Example #1
class Gomoku:
    def __init__(self):
        self.player1 = Policy("X")
        self.AI_Sec = AI("O")
        self.board = Board()
        self.computer = Policy(self.AI_Sec.shape)

# self is object itself (in this case gomoku)
# capitalize objects and classes

    def play(self):
        while True:
            turn_x = input("Player 1 turn x: ")
            turn_y = input("Player 1 turn y: ")

            while not (self.player1.CheckLegal(self.board, int(turn_x),
                print("Please type again")
                turn_x = input("Player 1 turn x: ")
                turn_y = input("Player 1 turn y: ")
            self.player1.MakeMove(self.board, int(turn_x), int(turn_y))

            if self.player1.checkWin(self.board, int(turn_x), int(turn_y)):
                print("Player 1 wins")

        #turn_x = input("Player 2 turn x: ")
        #turn_y = input("Player 2 turn y: ")

        # while not (self.player2.CheckLegal(self.board, int(turn_x), int(turn_y))):
        #turn_x = input("Player 2 turn x: ")
        #turn_y = input("Player 2 turn y: ")
            computerMove = self.AI_Sec.findBestMove(self.board)
            x, y = computerMove[0], computerMove[1]
            self.computer.MakeMove(self.board, x, y)
            if self.computer.checkWin(self.board, x, y):
                print("Computer wins")
Example #2
class TicTacToe:
    def __init__(self):
        self.player1 = Policy("X")
        self.AI_Sec = AI("O")
        self.board = Board()
        self.computer = Policy(self.AI_Sec.computerShape)

    def play(self):
        while True:
            boardStatus = self.board.DrawBoard()
            turn_x = input("Player 1 turn x: ")
            turn_y = input("Player 1 turn y: ")

            while not (self.player1.CheckLegal(self.board, int(turn_x),
                print("Please type again")
                turn_x = input("Player 1 turn x: ")
                turn_y = input("Player 1 turn y: ")
            self.player1.MakeMove(self.board, int(turn_x), int(turn_y))

            if self.player1.checkWin(self.board, int(turn_x), int(turn_y)):
                print("Player 1 wins")

            computerMove = self.AI_Sec.findBestMove(self.board)
            x, y = computerMove[0], computerMove[1]
            print("The x-cord: " + str(x))
            print("The y-cord: " + str(y))
            self.computer.MakeMove(self.board, x, y)
            if self.computer.checkWin(self.board, x, y):
                print("Computer wins")

            if self.board.isFull():
Example #3
class AI:
    def __init__(self, Computer):
        self.shape = Computer
        self.computer = Policy(self.shape)

    def Opponent(self):
        if self.shape == "X":
            return "O"
        return "X"

    # Check if there is any spaces left on board
    def moveLeft(self, board):
        for i in range(15):
            for j in range(15):
                if board.config[i][j] == 0:
                    return True

        return False

    # Check if the maxPlayer or minPlayer win or not
    def Evaluate(self, board, maxPlayer, x, y):
        if maxPlayer:
            if self.computer.checkWin(board, x, y):
                return 10
            if self.computer.checkWin(board, x, y):
                return -10

        return 0

    def MiniMax(self, board, depth, maxPlayer, x, y):
        score = self.Evaluate(board, maxPlayer, x, y)
        # print(score)

        if score == 10:
            # print("The maxPlayer has won")  # checking cast if the computer won
            return score - depth
        elif score == -10:
            # checking the cast if the player won
            #print("The minPlayer has won")
            return score + depth

        if self.moveLeft(board):  #
            #print("The board is full")
            return 0

        if maxPlayer:
            best = -1000000
            for x in range(15):
                for y in range(15):
                    # if board.config[x][y] == 0:
                    if self.computer.CheckLegal(board, x, y):
                        board.config[x][y] = self.shape
                        score = self.MiniMax(
                            board, depth + 1, not(maxPlayer), x, y)
                        if score > best:
                            best = score
                    board.config[x][y] = 0
            return best

            best = 10000000
            for i in range(15):
                for j in range(15):
                    # if board.config[i][j] == 0:
                    if self.computer.CheckLegal(board, x, y):
                        board.config[i][j] = self.Opponent()
                        score = self.MiniMax(
                            board, depth + 1, not(maxPlayer), i, j)
                        if score < best:
                            best = score
                    board.config[i][j] = 0
            return best

    # Finding the best move
    def findBestMove(self, board):
        bestVal = -10000
        bestCol = -1
        bestRow = -1

        for x in range(15):
            for y in range(15):
                currentVal = self.MiniMax(board, 0, True, x, y)
                if currentVal > bestVal:
                    bestVal = currentVal
                    bestRow = x
                    bestCol = y
        #print("the best value: " + str(bestVal))
        #print("computer choose the row: " + str(bestRow))
        #print("computer choose the column: " + str(bestCol))

        return [bestRow, bestCol]
    # Computer makes a move

    def computerMove(self, board):
        move = self.findBestMove(board)
        x, y = move[0], move[1]

    # Check if the computer win
    def isWin(self, board, x, y):
        return self.computer.checkWin(board, x, y)