pctfree 0 nologging") connection.close() self.colsDict = self.getColumnNamesDict(False)
def createGridTableMethod(self, cursor, gridTable, ncols, nrows): (minX, maxX) = (self.qp.minx, self.qp.maxx) (minY, maxY) = (self.qp.miny, self.qp.maxy) rangeX = maxX - minX rangeY = maxY - minY tileSizeX = rangeX / float(ncols) tileSizeY = rangeY / float(nrows) #scaleX = 0.01 #scaleY = 0.01 scaleX = float(self.tolerance) scaleY = float(self.tolerance) tilesTableName = "TEMP_" + gridTable tileCounter = 0 oracleops.dropTable(cursor, tilesTableName, True) cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE " + tilesTableName + " (ID NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, GEOM SDO_GEOMETRY )") for xIndex in range(ncols): for yIndex in range(nrows): minTileX = minX + (xIndex * tileSizeX) maxTileX = minX + ((xIndex+1) * tileSizeX) minTileY = minY + (yIndex * tileSizeY) maxTileY = minY + ((yIndex+1) * tileSizeY) # To avoid overlapping tiles if xIndex < ncols-1: maxTileX -= scaleX if yIndex < nrows-1: maxTileY -= scaleY #print '\t'.join((str(xIndex), str(yIndex), '%.2f' % minTileX, '%.2f' % minTileY, '%.2f' % maxTileX, '%.2f' % maxTileY)) insertStatement = "INSERT INTO " + tilesTableName + """ (id,geom) VALUES (:1, SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, :2, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,3), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(:3,:4, :5,:6)))""" insertArgs = [tileCounter, self.srid, minTileX, minTileY, maxTileX, maxTileY] cursor.execute(insertStatement, insertArgs) tileCounter += 1 query = """ CREATE TABLE """ + gridTable + """ AS SELECT, SDO_GEOM.SDO_INTERSECTION(A.geom, T.geom, """ + str(self.tolerance) + """) as geom FROM """ + self.queryTable + """ A, """ + tilesTableName + """ T WHERE = """ + str(self.queryIndex) oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, query) cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX " + gridTable + "_id_idx ON " + gridTable + "(ID)") cursor.connection.commit()
def createExternalTable(self, cursor, lasFiles, tableName, columns, lasDirVariableName, numProcesses): # Executes the external table setting it to use script (which must be located in the EXE_DIR Oracle directory) # badfile LOG_DIR:'hilbert_prep_%p.bad'EXE_DIR: # logfile LOG_DIR:'hilbert_prep_%p.log'""" + lasFiles + """ oracleops.dropTable(cursor, tableName, True) oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, """ CREATE TABLE """ + tableName + """ (""" + (',\n'.join(self.getDBColumns(columns, True))) + """) organization external ( type oracle_loader default directory """ + lasDirVariableName + """ access parameters ( records delimited by newline preprocessor '' fields terminated by ',') location ('000024.las') ) """ + self.getParallelString(numProcesses) + """ reject limit 0""")
def initialize(self): # Get connection connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() # Get SRID of the stored PC oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "SELECT srid FROM user_sdo_geom_metadata WHERE table_name = '" + self.blockTable + "'") self.srid = cursor.fetchone()[0] # Create table to store the query geometries oracleops.dropTable(cursor, self.queryTable, check=True) oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.queryTable + " ( id number primary key, geom sdo_geometry) " + self.getTableSpaceString(self.tableSpace) + " pctfree 0 nologging") connection.close()
def createExternalTable(self, cursor, lasFiles, tableName, columns, lasDirVariableName, numProcesses): # Executes the external table setting it to use script (which must be located in the EXE_DIR Oracle directory) oracleops.dropTable(cursor, tableName, True) oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, """ CREATE TABLE """ + tableName + """ (""" + (',\n'.join(self.getDBColumns(columns, True))) + """) organization external ( type oracle_loader default directory """ + lasDirVariableName + """ access parameters ( records delimited by newline preprocessor EXE_DIR:'' badfile LOG_DIR:'hilbert_prep_%p.bad' logfile LOG_DIR:'hilbert_prep_%p.log' fields terminated by ',') location ('""" + lasFiles + """') ) """ + self.getParallelString(numProcesses) + """ reject limit 0""")
