Example #1
    def forward(self, xyz1, xyz2, points1, points2):
            xyz1: Tensor, (B, 3, N)
            xyz2: Tensor, (B, 3, M)
            points1: Tensor, (B, in_channel, N)
            points2: Tensor, (B, in_channel, M)

            new_points: Tensor, (B, mlp[-1], N)
        dist, idx = three_nn(
            xyz1.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous(),
            xyz2.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous())
        dist = torch.clamp_min(dist, 1e-10)  # (B, N, 3)
        recip_dist = 1.0 / dist
        norm = torch.sum(recip_dist, 2, keepdim=True).repeat((1, 1, 3))
        weight = recip_dist / norm
        interpolated_points = three_interpolate(points2, idx,
                                                weight)  # B, in_channel, N

        if self.use_points1:
            new_points = torch.cat([interpolated_points, points1], 1)
            new_points = interpolated_points

        new_points = self.mlp_conv(new_points)
        return new_points
    def forward(self, unknown, known, unknow_feats, known_feats):
        # type: (PointnetFPModule, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor
        unknown : torch.Tensor
            (B, n, 3) tensor of the xyz positions of the unknown features
        known : torch.Tensor
            (B, m, 3) tensor of the xyz positions of the known features
        unknow_feats : torch.Tensor
            (B, C1, n) tensor of the features to be propigated to
        known_feats : torch.Tensor
            (B, C2, m) tensor of features to be propigated

        new_features : torch.Tensor
            (B, mlp[-1], n) tensor of the features of the unknown features

        # known_feats are features at positions specified at known
        # unknow_feats are features at positions specified at unknown
        # unknow_feats features at the positons unknown obtained in the encoder

        # we first interpolate known_feats to interpolated_feats at positions unknown
        # then concat interpolated_feats with unknow_feats to get new_features
        # then new_features is put through a pointnet
        if known is not None:
            dist, idx = pointnet2_utils.three_nn(unknown, known)
            dist_recip = 1.0 / (dist + 1e-8)
            norm = torch.sum(dist_recip, dim=2, keepdim=True)
            weight = dist_recip / norm

            interpolated_feats = pointnet2_utils.three_interpolate(
                known_feats, idx, weight)
            interpolated_feats = known_feats.expand(*(known_feats.size()[0:2] +

        if unknow_feats is not None:
            new_features = torch.cat([interpolated_feats, unknow_feats],
                                     dim=1)  # (B, C2 + C1, n)
            new_features = interpolated_feats

        new_features = new_features.unsqueeze(-1)
        new_features = self.mlp(new_features)

        return new_features.squeeze(-1)
    def forward(self, unknown, known, unknow_feats, known_feats):
        # type: (PointnetFPModule, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor
        unknown : torch.Tensor
            (B, n, 3) tensor of the xyz positions of the unknown features
        known : torch.Tensor
            (B, m, 3) tensor of the xyz positions of the known features
        unknow_feats : torch.Tensor
            (B, C1, n) tensor of the features to be propigated to
        known_feats : torch.Tensor
            (B, C2, m) tensor of features to be propigated

        new_features : torch.Tensor
            (B, mlp[-1], n) tensor of the features of the unknown features

        if known is not None:
            dist, idx = pointnet2_utils.three_nn(unknown, known)
            dist_recip = 1.0 / (dist + 1e-8)
            norm = torch.sum(dist_recip, dim=2, keepdim=True)
            weight = dist_recip / norm

            interpolated_feats = pointnet2_utils.three_interpolate(
                known_feats, idx, weight
            interpolated_feats = known_feats.expand(
                (known_feats.size(0), known_feats.size(1), unknown.size(1))

        if unknow_feats is not None:
            new_features = torch.cat(
                [interpolated_feats, unknow_feats], dim=1
            )  # (B, C2 + C1, n)
            new_features = interpolated_feats

        new_features = new_features.unsqueeze(-1)
        new_features = self.mlp(new_features)

        return new_features.squeeze(-1)