Example #1
    def _getRequest(self, belief, array_slot_summary):

        # This is added for confreq.
        need_grounding = SummaryUtils.getTopBeliefs(
            belief, 0.8, domainString=self.domainString)

        for slot in Ontology.global_ontology.get_sorted_system_requestable_slots(
            summary = array_slot_summary[slot]
            (_, topprob) = summary['TOPHYPS'][0]
            #(_, secprob) = summary['TOPHYPS'][1]

            if topprob < 0.8:
                # Add implicit confirmation (for confreq.)
                grounding_slots = copy.deepcopy(need_grounding)
                if slot in grounding_slots:
                    del grounding_slots[slot]

                grounding_result = []
                for grounding_slot in grounding_slots:
                    if len(grounding_result) < 3:
                        (value, _) = grounding_slots[grounding_slot]
                        #(value, prob) = grounding_slots[grounding_slot]
                        grounding_result.append('%s="%s"' %
                                                (grounding_slot, value))

                if not grounding_result or not self.use_confreq:
                    return True, 'request(%s)' % slot
                    return True, 'confreq(' + ','.join(
                        grounding_result) + ',%s)' % slot

        return False, 'null()'
Example #2
def getInformAction(numAccepted, belief, domainString):
    '''**Method for global inform action:** returns inform act via getInformExactEntity() method \
            or null() if not enough accepted 
    :param belief: full belief state
    :type belief: dict
    :param numAccepted: number of slots with prob. mass > 80
    :type numAccepted: int
    :param domainString: domain tag
    :type domainString: str
    :returns: getInformExactEntity(acceptanceList,numAccepted)

    acceptanceList = SummaryUtils.getTopBeliefs(belief, domainString=domainString) # dict containing the slots with top values diferent to **NONE** and their top values
    if numAccepted > len(acceptanceList): # ic340: When would this happen?
        return 'null()'

    return getInformExactEntity(acceptanceList, numAccepted, domainString)
Example #3
def add_venue_count(input, belief, domainString):
    '''Add venue count.

    :param input: String input act.
    :param belief: Belief state
    :param domainString: domain tag like 'SFHotels'
    :type domainString: str
    :returns: act with venue count.
    acceptanceList = SummaryUtils.getTopBeliefs(belief, domainString)
    accepted_slots = {}
    for i, slot in enumerate(acceptanceList):
        (topvalue, topbelief) = acceptanceList[slot]
        if topvalue != 'dontcare':
            accepted_slots[slot] = topvalue

    count = Ontology.global_ontology.get_length_entity_by_features(domainString, accepted_slots)
    input_act = DiaAct.DiaAct(input)
    if input_act.act == 'confreq':
        if count > 1:
            output = copy.deepcopy(input_act)
            for slot in accepted_slots:
                val = accepted_slots[slot]
                if not input_act.contains(slot, val):
                    output.append_front(slot, val)

            output.append_front('count', str(count))
            return str(output)
    #     else:
    #         logger.warning('accepted slots: ' + str(accepted_slots))
    #         logger.error('badact in add_venue_count: input=%s, count=%d' % (input, count))
    #         return 'badact()'
    # elif count <=1 and len(accepted_slots) > 0 and input_act.act in ['confirm', 'request', 'select']:
    #     logger.warning('accepted slots: ' + str(accepted_slots))
    #     logger.error('badact in add_venue_count: input=%s, count=%d' % (input, count))
    #     return 'badact()'
    return input
Example #4
    def getNonExecutable(self, belief, lastSystemAction):
        Set of rules defining the mask over the action set, given the current belief state
        :param belief: the current master belief
        :type belief: dict
        :param lastSystemAction: the system action of the previous turn
        :type lastSystemAction: string
        :return: list of non-executable (masked) actions

        array_slot_summary = SummaryUtils.arraySlotSummary(belief, self.domainString)
        array_slot_summary_rel = SummaryUtilsRel.arraySlotSummaryRel(belief, self.domainString)
        global_summary = SummaryUtils.globalSummary(belief, self.domainString)
        if global_summary['GLOBAL_BYALTERNATIVES'] and not global_summary['GLOBAL_THANKYOU'] and not global_summary['GLOBAL_ACK']:
            self.alternatives_requested = True

        nonexec = ['pass']