def populateBlocks(self, cursor, srid, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, flatTable, blockTable, baseTable, blockSize, columns, tolerance, workTableSpace): """Populate blocks from points in a flat table and delete flat table afterwards""" viewFlatTable = 'VIEW_' + flatTable # Drop previous Base and Block tables if existing cursor.execute('SELECT view_name FROM all_views WHERE view_name = :1',[viewFlatTable,]) if len(cursor.fetchall()): oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor,'DROP VIEW ' + viewFlatTable) # Create a view that contains of the flat table to include the rid column required by the blocks oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor,"CREATE VIEW " + viewFlatTable + " as SELECT '0' rid, " + (','.join(self.getDBColumns(columns, False))) + " from " + flatTable) #Initialize point cloud metadata and create point cloud self.initCreatePC(cursor, srid, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, viewFlatTable, blockTable, baseTable, blockSize, tolerance, workTableSpace) #oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor,"""ALTER TABLE """ + self.blockTable + """ add constraint """ + self.blockTable + """_PK primary key (obj_id, blk_id) using index tablespace """ + self.indexTableSpace) oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor,"""DROP VIEW """ + viewFlatTable) oracleops.dropTable(cursor, flatTable)
def createBlocksTable(self, cursor, blockTable, tableSpace, compression, baseTable = None, includeBlockId = False): """ Create the blocks table and meta-data table""" oracleops.dropTable(cursor, blockTable, True) if baseTable != None: oracleops.dropTable(cursor, baseTable, True) # Tables to contain point data and point cloud metadata oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor,""" CREATE TABLE """ + blockTable + self.getTableSpaceString(tableSpace) + """ pctfree 0 nologging lob(points) store as securefile (""" + self.getTableSpaceString(tableSpace) + self.getCompressString(compression) + """ cache reads nologging) as SELECT * FROM mdsys.SDO_PC_BLK_TABLE where 0 = 1""") if baseTable != None: if includeBlockId: oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor,""" CREATE TABLE """ + baseTable + """ (id number, pc sdo_pc) """ + self.getTableSpaceString(tableSpace) + """ pctfree 0 nologging""") else: oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor,""" CREATE TABLE """ + baseTable + """ (pc sdo_pc) """ + self.getTableSpaceString(tableSpace) + """ pctfree 0 nologging""")
def query(self, queryId, iterationId, queriesParameters): (eTime, result) = (-1, None) connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() self.prepareQuery(cursor, queryId, queriesParameters, iterationId == 0) oracleops.dropTable(cursor, self.resultTable, True) wkt = self.qp.wkt if self.qp.queryType == 'nn': g = loads(self.qp.wkt) wkt = dumps(g.buffer(self.qp.rad)) t0 = time.time() scaledWKT = wktops.scale(wkt, self.scaleX, self.scaleY, self.minX, self.minY) (mimranges,mxmranges) = self.quadtree.getMortonRanges(scaledWKT, self.mortonDistinctIn, maxRanges = MAXIMUM_RANGES) if len(mimranges) == 0 and len(mxmranges) == 0:'None morton range in specified extent!') return (eTime, result) self.hints = [] if not self.flatTableIOT: self.hints.append('INDEX(' + self.flatTable + ' ' + self.flatTable + '_IDX)') if self.qp.queryMethod != 'stream' and self.numProcessesQuery > 1 and self.parallelType != 'nati' and self.qp.queryType in ('rectangle','circle','generic') : return self.pythonParallelization(t0, mimranges, mxmranges) if