Example #1
 def publish_visible(self, *args, **kwargs):
     features = self.visible_landmarks()[0]
     if not features.shape[0]: return
     features = np.array(np.hstack((features, np.zeros((features.shape[0], 1)))), order='C')
     # Convert north-east-z to x-y-z
     vehicle_xyz = self.vehicle.position
     relative_position = girona500.feature_relative_position(vehicle_xyz, self.vehicle.orientation, features)
     # Convert xyz to PointCloud message
     pcl_msg = pointclouds.xyz_array_to_pointcloud2(relative_position, 
                                                    rospy.Time.now(), "slamsim")
     # and publish visible landmarks
     print "Absolute:"
     print features
Example #2
    def extract_clusters_f(self):
        clusters = rospy.wait_for_message(self.clusters_topic, MarkerArray);
        rospy.loginfo("Clusters %d", clusters.markers.__len__())

        cluster_list = []
        for i in range(clusters.markers.__len__()):
#            rospy.loginfo("Clusters' header %s", clusters.markers[i].header.frame_id)
#            rospy.loginfo("Clusters' points %s", clusters.markers[i].points.__len__())
            arr_xyz = []
            for points in range(clusters.markers[i].points.__len__()):
                arr_xyz.append([clusters.markers[i].points[points].x, clusters.markers[i].points[points].y, clusters.markers[i].points[points].z])
            pc = PointCloud2()
            pc = pointclouds.xyz_array_to_pointcloud2(np.asarray([arr_xyz]), clusters.markers[i].header.stamp, clusters.markers[i].header.frame_id)
#            rospy.sleep(1.0)
        return cluster_list
    def callback(self, data):
        rospy.loginfo("Objects %d", data.objects.__len__())

        table_corners = []

        # obtain table_offset and table_pose
        to = rospy.wait_for_message(self.table_topic, MarkerArray);

        # obtain Table corners ...
        rospy.loginfo("Tables hull size %d", to.markers.__len__())
        if not to.markers:
            rospy.loginfo("No tables detected")
            # NB - D says that ORK has this set to filter based on height.
            # IIRC, it's 0.6-0.8m above whatever frame is set as the floor
            point_array_size = 4      # for the 4 corners of the bounding box
            for i in range (0, point_array_size):
                p = Point()
                p.x = to.markers[0].points[i].x
                p.y = to.markers[0].points[i].y
                p.z = to.markers[0].points[i].z
            # this is a table pose at the edge close to the robot, in the center of x axis
            table_pose = PoseStamped()
            table_pose.header = to.markers[0].header
            table_pose.pose = to.markers[0].pose
        # Determine table dimensions
        rospy.loginfo('calculating table pose bounding box in frame: %s' % table_pose.header.frame_id)
        min_x = sys.float_info.max
        min_y = sys.float_info.max
        max_x = -sys.float_info.max
        max_y = -sys.float_info.max

        for i in range (table_corners.__len__()):
            if table_corners[i].x > max_x:
                max_x = table_corners[i].x
            if table_corners[i].y > max_y:
                max_y = table_corners[i].y
            if table_corners[i].x < min_x:
                min_x = table_corners[i].x
            if table_corners[i].y < min_y:
                min_y = table_corners[i].y

        table_dim = Point()
        # TODO: if we don't (can't!) compute the height, should we at least give it non-zero depth? 
        # (would also require shifting the observed centroid down by table_dim.z/2)
        table_dim.z = 0.0

        table_dim.x = abs(max_x - min_x)
        table_dim.y = abs(max_y - min_y)
        print "Dimensions: ", table_dim.x, table_dim.y

        # Temporary frame used for transformations
        table_link = 'table_link'

        # centroid of a table in table_link frame
        centroid = PoseStamped()
        centroid.header.frame_id = table_link
        centroid.header.stamp = table_pose.header.stamp
        centroid.pose.position.x = (max_x + min_x)/2.
        centroid.pose.position.y = (max_y + min_y)/2.
        centroid.pose.position.z = 0.0
        centroid.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
        centroid.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
        centroid.pose.orientation.z = 0.0
        centroid.pose.orientation.w = 1.0

