Example #1
 def test_find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(self):
     address = 0x197637 # 0x197634
     script = parse_script_engine_script_at(address, debug=False)
     bank = calculate_bank(address)
     r = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script, bank=bank, debug=False)
     results = list(r)
     self.assertIn(0x197661, results)
def line_has_comment_address(line, returnable={}, bank=None):
    """checks that a given line has a comment
    with a valid address, and returns the address in the object.
    Note: bank is required if you have a 4-letter-or-less address,
    because otherwise there is no way to figure out which bank
    is curretly being scanned."""
    #first set the bank/offset to nada
    returnable["bank"] = None
    returnable["offset"] = None
    returnable["address"] = None
    #only valid characters are 0-9a-fA-F
    valid = [str(x) for x in range(10)] + \
            [chr(x) for x in range(ord('a'), ord('f')+1)] + \
            [chr(x) for x in range(ord('A'), ord('F')+1)]
    #check if there is a comment in this line
    if ";" not in line:
        return False
    #first throw away anything in quotes
    if (line.count("\"") % 2 == 0 and line.count("\"")!=0) \
       or (line.count("\'") % 2 == 0 and line.count("\'")!=0):
        line = remove_quoted_text(line)
    #check if there is still a comment in this line after quotes removed
    if ";" not in line:
        return False
    #but even if there's a semicolon there must be later text
    if line[-1] == ";":
        return False
    #and just a space doesn't count
    if line[-2:] == "; ":
        return False
    #and multiple whitespace doesn't count either
    line = line.rstrip(" ").lstrip(" ")
    if line[-1] == ";":
        return False
    #there must be more content after the semicolon
    if len(line)-1 == line.find(";"):
        return False
    #split it up into the main comment part
    comment = line[line.find(";")+1:]
    #don't want no leading whitespace
    comment = comment.lstrip(" ").rstrip(" ")
    #split up multi-token comments into single tokens
    token = comment
    if " " in comment:
        #use the first token in the comment
        token = comment.split(" ")[0]
    if token in ["0x", "$", "x", ":"]:
        return False
    offset = None
    #process a token with a A:B format
    if ":" in token: #3:3F0A, $3:$3F0A, 0x3:0x3F0A, 3:3F0A
        #split up the token
        bank_piece = token.split(":")[0].lower()
        offset_piece = token.split(":")[1].lower()
        #filter out blanks/duds
        if bank_piece in ["$", "0x", "x"] \
        or offset_piece in ["$", "0x", "x"]:
            return False
        #they can't have both "$" and "x"
        if "$" in bank_piece and "x" in bank_piece:
            return False
        if "$" in offset_piece and "x" in offset_piece:
            return False
        #process the bank piece
        if "$" in bank_piece:
            bank_piece = bank_piece.replace("$", "0x")
        #check characters for validity?
        for c in bank_piece.replace("x", ""):
            if c not in valid:
                return False
        bank = int(bank_piece, 16)
        #process the offset piece
        if "$" in offset_piece:
            offset_piece = offset_piece.replace("$", "0x")
        #check characters for validity?
        for c in offset_piece.replace("x", ""):
            if c not in valid:
                return False
        if len(offset_piece) == 0:
            return None
        offset = int(offset_piece, 16)
    #filter out blanks/duds
    elif token in ["$", "0x", "x"]:
        return False
    #can't have both "$" and "x" in the number
    elif "$" in token and "x" in token:
        return False
    elif "x" in token and not "0x" in token: #it should be 0x
        return False
    elif "$" in token and not "x" in token:
        token = token.replace("$", "0x")
        offset = int(token, 16)
    elif "0x" in token and not "$" in token:
        offset = int(token, 16)
    else: #might just be "1" at this point
        token = token.lower()
        #check if there are bad characters
        for c in token:
            if c not in valid:
                return False
        offset = int(token, 16)
    if offset == None and bank == None:
        return False
    if bank == None:
        bank = pointers.calculate_bank(offset)
    returnable["bank"] = bank
    returnable["offset"] = offset
    returnable["address"] = pointers.calculate_pointer(offset, bank=bank)
    return True
Example #3
def line_has_comment_address(line, returnable={}, bank=None):
    """checks that a given line has a comment
    with a valid address, and returns the address in the object.
    Note: bank is required if you have a 4-letter-or-less address,
    because otherwise there is no way to figure out which bank
    is curretly being scanned."""