self.numProcessesQuery > 1: self.hints.append('PARALLEL (' + str(self.numProcessesQuery) + ')') (query, queryArgs) = dbops.getSelectMorton(mimranges, mxmranges, self.qp, self.flatTable, self.addContainsCondition, self.colsDict, self.getHintStatement(self.hints)) if self.qp.queryMethod != 'stream': # disk or stat oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.resultTable + " AS " + query + "", queryArgs) (eTime, result) = dbops.getResult(cursor, t0, self.resultTable, self.colsDict, (not self.mortonDistinctIn), self.qp.columns, self.qp.statistics) else: sqlFileName = str(queryId) + '.sql' oracleops.createSQLFile(cursor, sqlFileName, query, queryArgs) result = oracleops.executeSQLFileCount(self.getConnectionString(False), sqlFileName) eTime = time.time() - t0 connection.close() return (eTime, result)
def createIOTTable(self, cursor, iotTableName, tableName, tableSpace, icolumns, ocolumns, keycolumns, numProcesses, check = False, hilbertFactor = None): """ Create Index-Organized-Table and populate it from tableName Table""" oracleops.dropTable(cursor, iotTableName, True) hilbertColumnName = 'd' if hilbertFactor != None: hilbertColumnName = 'd+(rownum*' + hilbertFactor + ') d' icols = self.getDBColumns(icolumns,False, hilbertColumnName) ocols = self.getDBColumns(ocolumns,False) kcols = self.getDBColumns(keycolumns,False) oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, """ CREATE TABLE """ + iotTableName + """ (""" + (','.join(ocols)) + """ , constraint """ + iotTableName + """_PK primary key (""" + (','.join(kcols)) + """)) organization index """ + self.getTableSpaceString(tableSpace) + """ pctfree 0 nologging """ + self.getParallelString(numProcesses) + """ as SELECT """ + (','.join(icols)) + """ FROM """ + tableName)
def initialize(self): # Get connection connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() # Get SRID of the stored PC oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "SELECT srid, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, scalex, scaley from " + self.metaTable) (self.srid, minX, minY, maxX, maxY, scaleX, scaleY) = cursor.fetchone() # Create table to store the query geometries oracleops.dropTable(cursor, self.queryTable, check=True) oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.queryTable + " ( id number primary key, geom sdo_geometry) " + self.getTableSpaceString(self.tableSpace) + " pctfree 0 nologging") connection.close() self.colsDict = self.getColumnNamesDict(False)
def createFlatMeta(self, cursor, tableName): # Create the meta-data table oracleops.dropTable(cursor, tableName, True) oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (tablename varchar(50), srid number, minx number, miny number, maxx number, maxy number, scalex number, scaley number)")
def query(self, queryId, iterationId, queriesParameters): (eTime, result) = (-1, None) connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() self.prepareQuery(cursor, queryId, queriesParameters, False) #iterationId == 0, oracleops.dropTable(cursor, self.resultTable, True) range_table_name = "range_" + queryId oracleops.dropTable(cursor, range_table_name, True) # rangetable_sql = "CREATE TABLE " + range_table_name + " (K1 NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, K2 NUMBER) ORGANIZATION INDEX " rangetable_sql = "CREATE TABLE " + range_table_name + " (K1 NUMBER, K2 NUMBER, CONSTRAINT pk_index PRIMARY KEY (K1)) ORGANIZATION INDEX " cursor.execute(rangetable_sql) if self.numProcessesQuery > 1 and self.parallelType != 'nati': if self.qp.queryType in ('rectangle', 'circle', 'generic'): return self.pythonParallelization() else: logging.error( 'Python parallelization only available for queries which are not NN!' ) return (eTime, result) t0 = time.time() connstring = self.getConnectionString() # (query, _) = dbops.getSelect(self.qp, self.flatTable, self.addContainsCondition, self.colsDict, self.getParallelHint()) (query, _) = dbops.getSelect2(self.qp, queryId, self.flatTable, self.addContainsCondition, self.colsDict, range_table_name, connstring, self.getParallelHint()) if self.qp.queryMethod != 'stream': # disk or stat oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.resultTable + " AS " + query) (eTime, result) = dbops.getResult(cursor, t0, self.resultTable, self.colsDict, True, self.qp.columns, self.qp.statistics) else: #sqlFileName = str(queryId) + '.sql' #oracleops.createSQLFile(cursor, sqlFileName, query, None) #result = oracleops.executeSQLFileCount(self.getConnectionString(False), sqlFileName) #eTime = time.time() - t0 oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.resultTable + " AS " + query) (eTime, result) = dbops.getResult(cursor, t0, self.resultTable, self.colsDict, True, self.qp.columns, self.qp.statistics) # second refinement tblname = self.resultTable + "_01" zname = self.colsDict['z'][0] lname = self.colsDict['l'][0] #4D----xyzl if self.qp.minz != -99999999 and self.qp.minl != -99999999: querya = """CREATE TABLE """ + tblname + """ AS (SELECT /* + PARALLEL( 8 ) */ * FROM TABLE( mdsys.sdo_PointInPolygon( CURSOR( SELECT * FROM """ + self.resultTable + """ ), MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY( '""" + self.qp.wkt + """', 28992), 0.001)) WHERE ( """ + str(self.qp.minz) + """ <= """ + \ zname + """ AND """ + zname + """ <= """ + str(self.qp.maxz) + """ AND """ + str(self.qp.minl) + """ <= """ + \ lname + """ AND """ + lname + """ <= """ + str(self.qp.maxl) + """ ))""" #3D---only l filter if self.qp.minz == -99999999 and self.qp.minl != -99999999: querya = """CREATE TABLE """ + tblname + """ AS (SELECT /* + PARALLEL( 8 ) */ * FROM TABLE( mdsys.sdo_PointInPolygon( CURSOR( SELECT * FROM """ + self.resultTable + """ ), MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY( '""" + self.qp.wkt + """', 28992), 0.001)) WHERE ( """ + str(self.qp.minl) + """ <= """ + \ lname + """ AND """ + lname + """ <= """ + str(self.qp.maxl) + """ ))""" #3D---only z filter if self.qp.minz != -99999999 and self.qp.minl == -99999999: querya = """CREATE TABLE """ + tblname + """ AS (SELECT /* + PARALLEL( 8 ) */ * FROM TABLE( mdsys.sdo_PointInPolygon( CURSOR( SELECT * FROM """ + self.resultTable + """ ), MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY( '""" + self.qp.wkt + """', 28992), 0.001)) WHERE ( """ + str(self.qp.minz) + """ <= """ + \ zname + """ AND """ + zname + """ <= """ + str(self.qp.maxz) + """ ))""" #2D---xy if self.qp.minz == -99999999 and self.qp.minl == -99999999: querya = """CREATE TABLE """ + tblname + """ AS (SELECT /* + PARALLEL( 8 ) */ * FROM TABLE( mdsys.sdo_PointInPolygon( CURSOR( SELECT * FROM """ + self.resultTable + """ ), MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY( '""" + self.qp.wkt + """', 28992), 0.001)) )""" oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, querya) (eTime, result) = dbops.getResult(cursor, t0, self.resultTable, self.colsDict, True, self.qp.columns, self.qp.statistics) connection.close() return (eTime, result)
def query(self, queryId, iterationId, queriesParameters): (eTime, result) = (-1, None) connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() self.prepareQuery(cursor, queryId, queriesParameters, False)#iterationId == 0, oracleops.dropTable(cursor, self.resultTable, True) range_table_name = "range_" + queryId oracleops.dropTable(cursor, range_table_name, True) # rangetable_sql = "CREATE TABLE " + range_table_name + " (K1 NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, K2 NUMBER) ORGANIZATION INDEX " rangetable_sql = "CREATE TABLE " + range_table_name + " (K1 NUMBER, K2 NUMBER, CONSTRAINT pk_index PRIMARY KEY (K1)) ORGANIZATION INDEX " cursor.execute(rangetable_sql) if self.numProcessesQuery > 1 and self.parallelType != 'nati': if self.qp.queryType in ('rectangle','circle','generic') : return self.pythonParallelization() else: logging.error('Python parallelization only available for queries which are not NN!') return (eTime, result) t0 = time.time() connstring = self.getConnectionString() # (query, _) = dbops.getSelect(self.qp, self.flatTable, self.addContainsCondition, self.colsDict, self.getParallelHint()) (query, _) = dbops.getSelect2(self.qp, queryId, self.flatTable, self.addContainsCondition, self.colsDict, range_table_name, connstring, self.getParallelHint() ) if self.qp.queryMethod != 'stream': # disk or stat oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.resultTable + " AS " + query) (eTime, result) = dbops.getResult(cursor, t0, self.resultTable, self.colsDict, True, self.qp.columns, self.qp.statistics) else: #sqlFileName = str(queryId) + '.sql' #oracleops.createSQLFile(cursor, sqlFileName, query, None) #result = oracleops.executeSQLFileCount(self.getConnectionString(False), sqlFileName) #eTime = time.time() - t0 oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, "CREATE TABLE " + self.resultTable + " AS " + query ) (eTime, result) = dbops.getResult( cursor, t0, self.resultTable, self.colsDict, True, self.qp.columns, self.qp.statistics ) # second refinement tblname = self.resultTable + "_01" zname = self.colsDict['z'][0] lname = self.colsDict['l'][0] #4D----xyzl if self.qp.minz != -99999999 and self.qp.minl != -99999999: querya = """CREATE TABLE """ + tblname + """ AS (SELECT /* + PARALLEL( 8 ) */ * FROM TABLE( mdsys.sdo_PointInPolygon( CURSOR( SELECT * FROM """ + self.resultTable + """ ), MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY( '""" + self.qp.wkt + """', 28992), 0.001)) WHERE ( """ + str(self.qp.minz) + """ <= """ + \ zname + """ AND """ + zname + """ <= """ + str(self.qp.maxz) + """ AND """ + str(self.qp.minl) + """ <= """ + \ lname + """ AND """ + lname + """ <= """ + str(self.qp.maxl) + """ ))""" #3D---only l filter if self.qp.minz == -99999999 and self.qp.minl != -99999999: querya = """CREATE TABLE """ + tblname + """ AS (SELECT /* + PARALLEL( 8 ) */ * FROM TABLE( mdsys.sdo_PointInPolygon( CURSOR( SELECT * FROM """ + self.resultTable + """ ), MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY( '""" + self.qp.wkt + """', 28992), 0.001)) WHERE ( """ + str(self.qp.minl) + """ <= """ + \ lname + """ AND """ + lname + """ <= """ + str(self.qp.maxl) + """ ))""" #3D---only z filter if self.qp.minz != -99999999 and self.qp.minl == -99999999: querya = """CREATE TABLE """ + tblname + """ AS (SELECT /* + PARALLEL( 8 ) */ * FROM TABLE( mdsys.sdo_PointInPolygon( CURSOR( SELECT * FROM """ + self.resultTable + """ ), MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY( '""" + self.qp.wkt + """', 28992), 0.001)) WHERE ( """ + str(self.qp.minz) + """ <= """ + \ zname + """ AND """ + zname + """ <= """ + str(self.qp.maxz) + """ ))""" #2D---xy if self.qp.minz == -99999999 and self.qp.minl == -99999999: querya = """CREATE TABLE """ + tblname + """ AS (SELECT /* + PARALLEL( 8 ) */ * FROM TABLE( mdsys.sdo_PointInPolygon( CURSOR( SELECT * FROM """ + self.resultTable + """ ), MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY( '""" + self.qp.wkt + """', 28992), 0.001)) )""" oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, querya) (eTime, result) = dbops.getResult( cursor, t0, self.resultTable, self.colsDict, True, self.qp.columns, self.qp.statistics ) connection.close() return (eTime, result)
def createFlatTable(self, cursor, tableName, tableSpace, columns): """ Creates a empty flat table""" oracleops.dropTable(cursor, tableName, True) oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor,""" CREATE TABLE """ + tableName + """ (""" + (',\n'.join(self.getDBColumns(columns, True))) + """) """ + self.getTableSpaceString(tableSpace) + """ pctfree 0 nologging""")