def cal_grasp(msg, cam_pos_): points_ = pointclouds.pointcloud2_to_xyz_array(msg) points_ = points_.astype(np.float32) remove_white = False if remove_white: points_ = remove_white_pixel(msg, points_, vis=True) # begin voxel points n = n_voxel # parameter related to voxel method # gpg improvements, highlights: flexible n parameter for voxelizing. points_voxel_ = get_voxel_fun(points_, n) if len(points_) < 2000: # should be a parameter while len(points_voxel_) < len(points_) - 15: points_voxel_ = get_voxel_fun(points_, n) n = n + 100 rospy.loginfo( "the voxel has {} points, we want get {} points".format( len(points_voxel_), len(points_))) rospy.loginfo("the voxel has {} points, we want get {} points".format( len(points_voxel_), len(points_))) points_ = points_voxel_ remove_points = False if remove_points: points_ = remove_table_points(points_, vis=True) point_cloud = pcl.PointCloud(points_) norm = point_cloud.make_NormalEstimation() norm.set_KSearch(30) # critical parameter when calculating the norms normals = norm.compute() surface_normal = normals.to_array() surface_normal = surface_normal[:, 0:3] vector_p2cam = cam_pos_ - points_ vector_p2cam = vector_p2cam / np.linalg.norm(vector_p2cam, axis=1).reshape( -1, 1) tmp =, surface_normal.T).diagonal() angel = np.arccos(np.clip(tmp, -1.0, 1.0)) wrong_dir_norm = np.where(angel > np.pi * 0.5)[0] tmp = np.ones([len(angel), 3]) tmp[wrong_dir_norm, :] = -1 surface_normal = surface_normal * tmp select_point_above_table = 0.010 # modify of gpg: make it as a parameter. avoid select points near the table. points_for_sample = points_[np.where( points_[:, 2] > select_point_above_table)[0]] if len(points_for_sample) == 0: rospy.loginfo( "Can not seltect point, maybe the point cloud is too low?") return [], points_, surface_normal yaml_config['metrics']['robust_ferrari_canny']['friction_coef'] = value_fc if not using_mp: rospy.loginfo("Begin cal grasps using single thread, slow!") grasps_together_ = ags.sample_grasps(point_cloud, points_for_sample, surface_normal, num_grasps, max_num_samples=max_num_samples, show_final_grasp=show_final_grasp) else: # begin parallel grasp: rospy.loginfo("Begin cal grasps using parallel!") def grasp_task(num_grasps_, ags_, queue_): ret = ags_.sample_grasps(point_cloud, points_for_sample, surface_normal, num_grasps_, max_num_samples=max_num_samples, show_final_grasp=show_final_grasp) queue_.put(ret) queue = mp.Queue() num_grasps_p_worker = int(num_grasps / num_workers) workers = [ mp.Process(target=grasp_task, args=(num_grasps_p_worker, ags, queue)) for _ in range(num_workers) ] [i.start() for i in workers] grasps_together_ = [] for i in range(num_workers): grasps_together_ = grasps_together_ + queue.get() rospy.loginfo("Finish mp processing!") rospy.loginfo("Grasp sampler finish, generated {} grasps.".format( len(grasps_together_))) return grasps_together_, points_, surface_normal
def main(): baxter_test = Baxter_Test() rate = rospy.Rate(baxter_test._rate) #retrieve point cloud data from Baxter point_cloud_msg = ros_topic_get("/camera/depth_registered/points", PointCloud2) point_cloud_array = pointclouds.pointcloud2_to_xyz_array(point_cloud_msg) point_cloud_array = transform_matrix(point_cloud_array, "/camera_rgb_optical_frame", "/base") point_cloud = pcl.PointCloud() #create new pcl PointCloud point_cloud.from_list(point_cloud_array) #import data to PointCloud from 2d matrix #Experimental code for the hand mounted camera print "looking up hand camera" """f200_cloud_msg = ros_topic_get("/camera/depth/points", PointCloud2) print f200_cloud_msg point_cloud_array = pointclouds.pointcloud2_to_xyz_array(f200_cloud_msg) print point_cloud_array""" #filter data fil = point_cloud.make_passthrough_filter() fil.set_filter_field_name("x") fil.set_filter_limits(0.5, 1) cloud_filtered_x = fil.filter() fil = cloud_filtered_x.make_passthrough_filter() fil.set_filter_field_name("z") fil.set_filter_limits(-0.1, 0.5) cloud_filtered = fil.filter() #segment data seg = cloud_filtered.make_segmenter() seg.set_model_type(pcl.SACMODEL_PLANE) seg.set_method_type(pcl.SAC_RANSAC) seg.set_distance_threshold(0.03) indices, model = seg.segment() #remove table plane based on model object_cloud = filter_plane(model, cloud_filtered, 0.1) print object_cloud X = object_cloud.to_array() #our PCA only needs to deal with x-y plane, remove z values X = X[:,[0,1]] pca = PCA(n_components=2) X = pca.fit_transform(X) #calculate object centroid object_centroid = get_centroid(object_cloud) #calculate object bounding box bounding_box = fit_bounding_box(object_cloud, pca.components_, object_centroid) #baxter_test.move_left_to_coord(object_centroid) publisher = rospy.Publisher("/baxter_test", MarkerArray, queue_size = 10) marker_array = MarkerArray() #PCA vector sanity check (if needed) """count = 0 for vector in pca.components_: vector_marker = Marker() vector_marker.header.frame_id = "/base" vector_marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) vector_marker.type = vector_marker.ARROW vector_marker.action = vector_marker.ADD start = Point() vector_marker.points = [createPoint(object_centroid[0], object_centroid[1], 0), createPoint(object_centroid[0] + vector[0], object_centroid[1] + vector[1], 0)] if count == 0: vector_marker.color.a = 1.0 #first vector green vector_marker.color.r = 0.0 vector_marker.color.g = 1.0 vector_marker.color.b = 0.0 else: vector_marker.color.a = 1.0 #second vector blue vector_marker.color.r = 0.0 vector_marker.color.g = 0.0 vector_marker.color.b = 1.0 vector_marker.scale.x = 0.01 vector_marker.scale.y = 0.02 = count marker_array.markers.append(vector_marker) count += 1""" #continually do stuff while not rospy.is_shutdown(): publisher.publish(marker_array) #baxter_test.move_left_to_coord(object_centroid) rate.sleep()
def cal_grasp(msg, cam_pos_): """根据在线采集的点云计算候选的抓取姿态 """ #把pointcloud2类型的消息点云,转换为ndarray points_ points_ = pointclouds.pointcloud2_to_xyz_array(msg) #复制一份points_ ndarray对象,并将所有的点坐标转换为float32类型 points_ = points_.astype(np.float32) remove_white = False if remove_white: points_ = remove_white_pixel(msg, points_, vis=True) # begin voxel points n = n_voxel # parameter related to voxel method # gpg improvements, highlights: flexible n parameter for voxelizing. #这一句话执行的时候,不能打开虚拟机,否则容易卡住 points_voxel_ = get_voxel_fun(points_, n) #当点云点数小于2000时 if len(points_) < 2000: # should be a parameter while len(points_voxel_) < len(points_) - 15: points_voxel_ = get_voxel_fun(points_, n) n = n + 100 rospy.loginfo( "the voxel has {} points, we want get {} points".format( len(points_voxel_), len(points_))) rospy.loginfo("the voxel has {} points, we want get {} points".format( len(points_voxel_), len(points_))) # points_ = points_voxel_ remove_points = False #是否剔除支撑平面 if remove_points: points_ = remove_table_points(points_, vis=True) #重新构造经过“降采样”的点云 point_cloud = pcl.PointCloud(points_) print(len(points_)) #构造法向量估计对象 norm = point_cloud.make_NormalEstimation() tree = point_cloud.make_kdtree() norm.set_SearchMethod(tree) #以周边30个点作为法向量计算点 norm.set_KSearch(10) # critical parameter when calculating the norms normals = norm.compute() #将点云法向量转换为ndarry类型 surface_normal = normals.to_array() surface_normal = surface_normal[:, 0:3] #每个点到 相机位置(无姿态)的向量 但是,感觉是相机到点的向量 vector_p2cam = cam_pos_ - points_ #print(vector_p2cam) #print(cam_pos_) """ np.linalg.norm(vector_p2cam, axis=1) 默认求2范数,axis=1 代表按行向量处理,求多个行向量的2范数(求模) np.linalg.norm(vector_p2cam, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) 将其调整为m行 1列 整句话的含义是,将vector_p2cam归一化,单位化 """ vector_p2cam = vector_p2cam / np.linalg.norm(vector_p2cam, axis=1).reshape( -1, 1) #将表面法相与表面法相(都是单位向量)点乘,以备后面计算向量夹角 tmp =, surface_normal.T).diagonal() #print(vector_p2cam) #print(surface_normal.T) #print(tmp) """ np.clip(tmp, -1.0, 1.0) 截取函数,将tmp中的值,都限制在-1.0到1.0之间,大于1的变成1,小于-1的记为-1 np.arccos() 求解反余弦,求夹角 """ angel = np.arccos(np.clip(tmp, -1.0, 1.0)) #print(angel) #找到与视角向量夹角大于90度的角(认为法向量计算错误) wrong_dir_norm = np.where(angel > np.pi * 0.5)[0] #print(np.where(angel > np.pi * 0.5)) #print(wrong_dir_norm) #print(len(wrong_dir_norm)) #创建一个len(angel)行,3列的ndarry对象 