Example #1
def searching_for_ring(vol, sampling, center_point, global_direction, \
    look_for_bifurcation, average_radius, alpha, ring):
    Given a center point and a direction, the algorithm will start by searching
    for points in a certain stent ring using the global direction. By connecting 
    points it will come to a set of nodes. After a certain amount of nodes are 
    found, the algorithm will flip the direction and will search for points in 
    the other direction until the stent ring is defined. The radius is used when
    searching for the bifurcation.        

    #Initially, the bifurcation is not found
    found_bifurcation = False

    #First the initial center point and direction has to be stored in order to
    #flip the direction later
    stored_center_point = center_point
    flipped_global_direction = -1 * global_direction

    #Create pointsets to store points
    node_points_ring = Pointset(5)  #(z,y,x,ring,direction)
    stent_points_ring = Pointset(3)
    center_points_ring = Pointset(3)

    #Expected amount of nodes and returns initial filtered points
    expected_amount_of_nodes, initial_points_in_slice = amount_of_nodes(vol, sampling, \
    center_point, global_direction, look_for_bifurcation)

    #set direction: 1 for along the direction of the stent, -1 for the opposite \
    direction = 1

    #Find and connect points
    center_points, stent_points, node_points, global_direction, found_bifurcation, new_starting_positions, \
    ring = connecting_stent_points(vol, sampling, center_point, global_direction, look_for_bifurcation, \
    average_radius, direction, expected_amount_of_nodes, initial_points_in_slice, found_bifurcation, alpha, ring)

    #Store starting positions, because the direction -1 will remove otherwise.
    if found_bifurcation:
        store_starting_positions = new_starting_positions

    #Add found points to pointsets

    #Store last center point to use as 'jumping' site
    if len(center_points_ring):
        jump_location = center_points_ring[len(center_points_ring) - 1]
        jump_location = stored_center_point
    jump_direction = global_direction

    #Flip direction
    direction = -1

    #Find and connect points for other direction
    center_points, stent_points, node_points, global_direction, found_bifurcation, new_starting_positions, \
    ring = connecting_stent_points(vol, sampling, stored_center_point, flipped_global_direction, \
    look_for_bifurcation, average_radius, direction, expected_amount_of_nodes, \
    initial_points_in_slice, found_bifurcation, alpha, ring)

    if found_bifurcation:
        new_starting_positions = store_starting_positions

    #Add found points to pointsets

    ring = ring + 1

    return node_points_ring, stent_points_ring, center_points_ring, \
    jump_location, jump_direction, found_bifurcation, new_starting_positions, ring
Example #2
def stent_detection(vol, sampling, origin, seed_points):
    This is the function that will be called in order to extract the stent
    from the CT data. 

    #Point set where the final points will be stored. In node, the 4th number
    #indicates the ring number, the 5th indicates the direction where it is found
    node_points_stent = Pointset(5)
    center_points_stent = Pointset(3)
    stent_points_stent = Pointset(3)

    #Initially, the bifurcation is not found
    found_bifurcation = False
    average_radius = []

    #start with ring 1
    ring = 1

    #Weighting factor alpha
    alpha = ssdf._stent_tracking_params.weighting_factor
    distance = ssdf._stent_tracking_params.distance

    #From seed point to seed point except for the last seed point, where the
    #bifurcation needs to be found.
    for i in range(len(seed_points) - 2):

        round = 0

        #Don't look for the bifurcation when not connecting points in the last
        #part of the stent
        look_for_bifurcation = False

        #Get initial center point and direction using the seed points
        center_point, global_direction = initial_center_point(
            vol, seed_points[i], seed_points[i + 1], sampling, origin, alpha)

        #While the center point has not passed the seed point
        while center_point[0] < seed_points[i + 1][0] and round < 10:

            #Find stent, node and center points for a certain stent ring
            node_points_ring, stent_points_ring, center_points_ring, \
            jump_location, jump_direction, found_bifurcation, new_starting_positions, \
            ring = searching_for_ring(vol, sampling, center_point, global_direction,\
            look_for_bifurcation, average_radius, alpha, ring)

            #Set new starting center point inside the new ring
            center_point = jump_location + distance * Point(
                jump_direction[2], jump_direction[1], jump_direction[0])
            global_direction = jump_direction

            #Add points to point sets

            round = round + 1

    #For the last part of the stent where the bifurcation needs to be found
    for i in range(len(seed_points) - 2, len(seed_points) - 1):

        #Reset round to zero
        round = 0

        look_for_bifurcation = True

        center_point, global_direction = initial_center_point(vol, seed_points[i],\
        seed_points[i+1], sampling, origin, alpha)

