Example #1
def test_maneuver_total_time():
    dt1 = 10.0 * u.s
    dt2 = 100.0 * u.s
    _v = np.zeros(3) * u.km / u.s  # Unused velocity
    expected_total_time = 110.0 * u.s
    man = Maneuver((dt1, _v), (dt2, _v))
    assert_quantity_allclose(man.get_total_time(), expected_total_time)
Example #2
def test_maneuver_raises_error_if_units_are_wrong():
    wrong_dt = 1.0
    _v = np.zeros(3) * u.km / u.s  # Unused velocity
    with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError) as excinfo:
        Maneuver([wrong_dt, _v])
    assert ("UnitsError: Argument 'dts' to function '_initialize' must be in units convertible to 's'."
            in excinfo.exconly())
Example #3
def test_maneuver_raises_error_if_dvs_are_not_vectors():
    dt = 1 * u.s
    wrong_dv = 1 * u.km / u.s
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        Maneuver((dt, wrong_dv))
    assert "ValueError: Delta-V must be three dimensions vectors" in excinfo.exconly(
Example #4
def test_maneuver_total_time():
    dt1 = 10.0 * u.s
    dt2 = 100.0 * u.s
    _v = np.zeros(3) * u.km / u.s  # Unused velocity
    expected_total_time = 110.0 * u.s
    man = Maneuver((dt1, _v), (dt2, _v))
 def _split_burn_to_impulse_list(self, dv):
     split_impulse = dv / self.simulation_ratio
     # applying these maneuvers takes a long time; reduce simulation ratio?
     impulse = []
     for x in range(0, self.simulation_ratio):
         impulse.append((self.simulation_step, split_impulse))
     maneuvers = Maneuver(*impulse)
     return maneuvers
Example #6
def test_maneuver_constructor_raises_error_if_invalid_delta_v():
    dv1 = np.zeros(3) * u.km / u.s
    dv2 = np.ones(2) * u.km / u.s  # Incorrect dv
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            # Different length numpy arrays generate a deprecation warning.
            Maneuver((0 * u.s, dv1), (2 * u.s, dv2))
    assert "Delta-V must be three dimensions vectors" in excinfo.exconly()
Example #7
def Earth_to_Jupiter(delta_v):
	Calculates the manuever and the launch windows from Earth to Jupiter,
	assuming tangential impulsive maneuver from Earth orbit around the Sun


	    'dv' is given with velocity units (u.m/u.s)

	        ss_transfer = trasfer orbit object
		  t = time to the first next launch window
		  T = period between possible launch windows
		  t_transfer = time of transfer from launch to Jupiter arrival
	dv = delta_v * v_Earth_dir

	# Initial transfer orbit calculation (to obtain transfer time)
	man_tmp = Maneuver.impulse(dv)
	transfer = ss_Earth.apply_maneuver(man_tmp)

	# Angles calculation
	# nu_Jupiter: nu of transfer orbit where it crosses Jupiter
	nu_Jupiter = (np.math.acos((transfer.p/R_J - 1)/transfer.ecc)*u.rad)
	ang_vel_Earth = (norm(v_Earth).value / R_E.value)*u.rad/u.s
	ang_vel_Jupiter = (norm(v_Jupiter).value / R_J.value)*u.rad/u.s

	# Transfer time
	M = nu_to_M(nu_Jupiter, transfer.ecc)
	t_transfer = M/transfer.n
	# Delta_nu at launch (Final nu - nu that Jupiter walks during transfer)
	delta_nu_at_launch = nu_Jupiter - ang_vel_Jupiter * t_transfer

	# Angles in radians
	nu_init = angle(r_Earth, r_Jupiter)*u.rad
	# Next launch window in t:
	t = (nu_init - delta_nu_at_launch) / (ang_vel_Earth - ang_vel_Jupiter)
	# Time between windows
	T = (2*np.pi*u.rad) / (ang_vel_Earth - ang_vel_Jupiter)

	# If time to the windows is negative (in the past), we should wait until next window
	while t < 0:
		t = t + T

	# Earth at launch
	ss_Earth_launch = ss_Earth.propagate(t)
	launch_dir = ss_Earth_launch.v / norm(ss_Earth_launch.v)
	dv = delta_v * launch_dir