tmp = np.ones([len(angel), 3]) #将法向量错误的行的元素都改写为-1 tmp[wrong_dir_norm, :] = -1 #与表面法相元素对元素相乘,作用是将"错误的"法向量的方向 扭转过来 surface_normal = surface_normal * tmp #选取桌子以上2cm处的点作为检测点 select_point_above_table = 0.020 #modify of gpg: make it as a parameter. avoid select points near the table. #查看每个点的z方向,如果它们的点z轴方向的值大于select_point_above_table,就把他们抽出来 points_for_sample = points_[np.where( points_[:, 2] > select_point_above_table)[0]] print(len(points_for_sample)) if len(points_for_sample) == 0: rospy.loginfo( "Can not seltect point, maybe the point cloud is too low?") return [], points_, surface_normal yaml_config['metrics']['robust_ferrari_canny']['friction_coef'] = value_fc grasps_together_ = [] if rospy.get_param("/robot_at_home") == "false": robot_at_home = False else: robot_at_home = True if not robot_at_home: rospy.loginfo("Robot is moving, waiting the robot go home.") elif not using_mp: rospy.loginfo("Begin cal grasps using single thread, slow!") grasps_together_ = ags.sample_grasps(point_cloud, points_for_sample, surface_normal, num_grasps_single_worker, max_num_samples=max_num_samples, show_final_grasp=show_final_grasp) else: # begin parallel grasp: rospy.loginfo("Begin cal grasps using parallel!") def grasp_task(num_grasps_, ags_, queue_): ret = ags_.sample_grasps(point_cloud, points_for_sample, surface_normal, num_grasps_, max_num_samples=max_num_samples, show_final_grasp=False) queue_.put(ret) queue = mp.Queue() #num_grasps_p_worker = int(num_grasps/num_workers) workers = [ mp.Process(target=grasp_task, args=(num_grasps_p_worker, ags, queue)) for _ in range(num_workers) ] [i.start() for i in workers] grasps_together_ = [] for i in range(num_workers): grasps_together_ = grasps_together_ + queue.get() rospy.loginfo("Finish mp processing!") if show_final_grasp and using_mp: ags.show_all_grasps(points_, grasps_together_) ags.show_points(points_, scale_factor=0.002) rospy.loginfo("Grasp sampler finish, generated {} grasps.".format( len(grasps_together_))) #返回抓取 场景的点 以及点云的表面法向量 return grasps_together_, points_, surface_normal
def main_cb(cloud_msg): #DECLARE GLOBAL VARIABLES global slot_count global final_data global all_hogs global train_surfaces global surfacesX global all_surf global labels #CONVERT TO XYZ rospy.loginfo('converting pointcloud %d to XYZ array ',slot_count) raw_data = pointclouds.pointcloud2_to_xyz_array(cloud_msg, remove_nans=True) # mode=0 # mode=0 -->COLLECT DATA mode=1 --> TRAIN AND TEST #BUILD CLUSTER filter_zeros=np.where(raw_data[:, 0] != 0)[0] clear_data = raw_data[filter_zeros,:] # ignore the zeros on X filter_zeros=np.where(clear_data[:, 1] != 0)[0] clear_data = clear_data[filter_zeros,:] # ignore the zeros on Y cluster_labels =np.zeros((len(clear_data),1),int) #% TRAINING eps = 0.5 min_points = 5 rospy.loginfo('call DBscan ') [core_samples,cluster_labels, n_clusters, human, surfacesX]=scikit_dbscan.dbscan(clear_data, eps, min_points,mode,False) clear_data=clear_data[core_samples,:] # SURFACE & HOG Features EXTRACTION all_surf.append(surfacesX) rospy.loginfo('Done.') #EXTRACT AND SAVE HOGS FEATURES rospy.loginfo('extract hogs for timeslot %d',slot_count) [hogs,hog_image] = myhog.hog(surfacesX) #pl.plot(hog_image) final_data.append(clear_data) labels.append(cluster_labels) human_detection.append(human) all_hogs.append(hogs) rospy.loginfo('all_hogs length %d',len(all_hogs)) rospy.loginfo('final_data length %d',len(final_data)) rospy.loginfo('human_detection length %d',len(human_detection)) if mode==0: f = open("train_hogs.txt","a") simplejson.dump(all_hogs,f) f.close() f = open("train_classifications.txt","a") simplejson.dump(all_human_detection,f) f.close() if mode==1: with open("train_hogs.txt") as f: train_hogs = simplejson.load(f) with open("train_classifications.txt") as f2: train_labels = simplejson.load(f2) X=array(train_hogs) y=array(train_labels) clf = svm.SVC(), y) #[p0V,p1V,pAb]= trainNB0(array(train_hogs),array(train_labels)) #print testEntry,'classified as: ',classifyNB(array(hogs),p0V,p1V,pAb) slot_count = slot_count + 1