Example #1
def intersect(i, j, **gb_opts):
    This functions intersects two ideals. The first ring variable is used as helper variable for this
    intersection. It is assumed, that it doesn't occur in the ideals, and that we have an elimination ordering
    for this variables. Both assumptions are checked.
    >>> from polybori.frontend import declare_ring
    >>> from polybori import Block
    >>> r=declare_ring(Block("x", 1000), globals())
    >>> x = r.variable
    >>> intersect([x(1),x(2)+1],[x(1),x(2)])
    if not i or not j:
        return []

    uv = used_vars_set(i) * used_vars_set(j)
    t = iter(i).next().ring().variable(0)
    if uv.reducible_by(t):
        raise ValueError, \
            "First ring variable has to be reserved as helper variable t"
    if not t > uv:
        raise ValueError, "need elimination ordering for first ring variable"
    gb = groebner_basis(list(chain((t * p for p in i), ((1 + t) * p for p in j
        ))), **gb_opts)
    return [p for p in gb if p.navigation().value() > t.index()]
Example #2
def _calculate_gb_with_keywords(args):
    (I, kwds_as_single_arg) = args
    import traceback
        return groebner_basis(I, **kwds_as_single_arg)
        raise ValueError, traceback.format_exc()
def _calculate_gb_with_keywords(args):
    (I, kwds_as_single_arg) = args
    import traceback
        return groebner_basis(I, **kwds_as_single_arg)
        raise ValueError, traceback.format_exc()
Example #4
def intersect(i, j, **gb_opts):
    This functions intersects two ideals. The first ring variable is used as helper variable for this
    intersection. It is assumed, that it doesn't occur in the ideals, and that we have an elimination ordering
    for this variables. Both assumptions are checked.
    >>> from polybori.frontend import declare_ring
    >>> from polybori import Block
    >>> r=declare_ring(Block("x", 1000), globals())
    >>> x = r.variable
    >>> intersect([x(1),x(2)+1],[x(1),x(2)])
    if not i or not j:
        return []

    uv = used_vars_set(i) * used_vars_set(j)
    t = iter(i).next().ring().variable(0)
    if uv.reducible_by(t):
        raise ValueError, \
            "First ring variable has to be reserved as helper variable t"
    if not t > uv:
        raise ValueError, "need elimination ordering for first ring variable"
    gb = groebner_basis(
        list(chain((t * p for p in i), ((1 + t) * p for p in j))), **gb_opts)
    return [p for p in gb if p.navigation().value() > t.index()]
Example #5
prot = True

    from custom_profile import filename as datafilename
    print "No filename in custom_profile.py file! Using " + datafilename + "."
    from custom_profile import ordering as ordername
    print "No ordering in custom_profile.py file! Using " + ordername + "."
    from custom_profile import protocol as prot
    print "No protocol in custom_profile.py file! Using " + prot + "."

data = load_data(datafilename, base_dir="../../polybori-testsuite/")
ring = data.ideal[0].ring().clone(ordering=getattr(OrderCode, ordername))

I = groebner_basis([ring(poly) for poly in data.ideal], prot=prot)

## from_ring=global_ring()
## change_ordering(lp)
## to_ring=global_ring()
## vec=BoolePolynomialVector()
## for p in I:
##     vec.append(p)
## from time import sleep
## sleep(30)
## res=FGLMStrategy(from_ring,to_ring, vec).main()
Example #6
ordername = "lp"
prot = True

    from custom_profile import filename as datafilename
    print 'No filename in custom_profile.py file! Using ' + datafilename + '.'
    from custom_profile import ordering as ordername
    print 'No ordering in custom_profile.py file! Using ' + ordername + '.'
    from custom_profile import protocol as prot
    print 'No protocol in custom_profile.py file! Using ' + prot + '.'

data = load_data(datafilename, base_dir="../../polybori-testsuite/")
ring = data.ideal[0].ring().clone(ordering=getattr(OrderCode, ordername))

I = groebner_basis([ring(poly) for poly in data.ideal], prot=prot)

## from_ring=global_ring()
## change_ordering(lp)
## to_ring=global_ring()
## vec=BoolePolynomialVector()
## for p in I:
##     vec.append(p)
## from time import sleep
## sleep(30)
## res=FGLMStrategy(from_ring,to_ring, vec).main()
Example #7
#                     Main code                   #
PK, maxNV = readPK(fpIn)                    # Convert file to PolyBoRi format
maxNV    += 1				    # Not an index but a quantity
writePolyForPolyBoRi(PK, maxNV, "forPB")    # Generate file for Groebner Basis
data = load_file("forPB")                   # Import file to use in GB

acumm = 0.0

####### Computes Groebner Basis for a set of polynomials equal to a random "y"
for i in range( k-1 ):
    polys     = copy.copy(data.ideal)           # Copy original data ( = 0 )
    y         = randVect( len(data.ideal) )     # Generates random "y"
    polys     = equalZero(polys, y)             # Set of "polys" - "y" = 0
    startTime = time.time()
    gb = groebner_basis( polys )                # Computes Groebner Basis
    endTime   = time.time()
    acumm += (endTime - startTime)
    print ".",

####### Computes Groebner Basis for a set of polynomials equal to an
####### algebraic variety
startTime = time.time()
gb = groebner_basis( data.ideal )               # Computes last Groebner Basis
endTime   = time.time()                         # when "polys" = 0
acumm += (endTime - startTime)
print ".",

if ( len(gb) < 5 ):