	# Maneuver calculation
	man = Maneuver((t, dv))
	ss_transfer = ss_Earth.apply_maneuver(man)

	return ss_transfer, t, T, t_transfer
Example #8
def test_apply_maneuver_correct_dimensions():
    orb = Orbit.from_vectors(
        [-22681.58976181, 942.47776988, 0] * u.km,
        [-0.04578917, -0.19408599, 0.0] * u.km / u.s,
        Time("2023-08-30 23:14", scale="tdb"),
    man = Maneuver((1 * u.s, [0.01, 0, 0] * u.km / u.s))

    new_orb = orb.apply_maneuver(man, intermediate=False)

    assert new_orb.r.ndim == 1
    assert new_orb.v.ndim == 1
Example #9
def prograde_maneuver(o: Orbit, dv, delay):
    """ Generates maneuver in the prograde direction.
        dv - expressed as dimensionless float (in m/s)
        delay - delay expressed as u.s (in seconds) """

    if delay is None:
        delay = 0 * u.s

    # If the units used are km rather than m, then we need to shrink the dv value by 3 orders of magnitude
    if o.v[0].unit == u.km / u.s:
        dv /= 1000

    # normalize v
    len = np.linalg.norm(o.v)
    vnorm = o.v / len.value
    v = vnorm * dv

    man = Maneuver((delay, v))

    return man
Example #10
iss_30m = iss.propagate(30 * u.min)

#plot (iss_30m)

earth = Orbit.from_body_ephem(Earth)

earth_30d = earth.propagate(30 * u.day)

from poliastro.maneuver import Maneuver
dv = [5, 0, 0] * u.m / u.s
man = Maneuver.impulse(dv)
man = Maneuver((0 * u.s, dv))

ss_i = Orbit.circular(Earth, alt=700 * u.km)
hoh = Maneuver.hohmann(ss_i, 36000 * u.km)

tuple(val.decompose([u.km, u.s]) for val in hoh[1])

ss_f = ss_i.apply_maneuver(hoh)
Example #11
def plane_change_maneuver(o: Orbit, theta):
    """ Generates inclination change maneuver. This changes the inclination by theta degress.
        o - initial orbit
        theta - expressed in plain float as degrees or as u.deg. This maneuver in general should be
        performed at either ascending or descending node.

        maneuver that can be applied on the initial orbit.

        To perform this calculation, a local coords system is needed. (i,j,k) unit vectors are defined.
        The coords system is oriented as follows:

       j^ (normal vector)
        +---------->    (velocity vector) ----------- orbital plane
       k             i

        (towards viewer = r vector, from Earth center to spacecraft)

        In this coords system, the inclination change is done in i,j plane.

              vf__/  \
             __/      \ dv = vf - v
          __/          \
         /              \

        First we need to calculate the expected final velocity (vf). The get the delta-v vector as
        a difference of vf minus the original velocity.


    # Let's assume the delay is not configurable and the maneuver always takes place immediately.
    delay = 0 * u.s

    if type(theta) == float:
        theta = theta * u.deg

    # Get the v (current velocity) and r (distance from Earth center) as vectors and make both of them dimiensionless
    # Also convert them to km first. We want to get rid of the units, because they complicate the cross product.
    v = o.v.to(u.km / u.s) / u.km * u.s
    r = o.r.to(u.km) / u.km

    # This is a normal vector. It is perpendicular to the plane defined by r (connected Earth center with the object) and
    # v (velocity). This has the right direction.
    normal = np.cross(v, r)
    # Now we need to calculate the right vectors magnitude
    normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal).value

    # Let's get 3 unit vectors and the r,v,n mangitudes (lenghts) expressed as floats
    v_len = np.linalg.norm(v).value
    n_len = np.linalg.norm(normal).value
    r_len = np.linalg.norm(r).value

    # get the unit vectors
    i = v / v_len
    j = normal / n_len
    k = r / r_len

    #print("i=%s" % i)
    #print("j=%s" % j)
    #print("k=%s" % k)

    # final velocity after maneuver
    vf = i * v_len * np.cos(theta) + j * v_len * np.sin(theta)

    #print("vf=%s" % vf)

