Example #1
def getReviewScoreInfo(inputFile):
	data format:
	review ID | field ID | score
	File has header

	e.g. 1,1,3 - score (can be negative)
	     1,2,5 - confidence
	     1,3,no - recommended
	parsedResult = {}
	parsedCSV = parseCSVFile(inputFile)
	headers = parsedCSV[:1][0]
	schema = ['review #', 'field #', 'score']
	schemaIndex = [headers.index(header) for header in schema]

	lines = parsedCSV[1:]
	lines = [ele for ele in lines if ele]
	scores = []
	confidences = []
	isRecommended = []

	scores = [int(line[2]) for line in lines if int(line[1]) == 1]
	confidences = [int(line[2]) for line in lines if int(line[1]) == 2]
	isRecommended = [str(line[2]).replace("\r", "") for line in lines if int(line[1]) == 3]

	parsedResult['yesPercentage'] = float(isRecommended.count('yes')) / len(isRecommended)
	parsedResult['meanScore'] = sum(scores) / float(len(scores))
	parsedResult['meanConfidence'] = sum(confidences) / float(len(confidences))
	parsedResult['totalReview'] = len(confidences)

	return {'infoType': 'reviewScore', 'infoData': parsedResult}
Example #2
def getAuthorInfo(inputFile):
	author.csv: header row, author names with affiliations, countries, emails
	data format:
	submission ID | f name | s name | email | country | affiliation | page | person ID | corresponding?
	parsedResult = {}

	parsedCSV = parseCSVFile(inputFile)
	headers = parsedCSV[:1][0]
	schema = ['submission #', 'first name', 'last name', 'email', 'country', 'organization', 'Web page', 'person #', 'corresponding?']
	schemaIndex = [headers.index(header) for header in schema]
	lines = parsedCSV[1:]
	lines = [ele for ele in lines if ele]

	authorList = []
	authorModels = []
	for authorInfo in lines:
		authorList.append({'name': authorInfo[schemaIndex[1]] + " " + authorInfo[schemaIndex[2]], 'country': authorInfo[schemaIndex[4]], 'affiliation': authorInfo[schemaIndex[5]]})
		authorModels.append(Author(submission = Submission.objects.filter(submission_no= int(authorInfo[schemaIndex[0]])).first(), name = authorInfo[schemaIndex[1]] + " " + authorInfo[schemaIndex[2]], country = authorInfo[schemaIndex[4]], organisation = authorInfo[schemaIndex[5]]))

	authors = [ele['name'] for ele in authorList if ele] # adding in the if ele in case of empty strings; same applies below
	topAuthors = Counter(authors).most_common(10)
	parsedResult['topAuthors'] = {'labels': [ele[0] for ele in topAuthors], 'data': [ele[1] for ele in topAuthors]}

	countries = [ele['country'] for ele in authorList if ele]
	topCountries = Counter(countries).most_common(10)
	parsedResult['topCountries'] = {'labels': [ele[0] for ele in topCountries], 'data': [ele[1] for ele in topCountries]}

	affiliations = [ele['affiliation'] for ele in authorList if ele]
	topAffiliations = Counter(affiliations).most_common(10)
	parsedResult['topAffiliations'] = {'labels': [ele[0] for ele in topAffiliations], 'data': [ele[1] for ele in topAffiliations]}

	topAuthorInCountry ={}
	for country in countries:
		myAuthorInCountry = [ele['name'] for ele in authorList if ele['country'] == country]
		myAuthorInCountry = Counter(myAuthorInCountry).most_common(10)
		topAuthorInCountry[country] = {'labels': [ele[0] for ele in myAuthorInCountry], 'data': [ele[1] for ele in myAuthorInCountry]}
	parsedResult['topAuthorInCountry'] = topAuthorInCountry

	return {'infoType': 'author', 'infoData': parsedResult}
Example #3
def getReviewInfo(inputFile):
	data format: 
	review ID | paper ID? | reviewer ID | reviewer name | unknown | text | scores | overall score | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | date | time | recommend?
	File has NO header

	score calculation principles:
	Weighted Average of the scores, using reviewer's confidence as the weights