    #first set the bank/offset to nada
    returnable["bank"] = None
    returnable["offset"] = None
    returnable["address"] = None
    #only valid characters are 0-9A-F
    valid = [str(x)
             for x in range(0, 10)] + [chr(x) for x in range(97, 102 + 1)]
    #check if there is a comment in this line
    if ";" not in line:
        return False
    #first throw away anything in quotes
    if (line.count("\"") % 2 == 0 and line.count("\"")!=0) \
       or (line.count("\'") % 2 == 0 and line.count("\'")!=0):
        line = remove_quoted_text(line)
    #check if there is still a comment in this line after quotes removed
    if ";" not in line:
        return False
    #but even if there's a semicolon there must be later text
    if line[-1] == ";":
        return False
    #and just a space doesn't count
    if line[-2:] == "; ":
        return False
    #and multiple whitespace doesn't count either
    line = line.rstrip(" ").lstrip(" ")
    if line[-1] == ";":
        return False
    #there must be more content after the semicolon
    if len(line) - 1 == line.find(";"):
        return False
    #split it up into the main comment part
    comment = line[line.find(";") + 1:]
    #don't want no leading whitespace
    comment = comment.lstrip(" ").rstrip(" ")
    #split up multi-token comments into single tokens
    token = comment
    if " " in comment:
        #use the first token in the comment
        token = comment.split(" ")[0]
    if token in ["0x", "$", "x", ":"]:
        return False
    offset = None
    #process a token with a A:B format
    if ":" in token:  #3:3F0A, $3:$3F0A, 0x3:0x3F0A, 3:3F0A
        #split up the token
        bank_piece = token.split(":")[0].lower()
        offset_piece = token.split(":")[1].lower()
        #filter out blanks/duds
        if bank_piece in ["$", "0x", "x"] \
        or offset_piece in ["$", "0x", "x"]:
            return False
        #they can't have both "$" and "x"
        if "$" in bank_piece and "x" in bank_piece:
            return False
        if "$" in offset_piece and "x" in offset_piece:
            return False
        #process the bank piece
        if "$" in bank_piece:
            bank_piece = bank_piece.replace("$", "0x")
        #check characters for validity?
        for c in bank_piece.replace("x", ""):
            if c not in valid:
                return False
        bank = int(bank_piece, 16)
        #process the offset piece
        if "$" in offset_piece:
            offset_piece = offset_piece.replace("$", "0x")
        #check characters for validity?
        for c in offset_piece.replace("x", ""):
            if c not in valid:
                return False
        if len(offset_piece) == 0:
            return None
        offset = int(offset_piece, 16)
    #filter out blanks/duds
    elif token in ["$", "0x", "x"]:
        return False
    #can't have both "$" and "x" in the number
    elif "$" in token and "x" in token:
        return False
    elif "x" in token and not "0x" in token:  #it should be 0x
        return False
    elif "$" in token and not "x" in token:
        token = token.replace("$", "0x")
        offset = int(token, 16)
    elif "0x" in token and not "$" in token:
        offset = int(token, 16)
    else:  #might just be "1" at this point
        token = token.lower()
        #check if there are bad characters
        for c in token:
            if c not in valid:
                return False
        offset = int(token, 16)
    if offset == None and bank == None:
        return False
    if bank == None:
        bank = calculate_bank(offset)
    returnable["bank"] = bank
    returnable["offset"] = offset
    returnable["address"] = calculate_pointer(offset, bank=bank)
    return True
Example #4
 def test_calculate_bank(self):
     self.failUnless(calculate_bank(0x8000) == 2)
     self.failUnless(calculate_bank("0x9000") == 2)
     self.failUnless(calculate_bank(0) == 0)
     for address in [0x4000, 0x5000, 0x6000, 0x7000]:
         self.assertRaises(Exception, calculate_bank, address)
    def find_addresses():
        """returns a list of text pointers
        useful for testing parse_text_engine_script_at

        Note that this list is not exhaustive. There are some texts that
        are only pointed to from some script that a current script just
        points to. So find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script will
        have to recursively follow through each script to find those.