        # generate transform from table_pose to our newly-defined table_link
        tt = TransformStamped()
        tt.header = table_pose.header
        tt.child_frame_id = table_link
        tt.transform.translation = table_pose.pose.position
        tt.transform.rotation = table_pose.pose.orientation
        self.tl.waitForTransform(table_link, table_pose.header.frame_id, table_pose.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(3.0))
        if self.tl.canTransform(table_pose.header.frame_id, table_link, table_pose.header.stamp):
            centroid_table_pose = self.tl.transformPose(table_pose.header.frame_id, centroid)
            rospy.logwarn("No transform between %s and %s possible",table_pose.header.frame_id, table_link)

        # transform each object into desired frame; add to list of clusters
        cluster_list = []
        for i in range (data.objects.__len__()):
            rospy.loginfo("Point clouds %s", data.objects[i].point_clouds.__len__())

            pc = PointCloud2()
            pc = data.objects[i].point_clouds[0]
            arr = pointclouds.pointcloud2_to_array(pc, 1)
            arr_xyz = pointclouds.get_xyz_points(arr)

            arr_xyz_trans = []
            for j in range (arr_xyz.__len__()):
                ps = PointStamped();
                ps.header.frame_id = table_link
                ps.header.stamp = table_pose.header.stamp
                ps.point.x = arr_xyz[j][0]
                ps.point.y = arr_xyz[j][1]
                ps.point.z = arr_xyz[j][2]
                if self.tl.canTransform(table_pose.header.frame_id, table_link, table_pose.header.stamp):
                    ps_in_kinect_frame = self.tl.transformPoint(table_pose.header.frame_id, ps)
                    rospy.logwarn("No transform between %s and %s possible",table_pose.header.frame_id, table_link)
                arr_xyz_trans.append([ps_in_kinect_frame.point.x, ps_in_kinect_frame.point.y, ps_in_kinect_frame.point.z])

            pc_trans = PointCloud2()
            pc_trans = pointclouds.xyz_array_to_pointcloud2(np.asarray([arr_xyz_trans]), 
                                                            table_pose.header.stamp, table_pose.header.frame_id)

            rospy.loginfo("cluster size %d", cluster_list.__len__())

        # finally - save all data in the object that'll be sent in response to actionserver requests
        with self.result_lock:
            self._result.objects = cluster_list 
            self._result.table_dims = table_dim
            self._result.table_pose = centroid_table_pose
            self.has_data = True
Example #4
    def callback(self, data):
        rospy.loginfo("Recognized objects %d", data.objects.__len__())

        table_corners = []

        # obtain table_offset and table_pose
        to = rospy.wait_for_message(self.table_topic, MarkerArray)

        # obtain Table corners ...
        rospy.loginfo("Tables hull size %d", to.markers.__len__())
        if not to.markers:
            rospy.loginfo("No tables detected")
            # NB - D says that ORK has this set to filter based on height.
            # IIRC, it's 0.6-0.8m above whatever frame is set as the floor
            point_array_size = 4      # for the 4 corners of the bounding box
            for i in range (0, point_array_size):
                p = Point()
                p.x = to.markers[0].points[i].x
                p.y = to.markers[0].points[i].y
                p.z = to.markers[0].points[i].z
            # this is a table pose at the edge close to the robot, in the center of x axis
            table_pose = PoseStamped()
            table_pose.header = to.markers[0].header
            table_pose.pose = to.markers[0].pose
        # Determine table dimensions
        rospy.loginfo('calculating table pose bounding box in frame: %s' % table_pose.header.frame_id)
        min_x = sys.float_info.max
        min_y = sys.float_info.max
        max_x = -sys.float_info.max
        max_y = -sys.float_info.max

        for i in range (table_corners.__len__()):
            if table_corners[i].x > max_x:
                max_x = table_corners[i].x
            if table_corners[i].y > max_y:
                max_y = table_corners[i].y
            if table_corners[i].x < min_x:
                min_x = table_corners[i].x
            if table_corners[i].y < min_y:
                min_y = table_corners[i].y

        table_dim = Point()
        # TODO: if we don't (can't!) compute the height, should we at least give it non-zero depth? 
        # (would also require shifting the observed centroid down by table_dim.z/2)
        table_dim.z = 0.0

        table_dim.x = abs(max_x - min_x)
        table_dim.y = abs(max_y - min_y)
        print "Dimensions: ", table_dim.x, table_dim.y