    # The maneuver dv is a difference between original and final velocity
    dv = vf - v
    dv = dv * u.km / u.s

    # Ok, turn this into maneuver and we're done!
    man = Maneuver((delay, dv))

    return man
Example #12
def change_periapsis(conn: Client, node_ut: float, new_periapsis_alt: float):
    """Execute to change periapsis

    Execute to change periapsis.
    To be simple, burn only horizontal, so it might be not optimal

        conn: kRPC connection
        new_periapsis_alt: new periapsis altitude
        node_ut: schedule burn at specific time, if not specified burn at next apoapsis

        return nothing, return when procedure finished
    vessel = conn.space_center.active_vessel
    attractor = vessel.orbit.body
    reference_frame = attractor.non_rotating_reference_frame

    attractor_surface_radius = (
        vessel.orbit.apoapsis - vessel.orbit.apoapsis_altitude
    new_periapsis = new_periapsis_alt + attractor_surface_radius

    if not vessel.orbit.apoapsis < 0 and new_periapsis >= vessel.orbit.apoapsis:

    krpc_bodies, poliastro_bodies = krpc_poliastro_bodies(conn)

    ut = conn.space_center.ut

    time_to_burn = node_ut - ut
    is_raising = new_periapsis > vessel.orbit.periapsis

    prograde_vector_at_node = prograde_vector_at_ut(
        vessel.orbit, node_ut, reference_frame
    anti_radial_vector_at_node = anti_radial_vector_at_ut(
        vessel.orbit, node_ut, reference_frame
    normal_vector_at_node = normal_vector_at_ut(
        vessel.orbit, node_ut, reference_frame
    horizontal_vector_at_node = horizontal_vector_at_ut(
        vessel.orbit, node_ut, reference_frame
    burn_direction = 1 if is_raising else -1
    burn_vector = burn_direction * horizontal_vector_at_node

    r_i = vessel.position(reference_frame) * AstropyUnit.m
    v_i = vessel.velocity(reference_frame) * AstropyUnit.m / AstropyUnit.s
    ss_i = PoliastroOrbit.from_vectors(
        poliastro_bodies[attractor.name], r_i, v_i

    # get upper bound of deltaV
    min_dv = 0
    max_dv = 0
    if is_raising:
        max_dv = 0.25
        tmp_new_pe = vessel.orbit.periapsis
        while tmp_new_pe < new_periapsis:
            max_dv *= 2
            tmp_burn = max_dv * burn_vector * AstropyUnit.m / AstropyUnit.s
            tmp_maneuver = Maneuver((time_to_burn * AstropyUnit.s, tmp_burn))
            tmp_new_ss = ss_i.apply_maneuver(tmp_maneuver)
            tmp_new_pe = abs(tmp_new_ss.r_p.to(AstropyUnit.m).value)
            if max_dv > 100000:
        # horizontal speed should be max_dv for lowering periapsis
        max_dv = vessel.flight(reference_frame).horizontal_speed

    # binary search
    while max_dv - min_dv > 0.01:
        tmp_dv = (max_dv + min_dv) / 2.0
        tmp_burn = tmp_dv * burn_vector * AstropyUnit.m / AstropyUnit.s
        tmp_maneuver = Maneuver((time_to_burn * AstropyUnit.s, tmp_burn))
        tmp_new_ss = ss_i.apply_maneuver(tmp_maneuver)
        tmp_new_pe = abs(tmp_new_ss.r_p.to(AstropyUnit.m).value)

        if (is_raising and tmp_new_pe > new_periapsis) or (
            not is_raising and tmp_new_pe < new_periapsis
            max_dv = tmp_dv
            min_dv = tmp_dv

    dv_vector = burn_vector * (max_dv + min_dv) / 2.0

    dv_prograde = dot(dv_vector, prograde_vector_at_node) * norm(dv_vector)
    dv_anti_radial = dot(dv_vector, anti_radial_vector_at_node) * norm(
    dv_normal = dot(dv_vector, normal_vector_at_node) * norm(dv_vector)

        node_ut, prograde=dv_prograde, radial=dv_anti_radial, normal=dv_normal

    # TODO: replace this logic to burn for dynamic change periapsis?
    # instead of just executing node, dynamically update direction