        .. it does this now :)
        addresses = set()
        # for each map group
        for map_group in map_names:
            # for each map id
            for map_id in map_names[map_group]:
                # skip the offset key
                if map_id == "offset": continue
                # dump this into smap
                smap = map_names[map_group][map_id]
                # signposts
                signposts = smap["signposts"]
                # for each signpost
                for signpost in signposts:
                    if signpost["func"] in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
                        # dump this into script
                        script = signpost["script"]
                    elif signpost["func"] in [05, 06]:
                        script = signpost["script"]
                    else: continue
                    # skip signposts with no bytes
                    if len(script) == 0: continue
                    # find all text pointers in script
                    texts = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script, smap["event_bank"])
                    # dump these addresses in
                # xy triggers
                xy_triggers = smap["xy_triggers"]
                # for each xy trigger
                for xy_trigger in xy_triggers:
                    # dump this into script
                    script = xy_trigger["script"]
                    # find all text pointers in script
                    texts = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script, smap["event_bank"])
                    # dump these addresses in
                # trigger scripts
                triggers = smap["trigger_scripts"]
                # for each trigger
                for (i, trigger) in triggers.items():
                    # dump this into script
                    script = trigger["script"]
                    # find all text pointers in script
                    texts = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script, pointers.calculate_bank(trigger["address"]))
                    # dump these addresses in
                # callback scripts
                callbacks = smap["callback_scripts"]
                # for each callback
                for (k, callback) in callbacks.items():
                    # dump this into script
                    script = callback["script"]
                    # find all text pointers in script
                    texts = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script, pointers.calculate_bank(callback["address"]))
                    # dump these addresses in
                # people-events
                events = smap["people_events"]
                # for each event
                for event in events:
                    if event["event_type"] == "script":
                        # dump this into script
                        script = event["script"]
                        # find all text pointers in script
                        texts = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script, smap["event_bank"])
                        # dump these addresses in
                    if event["event_type"] == "trainer":
                        trainer_data = event["trainer_data"]
                        trainer_bank = pointers.calculate_bank(event["trainer_data_address"])
                        script1 = trainer_data["script_talk_again"]
                        texts1 = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script1, trainer_bank)
                        script2 = trainer_data["script_when_lost"]
                        texts2 = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(script2, trainer_bank)
    def find_addresses():
        """returns a list of text pointers
        useful for testing parse_text_engine_script_at

        Note that this list is not exhaustive. There are some texts that
        are only pointed to from some script that a current script just
        points to. So find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script will
        have to recursively follow through each script to find those.
        .. it does this now :)
        addresses = set()
        # for each map group
        for map_group in map_names:
            # for each map id
            for map_id in map_names[map_group]:
                # skip the offset key
                if map_id == "offset": continue
                # dump this into smap
                smap = map_names[map_group][map_id]
                # signposts
                signposts = smap["signposts"]
                # for each signpost
                for signpost in signposts:
                    if signpost["func"] in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
                        # dump this into script
                        script = signpost["script"]
                    elif signpost["func"] in [05, 06]:
                        script = signpost["script"]
                    # skip signposts with no bytes
                    if len(script) == 0: continue
                    # find all text pointers in script
                    texts = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(
                        script, smap["event_bank"])
                    # dump these addresses in
                # xy triggers
                xy_triggers = smap["xy_triggers"]
                # for each xy trigger
                for xy_trigger in xy_triggers:
                    # dump this into script
                    script = xy_trigger["script"]
                    # find all text pointers in script
                    texts = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(
                        script, smap["event_bank"])
                    # dump these addresses in
                # trigger scripts
                triggers = smap["trigger_scripts"]
                # for each trigger
                for (i, trigger) in triggers.items():
                    # dump this into script
                    script = trigger["script"]
                    # find all text pointers in script
                    texts = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(
                        script, pointers.calculate_bank(trigger["address"]))
                    # dump these addresses in
                # callback scripts
                callbacks = smap["callback_scripts"]
                # for each callback
                for (k, callback) in callbacks.items():
                    # dump this into script
                    script = callback["script"]
                    # find all text pointers in script
                    texts = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(
                        script, pointers.calculate_bank(callback["address"]))
                    # dump these addresses in
                # people-events
                events = smap["people_events"]
                # for each event
                for event in events:
                    if event["event_type"] == "script":
                        # dump this into script
                        script = event["script"]
                        # find all text pointers in script
                        texts = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(
                            script, smap["event_bank"])
                        # dump these addresses in
                    if event["event_type"] == "trainer":
                        trainer_data = event["trainer_data"]
                        trainer_bank = pointers.calculate_bank(
                        script1 = trainer_data["script_talk_again"]
                        texts1 = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(
                            script1, trainer_bank)
                        script2 = trainer_data["script_when_lost"]
                        texts2 = find_all_text_pointers_in_script_engine_script(
                            script2, trainer_bank)