	recommended principles:
	Yes: 1; No: 0; weighted average of the 1 and 0's, also using reviewer's confidence as the weights

	parsedResult = {}
	parsedCSV = parseCSVFile(inputFile)
	headers = parsedCSV[:1][0]
	schema = ['review ID', 'paper ID', 'reviewer ID', 'reviewer name', 'unknown', 'text', 'scores', 'overall score', 'unknown', 'unknown', 'unknown', 'unknown', 'date', 'time','recommend']
	schemaIndex = [headers.index(header) for header in schema]
	lines = parsedCSV[1:]
	lines = [ele for ele in lines if ele]
	evaluation = [str(line[schemaIndex[6]]).replace("\r", "") for line in lines]
	submissionIDs = set([str(line[schemaIndex[1]]) for line in lines])
	reviewerName = [line[schemaIndex[3]] for line in lines ]
	topReviewer = Counter(reviewerName).most_common(10)

	scoreList = []
	recommendList = []
	confidenceList = []

	submissionIDReviewMap = {}

	# Idea: from -3 to 3 (min to max scores possible), every 0.25 will be a gap
	scoreDistributionCounts = [0] * int((3 + 3) / 0.25)
	recommendDistributionCounts = [0] * int((1 - 0) / 0.1)

	scoreDistributionLabels = [" ~ "] * len(scoreDistributionCounts)
	recommendDistributionLabels = [" ~ "] * len(recommendDistributionCounts)

	for index, col in enumerate(scoreDistributionCounts):
		scoreDistributionLabels[index] = str(-3 + 0.25 * index) + " ~ " + str(-3 + 0.25 * index + 0.25)

	for index, col in enumerate(recommendDistributionCounts):
		recommendDistributionLabels[index] = str(0 + 0.1 * index) + " ~ " + str(0 + 0.1 * index + 0.1)

	for submissionID in submissionIDs:
		reviews = [str(line[schemaIndex[6]]).replace("\r", "") for line in lines if str(line[schemaIndex[1]]) == submissionID]
		# print reviews
		confidences = [float(review.split("\n")[1].split(": ")[1]) for review in reviews]
		scores = [float(review.split("\n")[0].split(": ")[1]) for review in reviews]

		confidenceList.append(sum(confidences) / len(confidences))
		# recommends = [1.0 for review in reviews if review.split("\n")[2].split(": ")[1] == "yes" else 0.0]
			recommends = map(lambda review: 1.0 if review.split("\n")[2].split(": ")[1] == "yes" else 0.0, reviews)
			recommends = [0.0 for n in range(len(reviews))]
		weightedScore = sum(x * y for x, y in zip(scores, confidences)) / sum(confidences)
		weightedRecommend = sum(x * y for x, y in zip(recommends, confidences)) / sum(confidences)

		scoreColumn = min(int((weightedScore + 3) / 0.25), 23)
		recommendColumn = min(int((weightedRecommend) / 0.1), 9)
		scoreDistributionCounts[scoreColumn] += 1
		recommendDistributionCounts[recommendColumn] += 1
		submissionIDReviewMap[submissionID] = {'score': weightedScore, 'recommend': weightedRecommend}

	topExperts = {}
	topTen = []
	topTenCount =[]

	for line in lines:
		if line[3] not in topExperts:
			topExperts[str(line[schemaIndex[3]])] = [1, int(line[schemaIndex[4]])]
			topExperts[str(line[schemaIndex[3]])] = [topExperts[str(line[schemaIndex[3]])][0]+1,topExperts[str(line[schemaIndex[3]])][1]+int(line[schemaIndex[4]])]

	topExpertsArr = []
	for name, value in topExperts.items():
		topExpertsArr.append([name, value[0], round(value[1] * 1.0 / value[0] * 1.0, 1)])
	def takeThird(elem):
		return elem[2]
	topExpertsArr.sort(key=takeThird, reverse = True)
	topTen = [ele[0] for ele in topExpertsArr[:10]]
	topTenCount = [ele[1] for ele in topExpertsArr[:10]]
	topTenAverage = [ele[2] for ele in topExpertsArr[:10]]