        for action in self.action_names:
            mask_action = False
            if 'rel' in action:
                if "request_" in action:
#                     pass
#                     if mask_action and self.request_mask:
#                         nonexec.append(action)
                elif "select_" in action:
                    slot_summary = array_slot_summary_rel['_'.join(action.split('_')[2:])]
                    top_prob = slot_summary['TOPHYPS'][0][1]
                    sec_prob = slot_summary['TOPHYPS'][1][1]
                    if top_prob == 0 or sec_prob == 0:
                        mask_action = True
                    if mask_action and self.request_mask:
                elif "confirm_" in action:
                    slot_summary = array_slot_summary_rel['_'.join(action.split('_')[2:])]
                    top_prob = slot_summary['TOPHYPS'][0][1]
                    if top_prob == 0:
                        mask_action = True
                    if mask_action and self.request_mask:
                if action == "inform":
                    acceptance_list = SummaryUtils.getTopBeliefs(belief, domainString=self.domainString)
                    discriminable = SummaryUtils.acceptanceListCanBeDiscriminated(acceptance_list,
                    if not global_summary['GLOBAL_BYCONSTRAINTS']:
                        mask_action = True
                    if global_summary['GLOBAL_COUNTACCEPTED'] < self.inform_count_accepted and discriminable:
                        mask_action = True
                    if mask_action and self.inform_mask:
                elif action == "inform_byname":
                    if not global_summary['GLOBAL_BYNAME']:
                        mask_action = True
                    if belief['features']['lastInformedVenue'] == '' \
                            and SummaryUtils.getTopBelief(belief['beliefs']['name'])[0] == '**NONE**' :
                        mask_action = True
                    if mask_action and self.inform_mask:
                elif action == "inform_alternatives":
                    if not self.alternatives_requested:
                        mask_action = True
                    if belief['features']['lastInformedVenue'] == '':
                        mask_action = True
                    if mask_action and self.inform_mask:
                elif action == "bye":
                    if not global_summary['GLOBAL_FINISHED']:
                        mask_action = True
                    if mask_action and self.bye_mask:
                elif action == "repeat":
                    if not global_summary['GLOBAL_REPEAT'] or lastSystemAction is None:
                        mask_action = True
                    mask_action = True  # ic340: this action is "deactivated" because simuser doesnt know how to react to it
                    if mask_action:
                elif action == "reqmore":
                    if belief['features']['lastInformedVenue'] == '':
                        mask_action = True
                    if mask_action and self.request_mask:
                elif action == "restart":
                    if not global_summary['GLOBAL_RESTART']:
                        mask_action = True
                    mask_action = True  # ic340: this action is "deactivated" because simuser doesnt know how to react to it
                    if mask_action:
                elif "request_" in action:
                    if mask_action and self.request_mask:
                elif "select_" in action:
                    slot_summary = array_slot_summary[action.split("_")[1]]
                    top_prob = slot_summary['TOPHYPS'][0][1]
                    sec_prob = slot_summary['TOPHYPS'][1][1]
                    if top_prob == 0 or sec_prob == 0:
                        mask_action = True
                    if mask_action and self.request_mask:
                elif "confirm_" in action:
                    slot_summary = array_slot_summary[action.split("_")[1]]
                    top_prob = slot_summary['TOPHYPS'][0][1]
                    if top_prob == 0:
                        mask_action = True
                    if mask_action and self.request_mask:
                elif "confreq_" in action:
                    slot_summary = array_slot_summary[action.split("_")[1]]
                    top_prob = slot_summary['TOPHYPS'][0][1]
                    if top_prob == 0:
                        mask_action = True
                    if mask_action and self.request_mask:

        logger.dial('masked inform actions:' + str([act for act in nonexec if 'inform' in act]))
        return nonexec
Example #5
def getGlobalAction(belief, globalact, domainString):
    '''**Method for global action:** returns action 

    :param belief: full belief state
    :type belief: dict
    :param globalact: - str of globalActionName, e.g. 'INFORM_REQUESTED'
    :type globalact: int
    :param domainString: domain tag
    :type domainString: str
    :returns: (str) action

    # First get the name for the name goal.
    topvalue, topbelief = SummaryUtils.getTopBelief(belief['beliefs']['name'])
    toptwo, _ = SummaryUtils.getTopBeliefsExcludingNone(belief['beliefs']['name'])
    if topvalue == '**NONE**' or topvalue == 'dontcare' or topbelief < 0.8:
        topnamevalue = ''
        topnamevalue = toptwo[0][0]

    lastInformedVenue = belief['features']['lastInformedVenue']
    informedVenueSinceNone = belief['features']['informedVenueSinceNone']
    acceptanceList = SummaryUtils.getTopBeliefs(belief, domainString=domainString)
    inform_threshold = 0
    if Settings.config.has_option("policy", "informthreshold"):
        inform_threshold = float(Settings.config.get('policy','informthreshold'))
    if inform_threshold > 0:
        acceptanceList80 = SummaryUtils.getTopBeliefs(belief, inform_threshold, domainString=domainString)
        acceptanceList80 = acceptanceList
    requestedSlots = SummaryUtils.getRequestedSlots(belief)

    # logger.debug('topnamevalue = %s, lastInformedVenue = %s' % (topnamevalue, lastInformedVenue))
    if topnamevalue == '' and lastInformedVenue != '':
        # logger.debug('topnamevalue is None, but copy lastInformedVenue')
        topnamevalue = lastInformedVenue

    if globalact == 'INFORM_REQUESTED':
        if topnamevalue != '':
            return _getInformRequestedSlots(acceptanceList80, requestedSlots, topnamevalue, domainString)
            return _getInformRequestedSlots(acceptanceList80, requestedSlots, 'none', domainString)
    elif globalact == 'INFORM_ALTERNATIVES':
        #if lastInformedVenue == '':
        #    print 'Cant inform alternatives no last informed venue'
        #    return 'null()'
        return _getInformAlternativeEntities(acceptanceList, acceptanceList80, informedVenueSinceNone, domainString)
    elif globalact == 'INFORM_MORE': #ic340: is this ever used?
        if len(informedVenueSinceNone) > 0 and topnamevalue != '':
            return _getInformMoreEntity(topnamevalue, domainString)
            return _getInformMoreEntity('none', domainString)
    elif globalact == 'INFORM_BYNAME':
        return _getInformAlternativeEntities(acceptanceList, acceptanceList80, [], domainString)
    elif globalact == 'INFORM_REPEAT':
        return 'null()'
    elif globalact == 'REQMORE':
        if lastInformedVenue != '':
            return 'reqmore()'
            return 'null()'
    elif globalact == 'BYE':
        return 'bye()'
    elif globalact == 'RESTART':
        return 'null()'
        logger.warning('Invalid global summary action name: ' + globalact)
        return 'null()'