        #While the bifurcation is not found
        while found_bifurcation == False and round < 10:

            node_points_ring, stent_points_ring, center_points_ring, \
            jump_location, jump_direction, found_bifurcation, new_starting_positions, \
            ring = searching_for_ring(vol, sampling, center_point, global_direction, \
            look_for_bifurcation, average_radius, alpha, ring)

            center_point = jump_location + distance * Point(
                jump_direction[2], jump_direction[1], jump_direction[0])
            global_direction = jump_direction

            #Add points to point sets

            round = round + 1

    #Store new starting positions in another poitset, because algorithm will
    #return [] as new_starting_positions.
    starting_positions = Pointset(3)

    #For the case where there is no bifurcation present
        )  # + distance * Point(jump_direction[2],jump_direction[1],jump_direction[0]))
        )  # + distance * Point(jump_direction[2],jump_direction[1],jump_direction[0]))
    except IndexError:

    alpha = ssdf._stent_tracking_params.weighting_factor_bif

    #Now points after the bifurcation will be found
    for i in range(len(starting_positions)):

        center_point = starting_positions[i]

        look_for_bifurcation = False

        round = 0

        while round < 4:

            node_points_ring, stent_points_ring, center_points_ring, \
            jump_location, jump_direction, found_bifurcation, new_starting_positions, \
            ring = searching_for_ring(vol, sampling, center_point, global_direction, \
            look_for_bifurcation, average_radius, alpha, ring)

            center_point = jump_location + distance * Point(
                jump_direction[2], jump_direction[1], jump_direction[0])
            global_direction = jump_direction

            if 255 < center_point[0]:

            #Add points to point sets

            round = round + 1

    return node_points_stent, center_points_stent, stent_points_stent
Example #3
def connecting_stent_points(vol, sampling, center_point, global_direction, look_for_bifurcation, \
    average_radius, direction, expected_amount_of_nodes, points_in_slice, found_bifurcation, alpha, ring):
    This algorithm uses the earlier stated functions in order to connect points
    and define nodes. 

    #Nodes that are found for the current direction
    node_points_direction = Pointset(3)

    #Other pointsets to store points
    center_points = Pointset(3)
    stent_points = Pointset(3)
    node_points = Pointset(5)

    #Set round to 0 for the case that the amount of nodes criterion is not met.
    round = 0

    new_starting_positions = []

    #connecting points
    while len(node_points_direction) < expected_amount_of_nodes and round < 12:

        #Get slice
        slice, center_point, global_direction, rotation_point, vec1, vec2, \
        center_point_3d_with_radius = centerline_tracking.get_slice(vol, sampling, \
        center_point, global_direction, look_for_bifurcation, alpha)

        #If looking for the bifurcation, check radius
        if look_for_bifurcation and direction == 1:
            if not found_bifurcation:
                average_radius, found_bifurcation, new_starting_positions \
                = check_for_possible_bifurcation(average_radius, center_point_3d_with_radius, \
                rotation_point, found_bifurcation, global_direction)
            new_starting_positions = []

        #Find points
        points_in_next_slice = stentPoints2d.detect_points(slice)

        #Find connecting points. Change not connecting points into virtual points
        connecting_points, virtual_points = find_connecting_points(points_in_slice, \

        #Check if virtual points should be converted into connecting points
        connecting_points, temp_slice = check_virtual_points(virtual_points, \
        connecting_points, center_point, vol, sampling,  global_direction, alpha)

        #Check for nodes
        point_nodes_2d, point_remove = check_for_nodes(connecting_points,

        #If nodes are found, these points should be deleted from the connecting points list
        connecting_points = delete_nodes_from_list(connecting_points,

        #Convert 2d points into 3d points
        connecting_points_3d = convert_2d_point_to_3d_point(center_point, vec1,\
        vec2, connecting_points)
        point_nodes_3d = convert_2d_point_to_3d_point(center_point, vec1, vec2,\

        #Add 3d points to their list
        for i in range(len(point_nodes_3d)):
                Point(point_nodes_3d[i][0], point_nodes_3d[i][1],
                      point_nodes_3d[i][2], ring, direction))

        #Set connecting points as new base points
        points_in_slice = connecting_points

        #Next round
        round = round + 1

        #If there are three nodes found, do first one more run.
        if len(node_points_direction) > 2:
            diff = 10 - round
            if diff > 0:
                round = round + diff

        if round == 12:
            new_nodes = additional_nodes(connecting_points_3d)
            for i in range(len(new_nodes)):
                    Point(new_nodes[i][0], new_nodes[i][1], new_nodes[i][2],
                          ring, direction))

    return center_points, stent_points, node_points, global_direction, found_bifurcation, new_starting_positions, ring