	parsedResult['IDReviewMap'] = submissionIDReviewMap
	parsedResult['scoreList'] = scoreList
	parsedResult['meanScore'] = sum(scoreList) / len(scoreList)
	parsedResult['meanRecommend'] = sum(recommendList) / len(recommendList)
	parsedResult['meanConfidence'] = sum(confidenceList) / len(confidenceList)
	parsedResult['recommendList'] = recommendList
	parsedResult['scoreDistribution'] = {'labels': scoreDistributionLabels, 'counts': scoreDistributionCounts}
	parsedResult['recommendDistribution'] = {'labels': recommendDistributionLabels, 'counts': recommendDistributionCounts}
	parsedResult['topReviewers'] = {'labels': [ele[0] for ele in topReviewer], 'data': [ele[1] for ele in topReviewer]}
	parsedResult['topExperts'] = {'labels': topTen, 'counts': topTenCount, 'averages': topTenAverage}
	return {'infoType': 'review', 'infoData': parsedResult}
Example #4
def getSubmissionInfo(inputFile):
	data format: 
	submission ID | track ID | track name | title | authors | submit time | last update time | form fields | keywords | decision | notified | reviews sent | abstract
	File has header
	parsedResult = {}
	parsedCSV = parseCSVFile(inputFile)
	headers = parsedCSV[:1][0]
	schema = ['#', 'track #', 'track name', 'title', 'authors', 'submitted', 'last updated', 'form fields', 'keywords', 'decision', 'notified', 'reviews sent', 'abstract']
	schemaIndex = [headers.index(header) for header in schema]
	lines = parsedCSV[1:]
	lines = [ele for ele in lines if ele]

	submissionModels = []
	for submissionInfo in lines:
	  submissionModels.append(Submission(submission_no = int(submissionInfo[schemaIndex[0]]), track_no = int(submissionInfo[schemaIndex[1]]),decision = submissionInfo[schemaIndex[9]]))

	acceptedAffiliations = [a.organisation for a in Author.objects.filter(submission__decision = 'accept')]
	topAcceptedAffiliations = Counter(acceptedAffiliations).most_common(10)
	topAcceptedAffiliations = {'names': [ele[0] for ele in topAcceptedAffiliations], 'counts': [ele[1] for ele in topAcceptedAffiliations]}
	acceptedSubmission = [line for line in lines if str(line[schemaIndex[9]]) == 'accept']
	rejectedSubmission = [line for line in lines if str(line[schemaIndex[9]]) == 'reject']
	trackName = [line[schemaIndex[2]] for line in lines ]

	acceptanceRate = float(len(acceptedSubmission)) / len(lines)

	submissionTimes = [parseSubmissionTime(str(ele[schemaIndex[5]])) for ele in lines]
	lastEditTimes = [parseSubmissionTime(str(ele[schemaIndex[6]])) for ele in lines]
	submissionTimes = Counter(submissionTimes)
	lastEditTimes = Counter(lastEditTimes)
	timeStamps = sorted([k for k in submissionTimes])
	lastEditStamps = sorted([k for k in lastEditTimes])
	submittedNumber = [0 for n in range(len(timeStamps))]
	lastEditNumber = [0 for n in range(len(lastEditStamps))]
	timeSeries = []
	lastEditSeries = []
	for index, timeStamp in enumerate(timeStamps):
		if index == 0:
			submittedNumber[index] = submissionTimes[timeStamp]
			submittedNumber[index] = submissionTimes[timeStamp] + submittedNumber[index - 1]

		timeSeries.append({'x': timeStamp, 'y': submittedNumber[index]})

	for index, lastEditStamp in enumerate(lastEditStamps):
		if index == 0:
			lastEditNumber[index] = lastEditTimes[lastEditStamp]
			lastEditNumber[index] = lastEditTimes[lastEditStamp] + lastEditNumber[index - 1]

		lastEditSeries.append({'x': lastEditStamp, 'y': lastEditNumber[index]})