        # Temporary frame used for transformations
        table_link = 'table_link'

        # centroid of a table in table_link frame
        centroid = PoseStamped()
        centroid.header.frame_id = table_link
        centroid.header.stamp = table_pose.header.stamp
        centroid.pose.position.x = (max_x + min_x)/2.
        centroid.pose.position.y = (max_y + min_y)/2.
        centroid.pose.position.z = 0.0
        centroid.pose.orientation.x = 0.0
        centroid.pose.orientation.y = 0.0
        centroid.pose.orientation.z = 0.0
        centroid.pose.orientation.w = 1.0

        # generate transform from table_pose to our newly-defined table_link
        tt = TransformStamped()
        tt.header = table_pose.header
        tt.child_frame_id = table_link
        tt.transform.translation = table_pose.pose.position
        tt.transform.rotation = table_pose.pose.orientation
        self.tl.waitForTransform(table_link, table_pose.header.frame_id, table_pose.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(3.0))
        if self.tl.canTransform(table_pose.header.frame_id, table_link, table_pose.header.stamp):
            centroid_table_pose = self.tl.transformPose(table_pose.header.frame_id, centroid)
            rospy.logwarn("No transform between %s and %s possible",table_pose.header.frame_id, table_link)

        # transform each object into desired frame; add to list of clusters
        cluster_list = []
        object_list = []
        #if only clusters on the table should be extracted
        if self.extract_clusters:
            cluster_list = self.extract_clusters_f()
 #else try to recognize objects
        if self.recognize_objects:
            for i in range (data.objects.__len__()):
                #            rospy.loginfo("Point clouds %s", data.objects[i].point_clouds.__len__())              
                pc = PointCloud2()
                pc = data.objects[i].point_clouds[0]
                arr = pointclouds.pointcloud2_to_array(pc, 1)
                arr_xyz = pointclouds.get_xyz_points(arr)
                arr_xyz_trans = []
                for j in range (arr_xyz.__len__()):
                    ps = PointStamped();
                    ps.header.frame_id = table_link
                    ps.header.stamp = table_pose.header.stamp
                    ps.point.x = arr_xyz[j][0]
                    ps.point.y = arr_xyz[j][1]
                    ps.point.z = arr_xyz[j][2]
                    if self.tl.canTransform(table_pose.header.frame_id, table_link, table_pose.header.stamp):
                        ps_in_kinect_frame = self.tl.transformPoint(table_pose.header.frame_id, ps)
                        rospy.logwarn("No transform between %s and %s possible",table_pose.header.frame_id, table_link)
                    arr_xyz_trans.append([ps_in_kinect_frame.point.x, ps_in_kinect_frame.point.y, ps_in_kinect_frame.point.z])
                pc_trans = PointCloud2()
                pc_trans = pointclouds.xyz_array_to_pointcloud2(np.asarray([arr_xyz_trans]), 
                                                                    table_pose.header.stamp, table_pose.header.frame_id)
        rospy.loginfo("object size %d", object_list.__len__())

        cluster_centroids = []
        object_centroids = []
        for cloud in range (cluster_list.__len__()):

        for cloud in range (object_list.__len__()):

        recognized_objects = []
        indices = []

        for centroid in range (cluster_centroids.__len__()):
        # dist = self.closest(np_cluster_centroids, np.asarray(cluster_centroids[centroid]))
            if object_centroids:
                indices = self.do_kdtree(np.asarray(object_centroids), np.asarray(cluster_centroids[centroid]), self.search_radius)
            if not indices:
        print "recognized objects: ", recognized_objects

        # finally - save all data in the object that'll be sent in response to actionserver requests
        with self.result_lock:
            self._result.objects = cluster_list 
            self._result.recognized_objects = recognized_objects 
            self._result.table_dims = table_dim
            self._result.table_pose = centroid_table_pose
            self.has_data = True