	# timeSeries = {'time': timeStamps, 'number': submittedNumber}
	# lastEditSeries = {'time': lastEditStamps, 'number': lastEditNumber}

	acceptedKeywords = [str(ele[8]).lower().replace("\r", "").split("\n") for ele in acceptedSubmission]
	acceptedKeywords = [ele for item in acceptedKeywords for ele in item]
	acceptedKeywordMap = {k : v for k, v in Counter(acceptedKeywords).iteritems()}
	# acceptedKeywordList = [[ele[0], ele[1]] for ele in Counter(acceptedKeywords).most_common(20)]
	acceptedKeywordList = {'names': [ele[0] for ele in Counter(acceptedKeywords).most_common(20)], 'counts': [ele[1] for ele in Counter(acceptedKeywords).most_common(20)]}

	rejectedKeywords = [str(ele[8]).lower().replace("\r", "").split("\n") for ele in rejectedSubmission]
	rejectedKeywords = [ele for item in rejectedKeywords for ele in item]
	rejectedKeywordMap = {k : v for k, v in Counter(rejectedKeywords).iteritems()}
	rejectedKeywordList = [[ele[0], ele[1]] for ele in Counter(rejectedKeywords).most_common(20)]

	allKeywords = [str(ele[schemaIndex[8]]).lower().replace("\r", "").split("\n") for ele in lines]
	allKeywords = [ele for item in allKeywords for ele in item]
	allKeywordMap = {'names': [ele[0] for ele in Counter(allKeywords).most_common(20)], 'counts': [ele[1] for ele in Counter(allKeywords).most_common(20)]}
	# allKeywordList = [[ele[0], ele[1]] for ele in Counter(allKeywords).most_common(20)]
	allKeywordList = {'names': [ele[0] for ele in Counter(allKeywords).most_common(20)], 'counts': [ele[1] for ele in Counter(allKeywords).most_common(20)]}

	tracks = set([str(ele[schemaIndex[2]]) for ele in lines])
	paperGroupsByTrack = {track : [line for line in lines if str(line[schemaIndex[2]]) == track] for track in tracks}
	keywordsGroupByTrack = {}
	acceptanceRateByTrack = {}
	comparableAcceptanceRate = {}
	topAuthorsByTrack = {}

	# Obtained from the JCDL.org website: past conferences
	comparableAcceptanceRate['year'] = [2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018]
	comparableAcceptanceRate['Full Papers'] = [0.29, 0.28, 0.27, 0.29, 0.29, 0.30, 0.29, 0.30]
	comparableAcceptanceRate['Short Papers'] = [0.29, 0.37, 0.31, 0.31, 0.32, 0.50, 0.35, 0.32]
	for track, papers in paperGroupsByTrack.iteritems():
		keywords = [str(ele[8]).lower().replace("\r", "").split("\n") for ele in papers]
		keywords = [ele for item in keywords for ele in item]
		# keywordMap = {k : v for k, v in Counter(keywords).iteritems()}
		keywordMap = [[ele[0], ele[1]] for ele in Counter(keywords).most_common(20)]
		keywordsGroupByTrack[track] = {'names': [ele[0] for ele in Counter(keywords).most_common(20)], 'counts': [ele[1] for ele in Counter(keywords).most_common(20)]}

		acceptedPapersPerTrack = [ele for ele in papers if str(ele[9]) == 'accept']
		acceptanceRateByTrack[track] = float(len(acceptedPapersPerTrack)) / len(papers)

		acceptedPapersThisTrack = [paper for paper in papers if str(paper[9]) == 'accept']
		acceptedAuthorsThisTrack = [str(ele[4]).replace(" and ", ", ").split(", ") for ele in acceptedPapersThisTrack]
		acceptedAuthorsThisTrack = [ele for item in acceptedAuthorsThisTrack for ele in item]
		topAcceptedAuthorsThisTrack = Counter(acceptedAuthorsThisTrack).most_common(10)
		topAuthorsByTrack[track] = {'names': [ele[0] for ele in topAcceptedAuthorsThisTrack], 'counts': [ele[1] for ele in topAcceptedAuthorsThisTrack]}

		if track == "Full Papers" or track == "Short Papers":
			comparableAcceptanceRate[track].append(float(len(acceptedPapersPerTrack)) / len(papers))

	acceptedAuthors = [str(ele[4]).replace(" and ", ", ").split(", ") for ele in acceptedSubmission]
	acceptedAuthors = [ele for item in acceptedAuthors for ele in item]
	topAcceptedAuthors = Counter(acceptedAuthors).most_common(10)
	topAcceptedAuthorsMap = {'names': [ele[0] for ele in topAcceptedAuthors], 'counts': [ele[1] for ele in topAcceptedAuthors]}
	# topAcceptedAuthors = {ele[0] : ele[1] for ele in Counter(acceptedAuthors).most_common(10)}
   	topTrack = Counter(trackName).most_common(8)
	parsedResult['acceptanceRate'] = acceptanceRate
	parsedResult['overallKeywordMap'] = allKeywordMap
	parsedResult['overallKeywordList'] = allKeywordList
	parsedResult['acceptedKeywordMap'] = acceptedKeywordMap
	parsedResult['acceptedKeywordList'] = acceptedKeywordList
	parsedResult['rejectedKeywordMap'] = rejectedKeywordMap
	parsedResult['rejectedKeywordList'] = rejectedKeywordList
	parsedResult['keywordsByTrack'] = keywordsGroupByTrack
	parsedResult['acceptanceRateByTrack'] = acceptanceRateByTrack
	parsedResult['topAcceptedAuthors'] = topAcceptedAuthorsMap
	parsedResult['topAuthorsByTrack'] = topAuthorsByTrack
	parsedResult['timeSeries'] = timeSeries
	parsedResult['lastEditSeries'] = lastEditSeries
	parsedResult['comparableAcceptanceRate'] = comparableAcceptanceRate
	parsedResult['topTracks'] = {'labels': [ele[0] for ele in topTrack], 'data': [ele[1] for ele in topTrack]}
	parsedResult['topAcceptedAffiliations'] = topAcceptedAffiliations

	# parsedResult['myAllKeywords'] = myAllKeywordsMap

	return {'infoType': 'submission', 'infoData': parsedResult}
Example #5
	acceptedAuthors = [str(ele[4]).replace(" and ", ", ").split(", ") for ele in acceptedSubmission]
	acceptedAuthors = [ele for item in acceptedAuthors for ele in item]
	topAcceptedAuthors = Counter(acceptedAuthors).most_common(10)
	topAcceptedAuthorsMap = {'names': [ele[0] for ele in topAcceptedAuthors], 'counts': [ele[1] for ele in topAcceptedAuthors]}
	# topAcceptedAuthors = {ele[0] : ele[1] for ele in Counter(acceptedAuthors).most_common(10)}
   	topTrack = Counter(trackName).most_common(8)
	parsedResult['acceptanceRate'] = acceptanceRate
	parsedResult['overallKeywordMap'] = allKeywordMap
	parsedResult['overallKeywordList'] = allKeywordList
	parsedResult['acceptedKeywordMap'] = acceptedKeywordMap
	parsedResult['acceptedKeywordList'] = acceptedKeywordList
	parsedResult['rejectedKeywordMap'] = rejectedKeywordMap
	parsedResult['rejectedKeywordList'] = rejectedKeywordList
	parsedResult['keywordsByTrack'] = keywordsGroupByTrack
	parsedResult['acceptanceRateByTrack'] = acceptanceRateByTrack
	parsedResult['topAcceptedAuthors'] = topAcceptedAuthorsMap
	parsedResult['topAuthorsByTrack'] = topAuthorsByTrack
	parsedResult['timeSeries'] = timeSeries
	parsedResult['lastEditSeries'] = lastEditSeries
	parsedResult['comparableAcceptanceRate'] = comparableAcceptanceRate
	parsedResult['topTracks'] = {'labels': [ele[0] for ele in topTrack], 'data': [ele[1] for ele in topTrack]}
	parsedResult['topAcceptedAffiliations'] = topAcceptedAffiliations

	# parsedResult['myAllKeywords'] = myAllKeywordsMap

	return {'infoType': 'submission', 'infoData': parsedResult}

if __name__ == "__main__":